Talk about having to shift gears this week. I was all ready to throw a fit over the Governor appointing Chris Biggs as our new Attorney General. Like most of us, I assumed he’d get the nod on this one. Like the Governor and his predecessor, Paul Morrison, Biggs is up to his neck in money from George Tiller. And because of this I assumed she’d appoint Biggs to follow in the footsteps of Paul Morrison . Yep, that’s how I figured it and that’s what I was going to write about.
Now she goes and appoints Judge Stephen Six from Lawrence to the position. First of all, I’ve barely heard of the guy. Which is a good thing I guess, since the only time you really get to see a Judge in action is when you have to stand in front of one. Everything I’ve heard about him so far seems to be positive. He seems to be well respected, fair, and follows the law. When it comes down to it, isn’t that pretty much what we want in an Attorney General? No Governor, I haven’t changed my mind about you. I’m still opposed to your unconditional support of George Tiller and his ilk. I still oppose your handling of the Holcomb power plant issue. But I’ve got to hand it to you Governor, this appointment was a brilliant political move on your part. My hat’s off to you.
By this time next week, Paul Morrison will be gone and maybe we can start to put this whole disgusting mess behind us. No, I’m not talking about the sex scandal that eventually brought him down. Personally, I couldn’t care less about who he’s doing or who’s doing him.
I formed my opinion of the man long ago when he was running for the office in the first place. First of all, when he switched parties to become a Democrat to run against Phill Kline proved to me he was nothing but another political whore who wanted the power that comes with the job. As soon as the money from George Tiller started pouring in Morrison began making promises to drop all charges against him. A promise he kept too. In fact this promise was put in place the first day Morrison took office. There was the “Snoop Dog” mailing campaign financed by Tiller. Remember that? We were supposed to believe that medical records are somehow sacred and private. Medical records are used for insurance purposes and in criminal investigations in every state, every day of the week. Morrison knew this. But he counted on the majority of Kansas’s either not knowing this or that they just didn’t care. Either way, it was very effective. Do you remember Morrison threatening the broadcasting licenses of the television stations that had the nerve to run commercials he didn’t approve of? Of course, he denied any responsibility for the letters that went out to the stations. He said he had heard about them, but in no way did he approve of them. Whatever. Apparently, he or someone in his organization decided they had the power and the right to decide what commercials they could and couldn’t run. Evidently, I was in the minority by thinking he was out of bounds. Regardless, these are the reasons I’m glad to see the man gone from office. What’s the right thing to say as he walks out the door? I know. Bye!
With the appointment of Stephen Six the Governor has the chance to finally restore some sense of credibility to the office of Attorney General. I don’t know what to expect from him. My hope is that he’ll simply enforce the laws of the state. And yes, that includes the laws concerning late-term abortions. Whether some of you like it or not, it is against the law to abort a baby after 21 weeks of a pregnancy. The only exception to this law is to save the life of the mother. And to think this has been the case in every single one of the 2600 or so late-term abortions George Tiller has done since the law took effect is at best, naïve.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:
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I'm just curious Kevin, , as a man, why do you think you have a right to support anti-abortion or even a pro-choice stance on abortion?
ReplyDeleteBased on how you've handled your blog - you don't seem to be interested in people that disagree with you and you only want shout outs from your dittoheads that stroke your ego.
that being said, i'm sure you won't post this, but i'm honestly curious about your misinformed and wrong opinion on the pro-choice/abortion issue.
and also - why don't you people pursue murder charges against women who have abortions? i mean if you truly stand behind what you say... why don't you do that?
thanks!! :)
why did you call in to steve's show for absolutely no worthwhile reason whatsoever?
ReplyDeletei thought you were gonna answer my questions about abortion.
but ya really can't LOL... pathetic - sorry kevin :))
Okay jiggles,
ReplyDeleteI'm curious to know how you think it's any of your business who I call. Surely you have other things to worry about.
As far how I handle my blog. Again, it's none of your business. I'm well aware of the fact that there are people out there who disagree with me. I've got no problem with that. But if you think for one minute I'm going to allow you to trash my blog with your non-stop name-calling and personal attacks, you're out of your mind.
If you're capable of having an adult conversation about issues, in this case, abortion. We can do that.
Before I respond to your questions though, I'd like to hear you defend your position on abortion. I'd also love to hear why you believe that, as a man, I have no right to take a stand on this life and death issue.
No, I don't want your typical links to some left-wing web site to simply read something someone else wrote. I want it in your own words.
Keep in mind, you have your own blog. If you want to trash me there, knock yourself out. You're not going to do it here.
hi kevin!
ReplyDeletei just wanted to let you know i hadn't forgotten about this blog or you request for answers on my opinions..
i've been super busy, but will respond soon!
jiggle on!
mr. jiggles
finally I’ve had some time to respond!!
ReplyDeletekevin mcginty said...
Okay jiggles,
I'm curious to know how you think it's any of your business who I call. Surely you have other things to worry about.
i must admit i'm a little perplexed regarding your lack of understanding why it's my business who you call on the telephone. generally, you're right - it's none of my business. none of my business that is, until you choose to call in to multiple talk show radio programs everyday. kevin, that is what is called a "Public Forum", which opens your calls to public scrutiny and opinion. an example would be letters to the editor in local papers. say a person writes a letter to the editor that gets published. many times people respond to that letter with an opinion of their own that gets published. for those respondents that got published, it absolutely was their business to respond to what was said in the public forum of a letters to the editor section. get it?
as for the things i have to worry about, of course i have other things to worry about! based on what i see and hear of the various outlets you use to publicly share your opinion, i suspect that i have a lot more to worry about than you. that being said though, i care, so what can i say?!
As far how I handle my blog. Again, it's none of your business. I'm well aware of the fact that there are people out there who disagree with me. I've got no problem with that. But if you think for one minute I'm going to allow you to trash my blog with your non-stop name-calling and personal attacks, you're out of your mind.
sorry kevin - wrong again :( it absolutely is my business about how you handle your public blog. you have a right to share your opinion about my blog, just as i do yours. in spite of one of your comments above, you *do* have a problem with people that disagree with you, and comment on that quite regularly. as far as i know you - that's what you are all about - publicly stating your opinions about how you disagree with other people's views on issues that affect all of us. admittedly, you do throw in some fluff now and again though :)
If you're capable of having an adult conversation about issues, in this case, abortion. We can do that.
how insulting, kevin!! of COURSE i'm capable of having an adult conversation about abortion! shame on you for implying anything less! ;-)
Before I respond to your questions though, I'd like to hear you defend your position on abortion. I'd also love to hear why you believe that, as a man, I have no right to take a stand on this life and death issue. No, I don't want your typical links to some left-wing web site to simply read something someone else wrote. I want it in your own words.
well my first response was going to be "Hey!! I asked you first!!"... but you did ask for adult discourse, and i will comply while on your playground of course!
it's interesting how you phrased your comment... for me to "defend" my position on abortion. to defend it, would mean for me to provide information about that. and well, quite frankly, any research, studies or words on the matter that would back up what i say would be considered "left wing" by you. so you kind of cut me off at the knees here... but that's ok - again, it's your playground :)
now, what is my position on abortion, which is a pregnant female who makes a choice to terminate the growth of her fetus inside of her body...
i believe that it is the right of a woman to make that choice for herself, without any interference from the government. just like i believe it is a person's right to feed themselves with the foods they choose, or even to smoke. plus abortion is a legal procedure after all, and thankfully so.
as for why i think it's not your right, as a man, to weigh in on this issue is because pregnancy does not physically affect your body... sure, pregnancy can affect you on emotional levels just like a woman - but the woman has the additional concerns regarding the physical aspect of pregnancy. now, considering it's her own body that she's responsible for, i feel - ultimately - that it is her right to decide what to do with her fetus. the way, did you see the picture in the cap journal a few months ago of that right wing darling and special interest slave to the anti-abortion industry, lance kinzer? It was during one of his crazy attempts this session to tell others what to do with their bodies based on his opinion. wow, there was a lot of white, and a lot of male in that room. i wonder why more women legislators don't support his bill? .... and yes, there ARE republican female legislators ;-)
additionally, so i am not a hypocrit, i support the woman's right to choose termination of her fetus in the "third trimester", although i admit it makes me a little uncomfortable. when the fetus is physically able to breathe and remain alive without the assistance of the womb, things get a little awkward, don't they? i think you should have a pretty darn good reason to choose to terminate the pregnancy when the fetus has reached this stage. that being said, i'm well aware of the verbiage used when attempting to outlaw "third trimester" abortions, and often it seems to lend itself to future precedence that could outlaw abortion in general. which of course is completely insane. right wing conservatives now attempt outlawing third trimester abortions as a baby step to outlawing abortion in general. that's just the facts, ma'am!! or rather - mister!
Keep in mind, you have your own blog. If you want to trash me there, knock yourself out. You're not going to do it here.
yes, i do have my own blog... my own playground... and will freely give my take on your opinions that you share publicly through the various right wing venues available in our great city of Topeka (I did just yesterday)! but i can't do it here??! well, there's not much i can do about that :) i do thank you for your respectful reply though, and the time you took to write it. i jiggled things down a notch out of appreciation :)
your pal,
Mr. Jiggles!