Tuesday, August 27, 2019
We're doing just fine here in Kansas...
It always cracks me up when Blue starts bagging on Kansas.
Somehow or another he believes we're uncivilized and backwards.
If only we'd open our eyes and accept his progressive ideas we'd all be so much better off.
I think I'll pass.
All is well here in the Heartland...
Kevin McGinty
Monday, August 26, 2019
This is what we now call journalism?
There's a reason CNN's (Communist News Network) ratings are in the tank.
Grab some popcorn and check out their latest adventure into world of make believe.
So now bringing on some deranged quack who'll say anything in order to sell some book he's scribbled is what today's mainstream media calls journalism?
Don't get me wrong here. There's plenty of crazy going on in America today but it's not coming you and me and it's certainly not President Trump.
There's no doubt he's the cause of it.
Their Trump derangement Syndrome is causing them to lose all perspective on what's real and what's fantasy.
Don't believe me?
Take Blue for example.
He eats up every single thing these dipshits spew.
He's fallen for every fake story these people have breathlessly reported on.
He gets his hopes up with every new promise that they have him this time.
The problem is that with every euphoric high they put him on with their promises of eminent destruction of the president he hates with every fiber of his being they're all followed by crushing disappointment when eventually the truth begins to see the light of day.
But will he learn?
Not a chance in hell.
He'll fall for the next thing they peddle.
He'll believe every lie they put out there.
Once again he'll get his hopes up.
And like always he'll suffer the same crushing disappointment as the day before.
This my friends, is the very definition of insanity.
But here in Kansas, in the real, world all is well.
Enjoy your day guys...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Keeping it classy as always...
Full disclosure here: I have no idea who Cardi B is nor do I care.
I couldn't care less about what she thinks, says, or believes.
That goes for pretty much the entire bunch of Hollywood drug infested sexual freaks who somehow or another think they're better than the rest of us little people.
Evidently the delicate little snowflake didn't get her way about something so she's lashing out as only a no class left-wing wanna be princess can.
Rap superstar Cardi B went on a foul-mouthed rant Tuesday, telling the New York Police Department to “motherfucking suck a fart and suffocate on it” after it allegedly convinced a Brownsville school to cancel a giveaway hosted by her friend Star Brim.
There ya go, Blue. Another proud leftist standing up for your side.
Kinda makes you proud, huh?
Kevin McGinty
Monday, August 19, 2019
Calling Still Safe at Home...
The hatred from the left wing crazies amazes me.
The way I see it is that their hatred is all based on the bullshit they've had drummed into their heads since they were kids.
Is America perfect?
No, but compared to most other countries in the world it's pretty damned close.
Maybe our delicate, offended by literally everything snowflakes could shut up for just a little while and listen to those who are facing real oppression from the communist regimes they seem to think so highly of.
While these brain dead pieces of shit wipe their nasty asses on the American flag millions of Hong Kong citizens dream can only of the day they too can have it as good as we have it here.
I don't pretend to have the answers to what's wrong with these people nor do I pretend to know how to get through to them.
But I do know a guy who can at least explain it in terms that are crystal clear.
Actually, we all know him.
He goes by the name of Still Safe at Home.
The following is a good example of his words of wisdom.

Today I'm asking you to join me in calling on our friend to get back in the game.
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
And now you know the rest of the story...
The outrage is still coming.
They hysteria is at an all time high.
The name calling and accusations are everywhere.
White Supremacy is destroying America, they claim.
Trump is killing our kids!
Republicans are responsible, they chant!
Every Trump supporter is just as guilty as the shooter himself, they whine!
White people are to blame!
And it goes on and on and on.
Problem is, it's all fake.
They know it is.
We know it is.
But the gullible masses, well, they're so full of hate and misinformation that they'll fall for anything they're told to fall for.
Don't believe me?
Take a quick look at the video below and see for yourself.
The dead haven't even been buried yet and the media is calculating how much of a bump in the polls their efforts have made for their favorite candidates.
To borrow a phrase from the legendary Paul Harvey.
"And now you know the rest of the story. Good day..."
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, August 4, 2019
It took em about two seconds...
What a sad day yesterday was.
Two shootings in something like 12 hours.
29 dead.
Dozens more wounded.
And countless lives destroyed and changed forever.
Any decent person would say a silent prayer. Maybe shed a few tears. And wonder how in the hell this country has sunk to the depths it has sunk to.
Not the democrats.
Hell, I haven't seen them so giddy and happy since election day morning in 2016 when they were all so sure Hillary Clinton would become the 45th President of The United States.
It took something like two seconds for the tweets started pouring in blaming President Trump and every republican alive and the NRA for the senseless slaughter.
The Hollywood perverts went into full blown attack mode.
The 2020 presidential contenders couldn't wait to go on record calling Trump a racist.
And the media is having the time of their lives spreading every sick, twisted, and disgusting thing these bastards have to say.
Beto O’Rourke Spreads Hoaxes on CNN; Jake Tapper Fails to Correct
What's pathetic about these bastards trying to score political points with this while the wounded are still dying and next of kin are still being notified is that it's so fucking predictable.
Ignore the crocodile tears you'll see them shed over the course of the next few weeks.
They're as fake as everything else they do.
Don't believe their fake outrage for a minute.
They love this shit and we all know it.
Nothing like a mass shooting and a couple dozen dead bodies to dance around while changing the narrative away from their dismal record of hatred and failure.
The only headlines I've seen about this shit that make any sense came from Mick Mulvaney and the El Paso Prosecutors.
Mulvaney: Shootings Not Trump Fault — ‘I Blame the People Who Pulled The Trigger’
El Paso shooting: Prosecutors to seek death penalty for Texas gunman in attack treated as domestic terrorism
Here's the deal.
Like other states Texas still has the death penalty. The difference is that they actually use it.
Thursday, August 1, 2019
How about that toxic masculinity?
So here's a little story for you about this toxic masculinity we keep hearing about. Yesterday on the local facebook I hear there's a fire in the town just up the road, Mountain Mesa, about two miles from me as the crow flies. One mountain ridge between me and the fire.So I do what everybody here does, I jumped in the car and drove over to have a look.
Here's what I see from in front of my house:
Here's what I see from in front of my house:
When I get there, here's what I see.
So I join the crowd and watch them work. Tankers and helicopters flying right into the heart of this thing to drop water and retardant on the fire. A hundred young Calfire firefighters charging right into the heart of this bitch. They drive bulldozers and trucks into this thing right up that mountain.
So they were still up there when I went back just before dark. And they're still up there today. They get taken to the top of that high peak in the back of that picture by helicopter. Then they dig a fire line by hand to stop that thing. And they don't come down until it's out. And they walk down. They drove bulldozers up that mountain. They walked up. They drove trucks. And they put that fire out. Today they are mopping up.
And did I mention it's 103 degrees here today, and yesterday?
Honestly, I don't know how these young men can even walk with those giant brass balls clanking around.
So if this is that toxic masculinity these faggot liberals hate so much, give me more of it. These men are the best our young Americans have to offer. They dug a trench around 200 acres of mountain terrain to stop this fire. And tomorrow they'll do it again if asked.
I wish I could stand at the bottom of that mountain and say thank you and hand each of these guys a cold beer when they walk out. These are what American men are all about.
So while some chickenshit commie kid is living in his parents basement playing "resistance" and hiding behind a mask throwing rocks at cops thinking he's some kind of hero for it, these are real men doing what real men do. Saving lives and property at massive risk to their own lives and tremendous sacrifice.
So next time somebody starts up that toxic masculinity shit, think about these young men. Most of them early twenties, doing what American men have done for a couple hundred years. And know our country is still in good hands. Because these guys will be in charge before long. That's how natural selection works. The cream always rises to the top. And these guys are the best of the best.
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But what this does tell us is something much more dark and sinister. See, these people don't just hate our President. Yes, they hate him with a pathological hatred, deep and overwhelming. It's at a level that would be considered mentally ill, dangerous to themselves and others. But they hate us just as much. They hate all of us who support our President. They hate us just as much. They wish bad things for us. They openly advocate for violence and hatred. They hate us. Because we voted for the other guy for President and he won.
Make no mistake. These people are sick. They represent the darkest most evil human nature there is. Hatred based on nothing. Hatred based on who you voted for. It's a sickness and I don't know if it can be cured. I fear this disease will destroy our country no matter what happens in the next election.
Honestly I have no idea what to do about it. Mental illness is spreading in this country. Just look around you. Out where I live the streets are full of these people. Living in tents. Sleeping in the street. Maybe you've read about it. Thousands of them. Living in the street, crapping and peeing in the street. Now they have rat infestations carrying diseases not seen since the dark ages. And their numbers are growing. What did the demon tell Jesus? We are legion. There are so many of them we can't count them. And they are destroying us by making the godless left hate us and wish violence on us.
What can we do? Pray. Turn to God. I believe these are the last days of a dying world. I think we will live in this until Jesus takes us home. And then the earth will be theirs, to live through the coming tribulation and to endure God's wrath for their evil deeds.
Sounds hopeless, I know. But it will get worse, then it will get way better. So hang tough my friends. And make peace with God. We will live in glory in the end and these people, unless they change their ways will live in the fire that never dies. Sad, but that's what's coming.