Monday, August 19, 2019

Calling Still Safe at Home...

The hatred from the left wing crazies amazes me.

The way I see it is that their hatred is all based on the bullshit they've had drummed into their heads since they were kids.

Is America perfect?

No, but compared to most other countries in the world it's pretty damned close.

Maybe our delicate, offended by literally everything snowflakes could shut up for just a little while and listen to those who are facing real oppression from the communist regimes they seem to think so highly of.

While these brain dead pieces of shit wipe their nasty asses on the American flag millions of Hong Kong citizens dream can only of the day they too can have it as good as we have it here.

I don't pretend to have the answers to what's wrong with these people nor do I pretend to know how to get through to them.

But I do know a guy who can at least explain it in terms that are crystal clear.

Actually, we all know him.

He goes by the name of Still Safe at Home.

The following is a good example of his words of wisdom.

So this drug addled moron Tommy Lee doesn't like us. And he makes threats against us. Do I care? Nope. He's an idiot who makes his living banging on drums. He's not the first idiot whose only claim to fame is making miserable noise and getting paid for it. Lot's of fellow drug addled people in this country, unfortunately.

But what this does tell us is something much more dark and sinister. See, these people don't just hate our President. Yes, they hate him with a pathological hatred, deep and overwhelming. It's at a level that would be considered mentally ill, dangerous to themselves and others. But they hate us just as much. They hate all of us who support our President. They hate us just as much. They wish bad things for us. They openly advocate for violence and hatred. They hate us. Because we voted for the other guy for President and he won.

Make no mistake. These people are sick. They represent the darkest most evil human nature there is. Hatred based on nothing. Hatred based on who you voted for. It's a sickness and I don't know if it can be cured. I fear this disease will destroy our country no matter what happens in the next election.

Honestly I have no idea what to do about it. Mental illness is spreading in this country. Just look around you. Out where I live the streets are full of these people. Living in tents. Sleeping in the street. Maybe you've read about it. Thousands of them. Living in the street, crapping and peeing in the street. Now they have rat infestations carrying diseases not seen since the dark ages. And their numbers are growing. What did the demon tell Jesus? We are legion. There are so many of them we can't count them. And they are destroying us by making the godless left hate us and wish violence on us.

What can we do? Pray. Turn to God. I believe these are the last days of a dying world. I think we will live in this until Jesus takes us home. And then the earth will be theirs, to live through the coming tribulation and to endure God's wrath for their evil deeds.

Sounds hopeless, I know. But it will get worse, then it will get way better. So hang tough my friends. And make peace with God. We will live in glory in the end and these people, unless they change their ways will live in the fire that never dies. Sad, but that's what's coming.

Today I'm asking you to join me in calling on our friend to get back in the game.

Kevin McGinty


  1. I see the dems are once again siding with their very own anti Semitic comrade by considering officially condemning Israel.

    Like we say around here... Just keep doing what you're doing. Make sure the American people see you for exactly who and what you're party has become...

  2. Safe is so right! These bastards don't just hate President Trump. He is just their effigy that actually stands for all of us "Deplorable, under-educated, Right-wing lunatics" that supports the President's election and continue to support him!
    Now that the Russia Hoax has burnt out, "Race hating" is the new agenda being promoted by the Anti-American Liberals. Framing Trump supporters as Nazis and White Supremacist, they have sunk to even new lows as far as a "far-left hate" organization. The MSM is in full compliance with their goals and promotes their agenda.
    You see it more and more! The left do not do any real "original" thinking. They simply look at what they are doing and trying to achieve and then blame Donald Trump and us, for the exact acts that they are committing! The problem is, the more sane side of the Government does not have or does not want to call them out for it, in fear of losing their cushy jobs and positions of power. They are also afraid of being branded, for attack, by the left.
    God help us all if these Ass holes ever gain back full power of the White House, Senate, and House all at the same time!

  3. Well dang. I guess I have been on the down low for a while now. I forget people like what I have to say, even though I personally think I just blabber a lot.

    So I need to get back at it. I read this blog and the comments every day. And I comment once in a while. I even posted a blog a while back. But I have been a slacker, that's for sure. It's easy to do. You just get caught up in everyday life and never get around to doing what you intend, like blogging. I will get back in the game. I'll post a blog when I see a gap. I don't want to commit to a regular schedule, but I think it works itself out if we just post when we can. How's that?

    So living here in crazyland has been quite an experience. Let me set it up for you. We don't live in LA. My daughter and family do, they live in the valley on the east edge of LA, in Sherman Oaks. We live in the mountains about a hundred miles northeast as the crow flies. LA is a giant cesspool of filth, homelessness and godless commie lefties. Where I live, the Kern Valley is much more conservative, although we have our share of meth and opioid addicts, primarily located in one of the small communities. They don't spread out too far from there, but going to that little town to the only big grocery store in the valley is pretty bad. The tattoo to tooth ratio is about 50/50. You can spot them pretty easy.

    But here's something interesting. I read that President Trump has gotten more donations from California than any other single godless democrat candidate. And it's almost all come from central California. That's where I live. At the bottom of central California. As you go north from here, you hit the agricultural area. And it's Trump country. Until you get further up north into the San Fran area.

    So where I live is pretty conservative. Kern County. This is old mining country. The miners settled this area in the mid to late 1800s. And this is some rough and rugged country. But we have a huge lake five minutes from our house, and the mighty Kern river is fifteen minutes away. Lots of tourists and campers and such.

    If you go down to LA you see a once beautiful city overrun with homeless and drug addicts and crazy people. Whole homeless cities filled with tents and garbage and trash. Under bridges. On sidewalks. In parks.

    Businesses have had to close because the homeless set up tent cities on the sidewalk in front of their stores. The city won't do anything. The customers obviously stop coming. They get robbed and burglarized. So they give up and either relocate or close.

    California is what America will look like if the godless commie left ever gets control of our government. Everything these people do seems to be intended to benefit the dregs of society at the expense of the people who work and pay taxes. And taxes we do pay. It cost me $650 to register and tag my two cars. In Kansas it was less than $200. Getting my drivers license was $65. We are paying $3.50 a gallon for gas, most of that taxes. And for what? So the drug addicts can collect welfare and food stamps and live on the street. So the state can welcome illegal aliens and give them free health care, which the rest of us have to pay for, if we can afford it.

    So there's a little mini blog. I promise I'll start back up. It's about time, right? If we don't stop these people our country will be lost.

  4. Well I guess that says it all, Or does it!!!

  5. Of course it does...


    Could be.

    Ah hell, who even knows?

  6. Well, You can bet even I don't know if you can be leave that!

  7. To quite out here so might as well take a needed Nap...

  8. Replies
    1. Oh hell it was short now back up, wondering why?

  9. The excitement must have gotten to you.

    Let's see, while you were napping I loaded my truck and said a bunch of bad words.

    Yeah, just like any other day...

  10. Before I left the house this morning I did notice that the democrats beloved Palestinians have pretty much outlawed the entire LGBTQXYZ movement.

    The coming outrage coming from the dems will be a sight to see.

    Just kidding.

    The fucking two faced hypocrites won't even mention it...


    Tlaib and Omar need to be forcibly removed from Congress and interim representatives to replace them!

    If President Trump had done what these two bitches did..... the media, the demoNcrats, and the Trump hating leftist supporters would be screaming for his impeachment.....

    Tlaib and Omar are a disgrace to the US CONSTITUTION!!!

  12. These two were never meant to seriously represent any citizens in their districts or the United States of America! They apparently were groomed, from an early age to infiltrate our government and create as much havoc and hate as they can muster.
    Whoever voted for them are either of the same ilk or too stupid and busy collecting their "free stuff" to care what they do!
    Just how does that fit their agenda to be part of the culture that is supposed to be supporting the Alphabet agenda yet having the Palestinians outlaw about anything having to do with the LGBT....yada, yada, yada community? They don't care because they have been taught to lie, cheat, and steal or use any means available to take over our system. It has nothing do with representation of their voters! The more intelligent liberals (if there are any!) know this yet, they don't really give a shit about the health of our Country, only the power and control that they want. What a bunch of sick individuals!

  13. Sick individuals indeed. But the truth is that Obama opened the flood gates to Muslims and tens of thousands of them settled in the upper Midwest.

    They're the one's that voted for her so in a way she is representing people in her district.

    And don't think for a minute this wasn't Obama's goal in the first place...

  14. What do you suppose possesses Americans, supposedly of sound mind to vote for America hating radical anti-Semitic muslims for public office? Is it possible Americans have already forgotted 9/11? Just 18 short years later?

    Did America forget Pearl Harbor and the Japanese war with America? Nope. They fought the war. My dad was one of the young men who enlisted to fight. And he spent a year in the VA hospital recuperating from his war injuries. His brother fought Germany on the eastern front. Did he forget that war and the horrors inflicted by the Japanese? Nope. But he forgave them. After time passed and they no longer acted aggressively against us or others. He even bought a Toyota in the eighties. But the Japanese didn't continue to try to destroy America for years after.

    What's the lesson here? George Bush knew. Punish these people beyond their ability to tolerate any more punishment with the constant threat that it can start back up in a minute if they start back up. Harry Truman knew. He dropped a couple of nukes on Japan. Abraham Lincoln, U.S. Grant and W.T. Sherman knew. They made the price of continuing the war against the Union so unbearable the South had no choice but surrender.

    See, the rule of war is, you make the price to continue the war so great the enemy isn't willing to pay it. They people aren't willing to pay it. And that's a horrible thing. Japan paid a terrible price. The South paid a terrible price.

    George Bush had democrat/communist support when he engaged the war. But then politics raised it's ugly head and the dem/coms turned on him. And the war became something else. When we should have reigned fire on those people instead we softened our efforts. The dem/coms fought hard to convince the American people that the war was wrong and Bush was a war criminal. "Bush lied and thousands died" they chanted. The whole thing was a propaganda war by the dem/coms. Then they invent "islamophobia" and suddenly they are showing up in our government and everywhere else. Hell, Al Gore, the worlds greatest con man even sold his news network to them to aid them in their propaganda efforts.

    And now, look where we are. Kevin is dead right. This was all part of Obama's plan all along. And the plan of the godless commie democrat party.

    Remember the old saying about that war? We are fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here. Well, the dem/coms stopped the fight there, so here we are. Fighting for our lives right here.

    Another saying I've heard lately is we either vote Socialism out of our government or we'll be shooting our way out in a few years. That one is true as well.

    Just something to think about.

  15. Sorry can't take up anymore time out here tonight, got to crash, good night.

  16. Dam those prices, Safe! Whew!
    Afraid to ask what new tags in Cali would be for a truck...
    Small price to pay to be with the fam, I'm sure.
    It sure would be nice for you to let the grand kid play, let the trout in the river catch back up, and drop us hayseeds in the prairie desert a word or two once in a while. Regardless, enjoy the family life!


    The meme Kevin put up says it all. Doesn't it?

    For folks these days, it's not uncommon to pause and make sure you didn't just feel a sprinkle.
    It's not ours to know, but ours to ready for.

  17. Well Kevin looks like rain all around us, don't know about you but I need to mow again already.

  18. Yeah I need to mow again. I don't think this storm's gonna amount to much...

  19. Any for my yard is to much, takes forever to dry out, and I hate cutting wet grass. Radar isn't looking as it is in our favor.

  20. Lol... I'm at least gonna mow the front yard dry or not...

  21. Well, I know your free time is limited, so I understand that.


    Court rules Electoral College members aren't bound by popular vote

    By Dan Elliott - Associated Press - Updated: 4:51 p.m. on Wednesday, August 21, 2019

    DENVER — A U.S. appeals court in Denver said Electoral College members can vote for the presidential candidate of their choice and aren’t bound by the popular vote in their states.

    The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that the Colorado secretary of state violated the Constitution in 2016 when he removed an elector and nullified his vote when the elector refused to cast his ballot for Democrat Hillary Clinton, who won the popular vote.

    Check out the link y'all to read the rest of the article!

    I'm like..... oooh... this is an interesting twist and I can hear the libs having a meltdown on this one BIGLY


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...