Okay, I did it. And yes, I do feel better. I’ve decided to do my part to save the planet. You see, the motel I’m staying at this week puts these little cards on your bed encouraging you to “Save the Planet” by telling a great story about the thousands of bed sheets being washed in motels around the country using millions of gallons of water and a lot of detergent each and every day. If you care and are willing to use the sheets again, just set the card aside. But if you’re the kind of person who just doesn’t care and insist on having clean sheets, set the card on the bed and your wishes will be granted. I chose to do my part and save the planet. And maybe because of this small, but very important act, the polar bears can live. Now Governor, since I’ve saved the planet, could you get your un-veto pen out and allow the Holcomb plant to be built. And people say I offer no solutions.
Like most of you, I’ve been following the story about Barack Obama’s church and can’t help but be amazed at how fast he was given a pass. Do you remember the white woman named Frances Selmer from Kansas City? The mayor appointed her to the Kansas City Parks Board or something like that. I’m not sure exactly what her job was but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a powerful position. I don’t think she was in a position to set any kind of public policy what-so-ever. But as soon as people found out she was a member of an organization dedicated to the enforcement of our country’s immigration laws known as “The Minute Men” all hell broke lose. She was branded a racist and deemed unfit to serve the public in any capacity. An organization dedicated to the advancement of unlimited, illegal immigration named La Raza demanded she resign or they’d move their convention out of Kansas City. A threat they made good on too. Remember that?
But it’s okay for a man running for president, a position with a little more clout than the one held by Frances Selmer in Kansas City, to belong to a church for 20 years that preaches hatred towards whites and America in general. I know, I’m not supposed to say that. But come on, why is it alright for his pastor to say the white man is using the AIDS virus against blacks in Africa? Why is it okay for him to call my country, the United States of the KKK? Why was it okay for his pastor go on an anti-American rant during his first sermon after the attacks of 9-11? You’ve seen them. Why’s that okay?
Why don’t you judge Obama the same way you judged Frances Selmer. Because of her membership to “The Minutemen” organization she’s a racist. But you won’t even consider the possibility of your man being one too. Am I the only one who finds this ironic? I’m going to stick my neck out here and state the obvious. Oh never mind, that’d just make things worse.
I know nothing I can say here will change your minds about Barack Obama, He’s convinced enough of you that he’s the one. He’s the one who’ll change the way things are done. I don’t think he’s ever really explained exactly what he wants to change though. But then, you’ve never really asked him, have you?
Kevin McGinty can be reached at: kevinmcginty@sbcglobal.net
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
And seemingly out of nowhere. Bam! Barack Obama takes a shot right between the eyes. Three words was all it took. “God Damn America!” No, they weren’t his words. They were the words of his Pastor. A man he’s described as his spiritual leader and mentor. A man he’s been associated with for twenty or so years and describes him as being more like an uncle. He married Obama and his wife. He baptized their children. So I think it’s safe to say he’s close to the man.
I know I’m not telling you anything you haven’t already heard. But come on, you have to admit it’s a little hard to believe Obama had never heard of his Pastor’s racially charged, anti- American sermons? I doubt we’ll have to wait very long before someone comes forward proving this to be a little less than accurate. What will the Obama supporters do then? Will they rally around their man claiming he’s being unfairly attacked? Or will they be forced to admit their man is just another politician playing on their fears to win an election?
Yeah, it’s sucked to be a Republican the last few years. But I gotta tell you Democrats, you guys are in trouble and you know it. Michigan and Florida want a re-do. The race is so close there’s no way you’re going to be able to call a clear winner. Welcome to the elite world of the “Super Delegates.” What is it, 800 people who’ll decide for you? I can’t imagine how you’ll pull it off without causing a major split in you party. Good luck with that.
Hey, last week Kurt Eskilson suggested I’d be of more use if I addressed original topics with a solutions-based approach. Kurt I’m not sure what you’d consider an original topic. For the most part, I’m going to talk about what’s on my mind that particular week. It might be politics. It might be abortion. I might bring up global warming from time to time. Hell, I might even tell you a story about my grandkids, you never know. But whatever I do end up writing about is going to come from a “social conservative point of view.” If you read my column, that’s what you’re going to get.
And Kurt, since you brought it up, I’ve decided to throw out a few solutions to some of the issues I’ve written about. We could make a huge dent of the problem of child rape simply by sentencing anyone convicted of raping a child to life in prison the first time.
How about this idea to combat the problem of abortion. How about “choosing” to use some kind of birth control? And you studs out there, how about using a condom? What makes you think it’s okay to just knock some girl up and you go on your merry way. What’s she supposed to do? Do you even care that the child you created will more than likely to end up being the victim of an abortion. Let’s say the girl does decide to have your baby. Doesn’t it bother you that you’ve created another kid that’s going to grow up without a dad?
How about resolving the fight with George Tiller by blocking all identifying information and opening the medical records they’re fighting so hard to keep secret. This would settle things once and for all. If everything is on the up and up like they say, why not prove it?
I’m sure the solutions I’ve thrown out there today will be dismissed as the rantings of a right-wing, hate-filled, whackjob because they would require people to do the right thing, you know, just being a decent person. But why would we want to do that when we can just do anything we want and blame it on someone else?
Kurt, I’m sure this isn’t exactly what you had in mind. Sorry man, I tried. Happy Spring everyone.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:kevinmcginty@sbcglobal.net
I know I’m not telling you anything you haven’t already heard. But come on, you have to admit it’s a little hard to believe Obama had never heard of his Pastor’s racially charged, anti- American sermons? I doubt we’ll have to wait very long before someone comes forward proving this to be a little less than accurate. What will the Obama supporters do then? Will they rally around their man claiming he’s being unfairly attacked? Or will they be forced to admit their man is just another politician playing on their fears to win an election?
Yeah, it’s sucked to be a Republican the last few years. But I gotta tell you Democrats, you guys are in trouble and you know it. Michigan and Florida want a re-do. The race is so close there’s no way you’re going to be able to call a clear winner. Welcome to the elite world of the “Super Delegates.” What is it, 800 people who’ll decide for you? I can’t imagine how you’ll pull it off without causing a major split in you party. Good luck with that.
Hey, last week Kurt Eskilson suggested I’d be of more use if I addressed original topics with a solutions-based approach. Kurt I’m not sure what you’d consider an original topic. For the most part, I’m going to talk about what’s on my mind that particular week. It might be politics. It might be abortion. I might bring up global warming from time to time. Hell, I might even tell you a story about my grandkids, you never know. But whatever I do end up writing about is going to come from a “social conservative point of view.” If you read my column, that’s what you’re going to get.
And Kurt, since you brought it up, I’ve decided to throw out a few solutions to some of the issues I’ve written about. We could make a huge dent of the problem of child rape simply by sentencing anyone convicted of raping a child to life in prison the first time.
How about this idea to combat the problem of abortion. How about “choosing” to use some kind of birth control? And you studs out there, how about using a condom? What makes you think it’s okay to just knock some girl up and you go on your merry way. What’s she supposed to do? Do you even care that the child you created will more than likely to end up being the victim of an abortion. Let’s say the girl does decide to have your baby. Doesn’t it bother you that you’ve created another kid that’s going to grow up without a dad?
How about resolving the fight with George Tiller by blocking all identifying information and opening the medical records they’re fighting so hard to keep secret. This would settle things once and for all. If everything is on the up and up like they say, why not prove it?
I’m sure the solutions I’ve thrown out there today will be dismissed as the rantings of a right-wing, hate-filled, whackjob because they would require people to do the right thing, you know, just being a decent person. But why would we want to do that when we can just do anything we want and blame it on someone else?
Kurt, I’m sure this isn’t exactly what you had in mind. Sorry man, I tried. Happy Spring everyone.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at:kevinmcginty@sbcglobal.net
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Salt Mine Museum
Oh, just so you know. Remember that whole disclaimer thing from last week? And the story I said would probably just make most of you mad, remember that? Sorry, I was just seeing if you were paying attention. One thing I knew for sure was that our editor does. As usual, I called her Wednesday afternoon and the first thing she said was, okay, what are you going to write about next week? I guess I like to keep her guessing. Denise, thank you for putting up with me.
I’m glad to see Chief Miller coming out with his side of the helicopter issue. I just wish he’d done it sooner. Who knows, maybe this whole mess could have been avoided.
None of that matters now, does it? District Attorney, Robert Hecht is taking the City to court to nullify the whole thing. A judge will decide who‘s who and what‘s what. You’d think that’d settle it, wouldn’t you? Not in Topeka. No way. This will just be another way for us to rail about the city, the county, the state, and even the feds. Yeah, we just love having something to be mad about.
I’ve spent a lot of time in Hutchinson this winter. I like the place. There, people don’t seem so mad all the time. Don’t get me wrong, they have their problems. But there doesn’t seem to be the same tensions we thrive on in Topeka. I was there during the ice storm that shut down most of the state. Most of the city was without power for about a week. Parts of town were without power for as long as two or three weeks. Trees took a major hit all over town. What was it, maybe 10 weeks ago? They’re still cleaning up limbs.
The City agreed to pick up the branches as long as property owners would cut and stacked them along the curbs. Eventually the City was forced to admit they were overwhelmed and asked the public for help. They asked anyone who was able and had a chainsaw or a truck to join in and help each other. The thing I noticed through it all was the fact that local media actually supported the city. Local radio, television, and even the paper, The Hutchinson News called on people to help out. Was everybody happy? No. It was a lot of hard work, but they managed to get through it. There were a few letters to the editor from people who were mad. But it never got to the point of demanding that someone resign. And I don’t think anyone suggested boycotting someone’s business because they served on the city council. They came together as a community and worked through a tough situation.
They did have quite a fight about the city wanting to extend a sales tax to help subsidize the Salt Mine Museum. Again, local media led the way in support of the City’s efforts to make this treasure work. They eventually passed it and the museum was given new life.
Actually, the salt mine is what I wanted to talk about today anyway. I took a tour of the place on my last trip to Hutch. It’s one of the coolest places I’ve seen in a long time. They load you on an elevator and when the doors open you step into a huge room made up of pure salt. You’ll learn about the history of the mine. You’ll learn about how the salt was formed and how it was discovered in the first place. It boggled my mind when they started talking about the size of the underground salt they’re mining. It’s about 800 ft. thick, about 250 miles wide and stretches from somewhere in Missouri through Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, and into Wyoming.
Because of the constant temperature of 68 degrees and very low humidity, it’s a perfect place to store almost anything. Warner Brothers stores most of their films there. They’ve set up a display including the some of the original costumes used in a few of their films. You’ll get the chance to see Batman’s costume. Because I’m a fan of the movie, The Matrix, I really enjoyed seeing Mr. Smith’s costume. You’ll see the original Frosty the Snowman. Another really cool thing you’ll see is a newspaper reporting the news of Abraham Lincoln’s death. It’s an original copy and the pages haven’t even yellowed. Yeah, really cool stuff.
As much as I enjoy my trips to Hutchinson, Topeka is home. I just wish we could take a few lessons from our neighbors to the west and work together for a change. Who knows, we might find out Topeka isn’t such a bad place after all.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at: kevinmcginty@sbcglobal.net
I’m glad to see Chief Miller coming out with his side of the helicopter issue. I just wish he’d done it sooner. Who knows, maybe this whole mess could have been avoided.
None of that matters now, does it? District Attorney, Robert Hecht is taking the City to court to nullify the whole thing. A judge will decide who‘s who and what‘s what. You’d think that’d settle it, wouldn’t you? Not in Topeka. No way. This will just be another way for us to rail about the city, the county, the state, and even the feds. Yeah, we just love having something to be mad about.
I’ve spent a lot of time in Hutchinson this winter. I like the place. There, people don’t seem so mad all the time. Don’t get me wrong, they have their problems. But there doesn’t seem to be the same tensions we thrive on in Topeka. I was there during the ice storm that shut down most of the state. Most of the city was without power for about a week. Parts of town were without power for as long as two or three weeks. Trees took a major hit all over town. What was it, maybe 10 weeks ago? They’re still cleaning up limbs.
The City agreed to pick up the branches as long as property owners would cut and stacked them along the curbs. Eventually the City was forced to admit they were overwhelmed and asked the public for help. They asked anyone who was able and had a chainsaw or a truck to join in and help each other. The thing I noticed through it all was the fact that local media actually supported the city. Local radio, television, and even the paper, The Hutchinson News called on people to help out. Was everybody happy? No. It was a lot of hard work, but they managed to get through it. There were a few letters to the editor from people who were mad. But it never got to the point of demanding that someone resign. And I don’t think anyone suggested boycotting someone’s business because they served on the city council. They came together as a community and worked through a tough situation.
They did have quite a fight about the city wanting to extend a sales tax to help subsidize the Salt Mine Museum. Again, local media led the way in support of the City’s efforts to make this treasure work. They eventually passed it and the museum was given new life.
Actually, the salt mine is what I wanted to talk about today anyway. I took a tour of the place on my last trip to Hutch. It’s one of the coolest places I’ve seen in a long time. They load you on an elevator and when the doors open you step into a huge room made up of pure salt. You’ll learn about the history of the mine. You’ll learn about how the salt was formed and how it was discovered in the first place. It boggled my mind when they started talking about the size of the underground salt they’re mining. It’s about 800 ft. thick, about 250 miles wide and stretches from somewhere in Missouri through Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, and into Wyoming.
Because of the constant temperature of 68 degrees and very low humidity, it’s a perfect place to store almost anything. Warner Brothers stores most of their films there. They’ve set up a display including the some of the original costumes used in a few of their films. You’ll get the chance to see Batman’s costume. Because I’m a fan of the movie, The Matrix, I really enjoyed seeing Mr. Smith’s costume. You’ll see the original Frosty the Snowman. Another really cool thing you’ll see is a newspaper reporting the news of Abraham Lincoln’s death. It’s an original copy and the pages haven’t even yellowed. Yeah, really cool stuff.
As much as I enjoy my trips to Hutchinson, Topeka is home. I just wish we could take a few lessons from our neighbors to the west and work together for a change. Who knows, we might find out Topeka isn’t such a bad place after all.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at: kevinmcginty@sbcglobal.net
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Strike Three
Dang jig. You sounded really pissed off in your last post.
Jiggle on bud, you're outa here...
Jiggle on bud, you're outa here...
Polar Bears
Before I get started today, I’d probably better get this out of the way. Everything written in this column is based on my thoughts and the way I view things and have nothing to with the views of the Metro News or anyone associated with them in any way. Remember that, especially next week.
Ah, never mind. I was going to tell you a story today about a couple of people we all know. But you know what? It’d probably just make most of you mad anyway. I’ll just save it for now.
I do have a couple of things to get off my chest though. I’d like to throw out a thank you to a few of our nationwide retailers in town for their part in making me realize I need to do as much of my shopping as possible at locally owned business‘.
Here’s the deal. I realize you have to protect yourself against shoplifters. I understand that. That’s why I’ve reluctantly accepted the fact that you’re going to record my every move from the time I step foot on your property. You record me as I park my vehicle in your parking lot. You record me as I enter your store. You record every move I make once I start my shopping. You record me as I browse your electronics department, the automotive department, and the lawn and garden part of your store. You’re watching me as I buy my peanut butter and jelly, milk, and even as I’m checking out your deli. You record me as I pay you for my purchases. I don’t like it but I realize shoplifting is a problem. I get it.
Here’s what I’m really sick of though. I’m sick and tired of your “Door Nazi’s” calling me a thief on my way out the door. You know what I’m talking about too. You’re going to say you have the right to conduct spot checks in an effort to keep everybody honest.
Let me ask you this. Did you record me trying to steal something from you? Did one of your employees or another customer alert you that I had been seen trying to steal something? I’ll go ahead and answer that one. No! You’ve recorded my every move since setting foot on your property. You have no reason what-so-ever to suspect me of doing anything other than spending a couple hundred dollars in your store. Instead of thanking me for my business, you expect me to prove to you that I’m not a thief before you allow me to leave.
I know nothing I say will have any impact on these corporate giants. But just for the record. I’m not a thief. Another thing I’m not, is one of your customers. Count on it.
But hey, there is some good news. Looks like global warming has been solved. I’ve read several stories over the last few days that say the earth has been in a steady cooling pattern for the last seven years now. I’ve seen reports that show the Artic Ice Caps expanding. There have been record snowfalls, and record cold spells recorded all over the world.
Welcome to our newest social and political doomsday issue. “Global-Cooling.” It’s being brought to you by the same people who scared you to death with the popular, never ending series called “Global-Warming.”
The warming crowd will deny this at first because it might make a few of them look, well, foolish. But once they realize they can get just much traction with global cooling, they’ll see the light. They’ll convince you they were right all along because as everybody knows, “Global-Warming” causes “Global-Cooling.”
Before we start celebrating, I should explain it’s not all good news though. We’re all going to die. But the polar bears are going to be okay.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at: kevinmcginty@sbcglobal.net
Ah, never mind. I was going to tell you a story today about a couple of people we all know. But you know what? It’d probably just make most of you mad anyway. I’ll just save it for now.
I do have a couple of things to get off my chest though. I’d like to throw out a thank you to a few of our nationwide retailers in town for their part in making me realize I need to do as much of my shopping as possible at locally owned business‘.
Here’s the deal. I realize you have to protect yourself against shoplifters. I understand that. That’s why I’ve reluctantly accepted the fact that you’re going to record my every move from the time I step foot on your property. You record me as I park my vehicle in your parking lot. You record me as I enter your store. You record every move I make once I start my shopping. You record me as I browse your electronics department, the automotive department, and the lawn and garden part of your store. You’re watching me as I buy my peanut butter and jelly, milk, and even as I’m checking out your deli. You record me as I pay you for my purchases. I don’t like it but I realize shoplifting is a problem. I get it.
Here’s what I’m really sick of though. I’m sick and tired of your “Door Nazi’s” calling me a thief on my way out the door. You know what I’m talking about too. You’re going to say you have the right to conduct spot checks in an effort to keep everybody honest.
Let me ask you this. Did you record me trying to steal something from you? Did one of your employees or another customer alert you that I had been seen trying to steal something? I’ll go ahead and answer that one. No! You’ve recorded my every move since setting foot on your property. You have no reason what-so-ever to suspect me of doing anything other than spending a couple hundred dollars in your store. Instead of thanking me for my business, you expect me to prove to you that I’m not a thief before you allow me to leave.
I know nothing I say will have any impact on these corporate giants. But just for the record. I’m not a thief. Another thing I’m not, is one of your customers. Count on it.
But hey, there is some good news. Looks like global warming has been solved. I’ve read several stories over the last few days that say the earth has been in a steady cooling pattern for the last seven years now. I’ve seen reports that show the Artic Ice Caps expanding. There have been record snowfalls, and record cold spells recorded all over the world.
Welcome to our newest social and political doomsday issue. “Global-Cooling.” It’s being brought to you by the same people who scared you to death with the popular, never ending series called “Global-Warming.”
The warming crowd will deny this at first because it might make a few of them look, well, foolish. But once they realize they can get just much traction with global cooling, they’ll see the light. They’ll convince you they were right all along because as everybody knows, “Global-Warming” causes “Global-Cooling.”
Before we start celebrating, I should explain it’s not all good news though. We’re all going to die. But the polar bears are going to be okay.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at: kevinmcginty@sbcglobal.net
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Please don’t be sad mommy, it’ll be okay. Whatever it is, we can get through it together. Hey, we’re going to see the doctor tomorrow. That‘s always fun. I love the sonograms because it shows us how big I’m getting. Last time we were there I heard the doctor say I was a perfectly formed little boy. He said I had all my fingers and toes. That’s good news, isn’t it? I heard him saying something about time was running out to decide. I’ll bet he was talking about it being time to name me. You haven’t mentioned anything about it so I’m thinking maybe you haven’t made up your mind yet. I’ve got a couple suggestions. How about John Wayne? That would be cool mommy. It would come in handy when you buy me my first pair of cowboy boots. Maybe Einstein. I might not be as smart as him but I bet I‘m pretty close mommy. Maybe Superman or Scooby Do. Hey, I know. How about naming me Bo. I like that name.
I heard a man talking about this being a bad time. What did he mean, mommy? This is going to be a great time. You’ll see. I can‘t wait till you can hold me for the first time. And the first time our eyes meet is going to be something special, I promise. You’re going to love the way I run to you for comfort. There’s no safer place than in your mother’s arms. I’m going to need a lot of help learning to walk. They tell me it’s pretty hard. With your help I’ll be just fine, you’ll see.
It’s going to break my heart when I have to go to kindergarten. But that’s the only way I can learn to read. I can’t wait to read you a bedtime story for a change mommy. Will you teach me how to play baseball? I heard it was fun. Will we go to Gage Park? Teach me about the monkeys mommy. I think they’re funny. How about my first bike, will you help me learn how to ride it mommy? I think I’d like to play the guitar. Can you teach me how. I hope you name me Bo. I really think it’s a cool name. Mommy and Bo. We’ll make a great team, you’ll see.
Mommy, I heard that man talking about time being up. Didn’t you tell him we’d decided to name me Bo? Tell him mommy. I don’t like him mommy, he makes you cry. When I get big I‘ll never make you sad mommy, I promise. You’ll see.
Mommy, I heard you and that man talking about a new doctor. Is that why you’re sad? Are you afraid? Don’t be. We’ll get through this together, you’ll see. I promise to behave myself if that’s what you’re worried about. I want to make a good impression on our new doctor too. Mommy, I’m getting sleepy. Don’t worry, I won’t forget to say my prayers.
Now I lay me, down to sleep. I pray the Lord, my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. God bless Mommy and Bo. Wake me up when we get to the new doctor.
Mommy, that new doctor scares me. He’s not nice like our other one, he scares me mommy. Please, let’s go home. Mommy, he hurt me when he was squeezing your tummy. Please mommy, let’s go home. Mommy! He’s pulling on my leg! Mommy please make him stop. Mommy, he’s hurting me. Mommy, mommy, he’s sticking me in the back of my head with something. Mommy, please help me.
Bo could be a really cool little kid if he’s just given a chance. Please let Bo live. Please choose life.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at: kevinmcginty@sbcglobal.net
I heard a man talking about this being a bad time. What did he mean, mommy? This is going to be a great time. You’ll see. I can‘t wait till you can hold me for the first time. And the first time our eyes meet is going to be something special, I promise. You’re going to love the way I run to you for comfort. There’s no safer place than in your mother’s arms. I’m going to need a lot of help learning to walk. They tell me it’s pretty hard. With your help I’ll be just fine, you’ll see.
It’s going to break my heart when I have to go to kindergarten. But that’s the only way I can learn to read. I can’t wait to read you a bedtime story for a change mommy. Will you teach me how to play baseball? I heard it was fun. Will we go to Gage Park? Teach me about the monkeys mommy. I think they’re funny. How about my first bike, will you help me learn how to ride it mommy? I think I’d like to play the guitar. Can you teach me how. I hope you name me Bo. I really think it’s a cool name. Mommy and Bo. We’ll make a great team, you’ll see.
Mommy, I heard that man talking about time being up. Didn’t you tell him we’d decided to name me Bo? Tell him mommy. I don’t like him mommy, he makes you cry. When I get big I‘ll never make you sad mommy, I promise. You’ll see.
Mommy, I heard you and that man talking about a new doctor. Is that why you’re sad? Are you afraid? Don’t be. We’ll get through this together, you’ll see. I promise to behave myself if that’s what you’re worried about. I want to make a good impression on our new doctor too. Mommy, I’m getting sleepy. Don’t worry, I won’t forget to say my prayers.
Now I lay me, down to sleep. I pray the Lord, my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. God bless Mommy and Bo. Wake me up when we get to the new doctor.
Mommy, that new doctor scares me. He’s not nice like our other one, he scares me mommy. Please, let’s go home. Mommy, he hurt me when he was squeezing your tummy. Please mommy, let’s go home. Mommy! He’s pulling on my leg! Mommy please make him stop. Mommy, he’s hurting me. Mommy, mommy, he’s sticking me in the back of my head with something. Mommy, please help me.
Bo could be a really cool little kid if he’s just given a chance. Please let Bo live. Please choose life.
Kevin McGinty can be reached at: kevinmcginty@sbcglobal.net
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