It is Friday and it is your day. Have at it.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Free For All Friday....
Hillary continues her blatant pandering to get black votes by telling whites they need to recognize their privilege. How is that privilege working for the nearly 26 million whites living below the poverty level - more than all of the other races combined. Unfortunately facts don't matter to people like those in the video. They will vote for her and life won't change for them.
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Ah, the "Super predators" just have the power of the media on their side. Therefore, the slant.
ReplyDeletePoverty reaches across all racial demographics in our country. The only differences is how the people act within those social groups. Appalachia and urban Chicago certainly show us the behavioral differences, especially in violent tendencies. But regardless, poor is poor.
The poor black vote may be easy to grasp by claiming rampant "white ptiviloge" is killing them, and self inflicted social (inter racial) violence isn't a problem at all. Blame the white guy, and profit from it in votes. Hillary takes this approach. Probably doesn't hurt that the poor aren't necessarily the most informed. And in this case, the poor we refer to can't even realize they are killing themselves. Then double down and vote for the party the certainly will perpetuate their oppression through ghettos, section eight, self confidence killing austerity that breaks the will to provide for one's self.
Hillary wants the gibsmedat dindu.
And they eat it up.
Hook, line and sinker....
Another thought, since I never get to be on the front end of most blogs on Friday.
ReplyDeleteIf people cared as much for our country as they do about "prince" dying, we would be in much better place.
Yhep Your right on. Strange how he wasnt even cold yet and they were having all his history on tv. Wonder if the media has a open book on every one/ Just so they can get the first spot on the air after some other so called i con splits. Want to bet Obamma lowers the flag for him? Another black life ?
DeleteAnd these Hillary dillary dock dorks are about as sickening as the flu. I bet ole TV Kid on CJ was waiting up all night for that blog. Another puke for Hillary. It will be fun to watch Hillary keeping her mouth shut ,after Trump starts unloading what he knows about her and Billy bob. And watching her squirm in her depends when the FBI starts taking down her little circle of rats. Let the squealing start.
Well good morning, and why would the poor try to better themselves if they are given everything free well except any dignity and sometimes more than some of the people that hold down two jobs. The democrats have them caged like animals and have for many years.
ReplyDeleteGood morning.
ReplyDeleteNunya here!
I see Obama, hisownself, made a heartfelt statement about Prince.
So...I wondered. Other great performers...every bit as visonary and talented as Prince have died recently.
So...I looked up what touching things he had to say about David Bowie. Zilch. Nada. "White house spokesman says" was all I found.
Merle Haggard? (Of whom Obama sat near during a Lincoln Center Honors a few years back when Merle was honored)? Zilch. Nada. "White house spokesman says" was all I found.
Obama DID give a nice statement about B.B. King (who deserves all the the nice statements he gets).
Looked at a few others.
Hmmm...I'm starting to sense a pattern, here.
Wonder what that means? (Seems kinda like the whole 'white-kills-black=uproar/black-kills-white=crickets thing from him and his cronies...doesn't it?)
What can we deduce from that?
Oh...and speaking of Haggard, apparently referring to Obama and the leftiosts and the state of America these days...just before he died? He had this to say:
“In 1960, when I came out of prison as an ex-convict, I had more freedom under parolee supervision than there’s available to an average citizen in America right now,” Haggard once said in an interview, according to The Political Insider."
Time for work! Lots of lazy people to feed, y'know! (My necessities will just have to wait.) Which reminds me! Hiya gimmegimmejjimmiestarfish!
Have a good day!
Who is this Prance fella and why is he all over the news? Apparently he was some kind of a singer of songs. Looks like another DOA drug overdose to me. And he warrants a shout out from Iman Obama?
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, the great Merle Haggard passed after a long career of writing and singing songs that spoke to the heart of every working man and woman in America. Guess that's probably why he didn't warrant a shout out from the occupier of the white house. The working class folks like you and me aren't exactly his main interest, now are we?
This Prance guy must have appealed to the lefties and the gibbmedats. So he's a spokesman for obama and his people.
Merle spoke for us. And remember, we're the "enemies" who need to be "punished".
"Hey hey a workin man, a workin man like me.
I ain't never been on welfare
And that's one place I won't be.
Cause I'll be workin.
Long as my two hands are fit to use.
I'll drink my beer on the weekends
And cry a little bit of these workin man blues."
Merle Haggard.
Merle spoke for you when he sang:
DeleteAnd I turned 21 in prison,
Doing life without parole,
No one could steer me right,
But mama tried, mama tried...
If your mama could read some of the thing you say, coot, she'd say, "Put that old fart back in the slammer."
Message for Pike. If some one wants to point him over here. Me or Hammer can help you with your gun ?? As for the mini 14 I would steer away. Feel free to ask if you need more info.
ReplyDeleteYa know, I'm jest no so sure I'd go to you askin' fer gun advice, Jimmie...
DeleteWell hand job, I guess you're one to talk. You would certainly know all about prison, wouldn't you? A disgraced disbarred ex con lawyer who left his client destitute when he stole his money.
ReplyDeleteYou're the one who has the shame of your crimes to live with. So I guess it takes some nerve for you to talk like that.
I's say you didn't learn much from your punishment, did you?
An unrepentant criminal. That's a sad thing.
Now go away and find some old man's pocket to pick.
Hey skip, I here ya. I was never a fan of the mini 14. But I will say that today's is much improved of yester year. I know of one guy that owns one. It is semi accurate, but it's a bull, so it's heavy. Personally I've never been a fan of that action, but to each their own. The mini is less modular, adaptable, and versatile than the armalite. But hell, there are those that aren't fans of those, right?
ReplyDeleteI would never encourage someone to impulse purchase, based on something looking cool. That's a bad recipe. But hey, anything can be of value if you are comfortable and be proficient with it. As we all know, the best weapon is worthless if you can't use it. Might as well be throwing rocks as they do in the middle east, ya know.
I think Pike might have several other black rifles, so I wouldn't dissuade him from acquiring a mini 14. I just hope he knows what he is getting. It's not an AR or AK.
And for the record, I would certainly respect your opinion when it comes to firearms. After chatting with you and a little correspondence, I gather you are extremely knowledgeable. And helluva lot more than the ol kid hammertime.
Well Gee Whiz Hammer. Thank You but it is something that you will be good at and I am not a expert but I have been around once or twice.
ReplyDeleteI have a older mini with a under folder stock style that isnt made any more. It does look like the one in the TV show and that is the only reason I have it. They just arent know for being accurate but with work some people say thy will shoot in fair groups at 100. I dont know Pike's history so it is hard as you would agree. They are not that cheap as compared to a AR. A good AR can be bought for around 550-600 S&W or Ruger and even some cheaper ones. I have a Del Ton that I got for new 465. And most Mini's will go for almost that used. So it like 6 of this and 6 of that. For serious range work I shoot a Savage in 308 and 223 heavy barrel stainless on one. Once you start putting little three shot groups together that are not as wide as the bullet is long, it makes semi auto rifles look pretty bad. And my hog gun is a 308 AR unless I am just sitting and waiting for one then I go with a bolt 308 savage. So Pike needs to let us know and then do a bunch of research on what he likes.
My remy 700 sps 308 actually gave me the confidence to belive in my subpar abilities. It will make anyone look good. It also demonstrated for the first time how cheap ammo can make you look silly. And taught me my first lessons in bullet weight,amd having a decent scope. I'm not military so I learned by putting things down range. My first rifle, other than grandpa's 308, was a 7.5 Swiss, straight pull(or whatever you call it). Older version, still has bakolite on bolt handle. But shooting that for awhile is punishing. Hurt ya, bad. Made me not want to shoot. Hard to believe it defended people in the European theater. Poor bastards.
DeleteMaybe it's just me but isn't it a little weird that a singer like Prince dies and the first thing they do is perform an autopsy and launch an investigation but when Supreme Court Justice Scalia dies and no autopsy, no investigation, no nothing...
ReplyDeleteWeird, huh?
Kevin it is w Weird world out here, Hell obama is still walking around. Weird, Huh?
ReplyDeleteHey Kevin, no weirder than libs putting a gun carrying Republican on the twenty,
ReplyDeleteBoth good points...
ReplyDeleteI talked to Thomas Lessman a little while ago about the Summit.
ReplyDeleteEverything is good to go on their end...
Won't be long now...
ReplyDeleteGood morning. Nunya here.
ReplyDeleteI see ol' Loosey is doing her usual posting about things of which she is completely ignorant, in her Franklin Graham hit-piece.
Rikki called her on it: "...your reference to the Reverend Billy Graham is as though he passed away, he's only retired and still very much alive."
To which Loosey replied: "I didn't check because I thought I had heard he'd passed away. Mea culpa".
To which I just had to point out the obvious:
"I didn't check because..." researching facts and truthful information is time-consumimg, and gets in the way of ideological leftist propaganda when regurgitating false liberal talking points, anyway...and 'facts'?
What difference, at this point, does it make?
Caveat emptor.
I really hate giving Loosey more posts...but sometimes...just can't resist. Probably won't stay up long, anyway. Some pansified liberal a-ho over there will surely find some kind of problem with it.
Thanks Nunya for the mention. She did remove her reference to him being passed away.
ReplyDeleteI gave your post on cj a thumbs up.
Funny thing is if you actually pay attention to Billy Graham he has said some pretty strong stuff about the moral decline of America and more specifically about the ungodly left and their role as the primary instrument of Satan in it.
ReplyDeleteIllucid Lucy just craps this stuff out. She has no idea who Billy and Franklin Graham are and what they believe. I suspect she is growing senile as in her imagining she is writing screenplays. She's living in Willy Wonka's world of pure imagination.
SSAH, Nah she is just a liberal without a brain, commonly called the walking dead. That why her and Batshit hit it off together, Good grief what a sight that must be.
ReplyDeleteDam it Remind me to never read a comment from lunatic Lucy and Batt Shit before my morning trip to the little boys room. I just about lost all my breakfast and coffee over him slobbering on Lucy. Reminded me of a ole dog I had once. Nice dog, good dog, but just like to slobber all over you. You know those kind of big wet slobs you expected from that girl and oh well you know.
ReplyDeleteSkippey, question are you sticking around longer at the summit this year?
ReplyDeleteI hope so. It is my plans but I have somethings and some one that may put my attendance on hold. I will just have to take it a week at a time for now. I may not know for sure for two or three weeks. I will fill you in when I find out for sure what is coming down.
DeleteWow. Blue just shock and awed me on CJ. His 11:46 post was the first time I could honestly agree with any reservation. I cannot agree more with cj turning into Mr Rodgers neighborhood, and batshit being a child. I saw something I thought I would never see.
ReplyDeleteA liberal that dislikes safe space at cj. Good for him, sincerely.
His post was sorta brief, and I'm sure the next won't be. I enjoyed the change.
And batshit, take note of it. Even someone on your side doesn't appreciate you.
Screenshot it, and stick it up your keester ol boy.....
Dang. Blue just handed buttstash a good old fashioned pimp slapping. Well done, blue. Couldn't agree more.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll give old blue another chance. We agree on almost nothing, but he's certainly no whiny chickenshit cowardly sneaky little troll like the buttstasher.
Hey BS. That's how a man handles things.
So suddenly the most hardcore leftie on the site carries more weight and respect than the resident troll.
Buttstash is so low he has to reach up to touch bottom.
This new online editor at the urinal doesn't sound like someone who would tolerate trolls. Unless he was lying about everything he said. Which is possible.
I sent him an email explaining how things were working now. We exchanged a couple of emails. Let's see what happens from here.
well, I just sent a strongly worded flag post to cj.... on one of bat's comments. 10 to 1, the mods will do what they're known for....ignore complaints on bat.... but it felt good to unload on the mods.
really enjoying how kalaks is giving bat an online counseling session.... kudos to kalaks.
Hey KTT. Bring William along to the summit. Then if you could just get bat and ol Bill together it would be great. They could be miserable together. LMAO!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great tip, it really works. I'll bet Krylon loves this plug. How to get rid of ants. . .
My buddy from Atlanta, Georgia swears this works. Go to Home Depot or Wal-mart and buy a can of black spray paint. The brand pictured works great.
Stir up each ant mound as you go and the area around them with a stick. The ants will emerge by the hundreds to defend the mounds.
Spray each mound and the surrounding area, making sure you get plenty of paint on the ants as well.
Once the ants realize they live in a black neighborhood, they quit working and start killing each other. Those remaining leave and go to the nearest poll to vote Democratic.
Sarge that's just cold. But what if they all go on welfare? Cost us a fortune. And obama will sign them all up. Plus they all get free phones.
ReplyDeleteYup SSAH that does suck doesn't it, almost as much as Batshit.
ReplyDeleteI hope you guys don't chase BatShit away :-) He has turned himself into comedy gold.
ReplyDeleteHe reminds me of the Stuart Smalley character from old Saturday Night Live: "I deserve good things, I am entitled to my share of happiness. I refuse to beat myself up. I am an attractive person. I am fun to be with... I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!"
Signed Roger Ramjet...
ReplyDeleteHowdy y'all! Nunya here! FINALLY..a beer! (long hard day...y'know...working. sssshhh don't use the term 'work" over at the bad as 'anchor babies' to them!)
ReplyDeleteANY-freakin-hoo...just saw Batshit's ignorant, glowing tribute to Loosey's admitted lies over there...and just kinda had to say something.
Well...since I'm pretty sure the prissy little princess will get offended and instruct the wicked, evil liberal broom-hilda blog moderator to nuke it over there...lucky for YOU..I copied it!
Here 'tis:
Lemme get this straight...
Lucinda viciously attacks Franklin Graham in a blog, in which she outwardly admits she didn't research her "hero" (of whom was so much of a hero she thought he was dead)...people call her on her blatant lack of factual information and lack of 'facts' (which is most of her uninformed blogs...proven)...and the unofficial-official moderator 'celebtates' the blatant untruths and misinformation, blatantly attacks the people pointing out the truth that Lucinda NEVER researches anything (which is blatantly obvious if you bring up any past blogs)..and the people who are simply pointing out this SOCIAL INJUSTICE (not to mention, consistent violation of terms of service for false information...but the current liberal moderator (Hi Em!) let's THAT crap fly while banning made up stuff)...the people pointing out the TRUTH are attacking?!
What are you people ingesting to believe THAT?!
Never mind Don't answer that. Liberals ingest any kind of crap that gets set in front of them. As the (more wordly and wise than Lucinda) Forrest Gump said..."Stupid is as stupid does".
This entire blog should be pulled just because of the ignorant-of-the-facts author's right-on this-page admission that she didn't know what hell she was talking about.
But it won't be.
(Hi Em!)
Yeah..well..I'm not long for the world of lying bullshit liberal Urinal blog crap anyway. What day is the 'purge conservatives' day...the day to renew..or you are through? Lemme know...and get on early. I ain't 'renewing'...and when I go...I'm going to try to go out blazing!
Have a good night :) (Hey Bat. Don't even need to say I? Ain't that sad when you know..and you still just...keep earning it?!)
BLOGSPOT UPDATE! From the Topeka Capitol Urinal...Country Club Motel Shooting!
ReplyDeleteWell...I'm getting close, ladies and gents.
Let's all just remember wehat the Urinal is aALL about!
Anyway...the story will be there in the morning. My comments may not be.
BUT...they'll be here!
Well...we got two possible scenarios.
I'll start the speculation. Just for the hell of it. (Ain't that how this goes with y'all?)...and, truthfully...(because...I just don't care anymore on this liberal-biased-moderated and pseudo-moderated site).
Speculation #1. BLM. (Bring on Al and Barack).
Speculation #2. Methheads. (Bring on the liberals against white trash).
That IS Al and Barack...and all the other ignorant liberals that CAUSED all this..through their lax the FIRST FREAKIN' PLACE!
Fuck CJ, their dirty little fingers, crap is king, dirty laundry liberal-lying bullshit.
Dang Where did everybody go? Guess I will go out and do some yard work. Too quite here.
ReplyDeleteSkippy I am here, want a beer, all my yard work was done yesterday 4 house worth. Talk to me my man.
ReplyDeleteSkippey, sit back and relax with a few cold beers and watch the Races. Channel 6
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing how I am in battles head. He is so obsessed with me. First poster on my blog and tries so hard to discredit me. He is so foolish he can't discern tongue in cheek posting from serious posting. In my blog I said Trump needs someone with political experience so anyone with half a brain would know I wasn't serious about Dash. I do like her but she isn't Vap material.
ReplyDeleteOl bat tries way to hard to get me. Scary he spends so much time focused on me.
Lol... I'm sure he has a file at least 6 inches thick on everything you're ever said here and over at that that other website...
ReplyDeleteWhat's wrong Batshit?
ReplyDeleteI couldn't help but notice you lost a bunch of comments tonight.
That's a hell of a way for them to treat their official pretend moderator...
Better screen capture that one.
ReplyDeleteYou never know when it might come in handy...
Nothing more satisfying than the smell of Batshit going up in a poof of smoke on a clear, cool evening...
ReplyDeleteI must say bluestater is slapping the hell out of Batshit, just using common sense, must say I was impressed not that anyone cares to impress me. He is slicing batshit up and bat doesn't even realize it. hahahah
ReplyDeleteBluestater is really putting some good stuff out there - who are you Don Stachione? Too funny.
ReplyDeleteMaingate and Bluestater still have most everything wrong but recent events by both of them have earned my respect.
Ktt I can agree on that, I still wouldn't quite yet turn my back on maingate but I understand where you are coming from. I would like to tell Batshit I don't take down wasps nest, I have taken them taking out by a pro, hehehe
ReplyDeleteThe Washington Times
MONDAY, APRIL 25TH, 2016 6:28 AM EDT
Obama to deploy an additional 250 U.S. troops to Syria to fight ISIS
President Barack Obama on Monday announced the deployment to Syria of an additional 250 U.S. special operations forces to assist local troops who are trying to dislodge Islamic State extremists from their war-torn country, significantly broadening the American presence there. ( I took this off OBF's blog from Iwillnevergiveup).
What happened to Nunya this morning??
ReplyDeleteNews nugget.
ReplyDeleteIwillnevergiveup 04/25/16 - 08:21 am Well the fight is on, I hear
Cruz and Kacey(sic) are teaming up against Trump each telling their supporters to vote for Cruz and vise versa in the states remaining where one or the other is weak because both are out of winning so a broker convention is their only way of stopping Trump, pretty sorry group if you ask me.
Ken, keep on Bat - you're making him squirm...
ReplyDeleteLOL Ole Capt just put Batt Shit down for the count. So ole Batt is a K State boy. And all this time I had him figured for a KU boy..No wonder he try's to hide.
ReplyDeleteLooks like ole Batt Shit is not doing to good. Looks like he is going to melt any second now. He has had Blue, Capt and now Philly put his shit out to dry. I bet his safe space is tight. No doubt he has been burning up the lines to CJ. They are picking on me do something Auntie Emm make them stop. Ha Ha He He Go people
ReplyDeletedon't overlook the other one who threw his posted lies in his face...
DeleteBat's attempts to airbrush history didn't turn out too good, did they? I LOVE how, when he's knocked down in the horse-doo, he gets up calmly and acts like YOU went down in it. Funny how he can't see what that looks like to the audience.
ReplyDeleteHe don't seem too proud of K-State now. I wonder why?
Hi Ken,
ReplyDeleteI agree. I also noticed that he didn't have a slam bang reply to the comment on page 6 - pointing out his transgression.
i.e. how the mods pulled his lying post off of KTT's Prez Trump blog
I guess that K State piece of paper didnt turn out to be as great as he thinks it is. I think he thinks that it is as good as some others. Maybe he's still made because he cant get a job making more money.
ReplyDeleteCapt, it is fun to read all that over on cj I am glad I can't post there anymore or I would get booted for telling that lying son of a bitch what he has been saying for years. But I can say I have not heard anyone complain at the statehouse about him not doing a good job cleaning the urinals. Wonder if that was his major?
ReplyDeleteNaw, probably the crappers, which he is reputed to clean by means of a steam-shovel type maneuver. He just has to open his big mouth really, really wide. Then that raspy tongue can take care of any residue.
ReplyDeleteWorks like a charm.
Trolls just don't do well when met with direct confrontation. They do much better when sniping and ratting to the mods. My feeling is trolls become trolls because they lack any cognitive ability to actually engage in direct debate.
ReplyDeletePoor old buttstasher. First the Bluestater comes along and hands him a good old fashioned ass kicking, disassembling his retorts one by one. Just when his ass stops stinging from that El Capitan comes along and stomps what's left of his ego into little tiny pieces.
So he crawls back under his rock and hides. Probably flagged a dozen posts to no avail. Life as a troll is not easy. Especially a poor one who lacks any self awareness.
You kind of have to wonder how long it will take for the Mods to turn on bat also.... he's losing ground.
ReplyDeleteWell, I had a couple of email exchanges with the new online editor. I decided to email him and express my concern for what has happened there over the last couple of years. His opening statement about himself suggested he was not one who believed in the "safe space" no hurt feeling allowed.
ReplyDeleteI told him my story and let him know I wasn't interesting in that, but in the general tone of his opinion pages. I expressed there was a strong bias, sometimes hidden sometimes not. But that there was a sense that one blogger in particular seemed to hold sway over his moderators and seemed able to delete posts, phases and even posters who disagreed with him.
I left him with the thought that you can't have an opinion page that operates like that, and that the conservative posters were pretty well unified that was the way it is. I told him if you run off the conservatives you don't have much left.
He seemed to listen, and said he was going to look at things. I don't know whether he will or not in all honesty.
I guess we will see. If buttstache seems to lose his rat status and is getting posts pulled, maybe there is change in the wind.
I have a feeling the boycott of a couple of months shook them up more than they would ever admit. I think they say what happens if they let somebody like buttstash set the tone.
For sure they got a clear picture and know they have a choice to make. Either they like it or don't. May just be a coincidence but after you all came back and the blogs sprung back to life a new online editor gets hired. And promises no more chickenshit safe spaces. I suspect your actions has some effect.
Now the question is where do they go from here?
New online editor? I emailed Tomari and got no response. Is she gone?
ReplyDeleteWho is the new person and what is their addy.
I did flag about 4 of bats posts and they got pulled.
KTT, Tomari is still there, but the new guy is going to be working with Eric Smith... his name is Matt Johnson.
oh, sorry KTT.... I forgot everyone there at cj is at
Well he wont be there long enough to do squat. He will either fall in line with auntie Emm or he will be out the door. So if any one is a friend of his you better tell him what happens when you rock their boat.Its been proven way to many times. I will believe it when I see it. Until then I will just consider him one of the pond scums at the urinal. No way Jose.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for Batt Shit How many tmes have we been told that a poster cannot make his posts go away. So we all know that CJ mods lie out their ass. He is either employed by CJ or he has some of the mods in his pocket. Any way he and CJ are all liars in the urinal. Dont hold your breath waiting on some one from CJ to step up.
I'll be making the official announcement for this year's Summit this coming Wednesday.
ReplyDeleteLast year the 3:00 pm start time revolved around when I could get off work.
This year I took the whole week off so I'd have plenty of time to get things ready and it doesn't really matter to me what time we kick it off.
What works for you guys?
What works is for sarge to be ready to greet everyone at the appropriate time. Make sure you, an age the help accordingly, Kevin. Don't need anyone falling out of line.... Lmao
ReplyDeleteHear me sarge?
Mange the help accordingly..... Dam spell check
DeleteLol, Hammer, I will be out there before you even roll out of the sack. :):)
ReplyDeleteOh and my friend Hammer in this case as the last time I will be the first at the party and shake hands with the last one to leave. :):)
ReplyDeleteAnd that's the God's honest truth too...
ReplyDeleteI believe it. Just better not burn the burgers.... Lol..
DeleteI'm giving you a bunch of shit sarge, but I really do look forward to shaking your hand. And absolutely, every member of the 235.
It ain't much, but I got some silhouette paper you might be interested in sarge. Actually, I think everyone might be.
ReplyDeleteAnd you better be able to make the mark. Lol.....
Damm...Sucks that I am going to miss the summit. I will be out of town. I think I will send out an open invite after the summit for a follow-up beer summit at some place like Specs mid summer,
ReplyDeleteNow to buttstash. We need to keep the pressure on CJ. His posts should not be so easily deleted. He either works for CJ or has someone on the inside.
Its no doubt that he is tied into CJ. They know who he is and are covering for him. As I have said there are some lying POS pukes over there. They know it. How far to the top it goes is what we dont know. Maybe clear to the top. BUt its pretty evident that there is a cover up. We know know that he went to K St but did he ever get through? Sounds like he quit. That would explain a lot. So he may also be blackmailing CJ. Using race as his hostage. Which we know he would do. It will end some day for him. Its just a matter of time. I think our Capt may even know him and not realize it.
ReplyDeleteOn his 74th birthday, a man got a gift certificate from his wife. The certificate paid for a visit to a medicine man living on a nearby reservation who was rumored to have a wonderful cure for erectile dysfunction.
After being persuaded, he drove to the reservation, handed his ticket to the medicine man and wondered what he was in for.
The old man handed a potion to him, and with a grip on his shoulder, warned, "This is a powerful medicine. You take only a teaspoonful and then say '1-2-3' "
When you do, you will become more manly than you have ever been in your life and you can perform as long as you want."
The man was encouraged. As he walked away, he turned and asked, "How do I stop the medicine from working?"
"Your partner must say '1-2-3-4,'" he responded, "but when she does, the medicine will not work again until the next full moon."
He was very eager to see if it worked so he went home, showered, shaved, took a spoonful of the medicine and then invited his wife to join him in the bedroom.
When she came in, he took off his clothes and said, "1-2-3!" Immediately, he was the manliest of men.
His wife was excited and began throwing off her clothes and then she asked
"What was the 1-2-3 for?"
And that, boys and girls, is why we should never end our sentences with a preposition, because we could end up with a dangling participle.
Good grief I got up at 4 for that? Look out here I come FOUR
ReplyDeleteSkippy, come on man, it is hard to find good material these days.
ReplyDeleteAre we going to have to get gimmiesumjjimmie to get some new idea's?
DeleteDamm...Sucks that I am going to miss the summit. I will be out of town. I think I will send out an open invite after the summit for a follow-up beer summit at some place like Specs mid summer,
ReplyDeleteNow to buttstash. We need to keep the pressure on CJ. His posts should not be so easily deleted. He either works for CJ or has someone on the inside.
Skippey!!! Good grief!
ReplyDeleteHa Ha Ha
DeleteI just want to use him for a moving target. Hope his girl friend doesnt mind.I bet he could squirm him way out.
ReplyDeleteWell I cant get on any of the blogs. Guess that is one way to get rid of all the conservatives. Pretty bad a newspaper like this stoops that low. We all knew they were the scum of the paper world. Now they have proved it.
ReplyDeleteSkippey don't you have an account with them?, if so all you have to do is update it. Like their email said, Mess around with it.
ReplyDeleteWell skippey I will just have to watch here and refresh my screen more often if this is your only watering hole. it's a nasty job but someone has to do it. :) But you are worth the pain! :)
ReplyDeleteWell I must be the only one. I know you can handle it. That makes me feel better.
ReplyDeleteSkippey. well sooner or later, I will start liking you a little. Lol
ReplyDeleteHey, who brought the garlic over at cj to make Batty leave? OK, OK, perhaps RP or PW brought some Holy Water. At any rate, he seems to have flitted away. And there's no wooden stake for our Batty, you'd need an electron microscope to locate his heart and even then you'd probably miss the sum-bitch.
ReplyDeleteBat got beat up bad by Blue. Then he got multiple posts pulled and then Captain beat him up some more. Several posters openly mocked the mod-wannabe for getting his posts yanked and for getting his butt handed to him in a battle of wits where he was clearly shooting blanks. Oh yeah and then another piece of his personal life was revealed so it is no wonder he is sulking somewhere or in a timeout for his bad behavior
ReplyDeleteOn more weighty matters, he also blew the mods cover. I doubt they're exactly tickled pink by those revelations (which admittedly I was slow to pick up on), but which others caught immediately. If posters can't make their postings go "poof," who did? I assumed that Batty did it, but it looks more and more like there was inside "help."
ReplyDeleteI guess he shouldn't have been haranguing Zorak with "cite it." Because that particular sword had the cutting edge toward HIM.
After the humiliation he's suffered the last few days he's gone back to the hole he lives in to regroup.
ReplyDeleteHe's reading and screen capturing everything we say then filing it away so he can whine about it later...
My, my, my...
ReplyDelete763 page views.
Batshit must be getting all kinds of good information to file away.
What a dipshit he is...
Better capture that one...
ReplyDeleteDamn tornadoes...
ReplyDeleteJust posted a new blog...