I'm going to make this short and sweet today and let Wayne LaPierre do the talking.
Give me 8 minutes of your time today and let's talk about whether or not Obama has the balls to accept the challenge.
I'm going with, not a chance in hell...
Kevin McGinty
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Never mind it is here the new blog hehehehe
ReplyDeleteGood morning Shitheads!!! Oh and Batshit good morning also.
Now got that out of the way. Let me see if I can find some V8 around here, to go with this cold one.
barack hussein obama will not debate Wayne LaPierre. obama knows his rhetoric is full of lies and easily disproven made up statistics. He lives in an echo chamber. His toadies all slither around him agreeing with everything he says. Nobody ever corrects his lies because they all know he is lying and believe so much in their unholy ungodly cause they justify any means to accomplish it.
ReplyDeleteThe good new is America has no taste for gun control. That's been well established and proven. Liberals love the idea, and would disarm America in a heart beat. And the liberal media slobbers and drools all over them in support. But America is made up of more than liberal media types and ungodly left wingers and coastal elites trying to run our live for us.
America is chock full of people just like us. Patriotic people who love our country and love the constitution we live by. We far outnumber the noisy ungodly left wingers. And this year they are going to experience just how many of us there are. And a lot of people who voted for the whole "hope and change" mythology only to see their savings wiped out, their jobs gone and their healthcare insurance taken away and replaced by some statist created collectivist redistributionist dream are going to vote this year. And not vote for a lying criminal like Hillary, or a socialist overage hippy like sanders. If you doubt that, hide and watch.
SSAH , you do know where that comment just went don't you, changed a couple words to protect me. hahaha
I guess I'm still posting on CJ, right? Cool. They can't boot me off if I don't post anything. But they might boot you off.
ReplyDeleteWell how about that? The Supreme Court overturned the Kansas Supreme Court who overturned the Carr Brothers death sentences. Those were the animals who murdered several people in Wichita in a particularly gruesome way.
ReplyDeleteSo our liberal Kansas Supreme Court was wrong wrong wrong. And this is the same court that has ruled unconstitutionally that the Kansas schools are not funded adequately. So much for the wisdom of this bunch of ungodly liberals we call the Kansas Supreme Court. Let's take the school funding ruling to the Supreme Court as well. They are just as wrong about that and the ungodly left has had a field day with that one. Let's shut that claptrap down now.
Here's another good one. When they caught El Chapo he had a .50 cal rifle in his possession. That's a rifle big enough to bring down a helicopter. And guess where that gun came from?
ReplyDeleteIf you guessed from the criminal Eric Holder and barack hussein Obama's gun running adventure, you are correct. That gun goes back to Fast and Furious when the criminal Eric Holder sold guns to the Mexican drug cartels hoping to set up the gun industry and make it look like they were supplying weapons to the cartels.
It's not too late if we get a Republican President. Haul his criminal ass right to the justice system, prosecute him for illegal arms sales and send his criminal ass to prison.
SSAH, I am stealing your comments here, but most will know that is on our side that they are yours, hahahah they know I don't comment that well. This is what Middle means about Adapt, Improvise and overcome.
I have been critical of Lapierre in the past. At times I believe he hasn't done enough or taken a stronger stance in some situations. But, he does have our best interest at hand, and has some bright individuals working with him to provide needed support to gun owners and our rights as Americans.
ReplyDeleteAs for debating Obama? Never happen, like you said Kevin. I would love to see it though. Of course I have lamented about a common sense approach like every one else to no avail. But a guy could hope, right?
But here's a question. The ATF now BATFE, lost thousands of weapons in the "gun walking" situation known as fast and furious. Dindu Obama issued executive action regarding the process for stolen or lost firearms recently, so why isn't their more outrage from the left? Hell, an appointed Obama judge just rescinded executive privilege to the issue and the paperwork is supposed to come out. So why aren't Congress men and women pushing for those papers and evidence?
At least one American Civil servant died, (proven) and no outrage from libtards! And as safe pints out, now we are finding Barret 50 cals? Insanity!!!!!!!
Of course I understand the answers to my questions, but thanks for providing a place for a man to vent his frustration and concern. And I'm glad their are others like us that feel the same way.
Make no mistake.
ReplyDeleteThere are others and as Safe's already pointed out we outnumber the hell our of them
The only good thing to come out of the Obama nightmare is that the silent majority has risen...
Well I might have to go back on CJ and get things rolling two blogs up and dead as a door nail. What gives with that, It needs a name taker and a ass kicker for sure.
ReplyDeleteHell my error I wasn't on the new blog damn, I hate it when that happens.
ReplyDeleteGreat development courts ruled Richard Milhouse obama can't use executive privilege to withhold evidence regarding fast and furious. The noose is tightening on him, holder and clinton.
ReplyDeleteIt took a hell of a lot less to generate impeachment charges against Nixon which forced him to resign in disgrace.
ReplyDeleteHillary is about to get cuffed and stuffed and obama should be right behind her.
Yep. I mentioned that earlier in my post, safe. How long will it take before Congress demands the papers and all communications on the "gun walking"? A little extra caveat, the judge is Obama appointed.
ReplyDeleteIf a congressman wanted to earn some stripes and balls, they would demand the evidence. Play a game, called " squeeze the dindu".
To me the key all along is pressure. People like him don't operate well when cornered. Corner the shit out of him, and then the monster will appear. Then cut the head off.
But then again, I'm more proactive than a silly Congressman. So I guess it's just wishful thinking...
Good night all.
Good morning Bunker 235.
ReplyDeleteGood morning to all the shitheads also.
And good morning right back at ya, Middle.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, the shitheads are still out there watching us.
Good morning shitheads...
Kevin, Lost all my History this morning, I am trying to restore it not, really sucks. But I got this back on.
ReplyDeleteThink of it this way.
ReplyDeleteThe more time you spend on that is less time you have to get yourself in trouble in other places...
Was that sarcasm?
No way...
That's good! Because I didn't feel like crushing anyone's chest today. Well except maybe batshits
ReplyDeleteGood news.
ReplyDeleteI just received my email alert that this blog was posted early yesterday morning...
Other than that I noticed we've had 179 hits since then as well.
ReplyDeleteHello shitheads...
I got my e-mail Kevin at 5;45 today, now that is why you have to adapt improvise and overcome. and when things get slow post as a last comment on this blog when the next one is going up.
ReplyDeleteAlright guys, Free For All Friday's up and running.
ReplyDeleteI bet this post will beat the email notification by at least 24 hours...
Well good morning to the bunker and a special hello to all the shitheads. Even the ones that work at CJ.
ReplyDeleteWho ever just wrote that did a fine job of detailing out POTUS. I am sure we will get a lot of comments if some one would copy that and post it on OBF as I have been zzzzzz off to much for Emiley
Top of the morning Skippey.
ReplyDeleteGo to the home page.
Free For All Friday's up and running...
Well good morning to the bunker and a special hello to all the shitheads. Even the ones that work at CJ.
ReplyDeleteWho ever just wrote that did a fine job of detailing out POTUS. I am sure we will get a lot of comments if some one would copy that and post it on OBF as I have been zzzzzz off to much for Emiley