Of course that actually happened a long time ago, but they are finally purging the old line democrats. Shades of Joe Stalin. The only difference is they are using the primary system instead of taking them out and shooting them like their predecessors did.
A "democrat socialist" has beaten an old school democrat in New York in the primary for a congressional seat. She advocates for free healthcare for all, free college for all, a guaranteed income for all and a bunch of other "free" stuff, free meaning paid for by the half of America who pays taxes and free to the half that doesn't.
Make no mistake. The term "democrat socialist" is just a new name for communists. Socialism is just another name used to try to hide who they really are. Karl Marx always believed Socialism was just a road stop on the road to communism. Remember, it was the United Soviet Socialist Republic, not the communist republic.
The titular head of this movement, old Bernie the Red is nothing but an old New York street commie. He took his honeymoon in the USSR for crying out loud.
So it looks like the democrats in America are going to go full commie. They imagine the way to beat this President and his agenda and the 63 million of us who voted for him by promising everybody free stuff. I think it's a brilliant strategy. For us.
People are seeing economic growth for the first time in ten years. Seeing the border getting dealt with. Seeing wages grow, consumer confidence grow, jobs created. Real jobs. Seeing the country finally recover from eight years of a Marxist at the steering wheel, driving us off a cliff.
The Kenyan and the democrats always said it was as good as it gets when he was president. Donald Trump came along and said Bullshit. And he was right. We'll see 4% GDP growth probably by next quarter.
And the democrat/communists are going to try to win elections promising to reverse all the progress and drag us backwards into economic chaos. Reverse the tax cuts. Raise taxes. Give stuff away.
That will win them the same people who always vote for them. They could promise them anything, they don't care. They are idiots. But you're not going to win back the people who now know you are lying about everything. They see it. The American people have had enough.
I'm predicting a Red Wave this November. More House seats. More Senate seats. And more wailing and weeping and gnashing of teeth from the democrat/communists.
But be prepared. They will not surrender this without a fight. We are already seeing an uptick in violence and harassment. It will get much worse.
Just as Generals Grant and Sherman knew when they beat down the democrats in the civil war, they need to crush them under their feet. Sherman always said "war is hell" and he taught the Southern democrats what that meant. He made the price for continuing the war against their country too high for them to be willing to pay.
Time for another Sherman. These people need to learn, harassing people in public gets you thrown in jail. Keep it up and it's prison. There has to be a cost for rebellion against your country.
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Monday, June 25, 2018
Looks like the democrat/communists are all in
They are openly attacking everything in sight. Members of congress openly shouting down our President. Anybody remember when Joe Wilson said "you're lying" out loud during the Kenyan's SOU speech? When he actually was lying? Joe was excoriated by the democrat/communists and the godless left wing media. Crucified. And that was two words. Now it's OK to shout down the President of the United States.
My, my, how far we have come.
And they are openly encouraging their apparachiks to harass and threaten anybody they cross paths with that they imagine might hold different views than theirs. Not debate them. Not discuss the issues. Not try to persuade them. Attack them. Run them out of the joint. Call them names. Yell at them. And it will eventually lead to physical violence. With democrat/communists it always does.
So this is their winning strategy for the mid terms. Make total and complete fools of themselves. When that happens, when some innocent person is attacked in a public place, do they imagine anybody except their fellow loons will think that was a great idea? Or will those people who didn't necessarily hold a particularly strong view be persuaded these democrat/communists are radical extremists who are dangerous?
They are picking the immigration mountain to die on as well. Open borders. Free immigration to all. Everybody walk on in. Abolish ICE. Stop enforcing the immigration laws. Bring in the criminals, the MS13 members. The people who will immediately file for welfare benefits. Again, other than the insane clown posse that is the democrat/communist base who else thinks this is a good idea?
I think it's a great strategy personally. I love it. Take everything that lost you over 1,100 elections during the Kenyan's eight years in office. Everything that got Donald Trump elected in the first place. And keep doing it. Do more of it. Ramp it up. Go crazy. It's worked so well for you this far.
And keep trying to convince America that Donald Trump is a Russian spy or whatever the hell you people believe. That's working so well. It's exposing the deep corruption at the top of the FBI and DOJ and will eventually lead to the Kenyan himself. So keep pushing this narrative. It's going great. For us.
My, my, how far we have come.
And they are openly encouraging their apparachiks to harass and threaten anybody they cross paths with that they imagine might hold different views than theirs. Not debate them. Not discuss the issues. Not try to persuade them. Attack them. Run them out of the joint. Call them names. Yell at them. And it will eventually lead to physical violence. With democrat/communists it always does.
So this is their winning strategy for the mid terms. Make total and complete fools of themselves. When that happens, when some innocent person is attacked in a public place, do they imagine anybody except their fellow loons will think that was a great idea? Or will those people who didn't necessarily hold a particularly strong view be persuaded these democrat/communists are radical extremists who are dangerous?
They are picking the immigration mountain to die on as well. Open borders. Free immigration to all. Everybody walk on in. Abolish ICE. Stop enforcing the immigration laws. Bring in the criminals, the MS13 members. The people who will immediately file for welfare benefits. Again, other than the insane clown posse that is the democrat/communist base who else thinks this is a good idea?
I think it's a great strategy personally. I love it. Take everything that lost you over 1,100 elections during the Kenyan's eight years in office. Everything that got Donald Trump elected in the first place. And keep doing it. Do more of it. Ramp it up. Go crazy. It's worked so well for you this far.
And keep trying to convince America that Donald Trump is a Russian spy or whatever the hell you people believe. That's working so well. It's exposing the deep corruption at the top of the FBI and DOJ and will eventually lead to the Kenyan himself. So keep pushing this narrative. It's going great. For us.
Saturday, June 23, 2018
Stand Tall... Stand Strong... And Stand Together...
One last blog and I'll wrap it up for the week.
Do me a favor and give President Trump and your country 2 and a half minutes and listen to his weekly address.
It's a big deal.
It really is.
We're on the verge of losing this country as we've always known it forever.
And if the democrats manage to take back the House this coming November that's exactly what we're facing.
Don't let the media get you down.
Stand tall.
Stand strong.
And stand together.
Kevin McGinty
And these idiots want to be taken seriously...
I ran across this goofy hit piece on Stephen Miller this morning and decided it was too good not to pass along.
We all know there's nothing the Trump hating media won't do or say in their never-ending crusade to get rid of Trump.
But I never thought they'd intentionally go out of their way make themselves look like fools in the process.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong with these people...
Politico Exposé on Stephen Miller: Third Grade Classmate Says ‘He Was Obsessed with Tape and Glue’
White House senior adviser Stephen Miller’s third grade classmate penned an op-ed for Politico, writing how President Trump’s loyal staffer “was obsessed with tape and glue.”
In the Politico op-ed, John Muller, who sat next to Miller in the third grade, described in detail how the senior adviser once played with glue and preferred other classmates not touch his belongings.
Muller writes in Politico:
He especially was obsessed with tape and glue. Along the midpoint of our desk, Stephen laid down a piece of white masking tape, explaining that it marked the boundary of our sides and that I was not to cross it. The formality of this struck me as odd. I was a fairly neat kid, at least at school, and I had never spread my things to his side of the desk. Stephen, meanwhile, could not have been much messier: His side of the desk was sticky and peeling, littered with scraps of paper, misshapen erasers and pencil nubs.If this adhesive division kept Stephen on his side of the desk, I was all for it, as unfriendly as it seemed. But instead, the tape became an attractive nuisance. Stephen picked at it with his fingernails, methodically, in a mixture of absentmindedness and what seemed like channeled hostility. This process of effacement left a thin layer of sticky grime, not altogether dissimilar from the rest of Stephen’s desk.Stephen rubbed his fingers over this layer of grime, rolling it into little gray pellets until it, too, was gone. Then he applied a new piece of tape, along with a renewed warning that I was not to cross it. Don’t rinse, but do repeat—for months.
The op-ed was aimed at portraying Miller — even as a child — as being infatuated with walling off his personal space and equating that with his support for a wall along the United States-Mexico border to stop illegal immigration.
Readers and commenters mocked the Politico op-ed, with one person joking “This is some journalism. 8-year-old Miller played with glue. Wow.”
Another commenter wrote, “You realize publishing asinine stories like this ruins your credibility, right?” while another wrote “LMAO great piece of “journalism” here.”
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Gnashing of teeth and crocodile tears...
Let's see, the whole Russia Collusion bullshit investigation failed.
The David Hogg (Hogg Boy) teenage gun grabber failed.
The left-wing darling Stormy Daniels (professional whore) narrative failed.
Then along came the long awaited Inspector General's Report which threatened to expose the bias and lawlessness deep inside the Obama administration's corrupt 8 year reign of terror.
The Trump hating media, the democrats, the leftists, and yes, even a few establishment type Never Trump republicans all freaked out.
Quick, we gotta change the new cycle, they demanded!
And just like that their wish was granted.
In an extremely well orchestrated misinformation campaign all major networks, cable news, print and social media delivered it's latest and greatest manufactured crisis to date.
Separating poor, innocent little children from their mother's loving arms at the border.
The hyperbole the left is famous for has been front and center 24/7 ever since they launched their latest emotionally charged attack on President Trump and the millions of us who support him.
I know you guys already know this but just for the hell of it I'm going to provide a quick example of what we're up against in the form of a short minute and a half video as Rachel Maddow (Madcow) becomes so emotional she can't even finish her segment.
Poor Rachel.
The bitch will no doubt receive some super special, made up left-wing award for that particular performance.
The usual over the top comparisons to Hitler, Nazis Brown Shirts, concentration camps, racists, bigots, and everything else the America hating left can come up with have been coming non-stop.
These bastards know full well what they're doing.
They know full well the images they're using to demonize Trump with are old images from when their beloved big eared, left-wing savior Barack Hussein Obama (mmm.mmm.mmm) was president.
But somehow they never get around to mentioning that.
They know full well the immigration law Trump is enforcing actually requires that illegals captured sneaking across the border to be detained.
I suppose they could lock up the kids with them in the adult detention centers but that'd just provide yet another line of attack.
What they want.
Actually what they're demanding is that the Trump administration do like every president before him and simply refuse to enforce our immigration laws all together.
Don't let these bastards fool you.
They couldn't care less about the kids.
They want wide open borders and amnesty combined with citizenship and they want it now.
Two reasons.
The democrats realize they've completely lost the support of the working class American citizen so they're looking to import millions of potential voters to replace what they've willingly thrown away.
And the pieces of shit Never Trump republicans want the cheap slave labor illegals provide their political masters that donate the money that keeps them in power.
The following article is about a letter signed by 13 of those never Trump republicans delivered to the president demanding he stop enforcing the immigration laws they helped create in the first place.
First the names of the one's who signed the letter.
- Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
- Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
- Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS)
- Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)
- Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
- Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN)
- Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
- Sen. John Boozman (R-AR)
- Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV)
- Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO)
- Sen. James Lankford (R-OK)
- Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA)
- Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH)
Hopefully you noticed that our very own Senator Pat Roberts put his name on it.
Now the article.
Did you notice how they want the law ignored which will allow million of illegals to be released into the country to never be heard from again and that they'll work to fix the problem later?
Screw you Pat Roberts.
You know as well as I do that's exactly what you and your do nothing colleagues in congress have been doing all along.
Kicking it down the road.
Right now as we speak House Republicans are putting out two watered down bills to begin addressing the immigration problems we as a nation face.
Even if the House passes one of the two bills it'll die once it reaches the Senate.
Chuck Schumer has already promised a filibuster.
They have no desire to solve the problems they claim to care so deeply about.
They want the issue to remain front and center as we approach the mid-term elections.
The good news about all this is that the issue is causing people you thought you knew to finally show their true colors.
As of this morning and as long as I have a say in it, we'll no longer be having our gatherings at Truckhenge.
Sorry guys, but I chose sides in this fight for the heart and soul of this country a very long time ago and there's only so much I'm willing to put up with.
Never back up.
Never back down.
And never give in...
Updated at 3:48 pm:
In an attempt to calm the nation has signed an executive order allowing children to be detained with their illegal border crossing parents.
Now the "Open Borders" crowd is pissed off because poor innocent little kids will be housed with adults. (I told you this would happen)
It just goes to show they don't give two shits about "the children."
They want open borders and won't be happy until it happens.
Updated at 3:48 pm:
In an attempt to calm the nation has signed an executive order allowing children to be detained with their illegal border crossing parents.
Now the "Open Borders" crowd is pissed off because poor innocent little kids will be housed with adults. (I told you this would happen)
It just goes to show they don't give two shits about "the children."
They want open borders and won't be happy until it happens.
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Here's why no one takes you leftists seriously anymore / Happy Father's Day...
Before we get started today I'd like to throw a shout out to all you dads out there.
Happy Happy Fathers Day.
And now, just for the fun of it (and because I'm an asshole) I thought I'd at least try point out to those who inhabit the fringes of the extreme left (our resident butt doctor) why nobody listens to them anymore.
Truth is, it's really not that complicated at all.
For the most part it's because their entire world view is based on hysteria, lies, and their inability to accept one of the most basic concepts known to man.
I suppose their reliance on hysteria is as good a place as any to start.
You just watch their political ads leading up to November's mid term elections.
Depending on the location the issues will be different but the underlying theme will be the exact same.
"If you vote for my republican challenger millions of people are gonna die!!!"
And no, I don't claim to have any special powers to predict the future.
But if you'll just be patient, time will prove me right.
Another perfect example of their reliance on hysteria and lies come from the left-wing extremists who make up the City Council of Berkeley, California that just officially declared a "Worldwide Climate Emergency."
I've taken the liberty of copying a few paragraphs from an article to highlight some of the hysteria they're pushing.
Droughts, famines, and diseases produced by global warming “have already killed millions of people in the Global South,” the document announces, adding that the earth is “already too hot for safety and justice.”
“The global economy’s overshoot of ecological limits and, increasingly climate change, are driving a global fresh water scarcity crisis and the sixth mass extinction of species, which could devastate much of life on earth for the next ten million years,” the resolution warns.
Climate change “has been linked to the Syrian War, the rise of Boko Haram in Nigeria, as well as the famines, water shortages, and resulting conflict in Yemen, Somalia, and South Sudan,” the document pronounces.
The collapse of the Greenland Ice Shelf, the resolution states, could result in “several billion climate refugees,” or a substantial share of the entire population of the world.
Climate change, population growth, and growing demand for food, energy and fresh water will incite “violent conflict over diminishing resources” by the year 2030, the document also forecasts with remarkable confidence.
The Council argues in favor of finding ways to “humanely stabilize population” as a means of mitigating the effects of global warming.
That ought to do for now. But rest assured there is plenty more insanity where this came from.
Anyone interested in reading the entire article click on the link below.
And yes, I thoroughly expect to be called a "Science Denier" as though that's supposed to bother me.
And that brings us to one of the biggest and most prominent reasons people are rejecting these fools like never before.
Their inability to to accept reality.
A couple quick examples then I gotta get out of here.
The sudden rise of boys (with a penis) who think they're girls and girls (with a vagina) who think they're boys.
Which leads me to one of the most glaring examples of "Reality Denying" the world has ever seen.
The election of Donald J. Trump as America's 45th president.
It wasn't the Russians.
It was me.
Oh, and 63 million of my fellow American Patriots.
Get it?
Got it?
Here ya go Blue, a little reality for you and your fellow Deniers to chew on...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, June 15, 2018
Just for our communist friend from DC
Here you go blue job. From FXstreet.com:
"The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the second quarter of 2018 is 4.8 percent on June 14, up from 4.6 percent on June 8," the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta said in its latest GDPNow report on Thursday.
How bout that? Remember a while back when I mentioned the GDP growth was projected to beat 4% and our commie friend in DC railed and ranted and screeched and hooted, arms akimbo, spittle flying out of his mouth and demanded proof and declared in no uncertain terms this economy was in worse shape than the great depression all thanks to President Donald Trump? Remember that? I do.
And now it just keeps getting better and better. How many times have we heard one of these communist bastards talking about the non existent concept of "trickle down economics" and what a massive failure it always is, even though the facts and history prove again and again tax cuts and supply side economics are the single greatest economic stimulator of this era?
And yet they'll continue. They'll lie and claim our economy is weak. Job by the millions? Means nothing. Consumer confidence up to an 18 year high? So what? Food stamp participation dropping like a rock? Who cares? And how do they explain that? You're all racist hillbillys and too stupid to get out of your own way, they'll tell us. Your only hope is to let geniuses like us run your lives. Tell you how much you should earn. How much of your money you should be allowed to keep. When you are allowed to speak and about what. What kind of immoral perversities you should be forced to not only accept but participate in. You know, like under the last Marxist president. Things went swimmingly well then, didn't they?
But they'll keep spreading their lies. That's what they do. That's what they've always done. Hell, some of them are still trying to sell the idea that Venezuela is a modern day Socialist paradise. Might be for a few plutocrats, but if you're a pet dog there's a pretty good chance you'll end up in tortilla for lunch.
But if it didn't sell, you wouldn't see people like Bernie the Commie running for President. You wouldn't have seen a Marxist elected to two terms.
Somebody once said, nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.
And no doubt before the day's over the faux butt doc will show up with a bunch of copy and pasted refutations of how the American economy is growing like it was on rocket fuel. He's probably searching Pravda as we speak. I imagine he gets a free subscription with his party membership.
"The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the second quarter of 2018 is 4.8 percent on June 14, up from 4.6 percent on June 8," the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta said in its latest GDPNow report on Thursday.
- After this morning's retail sales release from the U.S. Census Bureau, the nowcast of second-quarter real personal consumption expenditures growth increased from 3.4 percent to 3.6 percent."
How bout that? Remember a while back when I mentioned the GDP growth was projected to beat 4% and our commie friend in DC railed and ranted and screeched and hooted, arms akimbo, spittle flying out of his mouth and demanded proof and declared in no uncertain terms this economy was in worse shape than the great depression all thanks to President Donald Trump? Remember that? I do.
And now it just keeps getting better and better. How many times have we heard one of these communist bastards talking about the non existent concept of "trickle down economics" and what a massive failure it always is, even though the facts and history prove again and again tax cuts and supply side economics are the single greatest economic stimulator of this era?
And yet they'll continue. They'll lie and claim our economy is weak. Job by the millions? Means nothing. Consumer confidence up to an 18 year high? So what? Food stamp participation dropping like a rock? Who cares? And how do they explain that? You're all racist hillbillys and too stupid to get out of your own way, they'll tell us. Your only hope is to let geniuses like us run your lives. Tell you how much you should earn. How much of your money you should be allowed to keep. When you are allowed to speak and about what. What kind of immoral perversities you should be forced to not only accept but participate in. You know, like under the last Marxist president. Things went swimmingly well then, didn't they?
But they'll keep spreading their lies. That's what they do. That's what they've always done. Hell, some of them are still trying to sell the idea that Venezuela is a modern day Socialist paradise. Might be for a few plutocrats, but if you're a pet dog there's a pretty good chance you'll end up in tortilla for lunch.
But if it didn't sell, you wouldn't see people like Bernie the Commie running for President. You wouldn't have seen a Marxist elected to two terms.
Somebody once said, nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.
And no doubt before the day's over the faux butt doc will show up with a bunch of copy and pasted refutations of how the American economy is growing like it was on rocket fuel. He's probably searching Pravda as we speak. I imagine he gets a free subscription with his party membership.
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Alger Hiss would have been a happy man these days, and a loyal democrat
Who was Alger Hiss you might ask. Glad you asked. Alger Hiss was a Communist in America in the 1930s, a supporter of Stalin's Communist party. He was a apparachik for the party, working in the United States Government. He was involved in the founding of the United Nation. He worked in the United States State Department. He was also an active member of the Communist party and working on their behalf to cause the destruction of the American government. He was outed by Whittaker Chambers in 1948, who was also an undercover Communist who walked away from the party and devoted himself to helping America rid themselves of this scourge. Alger Hiss was convicted of perjury and served three and a half years in prison.
He would be a happy man in today's America, because the Communist party is no longer working undercover through it's network of spys, but openly through the democrat party, with the assistance of possibly millions of newly created apparachiks who support the cause. Hell, they almost ran a Communist for President. A man who openly admits it, and has a long history with ties to Communism and Soviet Russia. If hillary and her cohorts hadn't stolen the primary from him he would have been the candidate. It's the only thing she ever did to help her country, and she only did that out of self serving greed. And I know, you will say, but Safe, he was a democratic socialist. Great, he invented a new name for the same thing. No difference. He is a commie.
And what is the Apparachik word you throw around so much, Safe? Well, another good question. Apparachik evolves from the word Apparatus. The Communist party called their operation to infiltrate our government an Apparatus, and the workers involved Apparachiks. So when I use that word you know what it means.
And the interesting thing is the Communists from that era, the 1930s and on used many of the same tactics they still use today. When caught or confronted, they along with their media cohorts launch into a campaign of spreading the narrative that only crazy paranoid conspiracy nuts see Communists everywhere. Why, that's just crazy they say. They do the exact same thing today. But it's the same people, or their ideological descendants anyway.
Tailgunner Joe McCarthy and the House on UnAmerican Activities Committee, called HUAC sought to expose these people and drive them out of our government and our culture. They did succeed in some cases but in the end the Communists sold the narrative they always do. That it was unfair persecution, just plain mean.
There was a movie made a while back about the Hollywood blacklist. It portrayed a bunch of people who were blacklisted. They were sympathetic characters. Family men. Actors. Writers. And Communists. But the sales pitch was how unfairly they were treated when in fact they were dedicated to the destruction of our country.
So this con job still goes on today. And the biggest salesman is the democrat/communist party. Selling the Communist ideology with a new coat of paint. Life is unfair. That guy has more than you. You deserve some of what he has. You deserve to be paid far more than you are worth in the labor market just because you deserve it. The real value of labor isn't as a commodity. You are being exploited. Workers of the world unite.
So now we have a President who isn't playing the soft tyrannical Communism game. He's promoting America on what always made America great. Work, striving for more. Not hand outs. And the godless left is going nuts. They thought they had control after they elected a Marxist President for two terms. They didn't count on America waking up to their scheme and rejecting it.
So they are insane with rage. They have lost their collective minds. And they are determined to bring back their apparatus through any means necessary. That's how Communists work. Stalin murdered some 35 million or so people to retain his power. Mao some 50 million. You think American Communists are going to let an election stop them?
I do. I think it's over. They haven't figured it out, but it is. And it may come hard to them when they finally do figure it out. But I don't care.
See....we're Making America Great Again!
He would be a happy man in today's America, because the Communist party is no longer working undercover through it's network of spys, but openly through the democrat party, with the assistance of possibly millions of newly created apparachiks who support the cause. Hell, they almost ran a Communist for President. A man who openly admits it, and has a long history with ties to Communism and Soviet Russia. If hillary and her cohorts hadn't stolen the primary from him he would have been the candidate. It's the only thing she ever did to help her country, and she only did that out of self serving greed. And I know, you will say, but Safe, he was a democratic socialist. Great, he invented a new name for the same thing. No difference. He is a commie.
And what is the Apparachik word you throw around so much, Safe? Well, another good question. Apparachik evolves from the word Apparatus. The Communist party called their operation to infiltrate our government an Apparatus, and the workers involved Apparachiks. So when I use that word you know what it means.
And the interesting thing is the Communists from that era, the 1930s and on used many of the same tactics they still use today. When caught or confronted, they along with their media cohorts launch into a campaign of spreading the narrative that only crazy paranoid conspiracy nuts see Communists everywhere. Why, that's just crazy they say. They do the exact same thing today. But it's the same people, or their ideological descendants anyway.
Tailgunner Joe McCarthy and the House on UnAmerican Activities Committee, called HUAC sought to expose these people and drive them out of our government and our culture. They did succeed in some cases but in the end the Communists sold the narrative they always do. That it was unfair persecution, just plain mean.
There was a movie made a while back about the Hollywood blacklist. It portrayed a bunch of people who were blacklisted. They were sympathetic characters. Family men. Actors. Writers. And Communists. But the sales pitch was how unfairly they were treated when in fact they were dedicated to the destruction of our country.
So this con job still goes on today. And the biggest salesman is the democrat/communist party. Selling the Communist ideology with a new coat of paint. Life is unfair. That guy has more than you. You deserve some of what he has. You deserve to be paid far more than you are worth in the labor market just because you deserve it. The real value of labor isn't as a commodity. You are being exploited. Workers of the world unite.
So now we have a President who isn't playing the soft tyrannical Communism game. He's promoting America on what always made America great. Work, striving for more. Not hand outs. And the godless left is going nuts. They thought they had control after they elected a Marxist President for two terms. They didn't count on America waking up to their scheme and rejecting it.
So they are insane with rage. They have lost their collective minds. And they are determined to bring back their apparatus through any means necessary. That's how Communists work. Stalin murdered some 35 million or so people to retain his power. Mao some 50 million. You think American Communists are going to let an election stop them?
I do. I think it's over. They haven't figured it out, but it is. And it may come hard to them when they finally do figure it out. But I don't care.
See....we're Making America Great Again!
Monday, June 11, 2018
So our President can't remember all the words to the Star Spangled Banner
To listen to the godless left blather on about it you'd think he burnt the flag. Wait, that would make them happy so that's a bad analogy. But they have been yammering about it endlessly. Apparently when they sang the National Anthem during the Patriotic Rose Garden ceremony they claim he didn't know all the words.
So, show of hands, and be honest. How many of you can sing it start to finish from memory? I know I can't. I tried. But he wasn't scratching his nuts like the Kenyan was while it was playing. And the left didn't mind that from the Kenyan in the least.
Besides. I didn't elect this great man to sing the National Anthem. I elected him to do exactly what he's doing. And I have no complaints about that.
I pay people to sing to me. And maybe those singers and dancers and other trained monkeys should focus a little bit more on their singing and dancing instead of pontificating on issues they not only know nothing about, but offend half of America every time they open their cakeholes and start caterwauling about things they are ignorant about.
I'll let my President run the country. And I prefer my trained monkeys to shut up and sing and dance for my entertainment. Especially since none of these godless left wing commie assholes doing all the talking amount to a pimple on President Donald Trump's ass.
So he didn't remember the words. But he put together the event. And he brought patriots and good Americans and everybody felt better for being there. Except some football team who got disinvited for being a bunch of commie assholes. But there again. We pay them to run around a field carrying a leather ball. So run around the field you idiots. Leave politics to your intellectual betters. Do what you do best. Take steroids, beat your wives and make millions of dollars playing a game.
And leave running the job of running the country to the guy who is knocking it out of the park. Our President, Donald Trump.
Making America Great Again and Again and Again.
Thursday, June 7, 2018
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Another attempt to embarrass Trump blows up in their faces...
Hmm, what to talk about today?
Hey I know, let's talk about how the Philadelphia Eagle's attempt to embarrass the president blew up in their stupid faces.
Yeah, let's go with that.
In keeping with tradition President Trump and something like 1,000 Eagles fans were set to host the team (the whole team) at a ceremony in their honor at The White House.
Everything was set and ready to go.
Then out of the blue the team announced that instead of the 70 plus members of the team showing up they were going to send 8 or 10 people instead.
Trump's response?
Screw you and your team... You're all uninvited.
And once again all we heard from the media was how mean Trump is.
He's a racist.
He's undoing years of tradition.
He's destroying our democracy.
My response?
Screw the Eagles, screw the media, screw the social justice warriors, and screw the NFL.
We couldn't care less about your political views.
Those of you thinking about punking out and embarrassing my president had better come up with one hell of a plan.
He's going to throw it right back at you every time.
In the meantime while the social justice warriors are busy making asses out of themselves President Trump is busy creating the strongest economy this country's ever had.
For the first time in the in history there are more job openings than there are people on unemployment.
Basically it boils down to the fact that anybody that wants a job can get a job.
Of course you might have to throw that Gender Study's degree you borrowed tens of thousands of dollars to obtain away and have to actually work for a living.
Or you can just sit there crying like you've been doing for the last year and a half.
It makes no difference to me.
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, June 3, 2018
Explaining the Left's New Norms and Why They Continue to Lose...
Good morning fellow Americans.
I'd like to take a few minutes of your time this morning to introduce you to one of my favorite conservative writers.
His name is John Nolte.
He's a regular contributor at Breitbart News.
And in this particular piece he does an excellent job of exposing exactly what today's America media has allowed itself to become and provides a perfect example of why the left keep losing.
The attacks on President Trump and the decent, hard working American people are relentless and they just keep coming.
The funny thing is, because we finally have a president who refuses to cower in fear, more American's than ever before are seeing these people for who and what they are.
My advise:
You America hating, leftist fools just keep doing exactly what you're doing.
The only thing you're doing is creating more and more Trump supporters with every new attack you come up with.
Carry on.
Nolte: Media Normalize C*nt, C*ckholster, Joy Reid, Porn Stars, Booing Rape Victims
Which one it was, I don’t remember, but when you’re talking about America’s uninteresting and predictable (in a pedantic left-wing kinda way) Sunday morning news shows, does it really matter?
What I do remember is the fear in the eyes of all concerned. Donald Trump had just won the presidency, our media were still in shock, and this panel of Sunday geniuses were fumbling about trying to prove a nationwide election did not just expose them as the mindless herd of provincial know-nothings they really are.
Oh, and I also remember that about half of the guys on this particular panel were later fired over decades of sexual misconduct (which actually doesn’t help at all to narrow down which Sunday show it was).
Anyway, one of these panelists (I think the one who masturbated in front of an intern) said to another panelist (I think the one who sent dick pics to an intern while forcing her to watch him take a shower) came up with a word that made this entire panel of emotionally shattered Thought Leaders feel a little better about themselves and their place in the world — and that word was NORMS.
“During the upcoming Trump-era, we in the media have a responsibility to protect the cherished norms Trump is sure to threaten,” one of them managed to squeak out about five months before he was fired for flashing an intern with dick pics of him masturbating in front of an intern watching him take a shower.
“We must protect the norms,” one of the brittle feminist panelists added about six months before we learned she knew all about how the other panelists sexually terrorized interns but said nothing so she could be on a Sunday show.
“Oh, yes, yes… the norms,” One-Of-The-Left-Wing-White-Guys-Who-Knows-Nothing-About-Real-Life-But-Still-Gets-To-Host-A-Sunday-Show, replied, as the confused fear in his eyes sharpened into something closer to zealotry and purpose.
Then, all around the studio table, the full panel of Sunday Morons began to murmur about “norms” until it sounded like Mia Farrow’s neighbors praying to Satan in Rosemary’s Baby. “Norms. Norms. Yes, norms. NORMS! We must protect the norms. PROTECT! We are the keeper of the norms. KEEP! Keep the norms. KEEEEP THEMMMM!”
My reaction watching this was exactly what it has been towards the establishment media since Trump’s victory, since the day I was liberated from 25-years of worrying about the media’s impact on public opinion: “Assholes.”
Imagine the narcissistic arrogance these pompous simpletons must be infected with in order to bestow upon their self-righteous selves the title of America’s Norm Sheriff. I mean, here you are, a member of the establishment media — one of the most distrusted and loathed institutions in the world; no one elected you to do anything, much less to abuse your power to protect our social and democratic norms; no one even elected you through public acclaim (the highest rated Sunday show in the country cannot attract two percent of the population); and yet, here was this group of smug, unelected, know-nothings with approval ratings just above that of “child molester” organizing against a man who had just won the presidency with some 65 million votes.
“Good luck with that, children,” I said to the Sunday Coven, before flipping channels until I found one of those Avengers episodes broadcast in color where Emma Peel’s wearing leather to remind you that life is worth living as long as there is TV.
Flash-forward 18 months and look at the media’s precious norms now…
In summation: “cunt,” “cockholster,” Joy Reid, booing rape victims, Stormy Daniels, and that “divine spark” in MS-13, whose motto is “Rape, Kill, and Control.” (But in their defense, I’m told MS-13 only went with that after learning Ford had already copyrighted, “Quality is job one.”)
The very same media that just 18 months before was in a barely-controlled panic over what Trump might do to norms, now demand we be horrified over the idea of describing MS-13 as “animals,” but does not believe there should be any professional consequences for using the words “cunt” and “cockholster” on national television.
And these were not jokes. I’ll defend a joke to the end of the earth. This was just name-calling; this was two angry leftists, Samantha Bee and Stephen Colbert, screaming sexist and homophobic obscenities at Ivanka “The Feckless Cunt” Trump and Donald “The Cockholster” Trump.
Oh, sure, our media went through the motions of throwing a tut-tut at their ideological colleagues Colbert and Bee, but drew the line at the only true norm-enforcer known as a “professional consequence,” even as this very same media destroyed Roseanne Barr, Justine Sacco, Curt Schilling, and Elizabeth Lauten.
Welcome to the media’s new norm, y’all — you can now call the president’s daughter a “feckless cunt” and the president a “cockholster” and suffer no professional consequences. Well, done media!
Speaking of “professional consequences,” how about that Joy Reid? America’s Norm Sheriffs would like to announce another new norm: You can now lie to the whole world to cover up your bigoted, anti-Semitic, conspiracy theory-spreading backside; you can even lie to the FBI; and you still get to remain a star at NBC News, an anchor at MSNBC.
Speaking of backsides, how about that Stormy Daniels? America’s Norm Sheriffs would like to announce another new norm: Since our Russian collusion and obstruction hoax has collapsed, we’re gonna go with the porn star and her hack lawyer.
Speaking of hacks, how about that Jake Tapper, whose ego and self-regard cannot be sated with a trivial title like Norm Sheriff, and so he has anointed himself America’s Decency Czar. And now America’s Decency Czar would like to announce a new standard of decency: In the noble crusade of gun-grabbing, it is totally cool to allow your audience to boo a rape victim. Harrumph. Harrumph.
While the media freak out over Trump’s norm-busting tweets and tariffs, they are gleefully annihilating every norm with respect to journalistic standards of truth, of moral decency, of professional standards and ethics, of not making a political hero out of those who do anal for money, of not filing false reports with the FBI, of not — my God — booing rape victims.
Kevin McGinty
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