Sunday, February 26, 2017
Normalizing the scum of the earth...
I have a pretty good idea where this is all headed.
But what I don't know, is exactly how it ends.
Will the American people accept this downward spiral into the pits of hell?
Or do we stand against it?
Only time will tell.
I think it's fair to say we're living in some very disturbing and increasingly dangerous times.
We're living in a time where everything good has become bad and everything once considered evil has become "Virtuous."
Don't believe me?
Then you're not paying attention and you need to pull your head out of your ass.
I caught a lot of flak (even from some conservatives) for spending so much time on that other website speaking out against Barack Hussein Obama trying to force our young daughters and grand daughters to shower alongside members of the opposite sex.
It's not that important, they said.
I call bullshit.
To me and my way of thinking, looking out for the safety and well being of the women in our lives, whether they be our grand mothers, mothers, sisters, daughters, and or grand daughters is one the most important responsibilities a man has.
In my opinion, this entire transgender bathroom crap is nothing more than a way of giving sexual perverts access to some of the most vulnerable among us.
Our young school age daughters and grand daughters.
Pedophilia is just the latest perversion they're trying to push as something completely normal.
Like always, I'm going to post a couple of videos to help prove my point.
The first one's titled, "Inside The Life Of A Virtuous Pedophile" and is nothing more than an attempt to normalize child rape.
The second video is a direct response done by a young girl named Kisara Vera, who sees this pervert for what he is and says so.
Video Warning: It's refreshing to see someone so young with the courage to stand up for what she believes in. But just so you know, she does use a little colorful language to make her point.
Like I said earlier, I have a pretty good idea where this is headed.
But I don't know how it ends...
Kevin McGinty
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Kevin listen to me, you can not Normalize the liberals of the earth.. commonly called the scum of the earth. Not going to happen.
ReplyDeleteNor do I...but anybody who condones this sick craziness and condemns those of us who stand against it places no value whatever on anything except furtherance of an agenda. And obvious as hell that they will resort to all manner of vileness to try to keep people divided. Their openness these days is frightening. Children are the most vulnerable among us.
I think I heard Glenn Beck going on about their masks coming off and few years back.
ReplyDeleteHe was exactly right.
The masks have come completely off now.
These people aren't even trying to hide what they're doing anymore.
But with the entire democrat party and the mainstream media backing them why would they?
There is no middle ground with these people as some foolishly want to believe.
ReplyDeleteThey must be defeated.
You can bet Obama wouldn't let his daughters be forced into showering with the boys.
ReplyDeleteYou know how I feel. I've been calling these people ungodly for years. Hell, it got me kicked off the Urinal as you all know.
ReplyDeleteWhat more do we need to know?
These people see killing unborn babies as a sacrament.
These people think sexual deviants are special people needing protection from a heartless judgmental world.
These people think they can take a vote and overrule God.
These people want Christians to shut up and go away and not to be heard from in public.
And now they tell us if a young girl is bothered by the idea of a grown man sex pervert coming in the bathroom waving his junk around she is the one with a problem, the intolerant one. And if her father taught her to feel that way it's his fault.
God told us in the last days evil would become accepted. Wrong would become right. Right would become wrong.
Satan longs to see all mankind destroyed along with him. God wants us to live forever with him in Paradise. Satan wants to hurt God anyway he can, and corrupting and causing his creations to join him in rebellion against God is all he has.
This war started in the garden of Eden folks. The one thing that has remained consistent is that serpent of old. Still whispering lies in the ears of the weak. Still causing people to condemn themselves to eternal hell.
It will get way worse before it gets better. And I'm talking great tribulation worse. But in the end it gets way better. And I'm talking new heaven on earth better.
So stand fast brothers and sisters. There are better times ahead.
Amen to that. They may be able to remove nativity scenes and the Commandments from public buildings etc but they cannot remove Him from our hearts and minds.
One of the new tactics by the Anti President Trump groups is to stage a phony "town hall event", invite a Republican to show up to what is obviously going to be a total godless left wing attack on them, then claim Republicans are "avoiding" town hall meetings. Ones they didn't initiate or have any involvement with.
ReplyDeleteThis of course is just more of the same lies and artificial indignation over stuff they actually created. This is also a clear sign of how desperate and hopeless the godless left has become.
Like I always say, if that's all you got....that's what you go with.
So here's my official challenge:
I'm inviting any and all godless liberals to come on this blog and say anything and everything they want in defense of their positions. If they don't post any comments, then I consider that to be absolute irrefutable proof they are cowardly trolls who are full of bullshit. This is their chance to prove otherwise.
Come on you cowards. Don't hide behind your mommy's skirts like the adolescent playground bullies you really are. Show us what you got, or we will draw the obvious conclusion you got nothing, which is what we all pretty much know anyway,
Nunya if you are out there, I just got a Noticed from CJ Emily that they removed your post about the squaw comment ahahahah it has been there for what a week everyone that need to see it did. I quest she couldn't under stand the history you explained about Squaw..
ReplyDeleteHi Gary,
DeleteYour post using “faux squaw” has been removed because it is a racial slur and violates our terms of service.
Emily DeShazer
(785) 295-1245
Somebody tattled to the moderators. Gee, I wonder who that would have been.
ReplyDeleteThere's some new (probably one of the old trolls with a new name) by the name of Al somebody seems to hate you Sarge, and Nunya too.
I see none of the godless trolls are taking my challenge. So just like they do we are free now to call them cowardly chickenshits who are afraid to face us man to man. Of course if they tried that, they'd be about a man short if you know what I mean.
Figured they didn't have the guts to take us on.
At least they are willing to admit by hiding from us we are their superiors and we own them.
😂 Ignorance over there is the new normal! They took the word of a troll and the ignorant left, over the word of an actual Native American who was proud of the word, and pissed that people like Ignorant Em are trying to bury their heritage through their PC bullshit? I literally called Lyin' Lizzie "a fake Native American woman"....which is TRUE! Urinal and the moronic, uninformed Trollskys just can't stand the truth...haha..
ReplyDeleteScrew 'em....and screw!
Think of It this way.
ReplyDeleteThe once powerful and mighty Batshit has been reduced to begging his friends to delete comments on a blog that ever since the last changes very few people even participate in anymore two or three days after it's already run it's course.
And if Sarge hadn't told us about the email no one would even know about it.
Oscar ratings take another plunge. "Awwwwww"
ReplyDeleteThose backwards morons need to be "normalized", in that their agenda completely dismantled, and their "careers" (if you can call play-acting any kind of actual important work) need to be brought down to earth. What say we start a campaign that no actor, producer, director etc., make more than...say...4 x the lowest paid worker involved. "It's only FAAA-HA-HAAAaaair!!!"😂
Sounds fair to me! Nunya
ReplyDeleteNothing surprises me that happens on the Urinal. That's just par for the course. The left is filled with cowardly trolls who creep around in the night and are afraid to actually confront anyone face to face. That's because they know their ideas are weak, defeated and no longer valid in the public discourse.
ReplyDeleteThat's why when you see these mob riots they are all wearing masks. Cowards. They only turn out when they can have enough fellow commies on hand to control the mob. The town halls they are destroying? You notice you don't see any of them actually engaging in a direct debate with the representative on hand. Asking questions, giving their thoughts, presenting other options to be considered. No, they shout and scream and take over so there is no dialog.
This is the way of Totalitarians. Only their opinion is allowed. Only their side is to be heard. Use any means necessary to shut down any opposing voice, up to and including violence. That's who they are.
I invited them to come right here to our blog and engage us. We're not afraid, we welcome opposition. But the most they've ever done is post offensive nasty troll posts. Because they know that's all they have.
And if that's all you got.....well, you know.
How's that $15 an hour minimum wage fight working for you commies out there?
ReplyDeleteFrom the ZeroHedge blog this morning:
In yet another awkwardly rational response to government intervention in deciding what's "fair", the blowback from minimum wage demanding fast food workers has struck again. Wendy's plans to install self-ordering kiosks in 1,000 of its stores - 16% of its locations nationwide.
"Last year was tough — 5 percent wage inflation," said Bob Wright, Wendy's chief operating officer, during his presentation to investors and analysts last week. He added that the company expects wages to rise 4 percent in 2017. "But the real question is what are we doing about it?"
Wright noted that over the past two years, Wendy's has figured out how to eliminate 31 hours of labor per week from its restaurants and is now working to use technology, such as kiosks, to increase efficiency.
That's progress, right? And this will happen a lot more. I feel bad laughing at these people, but they kind of invite it on themselves.
#Making Liberals Cry Is Fun
Speaking of scum of the earth.
ReplyDeleteGood morning Batshit.
Get any good screen shots lately?
DeleteWhat do you suppose he does with those screenshots? Knowing what else he downloads off the internet it kind of grosses me out with screenshots of our blogs on the same computer as that stuff.
ReplyDeleteHe's slowly and stupidly trying to build a case against me.
ReplyDeleteHe's tried and failed several times to get me booted from that other website based on things said here.
He's tried and failed several times to get this blog pulled due to things said he doesn't like.
This is what he's been reduced to.
What is Bat doing around here? I'm certain whatever FaceBook identity he goes by at the urinal (actually more like a community outhouse)is fictitious, but I haven't even noticed him around there. How can he possibly have anyone booted here?
ReplyDeleteBatshit is the 21st Century Schizoid Troll. Always "comes out" as someone else😂
ReplyDeleteIt's been a while but once upon a time I received an email from the administrators of this website warning me that someone was trying to build a case to have this blog removed.
ReplyDeleteThe charges leveled were, "blatant racism, racial slurs, sexism, and allowing the use of foul language which could be damaging to the children that might happen to drop by.
The results?
Another epic failure...
I know this is unrelated to the topic Kevin, but when I saw this article on WIBW weblink,
I searched further and saw this on 11ABC out of Durham, NC....what I saw there in further detail just totally infuriated me.
Anyone who knowingly willfully mistreats our Veterans is lower than scum..... I don't even think there's a derogative word in the English language that fits the VA ER staff who mistreated our Veterans.... ~Rikki
I heard about that on the Dana Show. She was infuriated (with good reason) that the unholy leftist media was spending all their time bitching about "couchgate"...and not a peep up to then about the VA thing. The woman described in the story should be sent...somewhere away from humans. Maybe she and Buttstache could share something?
ReplyDeleteThey place no value on a life or human dignity let alone compassion and respect...unless the individual is a worker bee they can brainwash, useful only as a tool for the agenda and tax dollars for their deadbeat crowd..
ReplyDeleteThose chickens will come home to roost one day.
As to Bat Guano...guy's got some serious ocd issues I think...
Wonder what kind of asses the demoncrates will make of themselves tonight?
ReplyDeleteNo that demoncrates wasn't a typo.
ReplyDeleteAnyone else find shoes on a couch in the oval office pales in comparison to shoes on the resolute desk?
ReplyDeleteIt's just so funny how these stupid people on the left work. They are the same ones who cared not if Obama put his feet on anything...even their country.
As one commentator put it today (cant recall who)...he brought up slick willie's shenanigans in that office and the white house dogs...
Not even their necks. They were "broken to the harness" as they say.
ReplyDeleteThey love tyranny so much and they just want us to like as well.
Not gonna happen.
Melania looking lovely as usual...she brings such grace to the wh...
ReplyDeleteShe was absolutely stunning...
ReplyDeleteAnd the liberal tears are flowing...
ReplyDeleteHey Batshit, remember all those failed predictions you made?
ReplyDeleteMathematically impossible, you said.
Remember that?
I do...
Welcome to the Revolution, baby!!!
ReplyDeleteNancy Pelosi looks like she needs another drink...
ReplyDeleteDrain that swamp, Mr. President...
ReplyDeleteLizzy Warren doesn't look happy at all...
ReplyDeleteBuild that wall!!!
ReplyDeleteRadical Islamic Terrorism.
End of story...
Those poor democrats all look like somebody just rained on their parade.
ReplyDeleteSomebody did.
The American people...
What's wrong with all those people on one side of the room? All just sitting there, looking like they are constipated and about to cry!😂
ReplyDeleteThey're the one's who support the illegals, the rioters, the elitist snobs, and any other America hating group.
ReplyDeleteNope, that side isn't happy at all...
Boy, did they hate it! Which made it great! It was a great, positive speech!! Reached out to the Dems, and those hateful bastards basically flipped him off. A positive message if unity...after 8 grueling years of divisive hatred from Obama. I loved it😊
ReplyDeleteMore than a few of those dems probably heading for some preparation h, maalox and Pelosi's wine stash...
ReplyDeleteTough to watch Karen Owens...I teared up, watching her. My son came home but her husband did not.
And all of that white made me think of their klan days...shame on me!
He knocked it out of the park.
ReplyDeleteLike a boss...
Official Dem response was no "response", at all. Just a pre-written attack full of lies and bullshit. Didn't "respond" to the speech. Hateful mofos. They just don't get it still.
ReplyDeleteAnd they never will...
ReplyDeleteGotta say...his speech tonight was excellent...I may end up actually liking the man! He's already surprised me in recent days...
ReplyDeleteCruz happy too...
I enjoyed President Trump's speech and how he honored Melania and how Melania got a standing ovation.
ReplyDeleteI see Ass MindGonical is over at the Peepot spreading hate, in the Olathe shooting story...(which someone apparently thought was a CENTRAL theme of the entire speech, for some reason).
ReplyDeleteAP (as if anyone could trust THEM) does their usual distorted hit-job over at the Urinal, Ol' Batshit's probably swallowing that one all the way down!
ReplyDeleteIn another "hitpiece" from the radical leftwing commies at the Urinal, we have this, also about the Olathe shooting:
"We never know what effect our words will have on others, so we should choose them carefully."
OH...THEY know, the Urinal, and the left. It's to rile people up, and spread hate and lies!
Now,'s the clincher:
"While it would be reckless and unfair to assert that President Donald Trump’s rhetoric is what caused the shooting in Olathe, it would be difficult to argue that the views and policies coming out of the White House have reduced tensions between different groups of Americans. Trump has described immigrants as usurpers who steal American jobs. He tried to freeze all immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries. Although he finally mentioned the Olathe shooting in his address on Tuesday, the week-long delay was conspicuous."
OK...B.S. Hypocrite meter just spun off the gauge!
" would be reckless and unfair to assert that President Donald Trump’s rhetoric is what caused the shooting..."
"BUT...we at the Topeka Capital-Journal are going to do JUST THAT, in this paragraph!"
Hey...Urinal staff! You, the Obamas, and the entire left are the ones who instigated the spike in hate and divisiveness in recent years! YOU OWN IT!!!
By writing trash JUST LIKE YOU DID HERE!!!
What a speech. This man is getting better every day. What the godless left and the mainstream media fails to realize about President Donald Trump is he is a very smart man. He is much smarter than them. They have painted this caricature of him as a dimwitted racist for so long they have actually come to believe it.
ReplyDeleteThis man is going to go down in history as one of the great Presidents, trust me. He has already outsmarted the godless left at every turn, and the American people have rejected the godless left in wholesale fashion. They are now completely irrelevant.
You could have written their responses before the speech was even given. In fact, they probably were. Same old hate filled rhetoric, same old lies, same old reeking of desperation and demanding people listen when the people have told them to go away and shut up.
President Trump will have this fight for both of his terms. We know that. But as the economy improves, as we see just how many dangerous criminal illegal aliens have been living among us committing crimes against us, as we see how many radical Islamic terrorists have been living among us, as we see the rebirth and reawakening of the American spirit over the next couple of years all the noise will fade away.
The godless left will keep babbling and screeching, but more and more people will just turn away and get on with their lives.
The best way to shut these people up is to let time pass and let America see what a bunch of spit licking screaming meemies they actually are, and how nothing they say is true, and nothing they predicted has come to pass.
Good times ahead friends. The DOW is about to break 21,000. Historical. Jobs, real jobs coming. Companies feeling free to grow and expand and create. Entrepreneurs feeling free to start businesses again. America is on the move again, thanks to President Donald Trump. And the godless left is crying about it. What's that tell you about their real hopes for America?
#Making America Great Again By Making Liberals Cry
Bernie "The Commie" Sanders on President Trump's speech last night:
ReplyDelete"In Trump’s speech I did not hear one word about climate change – the single biggest threat facing our planet".
Does anything else even need to be said? Is it even possible these people are that stupid? Yes. They are that stupid. They are even more stupid than that. There is no bottom to their stupidity.
Sometimes it takes a commie to demonstrate just how useless the godless left has become. Thanks, Bernie. You and your ilk are doing a great job. Please keep it up.
It tells me their world is slowly but surely crumbling down all around them.
ReplyDeleteOne liberal tear at a time...
Botox Nancy Pelosi:
ReplyDelete"DonaldTrump’s speech to #JointSession was utterly disconnected from the cruel reality of his conduct.
Disconnected? This from the woman who is the minority leader of the democrat party and thinks George Bush is still President and that the Russians are invading North Korea.
Shut up Nancy, or we'll take another 1,000 seats from you.
Just so you guys know, I have an appointment with my insurance guy in a little while so today's hard hitting edition of Room 235 will be a little late.
ReplyDeleteIt's titled, "Stunning"
The cj and their little band of haters is representative more than ever now as the local version of divisiveness, groupthink, propaganda and anything else they can find to promote their agenda. Resorting to using that olathe tragedy and the death of someone at the hands of a nut job is one more example of it.
ReplyDeleteHad that man died at the hands of an illegal, the only sound from them would be crickets.
Groupthink lumps people into groups with no regard for a person as an individual capable of forming an opinion...all they want is a lockstep control model. Step out of line and get smeared...and/or risk getting destroyed professionally and publicly.
ReplyDeleteMore and more people are beginning to realize theyve been had...that little cabal of a leftist progressive party would not be imploding, otherwise.
Poor Bernie...yesterday one of the prez' exec orders put the screws to that epa reg on waters of the u.s...they cant regulate mud puddles any more.
ReplyDelete...and the finale episode of Taboo saw Delaney outsmarting the king of england, getting out of the tower, getting his ship and setting sail for America...he also hoisted our flag on it and declared himself and his ragged little band Americans. They also had to fight their way through the redcoats on their way out.
ReplyDeleteSSAH a couple of yours went poof over to Kevin's new blog on CJ. I am taking all the credit because I take all the thumbs down!! Lol
ReplyDeleteOh SSAH it is on my Facebook also. :):)
DeleteSounds like theyve got a major case of attitude over there this morning...too bad so sad...
ReplyDeleteNew blog finally up and running...
ReplyDeleteI read your blog on daily basis. This is really great and informative post. Thanks for sharing.
Botox Olathe