Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Commies strike again

My wife was one of those people who posted the video of the Doctors speaking about the Chinese flu and some of the things they disagree with that are currently making the rounds. This video has been viewed by an estimated 22 million people. Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are taking it down, suspending accounts that post it and blocking it as much as possible. They suspended the President's son for posting it for God's sake. They have launched a full blown propaganda attack, trying to smear the doctors and discredit them, because they have no answer to their questions so they are giving them the Saul Alinski treatment. The Marxist from Kenya taught them well.

This is how far the commie rat bastards are willing to go. This video raises some important questions about this whole issue. About how the democrat/communist party is feeding our country false information with the goal of keeping America shut down, confused, scared and on economic decline.

Now you may ask, but Safe, why would anybody want to do that? Isn't that a bad thing? Well, yes it is. But the goal is to win the upcoming Presidential election. The democrat/communist party realized long ago it had no chance with the economy reaching historical measures, people working, businesses thriving and America finally out of the stagnant doldrums the obama/biden commie apparatus left us.

So, they leveraged the pandemic. Then they drove their apparachiks to the street by the thousands to burn, loot and destroy, as well as spread the virus again just when it was starting to decline.

Along comes hydroxychloroquine
First President Trump speaks positively about it, then more and more physicians spoke about it. Then trials began to show promise. So the communist party fired up the propaganda machine and went into full attack mode. All their tools, the media, facebook, google. All of them went to work to discredit it. And for a couple of reasons.

The obvious reason is because President Donald Trump endorsed it. The hatred for Donald Trump (and us, by the way) is so deep and so profound, it reaches the level of a mental illness. Anything he likes they automatically hate. Everything. It's amazing. And so predictable.

The less obvious reason is that it may actually work. And if it works before the election, that shuts down one of their best propaganda issues. And they can't have that.

So they are searching it out and destroying it. Because that's what commies do. They forbid opinion that they don't approve of. That's called Totalitarianism. It's typical with fascist commie machines.

This is the future if the demented Joe Biden wins. And if the democrat/communist party wins even a simple majority in the Senate, it's game over. They will kill the filibuster and every commie dream will come true.

This is the America they dream of. Where only they can speak. Where the party tells you which opinions you are allowed to have, and which you are not. 

Let's not let that happen, friends. Let's keep this fight up. Let's show these commie rat bastards America isn't ready to roll over and let the mob rule us. Because that's what is waiting if we lose this one. Make no mistake. 

Monday, July 27, 2020

Shooting in Austin

So one of the gun toting rioters in Austin got shot. The commies are already spinning the story, telling lies about it but so far we do know a few things.

So let's discuss the lessons and mistakes made here, what say?

First. The gun toting snowflake rioter underestimated his enemy. He was recorded minutes before his fatal encounter saying the people they were doing this to were pussies, and they won't do anything. Wrong, son. Big wrong. So that led to....

Second. The gun toting snowflake made several errors after that. Let's talk about a couple. First, he displayed his gun conspicuously. He wanted everybody to know he had it. He thought owning a gun you had no idea how to use properly was enough. This led to...

Third. Threatening someone with a gun. You never use your gun to threaten someone. You use it to shoot someone. He fell into the trap of Billy Badass thinking waving his gun around and even firing a few random shots would command control of the situation. Doesn't work that way. So....

Fourth. He approached a vehicle with a driver trapped by the rioters, waved his weapon around some more and fired five shots, target unknown. The driver of the car, seeing the threat to his life, pulled his own handgun and put three rounds center mass into Billy Badass, who rapidly assumed room temperature. This is called proper weapon use. The car driver didn't wave his gun around, make threats or hesitate. He assessed the situation. He was trapped in his car, surrounded by dangerous rioters who meant him harm, and was approached by a criminal carrying a semi-automatic rifle, who threatened him and closed the deal by firing  his weapon five times. So the car driver drew his piece and defended himself.

All this just shows me something. The commie rioters are buying and stealing guns now. They are carrying them at the riots. A bunch of terrorists in Nashville marched around carrying their rifles and wearing some kind of tactical gear. Why the sudden love for firearms? Well, I think that's pretty obvious.

They want us to fear them. They want us to think they are armed now, and a big threat to us. They want us to think if it comes to an armed conflict they will be a match for us. Well.....

Sorry. My money is still on the patriots. The Austin example tells me a lot. Guy had a gun. Guy was prepared to use the gun, even fired some rounds. Guy got three rounds center mass from someone who wasn't playing around.

This is what will happen. Bunch of commies with guns, that don't know how to use them, have no training and lack any discipline believe they are a match for people who own multiple guns, millions of rounds of ammo and train seriously with their weapons.
Our example in Austin shows us what they can expect. I hope it doesn't come to that, but they have about destroyed everything they can destroy in the cities and it won't surprise me if they head to Suburbia next. And there is where the shit will hit the fan. The commie mayors might make the police stand down, but all those guys and gals who are armed and prepared won't stand down.

I'm sorry a rioter met his end so violently, but it was his choice. He made this happen. Hopefully the other rioters will learn something from this, but I sadly doubt it. They aren't very smart, or else they wouldn't be commie rat bastards.

Friday, July 24, 2020

The Late Great Charlie Daniels

Wanted to let you know I'll be out of the loop all next week. Don't worry I'll still check in to approve your comments and deny our desperate little bottom feeder access as time allows.

And I thought instead of talking about the never ending leftist meltdown I'd do something worthwhile.

We lost a great American patriot a few days ago and it still kind of bothers me.

Rest In Peace Mr. Daniels. Your contributions and music will be felt for generations to come.






Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The rise of insanity.

I'm not sure whether President Trump caused it or if he simply exposed what has always been there.

I'm talking about the raw and dangerous insanity that has consumed nearly half the country.  

I actually long for the days when we fought over sanctuary cities. In today's insane world the left celebrates armed take overs of their cities. Murder, assaults, and rapes have become the new normal in democrat strongholds all across the nation. And their reaction? Defund the police.

That'll fix it.

The constant cry from the left is that Trump is a danger to democracy. 


Anybody with half a brain knows better. 

It takes a hell of a lot of nerve to attack the president for sending in federal agents while the mayors and governors wallow in their burned out,  shot up, self-made shitholes.

Today's so called media is all in supporting the chaos.  

Are we to believe this is the America the American people want?

This is the vision they'll vote for in November?

I think not.

Well, mindless robots like your favorite trolls will happily vote for whoever he's told to vote for. 

But I absolutely reject the idea that idiots like them represent the majority. 

We all knew this was going to be a tough year but keep your heads up, stay informed and whatever you do watch your back.

This too shall pass.



Thursday, July 16, 2020

You through groveling?

Maybe I'm over reacting.  If so it's not by much.

I'm going to give you a condensed version of a disgusting article I just read.  You can make up your own mind.

West Virginia University Police Chief W.P. Chedester hosted a Zoom meeting with a bunch of college snowflakes the other day when they  noticed a Blue Lives Matter hanging on the wall in his office.

Of course the delicate little bastards were immediately traumatized. Calls for his resignation were immediately.

The University released a statement saying how sorry the chief was for all the hurt he caused. 

Then the chief issued a groveling apology to the very bastards trying to destroy him. 

"I participated from my office, and on the wall was an American flag with a blue stripe that had been given to me as a gift.  For me personally, it has always represented a way to honor the commitment I made as a first responder to protect our community. I understand now that it represents something else to many others,  something I now know was traumatic to some of our community tuning in for our conversation . I sincerely did have any intent to suggest that police lives matter more than black lives nor was I trying to cause any harm or offense."

Well Chief, if you're through groveling you might as well put on your vagina hat and get back to work. 


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Pick a side or get the hell out of the way.

Now that we've gotten the formalities out of the way I think it's time get down to business.  Hopefully by the time I'm finished I can live up to that asshole label McGinty handed me.

I don't know whether any of you saw it but President Trump gave a press conference last night and during it he listed 42 things Biden would implement if elected. 

Just the fact this country is even considering this kind of shit makes my blood boil.

1. Abolish immigration dentation. 
2. Stop all deportation. 
3. End prosecution of illegal border crossers.
4. Support sanctuary cities.
5. Incentivize illegal alien child smuggling. 
6. Expand asylum for all illegal aliens. 
7. Cancel all asylum agreements with Honduras,  Guatemala,  and El Salvador. 
8. Tax payer funded lawyers for all illegal aliens. 
9. Abolish immigration enforcement. 
10. Restore catch and release. 
11. Automatic work permits for illegal aliens. 
12. Provide welfare to all illegal aliens and new immigrants. 
13. Free community college for illegal aliens. 
14. End requirements for immigrants self sufficiency. 
15. End all travel bans including from jihadist regions. 
16. Grant mass amnesty. 
17. Vastly expand low skilled immigration.
18. Increase refugee admissions by 700%.
19. Abolish law enforcement as we know it. 
20. End cash bail.
21. Completely abolish the death penalty. 

And that's just half of the list. You can read the rest of it by following this link.

I believe I mentioned earlier about how I hate weak assed people. What I mean by that are the assholes who claim to be undecided when it comes to voting.

With two completely different visions for this country how in the hell can you be undecided?

Either pick a side or get the fuck out of the way.




Sunday, July 12, 2020

Round Two.

A couple other misconceptions I'd like to address before we get into the business of saving America.

Again McGinty didn't do me any favors when he told you I wasn't a Trump supporter. Yes it's true he wasn't my first choice.  I've always liked and respected Dr. Ben Carson.  I  like the way he doesn't get rattled. He's always mild mannered and respectful. But I also came to realize early on that Hillary Clinton would have eaten him alive.

As much as some of the things Trump says makes me cringe I realized he's a fighter and a street brawler and he was the only one willing to do whatever it took beat back that nasty bitch.

For the record.  Even though Donald Trump still says things that make me cringe I unapologetically and proudly stand with him through any and all fights that lay ahead .

And just so you know McGinty brought this entire situation with his blog on himself.

I tried forever to get him to quit using his real name on these things . But he's stubborn and wouldn't listen to me.

So as a direct result of his stubbornness you all are stuck with me.

Here's to a fresh new start of what I hope will be a mutually beneficial experience.



Friday, July 10, 2020

Hello America's Blog...

Not sure where or how to start other than to say McGinty didn't do me any favors by telling you guys I'm some kind of raging asshole.

I think it depends on who's telling the story. 

I know you guys have a lot of questions and concerns. 

I think for now though it's important to say that for the most part we'll all be on the same page politically.

I have lots of likes and dislikes as do you. 

Without getting into a long drawn out conversation I'll just come right out and say one of the things that piss me off more than anything is weak ass people. 

I'm usually blunt and straight forward when dealing with people, especially those I oppose. 

I thought maybe this video would help explain my philosophy in life. 

Maybe I am an asshole.


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The time has come for me to bid you all farewell...

Well guys, this is the end of the line for me.

For now anyway.

Am I bitter about the way it all came about? Oh, hell yes I am.

But that's life.

And just so you know, I'm not going completely away. I'll be commenting on whatever topics Safe and Ben (the new guy) put out there.

For the time being I'm staying on as an administrator just in case. Remember, I warned you the new guy's an asshole. I wasn't kidding.

I've often wondered what I'd say if the day ever came that I'd have to step aside.

Well, that day is now upon us and this what I decided to do.

I decided I'd finish it all just the way it all started.

This is the very first article I wrote when I started my 3 year stint at The Topeka Metro News.

Looking back over the thousands of things I've written since that day, this one is probably the only meaningful thing I've ever written.


Numbers. Do you ever think about them?

I've never been a numbers guy. Never gave them much thought one way or another. But over the course of the last 23 days I've learned numbers can literally mean the difference between life and death.

Numbers like 17, 235, 15,12, 160, 87, 65/45, and 23 all became to mean everything in my Granddaughter's world. Emily was born 17 weeks premature on November 12th.and was transferred to room 235 of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Stormont-Vail Hospital. This was also the day my journey through her world of numbers began.

Good morning Emily, I'm your Grandpa. I know, I'm kind of big and ugly. But you'll get used to me. Hey, look at those numbers on the ventilator. The nurses tell me 15 is excellent for your oxygen level. And that the vent setting doesn't get much better than a 12. I know it's been a pretty rough first day for you, so I'm not going to stay too long. You be a good girl and mind the nurses. I'll see you in the morning. And always remember that Grandpa loves you.

And so our daily routine began. We talked about all the adventures we were going to have once she got to come home. First and foremost I explained she was going to have to put on some meat on her bones. At 1lb., 4oz., it was going to be hard for her to ride a bike. I offered to start bringing her chocolate chip cookies, pizza and so on. While Emily thought it was a good idea, the nurses didn't think so. We talked about her first day of school, about the fishing trips we were going to take. She was really excited about going 4-wheeling in the mountains of Colorado.

I told her how lucky she was to have two Grandmothers Linda and Debbie that loved her so much. We talked about all her aunts, uncles, and cousins. I warned her about the stupid cats and dogs she'd meet. I even warned her about staying away from boys. I'm not sure, but I think I saw her blushing after this conversation. But mostly, she liked hearing about her Mommy and Daddy.

Over the next few days I learned about the other numbers on the monitor above her bed. The top one was her heart rate. I learned that 160 was a very good number indeed. And that 87 indicated how much oxygen was in her blood. The 65/45 was the blood pressure.

All day and night long the doctors and nurses watched these numbers. They made adjustments to the machines or medications according to what the numbers told them. They were very up front with us from the beginning. Some days were pretty good. Others were pretty bad, it all depended on the numbers. The nurses referred to this as the roller coaster ride.

Monday December 4th was an exceptionally good day. Her numbers were even better that they had been the previous weekend. She was finally able to open her eyes for the first time. They were the biggest, most beautiful, brown eyes I had ever seen. We talked about riding the train at Gage park. I blew her a kiss, told her Grandpa loved her, and assured her I'd see her in the morning.

Sometime around 9:00 Monday night the hospital called. Emily had taken a turn for the worse, and we needed to get there as soon as we could. It was the numbers, the 15 and 12 had turned into 101 and 40. The 160 was now a 50. The 87 was somewhere around 35 now, and the blood pressure that once read a steady 65/45 wasn't even registering anymore. They told us her system was shutting
down, she was dying, and didn't think she'd be able to hang on for much more than 3 or 4 more hours.

Ultimately the numbers got the best of her, she did beat the 3 and the 4. She was able to hang on about another 24 hours. And in doing so we were all able to say our goodbyes. While I'm not sure what others said to her. For me, I held her tiny hand, kissed her on the forehead, told her I understood  if she had to go, and to remember that Grandpa loved her.

There are three more numbers to this story though. We had her with us for 23 days, 4 hours, and 42 minutes. And for that I'll always be grateful.

Be well, my friends...

Kevin McGinty

Monday, July 6, 2020

Is this the end?

Well, I wish I could say I was surprised, but I'm not. I've seen people post lists of corporations that have yielded to the pressure out of fear. It's long and surprising how many. I've seen a sudden big growth in TV ads heaping praise on groups that our President has labeled domestic terrorists.

Domestic terrorists succeed when they create an atmosphere of fear. Fear that if you don't yield to their demands, you will be somehow exposed to whatever violence or attacks they have been pursuing. We've seen foreign terrorists for years, perhaps we've grown numb to their presence. After they took down the World Trade Centers I thought America would wake up and face that enemy. But instead, the enemy internalized and the attacks come from within.

Abraham Lincoln famously said:

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

I think we've seen that prediction come to fruition.

He also said this:

"When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty -- to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocrisy."

I remember all these years of this blog. The CJ Urinal years when we raised so much hell with the left most of us got booted off and had to come back with new names. Those early days were fond memories, indeed the wild west like that of which Doc Holliday thrived in.

I guess those days are forever gone, as the age of political correctness descends on us like a dark gloomy cloud. Our President has warned America of the threat of the cancel culture. The question is will they pay heed? It would appear the answer is no.

Maybe our best days are behind us. The vague threat that now is hanging over Kevin's head, like a virtual sword of Damocles, the knowledge that his world could be forever changed by a comment from someone on a web site allegedly devoted to open exchange of ideas is hard to take. The thought that a comment, not even from Kevin would be judged and evaluated by someone, bringing their own prejudices and bias to be judge and jury if a statement is racist. And these days, almost everything is seen as racist by somebody. The Fourth of July is now considered a bastion of white supremacy according to some. I read today that visiting a National Park is a racist act. Which is a shame because I drive through one almost every day.

So I for one can't allow myself to be the one who makes an innocent comment that is judged racist and Kevin suffers for it. So this will be my last post here.

I will offer this, though. As Co-administrator of this blog, if there is something I can do I will. If Kevin wants to pull out, remove his name and relieve himself of the fear of repercussion for someone else's comments, I will happily keep the blog alive. I have a different style than Kevin, I'm sure you all know. He is a great blogger, entertaining and he obviously finds great stuff. I'm just a windbag that likes to bloviate.

But if there's something I can do Kevin, let me know. I'm untouchable. No job, no ambition. I'm independently wealthy, and owe no allegiance to anybody. I can say whatever I want. Any troll that wants to pursue me will have to come to the Sierras, and find my palatial estate up here in the mountains. And good luck with that.

So I will watch and observe. And I hope everyone will follow Kevin's request. He has far more to lose here than most. And know that almost anything you say can be twisted by someone who has a goal to silence other opinions. I believe our President rightly called that Totalitarianism. 

So until we figure this out, I'll sign off. It's been a blast, my friends. What a run we had, right? And who knows, maybe it's not over yet. I haven't heard a fat lady singing.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

I stand with The President of The United States of America...

I know by now most of you have heard President Trump epic speech from Mt. Rushmore but I think it's well worth another look.

The following video touches on most of the highlights of that speech.



And now a few words on this very topic from our good friend, fellow patriot, and co-administrator of this little blog of ours.

The commies are calling our President's Mount Rushmore speech "dark and divisive". He took the side of America against those who would seek to destroy her. And that's divisive.

Apparently the only way to not be "dark and divisive" is to agree with the commie rat bastards that America is an evil country that needs to be torn apart and remade in the vision of Karl Marx.

Funny how speech is only divisive if it disagrees with the commies. Seems like there's a hell of a lot more of us than them, so if that speech was divisive, then that's a good thing. I want the country to see a divide, and know they need to pick a side.

And just so you guys know, I'm not going to get into details but you need to know this harmless little Underground Bunker of ours is once again under attack.

With that said I'd like to make a couple things perfectly clear.

I will not sit down.
I will not shut up.
And I absolutely will not comply...

Kevin McGinty

Thursday, July 2, 2020

I stand with Mount Rushmore...

Obviously I don't know this for certain but it seems reasonable to believe that the land the New York Times building sits on was once owned by some Indigenous Indian tribe.

You with me so far?

Well, maybe they ought to lead by example and implode their own building that sits on stolen land.

I mean, fair is fair, right?

NYT Targets Mount Rushmore: Indigenous Land, KKK Ties, Slave Owner Presidents

Todd Trapani / Pexels; Edit: BNN
The New York Times has set its sights on Mount Rushmore as protesters demand the removal of historic monuments in the name of racial justice, citing its location on “Indigenous land,” the sculptor’s purported ties to white supremacy, and two of its subjects’ slave ownership.
“Mount Rushmore was built on land that belonged to the Lakota tribe and sculpted by a man who had strong bonds with the Ku Klux Klan. It features the faces of 2 U.S. presidents who were slaveholders,” the New York Times wrote, linking to a news article detailing complaints against American landmark:
The Times piece lists three broad grievances with Mount Rushmore, beginning with the sculptor, Gutzon Borglum, who was previously involved in “an enormous bas-relief at Stone Mountain in Georgia that memorialized Confederate leaders.”
“It was eventually completed without him, but Mr. Borglum formed strong bonds with leaders of the Ku Klux Klan and participated in their meetings, in part to secure funding for the Stone Mountain project,” the Times wrote, adding that Borglum “also espoused white supremacist and anti-Semitic ideas, according to excerpts from his letters included in ‘Great White Fathers,’ a book by the writer John Taliaferro about the history of Mount Rushmore.”
It is not just the sculptor critics take issue with but the faces featured in the landmark located in South Dakota’s Black Hills. Their grievances even extend to Abraham Lincoln, signer of the Emancipation Proclamation:
Critics of the monument have also taken issue with the men whose faces were etched into the granite. Mr. Borglum chose Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt, he said, because they embodied “the founding, expansion, preservation and unification of the United States.”
But each of these titans of American history has a complicated legacy. Washington and Jefferson were slaveholders. Roosevelt actively sought to Christianize and uproot Native Americans as the United States expanded, Professor Smith said. “He was a racist,” he added.
And although Lincoln was behind the Emancipation Proclamation — a move some have characterized as reluctant and late — he has been criticized for his response to the so-called Minnesota Uprising, in which more than 300 Native Americans were sentenced to death by a military court after being accused of attacking white settlers in 1862.
The Times piece also laments the location of the landmark, writing that it is “built on land that had belonged to the Lakota tribe.” It goes on to quote Nick Tilsen, a member of the Oglala Lakota tribe and leader of the Indigenous activist group NDN Collective, who stated that Mount Rushmore “needs to be closed as a national monument, and the land itself needs to be returned to the Indigenous people.”
Gene A. Smith, a professor of U.S. history at Texas Christian University, told the Times that the U.S. could “attempt to make amends for our greediness and our unjustified taking of their land” by issuing reparations to tribes.
The piece comes as protesters vandalize and, in some cases destroy, historical monuments in cities nationwide.
Trump last month signed an executive order protecting monuments from rioters, noting that the behavior exhibited by violent protesters is “not the behavior of a peaceful political movement.”
“They’re tearing down statues, desecrating monuments, and purging dissenters,” Trump said in a statement. “It’s not the behavior of a peaceful political movement; it’s the behavior of totalitarians and tyrants and people that don’t love our country.”
Some have speculated that Mount Rushmore would become the next target of activist wrath due to the upcoming Independence Day celebration at Mount Rushmore. It is taking place July 3, and the president will be in attendance.
The Democrat Party this week tweeted and subsequently deleted an attack on Mount Rushmore and Trump, accusing him of “holding a rally glorifying white supremacy at Mount Rushmore–a region once sacred to tribal communities”:
About 7,500 people are expected to attend the celebration on Saturday. Meanwhile, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) has vowed to protect the monument radical leftists who wish to see its removal:
“The President looks forward to taking part in the Independence Day festivities, hosted by Governor Noem, and celebrating the greatest country the world has ever known capped off with a magnificent fireworks display above the great faces of Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Judd Deere told Breitbart News.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

You're outta here...

If there's one thing I think we can all agree on is that our trolls have gotten completely out of control.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to block their bullshit.

I've grown increasingly weary of deleting their comments only to check back later to find 100 more.


Last night I went through my options which were.

1) Shut down the comments all together.

2) Set the comment section to members of this blog only.

3) Set it up so I have to approve every comment before it's published.

4) Let things go on the way they've been and let these bastards continue to wreck havoc on America's Blog.

I chose the third option.

It's not ideal. I get that.

Believe it or not there are times when I'm working that I won't be able to be on my phone.

But I'll do my best to get everything posted as fast as I can.

Now a quick note to Missy, Blue, TV Kid, Lady Ian, and the unknowing little fucker.

You fucking outta here Bitches!!!

Gee, I hope this doesn't come across as controversial...

Kevin McGinty

Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...