Monday, July 4, 2022

Happy Independence Day...


I know what you're thinking. You're thinking it's about time I got off my lazy ass and posted a new blog.

You're right.

It it.

To say things in my life have changed drastically in the last few months would be an understatement.

My health has gone from doing just fine to shit pretty much in the blink of an eye.

But I'm still plugging away and getting by the best I can, so at least there's that.

Anyway, like always, I have no idea what the future holds for this country of ours. But like my health, to say things have changed drastically in the last few months would be an understatement.

There are those who actively trying to destroy it that for some reason or another are being held up as heroes.

And on the other side (my side) trying to salvage what's left of the America we all grew up in who are being portrayed as extremists.

What a damn mess.

Socialism and communism are good.

Capitalism which has raised and lifted more people out of poverty than any system the world has ever seen is bad.

Global warming is gonna kill us all.

Men are suddenly women and now get pregnant.

Men strutting around with their penis hanging out running around middle school lockers rooms is now normal.

Drag queens reading to our kindergarten kid is fine but don't you dare mention God in their presence.

I do believe we3'll be able to slow our destruction down somewhat in November by electing republicans to the House and Senate.

But slowing it down is about all we'll do.

Sooner or later the dam will break.

Evil will eventually prevail.

I've been working toward that eventuality for the last year.

My wife and I have been working on saving our souls.

The day of judgement is coming. That's just a fact.

And when that day comes you'll either be ready for it or you won't.

Just like the culture wars raging through our country today I've chosen which side I'm on.

And when the day comes I'll proudly stand with each and every one of you when we're all called home.

As far as the rest of you, well, you had your chance.

Happy Independence Day, guys...

Kevin McGinty

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