Wednesday, April 12, 2017
The dropping of the hammer...
First of all, I'd like to apologize for getting today's blog out so late today in the day.
It's a direct result of other's making plans for my day off.
Anyway, I'd just like to point out that the days of pretending that allowing millions of illegal aliens to flow unchecked into our country makes us stronger.
The days of whining about a broken immigration system are a thing of the past.
The days of hearing the bullshit phrase "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" repeated over and over again are through.
The days of every nation on the planet but The United States having the right to enforce their immigration policies are no more.
And the days of left-wing extremist rule have thankfully come to an end.
Yesterday, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions visited the Mexican border in Arizona and laid out his plans to enforce the very laws that have been ignored by democrats and republicans alike for years now.
Of course the left is freaking out.
The cries of racism are as loud as they've ever been.
Personally, I don't care what they think about it and neither do the American people.
Check out today's video and listen to Sessions explain what actually enforcing laws already on the books like.
If after watching today's video you still don't understand what he's trying to say then you're obviously stupid and not worth bothering with.
Move along...
Kevin McGinty
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Solo Expedition...
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Whatcha gonna do....
ReplyDeleteWhatcha gonna do....
Whatcha gonna do when they come for yooooo....
(Inner Cirle lyrics aka the cops song...)
Yes, our Country is a nation of immigrants, but when immigrants got the green light from the Obama Administration and from Hillary, and the other loons..... they are responsible for grossly misleading them to think they don't have to go through proper legal channels to become US Citizens.... the Obama Administration and those who think like minded are to blame for how all this illegal immigration got wacky out of control. Yes we're a nation of immigrants, but we are also to be a nation of laws....
ReplyDeleteMy advice to the immigrants who want to come to America.... 1. Go through the proper legal channels.... 2. read and comprehend #1.
Rock solid advice...
ReplyDeleteI applaud what AG Sessions said.... I'm grateful for a President / Administration who really gives a damned about stopping the injustice.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure the days of waltzing in here, signing up for, and receiving government handouts are a thing of the past...
ReplyDeleteComprehensive immigration reform was always liberal code talk for amnesty.
ReplyDeleteNo need to reform anything. Just enforce the law as is.
The days of STOPPING government handouts to them should be next...and quickly. Then they can waltz right back out?
ReplyDeleteThe Liberal Party is over... HEAR ME!!
ReplyDeleteupdate on the Fresno State University Professor's statement about President Trump (and I will say threatening statement)...
"Fresno State says FBI, Secret Service probing professor’s tweets about President Trump"
"Fresno State President Joseph Castro said Wednesday that he and his staff will continue to cooperate with federal investigators in their probe of a German-born history professor who ignited a firestorm when he said on Twitter that President Donald Trump must hang to save democracy."
"Castro said he appreciated Maischak’s apology, calling it “a first good step” in calming the critics who want him fired, deported or killed. The president said he is not ready to judge Maischak because the university is in the initial stages of its investigation. But Castro also pointed out that he and Fresno State value a person’s right to free speech and a professor’s right to academic freedom. “We want a free exchange of differing views,” Castro said."
Folks, the more I read on this the more upset I get.... Freedom of Speech should not be used as a means to post such a statement as "to save American democracy, Trump must hang. The sooner and the higher, the better.”...which is what this idiot professor posted.
I looked at the CBS News website, didn't see this anywhere - which I find very odd..... this is a threat (in my opinion) towards President Trump.... now I'm not a fan of Fox News, but if it weren't for them this story would not have been brought to light.
Different opinions??? My foot. It was a threat.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete$535 BILLION! Total amount of endowments of U.S. universities.
ReplyDeleteThat's over HALF A TRILLION DOLLARS!!
In the interest of a more fair and socialistic society, of which they program into young mushed minds....I have a proposal, and they should be more than happy to agree.
ALL endowment money shall be put into one single fund. All schools shall charge the exact same tuition. Each student in any school shall receive the exact amount of money from the new Socialized Endowment Fund.
No more federal money to universities.
This should easily educate several generations of students for "free", save massive taxpayer money, and have the colleges "practice what they preach".
Sound good? 😉
Yup...I've been advocating that these taxpayer-funded universities get off their piles of moldy greenbacks for years now. They never spend it to my knowledge...
DeleteFreedom of speech does not give anybody license to threaten a president...or anybody else for that matter. This elite liberal sock puppet should be arrested for inciting violence if nothing else.
ReplyDeleteRemember the Bundy saga? Well...kangaroo courts still exist in this country. A controversial story to be sure but wrongs done apply to fed agents and prosecutors as well. Especially in Harry Reid country where this went down. Brought back waco memories for me...and my memories of seeing that atrocity play out on live television the day Janet Reno ordered it rammed.
ReplyDeleteThis family, regardless of whether we agreed or not with their stand deserved a fair trial. They were denied.
A detailed summary of that miscarriage of justice can be found at, today's date, written by Leesa Donner.
All federal funding to anyone proven to be illegal should immediately cease, once identified. Whatever federal funding that can be stopped to cities or states who admit, or demonstrate "sanctuary policies" (harboring criminals and granting them even more "rights" than citizens) should be pulled.
ReplyDeleteIllegal means "illegal", period. It's a crime to do anything illegal. People who commit crimes are "criminals".
It's simple to understand that concept.
It's very simple.
ReplyDeleteWell, at least it is for a normal person...
Simple concepts are extremely difficult for simple-minded liberals.
ReplyDeleteICE ICE BABY!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy godless left wing radicals like ass mcassigal are terrified of America enforcing its laws. That means we are on the right track. The left has had eight years of subverting and ignoring the law and look where that got us. Now we are enforcing the law and things are turning around. So keep it up President Trump.
#Making America Great Again By Terrifying Liberals
#We Measure Our Progress With Liberal Tears
#The Only Good Liberal Is A Terrified Liberal
States and cities that take subversive action against the United States should be treated just like the Confederacy was when it did the exact same thing in its rebellion. Punish them until they repent.
ReplyDeleteTariffs on goods produced and exported to the rest of the country. Tax any goods they import. That will help reimburse the United States for the extra costs incurred in enforcing the laws they are subverting.
No federal funding for infrastructure, schools, Medicaid or anything else. We don't share taxpayer dollars with states in rebellion against the United States of America.
Make them howl like General W.T. Sherman did Georgia to end the last rebellion against the Union.
Safe..... OMG.... (smiles).... just had a visual of you on stage with Vanilla Ice....
ReplyDeletePop the collar......
ReplyDeletelike totally rad dude (smiles)
DeleteSafe, if you were any cooler.....dude you'd be like frozen... (smiles)
DeleteWondered when our fave lib friends over there would show up with flaming hair...same old lame arguments but it was fun to get after them for a few...
ReplyDeleteI've been reading over there too..... they just don't get it.... libtardian lazy asses.... like they can't plant, cultivate, grow their own tomatoes...
ReplyDeleteLol...they probably cant...or they're scared of those critters (grubs earthworms etc) that live in the ground...
ReplyDeleteGuess what we just did? Dropped the largest non-nuclear bomb in our arsenal on a suspected ISIS tunnel or caves depending on who's reporting in Afghanistan.
ReplyDeleteThe mighty Moab...21,000 lbs of hellfire with a 300-meter blast range.
Cats that is dropping the Hammer I would say. I hope we have plenty more of them. Lets get this political game over with.
DeleteDemocrats in 1860. If you take away our slaves who will pick our cotton?
ReplyDeleteDemocrats in 2017. If you take away our illegal aliens who will pick our tomatoes?
Democrats have always loved their plantations.
Like before the National Election, the media had Donald Trump down low in the polls...... nothing new.... the media has President Trumps' numbers low...... guess they're only talking to the libtardians instead of Trump supporters..... typical.
ReplyDeleteNot only that, we already know Hillary is making an embarrassing spectacle out of herself, Bernie is too.... on CBS website there's a little article tucked down the page a tad titled "Bernie Sanders predicts President Trump will only be a one term president".... Bernie quoted as saying:
"“He won the election,” Sanders told CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “I did everything I could to see that he not become elected, but he won. Our job now is to hold him accountable.”
President Trump is getting results..... all Obama did was flap his gums.... all Hillary would have done was flap her gums and charge people to hear her as she flapped her gums...hey, she's already doing that... lol
Democrats be cray cray
ReplyDeleteJust read a new poll says 67% of democrats believe the Russians interfered in our election. Despite there being not one single piece of evidence they had any impact in any way at any time. They still believe it.
And zero percent believe the obama regime spied on Donald Trump. Despite there being volumes of evidence to substantiate that fact.
These people would believe anything as long as their party propagandists told them to believe it. Sad when that many people lose their ability to reason and think for themselves.
It's the walking dead democrats. Lurching around glassy eyed mindlessly looking for brains, which they do not find among their own ranks.
Trump is letting the Military do their jobs and letting the law do their job. Things are getting done. And the lib's are constipated hahahahha
ReplyDeleteSarge, I had to snicker at your statement..... they do have quite the blockage don't they... lol
DeleteDrop a load of chicken sammiches on 'em...that will cure that...
DeleteCan we picture what some taliban or isis terrorist must have been thinking when he looked up and saw that bomb coming at him?
ReplyDeleteI dont think any 72 virgins want some fool with stinky pants anywhere near them...
They're calling this bomb a MOAB. Mother of all Bombs.
ReplyDeleteI'm calling it a BAB. Big Ass Bomb.
Hope it killed a whole bunch of those murderous friends of obama.
Plus that Ash-hole doesn't think before opening his mouth. That comes to a 1 day that is $240 a day times 5days =$1200 a week times 4=$4800.00 per month, HELLO ash-hole! Under that pricks plan I am buying stock in tomato pickers.
ReplyDeleteI really think that these libtardians really don't think before they spew their bs...... they're so dumb that they actually might not know how stupid they really sound.
ReplyDeleteI think you are giving them too much credit. But at least you show that you are a better person than them by even trying to show them their left ways.
ReplyDeleteThat was one big ass bomb! But, not as "terrifying" as some if the ignorant leftists are running around in circles, screaming and pulling their hair out!😂
When they said 21,000 lbs., I imagined it as long as it was, but imagined larger diameter. And, it was a damn big blast...but it was a ladyfinger, compared to a nuke. Good grief!
Busy week, sending personal messages to our adversaries (Obama's buddies). China, Russia, Crazy Fat Kid in N. Korea, ISIS, Syria's maniac, even Iran, Mexico and Obama's domestic-terrorism allies (criminals in our country).
Limp-wrist Barry is gone! We ain't taking this shit!
You can bet I hear you now!! And aways have.
DeleteWell good morning to whom is up at this God forsaking hour.