The thing about presidential debates is that minds are rarely ever changed because of something someone says or doesn't say.
And according to more than a few online polls conducted immediately following the debate Donald Trump kicked the crap out of Crooked Hillary.

And of course there's always Diamond and Silk who have had Trump's back since day 1.
Don't listen to anyone who tries to tell you Trump can't win this thing.
Kevin McGinty
Your blog on victory Wednesday in November will be awesome, Kevin. It's the first step in turning this country around. Seizing the momentum, and curbing the left. But we will still need to carry on with the fight.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to that day in November. And it isn't far away...
Victory count down.... and celebration also. Trump is going to win - no doubt. Now the lefties will have a different argument - but that's their problem... (smiles).
ReplyDeleteding dang it.... I tried to post name. Me - Rikki just posted that comment above!!
DeleteKevin, thanks for the honorable mention over at Cj. (smiles).
Rikki, just giving credit where credit is due...
ReplyDeleteAnd Hammer, you just gave me the title of the upcoming victory blog.
ReplyDelete"Victory Wednesday."
Trump 2016! And that is a fact!
ReplyDeleteSometime I feel like the lone ranger.
ReplyDeleteNeed to be careful with all this polling stuff. Sometimes, given the nature of people, commanding a "YUUGE lead in the polls can backfire. Why?
ReplyDeleteWell...a lot of people...if they think their candidate has it all wrapped up, they may just stay home on election day. And, that could be enough to lose the election.
EVERYBODY....put the word out, far and wide, to your conservative friends and matter what the polls show...VOTE! Do not take ANYTHING for granted.
It's EVEN possible that some of these polls are manipulated by...ESPECIALLY the unholy make it appear that their Satanic candidate is struggling, or in real trouble, JUST to get people off their asses to go vote. Remember, with Lucifer's guidance, the left's only objective is to " ANY means necessary"...and pure dishonesty, hatred and divisiveness through "everything-ism" is their only weapon, since Truth is their sworn enemy.
It's called "The Lyin' Lucinda Strategy" (well...I just made up what it's called), but every bit as deceptive, dishonest and pure hating and evil as registering under the opposing party to LIE and CHEAT to try to skew an election. For more information about how to be a compulsive liar, cheat and live your life in pure hatred and dishonesty, contact Loosey.
For more information on how to be 100% clueless, just plain stupid and wrong about absolutely everything, contact Pattysnakes at the Golden Cornell.
For more information on how to be evil incarnate, manage to get absolutely EVERYONE in the world to hate you, and be a self-absorbed, arrogant prick who is wrong about absolutely everything, and runs around destroying everything he/it manages to get Batshit. (You'll find him lurking in the shadows, during those rare moments when he pulls his head out of the ass-ends of others.)
For more information about 100% hypocrisy, contact any of the three above, or just talk to any ol' idiotic liberal. They'll gladly demonstrate it for you. They LIVE it!
Well, the REAL reason for the Urinal shutting down anyone opposing the leftist agenda right before the election is yet, again, demonstrated.
ReplyDeleteAnother Gerson hit-piece on Trump over there, to run unopposed, with no debate. Seems the Urinal is ramping up Trump hit-pieces, AND Shrillary suck-ups.
The socialist-commies at the Urinal are absolute disgraces to the profession of "journalism". They are re4sorting to tactics employed by socialist/communist/fascist/Nazi dictators in their attempt to control the flow of information, and push their America-hating agenda. I hope their evil tactics cause the complete and utter implosion of that ever-shrinking (in physical size, page count and content) little rag of a liberal-propaganda tabloid they call a "newspaper".
My advice to all those unholy Agents of Evil in charge, and to any innocent employees...should there be"stock up on cardboard". I hope to see each and every one of you guilty of anti-American, anti-Constitutional, racist, sexist, "everything-else-ist" Godless MFAs who would support the anarchists like BLM and Occupiers where you belong..."occupying" the available corners at Walmart, and elsewhere, with your cardboard signs.
You will have earned that privilege.
Prayers, God bless, and best of luck, should any innocent employees have to crawl out of that rubble, caused by the ignorant, greedy, selfish, hateful, spiteful, evil people who caused it all.
Well Nunya that is putting it bluntly, and I do believe you nailed it again, you just have a way with words...Lol
ReplyDeleteAnd now that I've had my daily Nunyaism I can go on about my way...
ReplyDeleteWell Nunya, right as always.
ReplyDeleteFor a great example of godless left wing brainless demonic activity look at the urinal blog by this godless left winger who used to be giglia or something like that. He's created a fake facebook page and is blogging leftist talking points cut and pasted directly from whatever demonic source these people get their crap.
Same thing we've been hearing from the most extremist lefties. Full of lies and outright slanderous accusations.
And the worst was repeating Screamin Howard Dean's accusation that Trump is doing coke and that's why he's sniffing. Even the radical nutjob David Axelrod spoke against that craziness. Most rational democrats know that's too far even for a bunch of godless lying creatures like the democrats. But we'll be hearing it again and again from the unholy lying left.
This is an interesting campaign. Trump is laying out policies and ideas. And when he attacks hillary he does it pretty lightly in my book. And it's all fact based.
The hillbeast has nothing. Policies are all talking points. Big fat nothingburgers. Meaningless. So the whole campaign is scary Trump. Racist Trump. Coke head Trump. Lying Trump. All pure unadulterated left wing bullshit.
And this strategy is going to cost them the election. Most Americans don't trust hillary, that's a fact. And so when she devotes all her time to these wild unproven lies, most Americans don't believe her.
I don't think the ungodly left has any idea what's coming. I think they are so deluded by Satan and their minds are so fogged up they can't think a rational thought. And I think they really believe most of what they excrete.
This is going to hit them hard. Very hard. If you think they are nasty and disruptive now, wait till President Trump takes office. They will be rioting in the streets. Hopefully without their Marxist America hating leader in office, but with an American loyalist President in office, their anarchy and riots will be met with an appropriate response.
I've always said these riots only continue because of a lack of incoming fire. Maybe that will change.
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ReplyDeleteRight you are mr anony-mouse. Deleted for violation of terms of service.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, what was that line about WE gave you three warnings? Just wondering. Are you implying you are a urinal moderator? Or just full of shit? I suspect the latter for sure.
The mainstream media is biased towards Hillary. The polls for the public to weigh in is growing for Trump.
ReplyDeleteThe mainstream media can sugar coat and do all the plastic surgery on Hillary's character all they want - but bottom line is bottom line..... She's a professional pathological liar, don't forget Benghazi, and that she placed the nation as a whole at risk with those emails, cheated her way to the DNC nomination.....shafting Bernie Sanders and now Bernie is nothing more than a puppet for Hillary. And not to forget Vince Foster and White Water. Another thing that really urkes me is how the dems hold Bill Clinton with such high regard..... He not only lied to all of America, he lied under oath at the congressional hearing that wound up impeaching him, if it weren't for Linda Tripp making Monica Lewinsky to come forward with that little blue dress.
Both Bill and Hillary have zero integrity. Both Bill and Hillary don't care about anyone but themselves...... they both should be in the pen.
Wow, somebody wake up a little fascist this morning? If you want a peak into the liberal mind just read one of annoying mouse's comments. Dark and scary, dark and scary.
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Deleteand to add to that....annoying mouse is mentally unstable.....feeling the need to repeat himself like he did before his beloved Cj moderators gave him the ultimate betraying boot....he's got a social phobia.
ReplyDeletewe also know that he's bored, no activity over that the other place for him, so he lurks in the shadows here, hides behind "anonymous", pulls the same BS junk like he did before he got booted off of Cj..... and batty claimed to be the last man standing....and Kevin not batty is still there....
ReplyDeleteLooks like anonymous (aka batty) has gone back in the shadows to play with the dust and cobwebs in the corner.
ReplyDeleteGuess I am not on here enough to see those deleted post, wife keeps me too busy. Have looked on the urinal, but don't see much there, even when using my fake F.B. account. Have noticed that a couple post that the liberals may wet their pants over.
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Deleteit was the usual run of the mill delusional ramblings of a lonely troll....
ReplyDeleteActually, the lonely troll can be compared to spotty mountain rain showers.... they come but don't linger long.... sunshine comes back after they leave.
ReplyDeleteWell I would have deleted that post for using God's name in vain. Other cursing, I can overlook and sometimes catch myself using, but why curse at God?
ReplyDeleteI would have to agree the journal is wanting to stop everything but the liberal sick perverted lying statements that are ruining society. I long for the good old days when we would run people like C.J. out of town on the next rail car. In fact we should go back to the days, guns were carried on the floor of the legislature and congress. This makes people think twice before running their mouths, especially when they might get called out for a dual at which point they have to put up or shut up.
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ReplyDeleteGoodbye troll
Wow Kevin, must be a full time job monitoring some of these folks. You would think after awhile they would get the message and just move on? Then again, maybe they got nothing else to do?
ReplyDeleteHe's a persistent little turd knocker isn't he? Kind of reminds me of that boy used to post the same thing over and over on the urinal. Must be related.
ReplyDeleteDive master, you know trolls gonna troll. Picture some big fat tub of goo sitting in his moms basement, fingers stained from a steady diet of Doritos, never been within an arms length of a woman except his mom.
ReplyDeletePounding away on a old outdated laptop, waiting on mom to fix him some macaroni and cheese.
Nothing else to do. No friends. His family doesn't want him around cause he's just too creepy.
Nothing to do until morning when he puts on the uniform and trudges off to the Docking building to scrub toilets all day.
Kind of feel sorry for him except he's a massive tool so too bad for him.
Full time job indeed.
ReplyDeleteBut it's one Safe and I take great pleasure in.
Because we just hate a troll.
For far too long we had no choice but to put up with his crap over on that other website.
We don't have that problem...
Damn straight. Come to our house you better behave.
ReplyDeleteAnd Sarge is a lifetime member here so you know we're pretty tolerant. LOL
Did someone go after me today? HEY!!! Now I get it! I guess I can agree Safe, You two are pretty tolerant to put up with me.
ReplyDeleteUnderstand, I was and guess still am moderator on topekaforumeers, but it just up and died a few years ago.
ReplyDeleteoff topic..... but deliciously off topic.....
ReplyDeletehomemade sausage gravy (and I don't have any bikkits but wheat toast will suffice)
late dinner. hubby will be home after a bit.
p.s. howdy Divemaster (smiles)
I know, I know.....
ReplyDeletedammit Rikki!!! (lol)
Here's the deal.
ReplyDeleteNeither one of us would have a problem with some liberal coming in here arguing with us as long as they identify themselves.
Anonymous trolls don't stand a chance...
but the resident annoyance is too chicken "s" to identify himself. he'd rather be a despicable creepy stalker lurking in the shadows like the yellow bellied coward that we all know him to be since he doesn't have any cj mods over here to protect him.
ReplyDeleteWhen that guy shows up around here I'm always disappointed.
ReplyDeleteI know that not enough trash got picked up on the side of the highway that day. Nor did enough toilets get cleaned.
Thanks for deleting lurking unidentified scum, guys. Sorta stifles my disappointment.
Be super kiddos. See ya on OBF or FFF. What ever you want to call it know.
On the flip...
New Blog up its friday