Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Maybe One Day, You'll Wake Up...
Tic Toc. Time’s running out boys and girls. If you remember, Al Gore told us back in May of 2006 we only had ten years left to save the planet from global warming. He said if we didn’t get it fixed by then, it’d be too late. You know, it’s a settled science and all.
Evidently, Team Obama’s paying attention to his good friend, Al. Get ready, Cap and Trade’s coming to a utility bill near you. Let’s see if have this whole Cap and Trade thing right. The plan is to punish coal fired powered plants, you know, the one’s that every single one of our lives depend on, right? The plan is to tax them for their CO2 emissions, right? They’re planning to tax something that in all reality, is essential for life to even to exist on this planet, right? You understand that, don’t you. Hmm, weird.
Oh, and let’s not forget about the cow farts they’re planning to tax too. What do you think’s going to happen once they get this insanity passed? Do you really believe the world’s going to suddenly be a better place? Fat chance. The only thing that’s going to happen is that we’ll be a poorer nation. And when it comes right down to it, that’s what the environmental wack-jobs want anyway. That way they can all sit around, holding hands, and pretend they’ve finally saved Mother Earth from mankind.
I know, I’m not supposed to talk like that. I’m supposed to blindly follow the cult of global warming. That, and I’m supposed to be scared. It cracked me up during the last Presidential election. Every time a republican brought up the very real possibility of another terrorist attack, they were branded a “fear monger.” Give me a break.
I realize a lot of the younger people nowadays are just too young to remember the, life-ending, global cooling hysteria of the 60’s and 70’s. I’ve dug up a few quotes from that time period to remind you why I’m just not buying into the hoax of global warming. It’s the same crap, from the same people, who want you to believe we’re all going to die from some kind of invisible boogie man. You want to talk about fear mongering. Try some of these on for size.
The world’s climatologists are agreed… Once the freeze starts, it will be too late: Douglas Colligan (1975)
The threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind: Nigel Calder (1975)
Global cooling has already killed hundreds of thousands. If it continues and no strong action is taken, it will cause worldwide famine, world chaos and world war, and this will all come about before the year 2000: Lowell Ponte (1976)
The rest of these are all from a guy named Paul Ehrlich. He was an especially cheerful kind of guy.
I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000 (1969)
In ten years all important life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish. (Earth Day 1970)
The battle to feed humanity is over. In the 70’s and 80’s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death. (1968)
This tragedy is nothing compared to the nutritional disaster likely to overtake humanity in the 70’s or the 80’s at the very latest. A situation has been created that could lead to a billion or more people starving to death. (1969)
Five years is all we have left if we’re going to preserve any kind of quality in the world. (1970)
A more recent quote also caught my attention too. Actually, it’s an AP headline warning us about global warming: Omama left with little time to curb global warming… “Cooling” trend illustrates how fast the world is warming. Yeah, that makes sense.
Bear with me here, one last quote, I promise. This one kind of brought the whole thing together.
The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until America will be a socialist nation without knowing how it happened. (Norman Thomas, former U.S. Socialist Presidential Candidate)
And in a nutshell boys and girls that’s what it‘s all about. Maybe one day, you’ll wake up.
Stop by the blog this week, I know some of you think I’m out of my mind: www.rm235.blogspot.com or e-mail me at www.kevinmcginty@sbcglobal.net
Evidently, Team Obama’s paying attention to his good friend, Al. Get ready, Cap and Trade’s coming to a utility bill near you. Let’s see if have this whole Cap and Trade thing right. The plan is to punish coal fired powered plants, you know, the one’s that every single one of our lives depend on, right? The plan is to tax them for their CO2 emissions, right? They’re planning to tax something that in all reality, is essential for life to even to exist on this planet, right? You understand that, don’t you. Hmm, weird.
Oh, and let’s not forget about the cow farts they’re planning to tax too. What do you think’s going to happen once they get this insanity passed? Do you really believe the world’s going to suddenly be a better place? Fat chance. The only thing that’s going to happen is that we’ll be a poorer nation. And when it comes right down to it, that’s what the environmental wack-jobs want anyway. That way they can all sit around, holding hands, and pretend they’ve finally saved Mother Earth from mankind.
I know, I’m not supposed to talk like that. I’m supposed to blindly follow the cult of global warming. That, and I’m supposed to be scared. It cracked me up during the last Presidential election. Every time a republican brought up the very real possibility of another terrorist attack, they were branded a “fear monger.” Give me a break.
I realize a lot of the younger people nowadays are just too young to remember the, life-ending, global cooling hysteria of the 60’s and 70’s. I’ve dug up a few quotes from that time period to remind you why I’m just not buying into the hoax of global warming. It’s the same crap, from the same people, who want you to believe we’re all going to die from some kind of invisible boogie man. You want to talk about fear mongering. Try some of these on for size.
The world’s climatologists are agreed… Once the freeze starts, it will be too late: Douglas Colligan (1975)
The threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind: Nigel Calder (1975)
Global cooling has already killed hundreds of thousands. If it continues and no strong action is taken, it will cause worldwide famine, world chaos and world war, and this will all come about before the year 2000: Lowell Ponte (1976)
The rest of these are all from a guy named Paul Ehrlich. He was an especially cheerful kind of guy.
I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000 (1969)
In ten years all important life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish. (Earth Day 1970)
The battle to feed humanity is over. In the 70’s and 80’s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death. (1968)
This tragedy is nothing compared to the nutritional disaster likely to overtake humanity in the 70’s or the 80’s at the very latest. A situation has been created that could lead to a billion or more people starving to death. (1969)
Five years is all we have left if we’re going to preserve any kind of quality in the world. (1970)
A more recent quote also caught my attention too. Actually, it’s an AP headline warning us about global warming: Omama left with little time to curb global warming… “Cooling” trend illustrates how fast the world is warming. Yeah, that makes sense.
Bear with me here, one last quote, I promise. This one kind of brought the whole thing together.
The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until America will be a socialist nation without knowing how it happened. (Norman Thomas, former U.S. Socialist Presidential Candidate)
And in a nutshell boys and girls that’s what it‘s all about. Maybe one day, you’ll wake up.
Stop by the blog this week, I know some of you think I’m out of my mind: www.rm235.blogspot.com or e-mail me at www.kevinmcginty@sbcglobal.net
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
We Will Take Our Country Back...
Thank you America. It’s about time, too. It’s about time the silent majority stood up and found their voice again. It’s about time we told the idiots running our country into the ground, that we’ve had enough of the insanity.
From here on out, April, 15th will take on a whole new meaning. It was the day we stood up against an out of control government, and said in one clear voice, that we’ve had it. We’re sick of it and we’re not going to take it anymore.
We’ve had it with the crazy government spending. There’s no way in hell that borrowing trillions of dollars from China, an amount we’ll never be able to re-pay is ever going to be okay. Simply put, we’ve had it!
But the left-wingers and the one-sided main stream media just don’t get it, do they? It’s not just taxes we’re sick of. We’re sick of being ridiculed. We’re sick of being called names. We’re sick of being marginalized. We’re sick of being attacked if we dare to mention the name of God in public or that we believe abortion is wrong. We're sick of being attacked simply because we believe that marriage should remain between one man and one woman. Not all of us, but a hell of a lot of us are sick of our tax dollars paying for abortions all over the world.
We’re sick of left-wing loons telling us that illegal immigration is a good thing and that the illegals are only doing the jobs Americans won’t. Tell that to the millions of Americans that are now out looking for work. Go ahead, tell that to a guy who’s just been laid off from a job he’s been at for 20 or more years. Go ahead, tell him. Just don’t be surprised if he knocks you on your ass when you do.
We’re already sick and tired of Obama and the socialist agenda he’s cramming down our throats. Think I’m exaggerating? Think again. The government is now in the process of taking over the U.S. Auto industry. Remember when GM stood for General Motors? Now it stands for Government Motors. How about them taking over the banks and insurance industry. And no, I’m not out of my mind. All you need to do is to take off your stupid, political blinders and pay attention to what's going on.
We’re sick of idiots like Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano telling law enforcement officials to be on the lookout for right-wing groups and veterans returning from Iraq because they might be prone to violence. Also on her list, are people who oppose restrictions on firearms, people who oppose Obama’s social programs, people who oppose some of the crazy free-trade agreements we’ve entered into, and those who oppose same-sex marriage.
Her list includes people who oppose a one world government, people who bemoan the decline of U.S. stature in the world, and those who are upset with the loss of millions of jobs to countries like China and India. I’m almost certain I'll end up on that list somewhere. Hey Janet, how about you getting your people down on the Mexican border and do something useful for once in your miserable life.
We’re sick and tired of the elite left-wing, self important news paper and TV reporters, news commentators, politicians, late night comedy show hosts, comedians, and actors around the country looking down on us little people as though we’re somehow less important than they are.
Did you happen to see the interview on MSNBC, where comedian, Janeane Garofalo, appeared on Count Down with Keith Olbermann? She sat right there and called every one of us a bunch of redneck racists. Good ol' Olbermann was right in there too. And the left cries about Fox News being partisan. Whatever. Check it out on the blog this week. This is exactly why we’re so pissed off. She portrays exactly what the left thinks of us. Yeah, we’re sick of that too.
Here’s the deal. We’re by far the majority in this country and because of the Tea Parties, the left is now in full blown, panic mode. They’ll do everything they can to attack us. They’ll call us every name in the book, hell, that’s the only thing they know how to do.
But know this. April 15th, 2009, there were 6 million of us standing up for what’s right about this country. Next year there will be more. And come election day, 2012, we “WILL” take our country back. And that my friends, you can count on!
I know for a fact, there are a lot of you who believe the way I do. And if you haven’t seen the interview I mentioned, check it out on the blog and see what I mean at: www.rm235.blogspot.com or you can always e-mail me at: www.kevinmcginty@sbcglobal.net
From here on out, April, 15th will take on a whole new meaning. It was the day we stood up against an out of control government, and said in one clear voice, that we’ve had it. We’re sick of it and we’re not going to take it anymore.
We’ve had it with the crazy government spending. There’s no way in hell that borrowing trillions of dollars from China, an amount we’ll never be able to re-pay is ever going to be okay. Simply put, we’ve had it!
But the left-wingers and the one-sided main stream media just don’t get it, do they? It’s not just taxes we’re sick of. We’re sick of being ridiculed. We’re sick of being called names. We’re sick of being marginalized. We’re sick of being attacked if we dare to mention the name of God in public or that we believe abortion is wrong. We're sick of being attacked simply because we believe that marriage should remain between one man and one woman. Not all of us, but a hell of a lot of us are sick of our tax dollars paying for abortions all over the world.
We’re sick of left-wing loons telling us that illegal immigration is a good thing and that the illegals are only doing the jobs Americans won’t. Tell that to the millions of Americans that are now out looking for work. Go ahead, tell that to a guy who’s just been laid off from a job he’s been at for 20 or more years. Go ahead, tell him. Just don’t be surprised if he knocks you on your ass when you do.
We’re already sick and tired of Obama and the socialist agenda he’s cramming down our throats. Think I’m exaggerating? Think again. The government is now in the process of taking over the U.S. Auto industry. Remember when GM stood for General Motors? Now it stands for Government Motors. How about them taking over the banks and insurance industry. And no, I’m not out of my mind. All you need to do is to take off your stupid, political blinders and pay attention to what's going on.
We’re sick of idiots like Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano telling law enforcement officials to be on the lookout for right-wing groups and veterans returning from Iraq because they might be prone to violence. Also on her list, are people who oppose restrictions on firearms, people who oppose Obama’s social programs, people who oppose some of the crazy free-trade agreements we’ve entered into, and those who oppose same-sex marriage.
Her list includes people who oppose a one world government, people who bemoan the decline of U.S. stature in the world, and those who are upset with the loss of millions of jobs to countries like China and India. I’m almost certain I'll end up on that list somewhere. Hey Janet, how about you getting your people down on the Mexican border and do something useful for once in your miserable life.
We’re sick and tired of the elite left-wing, self important news paper and TV reporters, news commentators, politicians, late night comedy show hosts, comedians, and actors around the country looking down on us little people as though we’re somehow less important than they are.
Did you happen to see the interview on MSNBC, where comedian, Janeane Garofalo, appeared on Count Down with Keith Olbermann? She sat right there and called every one of us a bunch of redneck racists. Good ol' Olbermann was right in there too. And the left cries about Fox News being partisan. Whatever. Check it out on the blog this week. This is exactly why we’re so pissed off. She portrays exactly what the left thinks of us. Yeah, we’re sick of that too.
Here’s the deal. We’re by far the majority in this country and because of the Tea Parties, the left is now in full blown, panic mode. They’ll do everything they can to attack us. They’ll call us every name in the book, hell, that’s the only thing they know how to do.
But know this. April 15th, 2009, there were 6 million of us standing up for what’s right about this country. Next year there will be more. And come election day, 2012, we “WILL” take our country back. And that my friends, you can count on!
I know for a fact, there are a lot of you who believe the way I do. And if you haven’t seen the interview I mentioned, check it out on the blog and see what I mean at: www.rm235.blogspot.com or you can always e-mail me at: www.kevinmcginty@sbcglobal.net
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tale of Two Presidents
Wow, who’d have thought that our very own Governor, Kathleen Sebelius, would have been less than forthcoming when asked about her relationship with, and the money she’s accepted for her various campaigns from her pal, George Tiller.
Sorry Governor, and not that it matters to you, but a lot of us just aren‘t buying it. Just like we didn’t buy it we when you said it was just an over-sight when you had to catch up on the back taxes you owed. If a regular guy like, say, myself were in such position, we’d probably be sitting in jail right now. But I know, like always, you’ll be given a pass. No matter what you do or what you say, your supporters are okay with it. Whatever.
Sorry, I just wanted to get that off my chest. What I really wanted to talk about today is our new president and his predecessor. You know, President Wonderful and President Horrible.
Remember after the attacks of 9-11 when President Horrible authorized the use of wiretaps in an effort to ward off future terrorist attacks. Remember that? Remember how he was accused of trampling our constitutional rights and all that stuff. Remember how he was compared to Hitler and Joseph Stalin once the media got wind of this practice?
It’s funny. Now that President Wonderful is doing the exact same thing, and some even say he’s expanded the program, and all of a sudden, it‘s okay. President Wonderful’s supporters are saying things like, well, it only makes sense that the President should have the ability to track groups of people that want to do us harm. Hmmm, weird.
How about President’s Horrible’s out of control spending. His administration spent money like there was no tomorrow. The country was outraged. Remember that? Remember how they stood shoulder to shoulder from the rooftops to denounce our crippling national debt? Remember how they cried at the top of their lungs that it was unfair to dump such a burden on future generations.
Now we have President Wonderful’s economic policies that have already tripled if not quadrupled, President Horrible’s national debt (can you say, multiple trillions) that will probably be passed on to our great-great-great grand kids and somehow, it just makes sense. President Wonderful’s supporters love to claim he’s doing the only thing he can and is only digging his way out of President Horrible’s mess.
Now I’m not an expert on digging holes and it’s very possible I’m wrong here, but to me it just makes sense that if you start digging in an already huge hole, the only thing you’ll end up with is a bigger hole.
Remember when President Horrible authorized the use of force after the attacks of 9-11? Remember how most of the country stood with him in that decision? Remember when all the politicians, Republican and Democrats alike were lining up to give their speeches? They all wanted to be seen as being tough on terror. Remember that?
And now all the sudden, President Wonderful has authorized the use of force against a bunch of ignorant pirates who believe that somehow they have a right to take over ships at sea and demand millions of dollars for the return of the ships and crews. They’re used to getting their way. They’re used to the crews of the ships they attack just giving up. They’re used to companies simply paying the ransom as a way to get their crews and ships back.
Here’s what these ignorant fools aren’t used to though. They’re not used to dealing with Americans. And they’re sure as hell not used to dealing with the United States Navy and the Navy Seals that brought an abrupt end to their little party earlier this week.
And it was all brought directly to them by our very own, President Wonderful, who ordered the use of force and the U.S. Navy, who executed that order.
Mr. President, thank you, you definitely got this one right.
Maybe you agree with me. Maybe you’d like to call me out on something I’ve said. Stop on by the blog and tell me so at: www.rm235.blogspot.com or e-mail me at: www.kevinmcginty@sbcglobal.net
Sorry Governor, and not that it matters to you, but a lot of us just aren‘t buying it. Just like we didn’t buy it we when you said it was just an over-sight when you had to catch up on the back taxes you owed. If a regular guy like, say, myself were in such position, we’d probably be sitting in jail right now. But I know, like always, you’ll be given a pass. No matter what you do or what you say, your supporters are okay with it. Whatever.
Sorry, I just wanted to get that off my chest. What I really wanted to talk about today is our new president and his predecessor. You know, President Wonderful and President Horrible.
Remember after the attacks of 9-11 when President Horrible authorized the use of wiretaps in an effort to ward off future terrorist attacks. Remember that? Remember how he was accused of trampling our constitutional rights and all that stuff. Remember how he was compared to Hitler and Joseph Stalin once the media got wind of this practice?
It’s funny. Now that President Wonderful is doing the exact same thing, and some even say he’s expanded the program, and all of a sudden, it‘s okay. President Wonderful’s supporters are saying things like, well, it only makes sense that the President should have the ability to track groups of people that want to do us harm. Hmmm, weird.
How about President’s Horrible’s out of control spending. His administration spent money like there was no tomorrow. The country was outraged. Remember that? Remember how they stood shoulder to shoulder from the rooftops to denounce our crippling national debt? Remember how they cried at the top of their lungs that it was unfair to dump such a burden on future generations.
Now we have President Wonderful’s economic policies that have already tripled if not quadrupled, President Horrible’s national debt (can you say, multiple trillions) that will probably be passed on to our great-great-great grand kids and somehow, it just makes sense. President Wonderful’s supporters love to claim he’s doing the only thing he can and is only digging his way out of President Horrible’s mess.
Now I’m not an expert on digging holes and it’s very possible I’m wrong here, but to me it just makes sense that if you start digging in an already huge hole, the only thing you’ll end up with is a bigger hole.
Remember when President Horrible authorized the use of force after the attacks of 9-11? Remember how most of the country stood with him in that decision? Remember when all the politicians, Republican and Democrats alike were lining up to give their speeches? They all wanted to be seen as being tough on terror. Remember that?
And now all the sudden, President Wonderful has authorized the use of force against a bunch of ignorant pirates who believe that somehow they have a right to take over ships at sea and demand millions of dollars for the return of the ships and crews. They’re used to getting their way. They’re used to the crews of the ships they attack just giving up. They’re used to companies simply paying the ransom as a way to get their crews and ships back.
Here’s what these ignorant fools aren’t used to though. They’re not used to dealing with Americans. And they’re sure as hell not used to dealing with the United States Navy and the Navy Seals that brought an abrupt end to their little party earlier this week.
And it was all brought directly to them by our very own, President Wonderful, who ordered the use of force and the U.S. Navy, who executed that order.
Mr. President, thank you, you definitely got this one right.
Maybe you agree with me. Maybe you’d like to call me out on something I’ve said. Stop on by the blog and tell me so at: www.rm235.blogspot.com or e-mail me at: www.kevinmcginty@sbcglobal.net
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The Results Are In...
You know, it’s really too bad that only a measly 23% of us could even be bothered to get off our butts long enough Tuesday to cast a vote. But what are you gonna do? I guess you can’t force people to pay attention or for that matter to even care.
I would like to congratulate Bill Bunten as he gets ready to serve his second term as the mayor of our great city. I don’t agree with him on everything he supports, especially the sales tax increase. But here’s the way I see it. Mr. Bunten is an honest man and cares deeply about this community. He’s a stand up guy and doesn’t get involved in the gutter politics that so many politicians get caught up in today. And by looking at the huge margin of his victory, I think most people see it that way.
That being said, Mr. Bunten, you got the tax increase you’ve wanted all along. Now it’s going to be up to you to see that the money’s spent the way it was sold to us in the first place. A lot of people, including myself, trust that you’ll do the right thing. But just so you know, there’ll be a lot of people watching, you know, just to make sure.
It was very heartening to see the voters overwhelmingly reject racism. They sent a very clear message to Betty Horton that we don’t need her or her racist views. Maybe next time she throws one of her famous hissy fits and tells a colleague she disagrees with, that they “whited out” on an issue, she’ll have enough sense not to repeat it to Barbara Hollingsworth, a very respected reporter from the Capital-Journal. I doubt it though. So to Ms. Horton, all I can say is, good luck, good-bye, and good-riddance.
Alright, I want to talk a little bit about last week’s column. I’ve caught quite a bit of flak because of my opposition to the sales tax increase. People have asked me how I could possibly be against taking care of our city. I’m not. I’m also not against taking care of people who can’t take care of themselves. I’m against taking care of people who won’t take care of themselves. Big difference.
I look at my pay check every week and the first thing I notice is the fact that before I get a dime of it, the government gets their share. And their share amounts to about 23% of everything I make. And that’s just the beginning. Next we add in the sales tax added onto every single purchase we make. Let’s not forget about the property tax we must pay each year on our houses and automobiles, we just think we own them.
I guess if that were it, I wouldn’t be so mad. Take a look at your water bill, light bill, and phone bill. See all those “fees” added in. It’s just more taxes we’re forced to pay. How about the taxes we have to pay on our investments. How about the death tax. Yeah, that’s a good one.
Back in November, America voted for a change. Well, you’d better hang onto your butts, we’re going to see changes alright. Do you really believe the government is going to take care of every one of us from womb to tomb and do you really think it’s going to be free. Do you not see the massive tax increases that are coming with a 10 trillion deficit our country is facing?
How about the Cap and Trade scam the Obama administration is going to ram down our throats. What do you think that’s going to do to your light bill. We’ll be lucky if it only doubles it. What do you think it’s going to do the price of literally everything we buy. Same thing.
Anyway, I’ve had a few people tell me I should just quit complaining and do my part. Believe me, I do my part and then some. I think some of these people need to pull their heads out of the sand and pay attention to what’s going on around them.
Yeah I know, some of you disagree with me. Tell me so on the blog www.rm235.blogspot.com or e-mail me at www.kevinmcginty@sbcglobal.net
I would like to congratulate Bill Bunten as he gets ready to serve his second term as the mayor of our great city. I don’t agree with him on everything he supports, especially the sales tax increase. But here’s the way I see it. Mr. Bunten is an honest man and cares deeply about this community. He’s a stand up guy and doesn’t get involved in the gutter politics that so many politicians get caught up in today. And by looking at the huge margin of his victory, I think most people see it that way.
That being said, Mr. Bunten, you got the tax increase you’ve wanted all along. Now it’s going to be up to you to see that the money’s spent the way it was sold to us in the first place. A lot of people, including myself, trust that you’ll do the right thing. But just so you know, there’ll be a lot of people watching, you know, just to make sure.
It was very heartening to see the voters overwhelmingly reject racism. They sent a very clear message to Betty Horton that we don’t need her or her racist views. Maybe next time she throws one of her famous hissy fits and tells a colleague she disagrees with, that they “whited out” on an issue, she’ll have enough sense not to repeat it to Barbara Hollingsworth, a very respected reporter from the Capital-Journal. I doubt it though. So to Ms. Horton, all I can say is, good luck, good-bye, and good-riddance.
Alright, I want to talk a little bit about last week’s column. I’ve caught quite a bit of flak because of my opposition to the sales tax increase. People have asked me how I could possibly be against taking care of our city. I’m not. I’m also not against taking care of people who can’t take care of themselves. I’m against taking care of people who won’t take care of themselves. Big difference.
I look at my pay check every week and the first thing I notice is the fact that before I get a dime of it, the government gets their share. And their share amounts to about 23% of everything I make. And that’s just the beginning. Next we add in the sales tax added onto every single purchase we make. Let’s not forget about the property tax we must pay each year on our houses and automobiles, we just think we own them.
I guess if that were it, I wouldn’t be so mad. Take a look at your water bill, light bill, and phone bill. See all those “fees” added in. It’s just more taxes we’re forced to pay. How about the taxes we have to pay on our investments. How about the death tax. Yeah, that’s a good one.
Back in November, America voted for a change. Well, you’d better hang onto your butts, we’re going to see changes alright. Do you really believe the government is going to take care of every one of us from womb to tomb and do you really think it’s going to be free. Do you not see the massive tax increases that are coming with a 10 trillion deficit our country is facing?
How about the Cap and Trade scam the Obama administration is going to ram down our throats. What do you think that’s going to do to your light bill. We’ll be lucky if it only doubles it. What do you think it’s going to do the price of literally everything we buy. Same thing.
Anyway, I’ve had a few people tell me I should just quit complaining and do my part. Believe me, I do my part and then some. I think some of these people need to pull their heads out of the sand and pay attention to what’s going on around them.
Yeah I know, some of you disagree with me. Tell me so on the blog www.rm235.blogspot.com or e-mail me at www.kevinmcginty@sbcglobal.net
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
No New Taxes...
Taxes. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m really getting sick and tired of politicians telling me it’s my duty to pay (all) my taxes when they don’t even do it themselves until they’re forced to do so. You know exactly who and what I’m talking about too. So there’s no need to mention names here today.
I’m also a smoker. Ask any smoker how we feel about getting hammered on the latest round of increased taxes we‘re being forced to pay. In all their infinite wisdom, these politicians who can’t be bothered to pay own taxes have decided smoker’s should be responsible for providing health care for the kids of parents who either can’t provide this care because of the cost. Or the kids, whose parents could afford it but choose to let people like myself do it for them.
I’d really hate to think that someone might actually have to give up their new boat or something in order to provide health care for their own kids.
All I can say is, enjoy your free ride while you can. Sooner or later this plan is going to fall flat on it’s face and we all know it. Eventually, the politicians will spend this money on something else. Then what are you going to do? Almost every state in the nation was in on the lawsuits against the tobacco companies. Remember how all that money was supposed to towards education? You know, it was all “for the kids.” It’s the same thing here. Most of the money raised through this new extortion plan will go straight into the costs of running an ever expanding government.
How about the lottery? Remember how that money was supposed to go toward education? Again, it was for the kids. How could you be against that one? So, where’d that money go? Again, it went straight into the costs of running an ever expanding government.
Now the City of Topeka wants us to believe that in order to have decent streets in Topeka we need to come up with even more in the form of new and higher sales taxes. They want us to believe they’ll get it right this time around. Whatever.
Why is the Chamber of Commerce, Go Topeka, and other tax-supported organizations allowed to rake in and sit on literally millions of dollars while they have their hands out begging for more. Why can’t they turn lose of some of that money to take care of our streets. It’s not like they’re doing anything for us anyway. I know, they’re all patting themselves on the back because of the Home Depot thing. What’s that going to bring us, 3 or 4 hundred semi-decent paying jobs? How about the 8,000 jobs we’ve lost in this community since we began giving them 5 million dollars a year to turn this community around? What exactly are they doing for us to warrant a 5 million dollar a year budget in the first place? Oh yeah, some of the head honcho’s are taking in more than a quarter million dollars a year for themselves. It’s pretty good work for those that can get it, I guess. Hell, I wouldn’t want to give it up either.
I know. There are a lot of people out there who support a sales tax increase to fix the streets. What about the timing though. I’m not sure if there’s a worse time to raise taxes than in the middle of a recession. You guys do whatever you want. I’ve already voted and yes, I voted against it. There’s a lot of us out here that are just sick and tired of politicians telling us we need to do more while they can’t seem to do anything to get their own spending under control.
Check out the blog this week: www.rm235.blogspot.com I’ve posted a video of a guy named Joseph Ledbetter on it. I think he does a much better job of explaining the whole sales tax issue than I ever could. Or like always, you can e-mail me at: www.kevinmcginty@sbcglobal.net
I’m also a smoker. Ask any smoker how we feel about getting hammered on the latest round of increased taxes we‘re being forced to pay. In all their infinite wisdom, these politicians who can’t be bothered to pay own taxes have decided smoker’s should be responsible for providing health care for the kids of parents who either can’t provide this care because of the cost. Or the kids, whose parents could afford it but choose to let people like myself do it for them.
I’d really hate to think that someone might actually have to give up their new boat or something in order to provide health care for their own kids.
All I can say is, enjoy your free ride while you can. Sooner or later this plan is going to fall flat on it’s face and we all know it. Eventually, the politicians will spend this money on something else. Then what are you going to do? Almost every state in the nation was in on the lawsuits against the tobacco companies. Remember how all that money was supposed to towards education? You know, it was all “for the kids.” It’s the same thing here. Most of the money raised through this new extortion plan will go straight into the costs of running an ever expanding government.
How about the lottery? Remember how that money was supposed to go toward education? Again, it was for the kids. How could you be against that one? So, where’d that money go? Again, it went straight into the costs of running an ever expanding government.
Now the City of Topeka wants us to believe that in order to have decent streets in Topeka we need to come up with even more in the form of new and higher sales taxes. They want us to believe they’ll get it right this time around. Whatever.
Why is the Chamber of Commerce, Go Topeka, and other tax-supported organizations allowed to rake in and sit on literally millions of dollars while they have their hands out begging for more. Why can’t they turn lose of some of that money to take care of our streets. It’s not like they’re doing anything for us anyway. I know, they’re all patting themselves on the back because of the Home Depot thing. What’s that going to bring us, 3 or 4 hundred semi-decent paying jobs? How about the 8,000 jobs we’ve lost in this community since we began giving them 5 million dollars a year to turn this community around? What exactly are they doing for us to warrant a 5 million dollar a year budget in the first place? Oh yeah, some of the head honcho’s are taking in more than a quarter million dollars a year for themselves. It’s pretty good work for those that can get it, I guess. Hell, I wouldn’t want to give it up either.
I know. There are a lot of people out there who support a sales tax increase to fix the streets. What about the timing though. I’m not sure if there’s a worse time to raise taxes than in the middle of a recession. You guys do whatever you want. I’ve already voted and yes, I voted against it. There’s a lot of us out here that are just sick and tired of politicians telling us we need to do more while they can’t seem to do anything to get their own spending under control.
Check out the blog this week: www.rm235.blogspot.com I’ve posted a video of a guy named Joseph Ledbetter on it. I think he does a much better job of explaining the whole sales tax issue than I ever could. Or like always, you can e-mail me at: www.kevinmcginty@sbcglobal.net
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