Monday, June 21, 2021

Let's talk about inflation.

 We are all feeling the pinch from the current inflationary cycle. It's higher than it's been since Jimmy Carter, and in reality if you measure it the way they did back then, it's way higher. So what is it, and how bad is it?

Well, inflation is obvious. Prices going up. Simple, right? But what's the cause and what do we do about it?

The cause is too much money chasing too few goods. People want to buy things and there's no supply. The chinese flu shutdown is the primary cause, in my opinion. When the whole country shut down at the same time, supply lines shut down. Remember the toilet paper/paper towel shortage? That was just the beginning. Lumber mills shut down. Car makers shut down. Meat processing plants shut down. Food processing plants shut down. Factories everywhere shut down. So the supply line stopped.

Demand was still there, so the basic law of Economics 101 kicked in. Supply and Demand.

When there is demand and not enough supply, prices rise. It pretty much always happens, for a number of reasons, but the main one is that's how the market controls itself. Prices go up, demand drops and lets the supply side catch up. Same works in reverse. Too much supply and not much demand causes prices to lower, raising demand until the supply catches up.

A classic example of this is Harley Davidson. About 2000 everybody wanted a Harley. They had limited production based on historic sales, so Harleys were hard to get. You had to get on a waiting list and wait a year or more, then take whatever they got at whatever price they wanted, if you wanted a Harley. And they still sold out every year to the last bike. Supply and demand. So they responded by ramping up production, building more plants like the one by KCI in KC. And they produced more bikes. Then demand slowed about 2004 and Harley was overproduced. They finished the year with unsold inventory. They started offering incentives, free accessories with the purchase of a bike. But their stock crashed, they had to slow production, lay off workers and close plants. Supply and demand took them from the catbird seat to near bankruptcy, because they didn't read the future very well.

So what we are seeing right now is partly to blame on the global shutdowns, and part on the Fed keeping interest rates too low, and part on biden's crazy spending. 

Now the bulk of biden's spending hasn't happened yet, he has to get it through congress so as much as I would love to blame him that's a fairly small part, right now. Low interest hurts. But the supply issue is the real culprit.

Lumber is a great example. Lumber prices are crazy, as you know if you have bought any. The lumber mills shut down for almost a year and supply ran out without much drop in demand. That drove up lumber prices to crazy levels. Supply and demand. Way too much demand, no supply. Not just low supply, almost none. 

So the good new. Lumber futures for July delivery have fallen 41%, from a record high of $1,711 to $1,009. Futures are what investors are prepaying for July delivery of a commodity. If you think prices are going up, you buy at today's price and sell it at the July price. As futures go, prices follow. The framing composite index which tracks daily sales has fallen dramatically. So the lumber hoarders will be selling fast or be eating a lot of product as the mills outproduce demand. Look for lumber prices to fall, maybe close back to normal.

So hopefully this is temporary. I've talked to my financial advisor and we've agreed to treat this as temporary. If I thought inflation was back at this rate, I would be repositioning in the market. I moved to a more risky position when Trump was President and it paid off. I haven't backed off at this point and I'm holding so far.

But remember, this is one opinion. And I could be wrong. I'm just having a conversation here. Feel free to let me know what you think.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Here we go. This is where we are headed, America

 So apparently opposing arson during riots is not allowed. At least not for celebrities. Some composer who I never heard of got attacked for saying he thought arson was bad. The commie left fired up the hate machine and went after him. Now he's had to come groveling back licking their boots and apologizing for having the right opinion.

How the hell did we reach this point? Where a bunch of goddamn communist terrorists, and a small minority of the population at that has the power to cancel people's free speech? Where they can destroy people's lives for speaking the truth.

Because we are deep in the grip of a totalitarian fascist movement. These people, the woke mob, label the rest of us as fascists without having a clue what a fascist is. It's just a word they heard that sounds really nasty so they picked it up and they used it. The fact is they are fascists in the extreme. 

This country was built on free speech. But no more. We got groups with power way beyond what they should have doing untold damage to our country. And corporations and government officials are giving in to them out of fear of retribution. That's classic fascism.

We got fascists trolling America's Blog. Posting dozens of comments every day filled with the most vile hate filled things. Trying to cancel us. Completely without success, I might add. He's tried for years to shut us down, and here we are. And here he isn't. Every comment he posts disappears into the void, never read, never to be seen. But fascists rarely give up. They are driven by a hatred so deep they can't give up. Hatred for us. Hatred for Trump. Hatred for America. Hatred for freedom. Hate for everything good in this world. And they won't rest until everyone in the world is as miserable as they are.

As for this unknown composer who got cancelled and came back and groveled, fuck him too. If you let them win, if you don't tell them to go fuck themselves, you are just as bad. Weak and afraid. And exactly what they want.

And that's where America's Blog stands. Fuck a bunch of trolls. Fascists, commies and general pain in the ass. But harmless to us. So do your best you cowards. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Who are these people and how the hell did they get in charge?

 The people we have running our government for the most part appear to at best hate America, and at worst want to see her destroyed. This goes way beyond partisan politics, or disagreement on policy. America used to be divided on issues, the liberals tended to want to see a bigger safety net, and spend more on domestic policies like welfare and such. Conservatives wanted more fiscal responsibility, to help people rise out of poverty instead of paying them to remain in it. But both sides were people who loved America. JFK was the first supply side economics president. Cutting capital gains. Cutting the top tax rates. But he was a patriot. Fought in the war. Truman leaned liberal, but was as patriotic as they come.

That all changed, somewhere around LBJ. He ushered in the great welfare state, with the intention of getting blacks to vote democrat, and he succeeded. The sixties also brought us the communist invasion, with people like the Frankfurt School packing our education system with communists. And the young people grew their hair long and thought they were fighting against the war, but were actually supporting people who were stooges of Soviet Russian Communism and they began this country's shift toward accepting what has always been a dangerous and failed system of government. 

Now we have actual communists in leadership in the democrat party. Bernie Sanders is nothing but an old street Bolshevik. He even took his honeymoon in Soviet Russia. He has sold a whole generation on the idea of communism as a practical idea instead of the aberration it is. And we have muslim/communists serving in our congress, comparing America to Hamas and the Taliban. These aren't people who love our country, they are people who want our country destroyed.

We have a party in charge that is so filled with hate for Donald Trump and his supporters they are devoting all their resources to reversing all the good things he did.

Donald Trump created an economy that was stronger than any we have seen in modern times. Record low unemployment, especially for minorities. Wage growth. Jobs created. Wealth growth for everybody. They have put the brakes on that.

They opened the borders, flooding the country with illegal aliens, drug cartels, fentanyl, human traffickers. Our system is overwhelmed.

They are emptying the prisons, putting violent felons back on the street to continue their rampage. And all the while they are fighting hard to disarm us lawful citizens so we can't defend ourselves.

The create a narrative of an "insurrection" out of a peaceful protest that was hijacked by their workers. They murdered an innocent person, shooting her in the back with no fear of retribution. 

They allowed and supported a year of rolling riots, costing America over 2 billion dollars in damages, untold jobs lost and businesses destroyed, thousands injured and murdered. They refuse to make any effort to stop it and our vice president actually helped raise funds to bail out violent terrorists from jail, on the rare occasions any of them were put in jail.

They are demoralizing and destroying our civilian police force, and our military.

They aided the Chinese Communists in creating a deadly virus to unleash on the world just so they could have a tool to defeat Donald Trump and grow their authoritarian control. And they are refusing to hold China accountable, in fact giving them even more inroads into America.

Who are these people and why do they hate us so bad? How did we get a president who obviously is controlled by dark forces that have the destruction of our country as their goal? And a vice president who is completely useless and non functioning, who couldn't get more than 1% of the vote of her own party in the presidential primary? Those same people who control biden placed her in that position.

So our country stands on the brink. We are looking into the abyss. We need to restore our country. And we better do it damn quick.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

True story...


Guys, I really hate doing this but today's edition of Room 235 will be the last one I publish for the foreseeable future.

Things I'm not ready to talk about yet have taken place within my family that will require my full and undivided attention.

They say God will never give us more than we can handle.

I'm not so sure about that anymore.

We'll see.

I'm calling on my longtime partner, Safe, to take over ( I think it's important to keep this thing going) until I can get back.

Safe, I know you're more than up to it.

Hell, every one of the comments you've ever posted are blog worthy and deserve to be front and center.

And just maybe another author I signed up quite a while back can even get into the mix.

I would like to let each and every one of you to know how much I appreciate you sticking around this little blog of ours for all these years.

Don't give up the fight.

Keep your heads up.

I don't know what the other side of this thing is going to look like but I'll see you again once I arrive there.

Your friend and fellow patriot

Kevin McGinty

Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...