Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Something Our Leftist Friends Either Don't Know Or Just Want To Ignore...


  1. I read somewhere that there was an old Indian Chief who saw a rattlesnake caught in a snare. The old Indian Chief took pity on the snake and set it free. The snake rewarded the old Indian Chief with it's deadly bite. The old Indian Chief asked the snake why it bit him. The snake replied "well, you knew I was a snake."

    Do you think that the libtards will catch the moral of the story here?


  2. P.S. if you want to clip and paste the snake story....on Cj.... be sure to tell CJ that I'm alive and well and well and I'm laughing in the faces of the CJ mods and the libtards.


  3. Happy Thanksgiving Fl.

    And I'll be sure to pass your message along...

  4. Just stop by to wish you all a very BIG and HAPPY Thanksgiving day. And a big hello to all the CJ posters and outcasts. Keep the faith and always BE PREPARED

  5. Happy Thanksgiving guys.

    Oh, Fl, message has been delivered...

  6. It is not at all difficult to do a little research and find out the party of liberals (the Dems) are responsible for the worst atrocities, the most war casualties, the greatest amount of racism, the worst economic policy and the most destructive anti-American, freedom-stripping, Constitution-killing policies in all of our history.

    What is difficult to understand is that the people affected most by their destructive policies keep voting for the evil that festers within all Socialist progressive liberals!!


  7. It's because hardly any of them pay the bit of attention to what's going on in the world today...


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...