Thursday, May 29, 2014
I Never Thought I'd See The Day I Agreed With Michael Bloomberg On Anything...
Hell must have frozen just frozen over.
Sorry but I don't have a lot of time here but I came across this video a little while ago and thought it was definitely worth sharing.
It's only 3:47 seconds long.
Check it out if you get a chance...
Kevin McGinty
Monday, May 26, 2014
In Case You Thought Memorial Day Was All About A Three Day Weekend...
Memorial Day weekend.
For an ever growing number of Americans it's just another three day weekend and millions of us will pack up our families and our stuff and head out to the lake, the park, or even our own back yards to celebrate it by burning a few burgers. We'll slam down a few beers. Play a little touch football with the kids and generally have a good time.
But I can't help but wonder how many of us even bother to think about those who lost their lives defending this country so the rest of us could enjoy the silly, every day things most of us now take for granted.
Memorial Day was set aside as the one day of the year that we as a grateful nation could honor the service men and women who died defending this country.
I'm not so sure we're that grateful nation we once were though.
To Veterans everywhere, past, present, and future I thank you for your service.
I know it's not much but when you get right down it, it's all I got...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, May 23, 2014
Free For All Friday...
It doesn't seem possible but Friday's once again upon us.
It's your day to pick the topic so you might as well get after it.
I hope everyone's weekend is everything you hope it will be...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Get Off Your Asses and Fix It...
According to those who claim to speak for him, President Obama's "mad as hell" about the growing scandal at the Veteran's Administration.
As tempting as it is, I'm not going to sit here and try to convince you that all the lying, cooking of the books, destruction of documents and so on all started under the unwatchful eye of the Obama administration.
Because we all know better.
We know for a fact that Obama's transition team was warned about the growing problems within the VA by the Bush team back in 2008.
And now for Jay Carney to claim the Obama administration just recently found out about this latest scandal through media reports is beyond pathetic.
But what's new, right?
Here's what I do know.
I know the Obama administration has dramatically increased funding for the VA.
Good on him, I guess.
But like any other huge unsupervised, unaccountable government bureaucracy it's become a disaster and simply throwing more money at it isn't going to fix anything.
Here's the deal.
I'm not interested in playing the blame game on this one.
Every politician from both sides of the aisle love nothing more than to use veterans as props for their never ending political campaigns.
And each and every one of them have promised to always have their backs.
The time has come to put up or shut up.
American Veterans have sacrificed so much. They've fought and they've died defending this country each and every time they've been called on to do so and to think they're now dying so some damned government employee can hit his or her numbers is incomprehensible.
Turning our backs on our Veterans like this is truly our national shame...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, May 16, 2014
Free For All Friday...
You guys already know that Friday's the day you get to pick the topic so I'm not going to waste a lot of time explaining how it works.
So you might as well jump right in there with both feet...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Sometimes the hypocrisy of the left-loons is almost more than I can handle.
They rail on and on about this and that.
They cry about the right's war on the environment and claim we're trying to destroy the planet.
They accuse us of hating Mexicans simply because we support the idea of requiring a photo ID before casting your vote.
They call us bigots for believing marriage should remain as it always has: One man and one woman. Period.
They call us racists for even questioning the obvious lies coming out of the Obama administration on a daily basis.
But their made up "War on Women" is the one that gets me.
Especially in light of a recent vote in California where Democrats voted to kill a bill meant to outlaw Sex-Selection Abortions.
You want to talk about a war on women?
According to U.N. estimates upwards of 200 million babies have been terminated simply because they were the wrong gender.
Even countries like China and India have outlawed this barbaric practice and there's growing evidence that women from those countries are now coming to California where it's perfectly legal to kill a baby simply for being an unwanted little girl.
And those righteous Democrats are leading the way.
What a sad, sad country we've allowed ourselves to become...
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, May 11, 2014
When you consider how much they do for us and how important they are to society as a whole every day should be Mothers Day.
To Mothers everywhere I hope your day is everything you hope it will be...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, May 9, 2014
It's hard to believe it's already Friday again.
But it is.
And it's your day.
You might as well jump right in there.
Stay safe and be well, my friends...
Kevin McGinty
Thursday, May 8, 2014
It's kind of hard not to feel sorry for the crazy old bastard but Harry Reid's obsession with the Koch brothers has reached an all time high as far as crazy goes.
According to his latest rant the Koch brothers are the "Main Cause" of global warming.
This crazy old bastard is an embarrassment to The Senate, his Party, and Americans everywhere.
The Democrats are going to lose the Senate in November and a lot of the thanks will go directly to this crazy, slobbering old bastard...
Kevin McGinty
Monday, May 5, 2014
Stand With Me As I Stand With Rand Paul...
I'm going to make this quick and easy today.
I'm posting a 16 minute YouTube video I came across on FaceBook a little while ago.
All I'm asking you to do is to sit back and check it out
It contains a lot of things a lot of us republicans aren't going to like very much but until we can all step back and take an honest look at the state of this country and admit our own party has had a hand in screwing it up we're never going to be able to fix it.
And I truly believe Rand Paul is our last best hope to get things headed right direction.
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Yeah They Lied About The Video... So What!!
We all knew that sooner or later the lies of Benghazi would see the light of day.
And now that the Obama administration has finally been forced to turn over a damning email sent out by Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes detailing the administration's official lie that kicked off Susan Rice's Talk Show marathon in which she blamed the attack on Benghazi on a stupid YouTube video there's really no point in denying it any longer.
The truth was and remains today that the administration was caught with their pants down on the anniversary of the attacks of 9-11 by an enemy Obama himself had been decimated and was on the run.
And with just six weeks till the 2012 presidential election there was no way they could let the American people know the truth of what happened that fateful day.
We still don't know exactly who is was that dreamed up the YouTube angle but we do know for a fact the official strategy was to blame it on the video but because of the email we now know for a fact the lie came from the White House itself.
One line in particular stands out: "To underscore that these protests are rooted in an internet video, and not a broader failure of policy."
Of course we have their official puppet on a string Jay Carney out there trying to claim the email had nothing to do with Benghazi.
Do yourself a favor, Jay and just stop with the lies.
Sooner or later they'll be forced to come clean and what do you suppose their official response will then be?
Fox News' very own liberal Bob Beckel has already laid it out for us.
Yeah they lied to protect Obama's campaign.
So what, nobody cares about this issue anyway!
Don't be fooled into thinking this is just one liberal running his mouth either.
They all know Obama lied.
They just don't care.
And that my friends is what this country has become...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, May 2, 2014
Free For All Friday...
Here we go again, guys.
It's Friday and it's your turn.
You might as well get after it.
Stay safe and be well.
Don't worry, even though my old ass is gonna be busy the next couple of days I'll still make sure I stop in every so often to take out the trash.
And that my friends, you can take to the bank...
And that my friends, you can take to the bank...
Kevin McGinty
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