Just another example of how sick the people of this country have become.
Woman Who Helped Kill Her Boyfriend and Married Her Father Gets 40 Years in Prison

A woman who helped kill her boyfriend and then married her biological father was sentenced to 40 years in prison on Thursday.
Amanda McClure, 31, was sentenced to 40 years in prison in connection with the February 2019 second-degree murder of her boyfriend, John McGuire, 38, WOAY reported.
The judge ordered that 20 of those years in prison be without parole.
“There was no good reason for John (McGuire) to have been killed,” Judge Ed Kornish said in court.
McClure and her father murdered her boyfriend by striking him in the head, injecting him with methamphetamine, and strangling him before burying him.
McClure, along with her father and sister, buried him, dug him up, and cut up his remains, and then reburied him, the Bluefield Daily Telegraph reported.
After the murder, McClure and her father had sex and got married four weeks later in Virginia.
Authorities discovered McGuire’s remains in a grave in Skydusty, West Virginia, on September 24, 2019.
McClure’s father, Larry, was sentenced to life in prison without parole in August after he admitted to strangling and hitting McGuire in the head until he died.
McClure’s sister, Anna Marie Choudhary, 32, is facing a first-degree murder charge for allegedly assisting her sister and her father in the crime.
God, if you're not too busy we sure could use a little help.
World is getting sicker every day, discussing animals...
ReplyDeleteOK, I'll say it. Democrat/communist voters. Sounds like a joke, but there's some serious implications.
ReplyDeleteThe leftists lost their humanity long ago. Roe v Wade and their happiness over it and their rage that it might be repealed says a lot. 50 million unborn babies died as a result of that horrible Supreme Court decision. They rationalize it every way imaginable, but it's still killing unborn children.
When a poll finds that 40% of democrat/communists are "happy" that President Trump has the chinese flu says a lot about them. What kind of people feel that way? People with no soul, no humanity. People who have rejected God, who have no sense of right or wrong any longer. People who are driven by hate.
So yeah, these might be democrat/communists. Certainly people who have no humanity left. And that describes the radical left.
And God's not too busy, by any means. This breaks His heart. But the democrat/communists have rejected God long ago. They boo his name at their convention. They demand any reference to Him be removed from the public square. They kill His unborn creations. They elected a muslim president who openly persecuted Christians. So God's still there. He's waiting patiently.
ReplyDeleteRight SSAH God is already letting some places burn and drown loaded with commie rat bastards. You don't think all this is happening because of globe warming do you? God is working his ways...
DeleteAs a general self imposed rule I never read troll holes comments before deleting them but I was curious what he might have to say about today's topic.
ReplyDeleteBelieve it or not he's actually defending this entire deranged group of human debris.
Said something about his relatives having the right to express themselves how they see fit.
Well, that explains a lot.
Just checked President Trump's twitter thread (I trust this more than the main stream media).
ReplyDeleteDonald J. Trump
I really appreciate all of the fans and supporters outside of the hospital. The fact is, they really love our Country and are seeing how we are MAKING IT GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE!
This was also on his thread:
US election poll: Trump BEATING Biden despite being hospitalised with Covid – EXCLUSIVE
Boy, the troll sure got triggered. I guess posting his family stories must really piss him off. I just deleted over a dozen non comments he posts for himself since nobody else reads them. I don't even want to guess how many times he posts. Ben deletes them, I delete them. And they just keep coming. All just for him to read, which is a mystery to me.
ReplyDeleteI don't read them either, Ben. Once in a great while, I might scan them just to see how far into insanity he has descended. But it's mostly gibberish, poorly written, fourth grade level grammar stuff. Drivel.
But then, he has proven he is in the 40% of democrat/communists who are "happy" that President Trump has the chinese flu, so we can be sure of that. I mean he said so.
But as always, select all, delete all.
And frankly, I would bet the farm that 40% number is low by half. I bet it's a lot closer to 100% of democrat/communists that are "happy" President Trump has the chinese flu. And most of those probably hope he dies. Bunch of ghoulish sick bastards that they are.
ReplyDeleteWell Ben, that's certainly a different topic. I'm not sure what to say, other than have them dig a hole and fall in it.
ReplyDeleteThe layers and levels of deviance, bizarre and evil are perplexingly disturbing. Thanks for the uncomfortable nausea during the read. Appreciate it. FNG...
I used to love to read shock stories. You know, the ones involving "Florida man" doing something crazy or bizarre. Made for a good laugh. Now I ask myself, I walk the earth around people like these sick psychopaths?
Holy shit.
The troll guy still trying to post?
Geez. What a maroon.... Lol
I'm impressed with his display of dedication to the craft of insanity and meaninglessness , all at the same time.
That's talent.
Personally I don't see the point in allowing these people to continue living.
ReplyDeleteFunny thing. Some of the same people who would insist these people should be allowed to live are openly hoping for our President to die.
ReplyDeleteFrom the Washington Times:
ReplyDelete"Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden flatly denied at Tuesday night’s debate that his lawyer son took huge sums of money from corrupt oligarchs and Chinese communists during his vice presidency, but Treasury Department reports show that Hunter Biden did receive the money.
President Trump chose to make an issue of Hunter Biden’s cash haul from Russia, Ukraine and China with the implication that unsavory figures were trying to buy Vice President Biden and the Obama administration.
“When somebody gets 3½ million dollars from the mayor of Moscow,” Mr. Trump said.
Hunter Biden received a single wire transfer of $3.5 million from Elena Baturina. The Senate report said she became a billionaire through illegal construction contracts awarded by her husband, since deceased.
This is based on Treasury Department reports received by committee Chairman Ron Johnson, Wisconsin Republican, and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley, Iowa Republican."
Apparently Saturday Night Live joined in the democrat/communist cheering hoping the President will die from the chinese flu. And the commies wonder why we consider them and pretty much the entire entertainment industry to be demonic evil seditionists intent on the destruction of America.
ReplyDeleteSaturday Night Live gave up any pretense at being funny years ago. They became just another lame apparachik of the democrat/communist apparatus.
Lol... The so-called media is shitting themselves over President Trump doing a drive by in a secret service SUV to wave on his supporters yesterday evening.
ReplyDeleteAccording to them the American people deserve to know where their president is every minute of the day.
Hey Dumbasses, the American people know exactly where their president was.
He was among and supporting his people.
Oh, and the hundreds of pizzas he had delivered to them was exactly the kind of thing they love about him.
Fuck off, troll hole. Your senile old pedophile doesn't stand a chance...
Let's see now. Trump supporters hold rallies to show their support all across the nation in the last few days.
ReplyDeleteThey've all drawn huge record crowds. Thousands showed up in Staten Island, they shut down 5th Ave. in front of Trump Tower for over an hour in New York City. Thousands showed in Las Angeles the other day.
Not a single store was looted. Not a single assault took place, and not a single arrest was made.
In the meantime, Hidin Biden sent Crazy Bernie to Mass. to make his case for him drawing a crowd of 20 some people. And his wife went to Minn. for the same reason where she drew a mind boggling crowd of just over a dozen supporters stand around in hula hoops spaced 6 ft. apart.
Fuck off, troll hole...
What the commies are really mad about is that Trump is kicking Covid's ass. They were virtually all hoping he would get really sick, and most were hoping he would die. And he got better and will probably go home in a day or two. That's why they're mad.
ReplyDeleteAnd they're all fainting from the outrage because he got in an SUV and drove by his supporters to wave at them. The outrage! Endangering those poor Secret Service guys.
So the same people that have been cheering over 3,000 cops injured by commie riots suddenly care about cops. The same people who were pissed off because the Secret Service broke up the riots threatening the White House, putting Secret Service agents at risk now are all concerned.
Fuck a bunch of commie rat bastards, and all their troll hole supporters.
Amen to that...
ReplyDeleteTrump is shitting in the fake Media's face's and the Commie Rat bastards face, Driving them all nuts. Winning Baby!!! 2020
ReplyDeleteThe noise coming out of the troll hole is particularly nasty today. He's getting frustrated because he wants to say all kinds of things on our blog and nobody sees a word of his imaginary posts.
ReplyDeleteAlso he's mad because President Trump is making a fast recovery from the chinese flu and he was really rooting for him to die. Sorry to disappoint you and all your commie rat bastard friends troll.
Funny how the press isn't mentioning slow joe's big lie at the debate when President Trump pointed out that Crackhead Hunter got $3.5 million from a Russian oligarch and he denied it. Which was a lie as proven by the U.S. Treasury now.
ReplyDeleteWell, not too surprising since most all of the media is working for the democrat/communist party and is nothing more than operatives with bylines.
But I bet it gets mentioned more than a few times between now and voting day.
President Trump just tweeted he's being released from the hospital at 6:30 tonight.
ReplyDeleteSorry troll hole but all your hopes and dreams have been shattered once again.
KAG 2020
Our president is just laying it down, I'm telling ya.
He's beat Sars-cov2. He's been beating the commies, single-handedly this whole time.
Beat Russia spy bullshit.
Beat impeachment.
Two, soon to be three appointments to SCOTUS.
Done more for the American people in 47 months than any other politician has, some as many as 47 years.
The man's a winner.
America likes winners.
You might as well stop begging troll hole.
ReplyDeleteYou're making yourself look pathetic and you ain't coming in.
Keeping America's blog great 2020
I will really be happy when we get the New Judge, I say piss on the hearings, take the vote now, you got the vote. The commies can't whine anymore than they are now. Getter done... Trump 2020
ReplyDeleteAnd the bullshit never stops!
ReplyDeleteThe Democrats are investigating President Trump's car ride....
Sounds like to me... they'll eventually investigate why President Trump didn't die from covid!!! Sickos!
Democrats launch investigation into Trump's Walter Reed 'joyride'
by Susan Ferrechio, Chief Congressional Correspondent|October 05, 2020 03:07 PM
House Democrats are launching an investigation into President Trump’s treatment of the Secret Service during his bout with the coronavirus.
Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, a Mississippi Democrat, accused Trump of disregarding the safety of his protective detail when he left Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for a short drive in his limousine to greet supporters who were outside the facility.
Thompson called Trump’s Sunday night trip a “joyride” that risked the health and safety of the agents who had to accompany him on the trip.
“So we can know more about how these events have affected the Secret Service and national security, I have requested a briefing from the agency on the current safeguards in place for their employees — including on the President’s protective detail — and how Secret Service agents can be kept safe from coronavirus-related threats, including apparently the President himself,” Thompson said in a statement.
Trump tweeted that the trip was deemed safe by medical staff at the hospital. An attending physician also accompanied Trump on the drive and wore a mask and other protective equipment.
Trump also wore a mask.
Trump announced on Twitter Monday afternoon that he will be discharged from the hospital and will return to the White House at 6:30 p.m.
Hey troll hole, I deleted a comment that was addressed to Hammertime. You are aware he never sees your comments, right? That the only people who ever see you comments are me and Ben? And we delete them as soon as we see them.
ReplyDeleteI mean, I get you send comments, twenty or thirty a day thinking we will read them, which we don't, but addressing them to other people? I've seen you do that before and I've always wondered.
Do you not understand how this works or are you just really stupid? I think the latter, but benefit of the doubt maybe you just don't get it.
Just wondering. Seems even stranger behavior than your normal strange behavior.
When McGinty was setting up my account he set all comments up to be sent to me by email. All I ever see is that Unknown has left a new comment and awaiting approval.
ReplyDeleteI just automatically delete them without bothering to see what kind of bullshit he has to say.
Select all, delete.
Well, from you comment I guess my first guess was correct. You are just really stupid.
ReplyDeleteSo go ahead and post all the comments you want, just know nobody will ever see them. We'll continue deleting them as soon as they turn up in the moderation que. Select all, delete all.
Consider it our contribution to helping the mentally ill, you know. Tiny effort on our part and if it brings you some kind of joy to post comments nobody ever sees, well you're welcome.
Ben, as many as you delete, I delete dozens every day. So this guy stays pretty busy. Happens with mentally ill people, they can't stop doing certain weird behaviors like washing their hands. In his case it's sending comments for us to delete.
ReplyDeleteIt's an all day every day event for the poor little guy.
ReplyDeleteThey usually start by 5:00 in the morning and continue late into the night.
Damn, I can't imagine how hard he's going to take the inevitable defeat waiting for him and his comrades in just 30 short days from now.
Select all, delete.
ReplyDeleteThat's all the time it took to delete your comment, troll hole.
I mean, it's unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteMed evac, lying on a bed in the ICU of Walter Reed, wife dying next to ya, grimmest of all situations.
The president was literally down to his last breath, then he cried out Keep America Great! Sat right up.
Tore off the ventilator, got out of bed, and grabbed a diet coke from the fridge while slapping the doctor on his ass, walking by.
At least, that's what I heard anyway.
Sars-cov2 wanted no part of the orange man.
They'll build statues of the man.
What a winner!
Four more years!
Heard the same, Hammer. Anonymous sources report he flew Marine One himself, landed in a KFC parking lot, picked up a bucket of chicken and some mashed potatoes.
ReplyDeleteHe may be able to heal people by laying on hands. We'll wait and see.
There's not much he can't do.
LOL !!!
ReplyDeleteThat's the way I heard it, too...
ReplyDeleteRight back at ya, Thomas.
ReplyDeleteOf course I can't get any answers as far as the investigation into my private social media posts go but considering I haven't been fired (as threatened) I think it's safe to say our trolls screen shots and whining to my employer about drummed up offensive and racially charged subject matter have once again fallen way short of their goals.
Winning Baby!!!
Just deleted a bunch of troll posts. One was pretty long so I glanced through it, didn't read it but he was talking about President Trump and slow lingering illness followed by sudden death, so I pretty much know what he wants. He's back on the "hope he dies" routine.
ReplyDeleteAfter all, 40% of democrat/communists polled openly admitted they were "happy" their President has the chinese flu. So what more do you need to know about these evil people?
Kevin, I wonder how our troll would feel if his employer got screen shots of his comments? Hoping for slow lingering illness and death for our President. His personal attacks on people. The racist comments. The pornographic links and posts.
ReplyDeleteProbably wouldn't matter that much, I'm guessing Subway isn't that interested in stuff like that, but still...
Anonymous sources report the doctors discovered the Covid germs died on contact with President Trump's blood cells. They are thinking he might be a "super healer".
ReplyDeleteFrom Stephan Kruiser on PJ Media:
ReplyDelete"What’s been going on since Sunday is more pathetic than media malpractice. It’s a gaggle of emotional midgets in the midst of a snot-bubbling, diaper-filling tantrum that is utterly contemptible. I might be just a little sympathetic to it if they hadn’t been doing it for four years already. We’re beyond “Boy Who Cried Wolf” at this point—we’re in “let these miserable little brats cry themselves dry” territory now."
Here's the insanity I have to live with here in crazyland. Nancy Pee=losey's nephew Newsome says this:
ReplyDelete"Going out to eat with members of your household this weekend? Don't forget to keep your mask on in between bites."
The CDC (communist disease center) said covid was airborne and spread that way. Then in September they changed their minds and said it wasn't, and scrubbed their website of anything saying it was. Now they have reversed once again and said it is airborne spread.
ReplyDeleteAnd they wonder why we are skeptical of the "scientists". Bunch of partisan political hacks is why.
Wonderful to see you on the blog this morning Kevin (smiles). We're all still here - enjoying visiting with each other and the troll... well the troll is having a psychotic meltdown over it.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't surprise me the new waves of ridiculous attacks on President Trump. I'll just wager that the Democrats are scratching their heads and thinking about all their efforts to remove President Trump has failed, and I wouldn't put it past the Democrats to infiltrate President Trump's space with someone infected with the corona virus in an attempt to assassinate him and make it look like not an assassination...
There's "No" then there's "Hell No" Michelle.... and your desperate attempt to sway voters is going to result in an overwhelming "Hell No"!
Michelle Obama: 'Vote for Joe Biden like your lives depend on it'
By Jessica Chasmar - The Washington Times - Tuesday, October 6, 2020
I ain't gonna clip and paste the article because of the BS that is spewed in there!
The Dems have hitched their wagon to another losing candidate who is going to lose bigger than Hillary ever did.
Donald J. Trump
The Fake News Media refuses to discuss how good the Economy and Stock Market, including JOBS under the Trump Administration, are doing. We will soon be in RECORD TERRITORY. All they want to discuss is COVID 19, where they won’t say it, but we beat the Dems all day long, also!!!
this tweet was removed from twitter for violation... What violation?!! You decide!
ReplyDeleteSee new Tweets
Donald J. Trump
This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain accessible. Learn more
Flu season is coming up! Many people every year, sometimes over 100,000, and despite the Vaccine, die from the Flu. Are we going to close down our Country? No, we have learned to live with it, just like we are learning to live with Covid, in most populations far less lethal!!!
7:03 AM · Oct 6, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
ReplyDeleteTrump doctor says president 'reports no symptoms' of COVID-19 morning after White House return
by Mike Brest, Breaking News Reporter | October 06, 2020 01:03 PM
President Trump did not report any COVID-19 symptoms during his first night back at the White House after a three-day stay at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
Hillary Clinton behind plan to tie Trump to Russia, CIA warned Comey, Strzok
By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Tuesday, October 6, 2020
The CIA wrote a highly classified three-page memo to FBI Director James Comey and Agent Peter Strzok telling them candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a plan to blame Russian computer-hacking on Donald Trump.
Trump pulls plug on stalled COVID-19 aid talks with Pelosi
by Susan Ferrechio, Chief Congressional Correspondent | October 06, 2020 03:17 PM
"President Trump announced Tuesday that he has halted negotiations with Democrats for a new round of federal coronavirus aid, tweeting that Speaker Nancy Pelosi “is not negotiating in good faith” and is seeking too much money."
In a Town Hall with MSNBC on Monday, Democrat presidential nominee, Joe Biden, reported he no longer had the support of law enforcement agencies.
ReplyDelete"I had overwhelming support from police my whole career, up until this year," Biden answered to a woman who is the mother of a police officer.
Later in the Town Hall, Biden called for police officers to receive "more help" and "sensitivity training." The left has been pushing the ridiculous notion that systemic racism is plaguing law enforcement in the U.S.
The Wall Street Journal reported, "Biden has also said his attorney general would advocate passage of legislation lowering the bar for bringing civil-rights cases against police officers." Biden seems to think that his administration would still have the support from law enforcement, if not for the Meddling of the Trump administration's stance of law and order.
So apparently slow joe gave a speech somewhere today. Anybody listen to it? Didn't think so. His speeches are usually a pack of lies, along with a bunch of bidenbabbble. And lately some racist comment thrown in.
ReplyDeleteSounds like the democrat/commies are peeing their pants over it, so it must have been a real big pile of horse manure. They like horse manure.
Bidens a blatant racist, complete with soundbites, and suffers from dementia.
Lazarus didn't die, and has returned to his salary free job for the American people, kicking commies right in the junk daily.
The media loses its mind.
Sow the wind....
Just letting you know there's a new blog up.