Wednesday, October 28, 2009
How about this idea...
Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Last weekend my mother showed her true colors. This is going to be hard for me to talk about. I mean with the shame and all. But hey, I’ll do the best I can.
I’m not sure exactly what led up to my mom’s comments but she let it be known, that she believes we owe it the kids to take care of them, no matter what. She believes we have a moral obligation to do so. That and it’s just the right thing to do.
The whole “it’s for the kids” argument has always been popular. It’s also hard for a politician to campaign against. As soon as they try, they’re faced with attack ads, painting them as kid haters. Well, I’m not running for anything, so I’ll give it a shot.
Really, I only have one question. Why? Other than “it’s just the right thing to do,” why do we owe anybody, anything? Hard-hearted? I’m sure some of you will take it that way.
But really, isn’t that what we’ve been doing all along? If welfare, food stamps, medical cards, free education, free school lunches, free public transportation, automatic increases in benefits for every new born kid, unemployment insurance, free re-training programs for those looking for a job, free county run health clinics, free rehabilitation programs, free marriage counseling programs, Section 8 housing programs. The list could easily go on and on, but I think you get the point.
Free this, free that. When’s it going to be enough? If these programs aren’t for the kid’s, what is? We’ve been dolling out one entitlement program after another. What good has it done? The poor are still poor. The only difference is, we’ve been doing it for several generations now.
It’s all worked according to the plan, too. Make people dependent on the Government, keep them that way, and sooner or later, it becomes a way of life. And that , my friends, is exactly what this is all about.
Here’s what I believe. We should take care of those who can’t take care of themselves. No question about that. Other than that, I believe there are three more groups we should take care of. Veterans and the elderly. The veterans for obvious reasons, and our parents, well, because we owe it to them. Last but not least, I believe we owe all unborn kids, the most fundamental right there is. Simply the right to live.
Mom, I love you and all, but how about this idea. How about people taking care of their own kids for a change. You know, the way most of us do. But I suppose that’s just crazy talk in today’s world, isn’t it.
Oh yeah, the whole Obama thing I threatened to write about. I was just seeing if you guys were paying attention.
I’m not sure exactly what led up to my mom’s comments but she let it be known, that she believes we owe it the kids to take care of them, no matter what. She believes we have a moral obligation to do so. That and it’s just the right thing to do.
The whole “it’s for the kids” argument has always been popular. It’s also hard for a politician to campaign against. As soon as they try, they’re faced with attack ads, painting them as kid haters. Well, I’m not running for anything, so I’ll give it a shot.
Really, I only have one question. Why? Other than “it’s just the right thing to do,” why do we owe anybody, anything? Hard-hearted? I’m sure some of you will take it that way.
But really, isn’t that what we’ve been doing all along? If welfare, food stamps, medical cards, free education, free school lunches, free public transportation, automatic increases in benefits for every new born kid, unemployment insurance, free re-training programs for those looking for a job, free county run health clinics, free rehabilitation programs, free marriage counseling programs, Section 8 housing programs. The list could easily go on and on, but I think you get the point.
Free this, free that. When’s it going to be enough? If these programs aren’t for the kid’s, what is? We’ve been dolling out one entitlement program after another. What good has it done? The poor are still poor. The only difference is, we’ve been doing it for several generations now.
It’s all worked according to the plan, too. Make people dependent on the Government, keep them that way, and sooner or later, it becomes a way of life. And that , my friends, is exactly what this is all about.
Here’s what I believe. We should take care of those who can’t take care of themselves. No question about that. Other than that, I believe there are three more groups we should take care of. Veterans and the elderly. The veterans for obvious reasons, and our parents, well, because we owe it to them. Last but not least, I believe we owe all unborn kids, the most fundamental right there is. Simply the right to live.
Mom, I love you and all, but how about this idea. How about people taking care of their own kids for a change. You know, the way most of us do. But I suppose that’s just crazy talk in today’s world, isn’t it.
Oh yeah, the whole Obama thing I threatened to write about. I was just seeing if you guys were paying attention.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Should be up and running by Wednesday night...
Sorry, guys, my schedule's been crazy the last couple weeks. But I am working on something.
But first, I probably ought to warn you Obama supporters out there. You're probably gonna be offended, so you might want to skip this one. I'm just saying...
But first, I probably ought to warn you Obama supporters out there. You're probably gonna be offended, so you might want to skip this one. I'm just saying...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wussification of America
The stupidity just keeps coming, doesn’t it. The other day a six-year-old boy was suspended from school and condemned to reform school for 45 days, all because he brought a stupid boy scout knife to school with him.
Somewhere a parent was arrested for the horrible crime of washing out their kid’s mouth with soap. Imagine that.
Just the other day, an apartment complex manager in Albany, Oregon threatened to evict a tenant because of the American flag he was flying on the back of his motorcycle. They were worried it might offend someone.
The kid with the knife thing. Yeah, I can see where a school wouldn’t want a kid’s bringing knives to school. We all get that. How about this approach though. How about taking it away from the kid and calling his parents to talk about the incident. Nah, that would make way too much sense.
The soap thing. You gotta be kidding me. If that had been a law when I was a kid, my mom would still be in jail. We’re living a new kind of world today. It’s a world where the government has more and more say about how you raise your own kids. It’s just going to get worse if we let it, too. During the campaign anyone calling Obama a socialist was labeled crazy by his followers. Now that all doubt has been removed about his agenda they ask, what’s so bad about Socialism?
Oh yeah, the apartment complex fiasco. Why would anyone be surprised by that one. Hell they’ve been doing the exact same thing with God for years now. The American flag is the next logical target for the left-wing loons. In their world, America is the root of all evil. Well, that and God. So the only logical thing left to do is to remove all symbols that remind us of who we are.
The crowning moment for the extremists had to be the day Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. For what? For embarrassing us by kissing the world’s ass? And what do we get in return? Nothing!
A man of peace my ass. He’s divided this country deeper and faster than anyone has ever been able to do before him. His attacks on those who disagree with him are an attack on millions of Americans, we‘re offended, and we‘re mad as hell. Don’t think for a minute we haven’t noticed or that we’re going to forget.
The 2010 elections will be here before you know it. You had your chance, but it’s time for the adults to take over again…
Somewhere a parent was arrested for the horrible crime of washing out their kid’s mouth with soap. Imagine that.
Just the other day, an apartment complex manager in Albany, Oregon threatened to evict a tenant because of the American flag he was flying on the back of his motorcycle. They were worried it might offend someone.
The kid with the knife thing. Yeah, I can see where a school wouldn’t want a kid’s bringing knives to school. We all get that. How about this approach though. How about taking it away from the kid and calling his parents to talk about the incident. Nah, that would make way too much sense.
The soap thing. You gotta be kidding me. If that had been a law when I was a kid, my mom would still be in jail. We’re living a new kind of world today. It’s a world where the government has more and more say about how you raise your own kids. It’s just going to get worse if we let it, too. During the campaign anyone calling Obama a socialist was labeled crazy by his followers. Now that all doubt has been removed about his agenda they ask, what’s so bad about Socialism?
Oh yeah, the apartment complex fiasco. Why would anyone be surprised by that one. Hell they’ve been doing the exact same thing with God for years now. The American flag is the next logical target for the left-wing loons. In their world, America is the root of all evil. Well, that and God. So the only logical thing left to do is to remove all symbols that remind us of who we are.
The crowning moment for the extremists had to be the day Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. For what? For embarrassing us by kissing the world’s ass? And what do we get in return? Nothing!
A man of peace my ass. He’s divided this country deeper and faster than anyone has ever been able to do before him. His attacks on those who disagree with him are an attack on millions of Americans, we‘re offended, and we‘re mad as hell. Don’t think for a minute we haven’t noticed or that we’re going to forget.
The 2010 elections will be here before you know it. You had your chance, but it’s time for the adults to take over again…
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
At Least I Still Have a Job...
At least I still have a job.
Oh sorry. You caught me talking to myself. It's just that I have to keep reminding myself of the fact that millions of people have lost their jobs in the last couple of years and that I'm lucky to have mine.
That's true enough, I suppose. Sometimes though, I'd just as soon let one of them have mine so I could sit on my ass for a while.
Let's see, in the last five weeks I've worked in Hutchinson, Great Bend, Manhattan, Beloit, Garnett and Topeka.
I got home yesterday (Tuesday) with the agreement that I'd finally get to spend the rest of the week at home. Well that lasted about 24 hours. It's almost 6:00 P.M. and I'm waiting for the word of whether I'm going to either Manhattan or Hays. Either way, I have to make the trip tonight. In the line of work I do, we're usually at work by 2:00 in the morning. So I'd rather make the trip tonight and get a few hours sleep in a motel before I have to get up again.
So here I am, waiting. Waiting for that phone call. Waiting to see where I'm going next. Waiting to see what the people who sign my paycheck have in mind.
Yeah, I know. At least I still have a job...
Oh sorry. You caught me talking to myself. It's just that I have to keep reminding myself of the fact that millions of people have lost their jobs in the last couple of years and that I'm lucky to have mine.
That's true enough, I suppose. Sometimes though, I'd just as soon let one of them have mine so I could sit on my ass for a while.
Let's see, in the last five weeks I've worked in Hutchinson, Great Bend, Manhattan, Beloit, Garnett and Topeka.
I got home yesterday (Tuesday) with the agreement that I'd finally get to spend the rest of the week at home. Well that lasted about 24 hours. It's almost 6:00 P.M. and I'm waiting for the word of whether I'm going to either Manhattan or Hays. Either way, I have to make the trip tonight. In the line of work I do, we're usually at work by 2:00 in the morning. So I'd rather make the trip tonight and get a few hours sleep in a motel before I have to get up again.
So here I am, waiting. Waiting for that phone call. Waiting to see where I'm going next. Waiting to see what the people who sign my paycheck have in mind.
Yeah, I know. At least I still have a job...
Friday, October 2, 2009
Barack Husein Obama, Mmm, Mmm, Mmm...
Just for the record, I have no intrest in the Olympics what-so-ever, let alone where they hold them. So when we learned today that Chicago had been eliminated in the first round of voting, it was more of a yawn moment for me.
Well, it would have been if it weren't for the fact that our arrogant, egotistical, rock star president, Barrack Obama went to bat for us and failed.
This is par for the course though. Here we are, two wars going on. More and more Americans are dying in Afghastan. And for what? Millions of Americans are losing their jobs, unemployment is at it's highest level since the early 80's.
We're told if we don't pass his Health care plan, we'll all die. We're told if we don't sign on to his Cap and Trade fiasco, we'll all die. He ridicules CEO's for wasting money by flying on private jets and such, yet he has the gall to jump in Air Force One to give his pitch to host the Olympic Games. Whatever!
I know, like always, the press will do their best to put a positive spin on the whole thing. But think about it, guys.
What's the man actually done for us? Any of us? Okay yeah, he's done a lot of television. He's trotted around the globe, running America down. He's bowed down to Saudi Kings, he's apologized to the world for everything (good or bad) America has ever done.
What good has it done? Have any of our NATO allies stepped up to the plate and offered to help us out in Afghastan? How about North Korea and Iran's nukes? How's that working out? It's not.
How about withdrawing the missile defense from Poland? Do you really believe Russia is all the sudden going to help us out and support sanctions against Iran? I guess we'll see. I wouldn't count on it though.
The way I see it, is he's emboldened our enemies by showing weakness. He believes if he apologizes enough and makes nice with them , they'll be more willing to do what he wants. It's not going to happen.
And you can bet, they're all having a good laugh right about now.
He's the ultimate left-wing lunatic. And we elected him to lead us.
God help us!
Well, it would have been if it weren't for the fact that our arrogant, egotistical, rock star president, Barrack Obama went to bat for us and failed.
This is par for the course though. Here we are, two wars going on. More and more Americans are dying in Afghastan. And for what? Millions of Americans are losing their jobs, unemployment is at it's highest level since the early 80's.
We're told if we don't pass his Health care plan, we'll all die. We're told if we don't sign on to his Cap and Trade fiasco, we'll all die. He ridicules CEO's for wasting money by flying on private jets and such, yet he has the gall to jump in Air Force One to give his pitch to host the Olympic Games. Whatever!
I know, like always, the press will do their best to put a positive spin on the whole thing. But think about it, guys.
What's the man actually done for us? Any of us? Okay yeah, he's done a lot of television. He's trotted around the globe, running America down. He's bowed down to Saudi Kings, he's apologized to the world for everything (good or bad) America has ever done.
What good has it done? Have any of our NATO allies stepped up to the plate and offered to help us out in Afghastan? How about North Korea and Iran's nukes? How's that working out? It's not.
How about withdrawing the missile defense from Poland? Do you really believe Russia is all the sudden going to help us out and support sanctions against Iran? I guess we'll see. I wouldn't count on it though.
The way I see it, is he's emboldened our enemies by showing weakness. He believes if he apologizes enough and makes nice with them , they'll be more willing to do what he wants. It's not going to happen.
And you can bet, they're all having a good laugh right about now.
He's the ultimate left-wing lunatic. And we elected him to lead us.
God help us!
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