Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Pay No Attention To What The Media Wants Us To Believe...
It wan't much more than a month ago that Hillary Clinton was leading Donald Trump by double digits in national polling.
If you listen to the talking heads in the mainstream media and partisan hack dumbasses like Batshit and Maingate we might as well cancel the election and go ahead and name her Queen of all time.
Mathematically impossible they say.
Just look at the polls.
They were jumping for joy doing their happy dance.
Well, just the other day Rasmussen released a new poll that showed Hillary's double digit lead over Trump had collapsed to a pathetic 4 points.
Now all the sudden they don't want to talk about the polls.
Everyone knows in order to get a more accurate picture you have to throw out the highs and the lows and look at an average, they say.
Then in that case her double digit has shrunk to a measly 6 points.
Half of what it was just a month ago.
And speaking of numbers I'm going to lay a few more of them on you today that you'll never hear any democrat talk about.
Now that the primaries are over it's time to have a look at what the voters had to say.
Despite being attacked by every media outlet in the country and despite being attacked by liberals and so called conservatives alike Donald Trump is still filling stadiums everywhere he goes.
Despite Mexican flag waving domestic terrorists trying to silence him people by the thousands flock to hear him speak.
And more people than ever before are turning out to vote for him.
In this year's primary races republican turnout was up 62% compared to 2012.
Democrat turnout ended up being down 21% compared to 2012.
Despite her weak ans self admitted socialist candidate Bernie Sanders Hillary Clinton received 1,019.237 fewer votes this year than she did in 2008 while running against Barack Hussein Obama.
Total democrat votes cast in 2008 stood at 38,111,341.
This year they were only able to piece together 29,939,251 for a decrease of 8,172,090.
Total republican votes cast in 2012 was 19,214,513 nationwide.
This years republican participation stood at 31,108,968 for a record setting increase of 11,894,455 votes.
This tell me two things.
Even the democrats know Hillary Clinton is a lying crook and a hell of a lot of them are sitting this one out.
And more people than ever before are registering to vote because of Donald Trump.
I've often talked about the "Conservative Revolution."
I actually think I've had that wrong all along.
It's more like "The People's Revolution" and I'm all in.
Back to my original point though.
Don't ever let anyone tell you Donald Trump can't win this election.
That's what they want you to think.
They want to demoralize you.
They want you to believe he's already beaten.
Most of all they want you to stay home on election day.
Fuck that.
If for no other reason I'll be there just so I can laugh in their ungodly faces...
Kevin McGinty
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Comey did us more of a solid than we think. I'm not sure he was happy with what got handed to him by his tone and words.
ReplyDeletePutin could also be a wild card.
What he releases could be damning two fold. Buy showing us the correspondence, and the security risk and failure. And don't expect it for a month or so.
I don't think this is over yet.
And where is the dirt on Trump?
They don't have it.
Going to be nasty next couple of months. Stay in the fight. Spread the message.
I'm in this fight up to my eyeballs...
ReplyDeleteDo you suppose?? that maybe just maybe there is more to this to come down. Maybe they didnt really go for this thinking that the DOJ heifer would shoot it down. Knowing that she is going to kill anything they bring up they wait and go for a bigger case. Thinking they have a better chance of getting a convection with the Clinton Foundation. They have to have a bunch of info from her e mails on this foundation pay off. Just dont see how they dont come up with something. Bill and Hillary are slick but every clown shoots them self in the foot sooner or later. Or maybe Putin will dump on her and bill. No hes into it with them on the uranium deal. Where's all the back stabbers at. Some of this people have to know that their time is about to come to an end. Who is going to bite the bullet and either talk or go under the bus for good.
ReplyDeleteYou are correct, uranium did make friends.
But you asked about backstabbing?
Libya, Isis, Syria etc...
Putin may have some favors to return. We all know the Russian bear and the current administration do not see eye to eye. Hell, they even strafe our boats in international waters, right?
Hillary will pay the piper.
Karma is a hell of a thing.
Well I have to crash, but I will be up early, Still dealing with some issue beyond my control .
ReplyDeleteYou just take care of your issues Sarge.
ReplyDeleteWe got this till you get back...
Thanks Kevin, I am sicker than I realized, Hell can't get into the doctor till the 19, I have this feeling I will see the ER before then though.
ReplyDeleteOP here.
ReplyDeleteHey Sarge- Don't know what you are dealing with, but we are praying for you! Take care of yourself old buddie! Ilene and I talk about you a lot! Hope your ears are burning! :)
I don't get on here like I would like to sometimes, but I would just like to tell you Kevin and Safe, how much I appreciate your work and dedication to this and the Urinal blog!
I'm not working today, so plan on staying inside and keeping cool. You all have a great day and I may barge in here later or on the ass wipe sheet!
Sarge, I'm on vacation this week. You let me know if you need anything...
ReplyDeleteAnd it's always good to hear from you...
ReplyDeleteIwillnevergiveup has a message on your new blog Kevin.... he's not doing well.
ReplyDeleteHugs - Rikki
Sarge, if there is anything I can do Kevin has my number. Give him a call and he can call me or he can give you my number and you can call. I mean that too. You've got friends here.
ReplyDeleteUnlike the ungodly left wingers who would sell their mother to promote the agenda and who believe it's the government's job to take care of it's indentured servants, we know the truth.
Conservatives have always believed in lending a hand to those who need a hand, because that's what God intended us to do. And when someone needs a hand, they should feel like they can ask their friends. You have a lot of friends here Sarge. Something I doubt those godless liberals we have to tolerate on the urinal can say.
So, if there's something you need, there's a bunch of us ready and able to adapt, improvise and overcome. Just say the word.
Well, the death toll is 350 people killed by Islamic terrorists during Ramadan. The religion of peace was very busy celebrating this holiday that is their most important one of the year. That is by murdering people. The religion of peace has a curious way of celebrating a holy holiday.
ReplyDeleteSo by comparison, how many people were killed by Christians say, last Christmas? That would be zero. Or for that matter during all the Christian holidays combined? Oh yeah, that would still be zero. Or for that matter over the last 100 year? How many people did Christians kill for God? Still zero.
Funny that. Christianity is the religion the godless left hates and wants to erase from America. Islam is the religion the godless left wants to protect and celebrate.
obama always has a Ramadan celebration and gives a Ramadan speech every year. But stopped celebrating the National Day of Prayer at the white house. Case closed.
Is it just me, or do these godless liberals have things a little mixed up? Well, after all. The operative word here is godless. Right?
Thanks everyone I know you all care, I have the wife here incase I need to go to the ER, It is some kind of lung problem and my COPD stuff doesn't seem to be helping much, bad when I lay down, never was good at sleeping standing up :):) Thanks again to you all.
ReplyDeleteDarn it Sargejr you take care .We still got some Libs ass's to kick yet and we need you up there with us. Take care and do what those doc's tell you to do. Dan and I plan on helping you kick some Lib butts so please take care. Sara & Dan
ReplyDeleteFirst they came for our Privacy as Citizens and we did nothing.. because it did not affect us much.
Then they came for our right to teach the children our truth and we did nothing .... because our children were not affected directly.
Then they came for our Healthcare system with a plan to ultimately have Universal Healthcare which is the Keystone of Socialism.. and all we did was complain.. because we were too involved with our daily lives to remove the perpetrators of this crime
Then they came after the right to defend our borders but we did nothing... because we did not live that close to a border.
Then they came after our way of voting with a ballot box and replaced it with electronic ballot machines and we did nothing... because we did not believe it would affect our votes.
Then the stacked the bureaucracy with their ideologues and we did nothing ...because we did not understand their method of destroying our laws.
Then they attacked our Capitalist System and destroyed our economic system with massive deficits and we did nothing ... because we still had money to spend.
Then they installed their political operatives in Government and we complained but did nothing else... because we were too busy trying to make ends meet.
Then they changed the rules in immigration and let in millions of people who were not like us and we complained on social media and nothing else.. because we were too busy with our own lives.
Then they slowly removed the Judeo-Christian code from the fabric of our society in the name of multiculturalism and we did nothing ... because we were afraid we would be called Racist if we objected.
Then they infiltrated the News Media and planted their own propagandists pretending to be Newsmen and we did nothing but complain... because we had "alternative" media to use.
Then they Infiltrated the Social Media like Twitter and Facebook and began banning all things that pertain to our culture and values.. and we complained some more...because we are not cohesive to act as one to tear them down.
Soon they will take away your ability to buy bullets so you guns will only be usable as clubs
Soon they will control the Internet and all Social media and control your ability to communicate.
Soon they will control your Religious beliefs, your children, your Money and Gold, your 401K, your property and your Healthcare and your way of life..
The only way to Stop this MADNESS IS A PEOPLE'S REVOLUTION...
Polls have shown consistently that a majority of democrats believe George Bush either had advance knowledge of or actually helped create the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center. The percentage has been as high as 70% of democrats. And a majority still believe it according to polls even if they won't admit it publically. Even though there has never been a single piece of evidence, not a shred, they still believe it.
ReplyDeleteYet these same people believe Hillary is as innocent as a newborn lamb in the Benghazi matter, the email scandals, the Clinton Foundation money laundering scheme and taking bribes for favors as Sec of State. In the face of mounds and volumes of undisputable evidence provided by the FBI they still believe she is completely innocent.
These people are mentally ill. If we don't take our country back from these ideologues as Skippey points out so well we will lose it forever.
Comey is being called to testify to Congress on his reason not to indict Hillary.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Comey got some splainin to do.
ReplyDeletePeople forget he doesn't work for obama. obama is just his supervisor. obama works for us. And now Comey is going to have to explain to the representatives of his employers exactly what he was thinking in disregarding the law because of political pressure.
I think there's a whole bunch of our employees that need to be fired in November. And I'm not interested in hiring any of their friends to fill their jobs either.
Holy Moly!!!
ReplyDeleteSedgwick County passed a resolution to approach the Kansas legislature and outright ban illegal immigrants from getting WIC, in state tuition, and other services.
Wow. And to think they would inherently not be a sanctuary city any longer. That's progress, my friends.
Take away the magnets. Now, let's do mandatory e verify/and jail time for hiring illegals!!!
Wonder what bitch hillary and Obummer think about that? Keep yo federal dollars. Doin shit our way. More of this attitude is needed. Period.
You been to Wichita lately? If you have you can pretty easily see why they are fed up. They've been overrun. The gang problem there is out of control.
ReplyDeleteEven soft headed liberals can see reality sometimes. Not very often, but sometimes. And when it starts picking their own pockets and they can't walk down their own streets it looks a little different.
Suddenly all those "dreamers" who are just looking for a better life in the land of the free have been replaced by gang bangers with tattoos all over their faces driving low riders and slinging crack everywhere they infest. That will change your mind, after your flat screen and computer go missing when your house get burglarized for the third time.
Yep, I have been there safe. There and hutch. Both are CC territory, period.
Because of the liberal cucks that are afraid to hurt feelings and face reality. They on the other hand would rather be weak and passive, because that's the right thing to do. Fuck that.
Eliminate the magnets. I know for a fact that you have posted the exact same language before.
Eliminate the magnets, eliminate the problem. Nothing to gain, no risk in attempting to pursue.
Borders, language, culture. It defines us. And it isn't hyperbole from some talk show guy. It's the truth.
Borders, language, culture.....
Keep the message strong is what I say. And I aint stopping.
Pretty sure most here won't relent. Let's get her done.......
Never considered stopping.
ReplyDeleteWe're all in this up to our eyeballs and there's no stopping now.
The thing is this fight won't be over in my lifetime.
It's a generational fight and that's why it's important to make sure our kids and grand kids are raised right.
My youngest son is primed and ready to take my place when the day comes that I can no longer write...
Hope you screen captured that, Batshit...
ReplyDeleteNew blog up and running...