Thursday, September 20, 2018
Slap Happy Friday...
I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of The United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all...
And if that offends any of you bastards out there then you can just kiss my Red White and Blue ass.
Any questions?
Kevin McGinty
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

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Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
I am up and running also, but right now I am watching Trump and Hannity in Vegas.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to watch it but this old man's gotta call it a night...
ReplyDeleteGo to bed I got ya cover, and will brief you in the morning. Good Night my friend.
DeleteGood Morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteIt's about time someone besides me was up...
ReplyDeleteNot many people get up early around here, I had to just order a new refrigerator, they est $300.00 Plus to put in a new elec board in the other one. I said no way, I count this as a anniversary gift to ourselves. Plus the Sub's.
DeleteLinda and I have our 40th coming up at the end of the month.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is that she's a lucky woman...
Ya right! hehehe
DeleteI can think of a lot worse things to call them but for now scumbags will do...
ReplyDeleteSo here's how this goes:
ReplyDeleteCommie/dems: We got a woman who says Kavanaugh tried to rape her 36 years ago. And you evil Republicans are going to try to silence her, we already know you will.
Repubs: OK. She can testify in the hearing or we'll go to her. Pretty much anytime. Just say when and where.
Commie/dems: You're monsters!! You are trying to silence her. You are all rape supporters.
Repubs: Seriously. Anytime, anywhere. We'll come to her if she doesn't want to come here. In private or in public, whatever she wants. Just name it. Just kind of wondering though, any evidence of any kind to support this accusation before we destroy a man's reputation and life of service?
Commie/dems: Monsters!! Rapists!! Too many conditions. You have to believe her because just shut up. And me too. Don't forget me too.
And that's how it will go. And they already have a whole list of victims paid and ready to report for duty.
I see that this will be the end of law and order in this country for years to come, and that is what we are seeing now.
ReplyDeletePresident Trump was elected as President nearly two years ago and still, the resistance clamors on. Ok, shock was registered but that suddenness has the duration of a school pep rally. What is taking place today is nothing more than exhorting one’s impatience for a regime change. It was so close with a Clinton Presidency but now, all that would have been is now dashed upon the rocks of rugged Americanism.
ReplyDeleteTo make matters worse, the socialist democrat is left undressed since economic prosperity is antithetical to socialism. He is facing a midterm election without a positive message, with a roster of activists who uniformly are anti Americans and in all probability, another Constitutionalist being appointed to the Supreme Court.
It'll be tough, but we will just have to slog through 6 more years of winning.
ReplyDeleteLet's remember the president did say we would get tired of winning.
Heavy is the crown.
What the hell happen to that 10 o'clock deadline today, GOP caving again??
ReplyDeleteLike I said, they are spineless. That woman has everyone like puppets on a string! It's a damn shame and shows the world how dis-functional our leaders govern.
ReplyDeleteNo she has nothing to do with it, it is the Liberals that now has her on a string, and she has no idea on how to get out of this mess the Dem's got her into.
DeleteWell got to call it a night, but I am glad you all got the chance to hear from me today. Good night 😇
ReplyDeleteAnother deadline ignored.
ReplyDeleteOriginally Grassley gave the lying bimbo's lawyer until 10:00 yesterday morning to respond whether or not the bitch was planning to testify.
Then extended that deadline to 10:00 last night.
That deadline was also ignored.
Story on Breitbart this morning says he's extended it again.
Screw that.
She had her chance.
Hold a vote first thing Monday morning and be done with it.
The Godless left will bitch and scream.
So what?
They're gonna bitch and scream regardless of how it goes...
I hear that and good morning room 235, GOP better get off their asses and take charge.
ReplyDeleteThat's always been their problem.
ReplyDeleteThey have no idea how or what taking charge even means.
What the commie Dem's are doing is preparing her on what to say and how to say it, rehearsal type deal.
DeleteI'd like to see somebody bluff about having screenshots of her social media. And would be willing to share them when she testifies.
ReplyDeleteMake her think.
I'm not sure if we have a Mexican standoff or a game of chicken here going on.
Grassley is taking some serious heat on Twitter this morning, as he should. Guess we'll see who flinches first.
The left is calling for the FBI to look into this Judge, but I bet they maybe looking also into her back ground. As I speak!
DeleteIs it crazy enough for you yet? How about this one?
ReplyDeleteDurham University. Kid is forced to resign as editor of a free speech society because he said something. Crazy, right? He retweeted an article that said "Is it a crime to say that women don't have penises?"
Apparently this so outraged the pervert mob to the point this poor guy got all kinds of disciplinary action.
Here's the kicker. The pervert mob says that is "factually incorrect", and "not subject to debate". That women don't have a penis.
Or this one. France orders Marine Le Pen to undergo psychiatric tests as part of an inquiry into her sharing images of Islamic State group atrocities. She posted images of ISIS atrocities. She faces punishment, a fine and even jail. And a psychiatric tests. Anybody remember how the old Soviet Union used to label political dissidents as insane and lock them away? Ever thought it would happen in the west? Have we reached peak crazy yet? France is using Soviet Totalitarian tactics to defend barbarians who would destroy them given the opportunity, and who hate French liberals with a passion.
There's your daily dose of crazy.
Thanks SSAH I really need that!! 😂
DeleteI wonder why Booker isn't kicked out of the House/Senate, he admitted groping a 15 year old. Anyone remember that? All this is 🐂 💩 .
ReplyDeletePay attention to what Safe is saying.
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly where this country is headed if we allow the democrats to regain power.
Today's democrat party has been taken over by some of the most corrupt communist socialist extremists this country has ever seen.
I guess I am asking for too much or not giving the repubs any credit. But I gat real sick and tired of all this motor mouth's getting on TV and telling me how great a job they are doing and how they are going to give the libs a real ass cleaning. When all the time they run and hide and make excuses. Am I asking for too much? I must be cause it sure as hell aint getting any where with their a kissing and motor mouth talks on tv. Time is running out If they don't step up and tell these a holes where to put it you will see the libs take both of the house and senate. Most of these so called rino's think they are safe from getting the boot. But they better wake up and smell the coffee. You can just smell the libs getting ready to screw this whole country. I see it and I hear it. They are out in force and they don't care who they take down and out. My vote will be a straight party line but we need a lot more help in a big way. That's those up in DC to either shit or get off the pot cause the stool is backed up.
ReplyDeleteShit or get off the Pot, Hell they have be constipated for a long time.
DeleteThat's part of the problem. They got the whole system plugged up so bad its over flowing and the stink is being smelled by us over flowing on to we the people.
DeleteAnd what passes as today's mainstream media just keeps pushing and pushing their bullshit.
ReplyDeleteRight 🐂 💩.
DeleteMake no mistake. This dirty business with Kavanaugh is one small part of the whole scheme. The Communist Party USA has always had an apparatus in place to do this. Spread disinformation. Create distrust. Spread lies that divide us. And they are doing it now with the help of millions of useful idiots.
ReplyDeleteThis is what they want. They are winning. They have been creating little brain dead robots who they can lead wherever they choose. The Russians could only wish they could create the havoc the godless left is creating. They are amateurs compared to Soros and his toadies.
Everything they do is designed to divide and conquer. And we are as divided as we have ever been.
The last President who had this much hatred directed at him was Abraham Lincoln. The Confederate states seceded because he was elected. They went to war because they hated him so much. And eventually a democrat zealot killed him. We have the exact same thing today. A block of people who feel our President is such a grievous offense to them they are entitled to disregard our laws, and any action they take is justified because of their hatred.
This dirty business with Kavanaugh is them trying to lower the standards our country has held to as the rule of law since its founding. Innocent until proven guilty. The right to confront your accuser.
This evil business of pointing the finger of accusation at someone, and that being all that is needed to convict them is directly from the French revolution.
These Jacobians point at someone and yell J'accuse and it's off with their head. Anybody know how the French revolution turned out? Well, these little commie bastards are worse. And the Republicans damn well better get this under control because this is the stuff that will destroy our great Republic.
What is left of it.
DeleteGood Morning room 235.
ReplyDeleteFeinstein is conspiring to destroy Kavanaugh...
ReplyDeleteOf course she is...
ReplyDeleteGood morning Kevin, I have been laying floor tile down in my pantry, I couldn't wait on you doing it any longer. 😂
DeleteI'll make you a deal. You come over and mow for me and I'll sit here and listen to your stories about laying tile till the cows come home...
ReplyDeleteThink I will pass on that deal, but it sounded like a good plan... For You!
DeleteFine then.
ReplyDeleteYou guys enjoy your day. I gotta get busy...
I am done how about you? I got 9 tiles to do under freezer but can't move it now to loaded. Ready for the new Ice-A- Box this week though.
DeleteJust finished up. Got the yard mowed. Cooked breakfast for the kids. Helped Luke load an old grill I had in the basement. Cleaned out the filter in that stupid fish pond out back. And got it all done just in time to pack my bags for another fun filled week on the road...
ReplyDeleteWell there you go you can get things done when you set your mind to it... Good Job! I just made a big pot of spaghetti for Mike and Zach and a bit for Carol and I. Beer time!!
DeleteAnd right on schedule the Godless dems come up with another bimbo that suddenly remembered Brett Kavanaugh sticking his penis in her face while she was laying on the floor drunk out of her mind.
ReplyDeleteShe admits to being drunk on her ass. She admits she doesn't remember much of anything that happened that night some 30 years ago. But after weeks of trying to re remember that's what she came up with...
Story on Drudge...
Good Grief! and a good night.
ReplyDeleteThis will have the gutless Republicans peeing their pants and wringing their hands. What is wrong with these scum suckers, just vote and stop the liberals wanting their 5 minutes on the headlines.
ReplyDeleteMichael Avenatti (porn star lawyer) said he had knowledge that Kavanaugh and high school friend Mark Judge targeted women with drugs and alcohol in order to "allow a 'train' of men to subsequently gang rape them."
Avenatti, who represents adult film star Stormy Daniels in a lawsuit against President Trump and has hinted at a possible presidential run, made the claims in an email to Mike Davis, the chief counsel for nominations on the Senate Judiciary Committee. He did not state the source of his "evidence" and did not name any alleged victims.
ReplyDeleteI was just about to say that, Good Morning every one.
ReplyDeleteHELLO anyone home?
ReplyDeleteI think they're all waiting to see what Safe has to say this morning...
ReplyDeleteWhy not, they get away with it and it's working. Nobody will stand up to them!
ReplyDeleteNew blog up.