Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Cause and Effect...
The question "What the hell's happened to my country" is often asked.
And actually, the answer's really pretty simple.
It's been years in the making but it's finally starting to look like the American people have been dumbed down almost to the point of no return.
Socialism and Communism has become cool.
At one time attacking one based on the color of their skin was frowned upon.
But nowadays attacking people based on the color of their white skin has become perfectly acceptable.
Dopey kids coming out of the government indoctrination centers (public schools) have been molded into obedient little social justice warriors who ask no questions and believe everything they've been programmed to believe.
And they vote just as they've been programmed to vote.
Don't believe me?
Just take a quick look some of the America-hating extremists who were just voted into office a couple of weeks ago.
There was a time when protecting our borders was a no brainer.
Now, thanks to these ignorant, no nothing, brain dead, perfectly molded little dipshits and their right to vote, "diversity" is all the rave.
Trump's sending thousands of troops to protect the southern border.
For what?
The first wave of South Americans in that caravan arrived at the border in San Diego a couple of days ago and simply climbed over the fucking wall.
So, what's my point anyway?
You want to know the truth?
There is no point.
I'm guess I'm just disgusted.
You guys enjoy your day...
Kevin McGinty
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This whole Fla recount is nothing but a test to see what they can get away with. They know full well they lost but they can use this for a test to see what they can steal further down the road. Just watch all the elections from now on and see how they treat them.
ReplyDeleteYou gotta love the irony on this one.
ReplyDeleteThe creepy porn lawyer that defended the whore Stormy Daniels and brought forth other poor innocent little women during the Kavanaugh witch hunt.
A regular Super Hero defender of women.
Well that Super Hero defender of women everywhere has been arrested and currently sitting his ass in jail charged with domestic violence for beating his estranged wife.
Creepy porn lawyer says it's all bullshit. "she hit me first..."
There ya go Blue. That's the future of your piece of shit party...
Well I have to shut up for awhile and go to bed and stop hogging the blog.
ReplyDeleteGood morning bunker people.
ReplyDeleteGood morning.
ReplyDeleteWell the creepy porn lawyer is out of jail and says he's looking forward to clearing his good name and reputation.
First off he's never had a good name and reputation is shit.
He's claiming the woman is lying and that he's never hit a woman in his life.
The woman and the swelling and bruises on her face say otherwise.
Besides wasn't this the same piece of shit that said all women should be believed?
Four woman indicted for 30 charges of voter fraud down here in Texas. One other woman charged with voter fraud because she voted before her felony crime time ended. She is screaming racism. They need to be thrown on the chain gang and made to work until they can't stand upright on their own two feet. Our AG is going forward with wanting charges pressed against these losers.
ReplyDeleteThey want to use their get out of jail free card, Imagine that!
DeleteIt's good to see Texas has an AG willing to do something about it...
ReplyDeleteA record number of American citizens are seeking political asylum in Canada.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure having your feelings hurt is grounds for asylum.
But then we're talking about Canada here..
As long as they all are Liberal/commie Dem's I am fine with it.
DeleteNationalism? It's bad according to the French Surrender Cheese Monkeys.
ReplyDeleteI call bullshit. This says it better than I could. From Instapundit:
"We stop running from nationalism right now, right here. Of course we, in America, have the best country in the world to love, but if other people want to be proud of their countries and think they’re wonderful, good on them. Has to be better than being proud of how they’re being invaded or hating on their own history. Heaven knows, it would be better for even the French to find love of country, rather than elect people like Macron. Sure, Napoleon. But if they get another one of those we put him down again. Still better than international socialism.
Good Morning Y'all.... This is too long for one post.... so this is Part I. Part II to follow.
"Democratic nightmare: Voters warming to Trump"
By Jennifer Harper - The Washington Times - Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Despite non-stop challenges from political rivals and a hostile news media, President Trump can consider some promising poll numbers of particular interest to conservatives, Republicans and faithful Trump fans. The numbers, though not necessarily bell-ringers, suggest the public is warming to the Trump way of doing things.
“With the midterm election in the books, voters are shifting their attention to the presidential election in 2020 and are growing more convinced that there’s a second term in sight for the 45th president,” says a new Rasmussen Reports analysis, which conducted a new survey Nov. 7 — just 24 hours after the Election Day.
It found that 47 percent of all U.S. voters believe that it is “likely Trump will be re-elected in 2020,” a finding which is up by 8 percentage points since August. There’s are negative aspects with lesser impact: 29 percent think the president will be defeated by the Democratic nominee in 2020, while 16 percent say Mr. Trump will be impeached and convicted before finishing a full term in the White House.
A separate Rasmussen survey also has some findings which lean in favor of the president and his policies.
“President Trump was criticized at a summit with European leaders this week for putting America’s interests ahead of global needs. Voters still share the president’s ‘America First’ attitude,” the poll analysis said. “When they think about problems in the world, 50 percent of likely U.S. voters still are more interested in finding a solution that most benefits the United States as opposed to one that is better for the whole world.”
Another 44 percent are more interested in “what’s better for the world.”
CNN reporter Jim Acosta recently lost his White House credentials after a skirmish with President Trump during a press conference — and the incident has created a cultural moment. Actually, it’s more like a cultural hour. CNN has sued the White House, prompting other news organizations to offer support. Discussions about journalists’ behavior abound. Attorneys, pundits and scholars are parsing the legal aspects of it all, including First Amendment implications.
Critics will have none of it, however. Talk-radio kingpin Rush Limbaugh already has declared that Mr. Acosta has no “constitutional right” to the coveted press credentials. Others agree.
“CNN’s lawsuit is ridiculous. I am, and have always been, a defender of the Constitution and the First Amendment. That said, no one reporter has a constitutional right to access the press briefing room. It’s the prerogative of the White House to decide who gets a pass and who does not,” says Brent Bozell, founder of the Media Research Center and a veteran of conservative analysis.
“Let me be clear: Jim Acosta is not a reporter. He is a left-wing activist. He has proven on countless occasions that he is more interested in disrupting and debating the President than asking serious questions. As far as the administration is concerned, CNN is not a news organization but a political hit squad for the far left. I am sure Jim Acosta’s press pass would be restored if he proved himself capable of playing the role of a respectable journalist like nearly every other correspondent in that room. Until that happens, the White House’s decision to suspend Acosta is absolutely justified,” Mr. Bozell advises.
Part II:
President Trump has long conducted his own public opinion polls, using his campaign site to launch the research for the most part. The aforementioned Acosta matter has prompted a new survey gauging public opinion of the news media. The first question, of course, asks this: “Do you think the White House was right to revoke the press badge belonging to CNN’s Jim Acosta?”
It is followed by 29 other questions which explore political bias, media accountability, preference in news organizations and more.
“Americans are waking up to the fact that the mainstream media is nothing more than a 24/7 barrage of fake stories and an absolute revulsion for everything we stand for as a movement. Liberal propaganda machines have used every possible tactic to undermine and insult our movement as we fight to put America first,” advises the outreach.
She hosts a must-see prime time Fox News show and has spent 17 years sharing insight on talk radio. Laura Ingraham has decided it’s time for a change. In January, Ms. Ingraham will “transition from radio” in favor of a new original podcast.
“The Laura Ingraham Show” debuts in January on PodcastOne, an industry leader in the emerging field.
“While hosting a prime-time television show and raising three children on my own, continuing a three-hour morning radio show was no longer feasible. Although I will greatly miss my radio listeners and affiliates, working late nights and early mornings has taken a toll on my family life,” Ms. Ingraham says.
“Plus, my radio audience is smart, savvy and committed, and I know most will follow my new show in digital podcasting — the format that is revolutionizing the audio world,” she concludes.
A significant group of over 100 lawyers, judges and legal scholars descend on the nation’s capital Thursday, courtesy of The Federalist Society — which is hosting the 2018 Lawyers Convention at a historic hotel a few blocks from the White House. Among the many attending: Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, Health and Human Services secretary Alex M. Azar II, former independent counsel Kenneth Starr, former White House counsel C. Boyden Gray and National Review senior editor Richard Brookhiser.
The theme of the three-day gathering is “Good government through agency accountability and regulatory transparency”; the event includes the sold-out Antonin Scalia Memorial Dinner, plus debates and discussions or every description. Among the topics: Climate Change Nuisance Suits, Masterpiece Cakeshop and its Implications, John Marshall: The Man Who Made the Supreme Court, and Technology, Social Media and Professional Ethics.
Founded in 1982, the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is a group of conservatives and libertarians dedicated to reforming the current legal order.
• 69 percent of Americans say there is a serious problem with illegal drugs in the U.S.
• 31 percent say the drug problem is serious in the area where they live.
• 38 percent say the nation has made some progress in “coping” with this problem.
• 33 percent say the U.S. has “lost ground” in dealing with illegal drugs.
• 26 percent say the ability of the U.S. to deal with illegal drugs has “stood still” in the last two years.
Source: A Gallup poll of 1,019 U.S. adults conducted Oct. 1-10 and released Wednesday.
Now the main stream media with how they're being "selective" in their pro Liberal news.... they won't be saying anything like "Voters are warming up to Trump" and "it's likely that Trump will get a 2nd term."
ReplyDeleteThere's more support for President Trump than what the biased media is willing to admit.
RIP Country Singer Roy Clark
Yesterday When I Was Young (live)
I Never Picked Cotton (live)
Thank God and Greyhound You're Gone (live)
Ah gee... The dems favorite whore is saddened by the news of her attorney being arrested and charged with domestic battery.
ReplyDeleteShe pointed out at this point these charges are just allegations.
And until he's found guilty people should give him the benefit of the doubt.
Yeah just every one of you piece of shit democrats did for Kavanaugh...
Notice how I've refrained from making any comments following the events of last Tuesday ? The results of the election surprised anybody with an IQ in triple digits, which probably explains the expressions of shock pervading this blog. But first, McGinty you brought me into this with this pathetic comment -
ReplyDelete"Creepy porn lawyer says it's all bullshit. "she hit me first..."
There ya go Blue. That's the future of your piece of shit party..."
Well, it's a comment that deserves no response frankly, but I will say this - at least the "piece of shit party" has a future.
Regarding the accusations made against Avenatti, give it a rest. Some little 20 year old creep who really does still live at home with mommy named Jacob Wohl made accusations against Bob Mueller that fell real flat. Avenatti suspects the same cabal of children are behind this nonsense. But if we're going to focus on the infidelities of and accusations against public figures, those belonging to the orange moron in the White House could fill a phone book. This is a distraction.
You're no doubt ... what's the typically crude way you put it ? 'all butt hurt' over the election results. You should be. Even Kansas elected a republican governor, and the 3rd District, a Native American, gay Harvard Law grad. McGinty you must have slapped your forehead with the back of your hand and swooned right there on the spot after hearing that !! Poor thing. Will you ever be the same ?
God, I hope not.
The Dems got the House. And state elections leaned heavily in favor of Democrats. In those areas where Repubs squeaked ahead and won as Cruz did in Texas, it was by a hairbreadth. The voting in Texas has instilled terror in the Repub party in that state and it should. They can see what’s coming down the pike.
If you want an idea of where the Republican party is heading, look at one of its prior leading advocates and pundits, as well as former political analyst Elise Jordan . Here is what they’re saying.
“There’s an opening for center-right content geared toward an engaged audience who wants more than a two-minute soundbite,” said Jordan in a separate interview. “We come to this from a somewhat similar ideological background. I’m more libertarian and he’s probably more of an establishment hawk, so it will make for an interesting debate between two segments of conservatism, given that it’s being taken over more and more by Trumpism than any ideology. There will be consequences for running this government like a personal kleptocracy. People need to be preparing for what follows and how we’re going to come out of this dark cycle of corruption.”
Schmidt is even more damning. He wrote that the party had become “corrupt, indecent, and immoral.” With the exception of a select few, the GOP was “filled with feckless cowards who disgrace and dishonor the legacies of the party’s greatest leaders.” He pointed to the Trump administration’s family separation policy and use of detention centers for young immigrant children – “internment camps for babies” – and the refusal of House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to repudiate the president.”
ReplyDeletePretty harsh huh McGinty ?
So here is my concern. Pundits on the right, and the left are looking at the numbers emerging out of the last election and noting trends that had been long anticipated, and probably accelerated by the idiot in the White House. The Repub brand will either have to revisit its entire political agenda or go the way of the Whigs. As it is, we are seeing increasing defections from the party, but the majority of republicans continue to support this man-child in the White House. The latter cohort is dwindling. And it should. As Schmidt put it is the party of nothing but feckless cowards. I would add to that grifters. The chief grifter – and that would include his dysfunctional family, is Donald Trump.
Last week we say Trump on full display. He visits Paris to pay homage to the American soldiers who died in WW I. Yet he declined to attend the ceremony at the cemetery because “it was raining”. Raining…. He was also upset because his good bud, or so he thought, President Macron made it clear America and Europe were heading in two different directions. So he pouted. And raged. And the rest of the leadership of the world community largely ignored him. If that wasn’t bad enough, upon return this pathetic lying piece of garbage did not have the decency to visit Arlington National Cemetery to honor our soldiers.
So, you can go on supporting this man and the current iteration of the Republican party or you can change. It would be good for Kansas, something I have been trying to convince people here is needed for a long time. I’m glad to see Kobach got his ass handed to him. The country’s states continue to head in two directions – those that develop technology and prepare their people for it, and those that look to the past. Note that Amazon ‘HQ 2’ decided to create its second headquarters in NYC, and the D.C. suburbs in Northern Virginia, just across the river. There is a reason for that. Both area are in states that look to the future. 70% of the world’s internet traffic goes through the Northern Virginia suburban area. The area has some of the best school districts in the country. This was a massive prize, and acknowledgment that Virginia, having moved from purple to deep blue, and indeed the entire D.C. area are moving ahead. 25,000 jobs with salaries over $150,000. Every state made a bid. Of the final 20, 3 were in this area. Almost none were in red states.
You can decide what’s best for Kansas, but I’m not optimistic you’ll make the right decision.
Even Kansas elected a "democrat" governor, Dipshit...
ReplyDeleteYeah "dipshit" one of my colleagues made a bet with me - "nobody there reads your stuff, it's too long". I said, yeah they will, they're literate enough. It was suggested I put something in that somebody would easily notice if they actually read it. SO KM Did !! Good man ! So I won the bet. Yup... there's hope. Kansas has a big ole libtard governor.
DeleteGood grief I am already sick with the Flu, now after listing to Ian bullshit, I am worst, Puke....
ReplyDeletelistening to Ian
DeleteWe'll see just how much croaking you'll do in 2020 george, frank, ian, or whatever you choose to log in as....when President Trump wins a 2nd term. Do you ever grow tired and weary of the crapola that you're posting george, frank, ian or whatever you choose to log in as?
ReplyDeleteYea, Amazon is building some stuff.
ReplyDeleteOn the taxpayers dime, dumbshit. To the tune of 1,000,000,000.And people ain't happy about it.
But hey you know what's funny? It's corporate welfare for the libs. That's very interesting since ya'll like to pontificate and bloviate on and on about how that stuff is bad.
Who's the moron here? Well just depends on what you think is worth 1 billion of extra tax dollars for a guy who doesn't need it.
Pikes and piles of irony here. And dumbass Ian is standing right in it.
Me? I'm not suprised in the least bit. Afterall, we are talking about a second rate gov't doctor.
The house swing means little, and you know it. Very normal trend. And nothing like 2010.
Just hold on to your panties for 2020 pal. It's gonna be huuuuge!
My tour of duty began at 6AM Hammertime. I had a 45 minute break around 2 or so. Returned to rounds, and assisted in the O.R. I am still at work and it is 7PM or close to it. A "second rate gov't doctor" ? Yeah, one who graduated from Hopkins, probably one of 3-4 top medical schools in the world. And I opted for the military for a lot of the same reasons a lot of us do - and I was interested in research in a certain area. But Hammertime, you come to Bethesda with me and tell some of my patients I'm a "second rate gov't doctor". I suspect they'd tell you you're a first rate piece of shit. Or worse.
DeleteAs for Amazon, the jobs will pay $150,000 and up. The tax revenue generated will be worth the investment. What sort of tax "incentives" did Topeka, and/or Kansas pay to get Mars Hammertime ?? Hint... it was a chunk of change. But those jobs paid little, and we're talking a few hundred jobs anyway. But hey ! It was a big deal for Topeka ! But 25,000 jobs (to start).... with professional salaries ? Why do you think almost every city in the country competed ? And hey, if it's a big deal in NYC, it's a big deal. The DC based developer JBG will make hundreds of millions since they own much of Crystal City, and will be no doubt doing the building and remodeling. Preliminary drawings are pretty incredible. Don't be a hater now. These are not blue collar jobs if that wasn't made clear. They are highly technical and professional.
As for the republican party's future ? Naw, dude you got that all wrong. Perhaps you haven't heard of "Republicans for the Rule of Law". This is a group of sane republicans... remember them ? They are a growing group, and they've even begun to run ads on Fox !!
I strongly urge you to watch the 30 second video and I would suggest
that you had better keep an eye on groups like this. I have a feeling they are going to pull the party into a major internecine war, and the GOP may never be the same.
So 2020 is gonna be huuuuge ! eh ? Well I got some bad news for you. Fresh off the press - From The Hill, quoting a Monmouth U. Poll
"Roughly 60 percent of Americans said in a new poll that they don't want to see President Trump re-elected in 2020.
The Monmouth University Poll found that 36 percent of Americans support Trump's second term, while 59 percent indicated they want to see someone new in the White House after the next presidential election."
So you might just run into some serious problems. But hey ! Good luck with that. In any base be thankful for what happened. McConnell wanted to gut social security and medicare. Oh yes he did. Your ass likely just got saved. By democrats.
Oh, I forgot.. the initial investment is 2.5 billion. With a B. Yeah, the incentives spread out over several years is a good investment. Those who say otherwise are sore losers.
DeleteAnd for the record, Amazon is a scourge similar to Walmart. Just the online mom and pop killer version. That's all.
ReplyDeleteWondered when the commie would show up to spray his talking points all over. Did anybody read that endless bloviation of useless godless commie talking points? I just can’t. That’s time you’d lose and never get back. If you read what that gasbag posts it will actually suck brain cells from your head. You will actually know less when you read it than when you started.
ReplyDeleteBut then, he is the faux internet butt doc. Or as we fondly refer to him, Comrade Bedpan.
You think he knows Amazon already built a complex/hub in KCK? Right off the turner diagonal, looking west.
ReplyDeleteShhhh, don't tell him.
Ah man... oh wait - it's a warehouse. But hey, that's good honest work.
DeleteCheck out the illustrations of what is coming our way. No, hardly a warehouse. More like a medium sized city.
I believe Dr. Williams would point out that the reason Bezos labeled the project HQ2 is because it’s an administrative center. See the H means ‘headquarters ‘. $150,000 is a good salary in the D.C. area. Um, no warehouses. Hi tech hub. Executive offices. I don’t think Dr. Williams would call anyone a retard. He has too much class.
DeleteYou can fuck yourself too. I understand what the H stands for.
DeleteAnd by the way, Amazon is mostly warehouses. You are familiar with what they do, right?
So don't be cute.
Are you familiar with Amazon working conditions, hours, and overtime (or lack there of) pay?
As far as "retard"? It's a medical term I suppose. So I was only speaking his language.
As far as class? Obviously you are confusing it with pretentiousness, arrogance, elitism, etc...
But that's okay. Every antagonist needs someone around to hang on their coattails. Fucking parrot.
Oh, and how could I forget, retard. Here's a link for you:
3 years ago 108,000 a year you can live comfortably in DC. Dont forget to adjust for COLA and inflation. So 150,000? Let's not pretend here. Be honest.
It's WaPo too, didn't want you to think I was "biased".
And Ian says links are bulletproof. Sooooo....
In Kansas? What were they thinking? There aren’t a dozen people in Kansas that are even smart enough to use Amazon, let alone work there. At least according to comrade butt doc.
ReplyDeleteLol... I stopped reading his rant when I got to the part about Kansas electing a republican governor.
ReplyDeleteI figured there wasn't any point in reading the rest of it if he can't even get that one simple detail right...
Adjusted for cost of living, just what is a 150,000 dollar job where this jackass indicates?
ReplyDeleteYea, like I'm that stupid to not understand.
And yes buddy. Only second rate doctors would brag, post while they are on such a grind of shift. Boo hoo. How noble of you, you pretentious asshole. While on the taxpayers dime. Gosh, those optics are just fantastic. Great image.
I could tell you what I did today, but my clearance would be stripped.
Btw, did you know they give Kansas hayseeds clearances?
I'll give you an acronym hint. NBATH.
See what I did there?
I sure made it sound like ol hammer is special. Cause I is. And I didn't even have to be on a gov't payroll.
Weird. Smartphones do the strangest things. I'll correct my hint: NBAF.
DeleteMy dearest apologies if you were racking you brain after your hard shift. I'll allow your sniveling over my error.
But hey, people at WR know about errors, don't they. So I'm good company. 😉
Give him hell, Hammer...
Gee, look at how I can copy and paste. It's so easy and makes me look so smart....
But, because of the wonderful ladies here in 235 I'll refrain from even discussing building "18" at WR.
Personally I believe vets think the treatment they receive is wonderful because they have no idea what private doctors can do for them. They have no recourse especially if they are active duty. They deserve better. They bled for our flag and we give them so good ol fashioned gov't.
So call it an opinion if you like, but my links are proof. You know how links are with ol Ian. He loves them, and his education demands proof. So here. Seems others feel like I do.
And I haven't even shared the stories from my beloved friends and heros.
Fuck you gov't doctor. Since you are obviously never going to be redpilled, go ahead and settle for the black. Save me some tax dollars and maybe some vets.
I'd appreciate it.
Friday's blog is up and running...