Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Another Democrat Lie Falls Apart...
Let's see now.
Some left-wing, Trump hating bimbo claims Brett Kavanaugh tried to rape her at a party some 36 years ago. She even went so far as to claim she thought he might even kill her.
In the original version of this the story she claimed there was another boy at the alleged party who witnessed the attack.
The problem with that version is that this so-called witness came forward and denied ever being at such a party and had never seen Kavanaugh do any such thing.
The next version of this ever changing saga claims there was a girlfriend of the accuser present who witnessed this vicious attack.
So far as I know this second mysterious witness has never surfaced.
The accuser's (verified) Anti-Trump activist lawyer claimed her (verified) Anti-Trump client was willing to testify under oath in front of Congress.
The (verified) Godless Trump-Hating Senate democrats demanded that a hearing be scheduled and this Thursday's confirmation vote be postponed.
Then the (verified) Godless Trump-Hating Senate democrats demanded an FBI investigation into the matter.
The FBI looked at it and declined due to the fact that no Federal laws are alleged to have been broken.
And of course the (verified) Godless Trump-Hating Senate democrats are outraged and are still demanding an investigation.
You don't suppose it has anything to do with the fact that there's no way the republicans would be able to confirm any nominee to the Supreme Court who's currently undergoing an FBI investigation, do you?
Evidently they're having a hard time accepting the simple fact that using the FBI as their own personal political weapon is no longer an option.
And now all of a sudden the (verified) Anti-Trump client isn't willing to testify.
At least not under oath.
It could be that she's thought about and realized there could be real life consequences to lying to Congress under oath.
Nah, that's probably just me being cynical again.
I'm sure her intentions are pure.
In the meantime, according to this poor victimized innocent little (verified) Anti-Trump client's (verified) Anti-Trump activist lawyer her client has been forced to go into hiding due to death threats, hate mail and so on.
I have an idea.
How about we just cut the crap.
How about we just call this whole thing what it is.
A pathetic attempt by the (verified) Godless Trump-Hating Senate democrats to derail Kavanaugh's confirmation.
The problem though is that it just might work.
Obviously these pathetic and worthless democrats don't have the ability to stop the confirmation by themselves.
But it could easily give cover to a couple of (verified) Trump-Hating Senate republicans who otherwise are too cowardly vote no on the matter.
Do the name's Susan Collins and Jeff Flake ring a bell?
The bottom line here is that this country of our is in trouble.
Serious trouble.
You know it and I know it.
The way I see it is that a vote for a democrat (any democrat at any level) is a vote against everything most of us have always believed in and hold dear.
I'm just throwing that out there...
Kevin McGinty
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I used up all my good stuff on the other blog, Good Grief. But I am out the door in about 5 min. Later.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your day Sarge...
ReplyDeleteWhat you say is true and I am sorry to say, I believe the Demons will succeed because of the Susan Collins, Jeff Flake and others who just aren't as obvious. They want this delayed until after the election.
ReplyDeleteHammer, I have looked into what you said and was surprised at the progress that has been made. I did sign up the petition at the Convention of States site. Convention of States map show 12 states have passed calling for an article V. But there is another Balance Budget Amendment Task Force working that claim 28 states.
ReplyDeleteI haven't looked enough, but from first glance it seems like Balance Budget Amendment Task Force has a limited purpose of balance budget only? That makes me wonder if they would be held to that or could go beyond balance budget, my guess is they would be held to balance budget.
And I am thinking the Convention of States Project is limited to the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials. Per their map it looks like they have 12 states.
Not sure why the two don't combine forces, but I may have this all screwed up and need to look into it more.
What a shock, the bimbo's lawyer works for a George Soros funded resistance group. No conflict there.
ReplyDeleteSo if the new standard is now that any accusation by any woman has to be believed and accepted without evidence, then there's your proof Bill Clinton was a rapist. He was accused of rape, and of numerous unwanted sexual advances, molestations, exposing himself. So the democrat/communists went all in defending him then and demanded those claims be dismissed as not real. Now, suddenly, it's all reversed.
These people set new lows every day
for just how far they will go to destroy our country.
And crazy Maxine waters says they need to "take out" this President, and then "take out" the Vice President.
Remember when the Kenyan was President? And a rodeo clown got fired and sent to a reducation camp because he wore an Obama mask at a rodeo? Man have we come a long way since then. A long way down the crazy road anyway.
Actually, the conventions are a solution (imho) to the problems that Kevin has alluded to here in his newest blog.
ReplyDeleteWe need to take the power back, and can with this particular weapon.
The only catch, is to get the states involved to agree on certain issues. That's a monumental task, but there are certain items I have referenced already.
The splitting of the conventions has come about from who started them, and unfortunately there is infighting. But hey, there was in 1776 as well. History shows this, but in the end we came together.
We all have to come together now, just like then to fix it.
We will get Kavanaugh on. I firmly beleive that. Gonna take more than a bluff to stop it. In the last two maybe three elections more and more Americans have stepped up. That will continue. It has to.
The economy is rolling. Tariffs didn't even make it blink yesterday. If it wasn't for spending and our current immigration policy our country would be solidly great again.
I hate it as much as the next guy, but incrementalism has torn us apart. And incrementalism (and the patience to do it) is what will make us great and whole again.
And screw a handful of RINOS that get in the way. If they were to see the conventions taking place, it will put them on notice.
Just my take...
Well in two days the wife and I have married 55 years, and yup I got her today just what she always wants.. A Jersey Mikes Sub, a giant one for each of us including Mike and Zach. Sure am glad she has always been a penny pincher.
ReplyDeleteI'm still rolling around the fact that they were both minors.
ReplyDeleteI'm still rolling around the fact that it probable never happen. Keep your eye on her bank account.
DeleteNo reason to say good night, isn't anyone out here. But just in case good night.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning room 235 nothing like getting up and finding one of your refrigerators not working Good Grief if I didn't have bad luck I wouldn't have any.
ReplyDeleteSarge, sorry to hear about your refrigerator.
ReplyDeleteThanks Rose and it is the newest one, I will have a repairman/or women come out to look at it today. I have a back up so I am good.😂
DeleteYou have a back up refrigerator?
ReplyDeleteI'm not the least bit surprised...
Good morning Kevin!
DeleteRight back at ya Sarge...
ReplyDeleteStory on Breitbart...
ReplyDeleteNearly half of the population in America's biggest don't speak English.
And now you know why the Godless left wants to get rid of the Electoral college...
Bet they are all legal Kevin...
DeleteOpen up Drudge this morning and what do I get a full screen Picture of Pelosi I don't know what is worse her or Max Waters or just a pile of 💩 they all make want to puke.
ReplyDeleteHad to start way to early today. My head is a little groggy today, so I'm asking you guys a question to see if I get my facts straight.
ReplyDeleteSo a man gets accused after thirty years of something he did in high school even though the accuser can't get the fact straight, requires an FBI investigation?
But a guy running for AG in another state, beats and drags a women off a bed for not taking the trash out, and that's okay?
So I guess the question is, why in the hell did I take the trash to the curb at 3:00 this morning? Seems like I had other options, right?
Do I have this correct?
Yes you DO!
DeleteThis has nothing to do with the Supreme Court nomination, or the nominee, or the fake victim or their families or anything else. This is about the seditious "resistance" movement. The sole intent is to delay this vote until after the mid terms because the democrat/communists are just crazy enough to believe they will retake the Senate and then they can deny the President any further appointments. This is about their hatred for our President, and for all of us who support him. This is about their irrational inability to accept they lost the Presidency because the ran a crooked old washed up alcoholic candidate and ran one of the worst campaigns in history.
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump got elected because America was sick and tired of Obama and his Marxist slow destruction of their lives. And they were tired of the lame ass Republican party letting them get away with it, and aiding and abetting it in some cases. They were sick and tired of the swamp. They wanted change and told both party's to go fuck themselves and elected a real maverick, not a fake John McCain RINO calling himself a maverick.
The dem/coms can't accept it and have somehow created this entire narrative about this man that allows them and their traitorous followers to do anything, and I mean anything to try to stop him. Including threats on his life, both implied and outright. They have created a mindless hive of unthinking robots who believe every lie they are told because they want it to be true.
I suspect many of them believe if they somehow drive this President from office, crooked Hillary gets the job by default. They are constitutionally and civically ignorant. I blame the 50 years of communist infiltration of our school system and universities where they have leaned lessons taught them by seditious anti-American hate filled teachers, equally ignorant about our wonderful country.
But in spite of all that, this President is winning. His accomplishments are nothing short of spectacular. He is driving them insane, to the point of irrational reactions out of rage.
So dragging up some bimbo who is a part of the resistance to make up some phony story to accomplish a political goal, without regard to the result of the destruction of a good man's reputation? No surprise. And that the goofy Hollywood left and the commie mouthpiece media is jumping on board? No surprise. And the fact that every commie leftist out there is pontification about this like there was some shred of truth in it? No surprise.
This is only one more little piece in what is a systematic and well planned and organized goal of the destruction of our civil society. This is just one more battle.
And don't doubt for a minute when this bimbo's story gets shredded little by little and falls off the narrative they will have another one ready to go. Another bimbo or something equally disgusting. They are sitting on it right now, fine tuning it, learning from how this one failed. These people have an extensive apparatus in place. They have for seventy years.
You nailed it my friend...
ReplyDeleteIt seems that it is not enough that President Trump is having to deal with this Kavanaugh issue, he also finally decided to de-classify the FISA papers and OMG...."So reckless and anti-American", blah, blah, blah, blah.....blah! As those on Fox were pointing out, the so called Press, which has, in the past, always wanted more transparency in Government is now wanting less! Anything to cover for the Trump hating Anti-American commies like Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, etc.......!
ReplyDeleteWe all know they don't care about US security, unless it shields them from being found out about their own crimes and collusion to take down a sitting President! Brennan is actually trying to get those in the different departments to resist by either refusing to follow out Trump's orders or resigning. I think they should all be fired but then that will give them another talking point to drag this out for more time. Anything to stall off before the Mid-terms! That is some trash that I wish someone would take out at 3:00 in the morning or whenever we can! Can you handle that Hammmer? LOL!
This as Safe said is the main reason we are going down the slippery slope- communist infiltration of our school system and universities.
ReplyDeleteThis has been the plan all along and it has worked, we have a couple of generations of it and more coming. I believe this can be traced back to John Dewey using Horace Mann theories by creating compulsory education to social indoctrination of our young.
Is it my turn?
ReplyDeleteI seen the Sara Lee Bread man.
ReplyDeleteAsk him why there is no Sara Lee Potato Bread in Dillons Brookwood. it was always there than poof gone for weeks now. Zach is Pissed.
DeleteSarge, I did a google search on Sara Lee Potato bread and it shows that there's only 3 locations near you that have it.
DeleteHyVee, Walmart on Wanamaker and Walmart on SW 37th.
I like Farmland Jumbo hotdogs.... Dillon's doesn't carry them anymore so I go to HyVee for those.
Just helping out.
Thanks Rikki, Zach just said that the Pepperidge Farms potato bread is okay but it is almost $4.00 a loaf. Brookwood has moved many of there items over to the New store Fairlawn and 21st I think I haven't been there yet.
Deleteyou're welcome Sarge. Maybe the bakery bread (the stuff done in the store) might suffice also. Hugs. Sometimes the bakery will put whole loaves out but sometimes they slice it too. If they don't have any sliced, there's no charge for requesting they put the loaf through the bread slicer.
DeleteDunno why Dillon's is being so picky here lately. Rick and I frequent the Dillon's on 24 hwy... so it's quite a jog over to HyVee but I feel it's worth it because I really don't like the other brands of hot dogs.
Deletemade a phone call to help out Sarge.
HyVee 24 oz Potato Bread (in the bread isle) is $1.99 a loaf.
Sara Lee 20 oz Potato Bread (in the bread isle) is $3.69 a loaf.
The HyVee employee I visited with - I mentioned I was only doing a price check - she was very happy to help.
Deleteon a side note, their deli makes a cheddar cheese / sour cream dip with a hint of beer.... tastes pretty good with crackers or pretzels.... chips are too thin and break too easily (smiles). I just wished there was a HyVee closer to where I live...
Yup that is the price we paid $3.69, but I am not going around looking for a loaf of bread he fines a sub or goes with out. heheheh
Deleteok (smiles)
DeleteThose dam puppies anyway.... 😁
ReplyDeleteWell, Mrs Ford is connected to the abortion industry.
ReplyDeleteWell, well, well.....
Done research in support of RU-486 or whatever to be used to treat depression.
DeleteAnd it does matter. Her background matters. Put it all out there. Fuck with her reputation.
What's the saying about a goose and gander?....
And Beto's comment about illegals and the cotton gin?
ReplyDeleteHahahaha, thank you sir. You just re-elected Cruz.
The hysteria can and will work against them.
I'd sure would like to hear from Rose on this one. I'm sure her or her husband have their finger on the pulse of this one...
Wonder what the deal is with Fla Gov race? That lib is a big time looser and he is running ahead last time I checked. I thought people in Fla were a little smarter.
ReplyDeleteIf this women Ford does stop this Judge, our justice system will be done, it will be used by both parties from here on out, this is very dangerous. Mark my words!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat's gonna be interesting is how many bimbos are gonna come forward between now and Monday morning claiming Kavanaugh tried to rape them too.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking at least 5 or 6...
A sad day for this country if that happens. Then you might have to say the commies Dem's win. And the USA will be lost... Maybe!!!
DeleteFriday's blog is up and running...