Friday, February 14, 2014
Open Blog Friday...
In keeping with a long standing tradition we've always set Friday's aside as the one day of the week I turn this blog over to you guys.
You pick the topic.
I keep my mouth shut.
Sounds like a win, win situation to me.
On a side note last night someone going by the name of Anonymous stopped by and posted some goofy racist joke.
Look, I'm all about free speech. In fact that's why I started this blog back up in the first place.
I really do want this to be a place where you can freely speak your mind without having to worry about some over sensitive moderator jumping down your throat, deleting your comments and kicking you to the curb.
But I'd really rather we stayed away from any and all racial joke, slurs, insults and so on.
Stay safe and be well, my friends...
Kevin McGinty
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Stan 14 Feb 6;57
ReplyDeleteKevin did you see my last two comments on your last blog about delete buttons? You have a good set up here, needs a little tweaking but it is good.
Stan 14 Feb 2014
ReplyDeleteKevin I wasn't planning on coming out of retirement, but I read or someone e-mail me and told me about this bunker, and that Gimme was out here I just couldn't pass it up! And it has only one monitor, that I thinks leans a little on the conservative side , I said I have to at least take a few shots at that Troll, oh oh can I say shots here? Have a good weekend.
Stan...ol' gimme always reminds we cats of mice we catch on occasion...we love to bat 'em around, bite at 'em and torture 'em awhile before we move in for the coup de gras...sometimes they get away but not for long..too bad our ancestor the Dipper, he of the mighty paw, ain't around no more...he used to bite their heads off...did a kamikaze attack on mice once, left about ten of 'em beheaded on the back step when he was a outside kitty....really grossed her out.
Stan... Feb 14 7;57 am
ReplyDeleteOh and Kevin I want to assure you I didn't come here to ruin your Blog, So If I do have comments to Gimme, I won't be saying anything to him like how I would love to put my size 12 boot up his ass, nope won't say that, or call him the prick and punk that he is, nope not even that, and I damn sure wouldn't mention his gay life style that I could care less about, I will stay my regular sweet self. I like being polite don't you know.
Well darn folks. Your all getting back on here. My sister told me to come check it out. I am always up for a good bar room brawl with some of those scum bags that like to hang out on CJ and cry. Gee there were so many of them I cant remember them all. So I ll just step up here and let them know that I am still around and if ole MF Gimme still wants a piece of me he knows what bar I will be hanging in. Come on down the weather is fine at the bar.
ReplyDeleteDan, so good to see you here in the bunker! free speech is a beautiful thing...
Deletecheers, catsncats
Stan..Feb 14, 2014
ReplyDeleteGees Dan it has been a long time, glad to see you lively as ever. If you have a bar room brawl, You count me in, been a long time but I think I can still do okay. but to be honest i can't take a chair well to the back of the head, it really makes me hostile.
Stan I know what you mean I always hated those darn bottles .I had my sister only serve me cans. She wanted to know why I didn't like bottles. I asked here if she had ever been hit with one. She said no. So I told when she gets hit with one come and tell me how you liked it. Then you would know why I try to do my part and not drink bottles. The head I save might be yours.
ReplyDeleteBut of course if it was one of our CJ Turnip Trolls and they just happened to be drinking a bottle and I just happened to accidently grab it thinking it was a can. Well I couldn't be held accountable for my actions if I accidently hat some troll with a bottle.
ReplyDeleteDan not sure I talked to you before, but no matter count me in.
DeleteI got the boot a long time ago. About the time Stan and Be prepared got it .They really didn't like me on CJ very much. I coined the phrase Turnips. Stinking Turnip Plucking Trolls. You can smell them coming. That was usually my way of welcoming our trolls. My sister was Sara on CJ until her mouth got to big for the boys on CJ. She told them to go put their Big Boy pants on if they were going to try and put her down. She got booted in the X Mas massacre. I keep reading after the boot and really didn't care much for the CJ mods so try to keep my distance from them. Sara told me about Kevin and this blog so I thought I would give it a shot.
DeleteBig boy You hit me with a bottle and I am going to bar you. Ha Ha Like you never been kicked out of some place before.
DeleteOkay I heard that from others little by little, So Sara is your sister! Dang I guess I can't hit on her! Just my luck. I heard a lot about you bad Boys and Girls over at cj, You all seem to just stand your ground hats off to you all, Nice Kevin is getting you all back hope it doesn't back fire on him. At least you don't have to worry about using the word troll. I am going to keep my eye on Stan, it looks like he may have some anger built up in him. Don't know the whole story. I will wait for page two.
ReplyDeleteWell a bunch of us just flat A_ _ got tired of a bunch of libtard loosers coming on Kevin's blog and just stirring up poop with no intent of even trying to converse with us about any topics. I read his blog for 6-9 months before I ever got on. When they seen[CJ] and the libtard trolls that he was getting more and more people reading his blogs and by passing all the others they seemed to get bad attitudes. Then they really started to pour it on. One line insults ,trying to change the point of the blog and on and on. When we all started to stick up for our ideas they just couldn't take it. They went after us sometimes one by one and other times they went for a whole bunch at once. [X mas massacre} But as you can see Kevin cme up with a great idea and so know we are all starting to come back. Like some have said They may knock us down but by Golly we get right back up. And we plan on standing our ground till they pry that gun out of my dead hands. Just be prepared and stand together. We will survive.
ReplyDeleteYup, I remember the Xmas massacre. You can count me in on the brawl and the beer summit whenever that happens too. That damn st jock and gimmie can KMA!!
Deletecountryfolk will always survive..
Stan, Feb 14 ,2014
ReplyDeleteJoe you don't have to wait for page two with me, I am going to tell it like i believe it to be, Now I am a little rusty but when this SOB Gimme is around I will say what I want to that low life scumbag, Now as for Kevin's Blog I have been on it for a long time, I have the up most respect for him, and if I should crosse the Line he can Delete me any time and it will NOT change my respect for him. Now I have had this guy gimme stalk me for a long time back when I was Sargejr then now Stan, oh I know everyone knew that, but gimme was so bad that most thought he was in love with me, even after I politely told him I don,t swing his way, so after awhile I kept getting more pissed off and went over the line at him, so CJ booted me as Sargejr and then as Stan. So I have no problem telling that asshole where to go. I could go on but I think you will get the drift. Don't let him get under your skin, don't even talk to him that drives the SOB nuts. Nice talking to you Joe, and Dresser Dan you know where I am coming from, your last post said it well !!
Man, it's starting to look like old home wee around here.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back to the land of the living, Sarge.
And Dan, good to see you're still out and about.
Oh, I really doubt our lil buddy, gimme's gonna be around like he was over at cj.
Oh, he'll stop by from time to time to be a pain in the ass but other than that he has nothing to gain.
On cj everything he did and everything he said was designed to get one or more of us booted, banned, kicked off or otherwise silenced.
The only thing he'll accomplish around here is to make a fool of himself...
Yup gimmie is a pain in the ass kinda like a flamin hemmeroid. HeeHeeHAW!! How do you like that. Instead of MF gimmie it's FH gimmie!
Deletegimme: the mouse who doesn't know he is in his own pocket....we cats know these things...
Oh, the delete button thingy.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure that unless you set a google account you won't see it.
I know that because I don't see it either until I sign in...
ReplyDeleteThanks Kevin it is really good to hear from the old friends, I thought you might band me after what I said today, But I should have know that you would show me a little Mercy at least once.
Dave1001 14 feb. 2014
ReplyDeleteSarge, Stan, Dan, I hope to have some good conversation with you guys, I watched you guys for a real long time before coming on CJ, right after the Xmas. wipe out. But most of them a hear now, I haven't seen Bob44 yet. But any how I think we all found a home, but Kevin doesn't seem to know how to use that BBQ for a Crowd. And has run a little short on the Beer, but in fairness he didn't get much warning.
ReplyDeleteAnyhow I meant to say, but most of them are here now. But I shouldn't worry about the spelling and grammar police, they are still over on CJ.
Good evening all. Spent today helping the wife, thank goodness for the warmer weather! I still got it. Nephew is under weather lately so we tagged 21 calves today, kinda nice to do the old job once in a while. Also nice to see new life in the babies born on the farm,. Last few days have been hard in our church, a lot of death and grief. Parents should never out live their children.
ReplyDeleteWell, it's finally starting to warm up for the calving season. That really cold nasty weather can be really hard this time of year. Supposed to warm up nice today. Still trying to get rid of 3 and 4 foot drifts in my yard. You and FG57 be careful out there and take good care of the calves.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteHey, FH gimmie. KMA!!
Deletewhat yo doin out yo pockit, fool? yo into abuse or sumptin?
Kev, I said the 2010 Red Bull not the 2014 worn out no taste version Red Bull.
ReplyDeleteAmerican on the cj looks more foolish by the day.
Remember when I said gimme would only show up around here long enough to make a fool out of herself?
ReplyDeleteI rest my case...
Kevin and that he did, he just can't help his self.
ReplyDeleteDave1001 02/15/14 - 03:13 am
ReplyDeleteIRS, Obama Administration Suffer Unanimous New Legal Defeat new
n a unanimous decision employing startling but justifiably harsh terms, the nation’s second-highest court handed the Obama Administration and its rogue Internal Revenue Service (IRS) an embarrassing new legal defeat this week:
“If we were to accept the IRS’s interpretation of Section 330, the IRS would be empowered for the first time to regulate hundreds of thousands of individuals in the multi-billion dollar tax-preparation industry. Yet nothing in the statute’s text or the legislative record contemplates that vast expansion of the IRS’s authority… [W]e are confident that the enacting Congress did not intend to grow such a large elephant in such a small mousehole… And in the circumstances of this case, we find it rather telling that the IRS had never before maintained that it possessed this authority. In light of the text, history, structure, and context of the statute, it becomes apparent that the IRS never before adopted its current interpretation for a reason: It is incorrect.”
This IRS scheme is part of a broader, ongoing campaign to socialize the tax preparation business in America entirely, which would ultimately make it the nation’s one-stop-shop tax preparation service. That would obviously create a conflict of interest with the IRS serving as both tax preparer and tax collector, and it would surely result in higher tax calculations to facilitate wasteful federal spending.
Fortunately, although the Obama Administration may consider itself above the law, public opinion and increasingly frequent judicial rebukes are proving an impediment to that notion.
Read More;
The problem is, an our illustrious POS POTUS knows it, is that once he does this kind of crap it takes years to go through the court system. By that time there could be significant damage to people lives.
DeleteDave1001 02/15/14 - 03:16 am
ReplyDeleteMy above comment
You may have to copy and paste the link in you browser.
Dave1001 02/15/14 - 03:26 am
ReplyDeleteOn ObamaCare, the President Gives Up
There are a number of ways to look at Monday’s announcement that the Treasury Department is going to delay ObamaCare’s employer mandate — requiring firms to provide health insurance for their employees — until 2016 for companies with between 50 and 99 employees.
You can consider it raw politics, a shameless exercise in taking a vital issue off the table for this year’s midterm elections, where Democrats are already looking embattled.
You can look at it as further evidence of this Administration’s lawlessness, another major change to the law enacted without consultation with — much less the consent of — Congress.
Or you can look at it this way: Barack Obama has now given up on his signature policy initiative.
What’s noteworthy about the 2016 date isn’t just that it puts the mandate at arm’s length from the upcoming elections; it’s also that it places it so late in Obama’s tenure — in his eighth year, when his leverage with Congress will be virtually non-existent — that it essentially announces that the president is content to leave this mess for his successor to clean up.
That’s pretty audacious coming from a guy who attacked Mitt Romney for supposedly stripping companies for parts and leaving them for dead once he had extracted what he had wanted from them. Is that less of a sin when you’re doing it to an entire country?
You may have to copy and paste the link in you browser.
I still say this was obamas plans all along. Take this country down in a spiral until nothing is left. He hasn't lead on any issues, and just pushing a socialist agenda and dividing the amercian people. The problem is how long will it take and/or can we even get back to what this great country once was?
Deleteclassic Cloward-Pivvin on steroids...overwhelm the system courtesy wildly expanded social programs...then you have the Sunstein propaganda side thrown in...the Nudge, as it were..just keep nudging people until they can't stand it any more. they will either cave, or rebel. he is the father of behavioral science and they use it to the max. got shrinks everywhere. he is also the husband of none other than Samantha Power, of the ketchupman faction...and now they're pushing the hell out of the Israelis and defending that damn 2-state solution of theirs for the Palestinians...while Iran continues unabated with its nukes and denying that any agreement was ever made (as if those of us with a brain did not see that one coming).
Just took time to watch the obamaborg video. So much for sweet dreams. Ruined one of my favorite tv shows.
ReplyDeleteDave, thx for sharing the links. I hadn't seen those.
ReplyDeleteKev, thanks for putting up the Bill Whittle video. Good leson in history and what we should all stand for. Too bad the libocraps won't watch anything like that and maybe learn something.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteyo gimme! ain't yo gots mo inteligint stuff dan dat yall kin say? gess not...yo' jis a fool man! jus' a ignorant-azz fool!
gess ol' gimme don' recall when we cats nailed ol' Wednesday wit dat blog po-lice stuff dat time, do he? wrote a big ol' blog wit' all kinda slang...stoped his dumbazz wid dat, we sho' did!
Deleteah, the memories...
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ReplyDeletenaw, gimme...Christie's in the proverbial crapper with conservatives and anybody else with a brain...we got more important fish to fry than ol' really need to get away from fox, ya know...
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ReplyDeleteThe Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, aka the “Ninth Circus,” is hardly a bastion of judicial conservatism. That makes its decision striking down California gun-control laws all the more earthshaking. As is often the case with landmark court rulings, the story is far from over – there is some more wrangling to be done in the Ninth Circuit before the scene shifts to the Supreme Court, which is likely to intervene due to conflicts with other circuit court rulings. The next step will probably be a full court review of the 2-1 ruling from this three-judge panel.
ReplyDeletePerhaps we will come to view Thursday’s ruling as the beginning of the end of the gun-control movement as we have known it in the United States. If this decision holds all the way through the Supreme Court, some core tenets of that movement will soundly defeated for a very long time to come. For the moment, as SFGate reports, we have a challenge to a county ordinance that’s already blossomed into the evisceration of California’s permit system:
Dave1001 02/15/14 - 10:28 am
Did you guys get all that global warming that hit the other day?
I spent 45 minutes shoveling more than a foot of global warming out of my driveway and clearing a path up the walkway.
What was especially difficult was that after all the global warming fell, it turned to rain and created a sheet of ice on top of all that thick, white global warming, causing it to be twice as heavy than it would have otherwise been.
Where was President Obama during all of this? He was supposed to be able to control the weather!
But man did I break a sweat out there! A-ha! See? Global warming! Warmth causes you to sweat, I sweated, ergo, warming—on a global scale!
Did you hear about Death Valley in the Mojave Desert? It got over two feet of global warming!
It was so warm that it actually felt cold, and the clouds apparently believed it because they dropped over two feet of cold, icy global warming on the place.
Okay, that didn’t happen. But it will one day. As the world heats up, the ponds, lakes, and oceans evaporate into the clouds, and then those clouds spill precipitation back down to Earth, sometimes in watery form, sometimes in icy form.
If this sounds a lot like what’s been going on literally since the beginning of history, it’s not; this time, the evaporated waters will multiply in the air and precipitate ten times, no, 50 times as much water back to Earth, causing, one day, a worldwide flood. With some volcanoes and earthquakes thrown in for good measure.
Don’t tell me that doesn’t make perfect sense.
The only thing that can really save us from such a flood will be Obama. The moment we nominated him to be our Democratic Party presidential candidate—that was the moment he started slowing the rise of the oceans.
As long as he’s president, he can protect us. (I don’t know where he was yesterday—another fundraiser with another obscene rapper?—but, hey, even deities need rests sometimes.)
I propose we make him president in perpetuity. I know no two global-warming flakes are alike, but it all looks the same to me and I’m sick of it. It has to end.
Barack Obama 2016…and Beyond! Hahahahhaha The guy is a joke.
ReplyDeleteI want to apoligive for my recent childish behaviour.
You see, I am fighting RAGING hormones I've had due to the sex change operation and am STILL trying to beat this awful crack addiction.
Please bear with me as go thru these trials and I'll try to do better in the future.
Sincerely, Gimme.
sounds like a personal problem to me..ever the liberal progressive with ready excuses...yer whine-and-cheese has been cut off..
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteIncase you missed it Gimme!
DeleteJoe PickensFebruary 15, 2014 at 9:39 AM
Gimme is that cut of or off don't you know how to spell, I really think it is off. What goes around comes around,:)
ReplyDeleteWhen I had the sex change operation I was really concerned about the pain I would endure.
It didn't hurt too much when the cut off my junk or when they did the breast implants.
What really hurt was when they drilled the hole in the back of my head to suck out half my brains so I would think like a liberal. OUCH!!!
Sincerely, Gimme
would tell ya to drop a dime in the slot and call somebody who gives a damn but pay phones have become a thing of the past...or ya could use yer obamafone...
Gimme is that cut of or off don't you know how to spell, I really think it is off. What goes around comes around,:)
ReplyDeleteI apoligive.
Real Gimme
ReplyDeleteCan't you read? I did say off. The doctor even saved it and preseved it for me.
I use it as a toothpick.
Sincerely, Gimme
Gimme here is your post Punk.
ReplyDeleteAnonymousFebruary 15, 2014 at 9:31 AM
Say, did y'all see where the Gov. of Tennessee blackmailed Volkswagen and it's workers. He said if VW allowed the UAW to organize labor he would cut of their State Government welfare. VW had no problem with the workers joining the UAW.
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ReplyDeleteWell grow up puke, I will never comment to you again, You are just to immature to deal with. I think Rule #8 will work over here. Bye bye.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of nose picking, I'm in up to my elbow.
ReplyDeleteHard to type one handed.
Anyone have a jaws of life?
Sincerely, Gimme
ReplyDeleteU.S. President Barack Obama and fellow Democrats in the House of Representatives face a key question when they meet on Friday, Valentine’s Day: how much love do they dare show each other before the November elections.
Obama will address House Democrats on the final day of their three-day retreat in this waterfront town, which has lawmakers buzzing about policy and politics and edgy about their Election Day chances.
“The president recognizes that there’s some tension,” said Democratic Representative John Larson of Connecticut.
With Obama’s approval ratings down to about 43 percent and the president still struggling with criticism of the troubled rollout of his signature healthcare law, some Democrats up for reelection do not want to be seen with the president at campaign events in their states.
At a private meeting with Senate Democrats in Washington last week, Obama said he understood and did not feel insulted, said one senator, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
“The president realizes some Democrats will have a better chance of winning without him around,” the senator said.
Hey, gimmie, do you have a big round window where your belly button used to be?
ReplyDeleteand...if ya take the 'bird" finger on each hand and stick 'em into that orifice on yer backside, ya can walk around and see where yer goin' too...
Incase you missed it.
ReplyDeleteWorkers at a Volkswagen factory in Tennessee have voted against union representation in a devastating defeat for the United Auto Workers union's effort to make inroads in the South.
The 712-626 vote released late Friday was surprising for many labor experts and union supporters who expected a UAW win because Volkswagen tacitly endorsed the union and even allowed organizers into the Chattanooga factory to make sales pitches.
"This is like an alternate universe where everything is turned upside down," Cliff Hammond, a labor lawyer at in Detroit, told The Wall Street Journal, noting that companies usually fight union drives.
"This vote was essentially gift-wrapped for the union by Volkswagen," said Hammond, who previously worked at the Service Employees International Union.
The setback is a major defeat for the UAW's effort to expand in the growing South, where foreign automakers have 14 assembly plants, eight built in the past decade, said Kristin Dziczek, director of the labor and industry group at the Center for Automotive Research, an industry think tank in Michigan.
"If this was going to work anywhere, this is where it was going to work," she said of Chattanooga.
Organizing a Southern plant is so crucial to the union that UAW President Bob King told workers in a speech that the union has no long-term future without it.
"If the union can't win [in Chattanooga], it can't win anywhere," Steve Silvia, a economics and trade professor at American University who has studied labor unions, told the Journal.
But the loss likely means the union will remain quarantined with the Detroit Three, largely in the Midwest and Northeast.
Many viewed VW as the union's only chance to gain a crucial foothold in the South because other automakers have not been as welcoming as Volkswagen. Labor interests make up half of the supervisory board at VW in Germany, and they questioned why the Chattanooga plant is the only one without formal worker representation. VW wanted a German-style "works council" in Chattanooga to give employees a say over working conditions. The company says U.S. law won't allow it without an independent union.
In Chattanooga, the union faced stern opposition from Republican politicians who warned that a UAW victory would chase away other automakers who might come to the region.
Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee was the most vocal opponent, saying that he was told that VW would build a new midsized SUV in Chattanooga if workers rejected the union. That was later denied by a VW executive. Other politicians threatened to cut off state incentives for the plant to expand if the union was approved.
“I’m thrilled for the employees and thrilled for our community,” Corker said in a telephone interview with The Wall Street Journal. “I’m sincerely overwhelmed.”
"The UAW had all the advantages," the Republican senator told the newspaper. "Everybody but the UAW had both hands tied behind their backs. I’m just thankful the employees made the decision they made."
Joe, you won't ever get any answers out of that flamin hemorrhoid gimmie. Never got any answers from her over on CJ where she was protected by the libocrat moderators. Whenever anybody started pounding gimmie for answers she usually disappeared. Besides that, she can't see through that belly button glass.
Deletethat decision was a landmark in favor of freedom, far as I'm concerned...union bosses stepped in it when they started selling out the rank and file to the politicians.
Deleteheard too that Rand Paul has filed a lawsuit against the regime on the spying crap, violation of 4th amendment...wants to turn it into a class action on behalf of the American people. I need to check that out in more detail. heard about it yesterday.
Well, hello cats! Haven't seen you around in a while, and glad to see you made it over here to Kev's underground bunker. Especially to give the FH gimmie a bunch of crap. Keep posting over on CJ though, because that rag needs more good conservative thinkers posting. I think CJ is giving Kev the shaft, just like the rest of the MSM silencing opponents. The other whining liberal socialists bloggers must have finally whined loud enough so the socialist CJ moderator Sherman Smith is helping them out.
DeleteWatch this...
ReplyDeleteWatch what??
ReplyDeleteOur lil pain the ass buddy's comments are disappearing at an alarming rate.
ReplyDeleteIt's almost like someone doesn't like him or something...
What!! who would not like him?
ReplyDeletedarn...we cats love mice!
awww...gimme....did we cats make a booboo and get a bit rough with our claws today? gimme back in his widdle pocket?
Hey y'all it was actually U.S. Senator Bob Corker from Tennessee that blackmailed VW and the workers with the threat of losing out on the expansion of the plant if the UAW was allowed to represent the workers of the plant. It was not the Gov. of Tennessee as I stated before.
Talk about pussy moderators. The cj ain't got nothin' on this blog. Later
So you're finally admitting you're a liar?
ReplyDeleteWe knew it all along.
ReplyDeleteBut I am glad you're able to finally see it for yourself.
Admitting you have a problem is the first step toward recovery...
Catsncats, Nice to see you out and about, Yup Poor Gimme giving people hell about your and you're in the grammar sense, but he right after his lecture he couldn't spell (off )right, imagine that. I explained the best I could what comes around goes around.
ReplyDeleteWhat's wrong bawl baby?
ReplyDeleteDon't like it when you don't have the moderators in your back pocket?
And I'm glad to every one of you guys and gals around here.
ReplyDeleteAnd no I don't plan on deleting gimme all the time.
I just like to remind him every once in a while just how little sway he has around here...
Oh, and I also like pissing him off, too...
ReplyDeleteGimme needs to understand this, If I Joe go way over board on one of my comment and Kevin deletes it, I am not coming back calling him names, I am a guest here, so I would say to Gimme if I was talking to him, show class like I would not show your Ass like you do. Listen and Learn.
ReplyDeleteMy, my, my. That wan't very nice.
That wasn't nice at all...
Someone needs to get over to the cj stat. Zork is crying and whining like the wuss he is on Lucinda's blog. Give the knothead a hug.
I think gimme you should go over and help Zorak, oh you can't hahahahhahhahahhhahahhah
ReplyDeleteGimme I guess only you would know how big his private parts are. It is okay that you are coming out of the closet.
ReplyDeleteHey cats, been awhile.
Quit projecting, Nose. You are sure full of the gay talk.Get Michele Bachmann's husband to give ya some private counciling so ya can pray your problem away.
Nope gimme Just letting you know we are here to help you find yourself, and I don't mean like you do in the closet. hahahhahhahahhhahahhahahhhahahah
ReplyDeleteThought for the day
ReplyDeleteWar is when your government tells you who the enemy is.
Revolution is when you figure it out for yourself.
ReplyDeleteStep 1 - get sober
Step 2 - try again
ReplyDeleteWent through Pamona yesterday and saw your place.
Its starting to smell in here. Time to cut some people off. Cant handle their tongue. Time to go. Get the mop and air freshner out. Going to be get nasty.
ReplyDeleteStep 1 - get away from gay land
Step 2 - try again asking god for help
Step 3- If both fail find the highest bridge and Jump.
And if it doesn't work the first time repeat step 3...
ReplyDeleteMan, work over long a few days and I miss all the fun.
ReplyDeleteStan... Feb 16, 2014
ReplyDeleteFarm girl Hey! Kevin has another blog up now, That where we will be I think, Go to top of page and to the right for the list. using that particular profanity you reveal yourself to be nothing more than a ignernt-azz on steroids...I mean, come on, we all get profane on occasion but dropping the f-bomb is really pathetic. thought even you had more class than that. clean the mouse turds out of your pocket.