Quote of the day:
"For the first time in my adult life I'm proud of my country." -- Michelle Obama
I'm not going to dwell on it but when Melania Trump made her appearance a little before her husband President Donald Trump entered the room last night the only thing I could think of was how stunning she looked.
I couldn't help but feel pride in the fact that this woman is the First Lady of The United States.
Then I thought about how nice it is not to have to listen to her predecessor Michelle Obama lecture us about how evil America is anymore.
I've never heard Melania Trump utter a single disrespectful word towards anyone nor have I ever seen her conduct herself with anything less than dignity and grace.
Her predecessor on the other hand?
Well, you decide.
Personally, I've always been proud of my country.
But for the first time in the last eight years I can finally that I'm also proud of my President and First Lady.
Kevin McGinty
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Man O Man Kevin you left the door open on this one, Good Grief, I am doing all I can holding back on stating what I want to say the difference is, But I was raised better.
ReplyDeletePrior to the 1-20-2017 Inauguration, I was very much looking forward to seeing what Melania would be wearing - she's always so stylish, clothing color coordinated with matching attire, etc. Then when I saw her in her light blue outfit with matching gloves and shoes - Kevin, your word "stunning" fits so perfectly. Our First Lady is not only graceful, kind, and soft spoken, she is very much the opposite of Michelle Obama. I never really looked at Michelle Obama as "Our First Lady"..... from the get go there was something not quite right with that. With Melania Trump, from the time she was on the campaign trail to the time of the inauguration and times since the inauguration, her grace, gentleness, kindness, and how she is in public is not only a compliment to our President, but also a compliment to all of us. The White House has been in such need of someone like Melania to be First Lady.
ReplyDeleteIn my mentioning that I never really looked at Michelle Obama as "Our First Lady"..... when I asked myself why I felt that way since I posted that comment prior..... in a nutshell.... Michelle's negative attitude / demeanor from the beginning is why I never really considered her "Our First Lady"... and her negative attitude / demeanor got worse as the eight years wore on.... so glad to have watched the Obamas leave the White House on Jan. 20th.
ReplyDeleteShe never had any respect for this country or being the first lady. She was all in for what she could screw us out of. Just like when she had to have her mother move in and raise her two girls. And we all paid for that. Where is the first lady now? Raising her son on her dime. And they wonder why people call them names. You reap what you sow.
ReplyDeleteIndeed..after the very arrogant and nasty attitude of...MOOCHELLE...(get THIS one pulled,bat guano!), Melania's grace and demeanor is just plain beautiful to see. Even when I get skeptical about the prez, I can still admire her and she seems to have a steadying influence on him. I cannot see her going off on some angry rant as did her predecessor...
No, bat guano...I havent forgotten your role in getting my posts pulled and accusing me of equating her to a cow.
Ah yes, the Moochelle scandal.
ReplyDeleteReminds me a lot of the "Shoegate" scandal they're freaking out about.
These people sit up nights just trying to create new ways to be outraged...
Desperate for attention arent they? Fools.
DeleteBy the way, guano head, you still goldbricking at yer state job on friday afternoons, playing on the internet and wasting the taxpayers' money?
ReplyDeleteOle Batt Shit thinks he is a big time lawyer in Topeka now.
ReplyDeleteYou all remember when ole Batt Shit tried to pull that big lawyer deal on the ole country sheriff? Hey Batt this Buds for you. I am still here
ReplyDeleteThink so...he also ran afoul of Keen Umbehr in the last guv race. Tried to play good buddy-hail-fellow-well-.met in cj posts and got firmly kicked in his behind...in print..
DeleteAnd he doesnt know but I drink cans in the summer. So he wouldnt have to worry about the bottle thing. But there are some of his buds thatI would borrow a bottle from just for them. Can you just see one of them getting a empty bottle of Arogant Bastard. Oh gee guy I really thought you liked that stuff
ReplyDeleteDo they make Arogant Bitch beer? Obamma could have used that for his beer summit.
ReplyDeleteHey battle for guano, thought about nominating you for the grand nozzle award in Glenn Beck's douche hall of fame but decided that yer butt buddy
ReplyDeleteMichael Moore is much more deserving...for one thing you aint famous except in yer own mind. For another,he decided to trash Corinne
Owens today for her appearance at Trump's speech last night.
Any questions?
I'm sure the bug eater won't come out of the shadows.
ReplyDeleteBats only briefly swoop down at beacons of light in hopes of grabbing a quick snack.
And there doesn't happen to be any quick snacks around here where the lantern of freedom burns bright.
Smiling as I am finally reading some of your comments tonight and thinking about the tremendous speech the President gave last night. No one could ask for much more in the speech he gave. The optimism, the strength in his message, and his positive attitude is infectious! God Bless America!
ReplyDeleteThe First Lady is absolutely Gorgeous Class! So refreshing after that one that we have had to put up with for thje last 8 years. And what do you hear from the Liberals about her? Her sequined dress was not appropriate for the joint session of Congress speech! I say...Go F yourselves! A sequin dress is not appropriate but they can wear the KKK "look-a-like" white pant suits and be appropriate?
And Ahh, good ole Batshit! How ya doin' buddy? Maybe our friend, Roger B. could brew up a batch of beer and name it Arrogant Asshole in his honor! Hopefully with a very thick bottle that fits nicely into Sara's hand!
One other thing...A really pissed off moment, when at the speech last night and comments after, showing the total disrespect of the widow of the dead soldier! I wish Michael Moore, among others, would choke on the next twinke that he shoves into his fat pie hole! What an absolute disgrace to humanity he is!
Oh, also heard that the Obamas apparently just make a big book deal for like 60 million or so for 2 books. I would think that George Soros' basement is getting rather full of the unread Obama books he has bought over the years, to finance that Muslim bastard! But hey, what do I know? Have a great night all!
I suppose there are enough idiots still in this country to want to read the tripe either of those two hypocritical, hate-filled liars write to pay them a few thousand dollars...but $60 MILLION?
ReplyDeleteOh, well...they can rely on all the OTHER writers' books to cover their losses. They're used to living off everyone else's work, and NEVER, EVER...taking any personal responsibility for ANYTHING wrong...so I doubt they'll feel any shame or embarassment. I'm guessing they'll be about like Hillary's turd of a book that nobody wanted to buy, even AFTER she became a candidate.
Melania has more class and dignity in just one cell, than both the Obama's do in their entire beings, together. In fact, I'd say that nasty, angry, insulting, loudmouth hypocrite, Michelle Obama, would need to gain about a quadrillion times more class to even register just one cell of class! MAN, is that one annoying broad!! (Just the kind of racist, disrespectful, anti-American gutter-crawler that ol' Batshit would worship!)
I'm guessing she will go down as THE least-respected first lady in history. But, that's only if the socialists running schools don't write revisionist history, and cover up all her hateful comments and actions, her pure hypocrisy (you KIDS eat rabbit food...I'LL eat FRIES!!...(as just a starter)), her absolutely-racist (very poorly-written) "college thesis", etc...and the Obama regime's absolute, 100% total policy failures, based mostly on pure-divisiveness and the 'everything -ist' vitriolic fire spewing out their Lucifer-controlled mouths.
It'll be fun to see if any of the hidden-for-a-reason mysteries about Obama's "OH, no...we don't wanna reveal THAT!" past eventually surface, though.
And, here, the desperation of the liberals is reaching further and further down into the feces-filled hole they keep digging for themselves:
"Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, accused Sessions of “lying under oath” and demanded that he resign. Other Democrats called on him to step aside from the investigation."
First of all...nobody cares what that brain-addled Pelosi has to say. STFU, you evil, soulless wench.
"Sessions had more than 25 conversations with foreign ambassadors last year in his role as a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and had two separate interactions with the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, the department said."
So, basically, he was just doing his job.
Which, by the way, the Dems are NOT doing, everytime they bring up crap like this, and have already pretty much stated that they WON'T do, by refusing to work on issues! They have pretty much outright stated, and are proving every day, that THEY think THEIR JOB is ONLY to oppose absolutely EVERYTHING coming from President Trump and Congress. That's OK. People are watching. Keep it up, Dems. If you wear out your shovels, I'm sure we taxpayers won't mind allocating a few thousand dollars to buy you NEW shovels, so you can keep digging yourselves that hole!
Now...here's the comical thing:
Liberals like Buttstache rail against "the orange gameshow host" being in politics, while having absolutely NO problem with a third-rate "comedian", who was NEVER funny, being a senator. A smarmy, ignorant, small-minded senator, full of hatred and vitriol for anything .0005% further right than 100% left.
Let's listen in, shall we?
Franken, in a statement Wednesday night, said he was troubled that the new attorney general’s response to his question was “at best, misleading.”
He said he planned to press Sessions on his contact with Russia.
“It’s clearer than ever now that the attorney general cannot, in good faith, oversee an investigation at the Department of Justice and the FBI of the Trump-Russia connection, and he must recuse himself immediately,” Franken said.
Hey, Stuart Smalley. Got news for ya, pal. You are NOT good enough. You are NOT smart enough. And, doggone it...people DON'T like you!
Nice try, Cal. But the damage is done. NOBODY trusts the mainstream media, anymore. And, it ain't gonna come back!
"I have never seen anger and opposition convert anyone. Persuasion requires a relationship that includes respect for the other person and learning how they arrived at their point of view."
Yet, anger and opposition (and outright lies) is ALL we get FROM the press!
"The media aren’t going away and while conservatives can – and should – continue to call out errors and bias, they ought to be at least as interested in changing hearts and minds, even minds that already seem made up."
My father once told me that ANY lie or breach of trust can be forgiven, but only if I was truly remorseful, learned from it, and did not repeat it. AND, it will take much work and time to REGAIN the trust that I violated.
Does anyone REALLY think the leftists in mainstream media even HAVE the capacity to try to atone for their sins? Does anyone REALLY think they can "turn a new leaf", and go back to the principles of "journalistic integrity" and unbiased, honest reporting that is SUPPOSED to be their one and only objective?
No. They are too far gone. While "the media aren't going away" MAY be true, to some extent, another truth is that they are going to keep getting more and more irrelevant.
That horse left the barn, Cal. And, it ain't coming back. (And, why would it? YOU wouldn't want to go back to a place where you were so abused, either!)
ReplyDelete"Democrats emphasized the more-than-anticipated monthly collections have come only after a significant reduction in November’s revenue forecast. Previous forecasts in 2016, 2015 and 2014 were also cut."
The Dems whine about that, but it's exactly what SHOULD be done!
You cannot "forecast" the future based on what you WANT to spend and what you THINK you need to keep spending!
Lowering it forces more streamlining and more ways to stop wasteful spending! WHY do the liberals just want to keep SPENDING?!
"Cigarette and tobacco taxes came in below estimates. Kansas collected $1.2 million less than anticipated in cigarette taxes, a difference of 12 percent."
You don't know WHY?! You keep raising taxes on something, and people buy less of it, or buy cheaper, or cross state lines to buy it cheaper, whatever. Your "tax increase" backfires! And, if you are idiotic enough to "plan a budget" based on something you are forcing people to NOT use as much of, you get less revenue and you bust the budget! How freakin' stupid are they, to do this? All they had to do was look at New York, for example!
"Welllll"...wringing hands...."we CAN'T stop our spending spree so we can get ourselves out of this jam. Let's spike taxes, based on CURRENT useage, on things that most affect the poor and lower-middle class...who WILL soon cut back on what we are taxing, and THEN we can "forecast" a great influx of money...to KEEP SPENDING!!!"
"CAPITAL IDEA, old chap!"
Their "forecasts" were way too high in the first place, and just a way to try to justify raising taxes to keep spending foolishly.
You gotta love how the democrats were all dressed in their KKK white outfits the other night...
ReplyDeleteI think Laura I. also called them "their surrender flags"!😂
ReplyDeleteGood grief and I thought they were the Good Humor truck drivers Union Representatives.
ReplyDeleteGotta wonder why all the "fashion media" didn't go on the attack for that civilized-society-ending fashion disaster? Wearing WHITE...and it's not SPRINGTIME?!😂 If conservatives did that...they'd be lisping up a storm😲
ReplyDeleteNo grey area there...
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Laura Ingram, stories going around that she's considering running against Hillary's VP pick Timmy Kaine in Virginia.
ReplyDeleteFast and furious...
Pallets of cash to the mullahs...
Selling controlling interest in a uranium mine to Putin...
ReplyDeleteAnd in a wonderful display of irony a story out of Mississippi.
ReplyDeleteAn illegal alien who was going to go into hiding to avoid deportation had a press conference to announce her plans. ICE showed up and arrested her. Really, does it get any funnier than that? And doesn't that show what happens when there's a new Sheriff in town?
Now we're hearing about all the illegals living in fear of deportation blah blah blah. Well, here's the hard truth. If you are a criminal, you live in fear. If you violate the law and enter our country illegally, it really doesn't matter how many liberals are sympathetic to you, or how sad your situation is or whatever. Fact is, you are here illegally and you should be afraid. That's why we have laws. So people who would commit crimes don't do so out of fear of getting caught. If you lack the moral center or the values that tell you committing a crime is wrong, then don't do it out of fear of getting caught. Either way.
Democrats in 1863: If they take our slaves who's going to pick our cotton?
ReplyDeleteDemocrats in 2017: If they take our illegal aliens who's going to pick our crops?
Some things never change. Plantation owners gonna be plantation owners....
ReplyDeleteWatching this crap this morning about this BS they are now going on with about Sessions.
ReplyDeleteMy question is why haven't the brain-dead Republicans used the same methods to go after Obama for trying to throw the Israeli elections when he had his hands in that? Why didn't they complain when he tried to interfere in the Brexit discussion in the UK? Why didn't they use this same method when Hillary was selling uranium to the Russians? And on and on and on....
Most of these Republicans are probably decent people but they don't have a clue how to deal with these Liberal scum-bags. It is time they either get their head out of their asses and start dealing with these people just like they are being dealt with! Otherwise, we are constantly going to be putting up with this BS tripe during the Trump Administration for the next 4 or 8 years!
Because they have no spine...
ReplyDeleteNo spine exactly! They stand there while these people throw shit against the wall to see what will stick, and do nothing to fight it! They don't have the guts to get down in the gutter with them and show the country what they really are! Sounds a lot like when Hitler was persecuting the Jews and most stood back and let it go on, because they did not want to offend anyone or they thought it was to their personal political advantage not to fight it.
DeleteTrump is the only one to show any 'balls" when it comes to dealing with these people!
I think Sessions also needs to come out right now and say, "Look, you idiots, I dealt with the Russian Ambassador in my position in the Senate, something I was legally allowed to do, and nothing more! Now STFU and let's get on with the work we need to do!
This is fairly common for the ungodly lying left.
ReplyDeleteThey ask one question. Did you communicate with any Russians regarding the campaign?
The answer was no. That's true. He did not communicate with the Russians regarding the campaign.
Then the lying democrats apply his answer to a question they didn't ask. They didn't ask him if he had talked to any Russians in his role as a sitting United States Senator. That would have been a different answer.
This is just more fake news. Ask a question then pretend you asked something else altogether. The democrat controlled media jumps right in there. The godless leftists start demanding resignations and heads to roll.
I say ignore them, tell them to sit down and shut up. President Trump needs to squash these people like the cockroaches they are.
I am not so sure that some of these so called Rino's wouldn't stab trump and his cabinet right in the back. They are so spineless that it makes normal people sick. They need to step up and start throwing shit back into their faces. Maybe even go for that old trick that scum bag that had Hustler magazine pulled where he offered money for info about any Republican. Get some person from radio or news and have them do the same. Bet you a dollar that they will all shut up fast.
ReplyDeleteEven after Trump showed them how to do it they still cower down to the very media and the democrats who are actively trying to destroy them...
ReplyDeleteEven Chaffetz playing that rino bullcrap and Franken, as a senator, knows that members of their armed services committee talk to ambassadors the world over...its part of what they do. Likely Sessions said "no" in the context of campaign involvement and not his committee position.
ReplyDeleteRelated: Rush reporting on article in daily mail on 13 dec 2016 that no evidence of any campaign tampering by russians...so said the emperor in attempts to preserve his pathetic legacy...
And...Rush also reporting that the iranian shadow woman has moved in with Barry and Moochelle to help them out with their resistance movement.
Rinos and lefties alike are more concerned with their political butts than anything else...
And in national review today Victor Davis Hanson has a column related to all this...the beltway crowd believes power and status should be handed down instead of being earned by hard work, study, principle and all those other qualities that we the great unwashed happen to believe in...
Cats, I saw that the former president has moved into a house in DC.
ReplyDeletebarack obama is living there too.
Yep...just a couple of blocks from the white house and first thing they did was install a big wall around the place.
Deletealso noteworthy: couple of dsys ago Trump put the screws to their precious k street aspirations by declaring that lobby ban...you can bet that the Rovian cabal got all pissed off about that one.
ReplyDeleteMake no mistake. All those Never Trump republicans didn't suddenly change their minds.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure some of them are up to their necks in this whole thing.
And the one's who aren't will just sit quietly by and hope Trump falls.
I have no doubt...The turtlehead, mclame, grahamnesty, corkboy, and a raft full of congress people including Marshall. Besides the rnc he had bigshot Ricketts family from chitown backing him...I voted LaPolice in that one.
ReplyDeleteWorth watching to see who other than we the people stands firm with Sessions. Only those with cojones will.
ReplyDeleteSessions holding news conf on fox 3 pm cdt...
ReplyDeleteHe better not be resigning. If he does the godless democrats will hound every single one of President Trump's cabinet out of office.
ReplyDeleteThis crap has got to stop. Take a stand, draw a line in the sand.
You beat me to it, Safe...
ReplyDeleteNope...not resigning...in fact this snafu started with a story about so-called Trump surrogates in the campaign discussing same with russian operatives published by none other than the Crapweasel News Network. Full question played on fox and taken out of context by lame media and pols in both parties trying to destroy and disrupt as usual. He did recuse himself from russia probes based on his campaign involvement , his ethics and senate rules on such things even though the prez disagreed with recusal...meeting with ambassador held in his senate office with 2 staffers present.
ReplyDeleteHe was affable today, like he always is. No guile there at all.
He also said, based on meetings with ambassadors in general that they "tend to be gossipy..."lol
ReplyDeleteSen Claire McCaskill denied ever meeting any russian ambassadors until 2 of her tweets gave her away...
Just watch, the dems and their puppets in the media will hype this as proof positive he's guilty.
ReplyDeleteBy this time tomorrow they'll be screaming he must resign and impeachment proceedings against Trump will be the talk of the day...
ReplyDeleteSo basically it'll just be another day...
ReplyDeleteWhy was Imam Obama's spy agencies spying on Sessions, at all? Who in Obama's criminal organization leaked any info? Are these questions that should be asked?
ReplyDeleteContact by Congresspeople to ambassadors of other countries is very normal.
ReplyDeleteThis is just being portrayed in a certain light.
Use the media to report any meetings with China that democratic candidates had. That's all.
This is a psyop, and a war.
The Democrats aren't the problem, the rhinos are. Buck up and this isn't an issue.
To win a battle, you must be willing to fight it....
Jarrett moving in with the Obama's. I seriously hope someone is going to be monitoring THEIR dangerous subversive activities?! Especially given both their close ties to domestic terrorists, and their close proximity to one of the largest mosques in the U.S. They both have pretty much had access to EVERYTHING "inside our government", and given their hatefulness, dislike for America and knowing they are totally pissed off that Trump won...seems like a VERY suspicious arrangement. 😞
ReplyDeleteChange the guard, and switch out the deep state.
ReplyDeleteFlip the script.
Afterall, that's what Alinski-ite tactics call for...
Bureaucrats in all agencies and lots of them operatives for prior regime. Weeding them out a major task...heard reported recently that new agency people still not in place...by these leaks problems I can believe it.
ReplyDeleteBoth parties...also wonder how many brotherhood plants are still there...
ReplyDeleteAnd Tillerson now demanding full review of iran deal...just reported on fox. Betcha theyll uncover a bunch of rat nests when that begins, going back years probably.
Would love to see Jarrett and co in orange but thats asking a lot...
Just watch and see who the Libs try to fight and stop from getting a post.That should tell who is the rat left over from Obamma
ReplyDeleteAnd who talks about "sources..."inside the administration or agency...
ReplyDeleteNO! Not ONE PENNY MORE from taxpayers to fix that F#*^-up!
They shoud have done it PROPERLY the first time!
THIS should ALL go to whomever was involved, PERSONALLY, from the cronies who hired the contractors, TO the contractors who did it improperly.
WHILE they are at it, they should all be PERSONALLY responsible for paying cleanup/remodel costs of the businesses, and compensating for any lost business if the stores are forced to close for any period to REDO the botched job! (Not that they are open for business down there, much, anyway.)
Nobody has suggested it...YET...but...NO more taxpayer money should go to rectifying this (not-at-all-surprising...considering the inept city government was involved) fiasco!
Well...no surprise here:
School funding is way MORE than "adequate". School "accountability" is what is grossly inadequate!
So...the taxpayers are on the hook for this ENTIRE sham!
We paid the teachers, who paid the unions, who pay 'advocacy groups'. The taxpayers pay, through the teachers and school districts who have sued, to hire the lawyers and pay the costs of suing...the taxpayers!!
The taxpayers are paying 100% of the "defense".
And, the taxpayers will pay the higher taxes.
"Taxpayers" being those of us in the private sector who are working a job that pays enough to actually BE "taxpayers". Not the government employees are being paid WITH taxpayer money, not the non-working, not the illegals, not the companies who only pay taxes with higher prices charged to ALL of us (WE pay their taxes)...if they can manage to stay in business with high taxes, and pricing themselves out of the market.
So...WE pay the taxes to pay the people who spend what we pay them to hire attorneys to bring a lawsuit to cause us to have to spend money to taxpayer-paid activist judges and courts...to sue OURSELVES to pay MORE TAXES?! WTF??!!!
Meanwhile, ALL government entities request a budget each year. To make sure they can cry "poverty" and ask for AT LEAST the same, or even more...they recklessly "spend down" this year's budget...on WHATEVER nonsense they can! IF they showed constraint, and used the money "responsibly", they'd have a surplus for that year...and THEN...they couldn't justify asking for more for NEXT year!
That is a well-known practice...and THAT is what has to be stopped. NOT giving them more and more and more! ALL government does that!
It's "accountability" that is 100% "inadequate"! NOT "funding"!
And THIS, from our socialist-commies over at the Urinal:
Yeah...the legislature SHOULD do its job, and DEMAND that schools be held "accountable" for EVERY LAST CENT, and DEMAND that we draft a law that prevents OUR taxpayer dollars from being used to sue...OURSELVES!!!
THAT is what they SHOULD be doing!
Nunya bot went POOF! To OBF
ReplyDeletebot= both of them. Lol
DeleteNew blog up and running.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, this morning's comments moved with it...