Sunday, August 8, 2021

Mask or no mask? Jab or no jab?

 Well, you all know my story. We packed up and moved to California a little over two years ago to be near our family. Daughter and grandson live here, in a suburb of LA, in the San Fernando Valley. It was a great hardship for us, cost us a lot and significantly lowered our standard of living because, well, it's California.

It was great though, we got to spend a lot more time with them until....the chinese flu was unleashed by the Chicoms and the demcoms. Since then, it's been rough.

On top of that, our dogs became ill and couldn't really travel. They were old dogs, and so old age took them. We lost our first dog in October, and lost our second dog a couple days ago after months of treament and trying to help her. So my wife went down to visit and I stayed home to take care of the dogs. That's been hard, but we thought we would at least now be able for both of us to go down to spend time with the family.

But then the new plague rises up. The new plague created by hysteria and fear cranked up by the democrat/communists because the original plague was winding down, thanks to President Trump getting us the vaccine so quickly. But that wasn't in the plan. The demcoms needed the leverage longer so they could keep the fear alive and justify imposing Marxist totalitarian soul crushing regulations on the country.

But this isn't really about that, not for me. See, my daughter, who is a smart, wonderful person who is very successful in her career and a great mom to our grandson has bought the demcom sales job hook line and sinker. So now that we're free to go visit, she is freaked out because we don't wear masks anytime we leave the house.

Where we live never had much chines flu. Very low numbers. And the people here hardly wore masks most of the time, and a lot of them never got the jab. We did follow the rules, for the last year. We masked up. We stayed out of church for almost a year. We got the shots. But we're done with it. We don't wear masks. We go to church and bible studies. We eat out. We go to the city and Costco and Walmart unmasked. Everybody up where we live does. And there are almost no cases still. 

But our poor fear filled daughter is afraid if we visit with the new fake pandemic happening we'll carry the virus. So we are trying to figure out how to handle this one. We want to go see them, our granson's birthday is next month, and we've never missed a birthday even when we had to fly out for them. What a mess. Heated discussions. Angry people.

And this is just what these goddamn Marxists want. People turned against each other. Families divided. Anger. Division. This is all part of the plan. Always was.

She is angry that people aren't taking this seriously as she does, not masking and such. And she says the people she knows are, and they're all really angry that other people aren't, and believes it's Trump supporters primarily doing it. But then we see this:

Obama's birthday party. Hundreds of celebrities cheek to cheek, dancing, drinking and eating. No masks. No social distancing. So. The question begs. Is it safe or not?

Or this:

Lolapalooza in Chicago. Some 30 thousand people gather. But they're young hip folks, so it's OK. No masks. No distancing.

I guess my point is the same people who are spreading fear  and demanding we obey the rules make exceptions for some people, Probably based on how they typically vote.

So let's just get real here. It's all bullshit. It's over. Don't call one group murderers because they don't wear masks and ignore another group when they don't. It's all political. It's all happening to advance the destruction of America. Don't buy it. It's all driven by Marxist democrat/communists reaching for more and more power.

And finally, we have resolved our visits. We've agreed before we go down to see the grandson, we'll mask up if we go anywhere and we'll take tests. You can buy home tests now and have the results in 15 minutes. Does it chaff my ass a little? Yup. But my grandson is worth it. He doesn't know anything about all this nonsense. He just wants to see Nan and Pop. And we'll do what it takes. That's what we do, right?


  1. Hummm! I better stay out of family affairs, some times my comments can over load my brain. But I Hear You my friend...

  2. I guess I'm fortunate that pretty much my entire family is on the same page.

    Evidently our bullshit detectors are all in sync.

    It's a different story on my side of the family though.

    There's a lot of the exact same things you talked about going on.

    Lots of anger, heated arguments, going on with them.

    Be well my friend and just keep doing what you gotta do...

  3. And Sarge, just so you know pretty much every penny will eventually be put in the gas tank. Thank you...

  4. Well for me our Gutter Helmet and a spray on new roof for the 4 season room should finally get started next week, been waiting most of the summer for roof materials to get in, sure would have been nice during the heat, but will help in the winter bills. SSAH family is always first even adopted families. :):)

  5. Funny you posted this when you did, Safe.
    People really need to "stay in their lane" in society. Where was all the concern for Influenza each and every year? This about division using social credit, not some chicom cold.

    Alot of butt hurt and crying involving those that went to the Garth Brooks show last night. Lmao😭

    KDHE recommended quarantine for those unvaccinated.🙄
    I see the fights in the socials today already. Work place drama will go down in some places tommorow. More Karens and gaslighting than you can shake a stick at
    ... Lol

    Not for me. Nobody cares or sees me in my career, if I'm doing things right.

    No jab, no mask for me. For friends and to be able to function as civilian, I certainly wear them quietly. But I've also seen how quietly they have kept some young friends of mine's adverse vax reaction quiet.

    How about we all shut our mouths as society, protect those vulnerable around us, wear a mask if you feel like it, vax if you feel like it, and move on. Stop making those around you targets for your fear and hate to lash out on, for a differing perspective. Stop the spread of the virus AND division. When Karens are ignored, it'll be over. Not till then folks. Commies got the Midwest soccer moms in their side, for now.

  6. Agree with Sarge. Well said, Hammer. I got the jab because that's the only way we were going to get to see our daughter and grandson. But I fully respect and support those who don't get it. This is America, at least for now, and that's a choice every individual should make.

    I have a friend at church who is a Physical Therapist at a large hospital in Bakersfield. He has not gotten the jab, although they have now issued the mandate. Get it by Sept 30 or you can't work. So he will get it, he has a family to support. But he said he has worked with Covid patients for two years now without catching it. He trusts God and the body God made for him to protect him.

    Where I live there's no argument from anybody. Nobody wears masks now. Maybe 5% of the population, if that. Restaurants stayed open even during the lockdown. They took precautions, but they were open. And people kept their jobs. There were hardly any cases here. Our little hospital was never filled.

    A recent poll said 20% of people have lost friends over covid hostilities. I'm sure it's more than that. And families divided.

    This is all part of the Marxist plan. One of the ten platforms of their manifesto is the destruction of the nuclear family. Americans have always turned first to their families. Americans sacrifice and do whatever they have to for their families, to keep them safe and provided for. But fewer and fewer do. We have a generation of blacks now who come from broken homes, with no fathers guiding those young men. That's why violence is rampant among them. Destruction of the nuclear family, a goal of Marxists that is working pretty well. Those of us who will do whatever it takes are fewer and fewer. Now it's pretty well accepted to abandon your family and even leave the country to avoid supporting them, in the most extreme cases by the shittiest of people.

    But we'll keep plugging. I believe, and many medical people believe this surge won't last a month. And when it's over, hopefully more people will realize these people are lying to them for nefarious purposes.

  7. Another mass murder in Chicago. 72 shot, 11 killed. What's that called? An average weekend in Chicago.

  8. Lyin biden demands we all get the jab. Want's business to fire people that don't. Meanwhile he's letting tens of thousands of illegal aliens walk into our country, even flying them all over to distribute the misery.

    And we now know that 1/5 of them are covid positive.

    So just when the covid is actually slowing down, he restocks the country with infected illegals. Almost like they really don't want the plague over, isn't it?

  9. Listened to a little of lyin biden's last speech. He outright lied multiple times, but one was especially bad.

    He said he doubled the child tax credit so he could send all the checks to people. That was a lie. The child tax credit was doubled by the Trump tax cuts. You know, the ones the demcoms claim didn't benefit anybody except the wealty.

    And those checks are just advance payments on the big refund they always get when they file their taxes. They are going to be really pissed when they file taxes and don't get the big check and find out that's what they got already. Watch for that shit to hit the fan.

  10. Once again, Fauci the commie doctor complains about the Sturgis rally. Super spreader he sez. But not a peep about the Marxist from Kenya's birthday party. Or the Lolapalooza with 30 thousand hippies gathered shoulder to shoulder.

    Like I said. It's all about who you vote for. Apparently covid can tell your political leanings, and if you are a democrat/communist it skips you.

    And they seriously wonder why we don't believe any of the nonsensical bullshit they spew.

  11. For people to know that bolder they had removed saying it was racist at the Wisconsin college was really a Oklahoma Sex Stone..

    For those that don't know what a Oklahoma Sex stone is....... It is a fucking Rock..Good Grief.

  12. Samuel Adams, known as the father of the American Revolution, once said, "If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin."

    The need is great. We the people no longer control the government. The government has become corporatist. Corporations and special interest groups that provide the campaign funds are who control our elected elites. That is why you saw such hubris on the part of the elites in pushing through the stimulus bills and the new infrastructure bill (it is more of a social and racial wokefrastructure bill).

    The elected class no longer cares what we think because they no longer fear us as much as they fear upsetting their sugar daddies. In order for that to change the people must rise up in sufficient numbers, overcome the lies told during the campaign and make good decisions when we vote.

    Unfortunately, while there are a good many people who are aware of what's going on in our country (particularly Us my dear friends), a great number are unaware of anything beyond "reality" TV, the kabuki theater performed for us by the media, and when their next check will arrive from the government.

    Currently about half of the American people support the other half — 49 percent of Americans pay no income taxes and even before the COVID casedemic, almost that many were on some kind of government-assisted food program. You can't expect any of that number to vote for candidates who do not promise them a handout. BL....

  13. War against each other

    The truth is the rule of law is dead in America. Now we have the rule of man — or government agency. This is a rule of evil because it knows only the moral bounds of those making the rules... and those making the rules are amoral at best, and at worst, immoral.

    Further, government men and their military complex can create serious and divisive issues that can separate families and even set family members against each other. And of course, government always has the issues of race, class and economic warfare at its disposal. Your Congressweasels and Senators are supported by the super-rich, but they legislate in favor of the non-producers at the expense of the producers of the upper-middle class and the savers of the middle class. They never use terms that express what they are doing.

    They address the people with altruistic and collectivist statements. They use "for the greater good" which translates "share your production with the non-producers and the non-producing parasite system." The term "the greater good" is not for the individualist and his pursuit of happiness.

    The vain and aspiring government men have an endless bag of tricks to keep the pot of population boiling over with issues that divide the people against themselves. Witness the subtle economic class war syndrome that implies that the accumulation of wealth makes one somehow dirty.

    As the economy continues to limp along we get mixed signals out of the elites and their minions. "Everything is fine." "We've created or saved millions of jobs." "The economy is on the rebound." "Green shoots." "The pandemic will continue." "We need more stimulus." "Repeal tax cuts." "We need to 'rebuild America' with this latest bill." And so forth. Our government is useless...

  14. How far do you and Linda have to drive daily if you don't mind me asking?

  15. Going back to bed, Meds are taking effect, will be off of these soon, Later my friend be safe to you both...

  16. For now anyway it's just down to the cancer center at 8th and Lane.

    As far as I know we don't have to go to Kansas City for a while...

  17. This is her last week of daily chemo then we have 3 more weeks of radiation treatments.

    And after that, well, we'll find out where we stand...

    1. Good to hear I thought you were going to KC everyday, close to home is a good thing, I am sure Linda will be glad to get off the Chemo, wishing the best for both of you as always...

  18. She wanted me to be sure to tell you she said good morning and to thank you for always being a friend...

  19. Back to ya Linda I will always remember how you and your family treated Me and my Grandson, really meant a lot to this old guy, and I never forget!

  20. Sitting here reading these comments has me thinking about how we all got here. Just a few years ago none of us had really never met any one who is and was posting on here or the CJ urinal. And as we all went along reaching out to one another it becomes pretty apparent that we all had some of the same idea's. Besides being conservative the one thing that really stands out is how all of us being from all different life styles and walks we are people who care about each other. This seen here over and over. We will never see a group of different walks like this being Libtards. It seems to amaze me some times as I remember how and when I met other members. When me and Sargerjr got kicked of CJ . When I met Hammer. And how Kevin got to met Dan and Sara. These are some things that no matter what will be remembered. We all have destiny and a walk in life to fulfill. And being here and caring about our little group will help makes us all to make our walk thru life easier.

  21. Agree, Skippy. Meeting all the folks I have shared these blogs with are some of my fondest memories. Now I only see them here, since I live in this hellhole of California. But it feels like I live right next door.

    People sharing their stories like Kevin and Linda and what they are dealing with means a lot. We grow closer when we share our lives as well as our political opinions.

    I think most of us got kicked off the CJ Urinal at one time or the other. I was Safe at Home until I had to come back as Still Safe at Home. They weren't too bright at figuring out who we were, so most of us had multiple lives there.

    I did enjoy beating the crap out of some of those commie bastards on there. The guy who was a janitor at the Docking building. I used to thrash him on a regular basis. Miss those days. But they used to be a little entertaining sometimes. Now all we have are trolls who post filthy nasty things that nobody should or will ever read. Too bad, I miss the fun of dicing it up with the commies.

    But I always feel like I have friends back home. That's why I read every comment and post blogs and comments here. Where I live we are pretty isolated so it's nothing like Kansas.

  22. From John Nolte by way of Instapundit:

    Barry’s 60th Birthday Bash Was an Appropriate Fuck You to Joe Biden.

    “This might actually be the first time Barry has done something positive for a country he hates and for the people of this country, who he hates even more. Honestly, if you think about it, the Obamas sent a great message to America… If you’re vaccinated, this pandemic is over. Don’t listen to the fear merchants. Don’t listen to Joe Biden. Go and live your life. Anyway, from the looks of it, the most toxic thing at Obama’s 60th birthday bash was Chrissy Teigen.”

  23. Turncoat traitorous Republicans are about to pass the fake infrastructure bill so the democrat/communists can spend us into bankruptcy and further destroy the economy.

    The demcoms have another massive spending bill waiting that they will pass using reconciliation, requiring no Republican votes and not subject to the filibuster. The bill they are about to pass has a section that leaves open the option to add more spending as they want, including the $3.5 trillion spending bill. Without even a vote.

    The only hope the Republicans had of stopping this was to block the first bill. But they caved. They are more afraid of the democrat/communists than they are of the people who elected them to represent them in the Senate.

    Just proves that the two parties aren't that different. One if filled with communists, the other filled with cowards. Neither one if working for us.

  24. The prosecutors in the Jan 6 fake insurrection trails has released a statement admitting that they have evidence that Capital Police officers let the protesters in, hugging and fist bumping them. Moving the obstacles so they could enter. So they are admitting what the protestors claimed all along. They were invited in.

    This whole thing is a political action, start to finish. Gives them talking points they should be ashamed of. Lies to tell. Commie dreams come true.

    Also proves the sad sack officers who testified at the phony hearing were democrat/communist activists, placed there to sell the narrative instead of the truth.

    And remember always, the only person shot and murdered that day was an unarmed peaceful protestor, who we now know was invited in only to be shot in the back by a planted commie probably put there to do just that. Her name was Ashli Babbitt.

  25. California is on fire. We are getting the smoke from the Dixie fire, the largest fire in California history. It's way up north from us, but the mountains and the wind currents carry the smoke all the way down here. We can't even see the mountains. It's a bad one.

    The soon to be ex governor visited the fire site, which is a joke since he is to blame for much of this along with the democrat/communists who run this state. They stopped logging, brush clearing, clearing dead timber which goes a long way to preventing these super fires. Wildlife over human life, that's their motto.

    Remember when Trump talked about going back to "raking the forests" in California? The commies and the media laughed at him. He thinks you take a rake and rake up leaves they said. Dipshits, all of them.

    Talk to loggers or firefighters here and they will tell you he was absolutely correct. They used to use bulldozers equipped with shovels to clear dead underbrush and lesson fuel for fires. Was very effective. And the practice was called raking. Trump, as usual was correct. They don't do it now because it "disturbs the habitat for wildlife". But apparently wildfires sweeping through destroying everything in their path don't? Stupid people, these commies.

    1. Some of that smoke has reached Kansas SSAH according to the News and my Son Nose Lol he says he could smell it. Do mind keeping it there, Oh don't let that fire get close to you and yours,...

  26. Cuomo, say he is resigning in 14 days, why not this week? Creep.

    1. Thats so they can stack the offices they want to control before he leaves. Just another BS lie.

  27. I've been say things about this for months…

    In March 2020, I seen a scheme hatched by Nancy Pelosi and her colleagues in the government to take the cash out of your wallet…

    And replace it with a digital currency. Be a wear of that shit...

    According to my reading, one of Biden's top priorities could forever change our financial system, and completely alter the way we spend, borrow, save, and invest. You can bet if it comes from Dem's it is to screw us...

    I'm convinced millions of Americans will be completely blindsided by the events to come…

    But others will see what's about to happen beforehand and reap incredible rewards.

    I can see exactly what Is coming… at least I think so.

    And what it means for your cash.

    If you have money in any kind of U.S. bank account... business contract… or even cash in your mattress…Lol

    It's your best chance to prepare. maybe look into other places to stash your cash like maybe in Silver or Gold if you can afford that, silver is a lot easier. In case this is a good place to learn on investing in Silver or Gold, this is in my opinion only, hahah and that my friends in mostly is worth ????

  28. United States Gold Bureau. com, Lol I forgot to put that in....

  29. Forbes recently commissioned an independent study…

    And quickly saw through President Biden’s lies.

    He’s not fighting for American workers or those on a fixed income.

    In fact, he wants to pull the rug out from under you…

    And end tax benefits for folks with IRA and 401(k) accounts.

    If you have retirement savings you cannot afford to lose…

    Then you should pay close attention …

    Because the implications here are catastrophic.

    You see, Biden wants to raise $3.3 TRILLION in new taxes…

    And he’s gunning for your retirement accounts to help him do just that.

    And this is not the first time he’s found new ways to tax retirees.

    After all, Social Security wasn’t taxable until he voted for a 50% tax…

    And his vote was instrumental in ramrodding retirees with an even higher 85% tax…

    Plus he’s recently committed himself to “radical wealth redistribution”.

    Already, Dems are rushing his massive tax hikes through Congress while they still have a majority…

    Which is why most Americans who are retired or about to retire feel helpless…

    Because they know President Biden will force them to foot the bill.

    Now, if your IRA, 401(k) of Pension Savings took a hit during the 2008-2010 crisis…

    Then you better cinch your belt real tight, because experts predict a “financial haircut” unlike any other.

    Frankly, it makes my teeth grind…

    But here’s the good news…

    You DON’T have to sit back and let the IRS ravage your hard-won nest egg.

    You can fight back right now BEFORE Biden has his way…

    And before the US Dollar collapses from this socialist frenzy. Read all you can like...==> Request Your FREE, 25-PAGE WEALTH PROTECTION GUIDE – It Reveals A LEGAL IRS-PROOF LOOPHOLE That Could Protect Your IRA, 401(K) & Pension Savings. (It’s Also Tax & Penalty FREE).
    Many other free materials out there.

  30. With any luck, Newsome hopefully will get booted from the Governor's office i Cali! From what I am hearing, Larry Elder, black Conservative and Trump supporter, has a real shot at taking the Governor's office. I think he would truly bring back some sanity to California but.....Newsome has a lot of deep pocket Liberal supporters, which will probably give him all the money he wants to try to keep his post! God willing, Elder just may be Cali's next Governor!

  31. Interesting development. Hospitals are actually having a significant rise in children being admitted. And the media and the demcoms would have you believe that it is due to the chinese flu. Not true.

    The issue is RSV, or Respiratory syncytial virus which is a fairly common respiratory infection young childrn and infants get. But because of all the masking and lockdowns all winter, children weren't exposed to the RSV virus in normal amounts, which stimulates their bodies to produce natural defenses and normally keeps most cases mild. One more reason masking children is actually detrimental. Children are growing and producing their own immunities, but they need to be exposed.

    The RSV virus normally happens over the winter, spread out over several months. But because of the masking and lockdowns and isolating children, we are getting the normal load of RSV all at once, and more severe.

    So you won't hear the lying media or the demcoms tell you the truth about this. They'll keep repeating the narrative that the hospitals are filling up with children with the chinese flu. It's a lie, but that's what they do. So...

  32. Up a little early aren't you Kevin?

  33. Sorry Sarge. We were just up for another round of meds then back to sleep...

    1. I hear you, thats what I was doing up, I will be off them next Tuesday, I am feeling 100% better than last year, no cane to help me around, back to doing most of the things I couldn't do last year... Hoping Linda is doing better or showing some improvement...

  34. Good morning Sarge, Kevin, SSAH, and all others! Crazy days at work! Been dealing with a loony-bird most of the week! Liberal and Loony, which is just normal I guess, but Liberal, Loony, and a little Psycho, puts some excitement in an otherwise dull and boring job! Must be what Joe Biden feels like on a daily basis! Have a great day everyone!

  35. Also decided to quit smoking after more than 50 years doing it. Using a patch and zero nicotine vape (like a pacifier! LOL!). Seems to be working fine. No cheating and on day 10 today! Would be nice if I could kick it but then what do I have left for bad habits? Any suggestions??

    1. I have been off smokes for 28 years, the Day My Grandson was born, It is really Mind over Matter Gary, Just take a look at one of those little smokes and say am It going to control me or is my brain tougher, party is over... Oh and a few extra beers and lots of lemon drops hard candy helps also. Lol

    2. I've been using cucumber slices Sarge! :)

    3. Lol soak them in vinegar salt and pepper, I could live on them...What ever works good Luck!!!

  36. Actually Sarge, she's getting a little stronger every day.

    The pain is at a minimum. Her throat has healed so she's able to eat again. And she's even put on a couple lbs which she desperately needs.

    Don't want to get ahead of things but for the first time I'm starting to feel a little hopeful...

    1. Good Grief that is great to hear, little at a time is better than nothing, I got a big grin on my face just reading your comment, great news.. No let up on praying room 235...

  37. Wow,thats a great update and a nice break from a crazy day, Kevin. Thanks for sharing!
    Keep up the good work Kevin. Continue doing what it takes. Family over everything.

  38. Some of the 82nd deploying to afghanny.

  39. And then they just keep on screwing over these poor people. No wonder half of the world doesnt trust the USA.

    1. Hell Skipper half of this country doesn't trust thus Government why would they...?

  40. If we didn't have civilians running the show we would have the shit over with in a hurry. You can't have store clerks with zip training running our Military just because asshole elected them to office.

  41. Good raining morning to room 235...

  42. What are the horrible feelings of the families who previously lost their loved-one in Afghanistan? It was, and still is, a sacrifice of blood, and for what exactly? I think the definition of ANY armed conflict or action needs to have a valid reason for going in, a final accomplishment plan, and a plan for exit for both the military people and the equipment. Otherwise, we will always be responsible for countries we have no business being involved in!

    1. Good Grief, that would be using common sense...Are you a half a bubble off? Lol

    2. I think I am 3 bricks short of a full load Sarge! My elevator does not go to the top!, The lights are on but nobody is home!, and Yes, I'm also a half a bubble off!! And no relief in sight for this poor, confused American!!

  43. Common sense in a world that believes a man is a woman and a woman is a man?

    Sorry Sarge, that common sense left us a long time ago...

  44. Here's a plan. Don't play politics with a war. Kill them all. Every last turban wearing taliban there. Let loose the dogs of war and win the fight. If you want to win. Otherwise, don't go in.

    Politicians running our wars have hurt us for years. Lincoln knew it. Truman knew it. The way you win a war is to make the cost to the enemy to continue greater than they can bear. That's why Sherman burnt Atlanta and marched to the sea. That's why Truman nuked the Japanese. Twice.

    If you don't want to really win, don't go. Don't start nothing, won't be nothing. This George Bush nation building bullshit cost us blood and treasure. All for nothing. Took the taliban about fifteen minutes to take the country back. People living in caves and stick huts don't want democracy. They just want to live and be left along.

    America can no longer claim the high ground as the example of freedom. We're run by communists. God is persecuted and driven out of the public square. We can't even tell a man from a woman any longer. Marxists are encouraged to run wild in the streets, burning and looting while patriotic protesters are shot in the back and arrested and locked up for months in solitary confinement.

    We've got a war to fight right here on these shores before we need to worry about setting other people free. Until America wakes up and remembers what freedom is, we're not the ones to try to convince anybody else.

  45. Remember this. When the Colonialists from Britain, our ancestors decided they had enough, they fought the greatest military in the world and beat them to win our freedom. We were a Christian nation then, and God provided for us.

    Why do the Afghans not do the same? Why do they let a bunch of radical muslims live among them and rule over them? Because they are godless muslims themselves. There's little difference between the taliban and the average muslim. They're all godless heathens. So they tolerate the excesses because they serve Satan and he likes it just the way it is.

  46. From Instapundit this morning:


    The same people who told you Brexit would never happen, that Trump would never win, that when he did win it was because of Russian collusion but also because of racism, that you must follow lockdowns while they don’t, that masks don’t work, that masks do work, that social justice protests during pandemic lockdowns are a form of “health intervention,” that ransacking African American communities in the name of fighting racism is a “mostly peaceful” form of protest, that poor and underserved children locked out of shuttered schools are “still learning,” that Jussie Smollett was a victim of a hate crime, that men are toxic, that there is an infinite number of genders, that COVID couldn’t have come from a lab until maybe it did, that closing borders is racist until maybe it isn’t, that you shouldn’t take Trump’s vaccine, that you must take the vaccine developed during the Trump administration, that Andrew Cuomo is a great leader, that Andrew Cuomo is a granny killer, that the number of COVID deaths is one thing and then another … are the same people telling you now that the vaccine is safe, that you must take it, and that if you don’t, you will be a second-class citizen.

    Understand vaccine hesitancy now?"

  47. SSAH you just need to let your hair down and just tell it like it is... Wait you did , good Job!!!

  48. Yeah, Sarge. You're probably right. I need to stop holding back and say what I really think. I'm just way too polite.

  49. Looks like the idiot biden got Afghanistan wrong. As usual. That guy has never been right about foreign policy in the hundred years he's been in office. Says it's "highly unlikely" the taliban will take over the whole country. It took them about fifteen minutes. Since he told them exactly what he was going to do, they pretty much had a plan in place.
    Maybe if our military brass spent more time doing military stuff instead of chasing imaginary "white supremacists" in the military and trying to be woke they would be a better military. Our troops are ready to go. Heartbreakers and life takers. But we have a bunch of pussies running the show more worried about queers than our troops. Starting with the Commander in Chief.

    Maybe if our intelligence services had been focused on their jobs instead of spying on Trump and patriotic Americans they would have seen this coming.

    This is a failure at the highest levels.

  50. LOL impeach 46 that should read, My bad...Good Grief

  51. Good morning world good to see you are still here....

  52. My lovely bride say good morning to you as well...

  53. Rant and rambling warning....

    I had a realization this morning, or something. Not sure what to call it. Drove out early and checked in on three areas I run my little yote sets on in the colder months. Just checking in, to see what has changed on me and what I need to plan for.

    Then the thought occurred to me. Stopped me in my tracks. I quietly listened, and scanned 360° around me for what I could see. What I expected to hear I did, and what I thought I would see I saw. It's all there. All of it.

    As hard of a time as I have had with this pandemic, the battles my family has fought to get through it, the economic disaster the world is in, and the financial world really changing around us, I have now realized that the world didn't change on me. It didn't change on us. The world is still right there, right where we left it.

    Pretty serious damaged condition to think the world keeps changing on you, and let the frustration beat you down. And boy, do I feel beat down. For me going forward I'm going to continually remind myself of this truth. The world is fine, it's the human social behavior that is a wreck. The world is no more unmanageable around me than it was ten minutes, months, or years before. Only human perception has changed, not mother nature. She evolves and shifts, but she's the same. It's a foundation I forget. Probably as important as my faith.

    Mother, just had to remind me. Glad I was lucky enough to slow down and get her message.

    Rant and rambling over.... Have a great day peeps. Little cooler out!

  54. Good point, Hammer. The earth, just like God is bigger than any of us imagine. We are just little fly specks on this earth. God created it, then created us. God sustains us, and sustains this earth. To imagine that somehow we can destroy what God created is the height of arrogance, and also heresy of the worst kind.

    Stand fast in your faith, brother. And everyone else as well. We may be surrounded by heretics and false teachers. We may see the world around us filled with people who hate us for our faith and our patriotism. But don't be worried. God is right where he always was. He gave us a little four year break from the slow steady commie takeover with President Donald Trump. But people weren't grateful. They laughed in his face and continued their evil ways. Remember, he said this:

    if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. 2 Chronicles 7:13-14

    Remember, we are not judged for the sins others commit, but for our own. But we stand to suffer from the effects of what these evil people are doing.

    You think God wasn't watching when those Satanic antifa terrorists attacked the church having a worship service in a park, assaulting them, throwing their equipment into the river? He was. And now millions of people have seen the evil in the hearts of those people and those who support them.

    God never promised it would be easy. But stand fast and watch for him to work. It happens all the time. Hammer just had it happen. Sometimes it's in the small quiet voice when you are all alone. Sometimes it's in the big stuff. But it happens every day.

    Hint: I've read the book. We win in the end.

  55. Here's an example. 74 new cases of the chinese flu in Martha's Vineyard since the Marxist from Kenya had his birthday party. The biggest jump since April. Don't hear that from the mainstream media, do you? Nope. he laughed at us rubes, in his arrogance telling us we couldn't do squat about his super spreader event. Meanwhile the same people demanding we mask up all the time were there without masks spreading the virus all over town. Think God doesn't works in small ways sometimes? I say he does.

    I will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins. I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty and will humble the pride of the ruthless. Isaiah 13;11

  56. I'll believe lyin biden wants to stop the spread of the chinese flu when he stops importing infected illegal aliens by the tens of thousands and shipping them all over the country to further spread the plague.

  57. Good Sunday morning room 235...

  58. Never mind good Monday morning...

  59. Good Morning Kevin and Lady Linda, hope your day go's well...

  60. We're told the President is going to speak to the American public in a day or two. Meanwhile, the Taliban held a press conference from the "president's palace" in Kabul. This is absolutely insane. Biden AWOL....

  61. We've all see Joe Biden's July 8th claim that there would be no pictures of helicopters lifting people off the roof of an embassy. It's actually worse than that. There are videos of people falling from the planes leaving the Kabul airport. Biden should resign today, Hell he has already quit doing his job, really never started doing his Job!

  62. The good news is all this insanity from these commie democrats is going to create a tidal wave this next election. The Republicans will win so big even the cheating vote stealing criminals can't steal this one. And when we control the House and Senate, I expect to see an impeachment of Lyin Biden, Cameltoe and Pee-losey. I know we won't, because the Republicans are just about as bad as the commie democrats, but a guy can dream, can't he?

    And hopefully some of these chickenshit Republicans who sold us out will get primaried.

    I think the stage is set for a second TEA party. Things are far worse than they were then. And look what they accomplished. If the Republicans hadn't turned their backs on the TEA party, it could have accomplished much more.

    Time to take our country back from these Marxist tyrants and bring back freedom.

  63. Maybe our intelligence services (and I use the word intelligence only as a title, not an actual description of them) should have been spending less time investigating Tucker Carlson and more time figuring out what the Taliban was up to. Maybe they wouldn't have been so surprised to find out the Taliban had built a well organized, well funded and competent military force with leaders who exceeded the abilities of the woke idiots running ours.

  64. Earthquake in Haiti. I'm sure the Clintons are raising money for Haiti so they can steal it all like they did last time. The last one was very profitable. They made a hundred million or so from the deal. I'm sure they are gearing up the old Clinton Foundation Crime Syndicate to swing into action and generate them a bunch more cash. Haiti has been very good to the Clintons.

  65. I'm just guessing but I bet the flag honoring the LGTBBQ people isn't flying over the former American embassy in Kabul today. Maybe they should have been spending more time preparing for the Taliban takeover than celebrating perversions. There should have been explosive charges to level that place hours after the last American was evacuated.

  66. The White House said that the Taliban need to consider how they want to be seen by the rest of the world. They have. They want to rule the whole world with an islamic califate. They want every woman wearing a burka. They want every Christian dead. They know exactly what they want. And they would drop a bomb on the UN before they would submit to a minute of lectures from them. So sorry joe, you blithering idiot. These are seventh century barbarians. They could care less what the world thinks of them.

    1. Yea, the people that oppress women? Throw fags off rooftops? Mutilate the reproductive organs of little girls? Have a higher rate of inbreeding than any other race of human? The same type of folks that Obama sent pallets of cash too?

      Yep. Like I said, if you have to do this, holes the size of houses in the earth should exist where Haji once stood.

      Otherwise let's stay home and fix what's going on here.

  67. Kabul, wow.

    Hoping when I tuned in I'd see holes the sizes of house in the earth where the known Taliban forces were gathering, and threatening their overtake.
    Nope, didn't see anything like that.

    What I did see, was people running alongside and clinging to planes. I'm hearing not all Americans got out. I see that Biden told those folks to "hide". As embarrassing and disgusting as Benghazi.

    What's on display right now is no different than Saigon. Biden was a senator then.
    What's on display is a demonstration of just how incapable and inept this administration is. Never even showing its face from camp David.

    But yea, be sure and wear your mask folks....

  68. America is now under a system that is nothing less than socialism and corporatism, or a watered-down version of the national socialism of Nazi Germany.

    The lockdowns brought out the jackboots, President Biden is pushing the Chinese Communist "social credit" system where people are denied basic rights and privileges if they hold "wrong" views, and socialist/communist politicians like Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and self-avowed democratic socialists like NY Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are running the country through massive, unprecedented government spending....Time to pick-up arms and keep them handy..

  69. In my life I've seen a Chinese man stand in front of a tank, for freedom. I've seen an Afghan fall to his death clinging to a moving plane, for freedom.

    No liberal can ever tell me how unimportant any aspect of my freedom is. People from around the world are dying to get here, so they can never tell me this is an awful place.

    Karen can go ask the Chinese or Afghan man what pronouns they use, if they are vaxxed, or if BLM. What do you think they will say???

  70. The whole world wants what we have. People living in communist and socialist (same thing) countries hate it there and want what we have. Our Southern border is seeing tens of thousands of people trying to cross. They want what we have. The Soviet Union collapsed because the people found out what Capitalism was like, and they wanted it. People in Cuba are waving American flags trying to get out from under the communist oppression. People in Iran begged us to help them in their revolution, but the Marxist from Kenya let them dangle in the wind and get crushed by their government.

    The only people who don't want it are the democrat/communists who want to see it burnt to the ground. They hate it here so much, they could just leave and go live somewhere where they already have that lifestyle they crave. Waiting in line for bread and such. But no, they want to destroy the greatest nation on earth. That's what communism does. It corrupts. It plays on the worst of human flaws. Greed and envy. Laziness. Desire to control others.

    So screw them, one and all. We got it. We'll keep it. Don't doubt it. If you don't believe it, hide and watch. Cause there's change in the wind. You see it every day. Every time another Mom gets up and tells her school board to kiss her ass. Every time another bunch of angry citizens turn out to express their God given, constitutionally protected right to tell the government to screw themselves. Every time someone says screw your mask mandate and your vaccine mandate and every other mandate you try to impose.

    That's who we are. That's who we have always been, since 1776 when we told the first tyrants we weren't having it. That's still us.

  71. I was at a used bookstore and saw a book Bill Clinton wrote called "Giving". What an appropriate title for him. Cause he'll give it to you, long and hard. Especially if you're a 21 year old intern working in the White House. Or if you're Haiti and he raises a hundred million bucks supposedly for relief for you, but pockets it all himself.

    Giving. I don't think he knows what the word actually means.

  72. But he doesn't send out mean tweets, so there's that. Of course, he has no idea what Twitter is, so that would explain that.

  73. From Twitter:

    In case anyone is wondering how what is happening in Afghanistan is possible… in May of this year, @SecDef Lloyd Austin identified climate change as the #1 issue facing the military. #2 was countering violent extremists in the military. #3 was team work with allies and agencies.


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...