The Trump train, that is. I know, it's pretty early to claim much. But good grief, look what we are seeing already.
Ford is staying in Kentucky instead of moving to Mexico. Carrier is staying instead of moving to Mexico. Apple is talking about moving production back to America. Not bad for a President Elect who hasn't even taken office yet. He's done more before he takes office than barack hussein obama did in his eight years IN office.
We heard from the geniuses on the left the market would crash and possibly not recover for years, if ever. What do we have? New record highs and a market running on jet fuel.
I get really tired of hearing how obama saved us from the great recession. See there's a little thing called facts that just contradict that whole fantasy. See, the recession was over when obama took office. The definition of a recession, for our economically illiterate friends is when the economy contracts for two consecutive quarters. The economy has already stopped contracting when he took office. The recession was over. He had nothing to do with it. His job was to manage the recovery, and he did a real great job of that, right? The worst recovery in modern history. Not a single quarter with GDP growth over 2%. Record numbers of people out of the workforce. Record numbers of people in poverty, on food stamps and welfare. Manipulated statistics to try to advance a narrative that was built on lies. Some recovery.
But the left never sleeps. Now I hear the Southern Poverty Law Center, a godless left wing hate group announcing there are hate crimes happening all across America. 10,000 teachers report to them their poor little snowflakes feel "insecure" about their future and that's a hate crime. They claim there are hundreds of hate crimes against somebody. Of course they aren't counting the hate crimes that are actually happening, not manufactured, against Trump supporters. Those are real. Not some poor sap feeling insecure because America elected Hitler, but assaults, shootings, vandalism. Real crimes.
Of course the Southern Poverty Law Center labels anybody who disagrees with the godless radical left to be a hate group. That's their reason for existing. To spread left wing hate of anything and anybody who dares challenge them.
They label any group that opposes the murder of unborn children a hate group. They label any organization that doesn't whole heartedly endorse marriage of sexual perverts a hate group. Same with individuals. They labeled Ben Carson as someone who was dangerous and needed to be watched, because he is an unapologetic Christian. That's a hate crime to these morons.
So I say we ignore these people. Let them screech. Let them make demands. Let them stomp their tiny feet and wave their tiny hands in the air and whine all they want. Then let's get on with the job of making America great again. Screw these people. Why do we care what they think? They'll never change no matter what anybody does, so let's just forget them.
Maybe Trump is right. Throw the flag burners in jail. Maybe we need another Alien and Sedition Act like John Adams had. Throw these commie traitors in jail. Abe Lincoln did it. Just starting the conversation as our godless left wing friends like to say. You know, raising awareness.
Get out of the way, we've got work to do.
#Make America Great Again
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Monday, November 28, 2016
How about this recount? I thought not accepting the outcome of the election was death to our democracy?
Perhaps I was wrong. But it was hillary herself who said it. The godless left spent the last month railing and screeching that President Elect Donald Trump was undermining the very foundations of our society by not saying he would accept the outcome of the election without question. Now that wasn't just another godless left wing political tactic after all, was it?
So suddenly, Jill Stein, godless extremist radical left wing irrelevant candidate who didn't get enough votes to even register in the count, wants a recount. What, does she think they'll find 60 million votes? She says the Russkies hacked our voting machines. Voting machines which are not connected to the internet or any network whatsoever. Voting machines it would be virtually impossible to hack. But there you go. I suspect she is keeping a close eye on her toaster as well, in case the Chicoms have hacked it and that explains why her toast is always burning.
And surprise! hillary is going to join the fight for justice for Jill Stein. What a hero of the people!
But we know what this is all about. It is the desperation and brains exploding of the godless left. They are completely insane at this point. They have lost their collective mind. (See what I did there?). They cannot and will not admit America has had enough of their destructive ideas that have left America broke and demoralized. And that a popular candidate beat them, and beat them by promising to "make America great again" which is a concept they find detestable and goes against every principle they hold dear.
It's so crazy that even on the urinal the mindless drones are losing what little thread of cohesion they once had. Buttstash is claiming to have been me posting all that time, along with being Nunya and Hammertime. So he is refuting everything we (he) said. What a weird and convoluted thought process that freakshow must possess. And the rest are getting nasty and trolling at a record level. It's like the cockroaches scrambling for their lives when the lights come on in a dark room. A lot like that. Exactly like that. In every way.
So my thought for the day is if the godless left actually cared about voting integrity, which they don't, they wouldn't be going after imaginary boogeymen. They would be supporting real voting integrity. Photo ID. Proof of citizenship when registering. Heavy prosecution of voter fraud. Purging the voting rolls of dead and improperly registered voters. But they fight all those things tooth and nail. Interesting, isn't it?
What really makes them angry is they lost. They lost after working so hard to register millions of illegals to vote. After stacking the voter rolls with people who would vote multiple times. With people who would vote in the name of dead people. After all that work, and all that illegal activity they still lost. And they just can't accept it. I mean nobody goes to those lengths of criminal activity and loses. So they figure something untoward must have happened.
It's call the American people, losers. And there's still enough of us to outnumber you with all your illegal shenanigans. We won. Simple as that. Now get the hell out of the way. We have work to do fixing eight years of damage you did.
So suddenly, Jill Stein, godless extremist radical left wing irrelevant candidate who didn't get enough votes to even register in the count, wants a recount. What, does she think they'll find 60 million votes? She says the Russkies hacked our voting machines. Voting machines which are not connected to the internet or any network whatsoever. Voting machines it would be virtually impossible to hack. But there you go. I suspect she is keeping a close eye on her toaster as well, in case the Chicoms have hacked it and that explains why her toast is always burning.
And surprise! hillary is going to join the fight for justice for Jill Stein. What a hero of the people!
But we know what this is all about. It is the desperation and brains exploding of the godless left. They are completely insane at this point. They have lost their collective mind. (See what I did there?). They cannot and will not admit America has had enough of their destructive ideas that have left America broke and demoralized. And that a popular candidate beat them, and beat them by promising to "make America great again" which is a concept they find detestable and goes against every principle they hold dear.
It's so crazy that even on the urinal the mindless drones are losing what little thread of cohesion they once had. Buttstash is claiming to have been me posting all that time, along with being Nunya and Hammertime. So he is refuting everything we (he) said. What a weird and convoluted thought process that freakshow must possess. And the rest are getting nasty and trolling at a record level. It's like the cockroaches scrambling for their lives when the lights come on in a dark room. A lot like that. Exactly like that. In every way.
So my thought for the day is if the godless left actually cared about voting integrity, which they don't, they wouldn't be going after imaginary boogeymen. They would be supporting real voting integrity. Photo ID. Proof of citizenship when registering. Heavy prosecution of voter fraud. Purging the voting rolls of dead and improperly registered voters. But they fight all those things tooth and nail. Interesting, isn't it?
What really makes them angry is they lost. They lost after working so hard to register millions of illegals to vote. After stacking the voter rolls with people who would vote multiple times. With people who would vote in the name of dead people. After all that work, and all that illegal activity they still lost. And they just can't accept it. I mean nobody goes to those lengths of criminal activity and loses. So they figure something untoward must have happened.
It's call the American people, losers. And there's still enough of us to outnumber you with all your illegal shenanigans. We won. Simple as that. Now get the hell out of the way. We have work to do fixing eight years of damage you did.
Friday, November 25, 2016
Leftover Friday...
Sorry to be so late getting this thing up and running this morning.
And I'm also sorry for taking the lazy way out again but with all the comings and goings around here the last couple of days have pretty much worn this old geezer completely out.
Anyway, yesterday I promised Sarge I'd post a couple of Steven Crowder videos our good friend and fellow Patriot sent my way.
Kevin McGinty
And I'm also sorry for taking the lazy way out again but with all the comings and goings around here the last couple of days have pretty much worn this old geezer completely out.
Anyway, yesterday I promised Sarge I'd post a couple of Steven Crowder videos our good friend and fellow Patriot sent my way.
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving...
Quote of the day:
"When asked whether my cup is half-full or half-empty my only response is that I'm thankful to have a cup"
Author unknown
Even in a world gone mad we can all find something to be thankful for.
By sometime this evening this little house of ours will once again be bustling with activities.
The kids and grand kids will all be here.
I don't even have the words to express how thankful I am for that.
But none of it would be possible if it weren't for those who came before us.
So today I'd like to dedicate this blog to the friends and loved one's we've all lost along the way.
In ways both big and small they've shaped us into the people we've become and for that I'll always be grateful.
From my family to yours.
I wish you nothing but the very best this Thanksgiving Day...
Kevin McGinty
Monday, November 21, 2016
Short Sweet and to the Point...
I'm not going to bore you with a lot of talk today.
What I will do is let one photo, one meme, and one video tell the story.
Here goes.
Any questions?
Kevin McGinty
What I will do is let one photo, one meme, and one video tell the story.
Here goes.
Any questions?
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, November 20, 2016
An Example of What We're Up Against...
I'm not looking for a fight with nor am I looking to get myself booted from that other website I post a blog on.
But things are changing over there and they're changing fast.
I tried posting a comment on Kansas Truth Teller's latest blog earlier this morning.
It was immediately blocked along with a warning that the comment was awaiting moderation.
There was nothing what so ever about the comment to warrant such a warning.
There was no profanity.
Not a single personal attack.
And not a single insult to anyone.
I tried posting it again in it's entirety.
The second attempt was met with a warning that it had been blocked because it violated the site's policies.
The following comment is what now violates their policies.
"It's also a backlash of anyone who still posses the slightest bit of common sense.
There's nothing racist about deporting criminal illegal aliens.
There's nothing racist about putting an end to the job sucking trade deals previous administrations have inflicted on this country.
There's nothing racist about trying to install a sense of law and order back into a country gone mad.
There's nothing racist about rebuilding America's inner cities.
There's nothing racist about repealing the thousands of job killing regulations that are forcing small businesses out of business.
There's nothing racist about enforcing immigration laws that have been on the books for decades.
And there's nothing racist about trying to keep potential terrorists from infiltrating our country.
In fact there's nothing racist about any of Trump's proposals.
But the race card is all the left has and play it they will.?
Evidently dissenting opinions are now a violation of the Terms of Service.
Kevin McGinty
It's also a backlash of anyone who still posses even the slightest bit of common sense.
But things are changing over there and they're changing fast.
I tried posting a comment on Kansas Truth Teller's latest blog earlier this morning.
It was immediately blocked along with a warning that the comment was awaiting moderation.
There was nothing what so ever about the comment to warrant such a warning.
There was no profanity.
Not a single personal attack.
And not a single insult to anyone.
I tried posting it again in it's entirety.
The second attempt was met with a warning that it had been blocked because it violated the site's policies.
The following comment is what now violates their policies.
"It's also a backlash of anyone who still posses the slightest bit of common sense.
There's nothing racist about deporting criminal illegal aliens.
There's nothing racist about putting an end to the job sucking trade deals previous administrations have inflicted on this country.
There's nothing racist about trying to install a sense of law and order back into a country gone mad.
There's nothing racist about rebuilding America's inner cities.
There's nothing racist about repealing the thousands of job killing regulations that are forcing small businesses out of business.
There's nothing racist about enforcing immigration laws that have been on the books for decades.
And there's nothing racist about trying to keep potential terrorists from infiltrating our country.
In fact there's nothing racist about any of Trump's proposals.
But the race card is all the left has and play it they will.?
Evidently dissenting opinions are now a violation of the Terms of Service.
Kevin McGinty
It's also a backlash of anyone who still posses even the slightest bit of common sense.
There's nothing racist about wanting to deport criminal illegals.
There's nothing racist about wanting to put an end to the job sucking trade deals previous administrations have inflicted on this country.
There's nothing racist about trying to install a sense of law and order to a country gone mad.
There's nothing racist about repealing the job killing regulations that are forcing small businesses out of business.
There's nothing racist about trying to rebuild America's inner cities.
There's nothing racist about enforcing immigration laws that have been on the books for decades.
There's nothing racist about making sure we keep potential terrorists from infiltrating our country.
There's nothing racist about any of Trump's proposals.
But the race card is all the left has and play it they will...
Friday, November 18, 2016
Friday at last
OK, it's Friday, the day I don't drone on so much. So I'll keep this short.
And you know me. Here's Jingle Bells like you've never heard it from the great banjo player Bela Fleck and the Alash Ensemble. I know it's kind of odd sounding but I like it. That just shows my weird taste in music. Enjoy.
I really like the people President Elect Donald Trump is surrounding himself with. His cabinet picks are solid. The advisors are solid. He's talking about Tim Huleskamp for Ag secretary which is great, since old John Boner kicked him off the Ag committee for disagreeing with him. So a little payback for Tim.
Now I know what you're thinking. Mitt Romney. Yes, he's a little bit of a rat bastard for bad mouthing President Elect Donald Trump. But this says a lot about President Elect Donald Trump. It says he is a smart man, and can separate the politics from reality. This says he is a man who can forgive and get past issues when there is value to add. That's the difference between him and obama. obama is still mad at the kid that stole his lunch money in the third grade. He was thin skinned and held grudges. He did things that hurt America just to exert power over his opponents. President Elect Donald Trump is not that kind of a man. He is willing to take advice from anybody who has value to add.
Now, that doesn't mean he is bringing in any of these mainstream Republicans to join them. They are there to join him. This is a man who has a mandate. And he will follow it. And as long as these guys are on board with him, and help him achieve it, then so be it. But don't doubt for a minute if they don't, he will utter those words he is famous for.......You're Fired!
So have at it folks. It's a cold Friday but thank God it's Friday still the same.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
It's getting crazy out there
But it's been crazy for a while now, so it doesn't look too different.
Harry Reid on the Senate floor croaking out his bile, hoping to cause division and hatred as always. Popular vote he sez. Didn't win it he sez. So what I sez? Harry says there has been a rise in hate crimes since the election. That is absolutely true. One of the few things he has ever said, probably in his entire life that is completely true. But the hate crimes are against those who voted for Donald Trump. Committed by godless left wingers who are angry at the American electoral process. Being a supporter of President Elect Donald Trump is a dangerous thing. Even being presumed to be a supporter is dangerous. There have been people attacked, beaten up, threatened, their property vandalized, they are vilified, demonized. They are called names, they are blamed for things that haven't actually happened. These are hate crimes. And they are being committed by angry Anarchist left wing radicals.
Now the news tells us the delicate little snowflakes at Topeka High are having a walk out because they "sense" there is a rise in racial tension. There's no evidence of it. There haven't been any incidents of it. Nothing has happened. But they "sense" it is there. Perhaps a rational person would look within. If there is racial tension maybe it is you. If nobody has actually done anything, maybe it's you that is having racist feelings. That makes you the racists, little snowflakes.
This is just ugly stuff. They lost. It's just that simple. America rebuked their destructive agenda. But being destructive by their very nature, that doesn't satisfy them. These are people who will inflict their will on this country by any means possible. If it takes violence and force, then that's what they will do. And they call us the fascists. I'm pretty certain they don't know what a fascist actually is. Because if they want to see one up close, look in the mirror. A pretty good definition would be a group of people who will inflict their will through government using central control by an ever growing, ever stronger and ever more powerful government force, that will use any means necessary to control the population. That's them, folks. That's what they're doing.
But my hope is that as President Elect Donald Trump takes office and begins to sweep these godless liberals out of the nooks and crannies of Washington DC and into the dustbin of history, and we begin to see a government that serves all the people instead of just their party sycophants, then we will start to see real change.
As this economy starts to grow again, as jobs return to America and government shrinks, as people once again openly and proudly express their love for America and reject the haters who attack her it will change.
As our police officers realize they can do their job without the fear of a corrupt and racist Department of Justice descending on them like a hawk on a field mouse with pretty much the same intentions, we will see law and order come back.
As expressing your hatred for America stops being praised and encouraged by the president and instead is met with the scorn it deserves we will see change.
When racist terrorist groups who call for the murder of police officers no longer are welcomed to visit the white house, but instead treated like the terrorists they are, we will see change.
When this country has as it's leader again a proud and patriotic American, who can inspire the best in us instead of inspiring worst among us, change will follow.
So be patient friends. We are on the cusp of a change. We are going to Make America Great Again.
Harry Reid on the Senate floor croaking out his bile, hoping to cause division and hatred as always. Popular vote he sez. Didn't win it he sez. So what I sez? Harry says there has been a rise in hate crimes since the election. That is absolutely true. One of the few things he has ever said, probably in his entire life that is completely true. But the hate crimes are against those who voted for Donald Trump. Committed by godless left wingers who are angry at the American electoral process. Being a supporter of President Elect Donald Trump is a dangerous thing. Even being presumed to be a supporter is dangerous. There have been people attacked, beaten up, threatened, their property vandalized, they are vilified, demonized. They are called names, they are blamed for things that haven't actually happened. These are hate crimes. And they are being committed by angry Anarchist left wing radicals.
Now the news tells us the delicate little snowflakes at Topeka High are having a walk out because they "sense" there is a rise in racial tension. There's no evidence of it. There haven't been any incidents of it. Nothing has happened. But they "sense" it is there. Perhaps a rational person would look within. If there is racial tension maybe it is you. If nobody has actually done anything, maybe it's you that is having racist feelings. That makes you the racists, little snowflakes.
This is just ugly stuff. They lost. It's just that simple. America rebuked their destructive agenda. But being destructive by their very nature, that doesn't satisfy them. These are people who will inflict their will on this country by any means possible. If it takes violence and force, then that's what they will do. And they call us the fascists. I'm pretty certain they don't know what a fascist actually is. Because if they want to see one up close, look in the mirror. A pretty good definition would be a group of people who will inflict their will through government using central control by an ever growing, ever stronger and ever more powerful government force, that will use any means necessary to control the population. That's them, folks. That's what they're doing.
But my hope is that as President Elect Donald Trump takes office and begins to sweep these godless liberals out of the nooks and crannies of Washington DC and into the dustbin of history, and we begin to see a government that serves all the people instead of just their party sycophants, then we will start to see real change.
As this economy starts to grow again, as jobs return to America and government shrinks, as people once again openly and proudly express their love for America and reject the haters who attack her it will change.
As our police officers realize they can do their job without the fear of a corrupt and racist Department of Justice descending on them like a hawk on a field mouse with pretty much the same intentions, we will see law and order come back.
As expressing your hatred for America stops being praised and encouraged by the president and instead is met with the scorn it deserves we will see change.
When racist terrorist groups who call for the murder of police officers no longer are welcomed to visit the white house, but instead treated like the terrorists they are, we will see change.
When this country has as it's leader again a proud and patriotic American, who can inspire the best in us instead of inspiring worst among us, change will follow.
So be patient friends. We are on the cusp of a change. We are going to Make America Great Again.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Sorry kids, but sometimes you just don't get your way
Like all of you, I've been wondering what the hell is going on here. America had an election, a candidate was chosen, some folks voted for him, some folks didn't. This election has been debated, hashed, rehashed and argued about for a year now. Everything that could be said has been said, right? And at this point, this is where we all just accept the results and decide what to do next. Until this one.
There are lots of theories as to what the hell is wrong with these people. Are they Anarchists? Are they stupid? Are they trophy participation generation mindless skulls full of mush? I don't know. But I bet I'm not the only one that has actual family members mad at me for voting for President Elect Donald Trump.
I know most of us were around in 2008 when obama was elected. We felt much the same way. How could my country elect a radical godless left wing pseudo Marxist president who doesn't even like this country? We feared for the future of our country. And we were right about pretty much everything, which is why we have Donald Trump now.
So what did we do? Riot? Demand a do over? Cry and retreat to our safe spaces to play with coloring books and play dough? Hell no. We did what Americans have done for 240 years. We sucked it up, organized and started planning the revolution.
I was at the early organizing meeting of the TEA party. I was at that first TEA party, over in North Topeka across from the Post Office. And we grew from there. There was the 912 group. There were more TEA party groups. We organized, we learned. We blogged and we talked. We promoted candidates who supported our ideas. We opposed candidates who did not support our ideas. We got TEA party candidates elected to office. We became a political force in spite of the godless left wing media pronouncing us dead. The left was so scared of us George Soros funded an opposition group, the occupy, rape and vandalize stuff group. Which did exactly what you would expect them to do. Lots of drugs.
But the American electoral process remained intact. And eight years later, we rejected the godless left and elected a Republican. And sure, it took eight years, but here we are. And now we start undoing the damage they did.
I don't know what to tell these young folks. I've tried to reason with one of them, my family member and it's just surreal. There's no sense of understanding anything, just raw emotion. I heard a commentator describe them as emotional hemophiliacs. No reason, no rational thought. Just raw emotion. And all driven by a carefully crafted, well organized propaganda blitz by the godless left and the support of the media which is under their control.
I have voted for ten Presidents now. The first one was Richard Nixon. I've seen my guy lose, I've seen my guy win. I've seen joy and hope when Ronald Reagan was elected followed by some of America's best years. I've seen America sink to the moral gutter with Bill Clinton. I've seen a godless radial left winger the last eight years. But America is the strongest nation on earth. We may hit bumps along the way but we keep going.
So to our leftist friends who believe the country is on the path to certain destruction and their very lives are in danger, I say this. Quit crying. Quit whining. Nobody cares about your crazy talk. You're talking to each other. No riots or protests or petitions are going to overturn this election, or abolish the electoral college.
If you really believe you have better ideas, organize, promote your ideas and let America choose. But accept this time we chose to reject those ideas. We tried them. They didn't work. Now move on. This is getting embarrassing.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Happy Veterans Day Friday...
Quote of the day:
"We're finally ready to make the call that Donald Trump has won Pennsylvania making him the 45th President of The United States."
Fox News commentator Brett Beir at 2:30 Wednesday morning
Maybe Donald Trump can make America great again.
Maybe not.
It's hard to say.
But if it weren't for our the American Veteran America would have perished long ago.
Obviously I don't have the words other than to thank each and every one of you who have served for all you've done and for the sacrifices you and your families have made in order to make America the greatest nation the world has ever seen.
Thank you for your service...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Trump's Already Draining The Swamp...
Quote of the day:
"There's just no math that allows for a Trump victory."
Battlestache 7/24/2016 on that other website
Checkmate, bitch!
At my house anyway, last night was one of those nights none of us will likely ever forget.
Once the results started pouring in things were moving along pretty fast.
There were high fives and fist bumps all around.
Then around midnight or so everything stalled.
The kids had to get home. My brother-in-law bailed on us so it was me and my wife.
Finally around 2:00 she'd had all she could take and fell asleep on the couch.
That lasted until 2:30 when I woke her up with the fireworks I was setting off in the driveway.
She yelled out the window, "are you trying to tell me something?"
I just laughed and told her, I was trying to tell the world something.
"Tonight, we've taken the first step toward making America Great Again!"
Against all odds Donald Trump and the American people beat the hell out of the Clinton political machine.
We beat the hell out of the media.
We beat the hell out of the republican elites.
We beat the hell out of them all.
We beat the hell out of the snotty college professors and their brain dead under achieving delicate little snowflakes.
We beat the hell out of the Black Lives Matter domestic terrorist group.
And we beat the hell out of the Mexican flag waving masses that tried everything they could to silence us.
We've been laughed at and mocked.
We've been called every name in the book.
We've been told we are a dying breed who just needs to sit down and shut up.
And we've been told we'd never win a national election ever again.
Last night the American people told them all to go to hell and blew up the entire rigged system.
Never again will we sit down.
Shut up.
Nor will we ever comply.
Yes, last night was a night we'll always remember but now the real work begins.
And for the record. I'm proud to be standing with every single one of you as together we face the battles that lie ahead.
Ridding America of the Clinton crime family once and for all is a good way to start draining the swamp.
Welcome to the Revolution...
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, November 6, 2016
The Only Thing That Can Stop This Corrupt Political Machine... Is You...
Quote(s) of the day:
"The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you."
"Hillary Clinton is the candidate of yesterday. We are the movement of the future."
Donald J. Trump
To get an idea of the kind of lawlessness we're up against I'm going to ask you guys to watch the following video before we even get started.
No, you treasonist son of a bitch. Voting does not make you a citizen.
Did you see and hear that?
The president of The United States is now on record openly encouraging illegal aliens to vote in America's elections.
In my wildest dreams I never thought I'd see this day come.
But it's here and now we have no choice but to deal with it.
We have one shot to help right this ship.
One shot. That's it.
Another four years of democrats stacking the Supreme Court against us along with flooding this country with illegal aliens from all over the world will make it all but impossible for a republican to ever be elected president again.
I've grown weary of listening to those whining about Donald Trump being so brash.
He's exactly the candidate we've all said we wanted.
We wanted someone with the guts to stand up to the corrupt democrat political machine.
We wanted someone who wouldn't back down from the corrupt mainstream media.
We wanted someone who would put America first.
We wanted someone to stand up for the unborn.
We wanted someone who'd protect our borders.
For those of you too delicate to understand what fighting back actually looks like need to get over yourselves and pay attention.
Donald Trump is exactly what fighting back looks like.
The promise he's made that means the most to me came when he promised to never quit fighting for America and to never let us down.
In return I give my solemn vow to support him in any way I can.
And I refuse to expect or accept anything less from anyone reading my words today.
Hammertime rightly points out that simply winning this election is just the beginning.
He's exactly right.
This is just one battle in a very long war ahead of us.
I'm all in...
Kevin McGinty
"The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you."
"Hillary Clinton is the candidate of yesterday. We are the movement of the future."
Donald J. Trump
To get an idea of the kind of lawlessness we're up against I'm going to ask you guys to watch the following video before we even get started.
No, you treasonist son of a bitch. Voting does not make you a citizen.
Did you see and hear that?
The president of The United States is now on record openly encouraging illegal aliens to vote in America's elections.
In my wildest dreams I never thought I'd see this day come.
But it's here and now we have no choice but to deal with it.
We have one shot to help right this ship.
One shot. That's it.
Another four years of democrats stacking the Supreme Court against us along with flooding this country with illegal aliens from all over the world will make it all but impossible for a republican to ever be elected president again.
I've grown weary of listening to those whining about Donald Trump being so brash.
He's exactly the candidate we've all said we wanted.
We wanted someone with the guts to stand up to the corrupt democrat political machine.
We wanted someone who wouldn't back down from the corrupt mainstream media.
We wanted someone who would put America first.
We wanted someone to stand up for the unborn.
We wanted someone who'd protect our borders.
For those of you too delicate to understand what fighting back actually looks like need to get over yourselves and pay attention.
Donald Trump is exactly what fighting back looks like.
The promise he's made that means the most to me came when he promised to never quit fighting for America and to never let us down.
In return I give my solemn vow to support him in any way I can.
And I refuse to expect or accept anything less from anyone reading my words today.
Hammertime rightly points out that simply winning this election is just the beginning.
He's exactly right.
This is just one battle in a very long war ahead of us.
I'm all in...
Kevin McGinty
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Friday what the heck is going on blog
I know it's a little early for the Friday blog but it's the only way I can get ahead of Nunya. I hate posting a blog right after he comments because I don't want anybody to miss his stuff. It's always a good read. Probably usually better than the sausage I crank out of the sausage grinder.
Anyway, here we are in the final stretch. And where are we you might ask?
Donald Trump is offering solutions to the economy, the immigration problem, national security, the decline of our military, getting jobs back from overseas, gutting this corrupt bunch of criminals in Washington DC and draining the swamp. And Making America Great Again.
Hillary Clinton is screeching about something Donald Trump said years ago in a private conversation that was illegally recorded. That's about it.
There are vague accusations being made about Donald Trump and his business dealings, pretty much obviously made up and certainly political in nature.
The democrat candidate is under federal criminal investigation on two different issues. Violating national security by illegally using a private email server for classified information and lying about it. And we know now that there were at least five foreign nationals who hacked into it, likely getting information that has significant harm to our country and individuals. This one rises to the level of treason.
And then she is also under federal criminal investigation for corruption in the use of her money laundering arm the clinton cartel known as the clinton foundation. Which could result in large fines and imprisonment in a federal penitentiary.
And do we even need to talk about the thousands of Wikileaks releases that plainly expose her and her entire campaign of the most vile, corrupt and illegal actions?
So we have an international criminal with a long history of corruption, lying and misusing her office for financial gain at the expense of the American people who is universally not trusted and generally disliked against a successful businessman who has a whole bunch of ideas a lot of Americans really like.
Guess whose side virtually the entire media is on?
The scary part is there are enough people in America who either support her actions or are just too stupid to realize what a monster she is that she could actually get elected. People often wonder how Adolph Hitler persuaded a country to murder six million people and incinerate them in ovens. Well, I think I see how. We are seeing the same level of gullibility right here in our country in 2016.
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the gullibility of the American people.
Anyway, here we are in the final stretch. And where are we you might ask?
Donald Trump is offering solutions to the economy, the immigration problem, national security, the decline of our military, getting jobs back from overseas, gutting this corrupt bunch of criminals in Washington DC and draining the swamp. And Making America Great Again.
Hillary Clinton is screeching about something Donald Trump said years ago in a private conversation that was illegally recorded. That's about it.
There are vague accusations being made about Donald Trump and his business dealings, pretty much obviously made up and certainly political in nature.
The democrat candidate is under federal criminal investigation on two different issues. Violating national security by illegally using a private email server for classified information and lying about it. And we know now that there were at least five foreign nationals who hacked into it, likely getting information that has significant harm to our country and individuals. This one rises to the level of treason.
And then she is also under federal criminal investigation for corruption in the use of her money laundering arm the clinton cartel known as the clinton foundation. Which could result in large fines and imprisonment in a federal penitentiary.
And do we even need to talk about the thousands of Wikileaks releases that plainly expose her and her entire campaign of the most vile, corrupt and illegal actions?
So we have an international criminal with a long history of corruption, lying and misusing her office for financial gain at the expense of the American people who is universally not trusted and generally disliked against a successful businessman who has a whole bunch of ideas a lot of Americans really like.
Guess whose side virtually the entire media is on?
The scary part is there are enough people in America who either support her actions or are just too stupid to realize what a monster she is that she could actually get elected. People often wonder how Adolph Hitler persuaded a country to murder six million people and incinerate them in ovens. Well, I think I see how. We are seeing the same level of gullibility right here in our country in 2016.
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the gullibility of the American people.
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