Topeka is by far the most boring, corrupt city in the world and as soon as I can find another job I’m getting my family out of here, I don’t care if I have to shovel cow manure. I’ve had it. I’ve had it with City Hall. I’ve it with the pot holes. I’ve had it with the helicopter, the Police Dept., Fire Dept., and the Gang of Five. I’ve had it with the terrible schools too. Besides there’s nothing to do here anyway. Yeah, this town sucks and I mean big-time.
At least that’s how a few people around here feel about this place we all call home. I could be wrong, but I’d bet most of these same people would be mad about the same kind of issues no matter where lived. I guess some people are just like that. To those of you who complain that there’s nothing to do in Topeka. You’re kidding, right? Unless you want to go surfing or climb a mountain, I’m pretty sure anyone can find something to do if they’d just try.
If you’re bored here you ought to see some of the places I’ve been to in the last three months. Places like Texhoma Texas. Guymon, Tyrone, and Turpin Oklahoma. Liberal and Garden City. I was in Pratt for a week. From there I headed south to Medicine Lodge, Coldwater and then up through Greensburg and Haviland. I’ve spent a lot of time in Hutchinson and from there I’d travel to such places as Newton, Walton, Hilsboro, Marion, Florence, and Peabody. Two days a week I’d go to Yoder. It’s a really cool little town, but I promise you, if you’re bored here you’d really hate it there. Talk about nothing to do. Some of you’d probably have a nervous breakdown living in any of the little towns I’ve mentioned.
What is it you think we don’t have here? What do you like to do? Have you ever taken your family to the Kansas Museum of History. Try it sometime. I promise you won’t be disappointed, it’s as good a museum as you’re going to find anywhere. Maybe you’d like to take your friends and significant other out to dinner and a movie. I’d like to think you’d be able to find at least one restaurant to suit your needs out of the hundreds to choose from. Maybe bowling is you thing. I’m pretty sure that’s doable. Dancing and drinking? Again, no problem. How about Lake Shawnee? Do you ever take your kids out there? If not you’re missing out. It’s a wonderful place to take your family. Are you a golfer? I’ve never heard of a shortage of golf courses. Have you ever been to Heartland Park? Maybe you like the oval track Thunder Hill has to offer.
How about the Great Overland Station, have you ever seen it? If you have any interest in the history of the railroad, this is the place for you. If you’re a military history buff, you need to check out the Combat Air Museum. You’d love the place. When was the last time you took the kids to the Zoo? Maybe you’re more the dinner and theater type. The Topeka Performing Arts Center is where you need to be.
Have you ever taken River Road from the Oakland area to Lecompton? Have you ever taken the time to learn any of the history of Lecompton? Check it out, very cool stuff. Maybe you’re a gambler, there’s probably 6 or 7 casinos within an hours drive. Are you a jogger or do you ride a bike? Have you ever tried out the Shunga trail? Perhaps it’s softball you desire. If you can’t find a place to play, you not looking very hard. Shopping? How many more choices could you possibly need?
Traveling so much gets to be a drag but I really enjoy being able to visit other places and meet new people. But there’s nothing better than getting home and I’m proud to call Topeka my home. Hey, it’s supposed to be nice this weekend. How about we stop being bored long enough to take our family out to see some of the wonderful things Topeka has to offer. What could it hurt? You can be bored again on Monday if you want. If you do get this weekend and happen to visit the Great Overland Station you might as well top off your trip with lunch at one of my favorite places to eat, “The Pad Restaurant ” in North Topeka. If you do, say hi to Troy for me.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Restore Credibility My Ass
Not that many of you know it or even care, but I’m a huge country music fan. And when I heard Willie Nelson was coming to town in a few weeks, I started making plans to attend his concert. I don’t think there’s a song of his that I don’t know the words to by heart. And man, back in the day, you know, back in my drinking days. I could really belt them out. Come on, you know what I’m talking about.
Who hasn’t belted out that famous line “On the Road Again,” as you load up your family and head out for a road trip. How about that poor woman in the song, “ Seven Spanish Angels,” “She knew her gun was empty and she knew she couldn’t win.” I always wished she could have had enough firepower to shoot her way out that mess. Willie could almost make you cry with “Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain.” Some of my favorite drinking songs were “Whiskey River,” and “Beer for my Horses.” I loved the way he warned mamas not to let their babies grow up be cowboys or drive them old trucks. Make them be doctors or lawyers and such. Ah, good stuff.
Now Willie tells us he’s one of those conspiracy, nut-bags who believes Bush was behind the attacks of 9-11. He told talk show Alex Jones about watching those buildings fall. He’d also seen casinos implode in Vegas and they all fell the same. Yep, Bush did it, just ask Willie. Do any of you like-minded people out there have any idea of the thousands of people who’d have to remain silent about it? Do you really think that’s possible? Do you really believe the New York Times wouldn’t love to run this story? Do you really believe the Democrats wouldn’t run with this if there were any truth to any of these stupid theories? They’d love nothing better. So Willie, why don’t you just give them your proof, you could be a hero. Oh yeah Willie, I won’t be attending your concert. Why don’t you just wander back to your buss and smoke another joint.
Hey, how about our new Attorney General? You know, Stephen Six. It didn’t take him long to show his true colors, did it? What was it, three weeks ago he pledged to uphold the laws of the state and to return some sense of credibility to the Office of Attorney General. Yeah right. Just like his boss, the Governor, and his predecessor, Paul Morrison, he asked the Supreme Court to quash subpoenas issued by the grand jury investigating George Tiller for possible violations of Kansas late-term abortion laws. And of course his request was granted by Chief Justice, Kay McFarland. It’s probably just me, but isn’t it funny how her name always seems to comes up every time Tiller gets in trouble.
Isn’t it about time Kansan’s find out the truth about George Tiller. Isn’t it about time to put a stop to the excuse of privacy rights as a reason not to turn over the medical records the grand jury has demanded? What’s he hiding? I mean after all, he claims to be innocent. Why not open the records and prove it?
Maybe Mr. Six doesn’t get it. Maybe he doesn’t realize the grand jury isn’t investigating women who’ve had abortions at Tiller’s clinic. Maybe he isn’t aware that the names have been removed from the records. Maybe he isn’t aware of the fact that it is George Tiller is the one being investigated. If he is aware of these issues, maybe he’d like to explain how the grand jury is supposed to do it’s job without looking at the medical records. Maybe he isn’t aware of the fact that these non-stop legal delays are likely going to make it impossible for the grand jury to complete it’s job before it’s 90 day time frame is up. Yeah right. Restore credibility to the office my (expletive.)
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
Who hasn’t belted out that famous line “On the Road Again,” as you load up your family and head out for a road trip. How about that poor woman in the song, “ Seven Spanish Angels,” “She knew her gun was empty and she knew she couldn’t win.” I always wished she could have had enough firepower to shoot her way out that mess. Willie could almost make you cry with “Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain.” Some of my favorite drinking songs were “Whiskey River,” and “Beer for my Horses.” I loved the way he warned mamas not to let their babies grow up be cowboys or drive them old trucks. Make them be doctors or lawyers and such. Ah, good stuff.
Now Willie tells us he’s one of those conspiracy, nut-bags who believes Bush was behind the attacks of 9-11. He told talk show Alex Jones about watching those buildings fall. He’d also seen casinos implode in Vegas and they all fell the same. Yep, Bush did it, just ask Willie. Do any of you like-minded people out there have any idea of the thousands of people who’d have to remain silent about it? Do you really think that’s possible? Do you really believe the New York Times wouldn’t love to run this story? Do you really believe the Democrats wouldn’t run with this if there were any truth to any of these stupid theories? They’d love nothing better. So Willie, why don’t you just give them your proof, you could be a hero. Oh yeah Willie, I won’t be attending your concert. Why don’t you just wander back to your buss and smoke another joint.
Hey, how about our new Attorney General? You know, Stephen Six. It didn’t take him long to show his true colors, did it? What was it, three weeks ago he pledged to uphold the laws of the state and to return some sense of credibility to the Office of Attorney General. Yeah right. Just like his boss, the Governor, and his predecessor, Paul Morrison, he asked the Supreme Court to quash subpoenas issued by the grand jury investigating George Tiller for possible violations of Kansas late-term abortion laws. And of course his request was granted by Chief Justice, Kay McFarland. It’s probably just me, but isn’t it funny how her name always seems to comes up every time Tiller gets in trouble.
Isn’t it about time Kansan’s find out the truth about George Tiller. Isn’t it about time to put a stop to the excuse of privacy rights as a reason not to turn over the medical records the grand jury has demanded? What’s he hiding? I mean after all, he claims to be innocent. Why not open the records and prove it?
Maybe Mr. Six doesn’t get it. Maybe he doesn’t realize the grand jury isn’t investigating women who’ve had abortions at Tiller’s clinic. Maybe he isn’t aware that the names have been removed from the records. Maybe he isn’t aware of the fact that it is George Tiller is the one being investigated. If he is aware of these issues, maybe he’d like to explain how the grand jury is supposed to do it’s job without looking at the medical records. Maybe he isn’t aware of the fact that these non-stop legal delays are likely going to make it impossible for the grand jury to complete it’s job before it’s 90 day time frame is up. Yeah right. Restore credibility to the office my (expletive.)
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
This Is A Bad Thing?
I’d like to thank everyone who fired off an e-mail in response to last week‘s column. Looks like I finally found a subject people are interested in. People from both sides of the issue sounded off. Whether you like it or not, there are a lot of us who support the idea of the cops having the equipment they need, when they need it. One lady pointed out that there are really two “gangs of five” if you include the Mayor with his veto pen. In her opinion, this particular “gang of five” couldn’t care less about the safety of our citizens or the cops who literally put their lives on the line every day of the week. She firmly believes this gang is made up of cowards who’ve caved into the political pressure. Hey, don’t get mad at me. Those were her words, not mine. I’m just the messenger on this one.
I know it’s hard to believe, but some of you didn’t agree with me. One guy was so bent out of shape he wrote just to call me a bunch of names. He proudly told me I was nothing but Brett Blackburn’s water-carrying, little bitch. I thought it was pretty rude but I’m getting used to that sort of thing. Hey, you have the same right to your opinion as I do. But if you’re that proud of the things you’re saying, you ought to at least sign your name to it. Maybe that’s just me though.
My favorite response came from a guy who calls himself PM (pizza man) Paul. Pizza man seriously disagrees with my position. No, he didn’t write to call me names. He took the time to list the things he disagrees with me about and the reasons why. We exchanged a couple e-mails after that. In the end I think we both realized, well at least I did anyway, that were weren’t all that far apart on what we want. It wasn’t so much that he doesn’t want the cops to have the helicopter if they need it. It’s the fact that the City has squandered millions of dollars on software. Again, don’t get mad at me, those are his words, not mine. Pizza man, you might not have wanted to use your name, but I most certainly respect your opinion and thank you for the debate. You Sir, are a worthy opponent.
I think pizza man has it exactly right. People are so worked up about the software issue that it doesn’t matter what the City Council does, they’ll be against it. I don’t claim to understand the software issue, in fact it’s so far over my head that I’ve never really tried to talk about it. I do remember Brett Blackburn voting against it in the first place. But when the Mayor vetoed it a few days later it was Brett’s tie-breaking vote that over-rode that veto.
Now you hate him! I’m wondering though, just how many of you have heard his side of the story? Have you talked to him? Or are simply parroting the same things you read in the news paper or hear on talk radio? Maybe you’ve formed your opinion based on the comments made from our very own County Commissioner Vic Miller? Have you noticed that he can do or say about anything he wants and still be the media darling? He can publicly belittle anyone who crosses his path, he can spend millions on almost anything he wants and the media still gives him a pass.
How about this? How about everyone involved forgetting about scoring political points long enough to do what’s right for our cops and their families. I know you don’t want to hear about this. But again, it’s going to cost us more over the course of the next five years to keep the old helicopter than it will if we buy the new one. How is this a bad thing?
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
I know it’s hard to believe, but some of you didn’t agree with me. One guy was so bent out of shape he wrote just to call me a bunch of names. He proudly told me I was nothing but Brett Blackburn’s water-carrying, little bitch. I thought it was pretty rude but I’m getting used to that sort of thing. Hey, you have the same right to your opinion as I do. But if you’re that proud of the things you’re saying, you ought to at least sign your name to it. Maybe that’s just me though.
My favorite response came from a guy who calls himself PM (pizza man) Paul. Pizza man seriously disagrees with my position. No, he didn’t write to call me names. He took the time to list the things he disagrees with me about and the reasons why. We exchanged a couple e-mails after that. In the end I think we both realized, well at least I did anyway, that were weren’t all that far apart on what we want. It wasn’t so much that he doesn’t want the cops to have the helicopter if they need it. It’s the fact that the City has squandered millions of dollars on software. Again, don’t get mad at me, those are his words, not mine. Pizza man, you might not have wanted to use your name, but I most certainly respect your opinion and thank you for the debate. You Sir, are a worthy opponent.
I think pizza man has it exactly right. People are so worked up about the software issue that it doesn’t matter what the City Council does, they’ll be against it. I don’t claim to understand the software issue, in fact it’s so far over my head that I’ve never really tried to talk about it. I do remember Brett Blackburn voting against it in the first place. But when the Mayor vetoed it a few days later it was Brett’s tie-breaking vote that over-rode that veto.
Now you hate him! I’m wondering though, just how many of you have heard his side of the story? Have you talked to him? Or are simply parroting the same things you read in the news paper or hear on talk radio? Maybe you’ve formed your opinion based on the comments made from our very own County Commissioner Vic Miller? Have you noticed that he can do or say about anything he wants and still be the media darling? He can publicly belittle anyone who crosses his path, he can spend millions on almost anything he wants and the media still gives him a pass.
How about this? How about everyone involved forgetting about scoring political points long enough to do what’s right for our cops and their families. I know you don’t want to hear about this. But again, it’s going to cost us more over the course of the next five years to keep the old helicopter than it will if we buy the new one. How is this a bad thing?
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Get The Rope
Get the rope boys, we’re gonna get that dirty SOB. He’s done gone and broke the public’s trust. He’s done gone and went against the “will of the people,” you know, the voter’s, the taxpayer’s who pay his extravagant salary. Let’s get him!
What’s that? We can’t hang him? That’s bull! Okay then, let’s demand a recall! That’ll show him. In the meantime we’ll boycott his business because we all know everything he’s ever done through the City Council has been for the benefit of his business. Let’s get him!
I heard through a credible source, who for obvious reasons must remain anonymous, that he’s actually the “Anti-Christ,” and he’s here to take over the City. Let’s get him!
Of course, I’m talking about Brett Blackburn. The “leader” of the “gang of five,” you know the one’s. They’re the five, out of control council members who’ve taken the City hostage with their “unnecessary” and “illegal helicopter purchase.”
Just who do these corrupt, power hungry politicians think they are anyway. I mean the experts have spoken. You know, the authors of letters to the editor, the news papers, local television, talk radio, and their callers, myself included have all determined the new Police helicopter is a waste of time and taxpayer’s money. I mean, what the hell? We’re the one’s who know everything, right?
I want you to think back to the beginning of this whole helicopter mess. Do you remember Police Chief, Ron Miller requesting it in the first place? Do you remember him talking about the new helicopter being used equally with the other one? He said it would enable the helicopter unit to increase their coverage time to the 1800-2000 hour range. Do you remember him explaining that the use of the helicopter is a huge deterrent to crime. A couple recent studies, one in Nashville showed violent crime dropped 60+% in areas they patrolled with helicopters. One was done in Little Rock when they’d grounded their helicopter unit. Violent crime shot up 76%. The new helicopter was never intended to just sit around collecting dust as a back up.
I don’t claim to know Chief Miller, never met the man. At the same time, I’ve never heard of his integrity or judgment being in question. How did we get to the point where the public knows more about such matters than the Chief? Just wondering.
Pick a cop, any cop. He’s about to leave for work, on his way out the door he stops to kiss his wife and kids goodnight. She’s worried, much like every night. You see, her cop is working third shift. He smacks her on the butt and tells her she worries too much, I’ll see you in the morning and you’d better have breakfast ready. She just laughs and says maybe she will and maybe she won’t. Just be careful, we love you.
A couple hours into his shift he starts hearing a lot of talk on the radio about a man they’d been looking for. The man’s been threatening to shoot the first cop he sees. It seems a citizen has called to report the man they were looking for was sitting in a car outside her house. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she could see others in the car with him. Our cop was about a mile away, he was the closest and he was on his way. It took our cop about three minutes to respond. The helicopter was already accessing the scene. The man they were looking for was already out of his car, waving a gun in the air daring our cop to come and get him. Because the helicopter unit was able to spot two other men hiding behind a nearby house our cop knew where they were. He waited for back up help to arrive. Because of the helicopter unit they knew they were dealing with 3 individuals. They knew exactly where they were and were able to take all three into custody without anyone getting hurt. And our cop was able to go home after his shift ended. His wife asked him how his night was. Same old stuff. I told you, you worry too much. Hey, I thought you were going to have breakfast ready.
I’ve been listening to people asking just what good is a helicopter anyway. How about possibly saving our cop’s life that night for starters. They ask “well, just how many arrests have they made with a helicopter.” Glad you asked. In 2007 the helicopter unit flew 1417 hours which resulted in 6797 Activities (alarm calls, prowlers, burglaries, chases, etc.) 95 felony arrests which is up 48% from 2006. 156 Misdemeanor arrests. That’s up 120% over 2006.
Why we’d rather dump hundreds of thousands of dollars into a 1994 helicopter, that’s going to cost us more over the next five years than it would if we just bought the new one is beyond me. I’ve heard people trying to compare a 1994 helicopter to a 1994 truck or a car. Hell boy, my old 94 truck is going strong, smokes a bit, but hell, that’s to be expected. Good truck though. What’s going to happen if our good old boy’s heading down the road and his truck breaks down? He’ll most likely just coast to a stop on the side of the road. What happens if our 94 helicopter is flying at 500 ft. and has a breakdown? Our cops die.
Am I being overly dramatic? Probably. Okay, I made up that story about our cop too. But you know what? These scenes are being played out by our cops and their families every day of the week. These same life and death situations are all too common for them.
Ask Brett Blackburn why he’s fighting so hard for the new Police helicopter, he’ll tell you he wants to make sure the cops have the best possible equipment when needed so at the end of their shifts all our cops can all go home to their families. Yeah boys, get the rope. We got us a real scoundrel here! It’s funny though. We can spend 1.5 million to carpet a little-league ball-diamond and we’re okay with that. What do I know, I’m just an old guy.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
What’s that? We can’t hang him? That’s bull! Okay then, let’s demand a recall! That’ll show him. In the meantime we’ll boycott his business because we all know everything he’s ever done through the City Council has been for the benefit of his business. Let’s get him!
I heard through a credible source, who for obvious reasons must remain anonymous, that he’s actually the “Anti-Christ,” and he’s here to take over the City. Let’s get him!
Of course, I’m talking about Brett Blackburn. The “leader” of the “gang of five,” you know the one’s. They’re the five, out of control council members who’ve taken the City hostage with their “unnecessary” and “illegal helicopter purchase.”
Just who do these corrupt, power hungry politicians think they are anyway. I mean the experts have spoken. You know, the authors of letters to the editor, the news papers, local television, talk radio, and their callers, myself included have all determined the new Police helicopter is a waste of time and taxpayer’s money. I mean, what the hell? We’re the one’s who know everything, right?
I want you to think back to the beginning of this whole helicopter mess. Do you remember Police Chief, Ron Miller requesting it in the first place? Do you remember him talking about the new helicopter being used equally with the other one? He said it would enable the helicopter unit to increase their coverage time to the 1800-2000 hour range. Do you remember him explaining that the use of the helicopter is a huge deterrent to crime. A couple recent studies, one in Nashville showed violent crime dropped 60+% in areas they patrolled with helicopters. One was done in Little Rock when they’d grounded their helicopter unit. Violent crime shot up 76%. The new helicopter was never intended to just sit around collecting dust as a back up.
I don’t claim to know Chief Miller, never met the man. At the same time, I’ve never heard of his integrity or judgment being in question. How did we get to the point where the public knows more about such matters than the Chief? Just wondering.
Pick a cop, any cop. He’s about to leave for work, on his way out the door he stops to kiss his wife and kids goodnight. She’s worried, much like every night. You see, her cop is working third shift. He smacks her on the butt and tells her she worries too much, I’ll see you in the morning and you’d better have breakfast ready. She just laughs and says maybe she will and maybe she won’t. Just be careful, we love you.
A couple hours into his shift he starts hearing a lot of talk on the radio about a man they’d been looking for. The man’s been threatening to shoot the first cop he sees. It seems a citizen has called to report the man they were looking for was sitting in a car outside her house. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she could see others in the car with him. Our cop was about a mile away, he was the closest and he was on his way. It took our cop about three minutes to respond. The helicopter was already accessing the scene. The man they were looking for was already out of his car, waving a gun in the air daring our cop to come and get him. Because the helicopter unit was able to spot two other men hiding behind a nearby house our cop knew where they were. He waited for back up help to arrive. Because of the helicopter unit they knew they were dealing with 3 individuals. They knew exactly where they were and were able to take all three into custody without anyone getting hurt. And our cop was able to go home after his shift ended. His wife asked him how his night was. Same old stuff. I told you, you worry too much. Hey, I thought you were going to have breakfast ready.
I’ve been listening to people asking just what good is a helicopter anyway. How about possibly saving our cop’s life that night for starters. They ask “well, just how many arrests have they made with a helicopter.” Glad you asked. In 2007 the helicopter unit flew 1417 hours which resulted in 6797 Activities (alarm calls, prowlers, burglaries, chases, etc.) 95 felony arrests which is up 48% from 2006. 156 Misdemeanor arrests. That’s up 120% over 2006.
Why we’d rather dump hundreds of thousands of dollars into a 1994 helicopter, that’s going to cost us more over the next five years than it would if we just bought the new one is beyond me. I’ve heard people trying to compare a 1994 helicopter to a 1994 truck or a car. Hell boy, my old 94 truck is going strong, smokes a bit, but hell, that’s to be expected. Good truck though. What’s going to happen if our good old boy’s heading down the road and his truck breaks down? He’ll most likely just coast to a stop on the side of the road. What happens if our 94 helicopter is flying at 500 ft. and has a breakdown? Our cops die.
Am I being overly dramatic? Probably. Okay, I made up that story about our cop too. But you know what? These scenes are being played out by our cops and their families every day of the week. These same life and death situations are all too common for them.
Ask Brett Blackburn why he’s fighting so hard for the new Police helicopter, he’ll tell you he wants to make sure the cops have the best possible equipment when needed so at the end of their shifts all our cops can all go home to their families. Yeah boys, get the rope. We got us a real scoundrel here! It’s funny though. We can spend 1.5 million to carpet a little-league ball-diamond and we’re okay with that. What do I know, I’m just an old guy.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
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