The aftermath of yet another Muslim terrorist attack.

Obama having a grand ol' time at a baseball game
while Brussels is still counting bodies.
According to our fearless leader, by attending the ball game he was sending the terrorists a message.
Yeah, we got the message alright.
You don't give a shit about anybody but yourself.
And your terrorist friends can do whatever the hell they want and you won't lift a finger to stop them.
What a hell of a deal...
Kevin McGinty
Amen, Sarge.
ReplyDeleteOh, got your letter but now I'm not sure whether or not I even need to bring anything...
Kevin Lol That list is here and on hand now, but we need Bun's I think you can handle that hahahah Oh and that great potato salad went over great last year, hint hint Linda :) I hope your family as last year will be there, they had their act together.
ReplyDeletePotato salad... Check
ReplyDeleteAnd trust me when I tell you my family will be there.
I've already explained to them that it's not optional...
Well that is great! Now we will have to will the weather to be perfect. Oh and I hope the entertainer shows up right Captain Howdy hahahah
DeleteI think Obama looks around Cuba, sees prisons full of people who disagree with Castro, sees a society dependent on the government, fearful to express any opinions, sees a leader who can do whatever he wants and is filthy rich while the citizens he rules over suffer in gross poverty.
ReplyDeleteI think he looks around and says, man this guy is doing it right. I think his biggest dream it to make America into Cuba.
I think this president is more dangerous than Castro and Che combined. And both candidates for his office from the ungodly left wing democrat/communist party are even more dangerous.
I agree Safe.
ReplyDeleteAnd this is what the idiots on the left wants for us.
I don't think so...
"Entertainer???" You're going to have to translate it for me, Sarge.
ReplyDeleteAnd other than cereal malt refreshments, is there anything I need to bring?
Just yourself and your pleasant personality...
ReplyDeleteThe official announcement and details will be coming to a blog near you in just a few days.
ReplyDeleteSome will welcome the news and it's delivery while other's...well, not so much...
Ken , just drag your raggedy ass out there, and as Kevin said your pleasant personality will do, hell all old Soldiers know how to party. and sooner or later you will reach that age. Lol
ReplyDeleteBe honest with me here. Did any of you ever imagine you would see the president of the United States in Cuba, sitting there with a big shit eating grin on his face, sitting with a brutal communist dictator guilty of murdering thousands of people and heaping praise on him? Having his picture taken in front of the Cuban secret police building with a big old picture of that murderous thug Che behind him?
ReplyDeleteDid you ever imagine you would see America opening it's borders to thousands of muslims knowing without a doubt there would be terrorists among them? Letting them in without the faintest idea of who they are? While all around us muslim terrorists are murdering people and blowing people up? And all the while our fellow citizens call us radicals and haters for thinking that's a stupid idea?
Did any of you ever in your wildest dream imagine an openly admitted communist would be running for president and millions of addle brained millenials would support him? And the other ungodly democrat candidate is under investigation by the FBI, a known proven liar who has the character of a reptile?
Did any of you ever imagine we would be living in 1968 again, with long haired maggot infested hippies disrupting people's rights to peaceably assemble? And the government and the media blaming the victims of the civil rights violations for the riots?
Did they blame Hubert Humphrey for the riots in Chicago in 68?
Have we really slid this far into the abyss? Did we really somehow manage to turn out a generation of people this incredibly stupid that they would join this destruction of America, and call us the radicals for wanting to save our country?
I didn't. Some days I wonder just how we got here and if we truly can survive. It seems almost hopeless when you see just how evil and stupid the ungodly left is.
It's a dirty rotten shame and that goldurned constitution is to blame.
DeleteSSAH, I know what you mean. I've only been back in Kansas and the U.S. for 6 1/2 years, spending almost all of the 25 years before that out of the country (Canada & Asia). The difference is stark and often I wander around thinking I'm in a parallel universe.
DeleteIt's really the power of the mainstream media to brainwash people with liberalism slowly and surely over the years that's the culprit, IMHO. My sister and mom are very nice people, but there's no way I could begin to change their brainwashing... And I commented nicely for awhile on CJOnline, thinking very naively that I could change one or two people's minds - and boy was that a waste of time!
The only thing I can think of to do is to take care of my family and immediate friends the best that I can.
Roger Ramjet
SSAH, I have never pictured him as a president and never will. He never was my president.
ReplyDeleteSarge, I couldn't agree more. He was elected by a bunch of ACORN fraud votes, illegal aliens voting and Republicans staying home and not voting.
ReplyDeleteSo this election we have to win by a big margin because we have to overcome all the illegals voting and the double voters and triple voters and fraudulent voters and dead voters who all vote democrat.
Pretty obvious why they oppose voter ID, isn't it?
SSAH, it's not only the Dems we have to worry about.
DeleteCheck this from Utah:
UTAH CAUCUS: First hand insider report - Incompetence, Manipulation, and Ballot Stuffing!!!
As I have said before, my mother, rest her soul, was a life long Republican. But for the past 10 years she has been voting Democrat. And if she had died in Chi-Town she would have been voting at least twice ever election.
ReplyDeleteOld joke.
ReplyDeleteGuy asks an old lady if she'll support a democrat candidate.
She says no, I always vote Republican.
Guys says why do you always vote Republican?
She says well, I vote Republican, my daddy voted Republican, and my Granddaddy voted Republican.
Guy says, well what if your Daddy and Granddaddy had been idiots?
She says well then I'd probably be voting democrat.
From the great David Burge (Iowahawk) on twitter:
ReplyDeleteDavid Burge @iowahawkblog · 7h7 hours ago
David Burge Retweeted Daily Mail Online
"Lighting defiant candles and scrawling defiant pink hearts and defiant peace signs on their defiant knees, defiantly"
The little cupcakes are showing how brave they are!! What do you want to bet that, put to the test, they'd be begging?
ReplyDeleteThank god there's a military.
The unity attempt is bunch of crap. Things in the color of the Belgian flag for solidarity.... Lame.
ReplyDeleteI remember when everyone United around Paris, with that whole solidarity thing.
Solidarity from the left is about useless as giving a cripple a moped....
And it fades as fast sidewalk chalk in a spring shower...
Such bravery...
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised Obama isn't leading one of those sidewalk chalk brigades.
ReplyDeleteYou know, just to send a message...
Nunya here.
ReplyDeleteObama's dismissal of ISIS is not at all surprising.
Why? He absolutely cannot condemn Islam, it seems. He hasn't, yet. He would be in big trouble with Muslims if he condemned or denounced them, in any way. That would invite even more danger to a Muslim, than it would a non-Muslim, to condemn them. To a Muslim, another Muslim disrespecting Islam is unforgivable, and worthy of the harshest of punishment.
Muslims are allowed...even lie, and deceive about who they are, if it advances the cause of Islam.
A boy born to a Muslim father is...a Muslim. That's just the way it is. The Muslim boy CANNOT denounce or disrespect Islam, in any way, but he CAN claim to be someone he isn't to deceive people and advance the cause.He CAN even claim to be of another religion, as it is permitted because, in Islam, "it's not what's in the words, but what's in the heart" that gains admittance to the hereafter.
Is Obama Muslim? I'm not sure...but it sure looks suspicious, through his words and actions. Soft on Islamic terrorists...can't even say the words. And, it's transparently obvious that he had absolutely NO problem lying.
Totally decimating the largely-Christian nation of ours, through devastating fiscal and foreign policy to greatly weaken us, would not be out of the question to anyone striving to gain power and defeat us.
Taqiyya. Is it possible? Yes. Is it probable? Not sure. Is it out of the question for Obama?
It seems he is most comfortable with the worst of humanity and our enemies, and most UNcomfortable with the best of humanity and our allies.
Gotta ask..."Why?"
Makes one wonder if Barry and Raul were doing the wave at the baseball game after they were told people were being blown up in Brussels. Obama is disrespectful and disgusting.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone notice the terrorists had a black glove on their left hand as they pushed their luggage cart through the airport? What's with that?
He has never spoken a single word against islam. But he has heaped lots of phony praise, claiming Muslims have contributed to the world and various other crap.
ReplyDeleteHowever he has spoken of Christianity in a derogatory way multiple times. Remember "people who cling to guns and religion"? Or at the national prayer breakfast of all places announcing Christians need to "get off their high horse" because of the crusades which is a complete misrepresentation of the crusades.
In fact this very day the Little Sisters of the Poor are fighting for their very existence at the Supreme Court because obama wants to force them to pay for birth control and abortion drugs which is a direct violation of the basic tenets of their religion. They would have to close their doors if forced to do that.
So yes, I am convinced obama is a muslim. And he dislikes Christians.
Rose, my understanding of the glove is that hand held the bomb trigger.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info SSAH. That clears up the mystery.
ReplyDeleteThe leather was to reduce the risk of static electricity setting off the detonators too early.
ReplyDeleteThey had to position themselves among as many people as possible in order to inflict as much carnage as possible.
And Obama and his loyal minions welcome these freaks into our country with open arms...
Oh, and how's your recovery going, Rose?
ReplyDeleteI find myself praying for another mass crush on this year's hajj. Maybe get better numbers this year.
ReplyDeleteOnly God can judge, and it seems in alot of cases the meeting needs to be arranged a little sooner rather than later.
Until I see a Muslim outrage for their own violent behavior, I will stand by my beliefs. There is no real outrage.
Just stupid sheep drawing on the sidewalk. The wind and rain of societal apathy will wash it away soon enough.
Whether it's their stupid hash tags or sidewalk chalk crusades it's all pointless and meaningless liberal crap...
ReplyDeleteHey Kevin,
ReplyDeleteTo address your original post:
Yes, Obama is a very effective puppet for the oligarchy that wants a New Word Order and one global central government. He was hand-picked as one of 10 or 20 potential candidates decades ago when his white mommy was working for a UN organization and noticed by Chicagoan Wolfson, but I digress...
I listen to Michael Savage, and his opinion was that even the Bamster wasn't into his Cuba trip and it was over the top even for the Bamster to implement.
Now there's hundreds if not thousands of Cubans pouring over our south border, and if what I have read is true, they are being classified as coming over legally and given visas.
Also, I read that there's a huge surge of money transfers going on from just over the border to the Middle East and back.
And from Europe, even the leftists rags state that there are kamikaze sleeper cells all over Europe who have got in posing as Syrian migrants.
And then you get the leftist apologists like Lucinda The Dolt (trademark: LTD) that swear up and down that these north african muslims are going to be properly vetted by our wondrous government.
This is why I am voting for Trump - if I ever get the chance to. He's the only one that pledges to stop this madness.
/off of soapbox
Thanks a lot for allowing me to post on your blog,
Roger Ramjet
Well good morning. it is 12;35 AM, gees I better take a couple of sleep aid and try again to get a few more Z's.
ReplyDeleteRoger, allowing you to post here was never in question.
ReplyDeleteIt's always nice to come across someone willing to take a stand.
Thanks for stopping by...
And Sarge, I wish I had the option to go back to bed to get a few more of those Z's...
ReplyDeleteAnd bless Batshit's cold little heart.
ReplyDeleteHe's over there at Lucy's place pulling out every one of his worn out attack lines trying to start a fight.
No takers.
That's too bad, Batshit...
Good morning. Nunya here.
ReplyDeleteCal Thomas hit the nail on the head over at the Urinal. And, predictibly...the liberals are frothing at the mouth.
Loosebrain Lucy is BEGGING the Urinal to let her use at LEAST one dirty word a week! Or, maybe a new rule that says it has to be up for three days before dirty words can be posted! What would Batshit MFA think of THAT?!! long as it LIBERALS who get to post the dirty words...I'm sure THAT would be OK. Just NO CONSERVATIVES allowed! Hell...might as well. They let them get away with a lot of other violations, including blogs chock-full of flat-out lies and just plain pure insanity.
Jockitch thinks it's a monumental occasion, Obama over there giving Castro head, and promising our hard-earned tax dollars to go to revolutionaries down there and south of our border. "Viva la Cuba", says Jockitch. Celebrating brutal, murdering, oppressive Communism and destroying America seems to give him a woody.
Millybitch is pounding out the tired ol' 'We won, you lost' crappoloa...impotent as he always is to come up with anything insightful, relevant, original or at all interesting. Weak minds do that.
And, McPecker just posted something about "Aplogy tour" must be "the latest catchphrase from Fox". Yeah...never heard that before...huh? Not like it's been used before referring to Obama's bowing to Islam and disrespecting our allies. Not like it's SPECIFICALLY STATED IN THE ARTICLE that it's been used before. You see...liberals don't comprehend reading material. They have that "Twitter Twit" mentality, where anything more than a few sentences goes WAY over their head. They notice one word or sentence, and pounce on it, often most ignorantly ignoring the other facts in any given piece.
It's nice to see the Community blogs over there on fire. Still got those two identical high-participation baseball ones up...the last two posted for a few days, now!
And, Loosey's is still just sitting there...the proverbial turd in the punch bowl.
Anyway..."Hiya Buttstache"! Why don't you wipe off your chin, and join the conversation?! Can't practice your own version of taqiyya in here (in which you've proven you are a phony, a fake, a lying piece of shit to get your way)...not protected by Auntie Em...we'll make you you'd rather not?
That's OK. We understand. Liberals are weak. Liberals are hypocrites. Liberals are ignorant. liberals are liars. Liberals are cowards. sir, are 100% liberal.
Ok then...let's see what else.....
Nunya here, again.
ReplyDeleteMy appropriate song selection for the day. Rainmakers, "Government Cheese".
And now my friends, thanks to Nunya, we know the rest of the story...
ReplyDeleteI guess the little cupcakes don't like EVERY chalk scrawling:
ReplyDeleteI really feel for them. I mean these college campuses are SUCH dangerous places. Note how the cupcakes can't see any difference between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler. I would say that someone's parents are wasting $45,700 a year if that's the case.
I wonder how they're going to feel if he's elected.
If Trump is elected I'm gonna start up a counseling business.
ReplyDeleteFor the right price I can pretend to give a shit with the best of em...
Man Kevin, I had an acting scholarship at CCCC and acted at Amherst, too. Also had to act enthusiastic about all sorts of stupid shit as a First Sergeant. I think pretending to give a damn about their cupcake concerns is beyond me, though.
ReplyDeleteHey how's about giving ME a "safe space" from the Harridan?
You know, that isn't a half bad idea. I could mouth the words the little cakes would want to hear. I'm just afraid they'd be able, even with their dim powers of perception, the dripping sarcasm.
It COULD make some moolah, though.
I'm thinking maybe a new direction for this blog is in order.
ReplyDeleteI could call it "Ask Kevin " or some such. Hell, I'd even supply the tissues.
I'd let pour their cupcake hearts out till they feel better about their worthless lives then collect their parent's money.
Carpet bomb them. I know, I've heard all the sob sisters, and Obama crying about how heartless that is and how that's not how "we" do things.
ReplyDeleteWell, that's how we've done things before. WWII, Japan. We dropped two atomic bombs on them. The only way that war would ever stop was if we made the price for them to continue too expensive.
Civil war. You've heard of Sherman's march to the sea? That was intended to make that price too high. He destroyed crops, homes, took livestock, burnt everything in his path. Destroyed the supply lines to the Confederacy. Took everything of value, destroyed the rest. If he had not, the South never would have surrendered.
Hard? Yes. Painful? Yes. But when you destroy their sources of support, destroy the places they have money and arms stored. Destroy their food. Make the people that are afraid of them and helping them to fear us more. Let them know they cannot hide. Don't react when they do something. Strike first.
And screw each and every one of those ungodly left wingers who say if we do anything that offends them, they'll use it to recruit more terrorists. Does anybody with a brain actually believe that crap? These people hate us with a hatred that goes back to 700 AD. They hate everyone who doesn't believe in the Satanic religion they practice. They don't need any symbolic "recruiting tools". That's just liberal bullshit to try to convince people to let them win.
Like my friend Sarge says. Kill all those son of a bitches. Kill everyone around them. Destroy their houses, their vehicles, their communications systems. Bomb their power grids. Drop bunker bombs on the caves they are hiding in. When they hide in enclaves like Belgium and France, bulldoze the whole neighborhood and send them packing.
And when we catch one, I don't care if they waterboard him, pull out his fingernails, gouge out his eyes. Go full Jack Bauer on them.
When you have a house infested with cockroaches you don't kill them one at a time when you see them. These people are a step below cockroaches on the evolutionary ladder.
I stand with Sarge. Kill em all.
That's just what Jesus would have done.
DeleteAnd I'm supposed to care about THAT???!!!
ReplyDeleteRight SSAH thanks, I want to know where is our next George Patton is. Please step forward. And you civilians in Government get the hell out of the way.
ReplyDeleteThere's no end to stupidity of United States elected officials. Just when you think you have heard all of the stupid things that are going on in the US -- this comes along...
ReplyDeleteNow it's Black hurricanes. . . .
Well, it appears our African-American friends have found yet something else to gripe about.
A black congresswoman (this would be Sheila Jackson Lee, of Houston), reportedly complained that the names of hurricanes are all Caucasian sounding names.
She would prefer some names that reflect African-American culture such as Chamiqua, Tanisha, Woeisha, Shaquille, and Jamal.
I am NOT making this up!
She would also like the weather reports to be broadcast in 'language' that street people can understand because one of the problems that happened in New Orleans was, that black people couldn't understand the seriousness of the situation, due to the racially biased language of the weather report.
I guess if the weather person says that the winds are going to blow at 140 MPH, that's too hard to understand.
I can hear it now:
A weatherman in New Orleans says. . . .
Wazzup, mutha-fukkas! Hehr-i-cane Chamiqua be headin' fo' yo ass like Leroy on a rocket! Bitch be a category fo'! So, turn off dem chitlins, grab yo' chirren, leave yo crib, and head fo' de nearest FEMA office fo yo FREE shit.
Sarge, don't you think that last one was a little over the top?
ReplyDeleteCome on Sarge. They don't call their children chirrens. They call them shorties. Now you would confuse Senator Jackson Lee.
ReplyDeleteHey, she's named after two confederate generals. Stonewall Jackson, and Robert E Lee. Now what is she gonna do about that? That's racist.
Damn Safe, that's the first good thing I've heard about her in my life!
ReplyDeleteBesides, the correct slang would be "chilluns."
Ken, nope nothing about it is over the top, and if anyone thinks it is, I would say to them do you really think I give a good shit? To late to preach to this old guy, won't work.
ReplyDeleteNow Sarge, when have I ever preached to anyone? You know I'm only trying to keep you from being a pill.
ReplyDeleteRight above you commenting to me???
ReplyDeleteJust sounds like somebody likes to dole out, and remind others of the rules.
ReplyDeleteYou already know who it is....
And with all due respect to Cap'n, but here's one..............
ReplyDeleteWhat does one call a million lawyers at the bottom of the sea?
DeleteA good start.
What is black and brown and looks good on a lawyer?
DeleteA Doberman.
A man with a sense of humor. I love it as always.
DeleteHammertime, that's a good start or something like that. Lol
ReplyDeleteIf they cant even have the guts to post their name, then they must have brown stuff all over the mouth and nose. Stinking to high heaven. POOF Goes The Weasel.
ReplyDeleteHmmm now how many guess's do we get as to who this smelly troll could be?
DeleteLets see I can name that troll in four guess's Any takers?
DeleteNo thanks skip. I'll keep my money on that one.
DeleteI still stand with the hope of another mass crush at this year's hajj. It's a twofold benefit. Trimming violent kebabs down, and no wasted ammunition.
ReplyDeleteA wonderful thing karma is. Truly....
Hammer, you got to start speaking every day Language so us old people can understand what the hell you are talking about. Just Saying....:)
ReplyDeleteHe's our new friend, Mouse. You know, more of a pest and stinkier than a Minnow. Sort of like a BAT, sans wings.
ReplyDeleteMy message is clear, and those it's directed to will understand. My suggestion is to pay attention as I start spreading my wings with the "younger" terminology. Dindu, gibsmedat, kebabs, cucks, SJW's, alisnackbar, etc...
ReplyDeleteI am going to add a younger flair, and a stronger stance here. I do not mean to be cryptic or dark. Only truthful.
And my vocabulary is "every day" language. We just have some age specific barriers. We will clear it up soon enough.
Thats what the summit will do.
Sounds like a plan!
DeleteEver notice how I waste no time in belittling anyone who wants to really get into it with me? That's so they don't want to repeat the experience. Since there's no mod to complain to here (I suppose Kevin could discipline me, but I'll run that risk) he will remain Mouse for the foreseeable future.
ReplyDeleteCapt is that directed at me? :):)
ReplyDeleteHell no, Sarge!! YOU KNOW what sort it's directed at. Vermin!!! Mice, Bats & Minnows!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry lost my head there for a moment Ken.
ReplyDeleteLooks like the capt has his own zoo going on. Hope he dont get any of those stinking kind. Or the ones that have stinky sticking brown stuff around their lips and nose.
ReplyDeleteI see you guys made a new friend today.
ReplyDeleteI had my finger on the "Poof" button but figured you were having way too much fun making fun of him so I left it alone...
ReplyDeleteKevin, wrong you can't make a friend if he or she has not the guts to ID their self?
ReplyDeleteAnd I also noticed the rules he was quoting didn't say anything about discriminating against dumbasses, pussy boys, ass faces, ass hats, or your regular every day, run of the mill trolls so evidently he's fair game...
ReplyDeletePoor dumbass little mouse must think safe spaces really do exist...
ReplyDeleteDid you screen capture that?
ReplyDeleteI took it up with the rules committee chairman (me) and it was determined our mousy friend did indeed violate the terms of service which can and will changed depending on what kind of mood I'm in.
ReplyDeleteHe went all poof and stuff.
Better luck next time, Batshit...
Kevin, his little safe space DOES exist. It's called cj. I doubt he'll be back. It must drive him nuts that there's NOTHING he can do about whatever treatment we deem he deserves.
ReplyDelete"Whatever treatment we deem he deserves."
ReplyDeleteThat pretty much says it all...
Oh no I will miss his batshits comments, they meant so much to minnow.
ReplyDeleteI celebrate the fairness of the rules committe of the 235!
Last time he stuck his pointy little head in here he was whining because I didn't jump on Sarge for calling him a prick.
ReplyDeleteI told him then that if being called a prick bothered him so much maybe he should stop being one.
Looks like some pricks just won't listen to sound advice...
And Hammer, I celebrate it with you...
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell was that? Mouse farts? Hate em. Looks like one of our trolls got brave again. I suspect it's bait boy but it doesn't matter which one of these turd knockers it is.
ReplyDeleteKev, I think you should let the little fecal freaks post unless one of us is is offended at some word or phrase or opinion or anything. Then we'll let you know and you can poof them. How's that sound? A dozen or so moderators any one of whom might be offended by virtually anything.
Sounds fair enough to me. No appeal. No warnings. Just poof.
Kevin, I called him a prick? I must of had to many beers to call him the better part of a mam.
ReplyDeleteAh hell, you gotta feel at least a little bad. When they tear down the docking building, gonna lose the best toilet cleaner the world ever saw....
ReplyDeleteMop, Mop, Mop, all day long....
But Bat cleans those dirty pots with such panache!!! He has that "steam shovel" technique that works every time!
ReplyDeleteYou got yourself a deal, Safe.
ReplyDeleteWell Kevin I always knew we would agree on something.
ReplyDeleteLMAO... It was bound to happen sooner or later...
ReplyDeleteMiracles, miracles.
ReplyDeleteOld buttstache will be in a real pickle when docking comes down. They're moving those people to leased space where they don't swamp their own toilets. Bad for him.
ReplyDeleteWell, I suppose there are always openings in the food service and janitorial fields.
Nunya here....
ReplyDeleteThe Urinal could always use a good feces-licker to clean up all the crap being strewn around that place.
May I recommend a top-notch, well-experienced one?
He makes sure he does what needs to be done UNDER the desks, also!
He'll even wear a blue dress, if you like.
You gotta love all the celebrating he does...
ReplyDeleteOh, and Nunya, Truthteller's posted his Free For All Friday blog.
ReplyDeleteIt's time to blow this joint...