How about those Chiefs! Last Sunday, like every Sunday during football season my family got together for the game. But man, to actually win one was way cool. I’m not going to get all sappy here today, but have you ever heard the song “From My Front Porch Looking In” by Lone Star? Well, I had one of those moments during the game.
I was making a Pepsi run, which means I was the only one not to lazy to go out to the back porch and open the cooler. On the way back inside, I stood by the back door for a while just watching. My grand daughter was chasing my grandson across the living room, he had jumped up on the couch, bounced a couple times, bounced back to the floor and took off running with my grand daughter right behind him. My brother was giving my wife a hard time. She was yelling at him to shut up. I watched my daughter throw a pillow at someone, I couldn’t tell who she was throwing it at, but it soon came back her way. My 22 year-old son, who hates football was rolling his eyes. My 17 year-old son was lying down on the living room floor just wishing everybody would shut up. I’m not sure what play I missed, but all the sudden, my daughter was yelling “hell yeah!” They were all hooping and hollering, then came the ritual high-five.
I was just standing there amazed at how my family has grown over the years and thinking how lucky I am to have them when my wife came out to the kitchen and nudged me back to the real world in her usual, subtle way. In her sweet, almost angelic voice, she said, get back in here you old fool, you look like a stalker. Yep, that’s my wife.
This Sunday, September, 30th we’ll have been married for 29 years. People often ask me how we’ve stayed married that long. Well, it hasn’t been easy, but I will let you in on what has worked for us. First, you have to make sure your wife understands that she’s just trying out for the job and that you haven‘t made your final decision yet. This will keep her on her toes. From the get-go, you need to make sure she understands that no matter what, you don’t do house work. She’ll thank you for that after a while. She needs to understand that because you’re a man, you have the right to go out drinking with the guys whenever you want and that you’ll come home whenever you want. She’s not to ask any questions. This is all for her own good as there’s no reason to upset her and eventually, she’ll thank you for being so considerate of her feelings.
Okay, maybe this isn’t exactly the way it works. Like all married couples, we’ve had our battles. I call them battles instead of arguments because it more accurately describes them. We’ve battled over everything under the sun. Money, the kids, the house, schools, the weather, you name it, we’ve fought about it. I’ve always envied couples who get in a fight and don’t talk to each other for a few days. I guess one of the reasons we stayed married is because my wife refuses to drop anything until it’s settled. That’s always driven me up the wall, but maybe that’s part of the reason we’re still together, I don’t know.
What I do know, is that we didn’t give up, I suppose mainly because she wouldn’t let me. I’ve learned that if given enough time, most of the things we used to fight about aren’t that important any more. It’s funny how time works, isn’t it?
I’d like to thank my wife for putting up with me all this time, and I’m looking forward to the next 29 years. Goodnight Linda, I love you.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
What A Dad
Maybe you’re tired of me going on and on about child rapists, I don’t know. It’s not like there aren’t other things to write about. But you know, they just keep coming. According a story in Tuesday’s Capital-Journal. As an excuse for lying to detectives, Ricky J. Stovall, a Muslim, said that in keeping with his religion, he didn’t want to voice his shame by saying he had had sex with her. The “her” he was referring to is his daughter. Yeah, his daughter. What a dad.
Yeah Ricky, it really looks like your religion is first and foremost in your life. You started raping your little girl when she was 12 years-old and kept at it until she was 15. During those three years you managed to beat and rape her over 100 times and in the process you screwed up her life so bad that she’ll never be the same. You admit to having eight kids by six different women. Now you’ve been exposed as being the father of your own grandchild. Tell us Ricky, is this also keeping with your religion? Give me a break.
You’re trying to portray yourself as the victim here. You said in court that your daughter was the aggressor. You painted a picture of how you were constantly being sexually assaulted by your 12 year-old daughter. You claim you had to have another woman around to protect you from her advances. Sorry Ricky, but in my opinion, you’re nothing but a liar. Why don’t you quit being a coward and try being a man for a change. Stand up and take responsibility for your own sick actions.
No Ricky, you’re not alone in this sick, twisted lifestyle. Just a couple weeks ago we heard about another local man named Robert Longstaff, (Grandpa Bob.) Not only did he rape his daughter, starting when she was 11 years-old. Grandpa Bob, jumped the generation gap. He went on to rape his daughter’s daughters. That’s right, he raped his 7 and 8 year-old grand daughters. But grandpa Bob wasn’t satisfied with that. He also felt the need to rape his grand daughter’s first cousin, who was about the same age. Who the hell do you think you are Bob? And what in the hell makes someone like you tick? I just don’t get it.
You know, there are so many threats to our kids today, our daughters in particular. And the one person a daughter should always be able to turn to for help, no matter what, is her dad. At least that’s the way it’s supposed to work. And if, for whatever reason, her dad isn’t available, she should always be able to turn to her grandpa if she has a problem.
I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of these people. I’m sick and tired of prosecutors accepting plea deals that allow a person like this to plead guilty to a lesser charge so they receive probation instead of serving the prison time they deserve. They can’t be rehabilitated. This is who they are. This isn’t someone who made a mistake. It’s a conscience decision they’ve made. And as we’ve seen in recent days, it’s a decision they make over and over again. They need to be put in prison where they’ll never have access to a child again, period.
In the coming months you’re going to hear so many politicians propose so many bills to help the children. Yeah, it’s good for votes. How about doing something real for a change. Pass mandatory, 40 or 50 year prison sentences for anyone convicted of raping a child.
So Ricky and Grandpa Bob, how does it feel to be exposed? Does it feel like your world has caved in on you? Good! After what you’ve done to your daughters and grand daughters you need to be publicly humiliated. And you need to be put in prison for the rest of your lives. You’ve crossed a line that should never be crossed, no matter what. You’ve destroyed your daughter’s and grand daughter’s lives. You’ve destroyed your families. Are you ashamed? Good, now you know how they feel.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
Yeah Ricky, it really looks like your religion is first and foremost in your life. You started raping your little girl when she was 12 years-old and kept at it until she was 15. During those three years you managed to beat and rape her over 100 times and in the process you screwed up her life so bad that she’ll never be the same. You admit to having eight kids by six different women. Now you’ve been exposed as being the father of your own grandchild. Tell us Ricky, is this also keeping with your religion? Give me a break.
You’re trying to portray yourself as the victim here. You said in court that your daughter was the aggressor. You painted a picture of how you were constantly being sexually assaulted by your 12 year-old daughter. You claim you had to have another woman around to protect you from her advances. Sorry Ricky, but in my opinion, you’re nothing but a liar. Why don’t you quit being a coward and try being a man for a change. Stand up and take responsibility for your own sick actions.
No Ricky, you’re not alone in this sick, twisted lifestyle. Just a couple weeks ago we heard about another local man named Robert Longstaff, (Grandpa Bob.) Not only did he rape his daughter, starting when she was 11 years-old. Grandpa Bob, jumped the generation gap. He went on to rape his daughter’s daughters. That’s right, he raped his 7 and 8 year-old grand daughters. But grandpa Bob wasn’t satisfied with that. He also felt the need to rape his grand daughter’s first cousin, who was about the same age. Who the hell do you think you are Bob? And what in the hell makes someone like you tick? I just don’t get it.
You know, there are so many threats to our kids today, our daughters in particular. And the one person a daughter should always be able to turn to for help, no matter what, is her dad. At least that’s the way it’s supposed to work. And if, for whatever reason, her dad isn’t available, she should always be able to turn to her grandpa if she has a problem.
I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of these people. I’m sick and tired of prosecutors accepting plea deals that allow a person like this to plead guilty to a lesser charge so they receive probation instead of serving the prison time they deserve. They can’t be rehabilitated. This is who they are. This isn’t someone who made a mistake. It’s a conscience decision they’ve made. And as we’ve seen in recent days, it’s a decision they make over and over again. They need to be put in prison where they’ll never have access to a child again, period.
In the coming months you’re going to hear so many politicians propose so many bills to help the children. Yeah, it’s good for votes. How about doing something real for a change. Pass mandatory, 40 or 50 year prison sentences for anyone convicted of raping a child.
So Ricky and Grandpa Bob, how does it feel to be exposed? Does it feel like your world has caved in on you? Good! After what you’ve done to your daughters and grand daughters you need to be publicly humiliated. And you need to be put in prison for the rest of your lives. You’ve crossed a line that should never be crossed, no matter what. You’ve destroyed your daughter’s and grand daughter’s lives. You’ve destroyed your families. Are you ashamed? Good, now you know how they feel.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Let's Do It Then
Hi Debbie, and thank you for posting. Debbie, do you remember the family reunions we used to have in Claflin wheb we were kids? Do you remember how much fun it was? At the time I didn't think much about it. But looking back, those might have been the best days of our lives.
Why don't we do it anymore? How about you and I spreading the word and try to put something together sometime next summer. Personally, I can't think of a better place for a reunion that Lone Duck Campground in Colorado. I could handle the reservations if there is an intrest from others in the family. What do you think?
Why don't we do it anymore? How about you and I spreading the word and try to put something together sometime next summer. Personally, I can't think of a better place for a reunion that Lone Duck Campground in Colorado. I could handle the reservations if there is an intrest from others in the family. What do you think?
Rocking Randall
Thank God for global warming. No, I haven’t lost my mind. Think about it. The global warming of the 20’s and 30’s led to the global cooling of the 70’s. This in turn led us to our current, world ending, global warming crisis. So, I’m thinking, this must be what led to the global cooling we’ve experienced this week. I just hope it happened soon enough to save those poor polar bears. Then maybe I can sleep at night.
I’m not sure if I’m supposed to use the word suck or not. But you know, August really sucked! And I don’t mean it sucked a little bit. I mean it sucked about as bad as anything can suck. It really sucks when it’s 92 degrees at 6:00 in the morning. It sucks even worse when it’s 102 at 6:00 that same evening. Yeah, I’m glad to see it end. Bring on the cooler weather! Bring on the Fall. I love to see the leaves turning colors, it’s a chance to watch mother nature at her finest. But wait a minute, then they fall to the ground and we have to pick the stupid things up. Man, that really, oh never mind, you know.
Hey, how about those Chiefs! As far as sports go, this is my time of year. I just love football season. I know, the pre-season wasn’t much to talk about. Hey, it’s just pre-season and doesn’t matter anyway. Right? Yeah I know, the first regular season game might have lacked a little something. Little things like blocking, running, throwing the ball, catching the ball, holding onto the ball, scoring points, you know, football stuff. Is it to soon in the season to remind everyone that this is a rebuilding year? Just wondering.
Win or lose, football Sunday at my house is always a good time. The kids and grandkids all come over. I have this huge Chiefs banner the kids got me a couple years ago. The first thing I do Sunday morning is hang it on the front of the house. Last week my wife had a huge roast with all the fixings ready. My son-in-law brought frozen pizzas, I fixed a plate of summer sausage, cheese and crackers, there were chips, dips, and salsa, the fridge is stocked to the brim with ice cold Pepsi. A few years ago for Christmas, I got a little Chiefs guy named “Rocking Randall.” You push the button and he does a dance and sings the theme song Hank Williams Jr. did for Monday Night Football. Randall sits front and center on top of the television. Every time the Chiefs score someone will hit the button. Yeah, Randall loves to shake his stuff. In recent years we’d go through two or three sets of batteries during the course of a season. It’s also become a ritual to call my mom after every touchdown.
My brother Aaron and his two kids, Little Aaron, and Lisa usually come over for the game. We’re all decked out in our Chiefs jerseys. Everybody except my wife. I guess her love for Colorado makes her think it’s okay to be a Broncos fan. Believe me when I say we’ve had more than a few heated debates about this. I’ve threatened to hit her in the mouth many times. And believe me when I say I’d follow through with it if it weren’t for the fact that I’m scared of her.
We hoop and holler, scream and yell. We celebrate when we score. We cuss when a call doesn’t go our way. I would like to see them score a few touchdowns though. Not for me or my family. Do it for Randall. He just loves to dance.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
I’m not sure if I’m supposed to use the word suck or not. But you know, August really sucked! And I don’t mean it sucked a little bit. I mean it sucked about as bad as anything can suck. It really sucks when it’s 92 degrees at 6:00 in the morning. It sucks even worse when it’s 102 at 6:00 that same evening. Yeah, I’m glad to see it end. Bring on the cooler weather! Bring on the Fall. I love to see the leaves turning colors, it’s a chance to watch mother nature at her finest. But wait a minute, then they fall to the ground and we have to pick the stupid things up. Man, that really, oh never mind, you know.
Hey, how about those Chiefs! As far as sports go, this is my time of year. I just love football season. I know, the pre-season wasn’t much to talk about. Hey, it’s just pre-season and doesn’t matter anyway. Right? Yeah I know, the first regular season game might have lacked a little something. Little things like blocking, running, throwing the ball, catching the ball, holding onto the ball, scoring points, you know, football stuff. Is it to soon in the season to remind everyone that this is a rebuilding year? Just wondering.
Win or lose, football Sunday at my house is always a good time. The kids and grandkids all come over. I have this huge Chiefs banner the kids got me a couple years ago. The first thing I do Sunday morning is hang it on the front of the house. Last week my wife had a huge roast with all the fixings ready. My son-in-law brought frozen pizzas, I fixed a plate of summer sausage, cheese and crackers, there were chips, dips, and salsa, the fridge is stocked to the brim with ice cold Pepsi. A few years ago for Christmas, I got a little Chiefs guy named “Rocking Randall.” You push the button and he does a dance and sings the theme song Hank Williams Jr. did for Monday Night Football. Randall sits front and center on top of the television. Every time the Chiefs score someone will hit the button. Yeah, Randall loves to shake his stuff. In recent years we’d go through two or three sets of batteries during the course of a season. It’s also become a ritual to call my mom after every touchdown.
My brother Aaron and his two kids, Little Aaron, and Lisa usually come over for the game. We’re all decked out in our Chiefs jerseys. Everybody except my wife. I guess her love for Colorado makes her think it’s okay to be a Broncos fan. Believe me when I say we’ve had more than a few heated debates about this. I’ve threatened to hit her in the mouth many times. And believe me when I say I’d follow through with it if it weren’t for the fact that I’m scared of her.
We hoop and holler, scream and yell. We celebrate when we score. We cuss when a call doesn’t go our way. I would like to see them score a few touchdowns though. Not for me or my family. Do it for Randall. He just loves to dance.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Remember It
I’ve avoided talking about the war in Iraq for all kinds of reasons. I guess mainly because, like everyone else. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of the bombings. I’m sick of the killing. I’m sick of listening to politicians say we should do this or do that. I’m sick of listening to these same politicians using the war for political gain. If you don’t believe that‘s what they‘re doing, you’re just not paying attention. Most of all, I’m sick of what it’s done to our country.
This coming Tuesday, (9-11-07) marks the 6th anniversary of the most horrific terrorist attacks our country or the world for that matter, has ever seen. I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember exactly what I was doing the moment I heard about it. I also remember feeling an overwhelming sense of sadness, for I knew we were going to war. I just didn’t where.
The fact is, Islamic extremists have been at war with us ever since Jimmy Carter was President. Remember the Iranian hostage crisis? I know there are those who believe that because of our meddling in the affairs of other countries, we had this coming. Believe what you want.
Since those early days they’ve attacked us at will. Does anyone remember the first attack on the World Trade Center? How about the bombing of our embassies ? Maybe the attack on the USS. Cole, remember that? They’ve attacked buildings, trains, and subways in countries all around the globe. Their stated goal is to form an Islamic world. Anyone who won’t accept Islam is considered an Infidel and must die. They’ve bread millions of kids for the sole purpose of killing the Infidels. From almost the time they can walk, these kids are taught how and who to kill. They’re taught that it is their duty and it’s the only way for them to honor Allah. So no, I don’t believe they hate us for who we are or what we’ve done. They hate us for what we’re not. Followers of Islam.
Yeah, I’ve heard all the cries that Bush lied and kids died. They call it Bush’s war. The Democrats have just as much blood on their hands as Bush. They want to sweep their votes authorizing the war in the first place under the rug, and for the most part we’re allowing them to get away with it. I find this truly amazing.
Why Iraq? Why not? Everyone pretty much agrees that sooner or later we were going to have to fight Al-Queda. Iraq was already an enemy of the United States. And there’s no such place as Al-Quedastan. I believe this was just where Bush chose to fight them. Has everything gone our way? Of course not.
I have no solutions to offer. But in my opinion, pulling out before the Iraqi’s can handle their own security problems would be a disaster on so many levels. No, I don’t know when that will be. It might be six months or it might take another twenty years, who knows? I do firmly believe that if we were to quit, the consequences for our country and our way of life could be devastating.
Like everyone, I’ll be glad when Bush is finally out of office. I believe he’s betrayed us on the illegal immigration issue, but that’s another story for another time. People want to cry that he’s stubborn and won’t listen. He’s not listening to “we the people.” Maybe “we the people” are the one’s not listening.
So, if you get a chance and if you can put your unconditional hatred for Bush aside for just a few minutes Tuesday morning. Think about that day six years ago. Think about the horror the passengers aboard those planes went through. Think about the three thousand people that were murdered in the Twin Tower’s and the Pentagon. Think about how you felt. Think about being scared. Think about wanting revenge. This, my friends is why we’re at war. Remember it.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
This coming Tuesday, (9-11-07) marks the 6th anniversary of the most horrific terrorist attacks our country or the world for that matter, has ever seen. I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember exactly what I was doing the moment I heard about it. I also remember feeling an overwhelming sense of sadness, for I knew we were going to war. I just didn’t where.
The fact is, Islamic extremists have been at war with us ever since Jimmy Carter was President. Remember the Iranian hostage crisis? I know there are those who believe that because of our meddling in the affairs of other countries, we had this coming. Believe what you want.
Since those early days they’ve attacked us at will. Does anyone remember the first attack on the World Trade Center? How about the bombing of our embassies ? Maybe the attack on the USS. Cole, remember that? They’ve attacked buildings, trains, and subways in countries all around the globe. Their stated goal is to form an Islamic world. Anyone who won’t accept Islam is considered an Infidel and must die. They’ve bread millions of kids for the sole purpose of killing the Infidels. From almost the time they can walk, these kids are taught how and who to kill. They’re taught that it is their duty and it’s the only way for them to honor Allah. So no, I don’t believe they hate us for who we are or what we’ve done. They hate us for what we’re not. Followers of Islam.
Yeah, I’ve heard all the cries that Bush lied and kids died. They call it Bush’s war. The Democrats have just as much blood on their hands as Bush. They want to sweep their votes authorizing the war in the first place under the rug, and for the most part we’re allowing them to get away with it. I find this truly amazing.
Why Iraq? Why not? Everyone pretty much agrees that sooner or later we were going to have to fight Al-Queda. Iraq was already an enemy of the United States. And there’s no such place as Al-Quedastan. I believe this was just where Bush chose to fight them. Has everything gone our way? Of course not.
I have no solutions to offer. But in my opinion, pulling out before the Iraqi’s can handle their own security problems would be a disaster on so many levels. No, I don’t know when that will be. It might be six months or it might take another twenty years, who knows? I do firmly believe that if we were to quit, the consequences for our country and our way of life could be devastating.
Like everyone, I’ll be glad when Bush is finally out of office. I believe he’s betrayed us on the illegal immigration issue, but that’s another story for another time. People want to cry that he’s stubborn and won’t listen. He’s not listening to “we the people.” Maybe “we the people” are the one’s not listening.
So, if you get a chance and if you can put your unconditional hatred for Bush aside for just a few minutes Tuesday morning. Think about that day six years ago. Think about the horror the passengers aboard those planes went through. Think about the three thousand people that were murdered in the Twin Tower’s and the Pentagon. Think about how you felt. Think about being scared. Think about wanting revenge. This, my friends is why we’re at war. Remember it.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
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