Thursday, November 29, 2018
Lighten up Friday...
A couple of photos and a video.
The photo is brought to you by one of our charter members, Miss Rikki.
The second photo?
That's just me being an asshole.
The video?
That one's my idea.
Enjoy your day, guys...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Have we passed the point of no return?
Well guys, we've known for a very long time that sooner or later we'd reach a point where there's no turning back.
We're there.
We're to the point where we're either going to have a country or we're not.
It's really that simple.
All you have to do is look at what's happened to Europe.
Mass UN mandated, mandatory migration has all but destroyed it.
The same thing is happening here.
Don't believe me?
Then open your fucking eyes.
Just take a quick look at Dearborn Michigan.
Take a short drive out to any town in southwest Kansas.
If you didn't know better you'd swear you were somewhere in Mexico.
I'm not trying to be racist here. I'm simply stating true and accurate facts.
And if you think this shit's just happening out of the blue you need to pull your head out of your ass and see the world for what it is.
What's the quickest and surest way to destroy a country?
That's easy, you destroy it's heritage, culture and history.
One way to accomplish this is by flooding the population with people who don't speak your language, don't know your history, know nothing about heritage or culture. And have no interest in learning any of it.
And you take control of the public education system and corporate owned media outlets.
You take that and combine it with a dumbed down, gullible populace that's too stupid to tell the difference between boys and girls and the rest of it is easy.
Today we have public educators, media talking heads, and communist supporting democrats comparing patriotism to racism and white supremacy.
We have talking heads screaming that we have an obligation to take in the tens of thousands of those trying to force their way into our country.
No we don't.
We've already taken in tens of millions of them.
The only obligation we have now is to the American People.
We owe those who use women and children as human shields as they try to storm our border nothing.
The talking heads compare President Trump to Hitler for ordering the border patrol to fire tear gas into the crowd after coming under attack from those trying to breach our border.
And the ignorant masses?
Like everything else they lap it up.
They're too stupid to know their beloved Obama did the exact same thing on as many as 80 different occasions.
And why don't they know that simply little fact?
Because like everything else Obama did. The media never reported on it.
You remember the frenzy the left was in over the whole family separation thing?
Remember how Trump was a monster, a Nazi, a brutal dictator, and a racist?
Remember that?
I do.
It's funny how the media talking heads and the communist supporting democrats never said a word while Obama was doing the exact same thing.
But that's chump change compared to how they covered for another one of their fellow pieces of shit.
Remember Bill Clinton?
Remember his method of separating children from their families?
He killed them all.
He incinerated entire families.
Remember Waco?
Remember when Bill Clinton and Janet Reno sent federal agents and burned to death 80 some men, men and children?
I do.
Remember the outrage?
Remember the cries of racism?
Remember the cries of white supremacy?
Remember the comparisons to Hitler?
Neither do I.
Because it never happened.
Guys, we're rapidly approaching the point of no return.
And the easiest for that to happen is for those of us who still care to sit back and do nothing.
Pick a side or get the hell out of the way.
It's as simple as that...
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, November 25, 2018
So now Mexican's are racists?
Sorry guys, but I've been busy with weather related stuff most of the day today.
And now that all our people are all accounted for I have to head out for Emporia.
Hey, that's a lot better than Colby which until they changed the schedule is where I was supposed to go today.
Anyway, I came across this video on Facebook a little while ago and couldn't help but wonder how the Trump hating media is going to spin this one into a white supremacy, racist thing.
Actually, they won't even try.
They'll simply ignore it and pretend it never happened.
You guys stay safe and be well.
I'll stop by once I get to Emporia...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, November 23, 2018
Slap Happy Friday...
I think we can all agree that arguing with a leftist is pretty much a waste of time.
It's hard to explain.
It's described in terms of talking to a wall.
It's been described as a total waste of time, which it is.
But I think I've finally found a video on Facebook this morning that sums it up perfectly.
Happy Friday all.
And enjoy those left overs...
Kevin McGinty
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Thanksgiving 2018...
I'm just as guilty or maybe even more so than just about anyone here when it comes to being pissed off about something related to politics.
But every once in a while it is important to put it aside.
At least for a day.
And like everybody else here I'm painfully aware of the heartache life can hand us.
But even then if we take the time to think about it or maybe just look around we can always find something to be thankful for.
From me and mine to you and yours I wish you the best Thanksgiving day you can possibly have...
Kevin McGinty
Monday, November 19, 2018
Well, what's next?
So we lost the House. Pretty much as expected. Nobody thought that would turn out any other way. So what happens now?
Well, first thing is no bill that Trump wants will get passed. Nothing. Nada. The Senate will pass bills, the House will not. But the opposite is true as well. Nothing the democrat/communists want will get past the Senate and certainly not past the President. So there's that.
But this is not unusual. The same thing happened to the Kenyan. Lost the House. Life goes on.
The difference is the democrat/communist party is in full opposition to everything that moves America forward. And their goal is to destroy our economy and de-industrialize our country so they can sell their Socialist/commie crap. Won't happen.
Remember, America re-elected the Kenyan even while kicking his fellow democrat/communists out. So America does weird things. They just do.
So they'll have two years to watch the House try to derail the economy, sell communism to America, repeal the tax cuts, open the borders and God only knows what else. And they'll have two years to realize just what the hell they did.
This will lock our President into a second term. No question. This was no blue wave. This was a blue piss in the wind. And it's spraying back on them.
When they have idiots like this child from New York, Occasional Cortex they don't have much hope. She is a one person wrecking crew for their party. So keep up the good work there.
And the whole illegal alien issue is playing itself out. First the commie media claimed there was no caravan, it was all just a made up stunt. Then when they actually turned up they tried to paint some other fake news story. Now the Mexicans themselves are calling these people invaders. They're saying President Trump was right.
He played this perfectly. Stall this invasion just inside the borders of Mexico. Suddenly the Mexicans have to deal with them. When they were moving through Mexico and Soros and all the other rich commies were funneling money in the millions to keep them fed and moving the Mexicans loved them. They weren't a problem then, they were moving through and sticking it to the gringos. Now suddenly they are stopped and invading Tijuana and they aren't so happy anymore.
Our President has this fight won, and in fact had it won when Soros first started this invasion force. This is what happens when amateurs try to go up against this President. They are out of their league.
So have faith friends. All is well. It may get rocky at times, but we will own 2020.
Well, first thing is no bill that Trump wants will get passed. Nothing. Nada. The Senate will pass bills, the House will not. But the opposite is true as well. Nothing the democrat/communists want will get past the Senate and certainly not past the President. So there's that.
But this is not unusual. The same thing happened to the Kenyan. Lost the House. Life goes on.
The difference is the democrat/communist party is in full opposition to everything that moves America forward. And their goal is to destroy our economy and de-industrialize our country so they can sell their Socialist/commie crap. Won't happen.
Remember, America re-elected the Kenyan even while kicking his fellow democrat/communists out. So America does weird things. They just do.
So they'll have two years to watch the House try to derail the economy, sell communism to America, repeal the tax cuts, open the borders and God only knows what else. And they'll have two years to realize just what the hell they did.
This will lock our President into a second term. No question. This was no blue wave. This was a blue piss in the wind. And it's spraying back on them.
When they have idiots like this child from New York, Occasional Cortex they don't have much hope. She is a one person wrecking crew for their party. So keep up the good work there.
And the whole illegal alien issue is playing itself out. First the commie media claimed there was no caravan, it was all just a made up stunt. Then when they actually turned up they tried to paint some other fake news story. Now the Mexicans themselves are calling these people invaders. They're saying President Trump was right.
He played this perfectly. Stall this invasion just inside the borders of Mexico. Suddenly the Mexicans have to deal with them. When they were moving through Mexico and Soros and all the other rich commies were funneling money in the millions to keep them fed and moving the Mexicans loved them. They weren't a problem then, they were moving through and sticking it to the gringos. Now suddenly they are stopped and invading Tijuana and they aren't so happy anymore.
Our President has this fight won, and in fact had it won when Soros first started this invasion force. This is what happens when amateurs try to go up against this President. They are out of their league.
So have faith friends. All is well. It may get rocky at times, but we will own 2020.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
It's Friday Baby!!!
Okay, yes the republicans lost the house.
Yes, it pisses me off.
And yes, regardless of what the talking heads want you to believe it is a big deal.
But it's not the end of the world by any stretch of the imagination.
We had some dipshit stop by yesterday babbling on about how it's more or less the end of the republican party.
Yes, he's the same dipshit that just a couple years ago swore up and down that the republican party would never win a national election ever again.
Then the American people shoved Donald Trump up his ass and he's been a bitter little bitch ever since.
So, his beloved piece of shit democrat party gets some of it's power back.
And what do we get?
A completely unhinged out of control party.
In fighting is at an all time high.
Clayburn is accusing his fellow communists of racism.
The newly elected radical socialist newbies are raising hell trying to oust Pelosi as Speaker.
Rampant, in your face election fraud.
And their Great White Hope and defender of women everywhere (creepy porn lawyer) just got out of jail for beating the hell out of his girlfriend.
Who knows, maybe this is what the American people want.
I guess we'll see.
All I know is that it's going to be one hell of a couple of years.
Oh, and a super-special little reminder to our resident dipshit.
Donald Trump is still your president.
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Cause and Effect...
The question "What the hell's happened to my country" is often asked.
And actually, the answer's really pretty simple.
It's been years in the making but it's finally starting to look like the American people have been dumbed down almost to the point of no return.
Socialism and Communism has become cool.
At one time attacking one based on the color of their skin was frowned upon.
But nowadays attacking people based on the color of their white skin has become perfectly acceptable.
Dopey kids coming out of the government indoctrination centers (public schools) have been molded into obedient little social justice warriors who ask no questions and believe everything they've been programmed to believe.
And they vote just as they've been programmed to vote.
Don't believe me?
Just take a quick look some of the America-hating extremists who were just voted into office a couple of weeks ago.
There was a time when protecting our borders was a no brainer.
Now, thanks to these ignorant, no nothing, brain dead, perfectly molded little dipshits and their right to vote, "diversity" is all the rave.
Trump's sending thousands of troops to protect the southern border.
For what?
The first wave of South Americans in that caravan arrived at the border in San Diego a couple of days ago and simply climbed over the fucking wall.
So, what's my point anyway?
You want to know the truth?
There is no point.
I'm guess I'm just disgusted.
You guys enjoy your day...
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, November 11, 2018
You were sadly mistaken if you thought winning the House would make the left happy...
Do you ever get the feeling things are spiraling out of control?
It seems like we're living in a time where lawlessness has become the new normal.
What passes as today's democrat party is openly and blatantly trying to overturn last week's election results in Florida, Georgia, and Arizona.
The media's response?
This is what democracy looks like.
Well, this might be what it looks like in places like Iran but not The United States of America.
One caravan after another of illegals are headed our way for the sole purpose of overwhelming our border and immigration laws.
The media's response?
They quote the plaque on the Statue of Liberty, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, blah, blah, blah."
That wasn't meant to say, "Give me your illegal border crossers, welfare seeking leeches, potential criminals, murderers, rapists, terrorists, and future democrat voters.
Antifa and other America-hating domestic terrorist groups are openly attacking and intimidating people all across the country with impunity.
The attacks on Tucker Carlson and his family are just the latest examples in a very long string of attacks by these people against those who dare to not bow down to their leftist overlords.
All I can say is that you'd better hang on to your asses, things are only going to get worse.
Just wait till January when the new congress is sworn in and the dems officially take control of the house.
But there is good news.
The good news, for now anyway, is that we still control the Oval Office and the Senate.
Sure, the dems will make asses out of themselves with their non-stop investigations and showboating.
But while they're busy doing that we'll be busy nominating and confirming a new Attorney General who hopefully is willing to take on these America-hating bastards.
Someone willing to prosecute these Antifa bastards for the hate crimes they're committing.
And someone willing to go after those who fund them.
We need someone willing to go after and prosecute the governors, mayors and city council members of so-called sanctuary cities and states for their blatant violations of federal immigration laws.
And we need someone who's rock solid on stopping illegal immigration.
Can it be done?
Of course it can.
But it'll take someone with the balls to see it through.
Kris Kobach comes to mind.
And don't forget that while all that's going on Trump and the Senate will continue nominating and confirming federal judges who will uphold the rule of law instead of making shit up as they go.
Oh, let's not lose sight of the ever declining health of poor old Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
I know that right now things look pretty bad.
But history has never been kind to those who've dared to underestimate the Will of The American People.
Kevin McGinty
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
It's Showtime Baby!!!
Well guys, everything's been said.
Everything that can be done has been done.
Bazzillions of dollars have been spent.
Lies and been told.
Dirty, filthy political traps have been sprung.
It's all done.
The polls on the east coast closed an hour ago.
They're shutting down as we speak here in the heartland.
The only thing left to do is wait.
Obviously I have no idea how it's going to turn out but you can't deny that thanks to President Trump there's a familiar energy in the air.
Obviously if the republicans do keep the house tonight the democrats have only themselves to blame.
Not the Russians.
Not Fox News.
Not Rush Limbaugh.
Anyway, we have a house full tonight all geared up for an all night election coverage watch party.I'll be dropping in from time to time as circumstances permit and election results are announced.
Kevin McGinty
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Yeah, The Enemy of The People...
You communists son of a bitches wonder why Trump has labeled what passes as today's mainstream media "THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE..."
Take a couple minutes and educate your ignorant selves.
Fuck you!
Thant's all...
Kevin McGinty
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Suck on this you leftist pukes...
It's hilarious watching the left and their never-ending meltdown.
And the closer we get to election day the more bizarre they're going to get.
So I thought just for the fun of it I'd follow my president's lead today and share a video he shared on Twitter earlier today that has the media in complete and total freak out mode.
Racist, they're screaming.
The entire video is factually based and there's nothing whatsoever racist about it.
And if these are the kind of bastards you sons of bitches support then you absolutely deserve the beat down you're about to get when America goes to the polls in 5 short days.
Other than that you guys have yourselves a glorious day.
We are patriotic Americans.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us...
Oh yeah, one more thing...
Kevin McGinty
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