Sunday, September 30, 2018
Overplaying their hand all over again...
I know we're all worried.
And we should be.
We've all seen this crap play out before.
Actually, it's played out every 2 years as another election approaches.
If you listen to the media during this latest and maybe one of the most disgusting examples of how low they're willing to go to destroy a conservative opponent they'll tell you republicans haven't learned anything form their past mistakes. (Think Anita Hill)
It's the Godless left that hasn't learned anything from the past.
They foolishly elected one of the most radical, divisive, and hateful president's to ever occupy the White House, Barack Hussein Obama.
During his 8 year reign of trying to "fundamentally transform (his own words) The United States of America" the democrat party lost something like 1,100 seats in government from one end of this country to the other.
Any reasonable person might look at that failed and pathetic track record and maybe suggest to their party leaders that it might be a good idea to tone the hatred down a few notches.
Not these tone deaf people.
These attacks on Brett Kavanaugh, as disgusting as they are are nothing new.
The same rage and hatred that propelled Donald Trump to the presidency in 2016 is the same rage and hatred they think will allow them to regain power in November.
The attacks on Brett Kavanaugh are more than an attack on one man.
It's an attack on the very foundation this country was built on.
It's an attack on you and it's an attack on me.
It's an attack on the Constitution.
It's an attack on our judicial system.
And it's an attack on everything most of us believe in.
Yeah, it plays well with their communist/socialist base.
It plays well with the Black Lives Matter crowd.
It plays well with the Antifa terrorist organization crowd.
It plays well with the Colon Kaperick anti-American crowd.
It plays well with the vagina hat wearing crowd.
It plays well with the drug crazed sexual perverts in Hollywood.
And of course it plays exceptionally well for the "Fake News" media who have made it their life's mission to destroy President Donald Trump at any cost.
Between now and November 4th they'll be releasing one poll after another about how that imaginary Blue Wave is about to sweep across America.
It's the exact same thing they tried in 2016.
Don't get me wrong here.
The Kavanaugh nomination could very well go down in flames.
But it has more to do with 3 spineless republican senators who lack the courage to stand up to the Godless left than anything the democrats are currently doing.
Just like he did during the 2016 campaign President Trump is traveling from one of the country to the other spreading his message of America First and endorsing republican candidates who'll stand with him.
And just like he did in 2016 he's attracting crowds of 20,000 to 30,000 American people who passionately believe in him and his message.
Obviously the goal is retain control of the House and gain as many seats in the Senate as possible.
Think that can't happen?
If it does happen the Godless left and the 3 spineless republicans will wish they'd never stood in the way of Judge Kavanaugh's nomination in the first place.
Because Trump's next nominee won't be nearly as moderate as he is.
My message to you today is the same message I had in 2016.
Don't lose faith.
Don't let these bastards get you down.
Stand strong.
Stand proud.
And stand together.
My name is Kevin McGinty and I proudly stand with President Donald J. Trump and the American people.
Join me...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, September 28, 2018
Those damn commies, part 1,492
Watched as much of the hearing as I could stand. Came away with pretty much the same thoughts as most of you I imagine.
This woman maybe had something happen. I don't know. But she was coached and prepared. She came across as a wounded little girl, a performance worthy of an academy award. She claimed she didn't know anything about how a polygraph works. She has a PhD in psychology and claims she doesn't know anything about polygraphs. She actually has a doctorate, two in fact. She's not a fake doctor like our friend comrade bedpan, she is the real deal. And she came across as a person performing to an audience. Sad.
Brett Kavanaugh told it like it was. He unloaded on them. He made his case. Powerful.
The hero of the day was Lyndsey Graham. I've had my issues with him, he was a anti-Trumper for a little too long, but yesterday he redeemed himself for any past grievances I have. He was right on point. He made the democrat/communists look like the idiots they are. He also set the stage for the Republicans to vote for Kavanaugh or pay a price. And they know it. And we know it. Any Republican who votes against him will pay for it.
So all in all the democrat/communists came across as partisan hacks and the seditious commie bastards they are.
If Judge Brett Kavanaugh isn't confirmed the the Supreme Court the whole bunch of them can kiss my ass.
Here's what I see happening on Judge Kanvaugh's first day on the job.
Walks into Clarence Thomas's office.
Clarence pours them both a glass of Pappy Van Winkle.
They toast and touch glasses,
Then they say "Now, let's burn this mutherfucker down".
Hope I see you all at the rally. Hopefully we can meet up and represent the bunker.
Room two three five Underground Bunker in the house...
Now, lets...
Make America Great Again.
This woman maybe had something happen. I don't know. But she was coached and prepared. She came across as a wounded little girl, a performance worthy of an academy award. She claimed she didn't know anything about how a polygraph works. She has a PhD in psychology and claims she doesn't know anything about polygraphs. She actually has a doctorate, two in fact. She's not a fake doctor like our friend comrade bedpan, she is the real deal. And she came across as a person performing to an audience. Sad.
Brett Kavanaugh told it like it was. He unloaded on them. He made his case. Powerful.
The hero of the day was Lyndsey Graham. I've had my issues with him, he was a anti-Trumper for a little too long, but yesterday he redeemed himself for any past grievances I have. He was right on point. He made the democrat/communists look like the idiots they are. He also set the stage for the Republicans to vote for Kavanaugh or pay a price. And they know it. And we know it. Any Republican who votes against him will pay for it.
So all in all the democrat/communists came across as partisan hacks and the seditious commie bastards they are.
If Judge Brett Kavanaugh isn't confirmed the the Supreme Court the whole bunch of them can kiss my ass.
Here's what I see happening on Judge Kanvaugh's first day on the job.
Walks into Clarence Thomas's office.
Clarence pours them both a glass of Pappy Van Winkle.
They toast and touch glasses,
Then they say "Now, let's burn this mutherfucker down".
Hope I see you all at the rally. Hopefully we can meet up and represent the bunker.
Room two three five Underground Bunker in the house...
Now, lets...
Make America Great Again.
Monday, September 24, 2018
Well, that followed the plan, didn't it?
As if we had any doubt, the democrat/communists already had another fake accuser lined up ready to roll. As they were facing their original fake accuser's story falling apart and she is being forced to put up or shut up and they know if she appears before congress the whole thing collapses and they lose, the got busy. They found a second person who "remembers" something terrible. She isn't sure it was him, but after consulting her lawyer and no doubt checking her bank account she remembers it was him after all. Probably. Maybe. Sure enough to destroy his life and derail his appointment anyway.
The tactic of course is to stall. The first one stalled a couple of weeks so far. As that one falls apart, here's a new couple weeks to stall. And don't doubt for a minute when this one falls apart they already have another one lined up and on retainer. The memories are being recovered as we speak.
This of course is all about pure hatred. They have lost on every other issue. They cried racist constantly and when the President refused to hold a press conference wearing his KKK uniform, and the people of America stopped responding to that one they rolled out the illegal alien sympathy for the devil one. And surprise, America really isn't sympathetic to people who break the law and drain taxpayers and commit crime and generally create mischief and drain America's resources. So they just keep pulling new tactics out of their ass.
And our President keeps winning. Tax cuts. Booming economy. Pushing back against illegal aliens. Deregulation. Wage growth. Jobs, jobs, jobs. Lowering the welfare rolls. A strong well funded military again. North Korea coming to the table. Trade war hysteria all nothing, we won those wars before they started.
Everything the democrat/communists try just flops, so it's all about hatred and lies.
I remember when obama got elected. I was amazed that my fellow citizens could elect this Marxist huckster who obviously lied about pretty much everything. He consorted with terrorists, American and Islamic. He lied about being a Christian. He lied about gay marriage. He lied about everything. And he had one of the worst Presidencies in history.
But we didn't launch some kind of "resistance", did we? We didn't riot and destroy things. We didn't attack and assault anybody who we suspected of supporting him, did we? We didn't make up things daily and created hysteria around his massive failures, did we?
No, we let his actions speak for themselves. And during his terms his party lost over 1,100 elections. And we got back the House, Senate and now the White House. We rallied and we started the TEA party. We supported candidates we agreed with and opposed candidates we didn't. We donated money. We blogged. We talked. And we won. We used the time honored American tradition of the United States electoral process. We won.
But then, we are patriotic Americans. We love our country and we honor it's constitution. Notice I didn't say we loved the Republican party. I said we love our country. And we elected a President who loves our country.
And that kind of boils it down. We believe in the electoral process. We're not a democracy. John Adams said a democracy always ends in tyranny. A democracy is two lions and a lamb voting on what's for dinner. We are a Representative Republic. And we spoke. And damn the communists trying to destroy our country.
The spineless Republicans need to stand up to these seditionists and stop this. They can drag this on endlessly with these false claims. If they win this, it will never stop. So stop it. You've had the hearing. Now vote. And if any Republicans vote against him we should launch every resource we have to primary those idiots and get them out of office.
The most important thing we can do is vote. Punish these seditionist traitors. Win more seats. Shut them down. I don't care how mad you are at the Republicans. Vote for them. If you stay home, they win. If they win, we lose. America loses. And we will cross a line we can never cross back.
The tactic of course is to stall. The first one stalled a couple of weeks so far. As that one falls apart, here's a new couple weeks to stall. And don't doubt for a minute when this one falls apart they already have another one lined up and on retainer. The memories are being recovered as we speak.
This of course is all about pure hatred. They have lost on every other issue. They cried racist constantly and when the President refused to hold a press conference wearing his KKK uniform, and the people of America stopped responding to that one they rolled out the illegal alien sympathy for the devil one. And surprise, America really isn't sympathetic to people who break the law and drain taxpayers and commit crime and generally create mischief and drain America's resources. So they just keep pulling new tactics out of their ass.
And our President keeps winning. Tax cuts. Booming economy. Pushing back against illegal aliens. Deregulation. Wage growth. Jobs, jobs, jobs. Lowering the welfare rolls. A strong well funded military again. North Korea coming to the table. Trade war hysteria all nothing, we won those wars before they started.
Everything the democrat/communists try just flops, so it's all about hatred and lies.
I remember when obama got elected. I was amazed that my fellow citizens could elect this Marxist huckster who obviously lied about pretty much everything. He consorted with terrorists, American and Islamic. He lied about being a Christian. He lied about gay marriage. He lied about everything. And he had one of the worst Presidencies in history.
But we didn't launch some kind of "resistance", did we? We didn't riot and destroy things. We didn't attack and assault anybody who we suspected of supporting him, did we? We didn't make up things daily and created hysteria around his massive failures, did we?
No, we let his actions speak for themselves. And during his terms his party lost over 1,100 elections. And we got back the House, Senate and now the White House. We rallied and we started the TEA party. We supported candidates we agreed with and opposed candidates we didn't. We donated money. We blogged. We talked. And we won. We used the time honored American tradition of the United States electoral process. We won.
But then, we are patriotic Americans. We love our country and we honor it's constitution. Notice I didn't say we loved the Republican party. I said we love our country. And we elected a President who loves our country.
And that kind of boils it down. We believe in the electoral process. We're not a democracy. John Adams said a democracy always ends in tyranny. A democracy is two lions and a lamb voting on what's for dinner. We are a Representative Republic. And we spoke. And damn the communists trying to destroy our country.
The spineless Republicans need to stand up to these seditionists and stop this. They can drag this on endlessly with these false claims. If they win this, it will never stop. So stop it. You've had the hearing. Now vote. And if any Republicans vote against him we should launch every resource we have to primary those idiots and get them out of office.
The most important thing we can do is vote. Punish these seditionist traitors. Win more seats. Shut them down. I don't care how mad you are at the Republicans. Vote for them. If you stay home, they win. If they win, we lose. America loses. And we will cross a line we can never cross back.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Slap Happy Friday...
I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of The United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all...
And if that offends any of you bastards out there then you can just kiss my Red White and Blue ass.
Any questions?
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Another Democrat Lie Falls Apart...
Let's see now.
Some left-wing, Trump hating bimbo claims Brett Kavanaugh tried to rape her at a party some 36 years ago. She even went so far as to claim she thought he might even kill her.
In the original version of this the story she claimed there was another boy at the alleged party who witnessed the attack.
The problem with that version is that this so-called witness came forward and denied ever being at such a party and had never seen Kavanaugh do any such thing.
The next version of this ever changing saga claims there was a girlfriend of the accuser present who witnessed this vicious attack.
So far as I know this second mysterious witness has never surfaced.
The accuser's (verified) Anti-Trump activist lawyer claimed her (verified) Anti-Trump client was willing to testify under oath in front of Congress.
The (verified) Godless Trump-Hating Senate democrats demanded that a hearing be scheduled and this Thursday's confirmation vote be postponed.
Then the (verified) Godless Trump-Hating Senate democrats demanded an FBI investigation into the matter.
The FBI looked at it and declined due to the fact that no Federal laws are alleged to have been broken.
And of course the (verified) Godless Trump-Hating Senate democrats are outraged and are still demanding an investigation.
You don't suppose it has anything to do with the fact that there's no way the republicans would be able to confirm any nominee to the Supreme Court who's currently undergoing an FBI investigation, do you?
Evidently they're having a hard time accepting the simple fact that using the FBI as their own personal political weapon is no longer an option.
And now all of a sudden the (verified) Anti-Trump client isn't willing to testify.
At least not under oath.
It could be that she's thought about and realized there could be real life consequences to lying to Congress under oath.
Nah, that's probably just me being cynical again.
I'm sure her intentions are pure.
In the meantime, according to this poor victimized innocent little (verified) Anti-Trump client's (verified) Anti-Trump activist lawyer her client has been forced to go into hiding due to death threats, hate mail and so on.
I have an idea.
How about we just cut the crap.
How about we just call this whole thing what it is.
A pathetic attempt by the (verified) Godless Trump-Hating Senate democrats to derail Kavanaugh's confirmation.
The problem though is that it just might work.
Obviously these pathetic and worthless democrats don't have the ability to stop the confirmation by themselves.
But it could easily give cover to a couple of (verified) Trump-Hating Senate republicans who otherwise are too cowardly vote no on the matter.
Do the name's Susan Collins and Jeff Flake ring a bell?
The bottom line here is that this country of our is in trouble.
Serious trouble.
You know it and I know it.
The way I see it is that a vote for a democrat (any democrat at any level) is a vote against everything most of us have always believed in and hold dear.
I'm just throwing that out there...
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, September 16, 2018
We all know this is 100% pure bullshit...
Chuck Schumer Calls for Delay of Kavanaugh Confirmation Vote to Investigate ‘Rape Attempt’ Accusation
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said in a statement on Sunday the Senate must delay Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation vote in the wake of a Washington Post story that detailed the nominee’s alleged high-school “rape attempt.”
Will the Godless democrat's latest and deepest trip to the cesspo0ol to date work?
Will they successfully get this Thursday's confirmation vote delayed?
There's only one way it can happen.
And that's for the senate republicans to allow it to happen.
Will they show some backbone for a change and stand up to these lying bastards?
Or will they cave like a bunch of sniveling cowards they're known to be from time to time?
At this point it's impossible to say.
What I do know is that if the republicans screw this up we can kiss the House and probably the Senate goodbye.
Americans from one end of this country to the other will turn on them faster than anything we've ever seen before.
The ball is in their court...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, September 14, 2018
How low can you go?
Well, if you're a democrat/commie there is no bottom. There is no depth they won't sink to, no lie too outrageous to tell, no video the won't edit to promote the narrative.
A fake letter from an anonymous source that heard Kavanaugh did something in high school. Bullshit.
Now they have been circulating a video where Kavanaugh is saying birth control pills are abortion inducing. Except they edited out the part where he explained that was what the plaintiff was saying, not him. He did not agree with the position, it was a client saying it. So even lyin crooked Hillary has been passing it around making false claims. More bullshit.
And they are endlessly claiming he wants to repeal Roe v Wade. He has never said that. He has repeatedly said he feels it is settled law. He will only rule on law as is applicable for cases before him. The Supreme Court does not "repeal" law. It rules on cases brought before them. These idiots are so desperate it's frightening. And more bullshit.
But honestly, I'm barely following anything. I'm having too much fun. So here's a little video about the area we are looking at. And Rose, we saw the Tule fog. We checked out Bakersfield because it's closer and less expensive but it's a pretty nasty place overall. So it looks like the Kern Valley is where it is, at least that's what we're hoping. Check it out if you have a couple of minutes.
A fake letter from an anonymous source that heard Kavanaugh did something in high school. Bullshit.
Now they have been circulating a video where Kavanaugh is saying birth control pills are abortion inducing. Except they edited out the part where he explained that was what the plaintiff was saying, not him. He did not agree with the position, it was a client saying it. So even lyin crooked Hillary has been passing it around making false claims. More bullshit.
And they are endlessly claiming he wants to repeal Roe v Wade. He has never said that. He has repeatedly said he feels it is settled law. He will only rule on law as is applicable for cases before him. The Supreme Court does not "repeal" law. It rules on cases brought before them. These idiots are so desperate it's frightening. And more bullshit.
But honestly, I'm barely following anything. I'm having too much fun. So here's a little video about the area we are looking at. And Rose, we saw the Tule fog. We checked out Bakersfield because it's closer and less expensive but it's a pretty nasty place overall. So it looks like the Kern Valley is where it is, at least that's what we're hoping. Check it out if you have a couple of minutes.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Pictures from my vacation
Seriously, Safe? No. Not really. But I am in California looking at possible relocation options. So here's what I found. Little community in the mountains a couple hours north of LA. Called Bodfish. Little town of a couple thousand where there a a few little towns built around a lake name of Lake Isabella. Here's a picture of where we are looking at houses, looking down on the town. Houses built all the way up the side of the mountain overlooking the town...
The Kern river runs through the area, which feeds Lake Isabella. They say the Kern isn't deep or wide, but she's a mean piece of water, my friend. According to Merle Haggard anyways.
It's about an hour from Bakersfield. So this may be home. Or not. Depends if California and I can come to terms on a few issues.
So that's it for now. Here's one more picture in support of the poor misunderstood flag protesters.
More dispatches from California later. That's it for now. A cold beer is waiting.
Saturday, September 8, 2018
"Spartacus Friday" on a Saturday evening...
Good evening boys and girls.
I apologize for this week's irregular scheduling.
Anyway, let's get down to business.
I've talked about one of my all time favorite conservative writers John Nolte.
I've even shared a few of his columns right here in the Bunker when I felt they were appropriate.
Because he's written a column today that addresses the things we've all been thinking I felt this one was timely and very appropriate.
I apologize for this week's irregular scheduling.
Anyway, let's get down to business.
I've talked about one of my all time favorite conservative writers John Nolte.
I've even shared a few of his columns right here in the Bunker when I felt they were appropriate.
Because he's written a column today that addresses the things we've all been thinking I felt this one was timely and very appropriate.
As President Trump continues to deliver peace and prosperity for the first time since September 11, 2001, the increasingly hysterical, outraged, and desperate Resistance could not stop jumping the shark this week.
These awful people are really, really, really hoping to con prospering Americans into believing something as shallow and meaningless as Trump’s management style is some sort of national emergency.
While Trump continues to make the kind of sound decisions that (among many other things) have turned around our economy, put two superb justices on the Supreme Court (Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation seems secure), reigns in Putin and North Korea, and have all but wiped out ISIS, all these sore losers, grifters, and left-wing liars have to attack him with is his unorthodox management style.
What they do not want you focused on, especially with the midterm elections weeks away, are the unprecedented results of Trump’s “chaotic” management style, results that have lowered black and Hispanic unemployment to record levels, brought manufacturing back to the Rust Belt, and made the endless War on Terror feel like a bad memory.
This week was especially bad for the crybabies. As Trump racked up a successful confirmation hearing for Kavanaugh and the kind of economic news the media assured us was no longer possible, the pitiful and certifiably insane Resistance went shark jumping on at least nine occasions…
- Aretha Franklin’s Funeral
Al Sharpton, Stevie Wonder, and others used the occasion of a funeral — a funeral! — to trash Trump while peacocking as our moral and intellectual superiors, but they did so in the company of credibly accused rapist and perjurer Bill Clinton and rabid racist and anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.
Oh, and after singer Ariana Grande was hit with a Taco Bell joke, she was groped.
- John McCain’s Funeral
There they were, all of America’s fading media and political elite, hectoring and lecturingthe rest of us about how awful it is to divide people, about how crude Trump is… And these classless rubes did this at a church funeral.
But this happened only after John McCain himself used his own funeral to create a mean-girl invite list meant to fulfill his dying grudges with petty snubs — including Sarah Palin and a sitting president. But we are supposed to believe Trump is the childish and mean-spirited one.
And then there were the Arbiters of Decency in the audience, those who applauded this divisive rhetoric in the National Cathedral, as if to prove once again they are, in fact, much more vulgar, boorish, and crude than any of their intended targets.
- Bob Woodward’s Latest Book
Again, another shallow attack on Trump’s management style, and one with no allegations of wrongdoing. What we have here is just another grift, another chapter in the long con, another attempt to concoct a national crisis over something as stupid and shallow as palace intrigue.
SIDE NOTE: My original title for this piece was going to be “Even if Everything in Woodward’s Book Is True, I Don’t Give a Shit.”
- Dirty Cop Robert Mueller
George Papadopoulos, a former low-low-low-low level Trump campaign hanger-on, the man we are told is the key to the media’s collapsing Russian Collusion Hoax, will serve 14 days in prison for lying to authorities.
Fourteen days! Great job, Mueller.
In the meantime, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, John Brennan, and James Clapper are allowed to run free and wild, even though a credible case can be made that all committed perjury.
Papadopolous is such a snorer, the far-left CNN scheduled an “exclusive” interview with him for late on a Friday night.
- The Return of Lying Crybaby Barack Obama
America’s lecturer-in-chief returned to the campaign trail Friday to lie about Trump and have a tantrum over the fact he is not receiving credit for Trump’s many successes.
Obama actually claimed Trump did not condemn the Nazis and racists at Charlottesville, although he clearly did so on at least two occasions.
Obama also tried to gaslight us into believing Trump’s roaring economy had nothing to do with Trump, even though Trump is accomplishing things Obama said were only possible with a magic wand.
Then Obama lied about his treatment of the media, with the claim he never went as far as Trump. The truth, however, is Obama went much, much further. While Trump criticizes and mocks the media, Obama weaponized the Department of Justice to spy on, intimidate, and declare the media unindicted co-conspirators.
Naturally, proven liars and conspiracy theorists, like CNN’s Brian Stelter, still swooned over and used fake news to cover up for their Precious Barry.
- Anonymous New York Times Op-Ed Confirms Deep State
Some un-American narcissist published a column in the far-left New York Times to brag that he and a dark cabal of unelected, unaccountable Deep Staters are actively working to sabotage a duly elected president’s agenda. But again, there are no allegations of wrongdoing on Trump’s part, just phony hand-wringing over his management style.
At first, the corrupt media cheered this brave whistleblower, until they realized he had just confirmed everything Trump and his supporters have said about the existence of the Deep State’s festering Swamp.
- Chuck Todd Compares Media Critics to Segregationists
In a bitter and meandering op-ed for the far-left Atlantic, Meet the Press host Chuck Todd declared war on media critics, especially those working at Fox News whom he claims are responsible for getting Trump elected and the media’s unprecedented integrity and trust problems.
Todd also compared media critics to southern segregations, which is fake news because all of those segregationists were Democrats, just like Chuck Todd.
Nowhere did Todd suggest that maybe-possibly-perhaps other things were contributing to the media’s credibility problems — like countless fake news scandals, op-eds like the one Todd just wrote, and his own employer, the left-wing NBC, which covered up TWO credible rape allegations against powerful Democrats.
- Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) Goes the Full-George Costanza
The highlight of the Democrat Party’s norm-busting, pathetic, and disgusting attempts to stop the Judicial Committee hearings for Trump’s insanely qualified Supreme Court nominee was, without a doubt, Sen. Booker’s ridiculous “Spartacus” moment — which ended up being more of a George Costanza moment.
At first, Sen. Shameless Liar claimed he was “Spartacus” for risking his Senate career to make public a couple of confidential documents. Turned out it was all a hoax. The documents had already been approved for public release, and Spartacus knew it.
Booker also acted like he was Perry Mason, running into chambers with the smoking gun to save the day to defeat the eeeevil Kavanaugh, when all Booker held were nothingburgers.
This incompetent boob wants to be president?
- Bill Maher Victim-Blamer
On his Friday night HBO show, far-left comedian Bill Maher ignored the half-dozen or so Democrat women who claim they were groped by disgraced former Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) to smear as a liar the one woman who actually has a photo of Franken groping her — Leann Tweeden.
Maher wants Franken to run against Trump in 2020.
My guess is that Maher witnessed how horribly presidential hopefuls Booker and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) performed this week during the Kavanaugh hearings and is now willing to look the other way at alleged sexual misconduct if that’s what it takes to bring Trump down.
Remember, only Al Franken can Make America Handsy Again.
Meanwhile, in the real world, in the world outside of this manufactured bubble where Trump’s management style means he is not “fit to be president,” we are out here enjoying real wage growth, real job growth, real peace, and real prosperity.
And the only thing we find unsettling and worthy of the word “crisis” is this increasingly desperate and dishonest attempt to overturn a presidential election because a bunch of losers can’t deal with a duly elected president’s style.
All I know is that the results of Trump’s style are making America great again, are proving just how horribly this country has been managed by the failed Establishment for the last 30 years, and all y’all can kiss my ass.
John Nolte 09/08/2018
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Checkmate Bitches...
I guess you could consider this an attempt on my part to explain the difference between reality and delusional thinking.
It's pretty much aimed towards our resident internet doctor and the imaginary internet friends he claims to have.
REALITY: The American people elected Donald Trump to become the 45th President of The United States. Period. End of story.
DELUSIONAL THINKING: Believing if you scream it often enough and loud enough this simple fact will go away.
You with me so far?
REALITY: Because of the fact that Donald Trump is the President of The United States it's his obligation and constitutional duty to fill openings on the Supreme Court.
DELUSIONAL THINKING: Believing that if you make big enough asses of yourselves or scream Russia, Russia, Russia often and loud enough this simple little fact will cease to exist.
REALITY: Despite the childish antics of your beloved democrat party Judge Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed and will soon become known as Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
DELUSIONAL THINKING: Believing your side has a chance in hell of changing this simple little fact.
REALITY: The man (President Trump) you and your imaginary internet friends love to mock, ridicule, attack, make fun of, slander, and hate with all your broken little hearts has once again beaten the hell out of you.
Any questions?
Kevin McGinty
Monday, September 3, 2018
Florida democrats already playing the race card? I'm shocked said no one ever...
Let's see if I have this right.
A far left wing extremist democrat from Florida named Andrew Gillum wins his crazed and deranged party's nomination for governor in a state Donald Trump won in 2016.
So far so good?
Regardless of where you are in this country today, winning any democrat nomination for anything nowadays is really pretty simple.
Offer free everything.
Demonize law enforcement.
Promise to eliminate I.C.E.
Promise to open America's borders to any and all who want to come.
Regardless of whatever question you're asked you absolutely have to work in a way to trash Donald Trump.
You do this well enough and often enough and the lazy, non-thinking, non-knowing masses will bow down at your feet every time.
Am I right?
Of course I am.
So, now that you've won over the ignorant masses who are now fawning all over you and it's time to win over the majority of the population in the upcoming general election, what's you first move?
That's simple.
You have your handlers book you an appearance with Trump Hating, Shepard Smith on Fox News and let him help you make the only play you have.
You play the race card.
The rest of what passes as today's mainstream media will take it from there.
The problem with this strategy is that it's old and worn out.
There was a time when republicans cowered in fear of that dreaded race card being played.
There was a time when they were too afraid to stand up to the media bastards trying to destroy them.
Thanks to President Donald Trump those days are dead and gone.
If it were me advising the Ron DeSantis campaign I'd take full and immediate advantage of the situation with non-stop attacks ads against Andrew Gillum's socialist agenda.
They'd run 24 hours a day on every television station, radio station, newspapers, billboards, and social media platform available.
They'd all point out how stupid and pathetic your claim that using the everyday term of monkeying around is suddenly a racial slur.
Nobody said a word when Obama used it.
The ads would also highlight the hundreds of times those in what passes as today's mainstream media who are trying to destroy you have used the exact same phrase in the past.
I'd end every ad with a simple message.
Kevin McGinty
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