The godless left is winning the battle of public opinion. The polls, who although are laughably untrustworthy are reflecting President Trump's approval going in the tank. So even though we know the polls are for the most part phony and manipulated, they in and of themselves have an effect.
The continuous barrage of hate and vitriol from the godless left never stops for a second. Most of the media is joining in with the same propagating the lies and fabrications created by the godless left.
The latest is CNN, a fully functioning arm of the democrat party at this point telling people outright to ignore the information coming out about the criminal activities of the obama administration spying on Donald Trump. They are acting as the propaganda arm of the party. Joseph Goebbels would be so proud of this American media, carrying on the traditions he began for the Nazi party. And proving him right, that a lie told often enough becomes the truth.
The last time this vitriol and hatred for their fellow Americans was so overpowering for the democrat party was during the 1850s and the run up to secession from the Union, a rebellion if you will and a civil war. Some of the same things were happening. Southern newspapers filled with inflammatory rhetoric about the "Radial Republicans" who wanted to end slavery. Violence. Anarchy. And the southern slave holding democrats deciding they could just ignore the laws of the Union they disapproved of. That one is happening again today in the exact same fashion. And by the same political party.
Where does all this end? I don't know. I really fear for our country. Looking at our history we see the democrat party when it doesn't get what it wants becomes very violent and creates destruction. Last time it was a Civil War and some 700,000 men died in that battle, with hundreds of millions of dollars wasted and destroyed. And damage done to our society that still hasn't healed.
Will this iteration of the democrat party follow the same path? So far they are. In a frightening way. Will the answer be another civil war? Secession? California is already talking secession. States, counties and cities are proclaiming with apparent impunity they will not only disregard Federal law, they will defy it, they will act openly to prevent it being enforced. These are crimes against the people of the United States.
This time we are not divided by a physical border, south and north. The enemy lives among us. Next door to us. In the next cubicle over. In your churches, your schools, maybe in your home. They are woven into the fabric of our society, these people who would destroy that very society out of rage at losing a Presidential election.
Rational people who saw their political ideology rejected by losing election after election might look inward and question if they need to change. But not these people. Like their fascist and communist ancestors they believe so strongly they are willing to destroy our society to impart their will on us. One only needs to look at history to see that. Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot. Communism. Socialism. Fascism. Hundreds of millions have died under the hands of these ideologies. And these are the parents of the modern day progressive movement.
So I don't know what the answer is. Hopefully we overcome this as we have so many times in the past. Blacks are free in America because last time around Abraham Lincoln refused to yield to these people and fought them. I don't know if we have another Abraham Lincoln in Donald Trump. Sure hope so.
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Read today the left is going to start screening the movie 1984.
ReplyDeleteWonder if they'll figure out it's about Socialism?
Also all this hubris about the Senate killing the filibuster.
ReplyDeleteYou think for one second if hillary had won and the dems won the Senate they wouldn't have killed the filibuster already? They would have killed it for Supreme nominations and legislation as well.
as to california I almost hope they do secede, after a report I heard yesterday. They are now ordering ice not to bother trying to deport ANY illegals released from jail regardless of the seriousness of the crime.
ReplyDeleteTotal anarchy headed there...and watch other illegals into being criminals flock there for "sanctuary."
If anyone has any sane relatives living there it may be a good idea to talk with them about moving...
All this talk in California about seceding is just orchestrated bullshit to keep their base of assorted misfits properly energized.
ReplyDeleteThere's no way in hell the DNC will ever allow California's 55 electoral votes to slip away...
I can agree with that but it's nice to think about. Nothing but a bunch of moonbats running that state.
ReplyDeleteJust breaking out all over...Trump just fired Bannon from his security council position. No reason given so far. As one who never trusted Bannon I am not unhappy.
Seems army lt gen HR McMaster has been wanting Bannon removed...McMaster also on NSC and has never trusted him. I looked up his credentials and they are stellar. Wrote the book "dereliction of duty" in 1990s and friend of Mattis.
ReplyDeleteThese two have no use for politics being played in national security.
Reported by Beck's afternoon show on blaze tv channel.
Guess old azz is doing all the heavy lifting for digger da doodoo over at the urinal
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAh, don't worry, Digger's probably still memorizing his talking points.
ReplyDeleteThere's no way he'll let this one go unchallenged...
Oh yeah, greetings from beautiful downtown independence Kansas...
ReplyDeleteY'all do know they're going after Rice Krispie because...well...she's a woman? Oh...and she's black, too! That's the reason. They said so on "Thrill up my leg" Spittlin' Chris Matthews' just GOTTA be TRUE!!
Lol... Yeah, I saw that yesterday.
ReplyDeleteYou know things are bad when that's all you have...
Boy, that ass mcassigal fellow on the urinal sure does go on, doesn't he? You suppose he actually believes the stuff he excretes or he's just spewing up the party talking points knowing it's a load of bull crap, like a good little party apparachik?
ReplyDeleteBut as Kitty so aptly pointed out. What destroyed Nixon wasn't the Watergate burglary. That was nothing but a bungled third rate burglary. What got Nixon was abuse of power. Back in the days when there was an actual news media, once they went to work and did what they used to do before they became democrat operatives with a byline, was they discovered layers and layers of abuse of power. Using the IRS to harass his enemies. Misusing the FBI and CIA. Manipulations and lots of small and large illegal activities. And then the cover up. As it all came to light, the Committee to Reelect the President, or CREEP as it was known went to work and tried to cover it up. The more they did, the deeper they dug themselves.
And don't forget Nixon tried to use the Vietnam war to distract America from his criminal wrongdoings.
Any of that remind you of what's happening today? Right now we are at the stage where the security guards noticed some suspicious activity at the DNC in the Watergate hotel and discovered a break in in progress. We are right about where the connection was made between those nefarious characters and the President of the United States. The rest is about to come. And it looks like FOX news is playing the role of the Washington Post, which used to be an actual newspaper before it became a mouthpiece for the DNC.
Meantime, the trained seals like ass mcassigal will bark and clap and try to distract you.
Right now Rice is like a rat caught in a sticky trap. And all the media can do is try to keep you from seeing it. But that ain't happening. It's out now. And what comes next is going to be wonderful for us all.
Some democrat mouthpiece on the House committee says somebody is going to jail over this fabricated Russia investigation. And the left is dancing in the street. And he's right. But who's going to jail isn't who he thinks. It's a bunch of democrat operatives. And the beauty part is they did this to themselves. They opened the door.
Lately I have been listening to Hannity regularly mainly to hear Sara Carter's circa reports. Those are true investigative reporters not afraid to go after truth.
ReplyDeleteJust heard an AP report saying Nunes has recused himself from the Russian investigation.
ReplyDeleteHe's either a friggin coward or he's passed on all the information he has.
I guess we'll see.
Personally knowing the republicans record of being afraid of winning I'd say he's probably a friggin coward...
I'm not quite ready yet to give up on him...Rush is reporting that the underground pipes indicate that Paulie got pissed off because he,too was left out of the loop when Nunes went straight to Trump. Remember, Paulie is Johnny Bourbon's butt buddy...and in charge of committee appointments. Probably got told to step aside or else.
DeleteThe great Kurt Schlichter sums it up nicely on Town Hall:
ReplyDelete"Time to stop pretending that leftists are participating in good faith in what was the old paradigm of American politics. They aren’t, and we can’t go on as if they are. Understand that; don’t be some whiny, bow-tied conserva-dork pretending our current system is anything but the Octagon – and we better choose to be Chuck Norris. We’re just blessed that those who wish to make us serfs decided to conduct their coup using unelected bureaucrats and PC nagging as their primary weapons systems. Luckily, we now have all three branches of the government and a whole bunch of AR-15s.
Advantage: real Americans. Now is the time to press it."
And we our own way. Rino sellouts are hearing it too. The turtlehead is out of his shell at the moment on account of the Gorsuch confirmation. But look at his eyes next time he's on a camera...deer in the headlights.
DeleteIndeed safe. And the pressure won't come from a bunch of friggin intro-spective butterflies worried for the enemies feelings...
ReplyDeleteSupposedly Nunes had to temporarily step aside just from the Russia investigation because the godless left filed a bunch of formal complaints with the House Ethics Committee so he has to step aside until those are resolved. I'm calling bullshit as of right now, but we'll see how this plays out.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping after this election the House would realize they have power and they would use it. Stop playing these chickshit games with the godless left. Beat them into submission with that big hammer we gave them.
At least the Senate is going ahead and kill the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees. That's overdue. That shows a little courage. The Senate is functioning at about 20% of where I was hoping they would.
I say crush the souls of this godless left. Destroy them, leave them broken and powerless and salt the earth where they live so no more of them will ever grow.
Butterflies can't use AR-15s. No fingers to pull the trigger. It's up to the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteAfterall, the Allies simply asked the Reich over for hot cocoa and Graham craters and had a nice talk.
ReplyDeleteSuppose butterflies existed on the beaches of Normandy?
I doubt it.
No compromise, no deals.
Boots up asses......
In fact, remember what happened to those countries that compromised with the Reich. These people will promise anything to get you to back down and give them the advantage. Then they have you right where they want you.
ReplyDeleteIt's still another win for them. They started calling for him to step down when they realized he was onto the truth. That was their diversion. Now they will be howling and screeching about how they forced him out and everything he did was corrupt and suspect and blah blah blah.
ReplyDeleteBut the crimes they committed are still there. Those aren't going away. They need to pursue that with a new vengeance. Don't stop until you have Susan Rice in the penitentiary. Along with a bunch of other of these democrat criminals.
They better not surrender on this or I swear I'm going third party and put a curse on both their houses.
In history: the caning of Charles Sumner on the senate floor...over slavery. He opposed it. Rep. Preston Brooks then beat the old gentleman nearly to death and nobody stood up to stop either party.
ReplyDeleteHis seat was kept vacant, however and miracously he recovered; took about 3 years. He returned to his senate seat, still opposed to slavery.
If there is to be any violence it should be a very last resort and definitely not glorified. Otherwise we are no better than those we seek to defeat...I view that old senator as a butterfly. Same with MLK who by the way carried a gun but not on that day at the bridge. He knew what would likely happen to him and his supporters if he was found to be armed.
We are periously close to anarchy in this nation. I pray to God that it can be avoided because once that match is lit, there will be no turning back.
The Senate did it, they nuked the dems. This is very important. We needed that Supreme Court seat filled by the candidate of President Trump's choosing. This is going to weigh heavy in the future.
ReplyDeleteAnd something Hammer will appreciate, Shia LeBeouf's new movie has sold a total of three tickets since it's release.
Dems have had that judicial filibuster since 03 in order to stop Bush court appts and Estrada...14 years' worth of bs that wasnt even in the Constitution. I cant stand old turtlehead but for once he got it right and on something critically important.
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks, Harry!
We just launched tomahawks on syria. Putin not notified. Fox news
ReplyDeleteThat's worrying, happening so fast. I hope the hell they know for sure who did what. I have been wondering if Russia/Syria, Russia/Trump and Obama/Russia-spy "games" are linked somehow, with Obama and Russia actually in cahoots to cause us to get into this, now? All an elaborate setup, and when you remember Obama's open-mic statement about more latitude after his last election...put together some timelines from this year and last, the leaks, etc.? Why would Russia ever want Trump in there? We know for certain that Obama hates America. Just an inkling that there may be a lot more pieces of this puzzle to consider.
ReplyDeleteI couldnt agree more...guess we'll find out. Maybe. First 2 out of the box with comments were Graham, Mclame.
DeleteI've been watching that on CBSN live..... then I switched to NBC to see what they had.... and what do I find....
ReplyDelete"Hillary Clinton Explains Why She Lost to Trump".....
" Almost four months after her stunning defeat, Hillary Clinton on Thursday primarily blamed her loss to President Donald Trump on four factors that were beyond her control.
The former Democratic presidential candidate cited Russian meddling in the election, FBI Director James Comey's involvement toward the end of the race, WikiLeaks theft of emails from her campaign chairman, and misogyny. "
You just keep on telling yourself that Hillary..... us deplorables know the real story....
I'm very concerned about what's going on in regard to the missile strike.... CBSNlive said that nearly 60 missiles were launched.
Just watched President Trump's statement.... I have to support him in his decision that he put in motion -
ReplyDeleteAimed at one airbase as warning from 2 of our destroyers
ReplyDeleteObama weakened our military. He divided us greatly. He let the Syrian thing build up. He grew ISIS exponentially. He was caught "colluding with Russia" on an open mic. He hated Hillary, but loved him some same-kind Socialism/Communism. Russia stuff started when Trump threatened to win. Obama was clearly behind all that. Obama/Dems poo-poo'ed Russian meddling and mocked the suggestion...until Trump won. Didn't want anyone looking into it before. Hillary wins, it stays hidden. Trump won, get Trump collusion plan-B out NOW to get ahead of story. I am positive Trump/Russia collusion bogus. I am thinking Obama/Russia collusion very possible. "Trump won, let's get him into a war with a weak military, and no appetite for it from the people. That'll finish him...and the Republicans off, and may even totally collapse the country." Russia, and Obama, would welcome that. I dunno...just some thoughts. May need some threads more connected, but I wouldn't doubt any measure of dastardly behavior from Obama.
ReplyDeletenow more than ever, we need to unify in prayer for President Trump and his Administration and everyone behind the scenes -
ReplyDeletePlus the soldiers. We have 1000 troops in country plus the destroyers
DeleteAmen on that cats - hugs.
DeleteNeither would I. Like you Nunya I dont buy into any Trump/Putin buddy system. And that damned Obama is capable of anything
ReplyDeleteThings bothering me...Assad and rebels had regained control of that area gotten Isis backed off. Heard that reported earlier. Assad is brutal but what kind of madman would gas people especially kids? Or some Isis infiltrator loading syrian plane with sarin and gassing people? Given terrorist jihad mindset I csn believe that...
Jordan egypt saudi coalition plus israeli pm apparently united now with us to get all this mess cleaned up over there...erdogan still denying armenian genocide however. Would not trust them any more especially after benghazi revelations
ReplyDeleteRussian troops in area warned to leave prior to missiles...idiot left will probably use that as proof of collusion...
ReplyDeleteOh shit...
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing how much things have changed in just the few hours...
No doubt that a message was sent.
ReplyDeleteNow what?
ReplyDeleteObama/Russian actual, proven "collusion".
Just makes me wonder.
New blog up.