So far 2020 has sucked more than just about any year that I can remember.
but you know what? There's not a damn thing I can do about it. And to tell you the truth I've Brown weary of being pissed off all the time so I thought maybe just for today we'd just have a little fun.
For example I have proof that using a little rain as an excuse not to mow is just that. An excuse.
And now I offer up a little music to get your day started on the right track.
Or if you prefer we could always talk about how some people just can't help themselves when it comes to making really bad choices.
He chose poorly.
Now get out there and enjoy your day.
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Just deleted like another dozen troll posts. I made the mistake of reading a couple, just to see what was going on inside that sick head. What a whiney little bitch. My gosh. He says some kind of nonsense about doing this to show some other blog or something like that.
ReplyDeleteSo troll boy, you are aware nothing you post shows up anywhere anybody can see it, right? And anybody that looks at our blog only sees what we post, never anything you post. You are one confused little troll.
Oh, and by the way. If you imagine for a second that anybody on this blog gives even the slightest shit about what anybody you associate with thinks about us, well, you're even crazier than we thought. And that's pretty damn crazy.
If any of your imaginary friends wishes to comment, they are free to do so. Let them know we will moderate their comments as well. And tell them to be sure and mention your name, that's an automatic delete.
Big Ben, sorry on the mowing, I have more respect for my grass and equipment than do some that stupid. Just Saying....
ReplyDeleteSo the troll is addressing me in his comments by name. Is that supposed to mean something? Is he some kind of internet genius who can figure out who you are? Or is it because I posted my name already.
ReplyDeleteSo am I supposed to think he is going to do something to me personally? All I can say is bring it on troll boy. Take your best shot.
Meantime, I'll just keep deleting everything he posts, primarily because he's a delusional idiot.
Lmao! Where do these people find the time? Interesting, on the subject of maniacal stalking poster here. Even circus acts have been affected by the Sars-cov2 bullshit. Too bad. 🎪🤡 Starving to busker...
Love the executive action move on the stimulus by our president. Start the response now about hurting the poor, since you know the ol gal and shumie will challenge it. Play the optics right.
I don't like stimuli... But if it's gonna be done at least make it politically worthwhile I suppose? It's a crazy time.
And we see Kanye has a VP candidate now? Before Joe does? Lol...🤪 Like I said, crazy time.
Back to the grill...
Well, this will be my last post about the schizoid troll....
ReplyDeleteTroll: would you mind taking your silly ass problems down the way to perhaps to find someone who really gives a shit?!
I hate to say this Big Ben, I agree Like I, it is a badge of honor.
ReplyDeleteHey; you Big Ben and Safe, I know the trolls can't post but are they able to read our comments? If so Miscreant you are a dead beat Dad,Fuck you!!!
ReplyDeletethose of you who know me, who are connected via facebook....I have a post there about circus peanut candy.
ReplyDeletecircus peanut candy.... y'all remember them?
Ok, now that I successfully created a visual for you to think about.... we all need to go to the store and find some (giggles)
We'll have sugar highs....
Afterall.... It's Lighted Up Sunday....
and those of us who love flavored coffees.... we can have some wild mountain blueberry coffee to drink - caffiene and sugar.... should make for an interesting situation :)
Nikki, I haven't seen circus peanuts in years.
ReplyDeleteAnd I love circus peanuts. Still buy them at the Rite-Aid when I go in there.
ReplyDeleteLol Safe, so the commie rat bastards can read my comments, but can't reply, I am going to have a field day digging there stinky ass's. Hahahhahahahah Hear me Miscreant, dead beat Dad...
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteMight as well take a nap, nothing going on, troops are awake and standing guard. All cams are on and recording.
ReplyDeleteYou know, it must really suck to be a worthless, ass wipe troll that cannot get the attention he so desperately wants! It's probably put him in a state of depression similar to what Michael (Excuse me, I mean Michelle) Obama is now going through. Oh, the pain and misery that her and Oprah must be going through right now. Even though they are now multi-millionaires and Billionaires, to still be so disadvantaged by not being as privileged as poor white trash! Oh, the inhumanity! Well, suck it up all of you whimpy buttercups! You have a country to destroy! You have statutes to tear down! You have Commie's to elect and infidels to kill! Carry on oh wayward sons and daughters of the revolution! Stupid Bastards!
ReplyDeleteAnother dozen comments deleted from the desperate for attention troll. Wonder if there is anybody that listens to this freakshow ramble on and on? Probably a bunch of blogs like us that delete him on sight.
ReplyDeleteMust be kind of lonely being a sideshow freak nobody can stand the sight of.
Willie Brown says Kamala should say no to a VP pick for old dementia Joe. And he should know. They had an affair for years while they were in office. So he probably knows the dirt on her that will come out if she runs.
ReplyDeleteBetter listen Kamala. Willie done you dirty, so he know everything.
FOX news is winning the ratings during prime time. Not just cable, but all of TV. Networks included. Never happened before. Pretty sure that means something.
ReplyDeleteFunny thing. The commie rat bastards decided to boycott FOX. That was going to show them. That would be like me boycotting CNN. I never watch it. Ever. Boycott wouldn't mean much, would it? And the commie rat bastard who never watch one minute of FOX boycotting it means nothing. And apparently like all the commie boycotts, it leads to the opposite results from what they want.
Hey Sarge, you drew out the other troll. Missycreant says something about rent free. Which is particularly ironic coming from someone posting a comment he knows will never be posted to the blog. He's reading our blog, even though he can't comment. Must be frustrating. Talk about rent free. These guys can't stop reading what we post. But I love hitting that delete button.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if the little troll really has any one on a blog or any other social media that lets him or her post their BS. I really cant think of a place where he could post his BS as it is so stupid even a libtard blog would kick him off and block him or her. Maybe that's why he still try's to post here. He thinks that just because he makes a post that it really gets any attention.
ReplyDeleteOh the Dead Beat dad who couldn't Make it 30 days in Army Basic Training, Aka Jared Allen Schons, wants to talk to this old Master Sargent, I don't think so, I don't talk to losers. Hahahahahahahaha Miscreant take a hike. You lost your free speech.
ReplyDeleteSkipper, those family photos you sent me of Jared, should come in Handy some day. Thanks Man...
ReplyDeleteYour welcome. Just doing my job That's what most people want. And Ralph says HI Hes getting very frustrated He cant seem to find any one to relate to. Of course him making that growling sound doesn't help in making friends. I am working on that.
ReplyDeleteJust remember Jarod
DeleteBad Boys Bad Boys Where you going to run to? Sooner or later you will show up Just when you think your home free. LOL URF URF
Sarge, Skippey,
ReplyDeletejust sent an email. Had some issues sending, but hoping it got to y'all.
Sarge, Skippey,
ReplyDeleteglad the emails went through (smiles)
Hugs, Rikki
Good morning room 235....
ReplyDeleteAlmost every major democrat run city in America is on the verge of collapsing.
ReplyDeleteThat's not hyperbole. That's a fact.
Murders, burglaries, arson, assaults, rapes, and every other type of crime has skyrocketed. So what's their answer?
Defund the police.
Not sure how this ends but it can't be good.
The President (That's Our President Trump for all of you morons!) has really sent the Commie Rat Bastards scrambling with his Executive Orders on aid for the people affected by the Corona virus! What gives them the idea that they can out maneuver the Commander in Chief?
ReplyDeleteAnd thank God, we now know that Sleepy Joe is really healthy and alert because he had decided to go out and prove it by riding a bicycle! What better way, at least according to the Liberal smear networks, to prove his cognitive abilities! LOL!
We have also found out, according to CNN research I guess, that there are no Television Networks that are actively attacking President Trump but there is definitely networks (Fox News) that is actively attacking Joe Biden! Potato Head or Humpty Dumpty on CNN has made that clear, so it must be gospel, as his panel stares, straight-faced and nods in agreement. I have determined that if anyone is still going to vote for Joe Biden, it is only because they are too stupid to watch and listen to actual news or they just simply don't care that the country is being destroyed by sick, perverted, commie wannabes! Stupid Bastards!
There's a reason FOX news is the number one news show during prime time. They are even beating the networks, which is historical.
ReplyDeleteThe American people know CNN is fake news. That's why the hardly watch it. And that's why tater has to try to be more outrageous every day. It's what trolls do. That's what our troll used to do back when he could post here. Lie, then lie some more, then keep making up more outrageous lies. It's all they got.
And you know what I always say, if that's all you got, that's what you go with.
And I'm liking Trumps face on Mount Rushmore. He's done more for America than any President in modern times.
Recent poll says half of democrat/communists don't think hiden biden will finish a four year term.
ReplyDeleteLike that's not the plan all along. They know they can't get a full out commie elected, so they elect slow joe who pretends to be whatever they need him to be, along with one of their all in commies, then remove him from office and get a commie president. Or I should say a second one, counting the Marxist from Kenya, but this one will be all in, not soft selling Marxism.
This is a well orchestrated communist apparatus operation. The VP pick will be one of the commies on the list. Probably Warren, or Bass. Both full on commies.
Doesn't matter. Slow joe will get mopped up in the election. Our President just sealed the deal with his exec order. The dem/coms are sputtering and spitting now, floundering trying to figure how they got bitch slapped and didn't see it coming.
If you've actually studied your history of communism in the United States, you can spot this for exactly what it is. It's just one of many plans in action at any given time. The virus, the riots, all commie operations. I don't think they were prepared for this one, they didn't see all these operations coming together so fast. But they have blown it, mainly because they are commie rat bastards and they aren't very smart.
ReplyDeleteThe democrat/communists tucked their tails between their legs and ran home and won't be back until Sept 17, leaving America with no stimulus bill. This proves that this whole thing was a political action, in fact a communist operation intended to prolong the suffering of the American people and the destruction of the American economy just for the purpose of defeating our President.
ReplyDeleteThe American people see this crap for what it is. And Donald Trump will win a second term because of it. He beat them at their own game. He let them set it up, then played them like the chumps they are. Game, set, match.
The clowns at CNN claim President Trump wants to make his speech at Gettysburg because it is some kind of significant to white supremists. The battle place that turned the war against the Confederates and has served ever since as a symbol of the turning of the tide of the Civil War.
ReplyDeleteReally CNN and your democrat/communist followers. Learn some history. You people embarrass yourselves with your public ignorance.
Yet dumbasses like our troll believe every word they say.
ReplyDeleteWell, it looks like thousands of people will be getting evicted because the damn dirty democrats left town without working on the bill to extend the eviction deadline. Of course, if your goal is to make as many Americans suffer as much as possible so you can lie and try to blame it all on our President, then this is exactly what you want. But this is going to backfire.
ReplyDeleteSorry our President couldn't fix this issue, but there's only so much he can do. Congress does have a job to do, and if the damn dirty democrats would do their part and work with the Republicans, who are standing ready to work, then maybe it's not too late. But the dem/coms have left town and made it clear they want people to suffer.
These people have no conscience at all. And like Ben says, these dumbasses believe everything these liars tell them.
I like the Gettysburg location for his acceptance speech. A symbol of a nation torn apart and being restored by the actions of a powerful President who took action against seditious democrat party system that was built on slavery. Now we have a President who is taking action to stop a democrat/communist system from a second attempt at destroying our country.
ReplyDeletePerhaps Gettysburg can represent a turning point like it did last time. The Civil War was far from over when Lincoln gave his Gettysburg Address, but he had everything in place to finish the job. He was reelected and did indeed wipe out the democrat insurrection. We need the same thing again.
I like the symbolism.
Biden picks Harris! No big deal... She is a women Bill Clinton...
ReplyDeleteWhat a crock of bullshit! These people trying to justify their lawlessness is just unreal!
Black Lives Matter Chicago organizer says looting is 'reparations': 'Businesses have insurance'
By Jessica Chasmar - The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Ok, just my 2 cents worth and thensome! Businesses have insurance, true. They don't seem to think (nothing new there, they don't think period!) Insurance rates go up, how is the proprietor of the business going to pay for this insurance?! Duh! raise prices of merchandise. Who pays the higher prices? Duh again! The consumer who goes in to purchase the merchandise. So how in the bloody hell is this "reparations"?!!!!!!!!!!!
These people who think like this are a special kind of stupid!!!!!!!!!
Yup nothing we can do to fight Stupid...
ReplyDeleteFor them to go through life that ignorant.... jeepers.
DeleteJoe and the Ho.
ReplyDeleteSlow Joe picks Kamala. Great pick. A woman who publicly accused him of being both a racist and a rapist.
ReplyDeleteThose TV ads will me a campaign dream. Show the footage of her accusing him, then whatever lie she comes up with now. Let the voters choose.
Great pick, just cost him the election. The commies won't vote for her because she was a law and order cop before she switched sides to commie. We won't vote for her because she's a democrat/commie. I'm sure she'll get the troll vote, they're a pretty stupid group on the whole.
It's a spectacle, for sure. Slow Joe has his scent of choice. And it's weird how they pick each other dispite past beef. Confirmed me some character there, for sure. Hypocrites, every one of the bastards.
ReplyDeleteOh well, at this point even they know their message is too violent and lawless, but it's what they are good at. Just like statues. And wearing black pajamas(strangest part for me). Just like they are good at getting minority officers fired, and black police chiefs to quit.
Exacerbated by the stupidly abysmal depths of political communism subversion in key leadership positions. The tolerance of the wokest tolerant tolerance, or something.
Saddest spectacle I've ever seen. Crazy to see the crisis, and it's fever pitch going into November. Bound to be more.
Ain't wearing a hat much these days, sorta tired of trying to hang on to it.... Lol
Good Morning room 235....
ReplyDeletePeople will get creeped out by her laugh and they will shut her out. Her laugh will do her in.
ReplyDeleteWell looks like Kevin maybe thinking about mowing today, I see a storm coming our way, at about Hays right now, :):)
ReplyDeleteMy thought is that of the people who are stupid enough to vote for this pair, many are too stupid to either register to vote or even know when it is voting day! Of course, that is what the mail in ballots are all that their commie leaders can come up with ways to commit voter fraud, to manipulate the mailed out ballots, and to stall, if the race is close, so that more ballots can be miraculously "found" when needed.
ReplyDeleteI am anxious to see how our Liberal media covers up for the bimbo! Should be a real shit show!
Kamala is as big of liar as Joe. Although she was bused in Second Grade, she wasn't in the second wave or however she put it. The district she was in began desegregating before she was born and declared mission accomplished before she made it to school. She claimed to be an Indian until she decided black was a more advantageous minority for her political career. Let's don't forget she was Willie Brown's mistress until early in her political career, until she didn't need him.
ReplyDeleteRose, I agree. Kamala laughs like a witch getting ready to pop a couple kids in the oven. But then....
ReplyDeleteAnd her new face surgeries are scary. That woman looks like a medical experiment gone wrong. What timing, to have your face mutilated right before the election.
Safe - Ben,
Youtube link titled "Uncle Tom - Black Trump Supporters outside of The White House (deleted scene)"
This video clip needs to go viral - it'll blow the minds of the left (among other things that blow their minds).
The New York Times on Kamala:
ReplyDelete“Time after time, when progressives urged her to embrace criminal justice reforms as a district attorney and then the state’s attorney general, Ms. Harris opposed them or stayed silent. Most troubling, Ms. Harris fought tooth and nail to uphold wrongful convictions that had been secured through official misconduct that included evidence tampering, false testimony and the suppression of crucial information by prosecutors.”
If you're a democrat/communist and you can't get the NYT to say nice things about you, you are in big big trouble.
There are tons of quotes just like this one, and tons of video of kamala saying things that will bounce back on her. This stuff is going all come out. Every word. And she will be in big trouble.
HO DOWN coming to you whether you want it or not. HO HO HO
ReplyDeleteFrom FOX news:
ReplyDelete"Sen. Kamala Harris, who Joe Biden picked on Tuesday to be his running mate, promoted the bail fund group that several Biden staffers donated to during the protests that followed George Floyd's death, which since has posted bail for multiple alleged violent criminals, including an alleged murderer and a previously convicted rapist."
Fish in a barrel. This is too easy.
Slow joe violated the first rule of bros. Bros before hos...
ReplyDeleteKamala has about as much experience as Obama. Look at how he screwed up this country. If Biden gets elected he will either drop dead from the stress or be removed due to senility. Kamala has a 100% chance of finishing out his term. I don't like thinking about this scenario.
ReplyDeleteThe Portland terrorist rioters have moved from downtown to the suburban neighborhoods. The people living there are terrorized.
ReplyDeleteWell, first of all tough shit. You allowed this. You elected and supported the people who are promoting this shit. So this is your fault. Now it's come to you, and frankly, you deserve it for not standing up to these terrorists when they were destroying downtown.
Now where I live, there ain't no riots, no "peaceful protests" or anything else. Because that shit don't fly here. You bring that shit into most neighborhoods up here and you'll be painted by red dots.
I guess she had a "leg up" above all other contenders. That's the way they roll.
ReplyDeleteAnd probably "wrapped around" too Rose! LOL!
DeleteThe governor has no more power to force me to wear a mask than some lunatic leftist Karen on the street.
ReplyDeleteIt's not that I don't care about the people that are susceptible to the virus, it's just that I'm not willing to play a rigged game of sacrifice for those people. No, they aren't worth it, and I include myself in that statement in the event that I am susceptible to the virus. Why should over 99 percent of people be treated like prisoners so less than 1 percent of the population can feel safer?
I would never ask others to sacrifice their liberties for my comfort. Anyone who does is a coward.
News nugget
ReplyDeleteWhen Kamala Harris got started in politics, she burned her Nissan the carpet.
US Air Force helicopter shot at in Virginia, forced to make emergency landing.
By Lauren Meier - The Washington Times - Wednesday, August 12, 2020
A U.S. Air Force helicopter had to make an emergency landing in Virginia Monday after a person had shot at the aircraft and injured a crew member.
The UH-1N Huey helicopter was conducting a routine training flight before it was forced to land at an airport in Virginia, McClatchy reported. The aircraft is assigned to the 1st Helicopter Squadron at Joint Base Andrews, where presidential aircraft Air Force One is housed.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is looking into the incident and said it “dispatched Special Agents and its Evidence Response Team to the Manassas Airport after receiving reports that a helicopter was shot at from the ground nearby.”
The Manassas Regional Airport had received a call just after noon on Monday that said a “military helicopter was inbound and that the paramedics were on the way,” an airport operations officer told the publication.
The injured crew member has not been publicly identified and was treated and released from the hospital.
“The FBI Washington Field Office is working jointly with our law enforcement partners, including the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, to determine the circumstances surrounding the incident. One individual in the helicopter sustained a non-threatening injury, for which he was treated and subsequently released from the hospital,” the FBI said in a statement, and asked anyone with knowledge of the incident to contact the bureau at 202-278-2000.
more on the US Air Force helicopter shooting:
AIR SCARE US Air Force helicopter SHOT AT over Virginia, injuring crewman and forcing emergency landing
Israel Salas-Rodriguez
Aug 12 2020, 11:33 ETUpdated: Aug 12 2020, 13:33 ET
AN AIR Force helicopter flying over Virginia was shot in a harrowing incident that left a crewman injured and required the chopper to make an emergency landing.
The FBI is investigating the attack on Monday involving a UH-1N Huey, which was assigned to the 1st Helicopter Squadron at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland.
The agency "dispatched Special Agents and its Evidence Response Team to Manassas Airport after receiving reports that a helicopter was shot at from the ground nearby," the FBI Washington Field Office told McClatchy.
Officials at Manassas Regional Airport said they received a call at 12:20pm altering them that a military helicopter was inbound and that paramedics were on the way.
The injured crew member was taken treated at a hospital and released.
The chopper remained at the airport as an investigation was launched.
The injured crew member sustained non-threatening injuries, the FBI said.
"The FBI Washington Field Office is working jointly with our law enforcement partners, including the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, to determine the circumstances surrounding the incident," the FBI told McClatchy.
I think I've deleted ten or fifteen comments from the troll already this morning. Just wondering troll. Are you under the impression that somebody is reading your comments? Or they are appearing on the blog even briefly? Because they're not. Nobody sees them.
ReplyDeleteI've never figured you were too bright, so nothing would surprise me. This is just above average stupid, posting comments that nobody can even see if they wanted to read them, which of course they don't.
You can answer if you want, but I probably won't read it so it's your call. It's really a rhetorical question. You can ask you mom what that means.
I am thinking that the troll does multiple blog posts and never know's if they actually show up. Using the same bs and just forwarding it to several places at the same time. If that makes any sense?
DeleteFor all you peanut lovers out there. Let us know how it turns out
ReplyDeleteCircus Peanut Jello Salad, One of the Weirdest Retro Recipes Out There
Skippy my friend, Just for the record I could give a shit less about circus peanuts of any kind,,,, Doesn't make me a bad person... :):)