Let's see if I have this right.
For weeks now Team Clinton and their minions in the media have been saying there's nothing wrong with Hillary.
Then out of the blue they produced a note from some internet doctor claiming she was healthy as a horse to shut people up.
As her coughing fits became increasingly worse and more frequent people kept talking so her team did as all democrats do and cried RACIST.
Yesterday as she was standing some 20 feet away from Donald Trump at the 9-11 Memorial Service she had yet another medical emergency and collapsed on her way to a waiting van.
Her handlers had to carry her the rest of the way, load her into the van and sped off to her daughter's apartment.
At first Team Clinton claimed she was fine. She just got over-heated.
That's all.
A couple hours later she was out on the sidewalk waving to her adoring minions.
But was it really her?
There's at least one story out there that claims the woman they showed on video was in fact a stunt double.
Anyway the story then evolved into, "she's had pneumonia since Friday and will be just fine and dandy.
Trust us, they said.
Watch today's video and ask yourself if this if the person you want standing up us against those who want to kill us all...
Kevin McGinty
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I'm looking forward to the debates to see how she reacts to Trump throwing hard balls at her. Will she collapse or will she explode?
ReplyDeleteShe's so used to controlling the conversation her head will probably explode.
ReplyDeleteThen of course she'll collapse.
Oh Mash, you're more than welcome to stop by Saturday night if you're interested....
G'mornin' currently working on my 2nd mugs worth of JAVA (giggles). I'm glad that the media caught Hillary in failing health... no doubt the demands of the campaign trail has been exhausting for her - I certainly don't wish ill will upon her but I don't want her in the White House either. 10 to 1.... what would be the odds that she bow out of the race for health reasons.... what if she were faced with an ultimatum proceed with campaigning and meet demise due to pneumonia or bow out of the race and get well? If she bows out.... I wonder who Kaine will pick as a running mate? Sanders?
ReplyDeleteEither way, Trump will still become President. Vote Trump 2016!
I just think she lies even when it would be easier to tell the truth. The question remains. How much lying can the clinton minions absorb before even they say enough is enough. I'm guessing a whole lot more.
ReplyDeleteBut then we're those people she says are "deplorable" so what do we know?
Hey y'all - just saw this latest ad on the New York Times website from Trump utilizing Hillary's bashing Trump supporters...... she may have apologized for that snide remark, but it's going to bite her come election time...
If Hillary won't take care of herself now, she won't be able to get through one term. I find it interesting that so many women in my circle of friends and acquaintances don't want Hillary in the oval office. Several of these women surprise me because they've been such diehard Obama supporters. Most men I know who don't like Hillary think she's a nasty bitch. That seems to be a fairly common belief among the women who don't like her. However, most women I know who are anti-Hillary say they don't like that Hillary believes she deserves, is even owed, the presidency. Many of them also voice concern that Hillary will flush us down the sewer and turn this country into a stinking cesspool.
ReplyDeleteAgreed my anonymous friend.
ReplyDeleteThe real problem is that after 8 years of Obama we're already well on our way...
Just some thoughts here....
ReplyDeleteThe sound you hear in the video, is the last piece of her cold metallic heart hitting the ground...
Or was it the cold dagger she has used over and over to stab the backs of Americans worldwide?
I can't wish bad health on anyone, because karma says I could be next. But people, I think I have blood in my mouth from biting my tongue.
Doesn't it make you feel swell to see someone with pneumonia hugging and mingling with people? I contracted pneumonia at 24, let me tell you it kicked my ass. In bed for a week, and it took a month to recover. 1000 pound weight on my chest, very high fever, Yada, Yada....
Ain't no way she's got pneumonia in my humble opinion. Cool blue sunglasses and fluids doesn't cure it in two hours. I'm very sure about that.
The sun glass thing stood out like a big black eye. She has never worn sun glass's in public before. No doubt there is more than what they are putting out. But ole billy Bob will come to her rescue. Maybe that's where she got this awful strange medical condition? With all those trips to fantasy island.
ReplyDeleteSeems that our internet Dr ole Dim Witt In DC Blue balls said he knows what is wrong with her. And just the other day all the libs on the urinal told us that her medical condition couldn't be determined from watching TV. Guess he is a real internet Dr.
ReplyDeleteHere's the response I got from Sherman by the way. We all know what the situation is, and what we are dealing with. But call me crazy, the wording seemed a little odd pertaining to posting html tags on the blogs.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, here it is my inquiry appears first:
CJ Staff,
Are we now allowed to post images on the blogs? Regardless of html tags, or real images? Just want to clarify, I certainly wouldn't want to break the TOS and respect cj enough to play within the confines of the forum.
Also, do we need to post their origination so as not infringe on copyright, etc...
Thanks for your help on this issue. I think images would be a fun addition, but I as under the impression they were a no-go. I've noticed one poster has a post up with an image, and would certainly like to join in.
Thank you for raising this question with us. Our general policy is not to allow photos, as many tend to be unoriginal, offensive or off-topic. Can you point me to an example where someone else has posted a photo?
Also, as you may have noticed, our current comment system is being phased out in favor of Facebook comments. We may revisit some of these issues at that time.
SHERM THE SPERM You cant believe one word that scum bag says. He has lied over and over. just like he did there. He knows damn well what your talking about. He is a PUKE
ReplyDeleteHammer, did you point him to the actual picture posted considering a bunch of us flagged it?
ReplyDeleteI tried to send this link to Kevin on FB If you go down ill you see the black van picking up Hillary and play it you will see something that hasnt been showed. It appears to me that she was OUT COLD Hope you can see it a I dont know how to get it ant better to see.
DeleteThe picture is still there. OBF 9/9/16 12:38 PM.
ReplyDeleteBut this is the same guy that said they gave me multiple warnings before they booted me which was a lie.
Not that it really matters. All our accounts are gone any day and I'm not going back. No Facebook.
ReplyDeleteIt has been fun kicking buttboy's ass over there. Saying whatever I want. Figure I'm gone anyway so I might as well go out in a ball of fire.
ReplyDeleteI posted the bunker link about a dozen times now.
This was my response to Sherman.
OBF Kevin's blog page four
Battlestache 09/09/16 - 12:38 pm 3 5 Donald Trump not orange?????????????
You tell me!
Note to moderators: This image is linked from cjonline, which I hope addresses copyright concerns. If it's in violation, I apologize and understand if it is removed.
The html tag wont copy to my email. I apologize. I'm at work and not in front of my PC.
Thanks for your reply. I do not support your change to connections with Facebook.
Keep in mind I flagged it too. But my only response was when I emailed Sherman, Tomari, and Emily. I can show ya'll the whole email string Saturday.
In the end, I just thought it was odd that Sherman inquired if anyone else had done it.??? Like I said, call me crazy but I thought the choice of words was a little strange.
You know if you're not going to post on CJ why not take the opportunity to say what you want without fear of being banned?
ReplyDeleteRight on. They just seem to be ignoring everything. I suppose since they're going to wipe it any day why worry?
ReplyDeletePreachers Kid says:
ReplyDeleteI was wondering, would it be worth commenting on CJ in a way that would get me booted about as fast as I can post? Those of us who won't be on CJ because of the Facebook thing could go out, I suppose, in a "blaze of glory".
The ability to be anonymous has allowed me to be honest in my opinions without giving some family members and other acquaintances problems. I do believe some will have jobs and relationships in jeopardy if they post using their real names. I do know someone who, years ago, wrote a letter to the editor of their local paper and came pretty close to losing their job. The topic was completely unrelated to the company, but the owner didn't like his employees calling attention, real or imagined, to the company that might upset clients. Even though Keen Umbehr was able to get SCOTUS to recognize individuals have the right to express opinions without punishment from employers, it still happens and most people don't have the resources to fight back. Government employees are really in a bad position - talk about office politics!
My goodness, I didn't know I could blabber this well at this time of day. I'm going to say it's naptime. Later.
PK the way I see it we always have been a blaze of Glory!
DeleteLoaded up with well wishers...
Looking forward to Saturday - been practicing on my guitar also.
ReplyDeleteKevin - what time does the shin dig begin again?
I'm still posting. Calling like I see it. And linking the bunker sight repeatedly.
ReplyDeleteThat is if my posts are still showing up. When they boot you you still see your posts but nobody else does.
Just put one on Justitia's blog.
SSAH looks like IWNGU just answered you that you are been seen.
ReplyDeleteDamn dumb me I meant being seen.
DeleteKevin looks like Sat will 78-80 sunny.
ReplyDeletecj shot themselves in more than just the foot on this stupid move of theirs but we've known for ages now that Cj don't give a hoot n' holler anyhow.
ReplyDeletePK says:
ReplyDeleteI'm going to use "PK" on here. I don't think Patty will be here as she is busy at Golden Cornell. By the way, did anyone find the address for that place?
Rikki, no they don't care. I don't know that this will hurt their bottom line, but even if it does, I doubt they will do anything to bring it back. I just don't see them admitting they are wrong. Just look at some of the editorials.
you got a point there PK.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to be visiting with you over here.
that little article of Tomari's is turning into a free for all... anyone have popcorn?
ReplyDeleteIf starman doesn't simmer down, he'll pop an artery...
ReplyDeleteNow, I have to admit seeing Starman get punked by Sherman was funny. Just came out and said when he got his abuse warnings... Too good! I'm waiting for OBF or I would if added to the fire. I think OBF will be epic. I could be wrong, but it's just what I sense....
ReplyDeleteI admit I had to giggle at that too.... starman is still going off on Sherman....
ReplyDeletebatty got a public verbal warning out of Sherman..... y'all gotta see it.... on pg 9
ReplyDeleteRikki Page 9 where?
ReplyDeletenothing like public double standard......and they deny their bias... yep and I have ocean front property in Arizona for sale.
ReplyDeleteTomari's article
ReplyDeleteHow did battle just get away with that with Sherman with just a warning? Now, in weird sort of way I thought it was funny. Of course I'll delete this post if I'm ever confronted about me laughing at one of his jokes....
ReplyDeleteHe should of gotten banned on the spot. But, if him and Sherman got something going on(????) no harm no foul.
Funny how that works.
I am referring to the meme he just posted btw. Over on the comments on tomari article.
DeleteGee, guess what. Germany just arrested three people for terrorism involvement. Turns out they were Syrian refugees.
ReplyDeleteWell, how could that be?
DeleteSorry about that, here's the link...
Who is Justitia?
ReplyDeleteSure was alot of truth to what they had to say...
Quite the mess over at CJ. but who knows maybe I will post there again when they require real name. Battlestache is getting his butt handed to him.
ReplyDeleteWell look at what the cats drug in.
ReplyDeleteGood to hear from you Truthteller...
And Hammer, it's deplorable to even repeat such a thing...
ReplyDeleteKTT, damn man welcome back!! Hope you and yours are all well.
ReplyDeleteDoing well. Thanks for asking.
ReplyDeleteHad to comment on the crap going on at CJ. Sherman should his hand when he laughed at BS cat pic. He knows he is MWN and has all along.
Nice to see so many posters call him out.
Sorry to see Lucy won't be blogging. How am I supposed to know what the looney left really beliefs now LOL
Catch you all later. Like I said I may post over there again. Will have to see how it plays out.
KTT do what you got to do, well you always have lol.
ReplyDeleteDon't think I will get my yards cut today.
ReplyDeleteMe neither. Damn the bad luck anyway...
ReplyDeleteWell look at that CJ just Booted me IWNGU Well Good Grief I should have went over to that CJ site, Oh well was going before long any how, Well PK I went out in that blaze of Glory hahahah
Don't anyone bring that up over on CJ would hate for Battshit to get a big head, I will have to use my backup plan, which I always have. hahahahhaha
ReplyDeleteAnd not that it matters anymore but it looks like Mr. Trend Setter aka Battshit was booted as well.
ReplyDeleteSo much for the last man standing bullshit he was so desperately trying to sell...
Haahahaha well that brings back old memories hahahahah Well him and I were sparing yesterday on that cj blog If I am going it is nice that he went also. When is this face book thing going to take place.?
ReplyDeleteWeird, I seem to still be there. Figured I would be gone for sure. Who knows?
ReplyDeleteI guess I will ask my Buddy Unitedwestand to fill in for me Till everyone is gone. Lol
ReplyDeleteLMAO... Adapt, Improvise, and Overcome...
ReplyDeleteAnd since we all spend so much time living rent free in that troll's head I suspect we'll be seeing him around here sooner rather than later.
ReplyDeleteKTT!!!! Awesome to see you ~ hug hug hug hug hug~
ReplyDeleteI was off the computer last night - enjoyed time with the family, made an awesome dinner for them, played some guitar....
Get online this morning to see batty and starman booted..... jumping for joy on that (figuratively speaking).
checked my account - I'm still there. But I'm not going to comment there anymore - I posted my last when I exposed batty for the sick minded stalker that he is.
Kinda figured with how starman was going toe to toe with Sherman yesterday that the inevitable would happen and it did. And I'm more than over joyed to see batty get the boot - serves the jerk right.
This is a good day! Let the "Golden Age" of blogging begin in CELEBRATION..... #ICelebrateBatty'sBooting
Kevin how are we going to handle this sat if bad weather, and don't tell me to bring a umbrella>
ReplyDeleteNot a problem.
ReplyDeleteI've adapted, improvised, and will overcome if need be.
You've taught me well, Sarge...
Okay I am ready.
ReplyDeleteOh If you can let me know about what time Travis will be there.
Deleteuh oh.... feeling silly since the coffee n' sugar is kicking in.... just realized that I said I was jumping for joy..... now if there happens to be some seismic activity (i.e. earthquake) it won't be Oklahoma's fault this time..... giggle giggle giggle
ReplyDeleteWill see y'all on Saturday - looking forward to this - ♫♪♫♪♫♪
ReplyDeleteHugs to all of you!
I got booted but figured it would happen but my plan to bait Bat into violating the TOS so he'd get booted worked.
ReplyDeleteProved he is twhlyer too.
It is what it is. Take it for what it's worth. But peruse this, if you dare...
Btw... Good to hear from KTT!
WOW I just dont know what to think about all of that. maybe we will have to get a internet Dr. to explain it all.
DeleteSo the Batt Shit and his little closet buddy have bit the dust. Oh such a shame. What will Sperm Smith do now. He better be watching his back. Might wind up like one of Clintons closet ghost's. But they will be back with new I D and Sherm the Sperm will be back in good graces with Batt Shit
ReplyDeleteKTT good to hear from you. Hope you stick with us. I think this little blog may be getting a lot more active.
ReplyDeleteAnd we need all the voices we can get.
And if you jump back in on CJ that would be great too. Most us probably won't for various reasons.
The really funny part is bat was bragging he'd be the last man standing. Guess the laugh is on him.
ReplyDeleteYes Marsh, the laugh is on batty - and I don't feel the least bit sorry for the jerk.
ReplyDeleteAnd now for the funny part. I just signed up for and posted my first post at the topekaforumeers.org website they're all running to.
ReplyDeleteI don't think they're gonna like me much over there...
Oh yeah... New blog's up and running...
ReplyDeleteI was thinking about doing that Kevin but being a cat, I just checked I only at this time have one life left. That isn't a CJ site is it?
ReplyDeleteIwillnevergiveup, CONGRATULATIONS!
ReplyDeleteLove, PK
So do I simply comment here, or do I need to join? This is Conservative Mind from CJ. This looks like a safe harbor for me to drop anchor I hope.