Thursday, June 9, 2016
Free For All Friday...
We're in for the fight of our lives guys.
Will anything we do or say here make a difference?
I don't know.
What I do know is that there are thousands of blogs just like this one all across the country doing the same thing.
Millions of us are doing our part on other social media outlets.
Patriots all across the nation are writing letters to the editors.
And we're all paying attention to the chaos unfolding all across the country.
Regardless of how tired we get.
How angry we become.
Or how frustrating things become.
We have no choice to keep going.
Because our enemies on the left never stop.
And they never let up.
I truly believe Donald Trump is the last best hope this country has.
I'm all in...
Other than that, the floor's all yours...
Kevin McGinty
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

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I'm all in. Hoping my little part helps.
ReplyDeleteKevin, I want to thank you for your part in allowing us folks a place to voice our concerns and proposed solutions. You are a good writer and your efforts have not gone unnoticed. We all appreciate what you do.
Well Rose, thank you for your kind words.
ReplyDeleteBut never forget that this whole thing is a group effort.
The left is taking us down to depths I never thought possible.
ReplyDeleteGay marriage was just the beginning.
Forcing our school age daughters to shower alongside perverts soon followed.
And like most of you I've wondered what's coming next.
The Canada Supreme Court just answered that question with it's recent ruling that some sexual acts with animals are fine and dandy.
Good God...
And if Hillary Clinton is elected president and is able to pick the next few Supreme Court Justices this is exactly the kind of sick crap we can expect...
ReplyDeleteWell I hate be the one to bring bad news, But it is going to get a lot worse then better for some to come. The left sons of bitches won't be happy till they forces killing each other in the streets,
ReplyDeleteBut I think I can still say good morning to everyone, without being shot. Good Morning!
I would like Trump to take the air time slot away from the my pillow guy and run an ad where he states when he wins, he will prosecute the hill. I want him to make her squirm while drilling her on all her lies.
ReplyDeleteDemocrats...(liberals)...the party of death, destruction and debauchery.
ReplyDeleteThe party of slavery, and enslavement of entire populations.
Generations of child abuse in schools, with lies, revisionist history and socialism "taught". Teaching (indoctrinating) WHAT to think, instead of HOW to think.
The party of "equality" long as it means bringing many down to "equalize" everyone to the lowest common denominator...the lowest, most useless wastes of carbon matter...(the lazy, the stupid, the immoral, and the greedy everything-for-nothing gimmegimmejjimmieminnowbrains).
The war-mongers who have directly, or indirectly, initiated the most deadly military conflicts in this nation's history.
The party of immorality and sexual perversion and subjugation of women children. The more degenerate the action, the harder they fight for its approval, and to "normalize" it to force upon everyone else...'or else'.
The party who would not even be in existence without pure hypocrisy as its keystone, and lies, obfuscation and misdirection as its method of operation.
The party that endorses violence...even against women and children, division amongst all, and destruction of the fruits of the hard labor of others...just to bitch and moan about their own non-motivation and failures to be an honest, productive citizen who should contrbute...instead of just being a "gimmegimme" hate-machine gun for the left.
The party that endorses the violent mass-murderers of radical Islamic terrorism, while wishing for the total annhilation of the peaceful Christian and Jewish people.
The party that NOBODY would want, if NOBODY was a lazy, envious, greedy, immoral, confused, stupid, slovenly, dishonest citizen or illegal wanting to be handed everything for nothing, and wishing to bring orthers down to create the false impression of "equality".
Democrats. Liberals. Satan's army.
Thanks Nunya, you saved me a lot of typing.
ReplyDeleteKev writes: "The Canada Supreme Court just answered that question with it's recent ruling that some sexual acts with animals are fine and dandy."
ReplyDeleteWell...I guess..if the evil Shrillary is elected, we can soon expect Sasnak to build an animal shelter out back for its donkeys?
Which...actually..."donkeys" is appropriate...the symbol of Democrats...since they also like to screw people. (Even their most ardent braindead supporters...their useless-for-society 'useful idiots.)
Nunya I worked that in over on cJ, I may get booted hahahahah I couldn't resist.
ReplyDeleteI willnevergiveup. problem, my friend! Don't see anything in there that should be bootable. At least you didn't re-post the 'Sasnak Donkey' comment! I look forward to some slams against me over there! I MISS those 'thumbs-downs'...and I hope we can share the great honor of all that post will generate!
ReplyDeleteOne substituted "Devil's army" for "wired army"?
Not sure you meant "wired"..? Maybe concerned "devil's army" would have been the same as "unholy left", and censored by Buttstache and his mouth-organ commie-comrades over there?
wired |wīrd| Nunya that why I used it , it some what fits.
ReplyDeleteadjective informal
1 making use of computers and information technology to transfer or receive information, esp. by means of the Internet : the economic arguments for getting your business wired.
2 [ predic. ] in a nervous, tense, or edgy state : not much sleep lately—I'm a little wired.
• under the influence of drugs or alcohol. as in democrats hahah
None Ya I thought of that but you know how cj is, but any how I changed it:):) To"Devil's army"
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTopics of todays onsite safety meeting.
ReplyDelete1 wearing proper PPE (personal protective equipment)
2 the dangers of heat related illnesses.
3 the ridiculous unsafe hazards of voting for Hillary. It was 75/25. Now I got people talking shit on the job. Hehehehehe......
See what environment I work in. 25% of the skilled people I'm around still vouch for Hillary. Unsafe work practices!!!!!
hubby's biopsy this morning - won't be on here much at all. I'll be taking care of my hubby.
Nunya brings up a great point in his comment. The party of equality, if equality is bringing the successful down to the level of the unmotivated lazy ones who refuse to even try, but demand everything just be divided. (paraphrasing a little there, he said it better).
ReplyDeleteThis is one of mankind's worst base instincts. This goes all the way back to the creation of man. Cain and Able. Remember them? They were told to make a sacrifice to the Lord. Cain gave the best of his crops, Able sacrificed an animal. God demanded a blood sacrifice, as always pointing toward the day when his Son would make a blood sacrifice to save us all. So God rejected Cain's sacrifice, it was not what he demanded. This made Cain so angry he murdered his brother.
The original democrat, the first born? He didn't do what God demanded, he chose to do what he wanted. His brother did what God demanded and found favor for it. The answer? Kill him, then everything is equal.
Maybe I'm reaching a little here, but I see the same instinct at work. Someone else accomplishes what you wish you could, but you have chosen a path that keeps you from it. So you demand they be brought down to your level. They have too much money, so I demand "income equality". Not work equality, just take it from him, give it to me and we are all equal.
Better to do what it takes to earn it yourself, agreed? Just as Cain could have done what God demanded and he would have found favor. He didn't win God's favor by killing his brother. He didn't fix the inequality he created. He only won God's rebuke. And that's a model for our society.
These Social Justice Warriors who are demanding "income equality" need to be met with scorn and rebuke by every working person out there who earned his own and deserves to keep it all. But I fear they are outnumbering us these days.
What's the professional opinion, say Rev. Beckman's, on your Cain-Abel analogy?
DeleteHandjob, Poo poo on you and pee pee in your eye
DeleteRikkit almost missed that, being only one line, Your guy will be on our mind and in our prayers.
ReplyDeleteNunya, well I got the abuse warning on that post and United we stand got one for saying to batshit " are you going to copy and paste your old comments again this friday" Good Grief.
ReplyDeleteYup by emily the dog.
Anony-mouse. Why don't you ask him yourself? Why ask me what his opinion is? Gee, you're just not too bright, are you?
ReplyDeleteAnd before you endeavor to tell me, I couldn't possibly care less what your opinion is so don't bother. Don't care what godless left wingers think about much of anything to be honest, especially matters relating to God.
I was asking Rev. Beckman.
DeleteSSAH, he is like a fart in the wind, he is just passing through won't be long and he goes Poof.
ReplyDeleteSarge, I know. He's not long for our little world. Hardly worth the trouble to even respond, just sometimes I feel like it and sometimes I don't.
ReplyDeleteThat was just a particularly stupid question, more so than normal for a particularly stupid guy like him even.
we're back home, hubby is resting.... now we wait on the pathology rpt. dr's office will call us next week, follow up apt 2 wks out.
ReplyDeletethanks for the prayers. praying everything is benign.
Love rikki
Rikki, My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your husband. Hold on tight. The roller coaster ride of life is real. It can be scary, jerky, fast, unpredictable, thrilling........all I can say is hold on tight.
ReplyDeletethanks Texas Rose, hugs. since hubby has been resting, I've been trying to catch a bit of rest also.
Deletehow have you been feeling today? i'm looking forward to meeting you at the next summit.
You mean the religion of peace? Must be that little tiny minority of muslims who are corrupting the religion of peace.
ReplyDeleteExcept we don't hear any of the majority saying anything about it. We don't hear Hillary or Obama or any of the godless left condemn any of it.
Instead we are told we need to let a couple hundred thousand of those godless heathens into our country. Cause you know, "that's just who we are".
Anony mouse. When you post a question in direct reply to my comment asking what someone thinks about MY comment that question is directed at me.
ReplyDeleteHere's a little grammar lesson for you. If you want to know what Ray Beckman thinks you preface your comment with Reverend Beckman, I wonder......etc. No charge for the lesson.
You really are a dope, aren't you? Good grief. Maybe you should find some people to troll who are not leaps and bounds ahead of you intellectually. I would suggest a godless liberal blog. They aren't to sharp as a rule.
You're swimming with the big fish here. Kind of makes you look pretty dopey.
SSAH Likes pretty dopey, Hell he was the mold for dopey.
ReplyDeleteLikes was to be Looks pretty dopey. I would give a buck for a edit button.
ReplyDeleteAh, the Arab Spring.
ReplyDeleteThis is what democracy looks like, they told us.
That's what it looks like to the unholy left, that's for sure. No rule of law, no Christians allowed, obey the government and they kill anybody who doesn't do whatever the hell they tell them to do.
ReplyDeleteHillary and obama's dream world.
They probably both get an erection just thinking about it.
Whoops, that was the beer talking. Sorry ladies.
ReplyDeleteSSAH that's okay when my beer starts talking it never stops, but remember it starts about 5 AM in the morning. Heheheh
ReplyDeleteVice President Hammer......has a very nice ring to it,
ReplyDeleteSarg. ...Sec Def
ReplyDeleteMcGinty. ...Transportation of course
Safe ..,Education ..,so he can abolish the Dept og Ed
ReplyDeleteNunya. ...Treasury
Riki. ,,,Dept of HUGS (Health, Understanding, Goodwill Services)
ReplyDeleteAnd KM, thanks for posting my video. I hate those high starched collars.....but I am a slave to fashion.
ReplyDeletePhenry, that was funny I loved Rikki...
ReplyDeleteGood Morning you onry bunch - hubby had a restful night, still sleeping. me... dog had to go outside so I'm awake but not for long... I raise my coffee mug to all of you. (smiles).
ReplyDeleteLove the "Dept. of Hugs" - awesome... we're gonna need official ribbons to wear at the summit next year -
Well PHenry, I just thought it was important for our friends here to see and hear the speech you gave all those years ago in your own words...
ReplyDeletePHenry, you hold your age well I might add,
ReplyDeleteKevin, I standby ready to defend those same principles yet today.
ReplyDeleteMight be time for Big Smo`s "Kickin it" video. These knuckleheads on the left have no idea what's simmering out there.
Good morning.
ReplyDeleteIWNGU...I figured they'd remove that post for SOMEthing. Screw'em. Just be careful.
Now, head of the treasury, my first order of business will be to investigate all the politicians, and toss a lot of them in jail for fraud, high crimes and misdemeanors.
Once they are out of the way (which will likely snare...a LOT of them), we'll see what can be done about the "Federal Reserve". Meanwhile, the IRS gets investigated, and greatly downsized....just for a start. We'll have to work together to simplify the tax code so we don't even NEED the IRS, and we can nuke that agency...thus saving the billions of dollars per year that are wasted just to run the damned thing!
Also, we'll start on the "regulatory agencies", and with all your help...we'll greatly downsize, or eliminate, them. Any remaining will be neutered to only be an investigative and reporting agency, with absolutely no ability to write or enforce de facto 'laws' disguised as "regulations". Any findings any surviving agency has will be scutinized and analyzed by any and all parties that may be affected, and a non-partisan report shall be presented to the public and Congress to discuss and to vote it should be.
Don't think for a moment that I will give Wall St. a pass! We'll try to make doing in the U.S. an attractive thing...but we still will NOT stand for any shenanigans! Do it'll have no problem.
Speaking of "legal"...the flow of money by illegals will stop at the border. Our money stays here! They don't like it...we will arrange a little taxpayer-funding to find them the most cost-effective transport to back home.
Well...that should keep me busy for a while!
Nunya that post was removed only because it was true. simple as that and we know batshit can't handle the truth.
ReplyDeleteAnd on your other part above, you at least nick the surface.
Big Smo's "Kickin it" video.
Yep, Sarge...'the truth' to Buttstash is like kryptonite to Superman. But, the only thing "super" about Buttmunch is that he, along with all other far-left socialist/communist anti-American liberals is that they are all 'super-dupers', duping the public in any way possible!
ReplyDelete"Most cost-effective transport to back home."
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking of an ongoing two year program which will include the use of the nation's bus lines, railroads, and trucking companies.
I'm on it...
Nunya, I KNEW I picked the right man for the job. Safes job will actually be the hardest. .,.reversing decades of brainwashing our children by the unholy left is a herculean task. I am confident he will succeed though. First thing he'll do is bring discipline to the classroom, both students AND teachers.
ReplyDeleteWell...I see Rebecca over at the Urinal has created quite the lively blog in her "Annie's Place" 'free-advertisement-disguised-as-a-blog' over there!
ReplyDeleteWhy don't YOU guys ever bring up important, topical subjects that should matter to that?!
Kevin you might consider re using those footpaths and inner tubes, save a few bucks. but that is your department, and I am still thinking on mine, I may have to reread some of George Patton's books.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Phenry. I remember a few 'meetings'...with "the board of education" in my day! Drilling holes in those boards actually DO make them sting a bit more! Straightened up my attitude...(until the next time I decided to get ornery)!
ReplyDeleteSeems a lot of leftist-brainwashed teachers could even benefit from a meeting with 'the board', huh?
You mean sending them back the same way they came in?
ReplyDeleteNah, it'd take too much time and besides we'll easily recoup any costs of my plan by eliminating them from the welfare roles...
You'll do fine Sarge. Give our men and women the tools they need, then give them a legitimate mission and get the hell out of the way.
ReplyDeleteNo "nation building" who fucks with us, just turn um' loose, let them kick ass then leave. Won't happen more than once or twice before they get the message.
Of course with a Trump/Hammer ticket, who would fuck with us anyway?
ReplyDeleteAs one who believes we already have too many damned laws encroaching on every aspect of our is one of the few new laws that I can totally support:
Throw an object at a cop...poo on their cars...threaten them or try to instigate a confrontation...prosecuted as a "Hate Crime".
Some of those criminals who were shot by cops trying to defend themselves (and managed, and rile up the BLM racists)...prosecute for "Hate Crime"!
Nunya well if it doesn't we could just pitch in a few grenades.
ReplyDeletePHenry...nice smackdown of Stevie and Cokehead...the two-headed mutant...over there!
ReplyDeleteSeems they don't understand that 'manufacturing' to sell things to each other, and abroad, are what drives prosperity! "Higher education" jobs that provide mainly "services" cannot keep this boat afloat!
We can't just sell "services" to each other! We need to manufacture 'goods', and to pay decent wages to do it!
Unfortunately, the tax mess and onerous over-regulatory environment makes it nearly impossible to make ANYTHING here!
Our greatest prosperity came when we manufactured quality items, and sold things to each other, and abroad. We employed millions of people at good wages, and who didn't need to go into debt to 'colleges' that would take a good chunk of one's future earnings to pay back. Not everyone is cut out for a 4-year college, but millions are perfectly-suited for skilled manufacturing/construction/repair jobs with a bit of training.
Those two will never admit that the greatest help China ever got from us are liberal policies of taxation, over-regulation (especially the eco-terrorists of the EPA) and the stranglehold they have on unions who somehow managed to talk good, hard-working Americans into suicidal-to-their-jobs demands...which ALL drove companies to China, Mexico, create shitholes like...Detroit!
Stevie and Cokehead are idiots. Both their brains, together, would need an electron microscope to find!
To put it more simply...conservatives have finally decided to take off the gloves, too, and fight against the lying, cheating bastards of the left who have been 'Alinskyizing' for decades.
The left just hates it when their wholly-endorsed tactics are used against them...pure hypocrites that they are.
You guys have yourselves a good day.
ReplyDeleteI'm headed out toward Great Bend this morning to take care of a very unpleasant but important task...
travel safely Kevin
ReplyDeleteMy first act as Sec of Education is to declare boys use the boys room and girls use the girls room. If you don't know which one you are bring your birth certificate to school and I'll read it to you. You are still whatever it says.
ReplyDeleteSSAH, I hope you eliminate a chalk on college campus's .
ReplyDeleteAs VP I would advise for the arrest or optional deportation of the Clintons. All of them. The little grand baby too... Freeze their assets. Period.
ReplyDeleteBut speaking of hillary, this one is funny. People forget easily, don't they?
Well Hammer, I am now calling you Jack since you are VP, So Jack Hammer good luck I have your right flank.
ReplyDeleteMy second order as Sec of Ed is any college that yields to any demand from campus garbage crybabies or refuses to let a Conservative speaker come is immediately cut off from any federal funding and ineligible for student loans.
ReplyDeleteBoy, can I pick a good team or what?
ReplyDeleteSeeing if my new avitar works
ReplyDeleteIt works and looking good Phenry, damn now I got competition, Lol
ReplyDeleteSeeing if my new avitar works
ReplyDeletePhenry I already said it works, Good Grief.
DeleteIs this blog Done?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning - way too early for me - dog had to go outside. Since I was up, thought I'd catch the early birds and say good morning.
ReplyDeletelater y'all. will visit later on when it's a normal hour to be awake.
Hugs -
Good morning!
ReplyDeleteWell...looks like Ray Beers threw out some liberal-hate bait over at the Urinal!
I'll bet that will have the ignorant libs frothing at the mouth and attacking anything and everything over there! A feeding frenzy of rabid anti-American socialists!
All because ol' Ray dared speak common sense and the truth.
He should get a few shows of support, though...(OP already started)...amidst the Tasmanian Devil-like destructive path of whirling-dervish slobbering blithering-idiot liberals over there.
Now Phenry, let's not jump to conclusions here.
ReplyDeleteAnd even if it was another fucking terrorist attack that's no reason to worry about Obama bringing in tens of thousands of Syrian refugees.
Only a racist would think like that...
Nunya, read the Ray Beers article.... I posted on it. Thanks for sharing that with us.
ReplyDeletePhenry - tragic - my heart goes out to the victims and their families.
Hi Kevin, on NBC News website, they state they're investigating this as an act of domestic terrorism.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt's early, very early but......
Apologies, my phone double posts lately but my tablet and Chrome book does not.
ReplyDeleteHammer, some things are worth saying twice no big deal.
ReplyDeleteWhat's odd(or normal, however you look at it) is that many international sites already declaring this as RIT and domestic pop media has not. The presidential briefing tells me that they know.
ReplyDeleteAs always, rackem and stackem folks.
Of course they know.
ReplyDeleteThey're all huddled in their offices trying to figure out a way to blame this on Trump.
Mark my word.
Before this day is over I'll be proven right...
And before this day is over it'll be the official response from the likes of Batshit, StJacques, and the pathetic little Starfucker over at that other website...
ReplyDeleteKeven You won't need to be proven right you are right, knew that as soon as asshole st jacques and starpunk opened their mouth.
ReplyDeleteNow over 50 victims. Definitely Islamic terror. Makes the whole wedding cake thing look pretty pathetic.
ReplyDeleteYes it does...
ReplyDeleteYou're right Kevin -truly I wasn't trying to argue.
ReplyDeleteI've been watching CBS news live with my hubby - they're calling this the worst mass shooting in US history of tragedies.
Lucky for little gimmejimmie that his mom didn't take him to Disney World this week or he would have been at that club.
ReplyDeleteRikki I never thought you were trying to argue....
DeleteAll the national networks have this now, this is horrible. They showed a picture of the gunman - talked with his parents who say that he wasn't connected to terrorists but had a hatred for gay people....
ReplyDeleteOrlando is also the place where the singer from the Voice was murdered...
that is also heart breaking.
The comments from the family so early is damage control. It's a smoke and mirrors tactic. Don't believe a word of it.
ReplyDeleteObama is to have a press conference at 1:30 Eastern time, so 12:30 here. Curious as to what he'll say.
ReplyDeleteLet's play game called "guess what he says".
ReplyDeleteHe won't say RIT.
He will say hatred and bigotry.
He will tie this to the Republican candidate promoting more hatred and bigotry.
He won't admit they knew who Mateen was.
He'll use his delicate little pinky to wipe away another fake tear.
ReplyDeleteReminder us once again that Islam is the religion of Peace.
He'll tell us he's had to do this too many times.
Then tell us that if only congress had passed more common sense gun control laws things like this could never happen...
Kevin I am holding back because we have ladies come by here, I glad dome of those low life pricks don't come to the summit. I think at my age I could get by with having two or 3 gun accidents out there.
ReplyDeleteWell, at least I Pissed off Milich. So there's a win I guess....
ReplyDeleteDomn proofreader sucks.
ReplyDeleteAny day you can piss any of those pukes off is a good day...
ReplyDeleteThose pukes are spinning and twisting and doing everything they can to change this from exactly what it is to something else.
ReplyDeleteIs it actually possible these idiots really believe the crap they spew? Is it possible they are that stupid? I know this is all fine with obama because he's a muslim and ha hates America but what makes these dopes go along? They define the name of useful idiots.
But this thing is going to turn a bunch of people into Trump voters you know. He just needs to get out there, smile and shrug his shoulders and say, well are you listening now?
Not getting the whole "let's not rush to judgement" and let's not say who guy was thing.
ReplyDeleteThe FBI had this guy on their radar. The Islamic State has taken credit. They know exactly who this guy was. And they know what his motive was.
This bullshit of trying to keep this under wraps so they can keep up the illusion as long as possible that this wasn't Islamic terrorism is criminal.
Hard to fight a war when the president and his party are on the side of the enemy.
This is seditious and traitorous behavior.
Pretty sure my days are numbered at Cj. I just lost my mind on blue. And I refuse to delete it... See ya around here folks.
ReplyDeleteLove what Donald Trump said.... in that link above.
Donald J. Trump
✔ @realDonaldTrump
Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!
11:43 AM - 12 Jun 2016 "
We need this guy in office... Hillary won't be tough at all, she'll be finding ways to get votes instead of trying to work at a solution.
Hammer - it's better over here.
ReplyDeleteMaybe some one might want to post this over on the urinal
ReplyDeleteOnly "Liberal Democrats" are this unbelievabely STUPID ! Democrats "support" Islam. But Islam calls for Gay people to be KILLED ? Democrats threaten to KILL Christians..., because they won't bake the Gay people a Wedding cake ? But say NOTHING about Muslim Islamists...., who actualy do KILL Gay people ? How about we put an end to all of this....., let's BAN the Freakin Democrat Party ! Do you dislike Gun violence ? Under President Obama.., we've had WAY more "mass shootings" than any..., ANY other President....., EVER ! Want to cut down on gun violence ? Let's BAN electing Democrat Presidents ! The "Democrats" version of "Gun Control" wouldn't have made a bit of difference ! But if the Democrat Party wasn't continualy "white washing" Muslim Extremism.., this might NOT have happened ! Is this one of the Muslims that the Obama Administration has brought in to our country ? Is this Muslim recieving Government Freebies, like the "Boston Marathon Bombers" were ? These are the questions that the Media "should" be asking ! But they are to busy trying to blame this Muslim Extremist's "hate crime"...., on Guns ? ? ? But they forgot to mention.., that this Bigoted Muslim Extremist.., is a registered Democrat ? Apparently.., this Muslim Extremist, who hates Gay people..., wouldn't have commited this horrible act of violence...., but the "Gun" made him do it ! It's the "gun's" fault..., not the HATE filled Muslim Extremist..., and NOT the Democrats Party's fault, who are always making "excuses" for the Muslims act's of violence ? And "me"..., I guess I'm just a "racist", Like Donald Trump, for even mentioning the...., "facts" about what's happening in my own country
Skippy and SSAH that is now on CJ. Lol You got a friend over there,
ReplyDeleteYou guys are going to get Iwillnevergiveup booted hahahahah Do you really think he gives a shit, not in the least and I know that as a fact.
ReplyDeleteNow over 50 victims. Definitely Islamic terror. Makes the whole wedding cake thing look pretty pathetic.
ReplyDeleteSorry, for some reason when I tried to access the blog it posted my last comment again.
ReplyDeleteYes, the idiots on the left are out of their minds trying to avoid admitting radical Islam is a problem.
Nothing to apologize for Phenry.
ReplyDeletePersonally I believe just about everything you've ever posted deserves a second look...
off topic - I'm surprised at how successful our little veggie patch is this year... the leaf lettuce and kale have been awesome -first time growing those... the peas and green beans have been fairly steady in producing... the potatoes (our trial and error project) so far so good... I heard late July is when we can pull them and also heard early August.... so we'll see how things go with that.
ReplyDeleteOur zucchini is flowering, as is our cucumbers.... we're trying pumpkin again after several years. We have purple sage growing - it smells wonderful.... and all of our tomato and bell peppers are growing well no flowers on them yet...
been making salads with our leaf lettuce and kale.... been also using them in sandwiches.
On Topic:
The leftists- even though they spout their usual rhetoric - know deep down that Trump is who we need in office....
Trump may be a loud mouth but he's saying things that should have been said a long time ago. He's been telling it like it is and he's no one's puppet on a string. Hillary on the other hand she's catering to those who have bought her through campaign funds -
The leftists know she'd be a worse mistake in office than Obama but they are nothing but drones repeating their crap rhetoric.
Of's easy for liberals to overlook this mass murder, and to forgive the radical Islamic terrorists. Liberals don't REALLY care about 'gays'. To them, gays are just another subgroup to divide to pit one against all others, to pretend to care about, and to lie to for Democrat votes.
ReplyDeleteBeing heartless, hateful, evil people...liberals will give this incident a pass, regarding radical Islam. After all, both groups DO share the MOST important common goal. A goal that supercedes all others.
The total annhilation of Christians and Jews, and western society....ESPECIALLY...the United States of America and our Constitution.
Obama and the libs are just lying and deflecting and doing what they have to towards that goal. It's what they do.
That's exactly what they do.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's exactly what they did all day long yesterday.
What a pathetic bunch they are...
From Franklin Graham's facebook page just this morning....
Franklin Graham
30 mins ·
I appreciate President Barack Obama speaking to the nation yesterday in the wake of the Orlando massacre. He was right in saying that this tragic shooting was an act of terror and hate. But why didn’t he say it was an act of radical Islamic terrorism? Mr. President, with all due respect, don't forget Fort Hood; don't forget the Boston Marathon; don't forget San Bernardino; and don’t forget 9/11. What do they all have in common? They were all Islamic terrorists carrying out their treachery in the name of their religion. Mr. President, your administration has cut our military to the bone and some experts say we're the weakest we have been in modern times. It’s time we were rebuilding our military force worldwide to take on this enemy. It’s time we tighten America’s borders until we can clearly vet those we’re letting into the country. Mr. President, how many more American lives have to be lost before you understand the threat radical Islam is to every freedom-loving person?
Well rikki he didn't say anymore then what we have been saying for years now.
ReplyDeleteNew blog posted.