Please don’t be sad mommy, it’ll be okay. Whatever it is, we can get through it together. Hey, we’re going to see the doctor tomorrow. That‘s always fun. I love the sonograms because it shows us how big I’m getting. Last time we were there I heard the doctor say I was a perfectly formed little boy. He said I had all my fingers and toes. That’s good news, isn’t it? I heard him saying something about time was running out to decide. I’ll bet he was talking about it being time to name me. You haven’t mentioned anything about it so I’m thinking maybe you haven’t made up your mind yet. I’ve got a couple suggestions. How about John Wayne? That would be cool mommy. It would come in handy when you buy me my first pair of cowboy boots. Maybe Einstein. I might not be as smart as him but I bet I‘m pretty close mommy. Maybe Superman or Scooby Do. Hey, I know. How about naming me Bo. I like that name.
I heard a man talking about this being a bad time. What did he mean, mommy? This is going to be a great time. You’ll see. I can‘t wait till you can hold me for the first time. And the first time our eyes meet is going to be something special, I promise. You’re going to love the way I run to you for comfort. There’s no safer place than in your mother’s arms. I’m going to need a lot of help learning to walk. They tell me it’s pretty hard. With your help I’ll be just fine, you’ll see.
It’s going to break my heart when I have to go to kindergarten. But that’s the only way I can learn to read. I can’t wait to read you a bedtime story for a change mommy. Will you teach me how to play baseball? I heard it was fun. Will we go to Gage Park? Teach me about the monkeys mommy. I think they’re funny. How about my first bike, will you help me learn how to ride it mommy? I think I’d like to play the guitar. Can you teach me how. I hope you name me Bo. I really think it’s a cool name. Mommy and Bo. We’ll make a great team, you’ll see.
Mommy, I heard that man talking about time being up. Didn’t you tell him we’d decided to name me Bo? Tell him mommy. I don’t like him mommy, he makes you cry. When I get big I‘ll never make you sad mommy, I promise. You’ll see.
Mommy, I heard you and that man talking about a new doctor. Is that why you’re sad? Are you afraid? Don’t be. We’ll get through this together. You’ll see. I promise to behave myself if that’s what you’re worried about. I want to make a good impression on our new doctor too. Mommy, I’m getting sleepy. Don’t worry, I won’t forget to say my prayers.
Now I lay me, down to sleep. I pray the Lord, my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. God bless Mommy and Bo. Wake me up when we get to the new doctor.
Mommy, that new doctor scares me. He’s not nice like our other one, he scares me mommy. Please, let’s go home. Mommy, he’s hurting me. Mommy, he’s pulling on my arm with something. Mommy, mommy, please help me mommy. Mommy, he’s poking me in the head with something. Oh mommy, it hurts. Mommy I’m scared, please, let’s go home mommy!
So what’s it going to be mommy? Are you going to protect you little buddy, Bo? If given the chance, he could be a really cool little kid. Please choose life. It’s the right thing to do.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
Friday, June 27, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
It's Still The Oil
Okay, maybe I jumped the gun last week when I stated that Cuba and China were recovering oil right off the coast of Florida.
According to an article Betty Phillips forwarded to The Metro News a few days ago to counter my statement, there is no drilling going on off the coast of Florida by either Cuba or China. And because I have a lot of respect for Betty Phillips I checked her story out.
Here’s what I was able to find out. She’s exactly right, for now anyway. Cuba has leased out exploration blocks 60 miles off the coast of Florida which is closer than American firms are allowed to operate. They are doing exploration work on those leases. But at the present time there is no active drilling going on by Cuba or the Chinese. Yet.
Betty, I do appreciate you reading my column and I thank you for keeping me honest. But here’s the deal. It still doesn’t change my mind. Just because Cuba and China haven’t started drilling yet doesn’t mean they won’t be in the near future. And I still think it’s stupid that we allow it.
I still think it’s stupid that we’re willing to sit on top of some of the largest known oil reserves in the world simply because we don’t have the guts to tell the environmental whack-jobs to go to Hell. I still think it’s stupid we quit building nuclear power plants. And I still think it’s stupid we’re more worried about the mating habits of the Caribou than drilling for oil in ANWAR.
Those of you who read this column on a regular basis know by now that I do a lot of traveling around our great state. Last week I was a little closer to home than normal. I was in the Lawrence/Tonganoxie area. And one of the things I noticed as I drove north of Lawrence was the “coal-fired” power plant they have. Normally that wouldn’t be that big a deal. But with all the predictions of death and destruction being made if the Holcomb plant was allowed to proceed I paid particular attention as I traveled through the area. Guess what I found? The same thing I find in every part of the state. The crops were standing tall. There were cows doing their thing. The plants, wildflowers, and grass was thriving. People were going on about their lives as if nothing was wrong. And yes, there were even old people and I can’t help but to believe some of them have lived in the area most if not all their lives without dying from the dreaded co2 emissions. The only thing I can figure out is that Western Kansas co2 must be a lot worse than that coming out of Lawrence.
This week I’m in the Great Bend area and I just love this part of the state. The biggest industries around here are agriculture and oil. My dad and grandfather both worked in the oil fields around here when I was growing up and I even drove by a few of their old wells. And guess what I found. Same thing I found around Lawrence. The wheat crop looks as good as it ever has. In fact the wheat harvest is in full swing around here. The corn crop is coming along just fine. The cattle seem to be doing well. Pheasants are everywhere. I several deer, one skunk, a snake, and even a badger. Oil exploration and production has been going on around this part of the state for the last 70 or 80 years and guess what? Life has gone on in spite of the dire predictions of the environmentalists.
Like I said last week. Go ahead and develop your alternate energy sources. Work on your windmills. Work on your solar power projects. Develop whatever you think will work. Most of us don’t really care where our energy comes from, we just want it to work well and to be there when we need it. But in the mean time our very existence as a nation depends on having an adequate supply of crude oil and we have that right here at home as long as we have the guts to recover it.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
According to an article Betty Phillips forwarded to The Metro News a few days ago to counter my statement, there is no drilling going on off the coast of Florida by either Cuba or China. And because I have a lot of respect for Betty Phillips I checked her story out.
Here’s what I was able to find out. She’s exactly right, for now anyway. Cuba has leased out exploration blocks 60 miles off the coast of Florida which is closer than American firms are allowed to operate. They are doing exploration work on those leases. But at the present time there is no active drilling going on by Cuba or the Chinese. Yet.
Betty, I do appreciate you reading my column and I thank you for keeping me honest. But here’s the deal. It still doesn’t change my mind. Just because Cuba and China haven’t started drilling yet doesn’t mean they won’t be in the near future. And I still think it’s stupid that we allow it.
I still think it’s stupid that we’re willing to sit on top of some of the largest known oil reserves in the world simply because we don’t have the guts to tell the environmental whack-jobs to go to Hell. I still think it’s stupid we quit building nuclear power plants. And I still think it’s stupid we’re more worried about the mating habits of the Caribou than drilling for oil in ANWAR.
Those of you who read this column on a regular basis know by now that I do a lot of traveling around our great state. Last week I was a little closer to home than normal. I was in the Lawrence/Tonganoxie area. And one of the things I noticed as I drove north of Lawrence was the “coal-fired” power plant they have. Normally that wouldn’t be that big a deal. But with all the predictions of death and destruction being made if the Holcomb plant was allowed to proceed I paid particular attention as I traveled through the area. Guess what I found? The same thing I find in every part of the state. The crops were standing tall. There were cows doing their thing. The plants, wildflowers, and grass was thriving. People were going on about their lives as if nothing was wrong. And yes, there were even old people and I can’t help but to believe some of them have lived in the area most if not all their lives without dying from the dreaded co2 emissions. The only thing I can figure out is that Western Kansas co2 must be a lot worse than that coming out of Lawrence.
This week I’m in the Great Bend area and I just love this part of the state. The biggest industries around here are agriculture and oil. My dad and grandfather both worked in the oil fields around here when I was growing up and I even drove by a few of their old wells. And guess what I found. Same thing I found around Lawrence. The wheat crop looks as good as it ever has. In fact the wheat harvest is in full swing around here. The corn crop is coming along just fine. The cattle seem to be doing well. Pheasants are everywhere. I several deer, one skunk, a snake, and even a badger. Oil exploration and production has been going on around this part of the state for the last 70 or 80 years and guess what? Life has gone on in spite of the dire predictions of the environmentalists.
Like I said last week. Go ahead and develop your alternate energy sources. Work on your windmills. Work on your solar power projects. Develop whatever you think will work. Most of us don’t really care where our energy comes from, we just want it to work well and to be there when we need it. But in the mean time our very existence as a nation depends on having an adequate supply of crude oil and we have that right here at home as long as we have the guts to recover it.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
It's The Oil Stupid
Oh thank God. The Democrats have plan to fight high gas prices. They want to go after the oil companies in a big way. Their plan is to impose a huge “windfall profit tax” on the big, evil oil companies. You know, “Big Oil.”
I know what you’re thinking too. Like me, you’re having a hard time believing Democrats would raise taxes on anything. But it’s true. In a nutshell, that’s their plan. Raise taxes, the same answer they have for everything.
How many of you believe like I do, the only thing this plan will achieve is to separate us from even more of our money just to keep gas in our tanks? Do they really believe the oil companies are just going to sit back and absorb the new taxes imposed on them? Do they really believe the oil companies won’t simply pass them on to the rest of us, raising the prices even higher? If you’re a multi-millionaire, member of congress I guess that’s not that big a deal. But if you’re like most of us and are already struggling to keep your head above water, it’s a huge deal.
No, I don’t claim to have all the answers. But I think it’s stupid for us to just sit here on top of some of the biggest oil reserves in the world and not recover it. I think it’s stupid we haven’t built a refinery in America for the last 30 or so years. And I think it’s stupid that we quit investing in nuclear power plants. Why do we do it? I guess so the polar bears can live and so we won’t interfere with the mating habits of the caribou or something like that.
I know it’s not late breaking news but Cuba and China are recovering our oil right off the coast of Florida. Yes, I think that’s stupid too. The Dems tell us it’s impossible to drill our way out of the mess we’ve created for ourselves. Besides, they claim it’ll take at least 10 years to develop any future oil fields and bring the oil to market.
Part of that is true. It is impossible to drill our way out of this mess. It’s impossible as long as we just here whining and wringing our hands and doing a whole lot nothing else. And you know what? Ten years might sound like a long way off but it’ll come and go before you know it. Tell me, where do you want to be in ten years? Do you want to live in an America that is capable of taking care of her own energy needs or the one we’re becoming? The America who depends on foreign countries, some of them very hostile towards us for almost all of our energy needs?
Don’t take this as an endorsement for the Republicans either. We saw what could happen in the 70’s when America was held hostage by OPEC. Remember that? Remember the gas lines? Remember gas being rationed out in some parts of the country? We’ve had almost 40 years to develop alternate sources of energy. We’ve had Republican as well as Democrats in office and neither party has done a thing about it.
Go ahead and develop your wind mills. Develop your hydrogen cars and such. I have no problem whatsoever with solar power either. I don’t care what it ends up being as long as it works and works well. But in the meantime, America needs oil and we have plenty of it.
Here’s my plan. Let’s quit the whining. Let’s quit being stupid. And let’s develop our own resources and tell countries like Saudi Arabia to shove their oil up their, oh never mind, you’d probably be offended by what I was going to say. Let’s just say this. If we have the guts to get to the point where we didn’t need their oil, you’d be amazed at how fast they’d be willing to deal. But what do I know, I’m just an old guy.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
I know what you’re thinking too. Like me, you’re having a hard time believing Democrats would raise taxes on anything. But it’s true. In a nutshell, that’s their plan. Raise taxes, the same answer they have for everything.
How many of you believe like I do, the only thing this plan will achieve is to separate us from even more of our money just to keep gas in our tanks? Do they really believe the oil companies are just going to sit back and absorb the new taxes imposed on them? Do they really believe the oil companies won’t simply pass them on to the rest of us, raising the prices even higher? If you’re a multi-millionaire, member of congress I guess that’s not that big a deal. But if you’re like most of us and are already struggling to keep your head above water, it’s a huge deal.
No, I don’t claim to have all the answers. But I think it’s stupid for us to just sit here on top of some of the biggest oil reserves in the world and not recover it. I think it’s stupid we haven’t built a refinery in America for the last 30 or so years. And I think it’s stupid that we quit investing in nuclear power plants. Why do we do it? I guess so the polar bears can live and so we won’t interfere with the mating habits of the caribou or something like that.
I know it’s not late breaking news but Cuba and China are recovering our oil right off the coast of Florida. Yes, I think that’s stupid too. The Dems tell us it’s impossible to drill our way out of the mess we’ve created for ourselves. Besides, they claim it’ll take at least 10 years to develop any future oil fields and bring the oil to market.
Part of that is true. It is impossible to drill our way out of this mess. It’s impossible as long as we just here whining and wringing our hands and doing a whole lot nothing else. And you know what? Ten years might sound like a long way off but it’ll come and go before you know it. Tell me, where do you want to be in ten years? Do you want to live in an America that is capable of taking care of her own energy needs or the one we’re becoming? The America who depends on foreign countries, some of them very hostile towards us for almost all of our energy needs?
Don’t take this as an endorsement for the Republicans either. We saw what could happen in the 70’s when America was held hostage by OPEC. Remember that? Remember the gas lines? Remember gas being rationed out in some parts of the country? We’ve had almost 40 years to develop alternate sources of energy. We’ve had Republican as well as Democrats in office and neither party has done a thing about it.
Go ahead and develop your wind mills. Develop your hydrogen cars and such. I have no problem whatsoever with solar power either. I don’t care what it ends up being as long as it works and works well. But in the meantime, America needs oil and we have plenty of it.
Here’s my plan. Let’s quit the whining. Let’s quit being stupid. And let’s develop our own resources and tell countries like Saudi Arabia to shove their oil up their, oh never mind, you’d probably be offended by what I was going to say. Let’s just say this. If we have the guts to get to the point where we didn’t need their oil, you’d be amazed at how fast they’d be willing to deal. But what do I know, I’m just an old guy.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Obama's Wrong for America
So you want change do you? Can’t say I blame you. Things aren’t exactly going the way I’ve envisioned them either. But come on. Obama? What do we really know about the guy? We know he supported a racist, Anti-American pastor for the last twenty years. When he finally figured out this relationship was going to damage him politically, he dropped his church like it was a disease. That didn’t faze you. We know he doesn’t believe he needs to wear a flag pin on his lapel to prove he’s patriotic. I don’t believe so either. But now that he’s figured out it’s more politically expedient to do so, he’s decided to wear one. You don’t find this a little hypocritical? We know he’s had a long standing relationship with a man named Bill Ayrers, a man who bombed the Pentagon and says his only regret is that he wasn’t able to do more. You don’t see this as a problem? What the hell is wrong with you people? For some reason, he thinks we have 57 states in America. Again, no problem there.
For the first time in her life, his wife, Michelle is proud of her country. Excuse me? The first time in her life? I came across a You Tube video the other night of Ronald Reagan standing in front of the Berlin Wall. He was asking the Soviet leader to open the gates. He went on to ask him to tear down this wall. A request that was granted too. It was the beginning of the end of the cold war, and Reagan had sealed the deal. That might not have impressed you or Michelle Obama. But it sure as hell made me proud to be an American.
We know he’s jumped on the Global-Warming band wagon and he believes in the push for Government controlled health-care. You believe that’s a good thing? If you’d like to see Government controlled health-care in action, check out your local VA. Ask a few veterans about the quality of health-care the Government can provide. Google Walter Reed Hospital and see for yourself how good things can be. I know, you’ll just blame it on Bush. I hate to be the one to break this to you, but the problems with Government controlled health-care didn’t start with Bush and it won’t end with Obama. I know you’re not going to listen to me. You do what you want.
Some of you will whine and cry that people like me won’t support Obama because we’re a bunch of old white racists who can’t let go of the past. Whatever. Throwing the racist label around is getting more popular these days. I’ve even been called a racist because of my opposition to abortion. Go figure.
Here’s the bottom line for me, and yes, I know I’m not supposed to talk about it so much. But my biggest problem with Obama is his unconditional support of abortion. He’s one of the few Senators to vote against the ban on partial-birth abortions. He even supports the idea that if an abortion is botched and the baby lives through it, doctors should be allowed to withhold medical care allowing the baby to simply lie there and die on it’s own. This is progressive? This is the America you want? This is the thing that finally makes people like Michelle Obama proud to be an American? You gotta be kidding me.
In a recent speech, Obama said if one of his daughter’s made the mistake of having sex and ended up pregnant, he wouldn’t want her to be punished by being forced into having the baby. First off, if you don’t want to have a baby, don’t have sex. And if you do “choose” to have sex, use some form of birth-control. What have we become, a society of animals who can’t control ourselves any more?
That’s pretty much it for me. I cannot and will not support someone like Obama who’s demands the right to kill their own grandchild. If that makes me a racist, so be it.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
For the first time in her life, his wife, Michelle is proud of her country. Excuse me? The first time in her life? I came across a You Tube video the other night of Ronald Reagan standing in front of the Berlin Wall. He was asking the Soviet leader to open the gates. He went on to ask him to tear down this wall. A request that was granted too. It was the beginning of the end of the cold war, and Reagan had sealed the deal. That might not have impressed you or Michelle Obama. But it sure as hell made me proud to be an American.
We know he’s jumped on the Global-Warming band wagon and he believes in the push for Government controlled health-care. You believe that’s a good thing? If you’d like to see Government controlled health-care in action, check out your local VA. Ask a few veterans about the quality of health-care the Government can provide. Google Walter Reed Hospital and see for yourself how good things can be. I know, you’ll just blame it on Bush. I hate to be the one to break this to you, but the problems with Government controlled health-care didn’t start with Bush and it won’t end with Obama. I know you’re not going to listen to me. You do what you want.
Some of you will whine and cry that people like me won’t support Obama because we’re a bunch of old white racists who can’t let go of the past. Whatever. Throwing the racist label around is getting more popular these days. I’ve even been called a racist because of my opposition to abortion. Go figure.
Here’s the bottom line for me, and yes, I know I’m not supposed to talk about it so much. But my biggest problem with Obama is his unconditional support of abortion. He’s one of the few Senators to vote against the ban on partial-birth abortions. He even supports the idea that if an abortion is botched and the baby lives through it, doctors should be allowed to withhold medical care allowing the baby to simply lie there and die on it’s own. This is progressive? This is the America you want? This is the thing that finally makes people like Michelle Obama proud to be an American? You gotta be kidding me.
In a recent speech, Obama said if one of his daughter’s made the mistake of having sex and ended up pregnant, he wouldn’t want her to be punished by being forced into having the baby. First off, if you don’t want to have a baby, don’t have sex. And if you do “choose” to have sex, use some form of birth-control. What have we become, a society of animals who can’t control ourselves any more?
That’s pretty much it for me. I cannot and will not support someone like Obama who’s demands the right to kill their own grandchild. If that makes me a racist, so be it.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The Pass
Was anybody really surprised by the news that the Governor threw a party for George Tiller and his staff while the man was supposedly under investigation by the Attorney General? I mean come on. Were you surprised how quickly the left gave her a pass? In their eyes, she can do no wrong. Hey, that’s fine with me, if that’s the way you want it.
Just remember though, and yes, I know it’s a stretch, but one of these days we just might have a pro-life governor. Hey, it could happen. What’s going to happen when he or she starts throwing rally’s to support organizations like Operation Rescue and Kansan’s for Life? They’ll be given the same pass, right? I mean why shouldn’t they be allowed to support the people who support them, right? Or is that pass reserved exclusively for pro-choice Governors? I keep forgetting how those rules work. Anyway, how about this? How would it be if this future Governor’s name was something like Governor Phill Kline? Surely he’d be given the same treatment, wouldn’t he? Oh well, it’s probably not going to happen like that, but it’d sure give us something to write about, wouldn’t it?
Do you remember me telling you about a columnist named Russell Steen? He lives in Pratt and writes for the Hutchinson News. Anyway, I’ve been reading his stuff off and on for the last year or so and have really enjoyed his work. And since I’m working in Pratt this week, I decided to look him up. A couple e-mail exchanges and one phone call later we decided to meet at a bar downtown named Woody’s for lunch. First off Woody’s is a really cool bar. It sits on the south end of a very vibrant and beautiful downtown. If you ever find yourself headed west on 54 and go through Pratt, do yourself a favor, pull off the hi way and check out their museum, courthouse, and downtown area. Really cool place. If it’s close to lunchtime, stop by Woody’s and try the mushroom, cheeseburger.
Sorry, that wasn’t the story I wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell you about meeting this guy. Guess what? He was just a regular guy like me. You know, a working guy who’s doing the best he can to keep his head above water. It’s funny, our stories about why we bother in the first place were about the same. And no, neither one of us really believes we can make a real difference but we try anyway. We have both become the targets of internet hard guys who think they can insult us into shutting up. He told me he was moving his family to St. Louis in a few weeks and was giving up his spot at the Hutch News. Russell, thanks for lunch the other day. And thanks for the passion and effort you put into your column. It was a good one.
Sorry guys, I’m going to have to cut it short this week. It’s 3:30, I was supposed to be at Eric and Ronni’s house in Haviland, a 20 mile drive, 30 minutes ago. Gotta go.
Oh yeah, before I leave. I wanted to ask you whether you’re really sure you want Obama to be our next President? I mean, have you really given it some thought? Or do just like him because People Magazine does? Just wondering? Maybe we can talk a little about it that next week.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at
Just remember though, and yes, I know it’s a stretch, but one of these days we just might have a pro-life governor. Hey, it could happen. What’s going to happen when he or she starts throwing rally’s to support organizations like Operation Rescue and Kansan’s for Life? They’ll be given the same pass, right? I mean why shouldn’t they be allowed to support the people who support them, right? Or is that pass reserved exclusively for pro-choice Governors? I keep forgetting how those rules work. Anyway, how about this? How would it be if this future Governor’s name was something like Governor Phill Kline? Surely he’d be given the same treatment, wouldn’t he? Oh well, it’s probably not going to happen like that, but it’d sure give us something to write about, wouldn’t it?
Do you remember me telling you about a columnist named Russell Steen? He lives in Pratt and writes for the Hutchinson News. Anyway, I’ve been reading his stuff off and on for the last year or so and have really enjoyed his work. And since I’m working in Pratt this week, I decided to look him up. A couple e-mail exchanges and one phone call later we decided to meet at a bar downtown named Woody’s for lunch. First off Woody’s is a really cool bar. It sits on the south end of a very vibrant and beautiful downtown. If you ever find yourself headed west on 54 and go through Pratt, do yourself a favor, pull off the hi way and check out their museum, courthouse, and downtown area. Really cool place. If it’s close to lunchtime, stop by Woody’s and try the mushroom, cheeseburger.
Sorry, that wasn’t the story I wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell you about meeting this guy. Guess what? He was just a regular guy like me. You know, a working guy who’s doing the best he can to keep his head above water. It’s funny, our stories about why we bother in the first place were about the same. And no, neither one of us really believes we can make a real difference but we try anyway. We have both become the targets of internet hard guys who think they can insult us into shutting up. He told me he was moving his family to St. Louis in a few weeks and was giving up his spot at the Hutch News. Russell, thanks for lunch the other day. And thanks for the passion and effort you put into your column. It was a good one.
Sorry guys, I’m going to have to cut it short this week. It’s 3:30, I was supposed to be at Eric and Ronni’s house in Haviland, a 20 mile drive, 30 minutes ago. Gotta go.
Oh yeah, before I leave. I wanted to ask you whether you’re really sure you want Obama to be our next President? I mean, have you really given it some thought? Or do just like him because People Magazine does? Just wondering? Maybe we can talk a little about it that next week.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at
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