Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Battlestache just got "Bitch Slapped" by another girl...
You guys remember all the crying and whining our local bad ass over on cjonline did over the thought of attending our summit a couple months ago.
Of course you do.
Just the idea of Sara Socks being there scared the hell out of him.
And he carried on about how scared he was for days.
Remember that?
I do.
Well, yesterday my good friend and fellow blogger Fl_Millstone (another woman) posted a blog dedicated entirely to Battlestache and the way he bullies, intimidates, threatens, harasses, and tattles on other posters as a way to either hijack the blog or shut them up completely.
By the time her blog had ran it's course our local bad ass slithered his way back into the hole he'd crawled out of and pouted.
For the second time in two months Battlestache has had his worthless ass kicked by two different woman.
Well done Fl_Millstone.
Well done indeed...
Oh, and since I can't say it on cj I'll say it here.
Battlestache, go to hell you little pansy ass son of a bitch...
Kevin McGinty
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Kevin, I'm waiting for BAH (battle a$$ hole) to explode.
ReplyDeleteI am so fed up with the crap going on at CJOnline, I'm not commenting. The moderators can't move fast enough to give BAH whatever he wants, IMO. There is something very strange with the relationship between BAH and CJOnline. It's beyond me why he isn't receiving the same treatment for violating the TOS as everyone else. I'm so glad Sara Socks has such a good influence on him. Anyone who lives in fear of another, as BAH does of Sara, must be a sniveling, cowardly, disgusting excuse for trash.
I did notice on FL's "roundtable" blog, one of jjimmie's posts was deleted. It said something about FL's friends being "butt hurt". Glad one of them got some of their own medicine!
Thanks for having this blog. Here I will speak up. I suppose in the future I may go back on CJOnline, but for now I prefer to be quiet.
Ha Ha Ha He He He as our ole friend would say. I watched that FL did one great job of putting that POS down and out. And he was so scared to come to the summit. Just got hos rear handed to him right in front of all his little buds.Guess that old saying he had about sticks and stones and words wasn't really such a smart saying. Nothing sweeter than watching a POS go flaming down. And did you all catch Keri's little melt down? Kind of like what Lucy did last year. She also had some info on the mods and the editor and everyone in between. Dont know where she gets her info but she was sure standing up for all of them. I also sent a letter to the editor but I never got a reply. He is suppose to be gone until the first, but no one seems to be in charge or know what to do. Looks like some of them rats on CJ staff are jumping ship. Keep up the good work all. I am here and ready if you need me.
ReplyDeleteI missed whatever Keri did. Anyone care to give a synopsis? Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI will try. Hope I can get it all from my ole head. Keri called FL a nutjob and said that she was a sarcopath or something that sounds like that. Maybe some one will have it. She then went on to take her to task for contacting the mods and that she shouldn't have done it because she wasn't good enough or had any good reason to.[some of that is just what I took from that maybe off a little] She then said that the reason no one has contacted her was because the Editor and one other high ranking person were gone till the first. That Sherman was not in charge of mods as he had a new position Elen and one other are gone and there was only one person to do all the mods job and he had another job to do so they just dont have time and there isnt any one minding the shop. Where she gets all this who knows? But she was very nasty and was melting down. Then some one must have flagged her Because it was gone within about 10 min But she was really putting FL down and calling her nutjob and just in general showing her rear. For a person who blogs she really showed hers just like Lucy did the week before. maybe some one else can fill in the blanks for me here.
ReplyDeleteSara, thank you. Sounds like business as usual at ol' CJOnline. Ha ha!
DeleteThere was something about a e mail that FL sent and Keri said it scared the person that received it?? She was just rattling on and on and melting down.
ReplyDeleteglad I checked email and saw the underground back...missed the keri blog too as was offline all afternoon; by the time I logged on that post had been there, crapped and left town. guessed from what little I could must have been a bad one. heard or saw some time back somewhere that both her and loosy had some connection with rlymph but I dont know. all I do know is that I have had it up to my eyeballs with all the crap going on with the little buttwipers over there; only reason I stay subscribed now is for the freedom fight we've got going...
ReplyDeleteAnd it's a fight we're going to win.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by tonight guys.
ReplyDeleteAnd once again I must apologize for not keeping up with this second blog.
Call me paranoid if you want but I get the feeling something's about to go down over at cj and this may very well end up being where we all gather to meet.
If for whatever reason that little blog of our disappears this is where you'll find me...
honestly I don't know how on earth the Captain can deal with those two ass clowns...but then he's a military vet and I'm not. I so want to say some stuff but am steadfastly trying to ignore them for the trolls that they are. that cj does nothing and has, apparently, nobody in charge of the lunatic asylum (or romper room) is even more astounding. if that's the way they run that railroad, likely it will derail one of these days.
ReplyDeletedone with keri too btw...couple of weeks back several of us tried to do the right thing and wish her well with getting her life going in a new direction and then she pulls a stunt like that with FL, who was simply trying to open discussion and resolve problems. guess that shows her true nature. I won't get fooled again, as the song goes...
ReplyDeleteand jj with his comments about vent...trying like all hell to ignore that but it aint easy...especially for me. early on in my posting career, I posted something that must have been a real hit on jj back in his gmsft days and vent chided me a bit, asking me to cut him slack because he knew him to be a nice person or something...don't even recall what I posted back then but I never forgot Vent's words and have cut him slack all this time, until a week or so back, when he flagged nunya which was totally uncalled for; now here lately he keeps throwing vent's name in the' mix and it's bugging the hell out of me and I know damn well he's doing that on purpose, trying to get one of us to say something he can flag. how damn low can a person get, doing something like that?
I can't find it, but in the last week or so, I made a smart aleck remark to MOTR. jjimmie started in on me, brought up vent, and told me in no uncertain terms that I was not vent's replacement. Up to that time, vent had not been mentioned. I was all over him. I used "how dare you!" type language instead of words I really wanted to use, but was not going to get myself booted. I chewed him up, spit him out and he's ignored me since. For what it's worth, a girl kicked jjimmie's butt! Don't mean to brag, but I'm proud of myself for standing up to him. If the opportunity presents itself, I'm going after battle as well.
ReplyDeleteIt's never ever a good idea to start in on the ladies of Room 235.
ReplyDeleteYou'll lose every lose every time...
Heck of a thunder storm coming thru here. Lots of lighting got me up. 5:29 AM
ReplyDeleteStay safe. I guess rain/storms today.
DeleteFrom Kevin's latest on CJ, by jjimmie on 8/27/15 @ 7:48 a.m.
If my posts continue to disappear, you can expect the same. Your call."
Someone(s) is getting to him. I'm not sure what was taken down, but I have seen him using *s to replace letters in banned words. I would need to go back through to see if those were removed. This is just what I expected; he can dish it out, but can't take it when it's thrown right back. Typical liberal! Rules apply to some, but not to them.
This helps make my day!
I found this part It takes a nutjob to recognize a nutjob and I feel that your behavior borders on sociopath. Don't be ashamed to reach out to friends at Valeo for help should
ReplyDeletelittle jjimmie is in panic mode. He know he is going to go and its just a matter of tome. He wants to take some one out with him or before him so he can brag about it. I have told all my friends on C J to flag him flag him and flag him. Go and read the CJ TOS and you can see very plainly that he and Bat poop are doing something wrong everyday. Just pick it out and flag him.
ReplyDeleteI am also in agreement with Kevin. If what Keri said about the staff at C J is true then maybe something is coming. Just hope it isnt Keven and KTT or FL. As our friend says Be Prepared Something is going to have to happen There were to many people upset with the Anchor Baby and Troll And FOCUS words being barred for who knows what. Just because Bat has some kind of pull. Remember when we went to the summit and that week ? there was a mod that made a post about Sherman having a meeting or something with Bat
good morning...headed over to romper room to check thing out...
ReplyDeletelolololol!!! new poster edsrayann laid old jj to waste and I think that' s what is getting to him..she showed up on another piece one day last week, something about guns and gave sound advice to women in general about being careful when answering the door especially at night. also gave advice on purchasing firearms and recommended a couple...she was, of course, catching hell from the usual suspects but held her ground. supports 2nd. nobody to mess with, and hope she stays around. jjs post about disappearing showed up shortly after her post on 235...
ReplyDeleteHi y'all. Just wanted to pass along a little information. I too wrote an email to the editor last week, explaining that the mods needed to take a closer look at some of bats replies, siting some examples. I also ended the email asking for some sort of notification that my email had actually been read. I did get an email that said it was recieved. Waiting for answers. Will post if I get my questions answered.
ReplyDeleteWe were suppose to get some info today but I haven' seen anything.
ReplyDeletehave gotten no response yet to my email either...sent last sunday...just the receipt response. monday is 31st when Ireland is supposed to be back. guess we'll see...but FL's roundtable blog is getting a hell of a lot of responses; the ass clowns have been a bit scarce today unless they show up later. old Pearl sounded a bit miffed in his last few over there...
ReplyDeleteand Loosy??? somebody needs to recommend substance abuse counseling for her...she must have snorted a big snootfull of diamond dust before writing her latest...
I'm going to share something with you guys today. Before I do though I'm going to ask you not to spread it around. especially over on cjonline.
ReplyDeleteFl finally received a response from Eric Smith today and it's not looking good for Batboy.
Here goes.
Thanks for your email. You make a very good point and we are addressing his comments currently and notifying him of the term of service points you made. Thanks for being patient with us and bringing this issue to our attention. I will do my very best to get eyes on all the comments from your blog today and contribute."
Eric Smith
It took some time but we may see results. Enough is enough. I normally don't flag people but I flagged bat every chance I could, just to make sure I wasn't asked by the editor why I hadn't brought bat's comments to their attention. I await a reply from someone at cj. I will post if I get a reply.
ReplyDeletethanks, and we cats are masterful at keeping quiet and just lying on our fence watching stuff...this is indeed hopeful news. havent checked my emails this evening; earlier I still had no reply to my email about the problems...
ReplyDeleteGood morning everyone. Good news travels fast. I hope you all get a stop to the turnip trolls. Ole Battass and his little wiennie jj. I read that one of the mods said something along the lines of why haven't you been flagging him? Like they have no idea as to what is going on. I have told my friends that still post to flag them both every time you can. Read the TOS rules so you will be reminded when they post. I see that you all have a couple of new posters and they seem to be really up and on the ball . Notice ole Batt piece is laying low. And jj has been running back and forth changing his post. Keep the faith and be prepared.
ReplyDeleteI guess we'll see how it all plays out.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure who Eric Smith is but on the surface it appears he's willing to do what Sherman Smith wasn't.
But then he also promised Fl he'd get back with her yesterday which never happened.
I suppose it could be he's running into resistance from those who've been covering for Bat.
Who knows?
I think we are seeing the Hillary defense. Act like you know nothing, seen nothing, heard nothing, and it will some how just go away. Or else they are all trying very hard to pass this on maybe hoping the editor will have to handle it when he comes back. Either way it just shows how really bad this newspaper is in lacking for any type of leadership.
ReplyDeletemid-afternoon, still nothing ...but noteworthy that none of them, including the ringleader, are posting anything. given that the assbat usually does his routine on fridays, unusual not to see his crap on the blog. but the day isnt over yet...I'm still napping on the fence with one eye open...
ReplyDeleteI've noticed the lack of bat today as well as jjimmie's somewhat tempered remarks. If bat still can be on CJ, I wonder how long he can go without, first, making any comment, and, second, making any comment in his usual style.
ReplyDeleteI've also noticed that jj has been editing. Would have been interesting to have seen the original comments. Can't help but think jj felt an overwhelming need to keep his sorry self in good graces.
I've been seriously considering getting on OBF today, but so far haven't. It would be nice to have reasonable discussions, and it's been some better, and hopefully things will improve. I'm beginning to believe that comments are not monitored and only read when there's a complaint. I guess I'm not too smart about some things.
that long post on loosy's blog by edsrayann got yanked today..suspect loosy flagged it because she accused her of lying...too damn bad. she was right of course, and pointed out a lot of other crap loosy has posted but at least it lasted long enough to get read by some...she was really upset.
ReplyDeleteI saw it and agreed with every single word she'd written...
ReplyDeleteas to loosy's column in general, she gets very little following these days...mostly poor old Alan and hammer's fan club...her rants grow more disjointed and whacked every time she does one. quite interesting to observe, actually, when I put the biohazard headgear on and go over there. lately the posters are more numerous from the rest of us, debunking her rants.
ReplyDeleteand...we got to enjoy a bat-free friday! maybe he flew into a chimney and got himself trapped...
Maybe his hippo mouth over loaded his flea bit butt. Kind of hard to soar with eagles when he's flying with turkeys like jj joke. Gimmie gimmie st. Jacko. Pee Pearl and several of those Liberal gal friends that they like to hang out with. Patty k nut, Loosey looney Lucy for starts.
ReplyDeletehaven't posted over here in a while. Kevin told me he was going to start posting over here again. jgimmie and ole batt can just KMA as far as I'm concerned. Those two are nothing but a couple of Anchor Baby Trolls. Those people will never be anything but a bunch of turkey shit!!
ReplyDeleteAt least no one can walk away wondering what you were trying to say...
ReplyDeleteWelcome aboard EFH!!!
anyone heard from FL at all? she tried hard to get a handle on this mess...unless cj still hasnt made anything official with her either. my letter to Ireland then Bob remains ignored...
ReplyDeleteI've heard from her through several emails. She still hasn't heard anything.
ReplyDeleteAnd our old buddy Ass Face has shown up again on today's cj's blog.
Same old shit. Warning others he'll report him every chance he gets.
You may or may not have already noticed by Battle Ass just had his ass handed to him again over on cj today...
ReplyDeleteEvery single post has been removed as a direct result of him violating those Terms of Service rules he claims to cherish so much...
You may or may not have already noticed by Battle Ass just had his ass handed to him again over on cj today...
ReplyDeleteEvery single post has been removed as a direct result of him violating those Terms of Service rules he claims to cherish so much...
it's about...damn...time. was posting a bunch of rebuttals to his last rant on your latest blog, Kevin, and noticed a distinct absence of something's up...hustled over here. but those rebuttals are good links and maybe the minnow population will reconsider since they've apparently lost the big news I've heard today! God Bless Us!
ReplyDeleteLOL He just lost two more post's Ha Ha He He What goes around comes around. Got to get down and dirty in the mud with these jack o's Get ur done Flag Flag and Flag That is all those two dorks understand. keep up the good work folks. we are in this war for the long run
ReplyDeletewee catz izz purrin lots taday...bak later ta sirvay dammige.....
ReplyDeletenothing like a few hefty and well-aimed swipes with paws to keep 'em in line...
Here's the deal. And obviously you guys have already figured it out. The more flags someone gets the more likely it will be noticed and the more likely it will be removed.
ReplyDeleteAnd the more flags any one poster gets the more likely that person is to being booted.
Sara already said it.Flag Flag and Flag again.
You know as well as I do Battle, Gimme, and Stjocks have been teaming up on us for a long time now. It's time we hit back and keep hitting him until he's only a very bad memory...
That's right on Kevin Lets all get on board here and let them have it. Just about anything those slime bags say can be flagged. Go and read the TOS rules at the bottom of the CJ page. We can get this done if we all get on board. And to who ever gets one pooffed or a team effort its what happens in the end that matters. Go Team
ReplyDeleteRemember he got two words removed. If you find his comment to bother you Flag him. We can get him removed just like he got two words removed and other posters removed.
ReplyDeleteHey everyone - thanks for the support. I'm not a huggie type but you have my sincere gratitude. It takes several flags on a comment, so start flagging.... each and everyone of Bat's crap posts.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to get him booted by flagging his posts, so please join me - with diligence there will be light at the end of the tunnel of his crap.
FL Millstone
Kevin, thanks for the invite
When I flag Bat - I clip and paste his entire post and put it in the flag note box....that way if he edits his posts, it's not going to help....the original version of post is already in the hands of the mods.
DeleteHe's been quite sly today with his careful wording calling everyone racists... so stay sharp -
Frances Lloyd Millstone
And welcome to The Underground Bunker.
ReplyDeleteWe started this blog a long time ago because we were losing so many people at the time and still wanted to stay in touch.
I probably should have warned you ahead of time about some of the language.
We're not all that big on political correctness around here.
Oh, and since I'm the sole moderator the trolls who do show up don't usually stay very long.
Eventually they all end up going "Poof!"
I've done a poor job of keeping this blog up and running and there are a lot of people who have stopped posting.
ReplyDeleteBut don't let that fool you.
I can look at the stats on another page and as of right now there have 367 separate views since I posted it 4 days ago.
People are reading it and our word is getting out...
Two more crap posts by Bat. I have flagged them for racist and misleading information. Needing more flags to make these crap posts disappear.
DeleteOh, sorry, I forgot to put FL on my post.... sorry.
DeleteTwo more post go POOF Ha Ha He He
DeleteHis lastn two posts just came back up. Now tell me what the H is going on?
ReplyDeletejust now saw that too... damn! ok. tomorrow when it's business hours, I'm e-mailing Eric Smith again.... to discuss Bat again.... I strongly urge everyone to do the same. is his e-mail addy.... Please joint me in sending e-mails to Eric, and don't let up until you receive a reply or he comes online on the blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks, FL
Thank you Kevin for getting this back up and running. Things for me have been very rough... lost 3 uncles in about 1 1/2 months... in my beautiful Mom's family. My Uncle Tom (my aunt rita's husband - she's mom's younger sister), my Uncle Lucian and Uncle Bert (two of Mom's 4 brothers). Enduring loss is always hard, and when you get your feet back under you, you're cut off at the knees again and again.... we knew Uncle Bert was going to pass soon because he had cancer. My other two uncles - their passing blind sided all of us.
ReplyDeleteMy dad is on the mend - doing well considering his health issues...emphazema, COPD, sleep apnea.... with all the heartache he caused my mom and me, my family, and my mother's family.... he knows I'm still close to Mom's family - not once has dad and my sister too... not once have they offered comforting words to me.... that doesn't help the situation. We will never be close, but I was still trying to do the right thing and stay in contact and putting aside the heartache they caused.... I have to draw the line... I'm going to slow down my contact with them. I was always closer to my beautiful Mom - she was the glue that held us together...
I know my 3 uncles are up in Heaven with my beautiful Mom and all the rest of the family who has passed.
Love and hugs to everyone - Rikki (Ramona T.)
Rikki, God's blessings to you, and courage...your story with dad and other family members hits so close to home with my current situation...have been dealing with it now for two years and centers around another relative who happens to be one of the most manipulative creatures I have had to deal with. like you, I had to pull back and damn, it has been hard. my children however have been my blessing throughout, and are in my corner; they could see the stress of it wearing on me and tearing me up and I was practically given orders by both of them to back away about a year ago. accepting things you cannot change is the hardest part of that prayer. one of these days I'll share that story probably; just not ready to quite, hugs and purrs...
DeleteThank you Cats - hugs. I have the Serenity Prayer in many strategic places so I can see it frequently. Rikki
DeleteJust seen the reply to FL on her blog from C J Well guess what folks. Yhep you guessed it right. Ole Bat Ass Mr Wednesday Night and his little closet buddy jj Gimmie have done went and sucked right up. And no doubt are reading this so as to keep up on their latest accomplishments A dead give away as to CJ was when Batt had two posts removed and then bam they came back up. Notice at the bottom of his two pulled post??? Very strange I would say. So how do you get posts that were pulled and then put back up with out that little line at the bottom? Some one please explain before I start drinking my whole day away.
ReplyDeleteI just sent an e-mail to the folks at CJ as promised. Will let you know how things turn out.
ReplyDeleteFL Millstone
That newspaper?? is got to be the biggest joke in the newspaper world. There is Not One Person that has stepped up. No one is running the shop. Guess they don't really seem to care as to what goes on. I wonder who owns the paper? Maybe we need to e mail higher up the chain. It's very clear that no one at this Crap newspaper gives a hoot. Batt has some kind of in with someone high up and they no doubt show their policy politics. Hard to get a fair day in court when they have stacked the jury pool and the judge has been bought.
DeleteAfter reading that post she left on your blog Its pretty easy to tell where her head is at.
DeleteMorris Communications owns the paper. I just posted a new comment on my blog Sara.... I am very direct in my new post on the blog.
DeleteAt least we now have their attention.... I don't hold my breath with what Sherman has to say.... he's wishy washy where Battle is concerned.
Sherman has a long history of going against anything that would make a conservative posted look good. I don't care for him as he had showed his bias against us. He has took the Liberal side 99% of the time and has stood behind posters like Batt and jjimmie. Remember when jj was using the letters MF in his name for aver a year and people were getting booted off and abuse warnings for using letters. So i wouldn't even bother with Sherman helping you or any other poster out. He will stab us in the back. He has shown his true colors more than once. Only way he will do anything right is if by some chance it comes down from higher up.
Deleteyou're right on that Sara, Sherman has not backbone when it comes to Battle and the other idiots.
DeleteWill let everyone know when I receive a reply from today's e-mail.
oh, forgot again... FL Millstone
ReplyDeletehave not yet emailed eric but did flag his damned hiccup post and told them why I did so in no uncertain terms. pointed out all his obnoxious disruptiveness, his rudeness, his threats and repetitive crap, then how all of a sudden he gets all sweet and syrupy while others have been booted for far less than what this guy has gotten away with...repeated all the stuff I emailed Ireland about the other day, told them I was tired of it all. also read Quinn's post on FL's about condescending...yeah. that one was.
ReplyDeleteHow do you get two posts removed and then magically reappear? The thing I cant get is why does it not say FLAG FOR REVIEW at the bottom of those two posts?
ReplyDeletewhat the hell...went back to that blog and the hiccup post that I flagged and the flag for review line is indeed missing now on that one...none of his others on that blog are missing that line. ??? some high strangeness going on, or what? I left another post on Fl's blog about this mess needing resolution but hell, I'm damn near done with this crap.
ReplyDeleteYes Cats it is some of the reasons that I don't feel bad about not being able to post on CJ. Way too much balony and back stabbing lying from C J mods. The no flag thing is really showing me that CJ and Batt are one and the same. If Sherm denies that I would call him a flat out liar. makes it hard to flag someone when there is no flag for review. Or else Batt has found a way to go back and restore his posts.Either way I bet you all a six pack we will never know why.
ReplyDeleteI would probably lose that
DeleteI haven't received a reply from my e-mail this morning- starting to come to the conclusion that nothing will be done about Bat....Kevin is right....
I must admit, it did feel good to bitch slap Bat around..... and bash Sherman too... just wished it would have remedied the situation.
yep...taking a housework break, checked my email...nada...that's all right. I can lie in the weeds too, and watch...see what happens. if things get too bad I'll just drop my subscription I guess. amazing that the wbc, with those disgusting signs of theirs have more freedom of speech than do conservative posters at cjonline, and they use terms on those signs that I wouldn't dream of using.
ReplyDeleteGee sure is quiet over on the CJ blogs No Batt Ass Crazy ,jj gimmie gimmie, St Jacko, Pee Pearl even the looney toon leftys are absent today. Kind of makes a person wonder whats up ??? Hmmm
ReplyDeletejust "re-sent" my e-mail..... I've decided to be like a "fly to a flystrip" I'm sticking to this to see it through.
FL, I just noticed Tomari posted again on your blog and said something along the lines of "I'm glad this issue has been resolved."
ReplyDeleteAny idea what that's supposed to mean?
Not sure Kevin. What I said she may have misinterpreted because I specifically said "I do feel that some of us bloggers have been given the brush off - that was before my communications with Eric Smith- I applaud how he handled the issue with Battlestache.
DeleteI do not have high hopes from anything Sherman will do because countless times complaints have been brought up about Battlestache and the situation changed some only after Eric Smith handled the situation. "
Henry B had both of his posts pulled. I didn't really see anything out of whack. He was posting the sheriff from Milwaukee. Still a lot of questions that never were answered. Guess that was par for the course of C J.
ReplyDeletethey're lurking, I think, not posting...don't know why Henry got pulled either...saw nothing there that I found offensive unless maybe it's a mod with an attitude, like Emily who pulled posts over the anchor baby thing. brainwashed liberal no doubt. if old battllebutt is allowed to continue posting, his supporting the blm bunch made it so easy for me to ignore him now that he may as well not even exist...I see him for what he is, in all his glory and no redemption ever possible except with God...certainly not me...not worth discussing anything with. supporting a sick, demented bunch of loons like that group shows me exactly not who he is but what he is.
Deletestill none of the usual suspects on the cj this evening but they're lurking, 2 posts got pulled on FL's latest blog...
ReplyDeletethey either have an inside track or the news today was so bad for their dem gurus that they decided not to post anything. dem nat'l committee endorsed the black lives matter bunch today and condemnation of that bunch of idiots was everywhere both on the talkers and on the web...
I edited my reply to Tomari by stating "Please be more equal in how complaints are handled in regard to Battlestache. He has caused many posters accounts to be blocked and yet he repeatedly violates and is still here. and in my flag on Bat's new crap post I mention that he is slamming all of us and his post is a personal attack on me.
Well hows it feel to get stabbed in the back by C J? I ve been saying this for as long as I have been around these blogs. They are back stabbing lying SOB's. Every single one of them. They will lie to you and feed you all kinds of BS Just look around. It's a a jungle out there. How's it feel to get stabbed in the back? So much for trying to be fair.
ReplyDeleteOk, I throw in the towel.... also I will not be posting anylonger on CJ - no I am not blocked - I am just f'n done with the jerks FL.
DeleteSorry to see that happen to you Fl It just goes to show they could care less about who they step on. The two jerks are right back at it and laughing up a storm at all you posters and the ignorant C J people. Fl hang out over here if you can. This is our underground bunker that Kevin got for us all. It's just a darn shame that it has to come to this,but some of us knew it would go down like this. I for one will do everything I can to boycott C J and its employees.
DeleteHey y'all Rikki here.... first name Ramona...
ReplyDeleteIt totally pissed me off to see that patoot's post.... I flagged him and in my comment to the mods I wrote this "This post is nothing but regurgitated twisted ----
He is confident that no matter how much crap he pulls, he knows without a doubt that he will once again get away with violating your rules as in the several countless times past."
went to the roundtable blog where I found those snide posts of his and jj's and flagged both of them for the abuse and instigating that they are...also pointed out in my flag that even though they're claiming that battlebutt did not actually flag anyone? that he constantly and repetitively threatens to do so; this upsets people and is harassment. not throwing in the towel just yet...we've got a real catfight going on here.
ReplyDeletere the flag line at the bottom of jj's and battlebutt's latest on the roundtable blog...missing on both much do you want to bet that cj does that to keep them from getting flagged again? just sayin'...
ReplyDeletebe advised, jjoke and battlebutt, if you two azzclowns are lurking around here, we are wise to your ignorance and will proceed however we can, civilly, to stop your diarrhea of the mouth. because that's what it is. diarrhea.
ReplyDeleteHi guys, I received and email from FL this morning and she asked my to share it here.
Here goes...
I posted this new reply to Tomari early this morning on my Round Table blog.FL_Millstone 09/01/15 - 07:31 am
just some more things to discuss..
Like I mention in my blog "There are some folks who come onboard only to disrupt and like with fishing….they bait their hooks to lure other folks into arguments, etc. thus creating an unfavorably hostile environment resulting in warning notifications and ultimately the boot."
Battlestache has deliberately inflamed many folks on here - with antagonistic remarks such as this: "So many here think themselves slighted if they don't receive an instant reply to an email sent at 1:00 am."
and this: "I wonder if they'd think themselves abused if they had to write a reflective essay after every pulled post in order to be able to comment again."
and this: "I don't mean this to be offensive, but rather to apologize; I am frankly embarrassed by the actions of many of my peers, badgering you guys with redundant emails with no regard at all for your professional or family obligations."
If Battlestache had not started things first with his blatant disrespect for civility...with his antagonistic remarks he would be receiving disrespect from us.
But somehow he is allowed to continue....but when he can't deal with stuff like what he dishes out he goes running to you an the other moderators and the end result is warnings and ultimately blocked accounts...
There is a major unbalance as to how complaints are handled and it is grossly unfair how Battlestache is allowed to continue after all the trouble he's caused.
Ok, I've calmed down.... decided to continue this path about Bat and the Mods. On page 8 of my Round Table blog, flag this post!
ReplyDeleteI have clipped and pasted it here....
"Battlestache 09/01/15 - 06:46 pm
Have you thought of starting a non-CJ blog, Rikki?
Like or
As sole moderator, you wouldn't need to appeal to Tomari and others to kick off users who you don't wish to contend with.
Just trying to help..."
I don't like it when Bat attacks anyone - Some of his posts I noticed this afternoon were removed after my rant on Tomari. We might be gaining ground after all. Start flagging his posts - no holds barred comments in the flag comment box.... Bat's going down!
SUCCESS! Bat's post against Rikki is now "unpublished"... No reply to Battlestache, just flag his comments....
just got done flagging his crap on page 8, and found another on page 9...still trying to goad rikki...flagged that too and suggested to mods that they lookk up the psychological definition of troll behavior and how they on 8 got removed...both my flags were on the round table blog...we cats just love to torture whenever we get prey....smack! thwack! biff! bop!
ReplyDeleteThanks cats - the tide may be finally going against Bat..... oh this is so sweet!!!!
Bat's been also on Trabert's blog....trying to start an argument with him there.... he's tried many times before to lure Trabert into an argument.... FL
ReplyDeleteupdate: gone...with the wind...poof!!! both of my flagged ones...poof!!!!
ReplyDeletewe're winning, gang!
re Trabert's blog...Trabert is handling him pretty well...old Battlebutt is getting nowhere fast on that one. trying to twist his words.
ReplyDeletehe got a good dose of abuse letters and I would not put it past him to try to come back with an apology tour again that stunt he pulled with his dying friend routine...don't buy that crap if he does.
ReplyDeletekeep the heat on him - don't let up. FL
ReplyDeleteI just flagged his last post on Dave's blog.
ReplyDeleteDave has already repeatedly explained KPI doesn't support common core.
But ol batass being the bad ass he thinks he is just keeps on digging.
Flagged for being combative and making it impossible for others to have a civil conversation with his abusive ways...
Oh, and I misspoke last night when I said we'd had 367 separate hits on the blog since I posted it.
ReplyDeleteI meant to say we'd had 367 total hits which means that a lot of different people are checking us out multiple times.
Anyway, that number now stands at 555.
Yeah, Batass and his clowns are reading everything we say...
Press on folks. That is the only way we can win this "battle."
ReplyDeletehave you noticed someone hasn't posted since last evening?
yes...about three, as a matter of has been the sounds of silence from them. but beware as new incarnations may very well be coming up on the horizon...they have gotten away with that before.
ReplyDeleteanother post also missing on your round table, FL...count down to 239 now.
Eagle Eyes needed..................
My hat's off to you, Fl.
ReplyDeleteIf nothing else you've gotten through to the moderators.
You've accomplished something no one else has been able to do...
thank you Kevin. FL
ReplyDeleteover time, I have seen Battlestache get away with stuff other folks have been warned and ultimately booted for.... it isn't right. In my rant on Tomari I address that more direct... in essence, when I wrote the Round Table, I was trying to be polite but direct.... as time went on and bat's attacks and antagonism started becoming more intense, I felt it was time to take off the gloves and go for it.. I am sincerely hoping that they finally realize they cannot turn a blind eye to their own discretions in regard to bat.
ReplyDeleteI can't do it alone though - the only reason that I have gotten this far is because of everyone's support and flagging of comments....
For Sherman to say to you to ignore bat... was a wishy washy cowards way out.... I have zero respect for Sherman.
Kevin, have you discussed with Tomari the lousy advice that Sherman gave you? I still have a hunch that bat's got a inside connection - because if he didn't he would have been long gone.
Let me clarify... the coward remark is directed towards Sherman....
FL, we all feel that Battle has an inside connection - and we all feel that he is the reincarnation of MWN and that Battle has a vendetta. Many folks are gone - good folks - which brings me to say Thank you to Kevin for having this blog - it's good to see some names of those who have been silenced on Cj.
ReplyDeleteRikki - p.s. FL - I've been around since Blog Hoggers - I am not one of the original founding Blog Hoggers - I came along later than that....but we had good times whenever CJ would have Station #3 closed.... to see the digital advancement of the website from back then to today... wow... it's come a long way, but also it's sad that a lot of folks can't enjoy each other's company because of Battle.....and a few others.
One thing that I know about Kevin and the others - i.e. the good guys (smile) is that the good guys are honorable and I respect them all greatly.
Though I must caution you - be careful.... with your wording - be direct but be cautious - we don't want you booted.
FL, thank you for the round table and working to make a aint over till it's over of course but I do think we've got them thinking and maybe reconsidering some of their ways around there. like rikki says...wording is critical. there are those who will be just waiting for one of us to screw up; we need to work like hell to hold to the higher path. we are all strong people, we have good character and we have integrity. better to log off and get away for a bit if one of us feels like posting something we might get in trouble for...and re-read or re-word before hitting that button.
ReplyDeleteAs of right now there have been 629 hits on this little unknown blog since I posted it.
ReplyDeleteTrust me when I say WE ARE BEING WATCHED.
Hey, just because they say were paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.
Have a good day all...
Hey, cats...
ReplyDeleteDid you ever get your riding mower fixed?
I'm asking because I got an email from EFH and he wanted me to let you know he'd be happy to take a look at it...
thank you both , have older son enlisted on that...given his line of work I have to set up "appointments" lol...he's been in northwest lately...neb-wyoming. much appreciated! you all are great!
DeleteKevin, they aren't only paranoid......they're worried and rightly so.
they only think they know how to lie in the weeds...younger son has taught me much, given his line of work...these people are high-larious!! we don't get mad, we get even, so the saying goes...
ReplyDeletenot one of my better traits, but I can be patient.... eagle eyes.
patience is the key...learned much about payoffs for that from younger son...surveillance is a big part of his job...
ReplyDeleteNot trying to get anyone's hope up but if you'll go over to cj and click on Batass' avatar it'll bring up his profile.
ReplyDeleteWith the exception of his name and butt ugly avatar it's completely blank.
Does this mean his account has been blocked?
Could be...
hope so. time will tell. FL
ReplyDeletewhen I check his avatar, his comments were there - so no clue.
same here
DeleteEveryone have a restful evening - tomorrow will be here before you know it.
I checked em again this morning and they were there.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I imagined the whole thing. Lol...
you best guard your brat is on the prowl for coffee.... check out Open Blog Friday..... :)
better not come near my coffee, space brat!!! without it I rival crabby old Wilson in crabbiness....pppffffftttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^ ! ^
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Cats ;-) can I tempt you with a warm cinnamon roll ? and a hug? ..... not to worry, I won't take your coffee mug..... (smiles)