We might as well pack it in, boys and girls. Back on October, 19 Gordon Brown told the UN, there were only 50 days left to save the world from the ravages of global warming. If he’s right, we won’t even make it till Christmas and I doubt they'll be able to do much between now and then. So it looks to me, we're all screwed. Might as well live it up then.
You know, you global warming people might be taken more seriously if you didn't get so far out there. That and the fact that you’ve been wrong about every prediction you’ve ever made, starting way back in the 60’s with your global cooling hysteria. You said we’d all be dead by now. And the outrageous claims you made way back then were just as wrong as the one’s you’re making today.
I came across a list of a few of the things you claim global warming is responsible for and some of the one’s you claim are coming. Go grab something to drink, this might take a while.
They tell us we can say goodbye to French wines because the grapes will burn up on the vines. Thanks to killer beetles and global warming, we can say goodbye to baseball because of the ash trees, the one’s baseball bats are made of will all die off. Entire forests in British Columbia are dying, so looks like we can say goodbye to the Christmas Tree.
Evidently Rainbow Trout are all going to die, so we can forget about fly fishing too. How about those ski competitions we all like to watch. Well, they’ll be a thing of the past too once the snow stops falling in the mountains.
Maybe you’re into snorkeling. Forget it. Carbon dioxide is killing the oceans too. How about a nice tropical island vacation this year. Not going to happen, most of the islands we all know and love will be under water before we know it. Salmon and lobsters will die as will the sharks and whales, so you can forget about going out to Red Lobster to eat.
Maybe wildflowers are your thing. Better hurry up, according to your fellow crazies at least a fifth of all wildflower species will be wiped out and replaced by dominant grasses anytime now. Dandelions will take over our lawns, mosquitoes will thrive as will poison ivy along with a long list of noxious weeds.
Birds will die. Once the polar bears run out of food, they’ll resort to cannibalism. We’ll experience a huge increase of brown bear attacks on people because the bears will have to travel farther and farther to find new food sources. Emperor penguins and frogs will be gone. But then so will the Artic fox and the walrus. There’ll be no more Koala bears either. Jelly fish will move closer to shore and start attacking more people than ever before. Now we even have to worrying about giant squid attacking us.
There’ll be no more sheep, goats, deer, rabbits, or lizards. But because global warming will extend the cat-breeding season, there’ll be more stray cats to contend with. But we can say goodbye to the beloved snail.
All the glaciers will be gone and the coveted Northwest Passage will become a reality. The oceans will turn to acid. The great barrier reef will be a thing of the past and some of the world’s largest rivers will dry up. If you’ve never had the chance to see the Mississippi river, you’d better get going soon. Lakes are drying up as we speak. We’ll see a huge surge in volcanic activity. There’ll more and bigger hurricanes. We’ll have more wildfires and floods. New York City will be under 20 feet of water and we’ll return to the dust bowl days of the 20’s.
Global warming will kill millions of us. Malaria, cholera, small pox, and lyme disease will be out of control. And if the diseases don’t get us, war will. Countries will start attacking each other over the few resources left in the world. Mass starvation and famine will become the new normal in the world.
They tell us mankind's very existence is at stake. I'd say our wallets and more importantly our way of life is at stake here. They were wrong forty years ago and they're wrong today.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Goodbye Mearl
Damn, it’s good to be home. Let’s see, in the last month I’ve worked in Ogallala and Superior, Nebraska. Spent two days in Torrington, Wyoming. From there they sent me to Hays, Salina, three days in Beloit, and I just finished up a week in Concordia. And actually, I was scheduled to be in Great Bend this week, but things change.
I got home Saturday night, my wife and I went out to eat and headed to the casino. We walked into the Sac N Fox with a hundred dollars apiece and ready to kick some serious casino ass. Well, that plan didn’t work out. We walked out a couple of hours later, and the only thing left in our pockets was a little bit of lint. Oh well, we still had a lot of fun and got to spend time together.
Sunday was a wonderful day. The kids and grand kids all came over to watch the Chiefs beat the hell out of Oakland. We ate, talked, gossiped, played some mean games of ping-pong, and just generally enjoyed being together. Yeah, it was a good day.
Earlier tonight, I was able to go to my niece’s fifth grade, music program. I just love those things. I really enjoy watching the kids singing their little hearts out.
Yeah, it’s good to be home. So good in fact, that every once in a while, even if it’s only for a few minutes, I’ve been able to forget why I was able to get my schedule changed in the first place. You see, a good friend of mine died the other day and tomorrow, well, they’re going to bury him.
Mearl was a good guy. To a lot of people he was probably just another old guy. But to those of us who worked with him and got to know him, he’ll always be well thought of and will always be remembered. Mearl had been fighting pancreatic cancer for the last year or so. He was slowly losing the battle but in the end that’s not what killed him. He had a heart attack last Thursday night. It was a bad one. One that he’d never recover from.
I hadn’t talked to him for a while. I knew his cancer was terminal. But it had been in remission and he’d been feeling better the last couple of months. Like always, I put off calling him. I was either too busy, or just figured I’d call him later. Well ,later came and went. Now it’s too late, he’s gone and I regret not making that phone call.
I’m not telling you this story to bum you out. I guess I’m telling it so that maybe you don’t make the same mistake. If you have someone you care about, maybe it’s a your mom or dad, could be your brother or sister, maybe it’s just a good old friend who’s not feeling well. Call them. Tomorrow just might be too late…
I got home Saturday night, my wife and I went out to eat and headed to the casino. We walked into the Sac N Fox with a hundred dollars apiece and ready to kick some serious casino ass. Well, that plan didn’t work out. We walked out a couple of hours later, and the only thing left in our pockets was a little bit of lint. Oh well, we still had a lot of fun and got to spend time together.
Sunday was a wonderful day. The kids and grand kids all came over to watch the Chiefs beat the hell out of Oakland. We ate, talked, gossiped, played some mean games of ping-pong, and just generally enjoyed being together. Yeah, it was a good day.
Earlier tonight, I was able to go to my niece’s fifth grade, music program. I just love those things. I really enjoy watching the kids singing their little hearts out.
Yeah, it’s good to be home. So good in fact, that every once in a while, even if it’s only for a few minutes, I’ve been able to forget why I was able to get my schedule changed in the first place. You see, a good friend of mine died the other day and tomorrow, well, they’re going to bury him.
Mearl was a good guy. To a lot of people he was probably just another old guy. But to those of us who worked with him and got to know him, he’ll always be well thought of and will always be remembered. Mearl had been fighting pancreatic cancer for the last year or so. He was slowly losing the battle but in the end that’s not what killed him. He had a heart attack last Thursday night. It was a bad one. One that he’d never recover from.
I hadn’t talked to him for a while. I knew his cancer was terminal. But it had been in remission and he’d been feeling better the last couple of months. Like always, I put off calling him. I was either too busy, or just figured I’d call him later. Well ,later came and went. Now it’s too late, he’s gone and I regret not making that phone call.
I’m not telling you this story to bum you out. I guess I’m telling it so that maybe you don’t make the same mistake. If you have someone you care about, maybe it’s a your mom or dad, could be your brother or sister, maybe it’s just a good old friend who’s not feeling well. Call them. Tomorrow just might be too late…
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

As you go about doing what it is that you do today, stop and at least give a thought to why you're even able to do it in the first place.
It's because of the sacrifices people have made before a lot of us were even born. In every instance (bar none) when our liberty and freedom has been threatened we've turned to the military to bail us out.
Regardless of the situation, regardless of the personal sacrifices it required, regardless of where or when, regardless of the conditions they were asked to fight is, the American Veteran has never let us down.
I have plenty to say about the killing spree at Fort Hood the other day, but I'll just hold my tongue till tomorrow.
Today, it's about thanking all Veterans for the sacrifices they've made in the past and the one's they continue making to this day. We owe them a debt we can never properly re-pay.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
You Gotta Be Kidding Me...
Man, I'm having a really hard time trying to figure what to write about this week. It's not that there's nothing going on. It's more like how do you just focus on one thing at a time. So I've decided to touch on several things, if for no other reason than to get it all off my chest. Bear with me.
I was reading an article in USA Today a little while ago about the new "electric" cars Obama and his enviromental extremists are pushing for. The article talked about the benifits to the enviroment by getting thousands of planet killing, co2 spewing, gas powered vehicles off the road.
That's all good and fine with me, I guess. If you don't mind paying up to $90,000 for one, you don't mind traveling along at a 45 m.p.h., don't have to carry much more than a grocery bag with you, and you don't need to travel more than 40 miles before you have to re-charge it. Other than all that, it's a pretty good deal.
Well there is one little thing they seem to have forgotten about. They've forgotten about how much more electricity will be required to run these little pieces of crap they're trying to shove down our throats and we all know how much they hate elecrticity.
The UN in all their infinite wisdom told us a couple of weeks ago that we only had 50days left to save the world from global warming. Here's the way I see it, guys. That was about 20 days ago. So now we only have 30 days left, hell we won't even make to Christmas. Why bother. Live it up, man and party like hell...
You guys ready for some good, old-fashioned, Government run, health-care? Just look at the stories around the country about the shortages of the H1N1 vacinations we're facing. They can't even get this one thing right and they want us to believe they can take over the entire thing. You gotta be kidding me!
Oh yeah, the elections last night. Don't you believe for one minute that conservatisim in America is dead. Conservatives spoke in one, loud, crystal clear voice and kicked the Democrats out on their asses.
Obama tried his best to put a positive spin on things though. He even issued a statement that he wasn't even paying attention as the results were coming in. I gotta be honest, I had one of those "Joe Wilson" moments and called him a "LIAR."
Here's the deal, Obama. You've shoved way too much down our throats in 2009. Come 2010, we're going to shove it right back up your ass, and mark my word, last night was just the beginning.
I was reading an article in USA Today a little while ago about the new "electric" cars Obama and his enviromental extremists are pushing for. The article talked about the benifits to the enviroment by getting thousands of planet killing, co2 spewing, gas powered vehicles off the road.
That's all good and fine with me, I guess. If you don't mind paying up to $90,000 for one, you don't mind traveling along at a 45 m.p.h., don't have to carry much more than a grocery bag with you, and you don't need to travel more than 40 miles before you have to re-charge it. Other than all that, it's a pretty good deal.
Well there is one little thing they seem to have forgotten about. They've forgotten about how much more electricity will be required to run these little pieces of crap they're trying to shove down our throats and we all know how much they hate elecrticity.
The UN in all their infinite wisdom told us a couple of weeks ago that we only had 50days left to save the world from global warming. Here's the way I see it, guys. That was about 20 days ago. So now we only have 30 days left, hell we won't even make to Christmas. Why bother. Live it up, man and party like hell...
You guys ready for some good, old-fashioned, Government run, health-care? Just look at the stories around the country about the shortages of the H1N1 vacinations we're facing. They can't even get this one thing right and they want us to believe they can take over the entire thing. You gotta be kidding me!
Oh yeah, the elections last night. Don't you believe for one minute that conservatisim in America is dead. Conservatives spoke in one, loud, crystal clear voice and kicked the Democrats out on their asses.
Obama tried his best to put a positive spin on things though. He even issued a statement that he wasn't even paying attention as the results were coming in. I gotta be honest, I had one of those "Joe Wilson" moments and called him a "LIAR."
Here's the deal, Obama. You've shoved way too much down our throats in 2009. Come 2010, we're going to shove it right back up your ass, and mark my word, last night was just the beginning.
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