Thursday, July 20, 2017
Free For All Friday...
With so much insanity going on in this country right now I'm not even sure where to start.
Luckily, because it's finally Friday I don't have to.
Today, that's your job.
For me, I think I'll just play a little music and chill out for a while.
Stay safe and be well, my friends...
Kevin McGinty
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
Well, I get to be first. So hot that I have stayed inside and got Sunday's sermon done today. RP
ReplyDeleteI know, and I really wish you would have helped mow the yard and dig potatoes. You best be ready for tomorrow. :). PW
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure I could pull off sitting around in the house all day but I guarantee the yard would still be there waiting for me at the end of the day...
ReplyDeleteAnd just everyone knows I've turned the anonymous posting back on.
ReplyDeleteI guess we'll see how it goes...
Yup can hardly wait!
DeleteHere's that Washington Compost twit, Anne Applebaum, telling us about how Trump's visit to Poland is going to destroy Poland:
I noticed a few things. The things she is spewing that she deems bad for Poland? Just what the seditionous left is doing to America.
"The greatest threat is not even external: It is internal. In Poland, a democratically elected but illiberal government has, in the past few days, escalated its attack on its own constitution, pushing new laws openly designed to create a politicized judiciary. And it feels emboldened to do so by the visit of the U.S. president."
Well...our "ililliberal" (meaning 'liberal') faux-American politicians have installed thousands of far-left ideologues to the courts, who have no problem legislating from the bench. Little Annie is just upset because she thinks THEIRS will lean right, I suppose? But, just like a good, obedient little hypocrite leftist, she has no problem with OUR "politicized judiciary".
"Nevertheless, since taking power, it has methodically subjugated a series of previously independent institutions: the public broadcaster, the prosecutor’s office and, most seriously, the Constitutional Tribunal. It has politicized the civil service. Its conspiratorial defense minister has eliminated much of the professional military leadership, too."
PBS, NPR....far-left politicized. Wanna talk about corrupt AG's, maybe? Pick any of Obama's. "Civil Service" decidedly far-left, bolstered by unions...(that shouldn't exist). Wanna talk about how Obama eviscerated our military? But...THOSE are fine to Annie.
Here's the kicker:
"We can all imagine the future consequences of a supine, pro-government judiciary."
"It could enable the government to falsify elections, to evade corruption investigations, to prosecute opponents." mean just like the left is doing in this country? I don't need to list all the proven incidents of those last three things for y'all. The list is long, but y'all know what's in it.
Seriously, Applebaum...get your head out of your ass, look around and THINK before you write nonsense like this that pretty much just convicts your own "ilconservative" rancid anti-American party.
This kind of thing just makes you appear to be totally ignorant, just plain idiotic...or both. Of course, working for WashPo, EVERYONE knows you are 100% "Fake News", you are a perfect fit.
Oh, jeeez....THIS lamebrain, again? Ok...I could tear apart EVERY sentence of her nonsense...but I'll just choose a few highlights from this lowlife.
First sentence, first. The stock, overplayed "PEOPLE WILL DIE!!!" lie:
"It is better to kill the efforts to repeal the nation’s health care program than to kill patients!"
Y'know what...not even going to try to be nice in my response. Eat the shit you are spewing, you moron!
"To repeal a plan that works for many just for the sake of doing so, without having a reasonable plan to replace it, plays only to egomaniacal behavior."
Let's apply that to the foisting of that "plan" onto Americans, and change just a few words:
"To force a plan that works for only a small minority just for the sake of doing so, and completely destroying the plans that have worked for the majority, with no consideration of lowering costs, and bankrupting hardworking Americans, plays only to egomaniacal behavior."
There...that's more like it!
"It is only when we seek and work diligently to obtain bipartisan participation;.....that we will begin to see positive movement toward a functioning and meaningful health care plan."
Why din't you say that to Obama and his thugs, when they FORCED this mess through? Of course, we know why. It's in your next sentence. What you mean by "bipartisan" is "do it the Dems' way", right?
Of course I'm right. It's in your next sentence.
"Granted, there may be some glitches in any universal healthcare plan,..."
See? Presumptuous little witch, ain't ya, Glenda? You PRESUME it HAS to be "universal health care".
"Let’s get over the name association of Obamacare and how the current healthcare plan came to be — millions are being cared for under the current plan and they have a right to continue to receive such care."
Let's NOT get over that. He IS the problem! How it came to be? You want us to ignore THAT?! We won't forget, you twit! And, MORE millions are being STRANGLED by "the current plan", and WE have an ACTUAL RIGHT not to be! "They" have "a right" to OUR money, and "a right" to make OUR healthcare worse?
Screw you, lady!
"Let’s start looking at ways to unite all parties...blah, blah, blah".
Yeah...what you mean is ""Let’s start looking at ways to move all parties even more left".
Here's the absolute MOST ignorant line in there:
"If other countries can figure out their health care programs..."
HEY MORON! OTHER countries 'health care' SUCKS!!!! That's why they COME HERE!!!!
What a maroon!
Nicely said wish I would have written it. RP
DeleteThese two idiots are the kinds of morons who are "teaching" college students?
They even LOOK like they are missing plenty of brain matter!
"Irwin said members of Congress should view health care as a human right."
Hey, IRwin! "Constitutional rights" are spelled out in the Constitution. And, that ain't in there!
You might try...y'know..."research"? Try to read it? Oh...I'll be difficult for you to comprehend, as most of the concepts are directly-opposed to your brainwashed programming. But...give it a try, at least?
Ah...never mind. "You can't fix stupid".
Apparently, he's all giddy about his little "15 minutes", so is now milking it in the responses, in his own little masturbatory way:
"I believe firmly in the 1st amendment, as well. In this case, one of the goals was to get arrested, so I don't think the Senators or officers should be punished. We pushed free speech right up to the limit. I think the Senators should listen to what was said and push for Medicare for all. -Brandon Irwin, person who got arrested"
WELLLL...ain't YOU our hero?!!!
Hey, IRwin. I bet K-State has a math department? Could be they have access to history books? Maybe even be able to research "economics" there? Wonder if you know how to look up the "Founding Documents"? Know how to "Google"?
Here's some advice. Do a little reading...and LEARN WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE BABBLING ABOUT!
Actually...I have a better idea. Pick up a copy of Mark Levin's 'Rediscovering Americanism', and learn some REAL history! NOT the crap you've been forcefed in your insulated-from-the-world "Halls of Higher Indoctrination", of which you appear to be a taxpayer-sucking lifelong leech.
Otherwise. Just STFU.
(Oh...and you may want some lotion on that. A small bottle will probably do.)
All I can do is say good morning I will be back after coffee,
ReplyDeleteSounded right on to me, Matter of fact I was about to say the same thing. Lol
ReplyDeleteAnd that my friends, is exactly the kind of crap you can put out there once you shut down any and all opposing voices.
ReplyDeleteI never thought I'd see the day...
Okay I read everything posted here, so far so good. Oh and Hi to PW and RP good to see you out and about RP get to those spuds and help out or you don't eat!! :):)
ReplyDeleteListening to the friday OReilly visit on Beck...they were talking about fox losing ratings again, with exception of Hannity. Noticed too that lately they've been bringing that clickbait twit Tomi Lahren on as contributor. Pro-life faker who's pro-death and got called out on it several months back for throwing pro-lifers under the bus on the View. Proven phony. Beck called her on it and got rid of her dumb ass. If fox thinks click bait like that is going to pull them up, well, sucks to be them...
ReplyDeleteThinking about byebye to television anyhow. Only thing I would miss is breaking news coverage if something really major happens. Go back to plain old worthless free locals, save money...but lose major coverage. I don't know.
ReplyDeleteMy advise to fox news is they can work on is getting rid of that numb nut Shep Smith.
DeleteYup that one is about worthless too...the fox response to the blitzed wolf on the Crapweasel Narrative Network...that pair is a waste of breathable air.
DeleteDrudge link to the gateway pundit...
Also drudge link to zero hedge piece about US citizens being banned now from traveling to n korea...article says unconfirmed in this country but being reported by bbc.
ReplyDeleteWhy anybody in their right mind would want to go there anyhow is beyond me but I'm wondering what may or may not be afoot in the underground netherworld of ops....(accompanied by theme from the twilight zone...)
Now you are back on a roll. Lol. OH and I love it. :)
DeleteDidnt have to try too hard this morning...I can do pretty well if I read Nunya's urinal flushings before drinking my morning quota of coffee...
By turning the anonymous posting back on they no longer have an excuse not join in...
ReplyDeleteLock and load!
ReplyDeleteOne big, big difference between us and " them": throughout history, ordinary people who yearn to be free of oppression and the heavy yoke of a dictatorship will eventually unite, stand up and fight to throw it off using whatever means and ingenuity they can come up with as weaponry even down to their bare fists and risking death. But what do oppressors do? They have to start trying to round dissenters up, killing them en masse without regard for women and children, throwing them into prisons and slave camps and such in order to render them powerless. These are the acts of...cowards.
ReplyDeleteOur own revolutionary war is example when you look at actions of the Brits fighting for King George versus the ragtag farmers and militias who banded together to fight them and won.
Libs doing happy dance. Spicer gone
ReplyDeleteSorry Skippey didn't see your post before I sent mine.
DeleteSpicer is out of the white house!
ReplyDeleteI think as Trump goes about putting his own people in place we can expect a lot more resignations.
ReplyDeleteHe's gotta have people he can trust...
Maybe he will find his leakers and put some depends on them
ReplyDeleteI don't know but I am watching this shit close, but you can bet shortly he Trump will shut down Mueller.
ReplyDeleteI hope he does but I hope he survives the shitstorm that'll follow...
ReplyDeleteOh he will survive it, Had Mueller not stacked the deck will Hillary asshole's it might be okay. But I bet Trump will Adapt and improvise if need be will overcome. He didn't come this far to fail. As soon as the press shits their pants with their stupid comments the people will come to the rescue.
DeleteDid you screen capture that, Batshit?
ReplyDeleteYou think batshit is still out here? Hell he wasn't the last man standing, that was one hell of a hit on him, he maybe still in a coma.
DeleteScaramucci: bigtime player. Founded Skybridge Capital investment firm and sold it earlier this year to RON Transatlantic EG and HNA Capital Holding, a chinese conglomerate closely allied with the chinese communist party.
ReplyDeleteMember world economic forum and CFR
vice chair, Kennedy Center corp fund board 2008 he was raisibg campaign money for Obama and democrats.
This guy sounds like a Soros wannabe, CNN takedown aside. No real allegiance to anyone or anything but himself.
Spicer no big loss but he was wary of the guy and let Trump know it.
I trust no one in government any more, hell I didn't trust them when I work for them. Good Grief.
DeleteDid someone say… “Pizza”…. snicker snicker snicker
Looks like the Dems have a new slogan: “And the Dems’ new slogan?
It reads: “A Better Deal: Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Wages.””
The article says it sounds like a Papa John's commercial....
Maybe I'm exhausted - been a hellava week - and this somehow struck my funny bone and made me giggle...
If they can't get the people to buy their product, it is a nothing Pizza.
DeleteIt gets worse...
ReplyDeleteAt the is an article written by Gabriella Hoffman courtesy info from Dana Loesch and a series of tweets in which Scaramucci says he's a gun control advocate in 2012...Levin is talking about same as I type...
Article title "New WH Comm Dir in 12"...
Has this guy "evolved"?
Also big on lgbtq rights ( this from Levin).
And of course the Kushners support this poser...
Well we better be paying attention.
DeleteYes. We should. This guy's a ringer.
DeleteSo who the hell is really hearing what we the people have to say?
ReplyDeletePossibly related to my earlier post is a story at about an uptick in chicom investment activities in the peoples republic of california with politicians etc...Scaramucci's former companies arent named but they are investment entities with close ties to the chinese government...dots mayhap?
Levin: he supports climate change...against death penalty...Mark calls him a new york liberal.
Called the shillary in april 2016 "incredibly competent" and hopes she runs again in 2020...Levin
Hatch and the rinos now slinging mud at Mike Lee..blaming him for failure of obamacare repeal... "Blocking vote" he says. Bullshit. They're pissed because he and Paul exposed their sorry butts and forced them to moon the American people when they were trying like hell to cover their butts.
ReplyDeleteTruth, as always, has no agenda.
Golfer's Daughter
ReplyDeleteA father put his 3 year old daughter to bed, told her a story and listened to her prayers which ended by saying: "God bless Mommy, God bless Daddy, and God bless Grandma and goodbye Grandpa." The father asked, "Why did you say goodbye Grandpa?"
The little girl said, "I don't know, Daddy, it just seemed like the thing to do."
The next day grandpa died. The father thought it was a strange coincidence.
A few months later the father put the girl to bed and listened to her prayers which went like this: "God bless Mommy, God Bless Daddy and goodbye Grandma." The next day the grandmother died.
"Holy Moly, thought the father, "this kid is in contact with the other side."
Several weeks later when the girl was going to bed the dad heard her say:
"God bless Mommy and goodbye Daddy.." He practically went into shock. He couldn't sleep all night and got up at the Crack of dawn to go to his office. He was nervous as a cat all day, had lunch and watched the clock. He figured if he could get by until midnight he would be okay. He felt safe in the office, so instead of going home at the end of the day he stayed there, drinking coffee, looking at his watch and jumping at every sound. Finally, midnight arriv ed, he breathed a sigh of relief and went home. When he got home his wife said, "I've never seen you work so late, what's the matter?" He said, "I don't want to talk about it, I've just spent the worst day of my life."
She said, "You think you had a bad day, you'll never believe what happened to me this morning. My golf pro dropped dead in the middle of my lesson."
Duhhh....uh oh....woops...
Yup glad it was Friday, think I will call it a night, so good night to all.
ReplyDeleteSee it yet, Kevin?
Not sure there are any other TWD fans, but trailer is out...
I have now.
DeleteWon't be long now...
Royals nail biter tonite.
ReplyDeleteNext up: Drudge link to wapo story saying Sessions talked about campaign crap with Kislyak, former russian ambassador...poorly sourced, no corroboration of exactly what was discussed. Last line of that report on this is revealing...
ReplyDeleteZero hedge also has this story, references wapo but gives a much better take on the affair and far more believable. Insightful.
Personally I don't think the AG did or said anything wrong but hete you have Trump with his nose out of joint at the if he goes off on some petty tirade over this snafu, don't be shocked if Sessions goes. Would be a damn shame.
Remember Carrier and all those jobs supposedly saved? Well...layoffs started, with total of 600 going south, literally, this summer. To Mexico.
ReplyDeleteTrust no one. Especially vote-pandering politicians.
cats, I agree with you about Jeff Sessions.
ReplyDeleteBut I don't blame Trump for being pissed off at him for bailing on the Russia thing.
I remember being pissed off about it myself when it happened.
And had he stayed this special prosecutor crap might not have ever happened...
I get that, Kevin...hell of it is that so far, none of their committees investigating things democrat have requested indictment either. On a damn thing. Instead all they've done is talk. And for heaven's sake...if Trump would spend less time tweeting and more time getting rid of all those damned holdovers. Including that damned Rosenstein who recommended Mueller in the first place. And Trump has a bad habit of picking the Kushner path even when his other advisors advise differently. Why not just get rid of the rest of them if you're not gonna listen to them...or are they just props?
DeleteRight back at ya, Sarge...
ReplyDeleteIf this heat wave was in January I would say we have a global warming problem...
ReplyDeleteRoyals went 10 innings and won last long as we have baseball, all is not lost I guess.
ReplyDeleteYa know, sometimes I wish I'd never have figured out the internet. I wish I wasn't retired. Too damn much time on my hands because I have this damned habit of researching all these political animals and who they hang with. Comes from doing all those connect-the-dots things in coloring books when I was a kid maybe.
ReplyDeleteIf yer grandkids have those things save them from my fate and get rid of the coloring books when they're not looking!!
To Late cats. My grandson is in to deep on this political crap. Damn glad is on my side though.
DeleteHave to say that's definitely a good thing...and my eldest son can out-bitch me when it comes to political bullcrap. Gets downright funny when he starts going off about welfare cheats. Must be something about being out in the heat all day repairing railroad track...
DeleteSarge...he's probably just scared as hell to NOT be on pappy's side!😂
ReplyDeleteLol, I don't think he is scared Of me but he sure shows his respect for me, I feel blessed having him.
DeleteHa! Good one Nunya!
DeleteHope everyone is watching the dedication of the Newest air craft carrier the USS Gerald R Ford, Cool! Oh and it is on Fox News.
ReplyDeleteI should have said commissioning of the ship. home just in time for that..
DeleteHello Comrades, heard Kushner and Soros are good financial buddies.
ReplyDeleteKushner is not the president nor is Hillary. Hahahahahha
DeleteCommon on Comrades.
ReplyDeleteWhat would you now about Comrades?
DeleteHeard new Spicy replacement is a real gun control nut.
ReplyDeleteAnd what? He doesn't run anything, do you have a point?
DeleteYou for that Scaramouche gun control, Comrade Sargyjr?
ReplyDeleteHe can't change a thing JJ!
ReplyDeleteKeep telling yourself that, Comradejr.
ReplyDeleteDon't need to I worry about what you say as much as I worry about Hillary becoming President.
DeleteKen, you still over here wastin'time?
ReplyDeleteHe is out fishing, he has lots of minnows to use up so I hear.
DeleteY'all been replaced by robots.
ReplyDeleteI got this e mail today and all of a sudden I found my self thinking and that is dangerous so I figured I'd share this..I can't find anything wrong here, can you?
ReplyDeleteI AM FORWARDING THIS EMAIL TO A FEW OF THE "THINKERS" IN MY ADDRESS BOOK. IT REFLECTS THE FEELINGS OF A LOT OF PEOPLE. I have never heard this said as simply or as well. Class war at its best. The folks who are getting the free stuff don't like The folks who are paying for the free stuff, because The folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer Afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff. And the folks who are paying for the free stuff Want the free stuff to stop. And the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more Free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting! Now... The people who are forcing the people who pay For the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING The free stuff that the people who are PAYING for the Free stuff are being mean, prejudiced, and racist. So... The people who are GETTING the free stuff have been Convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the Free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay For their free stuff and giving them the free stuff in the first place. We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there Are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the Free stuff. Now understand this. All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere Between 200 and 250 years after being founded. The reason? The voters figured out they could vote themselves money From the treasury by electing people who promised to give Them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them. The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 236 years ago. The number of people now getting free stuff Outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff. Failure to change that spells the end of the United States As we know it. ELECTION 2014 IS COMING A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves! I'M 100% for PASSING THIS ON !!! For all our sake PLEASE Take a Stand!!! Obama: Gone! Borders: Closed! Language: English only Culture: God, Constitution, and the Bill of Rights! Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare! NO freebies to: Non-Citizens!
Good post...add a bunch of colorful, descriptive language in there and that could be my railroad son on a!
DeleteGood cut&paste there Comrade Skippy.
ReplyDeletejj it saves on typing, I think most would say, and your problem is what?
DeleteHeard the cj finally booted y'all. Sweet
ReplyDeletehahahah didn't boot me and you can bank on that jj!
DeleteAnd Keri has gone national. Ain't that a kick in the head? HHH
ReplyDeleteI find it humorous.
ReplyDeleteGood to know you have a sick sense of humor.
DeleteWho told us?
ReplyDeleteComradejr., you seem outa trolling practice. The bunker bubble is makin'ya weak. That is why automated bots have taken over.
ReplyDeleteMe weak hahahahha I don't post Anonymous, hahha you want to try again?
DeleteMaybe you should give it a try. HHH
ReplyDeleteI'ma gonna stop wastin' my time.
Lol... Good to see the bottom feeders are alive and well...
ReplyDeleteYup they come alive when you give them a little fresh waters to swim in. Kevin
DeleteHell I named that minnow in one note. heheheheh But to be fair I do have a keen sense of smell.
ReplyDeleteHahahaha!!! Fish bait! Thought it be gettin a bit fragrant in here....better keep yer lid on yer buckit there, minnow...there's cats around these parts.
ReplyDeleteThey like mice any on yer pockits today?
Btw...glad you're over here educatin' yerself although you'll never own up to it.
Dont think he realizes either that most "anonymous" posters are bots...especially if they don't initial posts to let people know they're not...
ReplyDeleteSo. Fishbait. Can we expect to see yer new avatar and username soon?
As in gimme? Minnow? Fishbait?
ReplyDeletewhy do all the news idiots keep on calling this change of personnel that Trump has done a Shake-up? Good Grief.
ReplyDeleteI didn't get booted from the Commie Urinal, and these folks will attest to that. I left because it was useless trying to debate leftist idiots when the anti-American far-left amateur staff let the liberal morons get away with murder, while censoring anything 1% right of 100% left.
ReplyDeleteI could easily make a bogus "social media" account like others, and get back on. And, I may yet do that. Y'know, just to give you stupid liberals more nuclear I used to do.
Unlike "Last Man Standing", ol' MFA Batshit....or Minnow Slimprick, I have never been suspended over there. Hell, I could count posts I have had pulled on one hand. (Which is higher than most libtards seem to be able to count...y'know...since they seem so ignorant of "math" and "simple economics", etc.), numbnuts. We didn't "all get booted" off that crappy, sorry, poorly-designed, asshole-run site.
They just lowered the bar so much that nobody really gives a shit about that dying Commie rag, anymore. Except, of course, you braindead liberals.
And, despite their dramatic decline in traffic, readership, relevance and profit...those morons still insist on doing a uniquely liberal thing. They continue to commit fiscal and cultural suicide.
As far as "Keri goes national"...pinprick?
She's no bomb. Not a stick of dynamite. Not an M-80, or a cherry bomb. Not a Black Cat. Not even a Lady Finger.
Keri is one of those cheap, underwhelming wastes of one of those "poppers". "Puh-t!"
But...she has managed to start a chain of events that may eventually lead to some good, embarrassing YouTube moments for her, for all the world to see!😂 Especially, if she decides to use her extensive night-school booklearnin' to take on real lawyers, who know the law, know the Constitution, and will reduce her to a quivering pile of liberal jellified excrement.
Anyway, Mousey....glad you could throw in your taxpayer-funded 2 cents!😂
BTW Mouseys...thanks for biting on Wednesdays and weekends. It's the only reason I even sneak over there, to see what insane rantings you idjits are tossing out. 😂
ReplyDeleteWell...that ain't quite true. I lied. (I feel terrible about that...but if I was a liberal...I wouldn't. Lying is a REQUIREMENT to be a liberal...right Mouseys?)
ReplyDeleteI do go over to check out, and tear down line-by-line, the insanity of liberals' letters and editorials (from those feeble-minded "editors" at the Urinal. Little Matty...the Johnson...provides lots of fodder!)😊
On Core!!! hehehehe
ReplyDeleteHey fishbait...I still venture over there once in awhile...betcha cant figger it out either, can ya?
ReplyDeleteAnd that ain't purrin' you're's a trolling motor. On a boat. With a big ol' fish hook and yo' name on it!
Now for some good news...courtesy zero hedge...
ReplyDeleteGlenn Simpson got his butt subpoenaed. Whoziz?
Head of Fusion GPS, purveyor of dossiers full of disgusting sicko allegations and oppo research...
His lawyers tried to plead vacation as excuse (he's out of the country you see) but didn't work. He got papered anyhow and is to testify on wednesday. Says he'll plead the 5th..
We hope he doesn't get arkancided during his travels back.
Feed on that, fishbait.
ReplyDeletewe are under a Severe storm watch, Be Prepared.
ReplyDeleteCNN just reported Putin may have ties to Russia!!!
hahahah who would have thought.?
ReplyDeleteWho'da thot?!
Also lively thunderstorm just blew through out here...
Blessedly cool now. Had to retrieve a plastic lawn chair from my back yard and limbs to pick up tomorrow but nothing major...just a buncha rain cooled air.
Shoot, the bots have better fresher bs than y'all.
ReplyDeleteCan't stand us enjoying life can you jj? hahahaha must suck to be you.
DeleteWassamatta, fishbait? Jealous?
ReplyDeleteYa could go get washed up on some beach somewhere and flop around on the sand for a few....just a suggestion...
I think grunion are a little higher up than a mere minnow. If he'd stay around and earn some strips, who knows? He could be promoted to Mackerel, First Class in no time.
DeleteNote to self the Brickyard 400 on 1;30 today, and a good morning to you all.
ReplyDeleteWINNING: Trump Eliminates 860 Obama-Era Federal Regulations, little by little this is a good start, taken from Drudgereport./Breitbart.
ReplyDeleteYou know Minnow, if you'd just register, you could call yourself "Gimme" here and Kevin would probably let it pass. This is a more tolerant place than cj; just don't stoop to personal insults. You always were a little more entertaining than most of your ilk and, as Safe once said, smarter than some of them, as well.
ReplyDeleteBesides, you have someone else to call "Scaramouche" now.
Fish bait Fish bait Chicken of the sea Whys everybody picking you? Your a shad and you stink. Its what fish bait is. Live with it Tell me the song Fish Bait
ReplyDeleteShould be you're or you are a shad there Skippy dippy.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry Ken, you will always be Scaramouche in my heart. HHH
ReplyDeleteKen forget it that prick minnow doesn't have a place that I can see over here, but not my blog.
ReplyDeleteHe just smells the place up. As far as I care he can go down the creek.
DeleteKen, Safe At Homes was always an suck-up.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAh James, he only does the Scaramouche thing because it makes him sound edu-mick-ated. He knows damn good and well that ol' Remf is the REAL DEAL. He doubtless fervently wishes that he could have a bit of my back history, even the Lundgren and Holliday part. Indeed, he probably spends time on FaceBook lookin' at my stuff, adoring me.
ReplyDeleteBesides guys, doing away with the Minnow would deprive us of fun. Look at how he keeps things going here. He never descends to the sort of insults a bunch of the other libs do routinely. "Scaramouche" is so much more pleasant than "fascist," don't you think. And one personal testimonial I can give for Minnow is that he isn't a narc. Bat narced to CJ; but the real narcs (and the two people with real issues are Mr. Happy and Hand Job). Trying to ruin people's real lives is beyond the pale for me.
But let's keep Notropis topeka (Topeka Shiner) around. He's good entertainment. Right, fishy?
That's perfect Cap'n.
DeleteI think you just nailed his new name.
Loosely translated from Latin = shiner
Topeka shiners really are endangered species. First described from the Shunganunga creek, they're now mostly found in clear creeks like Mill Creek in Wabaunsee County.
DeleteKen what would be lost if they went poof from the face of this earth, and what does it cost us to keep them around?
DeleteCome on James, we don't want endangered species going poof! It really hasn't cost anything that I know of to keep this particular species going. When my friend Mel did the research on them at ESU, his money came from the Biology Department from privately donated funds. Since there are still good habitats for that particular notropis in the Midwest, they're not really inconvenient. If you're looking for endangered species that cost money, those tend to be disproportionally on the West Coast.
DeleteOh I see you are talking about the real minnow. :)
DeleteConcerning our own special baitfish, he's better behaved than most of his ilk. His swim-by shots can sometimes be entertaining.
DeleteAnd we need someone to tussle with here. He's different than some of the others (Hand Job, Jakey-Wakey, Batty) who have shown up.
So, minnow claims Keri goes national?
ReplyDeleteWas that before or after the psychotic episode?
I only ask gimme because the left seems so in touch with their pychotics....
And for the record, I don't mind having him around. He will play nice. Same antics I'm sure but nothing over the line I bet. Comic relief, so to speak. Perfect display of leftist camaraderie. Or is that comrade(ery)...???
It will be fun. Besides he wouldn't want all those face book pages, links, and pictures spread around.
And not Thornes, either...
And like cats posted, I can't wait for the avatar.
Good Almost Afternoon y'all....
ReplyDeletedid anyone get debris from the storm last evening? what a doozy... the neighbor's tree that sits near the curb lost a limb... I thought it was a branch, nope.... it be a super limb - though the tree left branches in my yard - I picked up what was in my yard and took it out back - will take care of those with the clippers, etc., later this week. I left the honking limb for the neighbor to take care of - he is a stinker - i.e. not very nice -
There was very small pea sized hail in that storm also.
Hey did y'all hear about the intersection of Morse and Topeka Blvd? It cracked yesterday due to heat.... that happened before the storm when the heat index hit 120
I noticed it as I was driving to work early this morning. Another thing I noticed was that, as usual, 9/10ths of the limbs seemed to be from maples. I know that people plant them because they grow more rapidly than oaks and elms, but they need to take into account what comes later. They'll probably not be the ones owning the property, so they don't give a damn what comes around 35-40 years later, but somebody ought to care.
DeleteMay maples cost me over $3000.00 this year to get rid of them, not counting the damage they did over the years, but now I have no shade in the back most of the day, but grass is looking lots better. Sad to say I planted the dirty bastards over 30 plus years ago. But when Zach gets this house he won't have to deal with them.
DeleteMY maples damn, jj will have a field day now.
DeleteGas prices have officially hit a 12 year low.
ReplyDeleteThank you President Trump...
And you know, since Minnow always used to thank Pres. Obama for that low gas, he should thank the Donald now. 'Cause ol' Barry and Don pumped that stuff out with their bare hands!!!
DeleteBut if they give credit to the one, they ought to give credit to both.
Now let's just wait for THAT to ever happen!!!
Hahahahhahaha You are joking right Ken? Yup I would love to hear those words, " Thank you President Trump for the low gas prices" I will not hold my breath.
DeleteLol...fair and balanced...right?
DeleteTinfoil hat time...
ReplyDeleteWSJ editorial writer Joe Rago found dead in his apartment a couple of days ago. 34 years old, autopsy in progress.
2011 pulitzer prize winner for series of articles critical of obamadontcare...he had stellar reputation as an old-line writer; never attacking people just giving his perspectives on the topic at hand.
Lately he'd been looking into the democrat-Russia meme and asking questions...specifically about a pharmaceutical company called Veripharm, allegedly sold to Russia in 2014 when sales to Russia were banned by sanctions. Somebody apparently didn't like that?
Now this morning we have Chucky the Schmuck Shumer saying dems need to get off this Trump-Russia narrative because that's "not why Hillary lost..."
My, my...another arkancide?
Plenty of internet sites beginning to get interested...I first saw the stuff about his death earlier in the week, thought "odd", guy so young and successful writer with a lot of respect for his work.
So...Fishbait: would love to hear your thoughts on that...
Oops...Veripharm is Russian company who did the deal with Abbott...a US firm.
DeleteStill a no-no, though...over 500 billion price tag but what are a few no-no's among cronies, eh?
And...might it be that the Schmuck is getting a bit worried about his backside these days?
ReplyDeleteFusion GPS...the washerwoman and the growing list of dirty tricks with her bffs the Brothers Awan...the 7000 emails courtesy Weiner Man...
I'm sure I left a lot of things out but looks like people are a bit puckered in the backside of late in that party.
As in "they think their caca doesn't stink but their farts give them away..."
yes I know someone ought to care - hubby n' me been doing that for 32+ years living at the house.... once upon a time there used to be decent people living in this neighborhood that we're in.....they owned their homes, we helped each other out, visited with each other a lot, but little by little they've either passed away or moved into a nursing facility - leaving their homes to be lapped up by slum lords who turn the houses into section 8 housing. Some of the section 8 folks truly are nice neighbors, but some of the section 8 folks aren't. The ones that aren't bring rif raf with them.
ReplyDeleteIn the situation with the neighbor next door - he's just plain mean. Yes he owns the house next to me, he's weird - has his lawn chair turned facing our house and sits on his front porch and watches me when I do yard work - I've told hubby this guy creeps me out - he never has visitors, lives alone, elderly - just plain put....he's an "odd duck".
This tree is on his side of the property line, it used to have a huge diameter limb that grew to where it stretched across our roof...close to our tv antenna (we don't have cable). we tried approaching him about it pleasantly, but he said the tree was ours and we should take care of it. I reminded him where the line was and that it's on his side of the line that it was planted by the people he bought the house from.
Eventually it came down to us contacting the city and they have a free service (no cost) to come and trim trees. The city took care of the huge limb that was over our roof - they chopped the limb off at the trunk.
If this limb that fell yesterday during the storm is still there at the curb hubby n' I will probably do what we've always done, sputtering grumpily but probably take care of it.
I wished things were like they were when we moved in back in 1985 - neighbors helping neighbors - being genuinely pleasant to each other - caring..... instead of what we've got now - people that don't bother to say 'hi' and just plain don't give a damned.
Sorry to sound if I'm grumping here - please know that my rant is not targeted at anyone in my Room 235 family....
No visitors and a nasty old crank? About sums that up I think...he's probably alienated a lot of people through the years with "attitude".
DeleteAs to the limb...whose property easement is it on? If his, then he's responsible for getting rid of it. If left on your side then city will deem your problem...sad but true I'm afraid...
All you can do is smile through gritted teeth at times and not let hateful people rent space in your head.
limb is on the street, next to the curb..... in front of our yard and partly his yard.
DeleteI know it sounds petty for me to bitch about property lines, his tree though he thinks it our tree.....yada yada yada.... but there's no talking to this idiot next door.
Deletemore than likely, hubby n' me will take care of this (like we always have done).
And who can not mention Podesta, of "password" fame?
ReplyDeleteFishbait, you're a bright person...would you be so stupid as to use "password" for your password?
What is it about these assclown democrat progressives that warrants your continued support?
He just does as he's told to do...
ReplyDeleteJust posted Trump's newest weekly address.
ReplyDeleteCheck it out, gimme, you might actually learn something...
The mention by Schmucky to "back off" is the tell.
ReplyDeletePeople have been dealving for a while now.
The whole Russian ruse has been so stupidly implemented, that the demoncrats failed to calculate how that dealving is going to expose them, instead of the intended target. But the digging will continue due to the incessant fit throwing by certain leftys.
Probably what got Rago, too.
Connecting dots.
And connecting dots will get you killed with a demoncrat.
So, what happened over on cj to finally make them make the wise choice to dump y'all? I didn't really keep up after they dumped anon posting.
ReplyDeleteAnd you don't have to play coy(koi), Shiner.
DeleteThey didn't dump us.... they ended the community blogs - period....that was everyone's not just Kevin's.
DeleteAt least we won't be seeing Lucy's ramblings, or Keri's alternate reality ramblings...
DeleteI'm surprised that the mods tolerated Lucy's and Keri's plagiarism as long as they did....
DeleteAnd for the record - Kevin's blogs were always spot on.... take it to the bank truth..... unlike Lucy's ramblings and Keri's alternate reality ramblings.
DeleteThey dumped the community blogs entirely, tough guy.
ReplyDeleteKevin got inside their head so bad that they threw in the towel.
But you can read some movie and golf blogs over at the urinal if you so choose.
ReplyDeleteThat huggy stuff gets old faster than Sargyjr. can whip up an alias.
ReplyDeleteThe cj always seemed way to accommodating to the 235 nonsense.
ReplyDeleteBullshit! They were just to biased and Liberal to post things in a balanced manner....
DeleteMaybe y'all just got to big for your alt-right britches Comrade rikki.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't listen about BB and you didn't listen about the T-rump and buddy pu-poo, comrade rikity
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ReplyDeleteyou never changed have you gimme.... no hope for you behaving human now is there?!
DeleteNot testy at all, gimme.
ReplyDeleteJust calling bullshit when I see it...
it must be totally unbearable for you gimme to acknowledge that President Trump is your president too..... he's a helluva lot better than Hillary would have been - she would have sold America down the river!
ReplyDeleteI would take the river over bein' sold to Putin.
DeleteWell your beloved Hillary would have sold America down the river - Trump inherited a mess!!
DeleteI just checked in once a week to see when you would open up anon comments after the cj boot to the behind. Right where I placed my bet to boot.
ReplyDeleteHey Kevin, Sarge and Room 235.... tonight's dinner - bbq pork chops and baked taters...
ReplyDeleteSounds better than the crappy Braums burger in Wichita I just finished...
Deletetravel safely Kevin
DeleteIt wasn't so that we had gotten too big for our britches anyway.
ReplyDeleteIt had more to do with the opinion page editor Matty "THE JOHNSON'S" jealousy.
He couldn't handle the fact that he couldn't compete with my blog in terms of readership and or number of comments.
Funny thing is he still can't compete with me...
Rikki, you tellin' me you can still post as rikki on cj?
ReplyDeleteAs usual I'll simply let the numbers speak for themselves...
ReplyDeleteSorry kev, I'ma gonna have to stick with my too big for them britches conclusion.
ReplyDeleteyou just keep feeding yourself that line of bs gimme, we all know that you know the truth that it was CJ who changed formats again....ending community blogs.
ReplyDeleteGoodnight all.
ReplyDeleteSleep well and always remember how lucky we are to have a president that has our back...
Funny that Shiner would take the river over being sold out to Putin.
ReplyDeleteYet, the media would have you beleive that tensions are at a thirty or so year high? And yet ol Hil-lie-ry and the Clinton Murder Syndicate gladly handed Putin(and likely Iran) holdings and ownership of a large percentage of US/Canadian Uranium?
Methinks Shiner is just as confused as Madcow and the rest of his faves over at MSLSD....
But, I would never expect it all to make sense. Nor would I provoke a member of the party of violence that Shiner belongs to.
But reality tells me our president, and Shiners, is doing quite well.
I'm sure he's able to buy a big gulp everytime he fills up with the money he saves.
Hey fishbait...
ReplyDeleteSaw on the local police scanner blog recently that cops got a call about a dead carp found on the Richman Gordman lot near that bar over there...
Better watch hangin with them Clintonistas...get on their bad could end up like that carp.
Just tryin to help ya...
The Big Q of the day: what did that carp know about the Harridan?
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ReplyDeleteI left that up long enough for JJ to jump in and correct my grammar. Maybe he is learning I have been doing that to him for years now. Sucker!
DeleteCome on, y'all. You know the cj had to shut down all the blogs just to get rid of that 235 bad apple. Shoot, they knew they would hear whining from the biggest snowflakes in T-town and their many alias, for years and years.
ReplyDeleteOh all the snowflakes like you are still over there. Oh why are you here? Trying to make a break are you jj the flake.
DeleteI took my game to the twitter (even more idiotic than 235) universe.
DeleteIronic. You do the same as what you accuse cj of doing to you. SFs to the max.
ReplyDeleteWell; will someone jump in and take care of my light weight JJ. I am calling it a night.
ReplyDeleteDo I hear a good morning out here? Good morning!
ReplyDeleteThe crowd noise is killing me this morning.
DeleteY'all having fun with your laser pointers, watching the minnow chase it into the wall? Don't worry. Can't do any more brain damage to him than is already there.!😂
ReplyDeleteIsn't it funny how Notropis tries to make out like we were kicked off cjonline, when in fact they chucked it in?
ReplyDeleteAnd if we're "comrades" or "tovarishs" and such, Mr. Notropis, what are you guys? Remember the Clinton Chinese connection? Don't play dumb, either, because most of us DO! Perhaps you could be Fu MinnowChu.
New blog up.