Sunday, February 26, 2017
Normalizing the scum of the earth...
I have a pretty good idea where this is all headed.
But what I don't know, is exactly how it ends.
Will the American people accept this downward spiral into the pits of hell?
Or do we stand against it?
Only time will tell.
I think it's fair to say we're living in some very disturbing and increasingly dangerous times.
We're living in a time where everything good has become bad and everything once considered evil has become "Virtuous."
Don't believe me?
Then you're not paying attention and you need to pull your head out of your ass.
I caught a lot of flak (even from some conservatives) for spending so much time on that other website speaking out against Barack Hussein Obama trying to force our young daughters and grand daughters to shower alongside members of the opposite sex.
It's not that important, they said.
I call bullshit.
To me and my way of thinking, looking out for the safety and well being of the women in our lives, whether they be our grand mothers, mothers, sisters, daughters, and or grand daughters is one the most important responsibilities a man has.
In my opinion, this entire transgender bathroom crap is nothing more than a way of giving sexual perverts access to some of the most vulnerable among us.
Our young school age daughters and grand daughters.
Pedophilia is just the latest perversion they're trying to push as something completely normal.
Like always, I'm going to post a couple of videos to help prove my point.
The first one's titled, "Inside The Life Of A Virtuous Pedophile" and is nothing more than an attempt to normalize child rape.
The second video is a direct response done by a young girl named Kisara Vera, who sees this pervert for what he is and says so.
Video Warning: It's refreshing to see someone so young with the courage to stand up for what she believes in. But just so you know, she does use a little colorful language to make her point.
Like I said earlier, I have a pretty good idea where this is headed.
But I don't know how it ends...
Kevin McGinty
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Crush the liberal's dreams Friday
It's Friday and not a day too soon. I've about had it with this week, glad to see it come to an end.
So I made a comment last blog about the godless left wanting a civil war and probably being on the wrong side of it.
Seems like it's what they want, but I don't think they are really thinking this one through. See, when obama was the pretend president they always thought the military would back whatever play he made, and I never believed that. I think they would have turned their back on him if he tried some kind of Marxist third world dictatorship kind of crap.
But what we have now is something completely different. Riots, threats, violence and destruction, getting worse every day. And as the violence and riots ramp up, the response will ramp up. This President isn't in this with them like the last one. You're already seeing Police response to some of their crap that you were not seeing previously.
And as the response ramps up, and some heads get knocked either they will run away to their safe spaces or they will step it up. And frankly, they are just stupid enough to step it up.
But they're declaring war on the guy who is the Commander in Chief of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, plus all their reserve units. And he can call out the National Guard. This is not the guy to declare war on.
And then not to mention there are about 300 some million weapons and a few billion rounds of ammunition distributed among all those states in the middle that voted for President Trump. And having seen a few of these arsenals up close and personal, and having seen some of these fellows using said weapons, I would take them very, very seriously. Things could get wet in a hurry.
I'm not advocating for anything. I'm just saying.....
Don't start nuthin, won't be nuthin...
So anyway, it's Friday. Have at it.
So I made a comment last blog about the godless left wanting a civil war and probably being on the wrong side of it.
Seems like it's what they want, but I don't think they are really thinking this one through. See, when obama was the pretend president they always thought the military would back whatever play he made, and I never believed that. I think they would have turned their back on him if he tried some kind of Marxist third world dictatorship kind of crap.
But what we have now is something completely different. Riots, threats, violence and destruction, getting worse every day. And as the violence and riots ramp up, the response will ramp up. This President isn't in this with them like the last one. You're already seeing Police response to some of their crap that you were not seeing previously.
And as the response ramps up, and some heads get knocked either they will run away to their safe spaces or they will step it up. And frankly, they are just stupid enough to step it up.
But they're declaring war on the guy who is the Commander in Chief of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, plus all their reserve units. And he can call out the National Guard. This is not the guy to declare war on.
And then not to mention there are about 300 some million weapons and a few billion rounds of ammunition distributed among all those states in the middle that voted for President Trump. And having seen a few of these arsenals up close and personal, and having seen some of these fellows using said weapons, I would take them very, very seriously. Things could get wet in a hurry.
I'm not advocating for anything. I'm just saying.....
Don't start nuthin, won't be nuthin...
So anyway, it's Friday. Have at it.
Monday, February 20, 2017
So John McCain is mad at President Trump huh?
Well, does anybody care?
McCain is the guy who lost an election he should have won. President Trump is the guy who won the election he should have lost. Check the difference you pathetic old RINO.
But it is funny how now the godless left thinks McCain is the great spokesman for the Republican party, filled with wisdom and they just respect him to no end. But when he ran for president they attacked him like the rabid dogs they are. Just goes to prove, once again, they will do and say anything without regard to truth if it benefits them.
So do you worry about the relentless attacks by the left and their media against our President? The lies, the fake news, the hyperbolic insane rants and raves? I know I ran across something on facebook some leftie posted listing all the brave and virtuous actions they are taking hoping to undermine the President and punish America for voting the wrong way. Marches and hashtags and social media and posting lots of nasty things on the interwebs. You'd think to hear them tell it they were the French Resistance in WWII.
But in the end what does it accomplish? I would say not much. Sure they get all riled up, jumping up and down, arms akimbo, spittle flying from their mouths while they scream and holler. And they line up to pat each other on the back and agree with every word. But outside of their little world, who really cares?
President Trump's popularity is going up every day. Rasmussen has him at 55%. He's getting things done even with the roadblocks the left is throwing up as fast as he knocks them down. He's been more productive in his first 30 days than obama was in eight years, if you measure productivity is actual forward progress for America, which I do.
So they will continue, no doubt. But most of America isn't listening. We're too busy to worry about what a bunch of freeloading welfare collecting underemployed living in their parents basement trolls have to say. They just don't matter.
And as the President gets his agenda in place, rolling back regulations, tax cuts, business friendly laws and economics, and the jobs start happening, and the country starts growing again the noise will fade to a dull roar. As we get this Marxist attempt at healthcare reform rolled back and replaced with something market driven that makes sense for everybody, people will forget all this nonsense.
Already the media's approval rating is somewhere around the same as getting dog shit on your shoe. Maybe a little lower. So nobody trusts them now. So let the heathen rage.
And remember this. When they start up with the popular vote crap, which is pretty much a daily chant with them, look who's living in the White House and flying on Air Force One. And look who's giving speeches at stamp dedication ceremonies. That's what the popular vote is worth.
And one more thing. Odd that all the only speeches Hillary is giving is for stamp dedication ceremonies. What happened to her getting $200K for a half hour speech to some bunch of important people? I guess when you are in the business of selling influence and you run out of inventory you close up shop. But she's the first one they call when they have a stamp that needs dedicating.
McCain is the guy who lost an election he should have won. President Trump is the guy who won the election he should have lost. Check the difference you pathetic old RINO.
But it is funny how now the godless left thinks McCain is the great spokesman for the Republican party, filled with wisdom and they just respect him to no end. But when he ran for president they attacked him like the rabid dogs they are. Just goes to prove, once again, they will do and say anything without regard to truth if it benefits them.
So do you worry about the relentless attacks by the left and their media against our President? The lies, the fake news, the hyperbolic insane rants and raves? I know I ran across something on facebook some leftie posted listing all the brave and virtuous actions they are taking hoping to undermine the President and punish America for voting the wrong way. Marches and hashtags and social media and posting lots of nasty things on the interwebs. You'd think to hear them tell it they were the French Resistance in WWII.
But in the end what does it accomplish? I would say not much. Sure they get all riled up, jumping up and down, arms akimbo, spittle flying from their mouths while they scream and holler. And they line up to pat each other on the back and agree with every word. But outside of their little world, who really cares?
President Trump's popularity is going up every day. Rasmussen has him at 55%. He's getting things done even with the roadblocks the left is throwing up as fast as he knocks them down. He's been more productive in his first 30 days than obama was in eight years, if you measure productivity is actual forward progress for America, which I do.
So they will continue, no doubt. But most of America isn't listening. We're too busy to worry about what a bunch of freeloading welfare collecting underemployed living in their parents basement trolls have to say. They just don't matter.
And as the President gets his agenda in place, rolling back regulations, tax cuts, business friendly laws and economics, and the jobs start happening, and the country starts growing again the noise will fade to a dull roar. As we get this Marxist attempt at healthcare reform rolled back and replaced with something market driven that makes sense for everybody, people will forget all this nonsense.
Already the media's approval rating is somewhere around the same as getting dog shit on your shoe. Maybe a little lower. So nobody trusts them now. So let the heathen rage.
And remember this. When they start up with the popular vote crap, which is pretty much a daily chant with them, look who's living in the White House and flying on Air Force One. And look who's giving speeches at stamp dedication ceremonies. That's what the popular vote is worth.
And one more thing. Odd that all the only speeches Hillary is giving is for stamp dedication ceremonies. What happened to her getting $200K for a half hour speech to some bunch of important people? I guess when you are in the business of selling influence and you run out of inventory you close up shop. But she's the first one they call when they have a stamp that needs dedicating.
Friday, February 17, 2017
Press Conference Friday...
Just in case you missed it yesterday I've posted a video of yesterday's epic press conference in it's entirety.
Yes, it's an hour long but it's worth every minute of it.
In other news the new official face of what's left of today's democrat party, Michael Moore (otherwise known as the blob) has a few demands he wants met right friggin "NOW!"
1. The "blob" demands that President Donald J. Trump steps down "NOW."
2. The "blob" demands that Vice President Mike Pence not be allowed to replace him as the constitution requires in such a case.
3. The "blob" demands that The Supreme Court installs Hillary Clinton as the President of The United States.
4. The "blob" demands that if that can't be accomplished they find a fair and peaceful way to un-do then re-do the election of 2016.
And in even more (good) news, thanks to a package I received yesterday I'll be grilling steaks for dinner tomorrow night.
Thanks for everything, Sarge. You're a good man.
You guys have yourselves a good day...
Kevin McGinty
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
She punked them all in their own house...
When it comes to the blog I write on that other website I often joke about operating behind enemy lines.
But what I do over there doesn't hold a candle to what this lady did the other night during the Grammy's awards.
In what's becoming an all too common evening of self-serving Hollywood elites coming together to publicly trash America and President Trump, singer Joy Villa showed up in her "Make America Great Again" gown and rocked their cocaine filled souls to the core.
The outrage by the left-wing haters was swift and all consuming.
They took to Twitter to trash her.
The spittle was flying as they pounded on their phones and keyboards.
They made their usual death threats.
They promised her career over.
How dare she!
But the American people (the real Americans) had other ideas.
Within hours of her stunning appearance the mostly unknown Joy Villa and her music shot from the bottom of the pack to the top of the charts.
Her album titled "I make Static" had been ranked #543,202 place on Amazon shot up to the #3 slot.
In fact the top three selling albums in Amazons "Movers and Shakers" category all belong to Joy Villa.
This is just another example of how fed up the American people have become with these anti-American pieces of shit.
They don't speak for us.
And the more they run their mouths and show their asses the more America wins.
Today I celebrate singer and fellow patriot Joy Villa for her part in # Making America Great Again...
Kevin McGinty
Monday, February 13, 2017
Oroville Dam Collapse...
I had a whole different blog planned for this morning but before I got started I noticed our good friend and fellow patriot, Hammertime brought up the Oroville dam in California late last night.
I remember back in 93 when we were facing pretty much the same thing with the Tuttle Creek dam in Manhattan.
I couldn't help but worry about the thousands of people directly in the path of destruction if that dam had failed.
At the time my wife and I lived in the Oakland area and the Kansas River had reached the breaking point.
I still remember standing on the dike that protects the entire area from the Kansas River.
You could actually feel the vibration as the deadly waters churned.
If that dike had failed it would have instantly destroyed everything in it's path.
My neighbors on both sides moved most of their things to storage units and stayed with relatives till the water had gone back down.
And it's what prompted us to buy a house on higher ground.
California Governor Jerry Brown has sent the National Guard to evacuate 130,000 people from the area and has asked the Trump administration for help.
He's asked that Trump declare the area a Federal Disaster.
As much as I despise Jerry Brown and the crap coming out of California these days, I hope Trump answers his call for help.
Kevin McGinty
Friday, February 10, 2017
No big surprise, the liberals did what liberals do
The ninth liberal court put America's safety and national security at risk to score political points and send President Trump some imaginary message. That's what they do. I've said before they would burn this country to the ground rather than relinquish the power the American people have taken away from them for abusing it these many years.
So all the gloating and strutting around and peacocking from the godless left reminds me of the old CJ Urinal blog days. Back when buttstash boy used to spend his life policing Kevin's blog and squealing to his liberal moderator friends over the use of some word, or phrase. And he got words banned. And he got people booted off. And then he would gloat and brag. And my take was always the same. A godless liberal got a godless liberal newspaper to side with him against patriotic Americans. That's not too difficult a thing to do. Where's buttstash boy today? And is Kevin's blog still up and running and still poking the liberals in the eye on a regular basis? Hell yes it is! These things work out over time. The wheels of justice grind slow, but they grind exceedingly fine.
So the left got the left wing appeals court to uphold an illegal and unconstitutional stay. Big deal. This is going to happen. A LOT! Expect to see more of it. It will take several years for President Trump to get appointees on the courts. It took obama years to pack it with his minions. The qualification to be an obama judge was to promise to uphold the godless left agenda whether the ruling was right, wrong, legal or illegal, constitutional or unconstitutional. Stay in lockstep, or I should say goosestep, and always be a loyal little apparatchik.
And don't be surprised if the Supreme Court doesn't provide any relief. Expect a 4-4 ruling at best which does nothing.
But look at the big picture. Delta announces a huge expansion. Intel building a multi billion dollar factory in the U.S. Businesses promising growth and expansion right and left. Economic expansion. The Dow over 20,000 and holding there and growing still.
We are seeing the results of replacing a Marxist anti-Capitalist president with one who loves America and wants her to grow and prosper. Just wait until tax reform hits. We will be seeing 4% growth by the third quarter is what I predict.
And when the jobs start coming back, and wages start going up, and people have a little more money in their pockets and see the prosperity returning everything will change, believe me. The left will continue to try to block it, they will continue to riot and scream and destroy America and people will continue to wonder what the hell these people are doing. It's happening now.
So don't let this one ruling harsh your mellow. There's great stuff coming. Reagan years stuff. Jobs. Growth. New business. Regulations rolled back. Energy growth. Law and order returns. Education reform. Tax cuts. Keep your eye on the prize folks. It's getting better every day.
So all the gloating and strutting around and peacocking from the godless left reminds me of the old CJ Urinal blog days. Back when buttstash boy used to spend his life policing Kevin's blog and squealing to his liberal moderator friends over the use of some word, or phrase. And he got words banned. And he got people booted off. And then he would gloat and brag. And my take was always the same. A godless liberal got a godless liberal newspaper to side with him against patriotic Americans. That's not too difficult a thing to do. Where's buttstash boy today? And is Kevin's blog still up and running and still poking the liberals in the eye on a regular basis? Hell yes it is! These things work out over time. The wheels of justice grind slow, but they grind exceedingly fine.
So the left got the left wing appeals court to uphold an illegal and unconstitutional stay. Big deal. This is going to happen. A LOT! Expect to see more of it. It will take several years for President Trump to get appointees on the courts. It took obama years to pack it with his minions. The qualification to be an obama judge was to promise to uphold the godless left agenda whether the ruling was right, wrong, legal or illegal, constitutional or unconstitutional. Stay in lockstep, or I should say goosestep, and always be a loyal little apparatchik.
And don't be surprised if the Supreme Court doesn't provide any relief. Expect a 4-4 ruling at best which does nothing.
But look at the big picture. Delta announces a huge expansion. Intel building a multi billion dollar factory in the U.S. Businesses promising growth and expansion right and left. Economic expansion. The Dow over 20,000 and holding there and growing still.
We are seeing the results of replacing a Marxist anti-Capitalist president with one who loves America and wants her to grow and prosper. Just wait until tax reform hits. We will be seeing 4% growth by the third quarter is what I predict.
And when the jobs start coming back, and wages start going up, and people have a little more money in their pockets and see the prosperity returning everything will change, believe me. The left will continue to try to block it, they will continue to riot and scream and destroy America and people will continue to wonder what the hell these people are doing. It's happening now.
So don't let this one ruling harsh your mellow. There's great stuff coming. Reagan years stuff. Jobs. Growth. New business. Regulations rolled back. Energy growth. Law and order returns. Education reform. Tax cuts. Keep your eye on the prize folks. It's getting better every day.
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
There's a Civil War underway. And the Republican party needs to fight it
The godless left is at war with America. Whether it's rioting to shut down free speech and any opposing opinion to democrat legislators using lies and deception to attempt to persuade the American people of blatant untruths, they are at war with us.
You see it every day. I don't need to list any of the examples, just turn on the news or look at the news websites. It's everywhere. It's at a level of hysteria not seen in this country since the last Civil War.
Any pretense of rational discourse has been abandoned by the godless left. It has been replaced with riots and shouting and hate speech. Today I read Republicans are having to take security measures never before considered during town halls due to violent left wing protestors showing up posing a direct threat to their safety and to the safety of others.
How did we get here? Long story. But it has been happening since the 1960s when the Marxists and Communists took over the democrat party. When the Frankfurt School of Communists left Germany and came here and the likes of Antonio Gramsci began their work to infiltrate and change the culture of America.
See, those people figured out that you overthrow a civil society by changing the culture. Infiltrate the schools, universities. Infiltrate the media. Infiltrate Hollywood. Infiltrate one of the political parties.
Teach disrespect for tradition. Hatred for the prevalent religious beliefs. Twist the narrative. Free love. Don't trust the man. Rebel against everything. Take drugs. Free your mind. And so on. And look where it got us some 50 years later.
The interesting thing is if you watch the mainstream media you would think this was America. The riots, the screaming and yelling and vandalism and burning and destruction was America protesting the election of a fascist racist president. But it's not.
It's the ravings of the minority. They are the loudest and are doing the most damage, but they are not representative of the majority. The majority is getting up everyday and going to work. Coming home and playing with their kids. Serving in the military. Enjoying their retirement after a lifetime of hard work. Watching ball games. Grilling hamburgers. Going to church. Respecting each other and helping those in need. We don't have time to riot and counter demonstrate. We have jobs, families. Responsibilities.
We demonstrated over the last eight years by voting over a thousand of these characters out of office and replacing them with Republicans. And voting Donald Trump into the Presidency. We still think that's how you express how you believe and the direction you want the country to go.
But that's not how the left operates. And unless we wake up and realize what we are up against this country is in big trouble. I had a little ray of hope yesterday when Mitch McConnell made fauxcahauntus Elizabeth Warren sit down and shut up during the Sessions hearing. Maybe there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I hope so.
#Making America Great Again!
Monday, February 6, 2017
OK, I admit it. I watched the Super Bowl
Most of it, anyway. I go to church on Sunday night so I got home about halfway through the second quarter. I watched it for a couple of reasons.
It's the only game I watched all year. It's not so much a boycott of the NFL, I'm not a huge boycott fan, but something else. See, I see the NFL as a business providing entertainment to it's customers. When a business lets it's employees insult the customers and the American people, well, there are consequences for that.
There's a restaurant in Lawrence Mrs Safe and I have loved for years. Little local noodle house on Mass. We used to go there anytime we were in Lawrence and wanted to eat. We went there for fifteen years or more I suspect. Loved the place. Good food, good service. Well, the last time we were there, the service was terrible. There was hardly anybody there and we still got lousy service. And the food was awful.
So we aren't complainers. We didn't tell the manager how bad it was. We didn't go on Yelp and write a bad review. When a restaurant has slipped that far they probably don't care what you think. But we'll never go back. We're customers and they let us down.
On the other hand, there's a Mexican restaurant in Topeka that we love. Probably eight out of ten times when we eat out, it's there. Service ranges from very good to excellent. Food is always good. We've never been disappointed. So we go back again and again and will continue as long as they make the effort to make their customers happy which they seem intent on doing. (El Dorado at 29th & Croco by the way, highly recommend it).
So that's why I stopped watching NFL games this year. They were allowing their employees to insult me and my friends and my fellow countrymen over and over. And it pissed me off. So why watch the Super Bowl you ask? Good question.
First there was the political side. The QB, the coach and the owner are all friends of President Trump and speak positively of him. So I like that.
Then the ungodly left launched a full on attack on the Patriots because of that, pouring out the hate and snark and doing what they do best, hating everything good in the country. Plus the ungodly left hates them just because they hate patriots of any kind.
So I wanted to watch the left suffer another humiliating defeat by someone they hate intensely. And it happened, and happened perfectly.
The left was sure as always they would win. They thought their hatred and superiority and general nastiness would have some effect, just like they thought would happen with the election.
And as the game went on, they were convinced they had it in the bag, just like the election. And watching Facebook it was hilarious the hateful comments endorsed by thousands of liberals laughing at what they thought was a win, a humiliating pounding of their enemy. Just like they thought the election would be.
And what happened? They found out the hard way. The superior team came back and won against all odds. Broke multiple world records. Never surrendered. Never accepted defeat. And all those snarky Facebook posts made the lefties look pretty stupid in the end. Just like the election.
So the lesson for the godless left is, never underestimate what Patriots can do, even when you think their back is against the wall and you have them beaten. You should know that by now, but you don't. You're not smart enough to figure that out. Learn from this lefties. There's a lesson there for you.
It's the only game I watched all year. It's not so much a boycott of the NFL, I'm not a huge boycott fan, but something else. See, I see the NFL as a business providing entertainment to it's customers. When a business lets it's employees insult the customers and the American people, well, there are consequences for that.
There's a restaurant in Lawrence Mrs Safe and I have loved for years. Little local noodle house on Mass. We used to go there anytime we were in Lawrence and wanted to eat. We went there for fifteen years or more I suspect. Loved the place. Good food, good service. Well, the last time we were there, the service was terrible. There was hardly anybody there and we still got lousy service. And the food was awful.
So we aren't complainers. We didn't tell the manager how bad it was. We didn't go on Yelp and write a bad review. When a restaurant has slipped that far they probably don't care what you think. But we'll never go back. We're customers and they let us down.
On the other hand, there's a Mexican restaurant in Topeka that we love. Probably eight out of ten times when we eat out, it's there. Service ranges from very good to excellent. Food is always good. We've never been disappointed. So we go back again and again and will continue as long as they make the effort to make their customers happy which they seem intent on doing. (El Dorado at 29th & Croco by the way, highly recommend it).
So that's why I stopped watching NFL games this year. They were allowing their employees to insult me and my friends and my fellow countrymen over and over. And it pissed me off. So why watch the Super Bowl you ask? Good question.
First there was the political side. The QB, the coach and the owner are all friends of President Trump and speak positively of him. So I like that.
Then the ungodly left launched a full on attack on the Patriots because of that, pouring out the hate and snark and doing what they do best, hating everything good in the country. Plus the ungodly left hates them just because they hate patriots of any kind.
So I wanted to watch the left suffer another humiliating defeat by someone they hate intensely. And it happened, and happened perfectly.
The left was sure as always they would win. They thought their hatred and superiority and general nastiness would have some effect, just like they thought would happen with the election.
And as the game went on, they were convinced they had it in the bag, just like the election. And watching Facebook it was hilarious the hateful comments endorsed by thousands of liberals laughing at what they thought was a win, a humiliating pounding of their enemy. Just like they thought the election would be.
And what happened? They found out the hard way. The superior team came back and won against all odds. Broke multiple world records. Never surrendered. Never accepted defeat. And all those snarky Facebook posts made the lefties look pretty stupid in the end. Just like the election.
So the lesson for the godless left is, never underestimate what Patriots can do, even when you think their back is against the wall and you have them beaten. You should know that by now, but you don't. You're not smart enough to figure that out. Learn from this lefties. There's a lesson there for you.
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Take A Stand Against Human Sex Traffickers and The Perverts Who Support It Friday...
With everything that's going on in the political world today it's easy to get sidetracked and lose sight of some of the other atrocities being inflicted at an ever increasing pace in a world that's lost all moral hope.
Human Sex Trafficking and the Perverts Who Support it.
We've all heard the stories about the thousands of young Muslim boys and girls being sold as sex slaves to the barbaric animals of ISIS.
And what's just as bad is that there are attorneys who'd be willing to defend these animals if asked to do so.
Hell, for all I know there might even be a few of them right here in Topeka.
Every year thousands of young girls turn up missing and more often than not they've fallen victim to some violent pimp that forces them to turn as many as 30 or 40 tricks a day.
It's hard to say which is worse here. The violent pimp of the perverts paying to have sex with these poor young girls.
Every year thousands of young girls turn up missing and more often than not they've fallen victim to some violent pimp that forces them to turn as many as 30 or 40 tricks a day.
It's hard to say which is worse here. The violent pimp of the perverts paying to have sex with these poor young girls.
Because this country has completely lost all sense of decency the American online porn industry is growing stronger every year with no end in sight.
One of the most popular pastimes for the American sexual predators seems to be young Asian girls in various stages of bondage.
Hundreds of thousands of young Asian girls have fallen victim to these disgusting perverts.
" Source? I've seen the others before, but didn't save them :( -- Reilloc"
"Ancilla Tila blindfolded, found them from other discussions tab, but
all the links are broken. Google turned up some some results. -- exia5000"
"Thanks! -- Reilloc"
If you see something say something.
If you suspect something say something.
But hey, it's Friday and it's your day.
We only get so many so make it count...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Common Ground, my ass...
Quote of the day:
"Common ground... I refuse to give up on finding it." -- Brock Masters
Screw that.
Sure, in a perfect world that sounds like a good idea.
In a perfect world it would work.
In a perfect world you'd be dealing with rational people who'd be willing to listen.
I'm sorry, but that world simply doesn't exist.
Here's the video several of you have already been talking about.
Do me a favor, check it out, then help me understand where the common ground is.
And yes, I can already hear you shadow dwelling trolls out there babbling on about how I cherry pick the most extreme cases to make my point.
This kind of crap has become mainstream and an everyday occurrence.
The #BLACKLIVESMATTER and other racist, hate groups all have the full backing and support of the democrat party.
And they all have the full backing and support of the agenda driven American media.
No, there is no common ground with these people.
They're either beaten back or the America we all know will cease to exist.
End of story...
Kevin McGinty
"Common ground... I refuse to give up on finding it." -- Brock Masters
Screw that.
Sure, in a perfect world that sounds like a good idea.
In a perfect world it would work.
In a perfect world you'd be dealing with rational people who'd be willing to listen.
I'm sorry, but that world simply doesn't exist.
Here's the video several of you have already been talking about.
Do me a favor, check it out, then help me understand where the common ground is.
And yes, I can already hear you shadow dwelling trolls out there babbling on about how I cherry pick the most extreme cases to make my point.
This kind of crap has become mainstream and an everyday occurrence.
The #BLACKLIVESMATTER and other racist, hate groups all have the full backing and support of the democrat party.
And they all have the full backing and support of the agenda driven American media.
No, there is no common ground with these people.
They're either beaten back or the America we all know will cease to exist.
End of story...
Kevin McGinty
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