Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Two Completely Different Visions for America...

Well guys, the dust has settled and the votes have been tallied.

As expected Donald Trump's hard core message of putting America first for a change won the day.

And also as expected Socialist Bernie Sanders mopped the floor with the democrats favorite old hag, Hillary Clinton.

Oh, I'm sorry. I suppose if one wanted to they could perceive that as a sexist comment or even a personal attack on another person.

Too bad.

Take a few minutes to watch the two winning candidates as they addressed their supporters last night and you'll hear two completely different messages.



I know exactly where I stand.

And because of a comment a very good friend of ours left on the blog devoted to Patty Kinnett I know exactly where he stands.

The rest of today's blog is dedicated to Still Safe at Home and what he had to say.

Everything he said rings true and it should be the starting point of a conversation we all need to have.

I watched the commie Berney give his speech. I was struck by how similar his speaking style was to another familiar demagogue from years gone by. The loud voice, sounding angry, meant to invoke anger from his audience. Blaming others for all the ills he and they perceive. Targeting a single group, the wealthy and promising to make them pay for all the self inflicted sufferings of the lazy greedy crowd that cheered him on. Adolph Hitler had a very similar style. Listen to his speeches sometime. You'll see that same loud angry voice. And you'll see that same fabricated blame that he and his blind ignorant followers love to falsely place on others for everything they have failed to accomplish.

I never thought I would live long enough to see communism cheered and openly advocated in my country. It is a sad day indeed that we have managed to produce so many poorly educated easily led people who happily seek their own gratification at the expense of the country that I love.

We are seeing the chickens come home to roost. The ungodly communist led left wing has spent the last 50 years taking over our public education system and universities. We now have a generation of people who are so poorly educated they have no idea what they are doing. Look no further than our colleges to see this insanity in full bloom.

If we fail to elect a Republican, any Republican to the Presidency it is game over. They will appoint at least one Supreme Court Justice and maybe more. And the end will be in sight at that point.

So you folks who believe you are following your principles because you can't vote for Trump or Cruz or Bush or whoever ends up running, so you stay home and don't vote thus giving a vote to the ungodly democrat whoever that may be will be doing as much harm by your well intentioned but very destructive act. It will prove nothing, it will make a statement nobody will hear and it will hand our country over to a group of godless people who wish to see your lives destroyed and the country turned inside out.

I'm no happier with the Republicans than most of you, but the alternative is the death of America. And that I can't live with.

Safe, It's an honor standing along side you...

Kevin McGinty


  1. And I love being among fellow patriots, lovers of freedom and of America. The people here and our fellow travelers are all that stands between America and the Red Menace that is looming.

    I'm proud to have friends like the people here at America's Underground Bunker.

    As Hawkeye Pierce used to say....."Finest Kind".

  2. Just catching up for the day, here. Safe what you wrote is so right on. Not trying to make an echo chamber here, but I feel that I need to say it again.
    Along the lines of what you said, I was listening to Savage today, and he compared Sanders speech to Lenin. He played them both, with a loose translation of Lenin. The hair on the back of my neck stood up.
    It is a red menace we face, and I wish you people would of snuffed this out in the sixties. Now these cockroaches want to pollute the minds of the young that know not history, or its consequences.
    I'm a tweener. Born after the hippie, dope, free love bullshit but Olde enough to remember the cold war of the early eighties and how a Soviet socialist Republic was the enemy. Now that socialist is running for president. And it truly bothers me to think the kids behind me think it's novel.
    I believe most would agree the only difference between socialism and communism, is the death squads. Right now, at this point Trump/Cruz 16 and 20 might give us a chance to quell the hordes massing. And the future lies in my children's generation being raised right, to be educated, to know history. Because if not, we are doomed.

  3. just got through flagging battle


  4. And in the interest of transparency so did I.

    Completely and totally off topic...

  5. would you believe that my post where I tell bat that the blog he's off topic and disruptive was removed? yep it was... but no nasty gram in the email..... oh well, he still read it.


  6. Of course he read it and that's all that really matters...

  7. Good morning! Nunya here....

    I agree with what is said here about Bernie's absolutely angry, hateful, divisive...utterly INSANE unworkable message...and how Trump gave a message of love and peace and strength and REAL "hope for America"!

    Well...we'll see if my posts pass muster...or if they get pulled.

    I kinda gave it to ol' Patty on the 'retirement savings" case you all haven't seen that. Instead of any useful, thoughtful commentary...he entire post was Brownback bashing...just because his name was in the story, I suppose.

    We'll aslo see if my "PC cops" comment about Batshit stays, even though I managed to work Bernie and "free" (the actual topic) in it, also.

    Maybe I should go over and copy my Dr. Seussian little poem before it disappears?! I figured if I made it look a little like a Dr. Seuss would be somewhat on the level a liberal might find more appealing, being that they live in a Dr. Seussian-fantasy childlike world all their own!

    Batass got flagged...and I usually don't flag. I just wrote "Off topic...again!".

    Have a great day!

  8. Nunya, I copied it if you haven't.

  9. Marx considered Socialism as a rest stop on the highway to Communism. He always saw it as a temporary measure. Remember, most Communist countries call themselves Socialist. Cuba, Venezuela and don't forget the United Soviet Socialist Republics.

  10. BatBOY, You keep on making a fool of yourself over on CJ, that is the only way you can get peoples attention, but if you were not so full of batshit, just maybe you could get someone like Patty to talk more with ya, you don't have to be a prick all the time. Now go yourself.

  11. Just read the Bathole Boy's comments on CJ. Hilarious. This guy is the prototype boilerplate godless left winger. These people are completely out of their minds. There must be some kind of disease that leaves them brain damaged and all thinking alike. There's just no other explanation for it.

    Maybe something like Mad Cow disease. When I first heard of that one I thought they were just describing Hillary Clinton. Turns out it is an actual disease.

    Poor Bat Boy, denutted and left to wallow in his own pitiful uselessness. He used to be the cock of the walk, attacking everybody at will with no recourse, baiting and taunting people. Now he's had his balls clipped, assuming he actually had any that is, and all he has left is that pathetic sorry bullshit. Run in off the playground and tell the teacher the other kids are being mean to somebody. That's pretty sad. But you know what I always say.....

    If that's all you got, that's what you go with.

  12. SSAH, hahahahha I think I will pass on that one and not post it on CJ as much as I would love to. Lol


  13. well y'all if what I just posted on CJ gets "rikki" booted at least I can come here....


  14. Rikki, I'm pretty happy just posting here. The shit that flows from the ungodly liberals on CJ just gets me mad and I would just get kicked off again. I think I've reached my limit on the liberal crap. And I love that I can say whatever I want.

    Seems like plenty of people read us over here and that will just grow if we keep it real. Plus there's the fun part knowing bat boy reads it and doesn't have anybody to complain to. I'm sure his boyfriend gets tired of listening to him bitch about what we say here.

  15. Thanks SSAH .... hugs.

  16. In related news.


    So a bunch of Anarchists, terrorists, racists and criminals burn down the city, loot millions in goods, put untold numbers of people out of work by destroying their businesses, all over a criminal thug who got justifiably shot while trying to disarm and murder a Police Officer. And the entire riot was based on a lie.

    So the government springs into action by filing a civil rights lawsuit against the city for causing the whole thing by prosecuting and arresting criminals.

    Anybody else wonder what our country has come to when the government is at war with its own citizens? When they murder ranchers and steal their land? When they sue the citizens of the country for crimes against the liberal agenda?

    Is this what Thomas Jefferson and James Madison imagined for this great and noble experiment called the United States of America? Or is this what they feared the most?

  17. well, no reply from Eric or Emily.... no surprise there. bat seems to be in hiding.....

    sorry bat.... the job of ground hog has already been taken and Feb. 2 is long since past.... you afraid of your shadow on this bright sunny day?? then to your shadow might just kick your hiney.... you never know about shadows bat.... especially yours....

    this is good stuff.... I should write a horror flick about bat's shadow chasing him all over the place but the real horror is that bat can't hid from his shadow.... it's always gonna be one step behind him...


  18. Instead of writing a story focusing on Battle.... I decided to tell a story about the folks here at the Bunker.... it made me feel happier to write about the Bunker... hope you like it.
    Before you get into the story, I must tell you that the setting is in medieval times. Don't know if anyone of you has ever had a story written about you before - if not here's a first. Mindyou, I don't just write without a purpose.... you have to be someone whom I appreciate much and whom I hold high regard for...... ok?

    Once upon a time and not too far away, in the Kingdom of Blog was a pesky irritant of a person whose name is many names but currently uses Battlestache.

    Battlestache’s only purpose in life was to relentlessly aggravate the noble subjects of Blog.

    Within the Kingdom of Blog was the noble newspaper – that was until it was overtaken by the evil moderators who with their own agenda seem to delight in relentlessly aggravating the noble subjects of Blog with their double standard rules that change a lot to suit their whims.

    When Battlestache and the evil moderators met up, they began to work together to further the evil, though they have not succeeded thanks to the Noble Knights of the Bunker within the Kingdom of Blog.

    The Noble Knights of the Bunker within the Kingdom of Blog, galloping upon their mighty steads ride along the countryside of Blog face the challenge daily in their pursuit of spreading truth.

    A good bunch the Noble Knights they are – a band of brothers they are. Kevin tells Sarge – you’re not supposed to ride the horse backwards….. Sarge replies – Kevin I’m keeping my eye on you so that you don’t take more of my homemade jerky - don’t think I don’t know where my last batch of jerky went – Hear me?! …. Kevin warns Sarge of the low tree branch just ahead –

    Sarge replies….what low tree branch this better not be another attempt to get more of my homemade jerky…. Whap! …. Oh that low tree branch…. Both Kevin and Sarge enjoy the fun of the moment as does the rest of the Noble Knights of the Bunker.

    The Noble Knights are a good group of guys and when Battlestache and the evil moderators set out to sabotage them they are always ready for the challenge. Battlestache and the evil moderators haven’t won any of the battles they staged. Every time the Noble Knights win the day, Battlestache characteristically runs away displaying cowardice and goes into hiding and the evil moderators grow silent.

    You see, truth chases away darkness and evil.
    Until another day….


  19. the lefties can come out in droves, attack all they want, but they're only succeeding in showing their own density.


    p.s. my story was meant to be light hearted, but also with an element of truth....i.e. the lefties will never gain the upper hand.

  20. Well, I gather today that "flamers" aren't allowed at cj?
    I beg to differ...

  21. you guys do know that I wrote the short story about everyone...not just two?


  22. I understood Riki. We are all a team.

  23. yep (smiles)I must admit that when my thoughts roamed towards a medieval story - visualizing y'all wearing armor.. you can finish the thought. (smiles).

  24. sometimes it's good to take a break from the crap on cj and laugh some. :)


  25. Rikki Cute but you fib! You know you beamed down and ripped off my Jerky. one of your 3 am dog walking tricks.

  26. I forgot Sarge.... you've got a cloaking detector... dadgummit!

    btw.... just visualizing you riding backwards on a horse in clanking armor did make me giggle this afternoon...


  27. Well Rikki the story it self was funny and brought back good memories long pasted. When we all had fun even with most on the left, gone now. But there is a reason for everything.

  28. I miss the fun too - the lefties and the mods have just ruined the being on cj... but we can have fun here at the bunker


  29. Loved your silly little story Rikki...

  30. thanks Kevin :)

  31. Hmmm Milich Now where do I remember that name from? Let me see M I L I C H J J I M I E G I M M I E Just cant place it.

  32. love it that bat's posts and patty's posts are gone....

  33. Ha Ha He he LOL Looks like Batt Ass Patty Cake, St Jackoff, and even ole Yellow Pee got some of his but all of Batt Ass and Patty and Jacko are gone POOF.
    How you folks like us now? Ha Ha He He.

  34. They hate our guts.

    Mission accomplished as far as I'm concerned.

    Oh, and just so you know I just posted tomorrow's Free For All Friday blog.

    Have at it...


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...