Wednesday, October 29, 2008
It's time...
What a surprise. Kathleen Subelius is backing Chad Taylor in the Shawnee County District Attorney’s race. I’m sure Mr. Taylor’s more than happy to accept this endorsement, I mean what politician wouldn’t want the support of the governor. Just remember though, this is the same governor who hand picked Paul Morrison to be the guy that was going to restore dignity and respect to the Kansas Attorney General’s Office. That worked out pretty good, didn’t it. Maybe she’s not as good a judge of character as she thinks she is.
I’m not saying Chad Taylor would be anything like Paul Morrison. I’m not saying he wouldn’t either. I’ve never met the guy. But I have heard from several people who believe if Mr. Taylor becomes our next District Attorney, Paul Morrison would be one of the first people he’d hire. Yeah I know, Mr. Taylor is on record numerous times stating these kind of claims are false and misleading. He has vowed on more than one occasion not to hire the man. So what. If enough people believe it and if enough of those people repeat it often enough, it becomes the truth, right?
It’s the same thing Chad Taylor’s hoping to do by constantly trying to make us believe Eric Rucker would bring Phil Kline along with him if he were elected. I guess it doesn’t matter that Eric Rucker’s repeatedly vowed not to hire the Mr. Kline if elected. Like I said about the Paul Morrison thing. If enough people believe it and if enough of those same people repeat it often enough it becomes the truth, right?
It’s a tactic, plain and simple. It’s a smoke and mirrors tactic by the Taylor campaign to divert attention away from their guy’s lack of any real experience to even do the job he seeks. He said in his own words that he’d never actually prosecuted a single felony case. Yeah but quick, look over there. Eric Rucker’s going to hire Phil Kline and besides he’s evil and wants to ban books. I‘ll bet he even wants to eat your children. So vote for me. See how that works?
Here’s the deal. Like any other part of the country, Shawnee County has some serious problems to deal with. Gang related violence is a huge problem whether you want to believe it or not. Most of the armed robberies and home burglaries are gang related. Almost every single one of the drive by shootings that have become so common in Topeka are retaliation of some kind or another between rival gangs and it’s almost always drug related.
Who do we want to deal with the violent criminal element in our community? Do we want a man with 15 years of experience in prosecuting these kind of criminals? Do we want a man who has a 90% conviction rate in prosecution these exact same kind of cases? Or do we want a guy who probably means well but has none of the experience needed to get crime in our community under control? You guys do what you want but I’m going with Rucker. It just makes sense.
Well guys, this is the last column before the big day. I wanted to talk about Obama and why I thought you should vote against him. But to be honest, I really couldn’t think of anything to say that hasn’t been repeated at least 100 times. By now most of you have a good idea where I stand anyway. My wife and I both voted last week so in all reality, I‘ve done all I can. Now it’s up to you. Get out and vote and let the chips fall where they may. I’m sure I’ll have plenty to say about the results next week. I’ll talk to you then.
Looks like everybody agrees with just about everything I write. Just in case you don’t though, go to my blog at: and let me know how I’m wrong. Or you can contact me at :
I’m not saying Chad Taylor would be anything like Paul Morrison. I’m not saying he wouldn’t either. I’ve never met the guy. But I have heard from several people who believe if Mr. Taylor becomes our next District Attorney, Paul Morrison would be one of the first people he’d hire. Yeah I know, Mr. Taylor is on record numerous times stating these kind of claims are false and misleading. He has vowed on more than one occasion not to hire the man. So what. If enough people believe it and if enough of those people repeat it often enough, it becomes the truth, right?
It’s the same thing Chad Taylor’s hoping to do by constantly trying to make us believe Eric Rucker would bring Phil Kline along with him if he were elected. I guess it doesn’t matter that Eric Rucker’s repeatedly vowed not to hire the Mr. Kline if elected. Like I said about the Paul Morrison thing. If enough people believe it and if enough of those same people repeat it often enough it becomes the truth, right?
It’s a tactic, plain and simple. It’s a smoke and mirrors tactic by the Taylor campaign to divert attention away from their guy’s lack of any real experience to even do the job he seeks. He said in his own words that he’d never actually prosecuted a single felony case. Yeah but quick, look over there. Eric Rucker’s going to hire Phil Kline and besides he’s evil and wants to ban books. I‘ll bet he even wants to eat your children. So vote for me. See how that works?
Here’s the deal. Like any other part of the country, Shawnee County has some serious problems to deal with. Gang related violence is a huge problem whether you want to believe it or not. Most of the armed robberies and home burglaries are gang related. Almost every single one of the drive by shootings that have become so common in Topeka are retaliation of some kind or another between rival gangs and it’s almost always drug related.
Who do we want to deal with the violent criminal element in our community? Do we want a man with 15 years of experience in prosecuting these kind of criminals? Do we want a man who has a 90% conviction rate in prosecution these exact same kind of cases? Or do we want a guy who probably means well but has none of the experience needed to get crime in our community under control? You guys do what you want but I’m going with Rucker. It just makes sense.
Well guys, this is the last column before the big day. I wanted to talk about Obama and why I thought you should vote against him. But to be honest, I really couldn’t think of anything to say that hasn’t been repeated at least 100 times. By now most of you have a good idea where I stand anyway. My wife and I both voted last week so in all reality, I‘ve done all I can. Now it’s up to you. Get out and vote and let the chips fall where they may. I’m sure I’ll have plenty to say about the results next week. I’ll talk to you then.
Looks like everybody agrees with just about everything I write. Just in case you don’t though, go to my blog at: and let me know how I’m wrong. Or you can contact me at :
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sonny, you're just wrong this time...
I’m going to tell you a stroy about a good friend of mine today named Sonny Scroggins. First off, Sonny’s a guy I have a great deal of respect for. He’s a guy who stands up for what he believes is right. A few years back, he marched around the Statehouse for three or four years until he finally convinced the Legislature to divest the state’s Kansas Public Employment Retirement System (KEPRS) from companies doing business with Sudan.
I met him a couple of years ago when he was out there standing at 21st and Wanamaker speaking out against “Gangsta Rap.” I went out there to meet Sonny and was proud to stand with him in his fight. I didn’t necessarily believe gangster rap was something we could or even should try to legislate. But I too find a lot of Gangster Rap repulsive. But then I’m an old guy too. Go figure.
Since then I’ve run into him at several different rallies around town, the last time I ran into him was the day we protested in front of Cumulus Radio for firing Jim Cates. It didn’t do any good but we all felt a little better for doing what we could.
Sonny’s a good guy who’s done a lot of good for a lot of people. And yes, I do consider him a friend. But I wouldn’t be much of a friend if I didn’t let him know how wrong he is in his latest fight against 501 schools.
By now a lot of you have heard the story about the teacher that was told to go home and change her shirt because the one she showed up for work wearing had a picture of Obama on it.
Sonny, according to the story in the Capital-Journal you’ve decided to protest at different schools around town until a workable solution has been developed for people who wear t- shirts with the likeness of Barrack Obama , yet don’t make a political statement to influence people in the school system one way or another.
Sorry Sonny, but that’s a bunch of crap and you know it. You know as well as I do that simply wearing a t-shirt with Obama’s picture on it less than two weeks before what’s probably the most important presidential election we’ve ever had is in fact, a political statement. Sorry man, I’m not buying it and neither is anybody else.
Just a few days ago my 10 year old niece was giving me a hard time and told me she was for Obama because if McCain’s elected he’ll bring back slavery. I asked her where in the world she got that idea. She told me because her teacher said so.
Granted, maybe those weren’t the exact words out of her teacher’s mouth. I’m sure it was part of a conversation the teacher was having with the kids about comments Whoopi Goldberg made on the “View” when she asked John McCain if she should be worried about the return of slavery if McCain were to be elected president.
My point is simple. Why in the world is this teacher even having this conversation in a classroom with a bunch of fourth graders in the first place? It’s a public school and a public school is no place for any teacher, no matter what their political beliefs are to try to influence our kids. That’s not their job. But then again, I’m not stupid either. Public schools have been used as the premier, liberal training ground for years now and Sonny, you and I both know it.
How about this idea. How about teachers go back to teaching our kids to read and write and leave your damned political beliefs at home where they belong.
Sonny, I invite you or anyone else who wants to talk about this to visit my blog at or like always, you can reach me by e-mail at:
I met him a couple of years ago when he was out there standing at 21st and Wanamaker speaking out against “Gangsta Rap.” I went out there to meet Sonny and was proud to stand with him in his fight. I didn’t necessarily believe gangster rap was something we could or even should try to legislate. But I too find a lot of Gangster Rap repulsive. But then I’m an old guy too. Go figure.
Since then I’ve run into him at several different rallies around town, the last time I ran into him was the day we protested in front of Cumulus Radio for firing Jim Cates. It didn’t do any good but we all felt a little better for doing what we could.
Sonny’s a good guy who’s done a lot of good for a lot of people. And yes, I do consider him a friend. But I wouldn’t be much of a friend if I didn’t let him know how wrong he is in his latest fight against 501 schools.
By now a lot of you have heard the story about the teacher that was told to go home and change her shirt because the one she showed up for work wearing had a picture of Obama on it.
Sonny, according to the story in the Capital-Journal you’ve decided to protest at different schools around town until a workable solution has been developed for people who wear t- shirts with the likeness of Barrack Obama , yet don’t make a political statement to influence people in the school system one way or another.
Sorry Sonny, but that’s a bunch of crap and you know it. You know as well as I do that simply wearing a t-shirt with Obama’s picture on it less than two weeks before what’s probably the most important presidential election we’ve ever had is in fact, a political statement. Sorry man, I’m not buying it and neither is anybody else.
Just a few days ago my 10 year old niece was giving me a hard time and told me she was for Obama because if McCain’s elected he’ll bring back slavery. I asked her where in the world she got that idea. She told me because her teacher said so.
Granted, maybe those weren’t the exact words out of her teacher’s mouth. I’m sure it was part of a conversation the teacher was having with the kids about comments Whoopi Goldberg made on the “View” when she asked John McCain if she should be worried about the return of slavery if McCain were to be elected president.
My point is simple. Why in the world is this teacher even having this conversation in a classroom with a bunch of fourth graders in the first place? It’s a public school and a public school is no place for any teacher, no matter what their political beliefs are to try to influence our kids. That’s not their job. But then again, I’m not stupid either. Public schools have been used as the premier, liberal training ground for years now and Sonny, you and I both know it.
How about this idea. How about teachers go back to teaching our kids to read and write and leave your damned political beliefs at home where they belong.
Sonny, I invite you or anyone else who wants to talk about this to visit my blog at or like always, you can reach me by e-mail at:
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Kool-Aid Drinkers
Hey Obama supporters, the warehouse just called and asked me to let you know the truckload of “Hope” flavored Kool-Aid you ordered just arrived.
Yeah I know, that was a cheap shot and I’m sure it probably offended someone out there. Maybe some of you even believe I should apologize for it. I’ll tell you right now, that’s not going to happen.
Tell me, do any of you on the left worry about offending me? I‘ll go ahead and answer that. No, it doesn‘t bother you a bit. In fact, that’s what you do best. Do you worry about offending me when you make fun of and mock John McCain because of the way he holds a microphone? Do you worry about offending me when you make fun of him because he can’t raise his arms as far as most people or because he has trouble using a computer. No, you‘re okay with that. Do you worry about it when anonymous bloggers on the left continually use stupid catch phrases like John McSame and Sarah “Pagina“? No, personal attacks are your speciality. Did it bother you when these same anonymous bloggers started the rumors that Sarah Palin’s new born baby was really her daughter’s baby? How about the t-shirts that are going around proudly proclaiming that Sarah Palin is a bitch? Did that bother you? No, people have the right to say what they want, right? I’m sure the latest one’s calling her a “C-word“, you know the word I’m talking about. It rhymes with hunt, bunt, punt, runt, take your pick. You haven’t spoken out against it, so I’m assuming you’re okay with that one too. Whatever.
It cracks me up to listen to you go after Sarah Palin over the made up scandal now being called “TrooperGate.” You call it the worst abuse of power you’ve ever seen. And because of this alone, you claim she’s unfit to serve her country. But let someone question the Messiah (Obama) about his associations with people like Bill Ayers, the admitted terrorist, who’s living room Obama launched his political career from and you call them a liar. You won’t even entertain the possibility that your guy’s anything less than perfect.
If someone has the nerve to ask why Obama would stay in a hate-filled, racist church led by the Reverend Jeremiah Wright for twenty years and all hell breaks lose. He claims he and his wife attended church there two or three times a month and wants you to believe he never once heard any of the racist comments we all listened to a few months ago and you swallowed those lies hook, line, and sinker. Besides, he quit the church right? Yeah, he quit it alright but not until he figured out it was an issue that could damage him politically. Yeah, he’s really looking out for you alright.
It’s laughable to hear you guys whine that Sarah Palin doesn’t have enough experience to be a “heartbeat” from the Presidency. Sorry, but you’re the one’s who made it perfectly clear that experience doesn’t matter when you decided to jump on a “community organizer’s” bandwagon as the guy that’s going to save us all.
Explain this if you will. If Obama was such an accomplished community organizer, why is the Southside of Chicago still one of the most dangerous places of any city in America? Why is it that armed robberies, drugs, gangs, and drive by shootings are the rule of the day rather than the exception? Maybe they just didn’t understand his massage of hope as well as you do.
No, I don’t care whether you believe anything I’ve written here today or not. Check it out for yourself. All I really wanted to do was to let you know your Kool-Aid’s in. Drink up.
Think I’m wrong? Tell me so online at: or you can e-mail me at:
Yeah I know, that was a cheap shot and I’m sure it probably offended someone out there. Maybe some of you even believe I should apologize for it. I’ll tell you right now, that’s not going to happen.
Tell me, do any of you on the left worry about offending me? I‘ll go ahead and answer that. No, it doesn‘t bother you a bit. In fact, that’s what you do best. Do you worry about offending me when you make fun of and mock John McCain because of the way he holds a microphone? Do you worry about offending me when you make fun of him because he can’t raise his arms as far as most people or because he has trouble using a computer. No, you‘re okay with that. Do you worry about it when anonymous bloggers on the left continually use stupid catch phrases like John McSame and Sarah “Pagina“? No, personal attacks are your speciality. Did it bother you when these same anonymous bloggers started the rumors that Sarah Palin’s new born baby was really her daughter’s baby? How about the t-shirts that are going around proudly proclaiming that Sarah Palin is a bitch? Did that bother you? No, people have the right to say what they want, right? I’m sure the latest one’s calling her a “C-word“, you know the word I’m talking about. It rhymes with hunt, bunt, punt, runt, take your pick. You haven’t spoken out against it, so I’m assuming you’re okay with that one too. Whatever.
It cracks me up to listen to you go after Sarah Palin over the made up scandal now being called “TrooperGate.” You call it the worst abuse of power you’ve ever seen. And because of this alone, you claim she’s unfit to serve her country. But let someone question the Messiah (Obama) about his associations with people like Bill Ayers, the admitted terrorist, who’s living room Obama launched his political career from and you call them a liar. You won’t even entertain the possibility that your guy’s anything less than perfect.
If someone has the nerve to ask why Obama would stay in a hate-filled, racist church led by the Reverend Jeremiah Wright for twenty years and all hell breaks lose. He claims he and his wife attended church there two or three times a month and wants you to believe he never once heard any of the racist comments we all listened to a few months ago and you swallowed those lies hook, line, and sinker. Besides, he quit the church right? Yeah, he quit it alright but not until he figured out it was an issue that could damage him politically. Yeah, he’s really looking out for you alright.
It’s laughable to hear you guys whine that Sarah Palin doesn’t have enough experience to be a “heartbeat” from the Presidency. Sorry, but you’re the one’s who made it perfectly clear that experience doesn’t matter when you decided to jump on a “community organizer’s” bandwagon as the guy that’s going to save us all.
Explain this if you will. If Obama was such an accomplished community organizer, why is the Southside of Chicago still one of the most dangerous places of any city in America? Why is it that armed robberies, drugs, gangs, and drive by shootings are the rule of the day rather than the exception? Maybe they just didn’t understand his massage of hope as well as you do.
No, I don’t care whether you believe anything I’ve written here today or not. Check it out for yourself. All I really wanted to do was to let you know your Kool-Aid’s in. Drink up.
Think I’m wrong? Tell me so online at: or you can e-mail me at:
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Lying Politicians
You just gotta love Congress, don’t you? Remember when they were running around promising if you’d vote for them, you’d have a friend in Washington. They promised they’d be in there fighting for you. Remember that? Remember how they ran all those negative ads to prove their opponent was nothing more than another corrupt Washington insider, remember that? Do you still believe it? Do you remember when they promised to always put the interests of the country first and foremost? Still believe it? Wanna buy a bridge?
How about the collapse of our entire financial system and the $700 billion bailout bill that according to who’s telling the story may or may not work. How’s that going? Do you still believe it’s all one party’s fault and that your Congressman or woman is the lone shining star in the bunch? Believe what you want.
The bailout bill passed the Senate the first time around without any problem. But when it came up for a vote in the House, things turned out a little different. A few of them actually started raising questions about the bill they were voting on. Speeches were given and tempers flared.
Yes! Could it be that we finally had enough politicians with the guts to do the right thing for a change? Could it be that they were making good on the promises they’d made us? Did they vote against the bill because it was wrong for America? Did they vote against it because they believed we needed more time to think it through? I’d like to think so.
No, they voted against it because they needed more time to cram a bunch of pet, pork-barrel projects into this “must-pass” legislation and then dared anyone to vote against it. In essence, they let it be known that their votes were for sale for let’s say, another $112 billion in pork-barrel projects.
Republicans and Democrats alike bellied up to the feeding trough. They sold their votes for pet projects like $2 million in tax breaks for a company in Oregon that makes wooden arrows for kids. That’s right boys and girls, kids toys. Someone’s friend in Washington secured an agreement to save a few racetrack owners somewhere around $100 million in taxes over the next two years. Rum producers know who their friends are. If you happen to produce rum and you happen to produce it in either Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands, your guy sold his vote to save you $192 million in taxes over the course of the next two years. Wool producers came out pretty good too, their friends in Washington made sure they’d get $148 million worth of goodies too.
There was even a little something in the goody bag for the Plaintiffs in the Exxon-Valdez oil spill too. Because of the efforts of their guy, Rep. Don Young R, Alaska, they stand to save up to $49 million in taxes on the punitive damages they were ordered to pay almost 30 years ago. And if you happen to own a corporation that made money in the American Somoa area, you’re now entitled to your share of $33 million courtesy of the American taxpayer.
Here’s my favorite. Thanks to the heroic efforts of lawmakers like Rep. Diane Watson D, Los Angeles, Hollywood film makers who agree to make their movies in the United States stand to save $478 million in taxes over the course of the next ten years. Now isn’t that nice? Now we all get a chance to help Hollywood make even more of their Anti-American films. Give me a break.
I know, a lot of you will defend these Congressmen, saying they’re only looking out for their constituents. Besides, isn’t that what they’re supposed to do? Here’s what I think. I think they’re liars and I think they were looking out themselves by taking care of some of their major campaign contributors. But then, what do I know, I’m just an old guy.
Did I miss something? Tell me about it online at: or you can contact me at:
How about the collapse of our entire financial system and the $700 billion bailout bill that according to who’s telling the story may or may not work. How’s that going? Do you still believe it’s all one party’s fault and that your Congressman or woman is the lone shining star in the bunch? Believe what you want.
The bailout bill passed the Senate the first time around without any problem. But when it came up for a vote in the House, things turned out a little different. A few of them actually started raising questions about the bill they were voting on. Speeches were given and tempers flared.
Yes! Could it be that we finally had enough politicians with the guts to do the right thing for a change? Could it be that they were making good on the promises they’d made us? Did they vote against the bill because it was wrong for America? Did they vote against it because they believed we needed more time to think it through? I’d like to think so.
No, they voted against it because they needed more time to cram a bunch of pet, pork-barrel projects into this “must-pass” legislation and then dared anyone to vote against it. In essence, they let it be known that their votes were for sale for let’s say, another $112 billion in pork-barrel projects.
Republicans and Democrats alike bellied up to the feeding trough. They sold their votes for pet projects like $2 million in tax breaks for a company in Oregon that makes wooden arrows for kids. That’s right boys and girls, kids toys. Someone’s friend in Washington secured an agreement to save a few racetrack owners somewhere around $100 million in taxes over the next two years. Rum producers know who their friends are. If you happen to produce rum and you happen to produce it in either Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands, your guy sold his vote to save you $192 million in taxes over the course of the next two years. Wool producers came out pretty good too, their friends in Washington made sure they’d get $148 million worth of goodies too.
There was even a little something in the goody bag for the Plaintiffs in the Exxon-Valdez oil spill too. Because of the efforts of their guy, Rep. Don Young R, Alaska, they stand to save up to $49 million in taxes on the punitive damages they were ordered to pay almost 30 years ago. And if you happen to own a corporation that made money in the American Somoa area, you’re now entitled to your share of $33 million courtesy of the American taxpayer.
Here’s my favorite. Thanks to the heroic efforts of lawmakers like Rep. Diane Watson D, Los Angeles, Hollywood film makers who agree to make their movies in the United States stand to save $478 million in taxes over the course of the next ten years. Now isn’t that nice? Now we all get a chance to help Hollywood make even more of their Anti-American films. Give me a break.
I know, a lot of you will defend these Congressmen, saying they’re only looking out for their constituents. Besides, isn’t that what they’re supposed to do? Here’s what I think. I think they’re liars and I think they were looking out themselves by taking care of some of their major campaign contributors. But then, what do I know, I’m just an old guy.
Did I miss something? Tell me about it online at: or you can contact me at:
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Here's the way I see it...
I’ve been racking my brain all day trying to figure out what to write about this week and I’ve boiled it down to a couple of things. First, like everyone else, the financial melt down we’re facing is first and foremost on my mind. While I have a pretty good idea how it happened, I’ll be the first one to admit, I have no idea how to fix it. But then, that’s not my job. I do find it amazing that there were so many people out there who fell for the “too good to be true” mortgage offers that ultimately did them in. What’s more amazing is that you and I are now expected to pick up the tab for the stupid decisions millions of other people made.
If you listen to the left, it’s all Bush’s fault and a vote for McCain will only give us 4 more years of the same old, failed policies. And if you listen to the right, it was all the fault of the Democrats and a vote for Obama will surely send America into a downward, out of control spiral that will eventually ruin us all.
I’ll tell you what, I’m sick and tired of both political parties spending so much time and energy attacking each other over every crisis that comes along. The Democrats want us to believe it’s all because of the Republicans and the Republicans want us to believe it’s all because of those evil Democrats. Then they have the nerve to call for a “bi-partisan” solution. Give me a break. There’s a reason Congress has an approval rating of around 11%. It’s because we can’t trust them to get anything done without this huge, never ending fight.
I’ve got an idea, how about this. How about all you Lawmakers, Senators, Congressmen, Congresswomen, Presidents, and President wannabes out there grow up and stop acting like a bunch of damned kids for a change. Quit your grandstanding. Quit the fighting. Put your own personal interests and re-election plans and your power plays on the back burner for a change. How about putting the interests of your country first and come up with a plan that won’t break backs of the American people. That’s what you promised us you’d do in order to get our votes, now do it.
Okay, I got that off my chest and yes, I do feel better because of it. But there’s another melt down we’ve been watching over the course of the last couple of years that hasn’t attracted nearly as much attention as our financial crisis but is just as big a deal. Well, not really. But if your as big a Chief’s fan as I am, you know what I’m talking about. Never in my life did I think we could ever lose 12 games in a row. I know, they keep calling it a re-building season. But come on, 12 loses in a row? To tell you the truth, I was just about ready to write them off. But then last Sunday, the Chiefs reminded me why I loved them so much when they beat the living crap out of the unbeaten Denver Broncos. You gotta understand how important this game is in my house. You see, for some reason unknown to me, my wife has become a huge Bronco’s fan. She’d been taunting me for weeks about the blood bath her Broncos were bringing to Arrowhead and she could hardly wait for the big day. Yeah, that ended on the first play of the game when Larry Johnson broke lose for a 65 yard run.
Like most Sundays, the kids and grandkids all come over to watch the Chiefs game. And like all families, we don’t always agree on everything. But we manage to have a great time and enjoy the time we have together. Maybe Congress should get together on Sundays and watch a little football. Hey, what could it hurt?
Agree with me? Or maybe I’ve said something to rile you up a little. Tell me so or you can contact me at:
If you listen to the left, it’s all Bush’s fault and a vote for McCain will only give us 4 more years of the same old, failed policies. And if you listen to the right, it was all the fault of the Democrats and a vote for Obama will surely send America into a downward, out of control spiral that will eventually ruin us all.
I’ll tell you what, I’m sick and tired of both political parties spending so much time and energy attacking each other over every crisis that comes along. The Democrats want us to believe it’s all because of the Republicans and the Republicans want us to believe it’s all because of those evil Democrats. Then they have the nerve to call for a “bi-partisan” solution. Give me a break. There’s a reason Congress has an approval rating of around 11%. It’s because we can’t trust them to get anything done without this huge, never ending fight.
I’ve got an idea, how about this. How about all you Lawmakers, Senators, Congressmen, Congresswomen, Presidents, and President wannabes out there grow up and stop acting like a bunch of damned kids for a change. Quit your grandstanding. Quit the fighting. Put your own personal interests and re-election plans and your power plays on the back burner for a change. How about putting the interests of your country first and come up with a plan that won’t break backs of the American people. That’s what you promised us you’d do in order to get our votes, now do it.
Okay, I got that off my chest and yes, I do feel better because of it. But there’s another melt down we’ve been watching over the course of the last couple of years that hasn’t attracted nearly as much attention as our financial crisis but is just as big a deal. Well, not really. But if your as big a Chief’s fan as I am, you know what I’m talking about. Never in my life did I think we could ever lose 12 games in a row. I know, they keep calling it a re-building season. But come on, 12 loses in a row? To tell you the truth, I was just about ready to write them off. But then last Sunday, the Chiefs reminded me why I loved them so much when they beat the living crap out of the unbeaten Denver Broncos. You gotta understand how important this game is in my house. You see, for some reason unknown to me, my wife has become a huge Bronco’s fan. She’d been taunting me for weeks about the blood bath her Broncos were bringing to Arrowhead and she could hardly wait for the big day. Yeah, that ended on the first play of the game when Larry Johnson broke lose for a 65 yard run.
Like most Sundays, the kids and grandkids all come over to watch the Chiefs game. And like all families, we don’t always agree on everything. But we manage to have a great time and enjoy the time we have together. Maybe Congress should get together on Sundays and watch a little football. Hey, what could it hurt?
Agree with me? Or maybe I’ve said something to rile you up a little. Tell me so or you can contact me at:
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