Friday, January 31, 2014
Suck On It MSNBC...
Evidently in the hate filled, racist and bigoted world of MSNBC it's impossible for blacks and whites to get along.
In their world view we must be divided.
We must hate each other.
And under no circumstances are we to intermingle our races by getting married and raising a family.
No, that wont do at all.
In their world view there's no such thing as a black conservative and no way in hell are interracial marriages allowed.
What a bunch of dopes they are...
Kevin McGinty
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You hit the nail on the head, as usual. Keep on Trucking.
ReplyDeleteGood morning, Proud.
Oh and tell your wife I said hi, will ya...
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ReplyDeleteOh, the deleted comment above was just me double posting and not me being the comment Nazi...
ReplyDeleteWell, hello gents!! It's been a while since I have heard from the proud conservative. I agree Kevin, the liberals have to keep division going at all costs, and our POTUS is the worst of them all!!
ReplyDeleteKevin, I think that the cjonline is taking cues from China:
ReplyDeleteThe Telegraph asked Professor Qian Weining and researchers at the Institute for Data Science and Engineering of East China Normal University to analyse a sample of 1.6 million Weibo users from the beginning of 2011 to the end of last year.
The researchers tracked the number of posts made each day, which gradually swelled to a peak in March 2012 when that group alone made a total of 83.8 million posts.
But that was the same month that the Communist party struck its first major blow against Weibo, requiring users to register their real names with the service.
From that point, those wishing to criticise the Party had to do so without the comforting blanket of anonymity and users started to rein themselves in.
Over the following months, the Party gradually tightened its censorship of the service, deleting the accounts of activists and instituting a 'five strikes-and-out rule’, which suspended the accounts of anyone posting five “sensitive” tweets for 48 hours.
I still say CJonline is censoring because of the whining liberals that post there. There were quite a few Libs, StJacque and Digger in particular, that would flag posts if they thought conservatives needed to be silenced. I remember StJacque posting something about cracker and Kevin and me called him out on it. That was the second time I got booted from CJ. I believe Kevin called it the Christmas week masacre. I'm tellin ya that StJacque has something on someone at CJ or works for the paper. I think it's pretty bad when someone can't give an opinion about what someone else says and CJ boots you for it if you do. I still say Kevin needs to do a blog on CJ about the way CJ removes the conservatives and not the liberals. I understand that Farmgirl finally got booted the other day for no reason at all. CJ also doesn't like it when you call out the CJ moderators for being biased. Yes, I understand that it is their outlet and they can control it anyway they want. Now that I have found you gentlemen here I doubt I will go back to CJ anytime soon, although, I will still keep reading rm235 on CJ just to keep up with some of the other posters.
DeleteT42 I will post some e mails I got from Sherman as to my being booted off. That was my second time. I just have a hard time keeping my mouth shut and having to have others run me down and get away with it. And I am just like a old elephant. I am not giving in and I am damn sure not going to take their B S with out me getting some punches in.
DeleteI do think that the cj has a motive for silencing conservatives. And since we are all friends here, Kevin already knows. CAPOI and I are hubby and wife. I think that part of my problem was the cj thought we a multiple account holder. But if you are interested I also can share all of our thoughts on getting the boot. I emailed Kevin our thoughts.
DeleteI would love to hear farmgirl and sara's thoughts on why people are getting booted from CJ. I personally think it has more to do with Sherman Smith's political views and the bosses at CJ are letting him get away with it. It seems to me that whenever Stjacques or digger get their asses handed to them in a debate about soimething on the blogs or letters to editor, Sherman steps in with his censorship abilities.
DeleteBut of course we all know the moderators are just enforcing the rules and one's political beliefs and opinions have nothing what so ever to do with anything.
ReplyDeleteWe know this because they told us so...
T42 I have 6 words for you.
ReplyDeleteDamned good to see you, man...
I hope the people from rm 235 venture over here to your other blog Kev. I remember it was once called a nice little bar. Hopefully we can't/won't get knocked off our bar stools over here!!
ReplyDeleteI got a feeling our good friend, Farmgirl will stopping in from time to time...
Well I do believe I know some people here. Good to see old faces. And the bar is open. Sara
ReplyDeleteI am a little late to the party. Busy snow day yesterday. Sometimes I think that hubby has the "easy" job.
DeleteLol... You just made my night, Sara.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by...
So my next question is do you think it is safe to expose ourselves here? Or do you think that we are being spied on?
ReplyDeleteLol... You do whatever you feel comfortable doing.
ReplyDeleteThis is my place and since I'm more or less the sole moderator pretty much anything goes.
In fact, since you're the only one who knows anything about running a bar the job of Bouncer is yours if you want it...
Well thanks for the offer but I better decline at this time. Might be a conflict of interest. Would' nt want any body to get an undo roughing up.
ReplyDeleterarely post at cj online. I believe it is a dangerous time in our country to be a voice of opposition;but read Kev's blog daily. Glad to find this blog. I was issued a warning once (from cj) for asking Shermie if WT Sherman was a hero or a terrorist. Don't try to tell me personality isn't part of the "filter" used at that site.
ReplyDeleteThe last time I got booted from CJ, when I received the "donotreply" email, I replied and asked for examples of my posts that got me booted during the Christmas week masacre. Most of the examples were because I was calling the CJ moderators a bunch of humbugers because they were booting people and removing the conservative posters comments. Yup that was what did it. I agree with Mr anonymous here about the Sherman Smith. I believe he is the one that wants to silence the conservatives, and I believe StJacques and Sherman are in it together somehow. It wasn't too long after the racist cracker comment by Stjacques, and I started talking about it, that I was booted.
DeleteI would like to defend myself from FG's assertion that I have the "easy" job. She gets to; clean snow out of bunks, push snow off of the farm yard, feed cows, hold heifers "hooves" as they calve, drive the miles to the farm (in a warm pu), enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors and the crisp single digit temps. I tell you she has the "life". While I am stuck indoors staring at a blank computor screen trying to come up with a sermon before tomorrow morning. I have it hard, I tell you. :)
ReplyDeleteThis place is as creepy as a graveyard.
ReplyDeleteSomeone tell Iggy Vent to get a haircut. HeeHeeHeeHaw.
ReplyDeleteWa wa wait a minute, capoi is married to farmgirl? I thought capoi's wife had some medical problems.
ReplyDeleteI do recognize capoi he looks just like he did on the cj.
Say y'all, anybody else think that Dave and Joey are wimps that couldn't handle shit if the old givemesomemftruth was still posting on the cj? HeeHeeHeeHaw.
So. this is where the wimps that got me banded from the cj hangout. Mama emmig would not be impressed.
Say, Addison M ain't breakin' no laws. I thought y'all was against government intrusion. Guess Not.
I guess the 235 ghosts don't come out in the late mornings. Gimme is ready to roll.
FG, remember when I mentioned on the cjI lived on 34th street and to have your husmand come over and I would tell him what was what? What a hoot.
ReplyDeleteHow do I edit my comments on this POS blog?
Henry B capoi?
ReplyDeleteYo! Vent, tell TYP and StJacques Gimme say's Hey on the CJ.
ReplyDeleteDamn! Got to remeber to sign my name.
Well some things never change. And yes FG fights chronic pain along with one other health issue. She was told by a neurologist in 2007 that she was 100% permanently disabled. But not being a whiner and a self-employed business owner she has continued to work. Many days it is a struggle but she persevere. She is the farmer/manager of a 250 head cow/calf herd along with a 7000 acre farm in nc KS.
ReplyDeleteSomething just ain't adding up in your story. You need to hire Stan to help FG out around the place so you can post on websites all day. Stan ain't doin' nothng these days I hear. Hang in there FG, Gimme will help ya out.
Why, gimme do you doubt the abilities of a woman to run a business? How chauvinistic of you. Better watch out your true prejudices are showing. Alan Alda would be so very disappointed in you. Mayhaps you should talk to Sara and FG about the abilities of strong conservative women. They are not the Hillary and Pelosi stereotypes that you know. They did not use their husbands as a meal ticket sugar daddy.
ReplyDeleteHello Farmgirl and Sara. Nice to hear from you two.
ReplyDeleteLow and behold the "gimmie everything socialist" shows up on Kev's good blog to bad mouth everyone on here. According to our POTUS it's only the Republicans and conservatives that have a war on women. As the proud conservative pointed out the gimmie shows it's true colors as being a democrap chauvinist. What did Stan used to say? Need to spray some air freshener in here. HEEEHEEEHAWWW!
ReplyDeleteI ain't questioning the strength of FG and Sara.
I will come back when the Red Bull arrives.
The only thing I will say in response to CAPOI is this. He is a far better cook than I am. And.....dinner had better be ready and hot when I get in from the farm. I can also see that you did not spend all day slaving over a sermon for tomorrow. The good thing is I get his home made cinnamon rolls for breakfast with the youth group tomorrow!!!! "Retirement" has been good to him. Sundays are the nephew's day to do the early chores!!!!!
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ReplyDeleteHey gimme....
ReplyDeleteWatch this...
DeleteNow that was funny!!!
DeletePersonally I can't stand the troll named gimme, emmig, or whatever else he calls himself.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm gonna let you guys decide his fate.
Does he stay or does he go?
Personally I think he was part of the problem on the CJ rm235. He said he wasn't flagging people but I always wondered.
ReplyDeleteLol. He said he wasn't?
ReplyDeleteJust so we're all clear. He's a liar.
Not really. The reason he finally got booted the last time is because he got caught up in his never ending web of lies.
That must have been another one of his lies, that he would never flag a post over on CJ. The other one I remember about gimmie that wasn't a lie was that him and the MWN/P454 were always "talkin loud and sayin nothin"
ReplyDeleteLooks like you are no better than the CJ on the free speech issue. Besides no one is reading this anyway.
I'm sure if the truth be known that the cj thinks the same about you and BePrepared with all 50 of his aliases.
Maybe they do.
ReplyDeleteBut unlike you I'm still there and still going strong.
But Kev you are in the basement and have less than 100 comments and half or more are aliases of BePrepared.
And the only thing I have seen discussed on the thing the last 3 or 4 months is how bad the cj is for pulling posts and posters. Ironic, don't ya think.
You're starting to sound desperate, gimme.
ReplyDeleteBut then you always have...
You are right that there is desperation in the air but it ain't from givemesomemftruth.
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ReplyDeleteHey gimme...
ReplyDeleteWatch this...
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ReplyDeleteMakes no difference to me. I could be posting on the cj by noon if I really wanted to.
ReplyDeleteDon't make the same mistake the cj has, Kev.
ReplyDeleteAlways remember and never forget. Quality content is king. Sitting around griping about moderators is not quality content.
ReplyDeleteYou might be able to achieve what you have always wanted with a blog. But ya ain't gettin' off to a good start when you start messing with the person delivering free quality content.
ReplyDeleteI was actually impressed by the thought process of the move you made.
ReplyDeleteYou just have to drive the truck to where the action is happenin'.
Lol... Impressing you WAS my goal all along...
ReplyDeleteWhere is that punk BePrepared. HeeHeeHeeHaw.
You're right gimmie, Quality content is king. What you bring is pure CRAP!! It might be worth putting up with your BS if you ever said anything worth while. I think Kevs content is great and he brings up a lot of good discussions points about what your socialist/commie POS POTUS and democrap party is doing to this country. It's a damn shame, and what gets me is how all you liberals just drool over what this guys is doing. Looks to me like you people are envious of everything conservative because you just can't figure out how to do things and make it on your own. It's just like those little kids in school when they see another kid with something they want. They whine until someone, they don't care who, gives it to them with out having to do anything to earn it. Take it away from the person that has it and give it to someone else because they are whining loudest. Your type of people are just downright pathetic. obama is trying to tear this country apart from everything great it ever was and turn it into a third world country. You know, "Dreams of his Father" bacause his father was a socialist loser as well!!
ReplyDeleteWhere is that punk BePrepared. HeeHeeHeeHaw.
You just made my point, gimmie!! HeeHeeHeeHAW
ReplyDeleteYou go girl! taheheh.
The turnip smelling troll needs to go Hey MF Gimme see this. This finger is for you Bye I sure hope I don't have to get off my bar stool and have to mop the floor You know how messy getting the bar room cleaned up is after some troll leaves his mark on the floor.
ReplyDeleteWoW Sara, I wish I could type fatser. I wouldn't have had to say anything to the MF gimmie If I wouldn't have been typing when you posted. I think Kev needs to get out the can of Bullshit Away spray and spray some on gimmie.
DeleteYup! When you have nothin, you bring nothin!
ReplyDeleteOh and good morning T42
ReplyDeleteNow Sara, that sure was not very nice.
I see I may have made a mistake thinking Sara was a BePrepared alias.
ReplyDeleteSo, where is the beer? Ya think kev42?
Hello Kev, I hope you are not out on the road today. If you are be careful out there. I think it's too funny gimmie thinks he has to try and figure everyone out and just doesn't realize that he is just an idiot Man, gimmie just don't get it. I guess it hard to defend a position when you have nothin you can defend it with. Just like our POS POTUS and stay on the personal attacks, to cover for slipping things in the side door.
ReplyDeleteHey, after Sara's comment about the finger, I just realized there was no rule #8 over here either.
ReplyDeleteHEY,gimme KMA!!!
ReplyDeleteYou seem to have a tea sized chip on your shoulder, my man.
Nah, I think it just he doesn't like you and over here he's free to say so...
ReplyDeleteLol. Ya beat me to it...
ReplyDeleteNot on the road yet.
ReplyDeleteAnd up till yesterday I wasn't gonna have to go anywhere today at all.
But that all changed. Gonna have to leave just about kick off time today.
We have about 20 people coming over today for the big game.
The upside of having to leave early is that I'll be gone by the dreaded clean up begins.
The down side is that mama ain't happy about it and we all know what happens when mama ain't happy.
Was planning on getting back Tuesday night but with the predicted snow that might not happen either.
In that case I'll be back Saturday night,
Not sure where you're headed, but I heard we are supposed to get more snow, and a lot of it. Just be careful out there
ReplyDeleteI say let gimme come on. He cannot win, esp here where his lieberal ( I got post pulled for that word) buddies cannot flag. As I have said before he/she/it brings comedy relief.
ReplyDeleteBesides, Kevin can always play with its posts.
PS. gimmie even tho you seem to think that everyone is Stan reborn, we are not. And you are lucky the time you invited me over to defend FG's honor that she did not visit. There would not have been enough peices of gimmie left to pick up.
Fair enough, Proud...