So the CJ Urinal is going to flush the blog section. (See what I did there?) Well, that shouldn't be a surprise, I think that was coming eventually.
Remember right before the election they shut down our voices by blowing up the comments section? They did the phony facebook thing so they could shut down our voices until after the election. And I think Kevin hit it in his comments on the last blog. The left wing media is melting down. CNN was exposed as the democrat operatives they are, and the world saw what a bunch of lying devious hate filled seditionists we always knew they were. And the rest are following close behind. We have a President who isn't afraid to call them out and it's having an effect.
Add to that the democrat party is now under investigation for various crimes against the state. Bernie the Commie, Loretta Lynch and several others are now under either FBI or congressional investigation. Lynch faces up to five years in prison for her conspiring with the Clinton campaign to cover up Hillary's crimes.
So the Urinal is in full protection mode. I contend the only reason they are shutting down the blogs is to shut Kevin up. He calls the left out weekly and has hundreds of comments supporting him. CJ knows how many clicks he gets, how many people read his blogs and they decided to shut it down.
That's what totalitarians do, and the left are full fledged totalitarians. We see it every day over and over.
So anyway. Raise a toast to our good friend Kevin McGinty. He led the fight over there for many years. He was a true resistance fighter, fighting behind enemy lines and reeking havoc on them daily. He never compromised and never surrendered. He never backed down an inch. This was always inevitable but it's a sad day none the less. The death of the last little flicker of freedom in what used to be the newspaper of our fair city.
Thanks for the many years of great blogs and even better fights Kevin. I enjoyed it when I was commenting and when I was kicked off. It was the first thing I read every day, followed by this page. I'm proud to be able to share this space and throw around my thoughts for whatever they are worth.
And I really do invite our left wing friends, though they be enemies of America, to come on over here and comment. It's easy. Just register. No names needed. But they won't, because they are all cowards as are all left wingers. Which is why they love the oppressive power of government so much. It's just their nature. They won't come here because they aren't protected by mommy CJ Urinal and they might just get their little feelings hurt.
So we'll carry on the fight right here on America's Blog. Besides, anybody who is anybody is already here.
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Nevergiveup and Beprepared we are still here and the fight goes on, Hear Me. And right you are SSAH !
ReplyDeleteWee tinks Kev iz kinda lik uss...he gots 9 lifes two!!!
Two top Dems Accused of Ethics Violations
ReplyDeleteHeadline appeared yesterday on zerohedge...
Rep. John Conyers and rep. Ben Ray Lujan d- nm facing possible ethics violations and must appear before the Office of Congressional Ethics.
Michael Collins, John Lewis' staff chief, also under review. Allegations not listed but complaints involve soliciting campaign donations after that sit- in on the house floor in June 2016 when they protested repubs inaction on gun reforms. That's a no- no.
Collins apparently violated the rules on outside employment by house staffers. They can work but cannot earn more than $27,255...Collins made $27,495 as Lewis' campaign treasurer. A "prohibited salary for a prohibited position."
Conyers alledgedly continued to pay a staffer after she'd left his employ.
You're right again Safe, CJ was bound to shut down the blogs after they reacted to Bat's flagging BS by doing the FaceBook thing. They didn't want too much lively discussion around election time.
ReplyDeleteKevin did have the best blog going. Along with Contra, he had the ONLY real blog going. I can remember when Kevin didn't even have the most conservative blog at CJ. Groenhagen and several others were more doctrinaire. That's probably why Kevin called his the "common sense" conservative - he never went out on social issues, keeping to an inclusive brand of conservatism, which I just happened to like.
I remember Kevin and some other bloggers keeping me connected with Topeka, Kansas and hell, America as well while I was overseas in the Middle East. I've already mentioned Groenhagen (who's better informed on the up-to-date news than about anybody I know); but I also miss Cy Klops (his blend of conservative politics and popular culture was always a good read).
But no one can deny that cj itself eventually stifled the dialog and gradually killed the thing off. I guess when you no longer need a candle, the best thing to do is snuff it out.
Regardless, this has been where the action has been for over a year now.
Thank you Kevin for your blog over there - the first one I replied to was the Rule No. 1 blog.... (giggles) I liked it so much that I had my handsome hubby sit down and read it. He liked it too. From there I got to meet some more awesome people.....whom of which are regulars here. Hugs to all of you!
ReplyDeleteI could go on about how the biased leftist Cj let the lefties get away with crap then come down on us with their little nasty gram emails for whatever rule they think we broke. I especially was furious with them over the whole batshit thing when batshit came out and blabbered my first name.... I blasted them and said that he's either a Cj mod or personally knows a Cj mod.... Eric Smith said that he thought I had posted my real name on cj. I told him 'uh... no never! Produce the comment that you think I did.' He couldn't but he apologized to me but did absolutely nothing to batshit over it....batshit in my opinion still is nothing more than a deranged sick minded stalker!!
Kevin, I raise my mugs worth of Wild Mountain Blueberry Coffee to you - I enjoyed your blogs over there, and but I enjoy the blogs here more so.
I've always known this day was coming.
ReplyDeleteI think we all knew it.
And knowing this was why I started this little Underground Bunker in the first place.
Screw cj and their idea of civil discourse by means of shutting down opposing viewd anyway.
To tell you the truth though trying to keep up with two blogs with the crazy hours I work has been kicking my ass lately.
Maybe it's for the best.
However I will miss the stupid shit the loons would come up with and I do hope they'll eventually show up here.
Well, except Batshit
He can go straight to hell as far as I'm concerned...
I did some digging through the archives this morning and realized I had written and posted 963 blogs and generated tens of thousands comments in the process.
ReplyDeleteThey can say what they want but we did have one hell of a run...
That's a lot of literary reading that countless thousands of people did (yes even the lefties who argued just hear themselves jabber).
Deleteprobably part of the decision was that the paper wasn't getting any profit for the number of readers who clicked into your blog Kevin.
DeleteThe really sad thing is that so very many younger people are clueless when it comes to the exercise of one of our most precious founding principles; actually two....individualism vs collectivism and our 1st amendment. Blogs like Kevin's revere that and are one of the reasons we founded this country. But history revision has written out nearly everything about that era save for a few bland sentences and dates. Somehow, people would rather claim offense and try to shut others up if they dare to have a different take on things. We all know what that leads to, and I sincerely fear for our future as a free republic given today's political atmosphere and the problems we are mired in.
ReplyDeleteI have no issues with liberals unless they start with the perspnal attacks and going after those things that threaten Constitutional governance.
I appreciate that I can come here and express skepticism about Trump.
And so on and forth...but with the radical left, it's lockstep or else on every damned thing and it is getting worse, not better.
I really hope some of them decide to show up here but it's rather like that old adage about staying out of the kitchen if you can't stand the heat. But if they decide to hang around, they might just read a post that makes them think or a bit of history that intrigues them enough that they go after the unvarnished truth of it.
Everything will be alright.
ReplyDeleteYes, it will be alright. We're still here and have each other. I feel a group hug (smiles).
ReplyDeleteAs far as I'm concerned, cj can go the way of the dodo.... I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually turn into KC Star - Topeka edition.
Oh nooooo!!! Thats as bad or worse!!! Put it out of our misery!!!!
DeleteYup...purrs with those hugs.
ReplyDeleteWhat we have that they can't flush is principle over agenda, country over party and we do our damndest to do what's right with respecting the dignity of everyone.
Cant beat that with a stick...or a flush.
I can see it now...
Now that they've effectively silenced any and all opposing views they'll claim that all Kansas citizens agree with the left wing agenda they're pushing.
ReplyDeleteAnd they'll believe it...
if they haven't taken away public commenting, then we still have a voice over there.
ReplyDeleteTrue enough.
ReplyDeleteBut you'll have to help keep me informed, Rikki.
I won't be visiting them anytime soon...
So the blogs are still working right now, so when do they shut them off, we can still comment on Kevin's over there, he might not be able to wright a new blog , but maybe we can gab on his old one for ever???
DeleteNow that would be
DeleteAfter thinking after I posted that Kevin, I don't really want to be over there at the other site anymore either.
ReplyDeleteAll they've done is stab us in the back and actually, they don't deserve our patronage.
Hello all. Ive been reading all of your guys post over at the CJ POS paper. I was banned(call sign Joyride37)for calling out a member (female that worked for the state) multiple times and hence, I have only been lurking and cheering you guys on. I don't have time to dance around and be nice, so I tell it like it is and have what they called "rough" language skills. Ha!
ReplyDeleteI think Kev and everyone else getting booted was an attempted dagger for the free expression of words and ideas. Keep the fight going. Ive got your back.
Thanks, Martin. Getting the proverbial boot was a sign of distinction for me lol...some of those mods in days gone by were insufferable.
DeleteOn that, I don't know...will probably just stay away. Agree with you, Rikki, on that. By the same token though, there is a part of me who wants to give an opposing opinion especially if they get really stupid and outrageous over there. For now...nada.
ReplyDeleteI've removed Cj from my frequently visited list of websites... I'm with Ken...I'll click into WIBW or KSNT for local news....screw Cj.
DeleteAs far as going over to cj to look around, why do that? They charge for what you can get for free at
ReplyDeleteIf somebody doesn't want my company, I'm certainly not going to press the issue. Even the paper version of cj has been losing to the Salina Journal and Wichita Eagle-Beacon.
Hey Capn, missed you at the summit. I didn't get to stay very long this year, but it's was a good time.
DeleteI was in Massachusetts at a reunion. I and a classmate (corporate attorney in Boston) had an interesting encounter with a bunch of socialist kiddies at a cafΓ© there. They looked at us like stunned calves when we informed them that 1) there has to be an underlying criminal act for an impeachment and 2) how would they like President Pence as a substitute for President Trump? That's what they get for pushing the envelope.
DeleteAnyway, I think there could be a summit in the fall, too. Just so long as it's in October I'll be cool.
What interesting brews did you have?
Don't subscribe to the cj and won't...but Kevin's blog is still taking comments and I just could not resist posting the latest from Veritas re CNN...seems he nailed old Van Jones of acorn fame and known for azzbag commentary on that network..when queried by O'Keefe about the Russia fake conspiracy he called it a "nothing burger"...Savage played the audio earlier. Just could not resist putting that over there...apparently people are still reading it because someone gave me an up vote lol...
ReplyDelete"Rough language skills!!!"
ReplyDeleteI love it and welcome aboard, Martin...
ditto.... Welcome Martin.
ReplyDeleteWhat happen to that big mouth Tom, you would think he would be running his lib with cheers.
ReplyDeleteWelcome Martin. This is a fine place where anything goes. Now just don't let Sarge scare you off. He's a little cantankerous sometimes but he's a charter member here so he's allowed. π
ReplyDeleteHey I didn't say nothing I learned my lesson with Hammertime. But the thought did cross my mind. Lol
DeleteDigger cant rant about Russians any more...that expose must have been like a moab getting dropped on his world...
ReplyDeleteParting flush to the urinal...Kevin leaves with 100...yup the one zero zero...comments and maybe a few more before all is said and done...
ReplyDeleteLol... And how many do their editorials get?
ReplyDelete3 or 4?
But they're all so nice and polite...
ReplyDelete"Topeka Capital-Journal goes Berkeley-style full-fascist. Community Blogs suspended to shut down conservative opinions."
In the face of mounting criticism voiced by conservatives and libertarians in the Community Blogs online over their continual Socialist/Communist Fake News tactics, and editorials written and allowed by their decidedly-liberal Alt-Left editorial staff, the Topeka Capital-Journal has indefinitely suspended online "Community Blogs".
As the boomerang is heading back to clobber the Obama and Clinton criminal organizations, who pushed false narratives and outright lies to cover up and detract from their litany of illegal, un-Constitutional and treasonous/felonious acts, far-left mainstream media outlets (such as the Topeka Capital-Journal) are finding it increasingly necessary to shield their readers from the truth, in order to advance their Marxist ideology.
To be able to continue to freely-publish lies and leftist propaganda, and to avoid debate and discussion, the Topeka Capital-Journal has decided to resort to pure fascism to silence any opposition.
Credit for these decisions must go, directly, to the Opinion Page editor, Matt Johnson (who has shown a clear, non-objective and downright nasty bias against President Trump, specifically, and conservatives, in general), and also to Managing Editor Sherman Smith, and finally, to Publisher, Zach Ahrens.
Having abandoned any pretense of "objectivity" or "journalistic integrity", it can only be reasoned that the entirety of the Topeka Capital-Journal possess great disdain and disrespect for a great number of their customers/readers, and should be considered a "hostile source" of news and information to anyone even 1% right of the most-extreme left.
(Wonder where else I can put that?!)
Sure wish I could poof that over to Kevin's last Blog, that would be a great send off to them.
DeleteI'll poof it over there....
Deletenow y'all know my alias
DeleteNunya, your comment is over there.
DeleteMaybe our good friend Joe can take it over there...
ReplyDeleteYup, well maybe he has the good sense to wait till we see if all this takes place, and he might know about a few others that use to poof Nunya's and SSAH good stuff over there, he might have noticed they didn't last long. Just a thought...
DeleteWould love to see that over there...
DeleteWell, I guess Kevin went and ruined it for everybody. Got the blogs cancelled. That's all his fault I think.
ReplyDeleteHe dropped truth bomb after truth bomb on the godless left on that godless left wing rag of a former newspaper. He wrote blog after blog exposing the hypocrisy, hatred, violence, seditious behavior, destructive policies and outright desire to see America destroyed and replaced by some pseudo Socialist/Communist vision they have.
He told it like it was time and time again. He pulled no punches, never softening the truth but presenting it in an honest but hard way.
He shattered their illusions, allowed many godless left wing apparachiks from the democrat party to expose their ignorance and hatred of America time and again. He gave them a platform to confirm everything we believe about them. We no longer just suspect they are hate filled radical extremists, now we know for sure.
And all those years of doing that was just too much for the poor whimpering little snowflakes at the CJ Urinal. They had to pull the blogs so that couldn't continue.
So thanks Kevin. Your mission is accomplished there. You broke them. They have proven they have no argument to defend their position. They have no defense that holds any water. Their world is melting around them and the end is in sight. So the only way they could shut you up is to close the blogs.
That's the only response for fascist totalitarians. They know when exposed to light their doctrine falls apart. So like they always do, and always have, they shut down the opposing speech.
"The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light."
Romans 13;12
Were Madison, Hamilton and Jay around to write the Federalist today, that paper would censor them as well. Hell, I doubt they even know they wrote them.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Anna copied and posted Nunya's post. If they decide to pull it, then they will have unmasked themselves for sure...
ReplyDeleteJust a thought but I've journaled for years about the direction of the country and its political atmosphere etc...will suggest that this last column and that post especially be saved for the future. Given the ominous direction the country seems to be headed in, a blog in a small midwest city written in a dying liberal progressive rag of a newspaper would have meaning to future patriots...
Where did she post it?? I was just there didn't see it.
DeleteNever mind I see it, I forgot to click on more comments hahahahah
DeleteI don't care if they figure out that Rikki and Anna are one and the same.
ReplyDeleteNO WHO would have thought? Lol
Delete*snicker snicker* (smiles)
DeleteAnd who do you think was Guy Munos?
Deletethe one and only you (hugs).
DeleteWee catz noo sumptin funny goin on wit dem too...lik wen wee sneeks up on mice an bats em arownd...purrs!!
DeleteGood Job Anna Munoz where ever you are! Oh and that will surly get you booted or maybe not they might see the light?
ReplyDeleteLike always, you guy give me way too much credit.
ReplyDeleteI always had the facts, the truth, and each and every one of you with me every step of the way.
Oh, and the fact I knew we were pushing the loons closer to the edge one blog at a time...
Based on a post over there by Mike Hasselcamp, they may have bigger troubles than a in advertising revenue...
ReplyDeleteCouldnt happen to a more deserving bunch. And saw a report earlier that CNN has a bunch of upset shareholders. Dont recall link as I linked to stuff on drudge about the blitzed Wolf and was following links in that one here there and yonder.
remember Tom the other week ago when he blew a gasket?
ReplyDeleteLooks like Cj pulled Nunya's words of wisdom....
ReplyDeleteAnd up comes a new blog wtitten by Tim Bisel about a golf course in Wabaunsee county....?????
ReplyDeleteWho the hell are these jackwagons trying to kid anyhow?
I didn't even see any new blogs, but then again the corpse-flower smells better than most of their non-community blogs.
DeleteBut now where will the therapy blog people go?
ReplyDeleteAll I know is I refuse to pass out anymore free chalk to those whiners.
DeleteLol...doubt many of them play golf...
DeleteLooks like you just lost that comment on the putting green.
DeleteIf that is their idea of "news," perhaps they'd do better to just put Keri on the staff. 'Cause right now they'd get the participation trophy in a Pulitzer contest with Weekly Reader or Weekly World News.
DeleteSomeone should repost Nunya's words of wisdom....just for the hell of it. Looks like we got someone's attention over there....
ReplyDeleteOh we do! Called em on pulling me off that golf course because " I must have hit a hole-in-one..."
ReplyDeleteNo wonder cats love to play with mice...a Wiccan would probably say that cats are my totem animals...
Yup....Thanks Kev for posting your blogs. They were always right down to matter of fact, and the leftys couldn't stand it. CJ sucks and thats all there is to it.
ReplyDeleteI will just have to visit here more often than I have been. I always liked posting on your blog at CJ just to watch the lefty's pop a gasket.
They don't like it when you hold a mirror up to them. No sir...not one bit!πππππ☺ππ ππ
ReplyDeleteNope...I also put a post over there about how the spirit of Publius lives on and the historical fact of Cicero's loss of his right hand and then his head for daring to speak truth to power...that one didn't make it past the green box.
ReplyDeleteMirrors can be most revealing...
Kevin....Thanks for all of the Common Sense that you have posted on that POS Urinal over the years! You are the only reason that I have kept my subscription over there. I haven't read their notice, if they had one, yet about dumping the blogs, but you can bet they couldn't take the truth you posted every week, in spite of their corrupt agenda! I have made many, hopefully life-long friends because of you and your blog! I know you will keep it alive here in the bunker and that is better than anything that the Urinal might barf up! Their act of stupidity in removing the blogs is their loss, but worse, the people who love and care about this country, it is their loss!
ReplyDeleteI think we need to Hash a lot of this out at the next Summit, can't speak for Kevin but I think they will go on, might have to simplify it some Kevin is getting pretty old. Hehhehe
ReplyDeleteDammit, James, I think you're the oldest of us all - and you're still pretty spry!! And that was one hell of a morning after Truckhenge I. A great l-o-n-g conversation and some peacocks that were literally the dumbest critters I've ever seen. It took the nice folks at Eagle Carwash about a minute of buffing to get that door looking right again!
DeleteKen sometimes my math sometimes sucks, but that was a good time, I could say more but you know as well as I what happens in the field says in the field. hahahah
DeleteTurning into romper room for safe-space-oriented little boys and girls playing journalist...Sherman did this screed about a twitter fight and fireworks between riley county and larrytown cops...this is news???
ReplyDeleteThese idiots don't get that cops generally do this stuff a lot but all in fun because when push comes to shove they will give their lives for each other.
Twitter fights and golf courses...and this is journalism...good grief!
I really hope they're over here reading our posts.
Wonder if Morris in atlanta is pushing this liberal prog crap?
ReplyDeleteWe should flood the LA times with our words of wisdom..... The title of the book they're peddling is titled: "Our Dishonest President the Los Angeles Time Editorial Board
these bozos also have this:
The LA Times We Will Not Shut Up mug
ReplyDeleteGood to throw at a wall rather than breaking my
Other news at zero hedge: infighting at the ny times...crying about pay cuts, staff cuts and reorganization...oh well.
Also dire news re treasury running out of money come october if ceiling not raised. One witty commenter advised telling them how to print: hit the control key and when the box pops up hit p for " print"...
And...Trump has scheduled a meeting at next week's G20 with...VLAD!!!
Oh nooooo!!! They're gonna collude again!!!
Clarification: before hitting print button be sure to tell the box how much to print...π»$$$$$$$
ReplyDeleteThe republican health care is worse than any of us ever thought.
According to darling of the left, Maxine Waters 700 Billion people will lose their health care coverage in Kentucky alone.
Holy Crap...
DeleteI bet Kentucky will be glad to get rid of about 6.99 billion of them. π
ReplyDeleteGood ol' Auntie Maxine! Always good to have her representing the pure insane stupidity of liberalism!!!
Ooops...I meant 699.99 billion! They got's to be getting mighty crowded out there! π
ReplyDeletePity poor old Maxine...nobody has the courage to tell her that it's time to go quietly into retirement...
ReplyDeleteThey will, however, drop broad hints to Nanners through their presstitutes in media but nary a word to Maxine...
Better to let the poor old soul make a fool of herself in public than risk being accused of racism....
Waters, Pelosi, Feinstein, Fauxchontas, etc....
ReplyDeleteI always imagine them in straight jackets having legitimate conversations with themselves.
It's the type of crazy behavior you can't intervene with help.
It isn't wild behavior.
They are the types who hysterically laugh and rub shot in their hair.
And the face of the Democratic party.
Lunatics and dangerous, which we all know....
Also, Kevin I've given you kudos many times. Again I appreciate the effort guys and gals like you put forth.
You are persistent.
Almost a 1,000 blogs.
Never cucked.
Never butterflies and unicorns...
Behavior the chans would be proud of.
It appears you have almost single-handedly caused the urinal to throw in the towel. You made them quit. Not many can notch the ol rifle butt with those kind of accomplishments...
You believe what you talk, and talk what you believe.
Hard to find many like you, but it seems you have drawn a few here to this place we now find home. Thanks for that, too.
But, this is definitely not an end, but a new beginning. New fights are to be had in newer venues. Different territories, so to speak. We all will continue the fight and spread the message of the beliefs we all hold dear.
I'm very proud to be on your side, and happy to push back on the liberal hordes with you. That goes for all the other folks here as well.
So, as usual we all simply carry on.
Catch ya on the flip, folks...
Classy move posting this blog about Kevin, Safe.
Well said Hammer right to the very last line...
DeleteThought I would say this to us bunker People, we all have our own personality, and we all get along even if we don't always agree, But no one can say we don't adapt , Improvise and we always over come. Love ya all.
ReplyDeleteOh one more thing before I hit the rack, It looks like we can comment on Kevin's blog. so lets keep it going till they cj remove it.
ReplyDeleteSorry I couldn't make it to the summit, sometimes things happen that blow your plans. I know you all know about that.
ReplyDeleteBut despite that this is my blog home. And my respect for Kevin is immense.
So acknowledging Kevin and his tremendous accomplishments is my pleasure.
He beat them at their own game. This was a stupid move by the urinal. Cost them plenty of clicks. Tough shit for them.
But we have a home right here on America's Blog. And the liberals are too chickenshit to show their pasty faces around here.
SSAH my comment wasn't meant to be any thing about your blog or Kevin's here, it was meant that we still have a chance to rub it in to CJ...
DeleteI know Sarge. Never thought otherwise. Just saying how I felt. Hope it didn't come across wrong.
ReplyDeleteLol I was worried about me coming across wrong, but I have a out I am old. :):)
DeleteBartiromo nailed Podesta's hide to the wall...zerohedge has this one and video of her interview with him. Pointed out that he and democrats seemed to have more connections with russians than in his being appointed to board of a "small" energy company in 2011 and 75k worth of shares financed by russia...then she hits him with that uranium deal brokered by the shillary. Old poot started spitting and sputtering and trying to deny, accusing her of getting her info from infowars etc and she kept after him. Priceless...lately I get more news and good links from that site than just about anywhere. Do search too and use bartiromo podesta and should pull it up with google...
ReplyDeleteWell good rainy morning to you all.
ReplyDeleteRight back at ya, Sarge...
ReplyDeleteWell guys, cj can have their late breaking, riveting golf blogs.
ReplyDeleteIt's what they wanted all along anyway.
In the meantime I've taken the liberty of trying to expand this little blog of ours.
Details next week...
And yes Sarge, I'm gonna leave you hanging... Lol
ReplyDeleteGood Grief!
DeleteThe House passed two bills yesterday.
ReplyDeleteOne to deny federal grants to sanctuary cities.
And they passed Kate's law.
I suspect the loons will be in full meltdown mode soon enough...
Yup heard that...what do we need to be passing those bills for? Dont you lnow we have golf courses? They will save us!
ReplyDeleteEverybody knows a golf course can be a cool safe space!
You just dont like golf courses!
Idjits! Safe spaces golf courses and fake twitter feuds beyween cops. That's our news of the day...
I need another cup of coffee.
Just the fact that we need laws like this tells you how far down the shit hole this country has gone...
ReplyDeleteYes...listening to O'Reilly's weekly friday spot on Beck and they are discussing Kate's Law which Bill has really been pushing hard to get passed. Word is that Pelosi and co are ordering dems to vote no or risk losing campaign money etc. Corrupt obstructionism. Expect the same crap on the senate vote...the talking point? This law will " hurt the immigrant community..."
ReplyDeleteNow how in the hell does it hurt immigrants, legal or not, when its target is illegals who commit such a felony after being given not one, not two but 3 chances to sneak back in? 8f they commit some crime on that 3rd sneakback they face mandatory prison of at least 5 years. Too damn lenient if you ask me...
If this doesn't prove that they are control freaks bent on totalitarian dictatorship then I don't know what does.
It was only a matter of time until they did this:
ReplyDeleteToo manly to be one of our cj Dems, he is obviously designed to pack 'em into the arena. You'll note he's the heel, the bad guy.
Is there hope? Yes, there is. This report on a small town in Louisiana makes me think so.
ReplyDeleteFrom zerohedge, written by Carey Wedler at
The police chief and most of his department in Slaughter resigned this week...why? Corruption. People began raising a stink about the high volume of tickets being issued and had the cops done as allegedly requested by mayor Robert Jackson even more would have been handed out.
Local media WBRZ2 reported at the time that assistant chief Bobby Hopson recorded the mayor allegedly admitting that he would "pay officers to execute warrants", 40 tickets each per month, "because it would keep the budget going good," says Hopson. Mayor agrees saying that he and Chief Walter Smith thought it would be "a workable number." Both the chief and his assistant deny agreeing to any quota, with Smith informing hizzoner that quotas are illegal and citing RS:40:2401:1.
WBRZ asked Jackson about the recording; he claims yes, his voice, but denied the quota request and says he wanted "interactions", not warrants...
This he said/he said continued with the mayor accusing Hopson of cutting him off before he said "interactions" and a promise of $25 apiece for each warrant, and thinking it would be a good way for the cops to make some extra money".
WBRZ tried again in april to reach the mayor but he refused to talk and hung up the phone.
Smith resigned after nearly all his force quit on account of the quota snafu...they refused to enforce it. Hopson also left, saying he took an oath to uphold the law. The local sheriff's office is filling in until a new police chief can be hired.
Listening to Levin; Ben Ferguson, also a great fill-in host, is talking about Kate's Law and tells us that 24 house democrats defied Nanners and voted in favor of the doubt that old harpy and her cronies pitched a hissy.
ReplyDeleteMaxine Waters fell out of the idiot tree and bounced off every branch on the way down. The woman is bananas!
ReplyDeleteShe has claimed that Trump WILL be impeached, over and over again. She has called Trump and every one of his supporters every colorful name in the book. It is quite interesting though, because as she rants and raves over how “racist” and horrible our president is, we are all watching her self destruction. Sort of like how we are watching Nancy Pelosi’s self destruction as well.
As Trump said, perhaps they are our best weapons when it comes to elections. They continue to go off the deep end and more people vote Republican!
Maxine has hit a new frontier now. Instead of just demanding Trump be impeached, she now screams for EXILE! Let’s all laugh along.
Go9d she'll be ranting about making plans to lead the people to the promised land...I am just amazed that these loons can't see how silly they look! Truly something to watch...
ReplyDeleteAnd just now, Ferguson is reporting that these crazies are trying to use the 25th amendment...complete with a remove the president from office because he's "mentally incapacitated..."congressman from Maryland started this crap. Jamie Raskin, teaches constitutional law...
ReplyDeleteDo these fools honestly think Pence and the Cabinet would go along with this madness, because their agreement would be needed...
Lol... Just another example of how desperate these dumbasses really are.
ReplyDeleteAnd we don't even have to buy tickets to this circus...really cheap entertainment! ππ΅π©π£ππ΅ππΊπͺπ»πΌ
ReplyDeleteMore good news...from drudge link to reuters and based on a fox news report. Trump is sending fed agents to Chicago to help fight crime and Sessions is aggressively going after firearms violations and prosecutions.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt the beleagured people in that hellhole will breathe and sleep a little easier...
Lol...but what if the zoo says nooooooo!!!!
ReplyDeleteDon't bet on it.
ReplyDeleteAs soon as they start rounding up the gang bangers the dems will cry racism..
The Urinal, now being nearly completely free to keep making up Fake News and go unchallenged, has put out another completely bogus "editorial" about how the Senate health bill will harm Kansans.
ReplyDeleteThey are advancing that blatant lie about 22 million losing insurance. (Most, likely by choice, since Americans don't like being forced into coercive crap.) Also, the lie about "cutting $772 billion from Medicaid (welfare), when it actually expands it for years. The "cuts" are small cuts in huge increases.
It probably WILL "increase premiums" for not only low-income retirement-age Americans, but ALL Americans.
That's all because it's "Obamacare Tweaked", and still does nothing to lower costs or provide for better care for more, but is still a disaster, designed to fail, and meant to push us over the cliff into single-payer Hell.
I do agree with their headline, though. "Senate health bill would harm Kansans".
Not because of the leftist-lies they spout, but because it won't completely repeal that disastrous mess of Obamacare, to be replaced by something sensible that will actually have a chance of working.
Keep pushing that Fake News, CJ. See what's happening to your anti-American mentors at NY Times?
Y'all may want to take some classes at Washburn Tech as soon as possible. Something useful for a job, and for society.
Y'know...since y'all are sticking a fork in "journalism".
ReplyDeleteAnd now that I've had my daily Nunyaism I can get on with my day.
Y'all have a good one...
After reading Nunya's consistently on-target commentary it occurs to me that the left cant even be honest about calling a bad bill a bad bill...making up lies and calling them their "reasons"...
ReplyDeleteGood grief!
Liberal progressive definition of "compassion": taking our "stuff" to pay for their "stuff"..."stuff" being confiscated tax dollars from the private sector.
ReplyDeleteHolder for prez???
ReplyDelete"Eric Holder joins the Trump Resistance; Mulls Presidential Run"
"Eric Holder Joins the Resistance, Mulls 2020 Presidential Bid"
There are rumblings starting to appear here and there that this pos is being investigated...given that ominous tweet he issued yesterday about "duty, honor, country", let's hope they find enough on this goombah to haul his sorry ass out of some courtroom in an orange jumpsuit and chains.
Can you imagine the cabinet he'd put together?
ReplyDeleteAnd what would the sorry ass republicans do about it?
Not a damn thing.
Don't want the media saying bad things about them, ya know...
DeleteThats the whole problem right there in a nut shell. We have a whole bunch of sorry a hole's who call themselves other than what they really are. pansy ass RINO's. Look at all the hearings they have had and how they all claim to be going to get to the bottom of it. Not one person has ever been sent up or even charged for their crimes against this country. And they just keep bending over. They wont work with Trump and the want to see him go because they know the swamp is being drained and their little playpen is in trouble of drying up. And I am so tired of being called racist when the blacks get away with saying and doing anything and any time they want to. thanks to Obamma I am now a racist.
ReplyDeleteYou are not a racist you are just a pissed off American that is tired of the Left calling every thing racist just thinking the people of this country will bend over, Max Waters belongs in a cage not because she is black but because she is a danger to this country and a mental case.
ReplyDeleteIn my humble opinion, Democrats should not sully Independence Day by "celebrating".
ReplyDeleteIt is an insult to Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Federalist Paper patriotic citizens who understand and defend those greatest of ideas and ideals, for anyone actively attempting to destroy them to "celebrate" that day.
That day means zilch to them. It's a day off work. It's a day to spend welfare dollars buying and blowing up fireworks. It's a day for un-American brainwashed college kids to flood the internet with despicable memes making fun of that day.
It's a day for all patriotic Americans, who understand the God-given principles we have been blessed with, to celebrate. And, a day for us to renew and ramp-up our fight against the Godless, globalist, liberal left.
I challenge everyone to ask people what this day means to them. If they give the wrong answers, try to educate them. If they get in your face, take off the gloves.
To those selfish, ignorant, brainwashed, greedy, idiotic hypocrites enjoying the what freedoms we have left in this country, without appreciating the sacrifices of blood and sweat of those who are, and have, protected those freedoms....
Fuck you.
"Don't Tread On Me".
ReplyDeleteNASCAR firecracker 400 is on now ch 7 enjoy and have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteYou too, Sarge.
ReplyDeleteJust got home a little while ago and now I remember why I should have mowed the back yard before I left Wednesday.
I could have mowed but Royals double header is more important...didnt pay too much attention to any news today either. Head needed a break from it.
ReplyDeleteSitting on the back porch enjoying the first day of a two week vacation.
ReplyDeleteAh, life is good...
Ah yes it is, I think I may do that myself, a vacation sounds nice.
ReplyDeleteGood morning. Another hour of trying to get video software to work. Why can't anyone design stuff that makes sense, anymore...and just works?!
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, I peeked at the Urinal, and little Matty, the Johnson, is over there predicting Kobach will be next governor.
He wrote a very nasty column, basically attacking Kansas citizens, and insinuating that we are such deplorable backwoods morons that Kobach is sure to win, once everyone starts feeling the squeeze of the massive tax hike, etc.
Matty, the Johnson. Keep it up, buddy. The more you hate in Kansans, the faster you can sink that shitwad, dying little commie-propaganda rag you have ruined.
What's a "vacation"?π I always have to chip away at my time with necessary crap, never getting a real vacation. πEnjoy, Kev.
ReplyDeleteLooks like we may have a storm or two today, if it doesn't move south,
ReplyDeleteG'morning Bunkies (smiles) I raise my coffee mug of regular folgers to all of you.
ReplyDeleteOn tap for today, spending time with my mother in law, her bday - 91st. Going to do up a white cake and top it with fresh sliced strawberries, pick up some Papa Murphy's pizza and take it over.... we like the Chicago Stuffed pizza the best .... yummy!
Hubby's mom and I hit it off from the get go - she's awesome.
After Rick and I were first married,he kept talking about her apple pancakes - ok... thought I would surprise him one morning for breakfast - prepared a huge breakfast....really huge! Among the many items I cooked up, I did some apple pancakes...
Mistake no. 1: I didn't get a recipe, mistake no 2: they weren't at all like what hubby remembered.
Guys - never ever ever tell your wife 'This isn't how Mom did it'.... That's what hubby told me - oh I was livid.... told him if he wanted apple pancakes the way his Mom did it, he could just go back home.
I called his mom, said what had happened.... she laughed (not at me but the situation itself).... she said that she had a similar thing with his father - only it was bread crust of all things.. one day after they were new wed back in '46 she prepared sandwiches for their lunch and gave his dad his sandwich. He just looked at his sandwich and she asked why.... he replied..."Mom always cut the crust off".... her reply to that "Crust is good for you - eat or go hungry!"..... he ate bread crust on his sandwiches from that day forward and no longer complained....
Hubby's mom and I have been best friends from the get go and quite a blessing many times over.
So you guys - don't upset the wife when she's got food ready for you to eat.... you just may end up in the dog house. (snicker snicker snicker).
Hate to bust any bubbles, but any cooking done in this house is done by yours truly, You know that old saying you want it done right do it your self, not saying the wife can't cook, she did it for the first 22 years and the last 32 she has retired. :):)
ReplyDeleteAnd that, my friends, is why I do most of the cooking.
ReplyDeleteMy take is simple.
You don't like it?
Don't eat it.
Speaking of that, as soon as I get done mowing I'm firing up that flat top griddle I had at the Summit and fixing up one hell of a breakfast...
G'morning Sarge (hugs) to you and Ghost.
ReplyDeleteThought I'd share a one of my comical stories with everyone - Ya know I was just thinking.... I should come up with a 'Rule No. 1' thingie in reply to Kevin's 'Rule No. 1' blog ....
(just kidding). Kevin's Rule No. 1 blog was the first blog I visited with y'all - I enjoyed reading that blog and my hubby did too (as he could relate to a lot of it).
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletecomputer messing up.... sorry for the duplicate post
ReplyDeleteKevin, Sarge.... have you thought of putting in some roasted green anaheim chilies in with your scrambled eggs? that with some diced onion makes some awesome eatin'
ReplyDeleteYup before you were born...Lol
DeleteRikki, Hugs back, got to get busy, can't just sit here working on these Miller's don't ya know.
ReplyDeleteSeeing Ash Mcbutthole complain about concealed carry on campus made me laugh this morning over cj. I imagine we will see more interesting comments on some of these stories ,since the blogs are down.
ReplyDeleteI myself am not interested in golf.
But then again, since they limit page views for me on my tablet maybe I won't read so much.
No loss....
Oh, forgot.
DeleteHe writes that we are now more dangerous than Chicago now with the new law taking effect.
Dude is crazy,and I'm sad to read that he actually has a daughter....unless its his stuffed animal that lays on his bed....
ReplyDeleteKevin enjoy that vacation!
Rikki ever add mashed bananas to pancake batter? Gobs of butter and/or syrup...also cranberries sauce the old-fashioned traditional kind, not from a can,added to batter. The cranberry tip came from younger son...when as a kid he was always hanging around in the kitchen and interested in learning to cook. Had the leftover sauce in the fridge and he suggesting adding to worked. I still do that with leftover sauce and son is quite the gourmet and shares cooking with my daughter-in-law...
Sarge...Millers can do catfish batter π
I looked around the urinal a bit last night and left, thinking that if long editorials bashing people is all they've got, they won't be around long. Kansans who don't support leftist prog rants will leave them sitting in the mess theyve made. Damn few blog comments last I checked.
ReplyDeleteAs to the ongoing twitter wars...tired to death of that crap...except where Melania is concerned. Mika went after her and she finally broke her silence, with class. " you don't know me, " she said, after the braindead Mika intimated about"knowing her" and saying something about that she'd get tired of Donald one of these days.
ReplyDeleteThat Ash really seems to be a total brain washed liberal, he needs to have a long talk with me so I can try to salvage what is left of that gray matter.
ReplyDeleteLol...good luck! Not sure there's any left..
ReplyDeleteRepubs raising taxes, says the drudge headline link to the ny addition to kansas, south carolina and tennessee are getting away with this crap, illinois is trying to and nobody wants to talk about cleaning out the waste and abuse, let alone the sheer size of the massive social programs with free everything...
ReplyDeleteThe only end in sight if this stuff continues is a bad one.
Yeah, Cats. "Editorial board" (Chief Propagandists) over there on a roll with their slanted crap.
ReplyDeleteOne on "More and more unfunded liabilities", and the blame is always not enough tax revenue, instead the actual problem, which is too much government spending, and too much government, period. No mention of phasing out that KPERS Ponzi scheme, and they are not about to say anything about the school funding scam.
Some numbnuts name Aaron Blake over there trying to convince idiots that Trump "has a history of encouraging violence".
ReplyDeleteHe lists a bunch of stuff Trump said in which Trump was defending himself against loudmouths and the types we all know are extremely capable of actually doing real violence (pissed-off liberals). We know that because they keep doing it, and they keep saying they want him dead!
Aaron Blake, the entire premise of your little story is ridiculous, and the examples you use are extremely weak. You want examples of REAL "encouraging violence"? One word: Liberals.
Yup, Nunya, it's becoming all about "gimme gimme gimme" and if ya don't we will raise all kinds of hell, make up all kinds of stuff to smear ya with, then raise hell in the streets and break YOUR stuff!
ReplyDeleteLiterally, tantrums by supposedly adult men and women.
And as far as these public pensions go, these fools should look up the story of Ponzi and his stunts; if I recall it right, this schemer tried it again after he got out of jail. Likely too that these idiots will collect very little of that taxpayer-funded ripoff if about shtf...
ReplyDeleteHappy 3rd of July you all.
ReplyDeleteJust so you guys know a new blog has just been posted.
ReplyDeleteLet the liberal tears flow...