Of course that actually happened a long time ago, but they are finally purging the old line democrats. Shades of Joe Stalin. The only difference is they are using the primary system instead of taking them out and shooting them like their predecessors did.
A "democrat socialist" has beaten an old school democrat in New York in the primary for a congressional seat. She advocates for free healthcare for all, free college for all, a guaranteed income for all and a bunch of other "free" stuff, free meaning paid for by the half of America who pays taxes and free to the half that doesn't.
Make no mistake. The term "democrat socialist" is just a new name for communists. Socialism is just another name used to try to hide who they really are. Karl Marx always believed Socialism was just a road stop on the road to communism. Remember, it was the United Soviet Socialist Republic, not the communist republic.
The titular head of this movement, old Bernie the Red is nothing but an old New York street commie. He took his honeymoon in the USSR for crying out loud.
So it looks like the democrats in America are going to go full commie. They imagine the way to beat this President and his agenda and the 63 million of us who voted for him by promising everybody free stuff. I think it's a brilliant strategy. For us.
People are seeing economic growth for the first time in ten years. Seeing the border getting dealt with. Seeing wages grow, consumer confidence grow, jobs created. Real jobs. Seeing the country finally recover from eight years of a Marxist at the steering wheel, driving us off a cliff.
The Kenyan and the democrats always said it was as good as it gets when he was president. Donald Trump came along and said Bullshit. And he was right. We'll see 4% GDP growth probably by next quarter.
And the democrat/communists are going to try to win elections promising to reverse all the progress and drag us backwards into economic chaos. Reverse the tax cuts. Raise taxes. Give stuff away.
That will win them the same people who always vote for them. They could promise them anything, they don't care. They are idiots. But you're not going to win back the people who now know you are lying about everything. They see it. The American people have had enough.
I'm predicting a Red Wave this November. More House seats. More Senate seats. And more wailing and weeping and gnashing of teeth from the democrat/communists.
But be prepared. They will not surrender this without a fight. We are already seeing an uptick in violence and harassment. It will get much worse.
Just as Generals Grant and Sherman knew when they beat down the democrats in the civil war, they need to crush them under their feet. Sherman always said "war is hell" and he taught the Southern democrats what that meant. He made the price for continuing the war against their country too high for them to be willing to pay.
Time for another Sherman. These people need to learn, harassing people in public gets you thrown in jail. Keep it up and it's prison. There has to be a cost for rebellion against your country.
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Good Blog, right you are, this country better pull their heads out of their asses before it is to late.
ReplyDeleteAgreed - on all points.
DeleteMaybe if these idiots had been taught some actual and real history in our school system, they might have a little better understanding of what Socialism and Communism are and what they can do to a country! Also those that throw around names such as "Facist" and "Nazi" act more like what they say they are protesting against than the opposite! The Liberals and the Never Trumpers are so desperate to get their power back, they will allow their followers to say anything, if it will stir their minions to vote in the November elections! The Left is so much better than the Right, at telling a lie and making it seem believable! They have had so much practice and most of the stuff-shirt Republicans don't want to get down and dirty, in the mud with them. Sad to say, the Conservative mind works so much better with "facts and figures" than it does with lies and emotion!
ReplyDeleteYou are right on war and this is a war. But until the rino's get it through their thick skulls its not going to change for us. Its got to get to the point where the libs don't want it any more. They know how to get down in the gutter and trash us. Our side just sits there and lets the libs have their way. I don't think most of those rino's really care about the people from the way they are acting and a lot of good ones are leaving. They don't have the fight. All we get is talk and a dog and pony show. Until we get just as nasty and down in the dirt the libs will wind. Its going to take more than standing in front of a tv camera and talking. I want to see some real action from the rino's and I am not seeing it. If they lose the house and or the senate it will be final blow to us. And it just might happen if we cant get those people in DC off their butts and get down and dirty.
ReplyDeleteAnd that my friend, is where Donald Trump comes in.
ReplyDeleteHe's showing them how it's done.
Yeah, he's crass, sometimes vulgar, and pretty friggin rude.
No, he's unafraid and that's exactly what it's gonna take...
You're right Kevin! The more I see, the more I believe that Donald Trump is the ONLY man who could have taken this all on and be able to handle it! I remember praying the night before the election like I have never prayed before that Donald Trump win that election over Hillary Clinton. We all now know to some extent the level of corruption that was already present in the Government under Obama and her crime family. I honestly believe that God knew that Donald Trump was the only person really capable of taking on all of this chaos and insanity that is being thrown at him and the country. I do not think anyone else could have handled it from the Republican side and would have simply given in to the Swamp and the corrupt Liberal and Democrat leaches!
DeleteAs far as how he talks and acts, how do they expect an old New York builder to speak and act? He has been around it all of his life and you have to give it out as much as you take it. The ones who condemn him on that simply have nothing else, that's all they got...which ain't much!
BTW, his comments, IMO do not come close to the vile, vulgar, slime that comes out of the mouths of the De Niro's, the Fonda's, the Samatha Bee's, and even old Uncle Joe Biden!
Just had an enlightening email exchange with my Uncle (my beautiful Mom's youngest brother) who is a US Marine, Vietnam Veteran (combat wounded). He is totally deaf as a result of the shelling / can hardly speak anymore - they're trying to find out why he is losing his voice - so all that he has left is his eyes and limited mobility.
ReplyDeleteHe and I were discussing the border drama. He pointed out one thing I hadn't thought of.....how do we know / how does anyone know if those children at the border are actually belonging to the adults who are bringing them? He feels the adults and the children should all be locked up / sent back.
He and my other uncle (another brother to my mother) and pretty much all of my mother's siblings felt that Obama was the devil - evil to the core.
He is a Trump supporter and very much a Patriot who is fed up with the leftists liberals and all the crapola.
Of my mother's siblings, he and my aunt (mom's youngest sister) are all that remain. everyone else has passed on.
And another thing about my Uncle - don't even bring up the NFL....he's fed up with those yo-yo's and their disrespecting our National Anthem and Flag too.
DeleteHope y'all didn't mind me talking about my Uncle. He's everything an Uncle should be - a real genuine caring person. Just wished we didn't live hundreds of miles apart, I'd visit him daily and help care for him.
DeleteY'all know how every now and then my sense of humor comes out.... well it's genetic, he too tells funnies in the same manner I do.
One time he was visiting with one of his neighbors, who is a woman and she was talking about her wrinkles.....he told her... learn a lesson from the squirrels....all the eat is walnuts....so you're not eating enough walnuts.... ha ha ha ha ha... (smiles). true story. He's got good neighbors and they understand him and roll with the humor.
DeleteSo, to fix wrinkles....hee hee....eat more walnuts.
DeleteTrump gets to appoints another Judge Kennedy is Retiring in July is from the S Court. Head are bursting on the left Remember it was Reid that started the N option and it remains in effect. HHH
ReplyDeleteThey were already shitting themselves over the Supreme Court.
ReplyDeleteFirst they had a fit because they upheld Trump's travel ban.
This morning they blew a gasket when they ruled that public sector can no longer force non-union government employees to pay union dues against their will.
And as of about an hour they've all set their hair on fire over Justice Kennedy announcing his retirement.
Winning Baby!!!
You KNOW they're bummin' right about now!! The whining, blubbering, and inchoate screaming has only begun to commence. Because you know the most persuasive argument to a Dem is "Boo-Hoo-Hoo" from the right crier.
ReplyDeleteAs my Dad used to say - "Now I'll give you something to cry about." That will probably be the nomination of whoever replaces Kennedy.
Wouldn't it be great if he nominated Judge Jeanine Pero!! That would absolutely blow their heads off!! LOL!
ReplyDeleteLOl Ya than the Dem's would show how they really hate women, at least if they are conservative .
ReplyDeleteLol... I seem to remember hearing someone mockingly saying "elections have consequences."
ReplyDeleteYes they do...
To my good friend Kevin, got a floor in the bath and water on shower and stool goes in tomorrow, cement drying now, new tile and new walls can wait till I take a few showers I tell ya. Good Grief seems like it has been a year.
DeleteGoodnight Sarge. That first shower is gonna be awesome...
ReplyDeleteThe meltdown currently underway over Justice Kennedy's retirement just might be the one that does them in.
ReplyDeleteStory on Drudge and Breitbart...
So much winning!!!
The song they played at the end of Trump's rally made me think of ol Blue.
As usual Blue, you're on the wrong side of history...
Good Grief Trump has it going all his way.
ReplyDeleteAnd a good morning room 235....
Good morning America!!!
ReplyDeleteFilly you got up, that means you gots to work today, you know that old say better you than me, way things are going I might have to get a job...
DeleteFinally, that should have said.
DeleteDamn can't spell this morning, I think my sleep aids may be working.
ReplyDeleteWell Kevin you stay Safe, always be prepared. Later!!
ReplyDeleteAlways prepared. You just adapt improvise and deal with whatever life hands you...
ReplyDeleteToronto mayor warns the city simply cannot withstand the surge of asylum seekers.
ReplyDeleteBut the open borders crowd expects us to...
Democrats from one end of the country to the other are vowing to stop Trump's Supreme Court nominee.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they'd come across a little less pathetic if they at least waited till one was named.
I'm just saying...
I never believed the asylum "stuff" is just happening. There is a lot of money to be made and has been made warehousing those kids and the powers that be do not want the gravy train to stop. Lots of changing hands. And we are all paying for it.
ReplyDeleteMeant to say lots of money changing hands. A lot of the warehousing of kids is right here in Texas, down around Austin and Houston which are crawling with dems.
ReplyDeleteAnd the sad thing is that they know it's happening. But you'll never get any of them to admit it...
ReplyDeleteWell good morning again, the left is one bunch of sick humans if they are even human.
ReplyDeleteGood Grief it is going to be 103 degrees out today and 100 tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteDuring Trump's rally last night he warned the democrats he wouldn't tolerate attacks on our ICE agents.
ReplyDeleteAt 5:30 federal agents dressed in riot gear moved in and cleaned protesters away that were blocking the ICE headquarters in Portland.
Another win and another promise kept...
Dogs and fire hoses I say. That's what they need.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason these communist led riots continue is a lack of incoming fire.
The hearings that are going on with Rosenblaa and Waffer, is going well and Dem's are trying their best to defend.
ReplyDeleteUh oh... President Trump's approval ratings among Hispanics raises 10 percent.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think about that shit mms Blue?
The "tolerant" left will tolerate nothing that doesn't comport to their radical orthodoxy. And seeing their policies rejected by the electorate, they have sought to use government, the courts and a bullying media to force their will on others. Now they're employing a new tactic: encouraging and engaging in outright bullying and physical confrontations. We all Know what Waters said so I won't say what that idiots said.
ReplyDeleteThe mainstream propaganda media are providing cover and granting legitimacy for these actions both subtly and overtly. Any calls for tamping down the vitriol are tepid and feckless, at best.
The violent, radical left seems to be revising its playbook from the 1970s. We've seen their protests and demonstrations escalate since Trump's election.
Civility in political discussion is now passé. Of course, name-calling, expletives, ad hominems and physical attacks are the refuge of the ignorant. It's a convenient fallback position for those unable or unwilling to defend their positions with facts.
It is also a common practice of the ignorant to automatically assign evil motives to a person or group expressing a counter opinion. Many reach the conclusion that any person or any group that disagrees politically or philosophically is somehow bad and intends to inflict as much harm or heartache as possible on their opponents.
But incivility in political discourse is not new. And anyone who takes an honest look at American history understands this.
Thomas Jefferson once said, "It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions."
It pains many of us still, because as long as this practice continues we will be opposing one another rather than mounting opposition to those in positions of power who continue to steal our freedoms by passing unConstitutional laws and steal our wealth by debasing our currency.
As the left is increasingly inciting violence, it should bear in mind the maxim that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. There will eventually be a response by equally radical right.
Remember that governments — all governments — need crisis, no matter how much lip service they give to "peace." Crisis is a well-known Machiavellian strategy to gain and solidify political power and persuade public opinion.
We are living in critical times. We are seeing before our eyes the breakdown of the rule of law, which leads to the breakdown of law and order. It's increasingly obvious that mass chaos if not outright civil war is the agenda of the radical left. Remember there is nothing "civil" about civil wars.
ReplyDeleteAlways Safe, Always Prepared.
Yes, there's a break down in the law especially when elected officials who are sworn to UPHOLD the law encourage violence and law breaking....i.e. Maxine Waters....
DeleteThat petition about expelling Maxine Waters from Congress that I mentioned earlier this week is a little more than half way to reaching the goal 100,000 signatures....really cool huh? It'd be even cooler if Maxine Waters got physically removed from office.
non related to blog or other comments.... just needing to vent!
ReplyDelete!@#$!@#$!@#$***!! Good thing that there ain't no dart board here....I'd target someone with the darts!!!
Ok... now sorta kinda feel better....
Gen info to my friend Kevin all done, back to normal for now as long as we can use it that what counts detail remodeling is later, I was in that shower before the plumbers got 200 feet down the road, Life is good. again.
ReplyDeleteIt is indeed...
ReplyDeleteHave y'all heard the FBI was warned about Ramos? I'm seeing this nugget on various blogs. Something about his father worked for the FBI? Maybe that would explain why the police responded so quickly???
ReplyDeleteGood Morning everyone.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Sarge and everyone else! Hope you all stay cool and relaxed on this Friday!
ReplyDeleteSorry, no new blog up this morning. Got pretty busy and ran out of time. I'll do better next time around for sure. Guess this one will fill the gap for now.
ReplyDeleteIt will do just fine SSAH, to hot to do a blog anyhow..
DeleteAlways Safe, Always Prepared
No apologies needed Safe - this one suffices.
ReplyDeleteDid they really have to bring in the Old Hag Twice Failed Hillary in on this debacle? As though she really has any weight anymore to throw around on how people feel or not feel..... She's turning into a buffoon in addition to already being totally MENTALLY IRREGULAR!
DeleteThe signatures on the petition are about 2/3 of the way there and all within the first week of posting... phenomenal. The petition needs only 35,628 more signatures to reach the 100,000 signature goal.
It's great to see that people across America are utilizing this tool to voice their opinions - it would be even greater if Maxine Waters got kicked out to the street curb! The Old Bitty needs to retire!
Well made it though another Hot one. work 10 min take half hour break drink 2 beers on Break, now ready for getting serous on the beers.
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235.....
ReplyDeleteI rolled my tail back in bed about the time you said that.
ReplyDeleteI would have done the same thing if the option was available...
ReplyDeleteYou just got to much of that white privilege in you, but someone has to have it...it keeps the free liberal loaders fed.
DeleteG'mornin' y'all.
ReplyDeleteSaw this on the Washington Times -
"Trump says Saudis will increase oil production at his request to lower gas prices"
By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Saturday, June 30, 2018
BEDMINSTER, New Jersey — President Trump said Saturday that he persuaded the king of Saudi Arabia to increase oil production in an effort to lower gas prices in the U.S.
“Just spoke to King Salman of Saudi Arabia and explained to him that, because of the turmoil & disfunction in Iran and Venezuela, I am asking that Saudi Arabia increase oil production, maybe up to 2,000,000 barrels, to make up the difference…Prices to[o] high! He has agreed!” Mr. Trump tweeted from his private golf club in New Jersey.
As the summer driving season moves into high gear, retail gasoline prices have been as high as $2.96 a gallon, according to the Energy Information Administration. That’s about 24 percent higher than a year ago.
One thing I know is that the previous administration wouldn't have cared to work towards lowering gas prices and madwoman madam pitchfork Hillary would not have cared either.
True, everyone is equal under the law.
ReplyDeleteBut not everyone is equal. There are hundreds of ways we are not equal. Everything from differences in eyesight, ambition, physical strength, competitiveness, mental focus, hand-eye coordination, allergies, musical talent and so on.
Is that unjust?
It is if you are an elitist social engineer.
Constitutional-sounding words like "equality" and "justice" are used to give apparent weight and legitimacy to the completely false premises being espoused. They have as much substance as the breath behind the words. None.
They are merely part of the elites' ploy to try to get people to equate things that are merely social constructs, or colloquial social mores, with actual law, the point of which is to have these phrases carry the weight of law and be used to keep us fighting each other.
Well another day slips on by, Good Grief.
ReplyDeleteGood morning America.
ReplyDeleteG'mornin' Sarge
ReplyDeleteOnly up for a little while longer. Hubby is gettin' ready to leave for work.
ReplyDeleteThe rains missed us last evening - gonna have to water the garden later today. How about you?
Sorry about that Rikki, I was out in the kitchen frying bacon and potato's O'Brian for Mike and Zach.
ReplyDeleteRikki don;t water just yet we got a storm heading for us if it doesn't take a 90 degree turn like it normally does.
ReplyDeleteWater; Rkki, just like always it went Poof just as it got to Topeka.
ReplyDeleteG'morning again Sarge (smiles)
ReplyDeleteI guess after I went back to sleep, it sprinkled some. The cucumber plants are doing good, got some little cukes on there. The tomato and bell peppers are flowering pretty good. That's all we have in the garden this summer.
Rick will see how things look later today if he's gonna water or not, the ground does look moist to me, so you're right, we won't have to today.
I'm getting ready to head out for a little while, will be back online probably early afternoon.
ReplyDeleteY'all have a good morning
I picked 8 cuke's yesterday big ones, Bell peppers I will pick a couple today, and some jalapenos. Tomatoes are loaded over 6 foot tall, all my plants are in big potters and I stared all plants from seed, started them in March.
ReplyDeleteMine are coming along. Cukes, pole beans, peppers coming. Caught a skunk trying to steal some cukes. He lives in a new place now. Got 1/2 in of
Deleterain Not much but will take it.