Monday, June 11, 2018
So our President can't remember all the words to the Star Spangled Banner
To listen to the godless left blather on about it you'd think he burnt the flag. Wait, that would make them happy so that's a bad analogy. But they have been yammering about it endlessly. Apparently when they sang the National Anthem during the Patriotic Rose Garden ceremony they claim he didn't know all the words.
So, show of hands, and be honest. How many of you can sing it start to finish from memory? I know I can't. I tried. But he wasn't scratching his nuts like the Kenyan was while it was playing. And the left didn't mind that from the Kenyan in the least.
Besides. I didn't elect this great man to sing the National Anthem. I elected him to do exactly what he's doing. And I have no complaints about that.
I pay people to sing to me. And maybe those singers and dancers and other trained monkeys should focus a little bit more on their singing and dancing instead of pontificating on issues they not only know nothing about, but offend half of America every time they open their cakeholes and start caterwauling about things they are ignorant about.
I'll let my President run the country. And I prefer my trained monkeys to shut up and sing and dance for my entertainment. Especially since none of these godless left wing commie assholes doing all the talking amount to a pimple on President Donald Trump's ass.
So he didn't remember the words. But he put together the event. And he brought patriots and good Americans and everybody felt better for being there. Except some football team who got disinvited for being a bunch of commie assholes. But there again. We pay them to run around a field carrying a leather ball. So run around the field you idiots. Leave politics to your intellectual betters. Do what you do best. Take steroids, beat your wives and make millions of dollars playing a game.
And leave running the job of running the country to the guy who is knocking it out of the park. Our President, Donald Trump.
Making America Great Again and Again and Again.
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

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Great points again SSAH. Dilly Dilly....
ReplyDeleteSupreme Court gives green light to Ohio's voting roll purge
ReplyDeleteThe Supreme Court ruled Monday that Ohio is allowed to purge eligible voters from the state’s registration records if they have not cast ballots in a while. In a 5-4 ruling issued by Justice Samuel Alito, the high court ruled that Ohio’s law to trigger the removal of inactive voters from the state’s registry can be enforced.
That should get many dead of the roll and stop them from vetoing.
Probably won't help clear those dead voters. They've been voting regularly for the democrat party since Mayor Daley was in office. The original Mayor Daley, not his demonic offspring.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny how they'll jump all over Trump over something so small but made excuses for the big eared Kenyan when he tried telling us there were 57 states.
ReplyDeleteBut he was oppressed so you can't really blame him I guess...
You know, like all these multi millionaire football players...
ReplyDeleteYour blog led me to do a search through wiki and other sites.
ReplyDeletePrior to the Star Spangled Banner being made officially America’s National Anthem in March of 1931 by then President Herbert Hoover, other patriotic songs were performed at official events. We know that My Country Tis of Thee and America the Beautiful are patriotically popular, but one song that I did not know existed is Hail Columbia. It was popular in the 1800’s.
“Hail, Columbia” song via youtube link. Truly, I never knew that “Hail, Columbia” is still being played and that this song has been and is the ceremonial entrance for the Vice President. Cool, huh?
President Hoover signed the congressional resolution making Star Spangled Banner America’s National Anthem and rightly so.
The words penned by Francis Scott Key, though written in respect to Fort McHenry in the War of 1812, (as though the Brits didn’t learn from the butt kicking they received in the Revolutionary War – they had to get their butts kicked again in 1812 to learn that America is a country they couldn’t control) spoke of America’s courage and bravery throughout time.
The words penned in the Star Spangled Banner had a quintessential musical marriage with composer John Stafford Smith’s music and this has made our National Anthem immortal.
So regardless of the mental constipation of the commie leftists and the multimillionaire NFL prima donna’s disrespect towards our National Anthem – it will remain America’s Anthem. The commie leftists will never give President Trump any slack, all they know how to do is to bitch and flap their gums in the wind.
National Anthem...
ReplyDeleteThere is no rule saying you have to know the words or even sing when it is played. But when it is played stand at attention hand over heart and if in Military uniform salute facing the flag. Don't be like that NUF Obama playing with his balls. Thanks Safe for posting that again.
Just saw this...
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump is NOT welcome at "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child," says actress Noma Dumezweni, who plays Hermione in JK_Rowling's stage phenomenon
Here's what he should do. He could buy out the whole seating for one performance and bust in the door like the boss he is, full Secret Service entourage in tow along with a couple dozen of his friends.
Then when that blowhard unknown actress comes out he could stand up and say "how do you like me now, bitch?" The walk out with his whole group.
He probably won't, but I'd love it if he did. And he'd probably win a bunch of new voters who hate these egomaniacal self important nobodies as much as we do.
If we or those that keep giving every thing out free they will never get a job, work or starve.
ReplyDeleteTrump's on his way for his meeting with Rocket Man...
ReplyDeleteI may have to read abut it in the morning. I am On my last leg for tonight.
DeleteYeah, me too. I had to stay up long enough to see the handshake.
ReplyDeleteI was a little disappointed Trump didn't stab him in the throat though...
Now Now I am forcing myself, anyway you look at it, It is another Win for Trump.
DeleteLol... Not according to CNN and MSNBC.
ReplyDeleteThey're claiming Lil Rocket Man is playing Trump.
These people have lost their minds...
Listen Trump beat the shit out of the Libs and the GOP , he damn sure isn't going to be out done by Rocket man, Lol not going to happen. Good Grief!!!
DeleteSpeaking of beating the shit out of somebody, did you all see this guy they arrested in Topeka the other day? What a piece of work! One of Nancy Pelosi's finest! Just wanted to share it with you if you can access CJonline.
Lol ya seen it Gary a real piece of a dirt bag.
DeleteOh and a good morning room 235...
Can you imagine how disappointed Blue and his comrades were when they woke up this morning and realized North Korea won't be nuking us after all?
ReplyDeleteWinning Baby!!!
The difference this time is that this was a win for the whole world...
ReplyDeleteAt least there is a chance now, better than what the last 3 Presidents did. Time is on our side. MAGA! Now we have to hear all the shit that the Left Media will say today.
DeleteObviously I have no idea what all was involved but I'll bet ya it didn't include pallets of cash flown in in the middle of the night and access to America's banking system...
ReplyDeleteHave you noticed than Kim is coming off better than Robert "Raging Bullshit" DeNiro and the rest of the Hollywood glitterati? Better than Canadian Justin, as well.
ReplyDeleteThis one was a big one for the Pres and there's no denying it. Who cares whether you can sing when you can make yourself the first leader this guy sees outside his own country?
If I wanted to elect a Pres for singing ability we'd have President Neil Diamond.
There Ya go!! Good one.
DeleteI wonder how this is all playing with the voters. The polls show it's playing pretty well. Our President's popularity is high, people are happy.
ReplyDeleteWe have the prospect of real peace in Korea. Economy is on rocket fuel. Tax cuts are working, people are seeing more money in their pockets. Illegal aliens being caught and turned away at the border. Onerous oppressive regulation, the hallmark of the Marxist Kenyan last in that office are being revoked and eliminated. Businesses are growing, handing out raises, bonuses. Jobs created at record levels. Historic high employment for blacks and Hispanics.
And still the godless commie left stays the course. Senile old Nancy Pelosi still promising to repeal the tax cuts leaving you with less money. She says consumer confidence is the real measure of the economy, not jobs. Then she lies and says it's down, when in fact it's at an 18 year high.
All they have is hatred for our President and lies. And Americans just aren't fooled by this nonsense any more. Some are, like our idiot friend in DC who like all loyal apparachiks will continue to repeat whatever they tell him as long as they throw him a fish once in a while. And worthless old washed up actors like Deniro spouting hateful crap to a roomful of fellow travelers who are all desperate to appear relevant somehow no matter how foolish they actually look.
So I suspect there is the ideologically pure godless left wing commie base out there, loud and in control of most of the media sucking this up and cheering it on.
But they're like this group of malcontents who keep showing up on the capital grounds protesting "poverty". Meaningless, accomplishes absolutely nothing but to reveal themselves as Marxist wannabes. But it makes them feel good and they think they are having some kind of impact when they are really setting back whatever cause they hope to promote.
And the democrat/communist party will continue this crap right through the midterms, hopefully anyway. Because it will win us the day.
This is the crap that lost you people over 1.100 elections during the term of the Kenyan Marxist. And the House, Senate and Presidency. So by all means, keep it up. It's working so well. For us.
Maybe a snowflake might get something from this.
ReplyDeleteA young man went to seek an important position at a large printing company. He passed the initial interview and was going to meet the director for the final interview. The director saw his resume, it was excellent. And asked,'
"Have you received a scholarship for school?" The boy replied, "No".
'It was your father who paid for your studies? '' Yes.' He replied.
'Where does your father work? ' 'My father is a Blacksmith'
The Director asked the young man to show him his hands.
The young man showed a pair of hands soft and perfect.
'Have you ever helped your parents at their job? '
'Never, my parents always wanted me to study and read more books. Besides, he can do the job better than me.
The director said:
'I have got a request: When you go home today, go and wash the hands of your father and then come see me tomorrow morning.'
The young man felt his chance to get the job was high.
When he returned to his house he asked his father if he would allow him to wash his hands.
His father felt strange, happy, but with mixed feelings and showed his hands to his son. The young man washed his hands, little by little. It was the first time that he noticed his father's hands were wrinkled and they had so many scars. Some bruises were so painful that his skin shuddered when he touched them.
This was the first time that the young man recognized what it meant for this pair of hands to work every day to be able to pay for his studies. The bruises on the hands were the price that his father payed for his education, his school activities and his future.
After cleaning his father's hands the young man stood in silence and began to tidy and clean up the workshop. That night, father and son talked for a long time.
The next morning, the young man went to the office of the director.
The Director noticed the tears in the eyes of the young man when He asked him,
'Can you tell me what you did and what you learned yesterday at your house?'
The boy replied: 'I washed my father's hands and when I finished I stayed and cleaned his workshop.'
'Now I know what it is to appreciate and recognize that without my parents, I would not be who I am today. By helping my father I now realize how difficult and hard it is to do something on my own.
The rest of the story..
ReplyDeleteI have come to appreciate the importance and the value in helping my family.
The director said, "This is what I look for in my people. I want to hire someone who can appreciate the help of others, a person who knows the hardship others go through to accomplish things, and a person who realizes that money is not his only goal in life".
'You are hired'.
A child that has been coddled, protected and given everything he or she wants, develops a mentality of "I have the right" and will always put himself or herself first, ignoring the efforts of parents, family and friends. If we are this type of protective parent are we really showing love or are we helping to destroy our children?
You can give your child their own room in a big house, good food, a computer, tablet, cell phone, and a big screen TV, but when you're washing the floor or painting a wall, children need to experience that too.
After eating, have them wash the dishes with their brothers and sisters, let them fold laundry or cook with you, pull weeds or mow the lawn. You are not doing this because you are poor and can't afford help. You are doing this because you love them and want them to understand certain things about life.
Children need to learn to appreciate the amount of effort it takes to do a job right. They need to experience the difficulties in life that people must overcome to be successful and they must learn about failure to be able to succeed.
Children must also learn how to work and play with others and that they will not always win, but they can always work harder to reach their goals. If they've done their best, then they can take pride in all the effort they put forth.
Life is about giving and serving and these qualities are taught in our homes.
Now can you tell the difference between a long posting of mind and that of Blue from DC? Mind no hate something to learn from! Adapt, Improvise and over come. Always Safe, Always Prepared.
ReplyDeleteI usually chuckle at your coarse stories, but this one almost brought a tear to my cynical old eyes. It is how I was raised and how my wife and I raised our children. (Mostly my wife) I am encouraged by knowing the snowflakes are in the minority. Just like the Hollywood bubble living elites are a small minority who receive too much press. The upcoming election will be an indicator of the direction this country is headed.
Thanks Tom...
DeleteI wonder how many of those "protestors" are really just professional "do-gooders?" Some of the arrested ones seem to be meddlesome clerics, a type I have absolutely no use for.
ReplyDeleteAnd Kevin has the perfect Rx for fixing poverty. Here's another quick way into the middle class. Join the military. Both of those two courses are too difficult for our do-gooders. They'd rather howl for a handout.
Of course, enlisting would require cutting that blue Mohawk I saw one of the protestors sporting.
I think the word WORK is a ban word and not PC from the Left... Kind of like Pride...
ReplyDeleteJust like clock work insane Nancy Pelosi is out there trashing President Trump for his Korea deal.
ReplyDeleteKeep in mind that she once called Obama's Iran deal a diplomatic masterpiecs.
And Blue, your troubles are over.
ReplyDeleteAlec Baldwin said he's considering running against Trump in 2020.
He guaranteed he'll beat him.
1000 percent certain...
I can already see the ads
ReplyDelete24 hour 7 days a week of Alec Baldwin calling his daughter a lying little pig on the phone.
That might play well in Blue's circle of friends but not so much with the American people.
I'm just saying...
Lol the wife and I was just talking about and I was just about to post just what you said.
DeleteYou talking about the "poor" protest. I've been at the Capitol working on the last two Mondays when this was going on. I suggested that the best way to clear out the protesters would be maybe to position a Job Recruiter in the area where they were protesting! That might scare them all off pretty quickly!
ReplyDeleteThat's right Gary, it would take ONE Reeser's recruiter about a minute and a half to get them to running. Only thing that could do it quicker would be to bring Jehova's Witnesses around. But that's too cruel even for me.
ReplyDeleteWell I see that court ruling in Ohio that they can purge the polls of voters that have not voted in so many election, well the Democrat's are saying that is going against the Minorities and the poor, when is these groups of people going to get tired of the Democrats calling them stupid and ignorant. Good Grief!!
ReplyDeleteHate to break the bad news, but the national anthem is not quite what you think it is. Jeez, I thought everyone was aware….. the tune is an old English drinking song. The original words to the tune the became the American National Anthem went as follows:
ReplyDeleteThe Anacreontic Song
To Anacreon in Heaven, where he sat in full glee,
A few sons of harmony sent a petition,
That he their inspirer and patron would be;
When this answer arrived from the jolly old Grecian:
Voice, fiddle, and flute, no longer be mute,
I'll lend you my name and inspire you to boot
And besides I'll instruct you like me to intwine
The myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine.
And the source, The Smithsonian Museum of American History.
So, perhaps those Commie, Leftists, Pinko, Fascists, multimillionaire NFL prima donna’s, prima ballerinas, Gestapo, Red Guard, tree huggers… are actually teetotalers in the best tradition of Carrie Nation. Not only did Ms. Nation smash saloons to smithereens, she also was the very first “Miss Kansas”, crowned in Topeka in 1870. Kansas women have been holding Ms. Nation up as the epitome of Kansas feminine beauty ever since. And no doubt she would kneel upon hearing the evil tune “To Anacreon In Heaven” warning one and all, “ I know that satanic tune ! You’re not fooling me !! “
Frankly, I like the idea. And since the District is celebrating our winning the Stanley Cup… it’s time for a drink I’d say.
Many thanks to the host with the most, Mr. McGinty commenting on the auspicious day in Singapore regarding those Commie, Leftists, Pinko… eh, you know the drill..
ReplyDelete“ They're claiming Lil Rocket Man is playing Trump.” OH SURELY NOT !!! Well they did take pictures. Odd how many conservative pundits are nodding their heads in agreement. Take one conservative Republican Jennifer Rubin who wrote today in the Post :
“The spectacle of the murderous dictator Kim Jong Un on equal footing with the president of the United States — each country’s flag represented, a supposedly “normal” diplomatic exchange between two nuclear powers — was enough to turn democracy lovers’ stomachs. President Trump naturally made things worse. He gushed: “It’s my honor, and we will have a terrific relationship, I have no doubt.”
"An honor to meet the man who maintains slave labor camps, who periodically attacks the ships of our ally South Korea and whose regime is responsible for the death of Otto Warmbier? That should stun Warmbier’s parents — and every decent human being. Trump envisions a “terrific” relationship with a country that conducts mass hacking, is arguably the worst human rights violator, threatens us with nuclear weapons, detains our people and seeks the reunification of the Korean peninsula under its rule of terror. Imagine if President Barack Obama traveled to Iran, shook Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s hand, proclaimed it was a great honor and spoke about his conviction that Iran and the United States would have a terrific relationship. John Bolton and Mike Pompeo, among others, would have had a conniption.”
WHOA Jen Jen...that was harsh...we know Rocket Man will give up those nukes. Sure he will. Ah, and our eminence grise Howdy condescends to entertain us with this comment “ This one was a big one for the Pres and there's no denying it.” Really ?
Well, Rocket Man (1) got a nuke, then he got (2) a delivery system aka an ICBM. THIS is why he came to the bargaining table. He had completed everything he set out to. Now he's ready to talk, and he can extort fancy new things like electricity, communications, and OH YEAH, MONEY so he can buy.. um, er… MORE WEAPONS !! Because we all know that of COURSE he’ll give up those he has. Right ? Am I right ?? Come on now, we all know Rocket Man has kept his word before. Give up his nukes… BWAHAHAHAHHA… you’re killing me.. oh sorry, not something to say in one of the murder city Kansas.
So here’s to a safe rest of the week. You folks are putting big cities to SHAME. Four shootings ?? And you’re worried about somebody kneeling during the anthem. Interesting. Always amusing you folks are. Always.
Well, it's the mouth that roared. Sharing his pearls of wisdom with us yokels here in Kansas.
ReplyDeleteMust be really hard on this poor sap to see our President killing it. Delivering all the promises made. Creating global peace. Fixing our economy. Jobs by the millions. People prospering, working again.
Doing all the things we elected him to do.
But then the Kenyan Marxist did everything his side elected him to do. Blew up the welfare roles. Created poverty. Put millions on the government dole. The whole Cloward and Piven strategy thought up by those Marxists who came before him.
Making promises he never intended to keep. Destroying our healthcare insurance system. Creating a stagnant economy barely staying ahead of another recession. Worst recovery since the great depression.
Thousands of new regulations intended to stifle business and free enterprise. Crush the American spirit wherever possible.
Promote sexual deviancy. Advance the cause of murder of unborn children.
Yup. Their guy did the same thing our guy is doing, delivering on his promises.
The difference is our guy promised to Make America Great Again.
And their guy promised to "fundamentally transform America" into a Marxist atheistic central planning big government disaster which if the harridan had gotten elected would have been finished no doubt.
I'll go with our guy. So much winning. And the liberal tears are washing the filth of the obama years away, little by little.
Sorry faux doc. Go spread your godless commie propaganda somewhere else. I'm sure there are some other apparachiks who would cheer you on. Just not here you moron.
ReplyDeleteAbout the recent shootings you get a kick out of bringing up.
ReplyDeleteI shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that we have a gang problem here in Topeka.
Drugs, gangs, and murder go hand in hand.
Personally I'd just as soon let em kill each other.
But Blue, you should be embracing these people.
All they're doing is showing that spark of divinity your beloved Nancy Pelosi gushed about.
Face it Blue, your party is headed for the dust bin of history...
Of course, blue.
ReplyDeleteWhy on earth would a liberal ever be encouraged by the thought and potential of peace?
Hell, socialism/communism never hurt anyone right?
You are officially screwed. Any take you have will be on the wrong side of history. You are predictable. Your response will only be in step with your Trump-hating mantra.
Meanwhile, you and Deniro can make out and cry in each other's arms about the second term.
That second term...
Stop with the gnashing of teeth. The cash 'given' to the Iranians was THEIR money. It had been held in the US and was owed them. Obama did not "give it away". IMF estimates Iran has assets of $100 billion. They got 1.7 billion. It is estimated Iran still has $100 billion in assets around the world. As for the Singapore summit, it is increasingly seen by pundits and experts in many fields as just the sort of disaster they were afraid of. Trump gave everything and got nothing. This is form the Editorial board of the Post. It is worth reading. Try taking on the points with information, not name calling for once. It just makes you look incapable of argument ----
ReplyDeleteThe bottom line is that the U.S. is seen as retreating from the Pacific. Japan is concerned. So is South Korea. So are all of our allies. The people who wrote this are no fools - and they make a convincing argument that Trump failed miserably.
By Editorial Board
June 12 at 11:44 AM
THE SINGAPORE summit was, without question, a triumph for Kim Jong Un and his North Korean regime. A dictator who has ordered the murder of his own family members, and who oversees a gulag comparable to those of Hitler and Stalin, was able to parade on the global stage as a legitimate statesman, praised by the president of the United States as “very talented” and worthy of trust. President Trump offered Mr. Kim a major concession, the suspension of U.S. military exercises with South Korea, and spoke of his wish to withdraw U.S. troops from the country. Mr. Kim, meanwhile, did not commit to the “complete, verifiable and irreversible” denuclearization the United States has demanded — nor to any other change in his regime’s criminal behavior.
The two leaders agreed to begin a diplomatic process to “work towards complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.” That is certainly preferable to the slide toward war that appeared to be underway last year, and it can be hoped that it will eventually lead to steps by North Korea to dismantle its arsenal. But Mr. Trump has placed a large bet on a cruel and unpredictable ruler whose motives and aims are far from clear — and who has shown no sign of altering North Korea’s commitment to nuclear weapons or its deceptive negotiating tactics.
By far the most substantive result of the summit was Mr. Trump’s sudden announcement of a freeze on U.S.-South Korean military exercises — a concession that apparently took the South Korean government and the U.S. military by surprise. With backing from China and Russia, which seek to diminish U.S. strategic standing in Asia, North Korea has long sought an end to the exercises — and until Tuesday, this and previous U.S. administrations had flatly rejected the idea. Now, Mr. Trump has adopted it — and, remarkably, used Pyongyang’s language in describing the “war games” as “provocative.”
Their cash my ass.
ReplyDeleteIf that really the case then why didn't that bastard go through Congress?
Why didn't your big eared hero go through Congress when he granted Iran access the the U.S. banking system?
If everything this fucking traitor was doing was on the up and up why the the banks he approached turn him down?
Because it would have violated the sanctions that bastard was supposed have put in place.
You just keep on parroting your memorized talking points.
In the meantime Trump and the American people are going about the business of destroying every fucking thing you hold dear.
And it's good to see you back, Hammer...
ReplyDeleteAnd Blue why did they give that cash back in the dead of night? You are not getting threw Punk. That NUF is just that, not a brain in his head.
DeleteLooks Like Blue ran out of free Government computer...
ReplyDeleteLOL. Blue having a Beer over the Caps winning The Stanley Cup, Good Grief like everything in DC it only took them 40 years, Haahahahaha I guess that is worth a beer. Enjoy Dickhead.
ReplyDeleteI agree! Always Safe, Always Prepared
ReplyDeleteIan, you're so mentally constipated - and back with more of your croakings of crapola.
ReplyDelete1) The National Anthem will always be revered by true patriotic Americsns.... From the Smithsonian Museum of History regarding the Star Spangled Banner:
"On September 14, 1814, U.S. soldiers at Baltimore’s Fort McHenry raised a huge American flag to celebrate a crucial victory over British forces during the War of 1812. The sight of those “broad stripes and bright stars” inspired Francis Scott Key to write a song that eventually became the United States national anthem. Key’s words gave new significance to a national symbol and started a tradition through which generations of Americans have invested the flag with their own meanings and memories."
2) The NFL multimillionaire primadonas that take a knee during the singing of the National Anthem is not what a hero is - the mark of a real hero is the United States Veterans past, present, and future are who selflessly, courageously, bravely defend the United States of America. Those NFL primadonas literally ruined one of America's greatest pastimes - politics does not belong on the football field! If those primadonas want to make a statement, they can do so on their own time and dime.
3) Just as then President Richard Nixon paved the way to peace with China, President Donald Trump is paving the way to peace with North Korea. Yes, Kim is a monster - but so was the leader of China in President Nixon's time. Bear in mind that none of President Trump's predecessors achieved what the Trump Administration currently is achieving and Hillary would have buckled under the enormous pressure of the responsibilities of the Office of President that she would have had a nervous break down and where would we be then....we'd be in the bumbling hands of Tim Kaine.
Amen! Rikki...
DeleteThank you Sarge
DeleteA fast moving brush fire is threatening to burn several mulit million dollar mansions in Beverly Hills.
ReplyDeleteWell ain't that a damn shame...
Here ya go Blue.
ReplyDeleteDemocrats are turning to Hollywood to help get their message out.
Seems to me that doubling down on stupid is all your people ever do.
Story on Breitbart...
And another thing Ian.....Once upon a time I used to like a lot of actors / actresses. But that was once upon a time, long long ago when actors / actresses behaved respectfully and didn't use someone else's stage to push their personal political views.
ReplyDeleteFast forward to today - I now refuse to watch some movies and tv shows that I used to enjoy - why? Because so many of the actors / actresses I used to enjoy watching are nothing but "pure dee jerks" with their political croakings of crapola - just think about it - they're using the platforms of awards shows to peddle their anti Trump demented rhetoric. Well who is paying to watch those tv stations on cable and dish, etc? the public - just like the typical commie libs buttering up to the mentally demented in Hollywood - that is definitely a house built on shifting sand....that house is going to crumble!
Good Grief I must say good night. And a Good night to Vent, Cats and Miss Calabash where ever you are.
ReplyDeleteI think old "Ian", is kind of like that idiot Bill Maher. Maher, the very unfunny, idiot, so-called comedian, that thinks he is also a political genius, declared that he would be OK with the economy crashing if it meant getting rid of Trump. Another of the "I hate Trump worse than I love America" dickheads! Ian (Blue), are you so comfortable in your little Washington DC bubble that you would wish to see the Country fail, in spite of what it would do to all of the poor, deserving, people who are now finally experiencing employment because of the Best Economy Ever? That is THANKS to Donald Trump!
ReplyDeleteThat’s your compassionate, loving, giving, all- inclusive Liberal for you!! Where was it you got your Butt degree again? Was it Adam Shitt-hole University or Nancy Piglosy School of big Assholes?
Lol, He had to go to one of those University or maybe both of them Gary.
DeleteAnd Good Morning America...
Think I will go and take a Cat Nap.
ReplyDeleteAlways Safe, Always Prepared...
Trump had to deal with Kim as an equal because the Kim has nukes. If you have nukes THEN you have to be dealt with respectably. I wonder HOW he got those nukes? Remember the "deals" with North Korea back in the 90s "because of a famine?" Slick Willie assuring us that "it was a good deal." WELL DO YOU, BOZ??? (Cue in Boz coming in like Bugs Bunny with "Hello My Baby, Hello My Honey," doing his best song and dance to cover for the Clintstones.) Savy there, "Ian?"
ReplyDeleteRepublicans cleaning up a Dem mess. You can tell when a Republican has hit a nerve with a Dem by the increase in volume of the caterwauling. Well the straight fact is this: Trump met with a leader that the Dems haven't. One who, unlike Justin Trudeau, has nukes and missiles. Of course, Trump could have stuck his head in the sand (or is that draw a line in the sand) like Obama, or crudely tried to fob them off like der Schlickmeister. Instead he negotiated. Like I said, Kim came off much better than DeNiro did this week.
But by all means, when what you're doing isn't working, double down. I'll bet you'd have been a hoot as a lab partner in Orgo there, Boz. ("Don't put MORE of that precipitate in the solution, man!")