Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Keeping it classy as always...
Full disclosure here: I have no idea who Cardi B is nor do I care.
I couldn't care less about what she thinks, says, or believes.
That goes for pretty much the entire bunch of Hollywood drug infested sexual freaks who somehow or another think they're better than the rest of us little people.
Evidently the delicate little snowflake didn't get her way about something so she's lashing out as only a no class left-wing wanna be princess can.
Rap superstar Cardi B went on a foul-mouthed rant Tuesday, telling the New York Police Department to “motherfucking suck a fart and suffocate on it” after it allegedly convinced a Brownsville school to cancel a giveaway hosted by her friend Star Brim.
There ya go, Blue. Another proud leftist standing up for your side.
Kinda makes you proud, huh?
Kevin McGinty
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Solo Expedition...
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Good Grief, it just keeps going on and on, Sick people for sure.
ReplyDeleteBut good night for now...
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge
ReplyDeleteDamn Kevin internet went down at 1:20 so I went back to bed. 10 min before I was going to take a Nap...
ReplyDeleteCardi B LOL! What a lovely little Beioch! She did an "interview" with Bernie Sanders earlier in the month or sometime.
ReplyDeleteShe should be their prime example of how Capitalism can work for anyone! I just wonder how all of these Rappers would like it if the Socialist took 90+% of their income every year to equalize income of the less fortunate! Their Rap songs would then start consisting of "Capping" the Tax man! LOL!
This is really what it comes down too, in the current world. Know-nothings who were never raised or taught to think for themselves, being force fed brainwashing ideas and then when something bad happens to them, they turn around and blame the system for not taking good care of them! Box of Rocks meet Cardi B! You have finally found someone you are smarter than!
Well good night room 235...
ReplyDeleteGood Morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge. Here we go again...
ReplyDeleteYup another day another dollar...
ReplyDeleteA million days, a million dollars! :) Right Sarge?
DeleteBut having said that I must admit it is getting that time for a Nap, not rubbing it in, it just works out that way,... Stay well my friend...
ReplyDeleteWell, truck's loaded, coffee has been consumed, I guess I might as well get my ass going.
ReplyDeleteStay safe and be well, all...
Hope your day goes well Kevin! It's FRIDAY!!!!!
DeleteWell it's official.
ReplyDeleteHeterosexuality just isn't working. So says NBC News.
I seriously think these people just sit around trying to come up with the dumbest shit they can think of.
Those are your people, Blue...
Was busy.... then had a few minutes to catch up on headlines.... this is a HS moment.... (i.e. Holy Shit Moment)
A fuming President Trump 'orders' U.S. companies to move out of China
By Dave Boyer and Tom Howell Jr. - The Washington Times - Friday, August 23, 2019
A fuming President Trump “ordered” U.S. companies Friday to start moving out of China, after the Asian superpower announced plans to impose additional tariffs of $75 billion on U.S. products.
The levies will hit American soybeans, automobiles and oil in retaliation for Mr. Trump’s latest impending tariffs on their own goods, prompting a furious response from the White House.
“We don’t need China and, frankly, would be far better off without them. The vast amounts of money made and stolen by China from the United States, year after year, for decades, will and must STOP,” Mr. Trump tweeted.
“Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA,” he added.
Mr. Trump also said he wants shipping entities such as FedEx, UPS, the U.S. Postal Service and Amazon to “search for and refuse” packages that contain illicit fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid that often comes from China.
“President Xi said this would stop — it didn’t,” Mr. Trump wrote, referring to Mr. Xi’s promise to schedule the drug and crack down on clandestine labs in China.
Mr. Trump said he planned to offer a more formal response Friday to China’s moves. China’s finance ministry said some of the new tariffs on American goods will take effect Sept. 1, with the rest starting on Dec. 15. Mr. Trump has announced the same dates for imposing 10% tariffs on about $300 billion worth of Chinese imports.
Beijing will slap an extra 5% tariff next month on U.S. soybeans and crude oil, and go forward with a suspended additional 25% tariff on cars on Dec. 15. Some vehicles will be the target of another 10% levy.
China also will impose an extra 10% tariff on pork.
Beijing’s announcement came shortly before U.S. stock markets opened. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell about 100 points in the first 30 minutes of trading.
“Our Country has lost, stupidly, Trillions of Dollars with China over many years,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter. “They have stolen our Intellectual Property at a rate of Hundreds of Billions of Dollars a year, & they want to continue. I won’t let that happen!”
For starters, I don't blame President Trump one damned bit over this crap with China.
ReplyDeleteSecondly - for too long China has gotten away with too much during other presidential administrations.
Thirdly - This latest decision from President Trump aligns with what he's said from when he campaigned.... America First.
I agree Rikki and I understand Trump's pissed.
ReplyDeleteBut I seriously doubt he has the power to order American companies to move their plants out of China...
I have to agree with you on that Kevin. Those companies overseas are "private entities".... not Government entities..... unless they are making things for the US Government.... so it's a toss up kind of.
ReplyDeleteReminds me much of the game of "chicken"..... who's going to flinch first? China or President Trump?
ReplyDeleteMy guess that President Trump will prevail eventually over China.
ReplyDeleteEasy thing to do is cut their food supply off. No more soy beans, wheat, corn or any other food product. Guess how long that will take them? Of course the libs will be screaming ,but h let them. Ain't the first or last time .
ReplyDeleteLol... Hell Skippey, that's all they do all day and night long.
ReplyDeleteDon't want to pay tariffs?
ReplyDeleteDont buy Chinese shit.
Pretty simple.
My PARENTS should of done a better job teaching and doing that.
I'm sure in the coming days we'll hear liberals defend the sweatshops and pollution of Chinese businessand American partnerships. While pretending to not understand what happens to technology and proprietary information and patents in China to America businesses.
Liberal buffonery. Knee deep in that shit these days...
Now as far as the American Ag side of things? I know and am close to many farmers and ranchers. And to get to the truth of it, they will be fine. The way farm taxes work, coupled by the many subsidies we now have, the lower production this year due to weather, in the short term prices will work out. We don't feed China first, and tell me the negatives to not feeding them other than lost income.
China needs to play ball.
They will.
But not till reelection.
Not the smartest move for them.
Market in flux till then.
Thats all.
Screw a bunch of chicoms...
"I hereby order" sounds like Professor Marvel in the Wizard of Oz. Just couldn't resist visiting this blog for shits and grins. My god how you people spin shit. Trump is an idiot, incompetent in virtually everything he touches. Thank god he had a rich daddy to bail him out. The problem is though, the U.S. doesn't have a rich daddy. Well, okay - China. They're as close to being our daddy as anybody, helping finance our profligacy. So how is the world reacting ? No, the REAL world, not the one portrayed in the Washington Times. Doesn't look good. This is fresh from Reuters.
ReplyDelete" World needs to end risky reliance on U.S. dollar - BoE's Carney
JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. (Reuters) - Bank of England Governor Mark Carney took aim at the U.S. dollar’s “destabilising” role in the world economy on Friday and said central banks might need to join together to create their own replacement reserve currency."
There. This is what this moron in the White House is doing. If Putin wanted someone to start tearing apart the American economy, grossly minimize our political, moral, cultural ( the list could go on and on ) leadership in the world, they couldn't have picked a better piece of shit than Donald Trump to do it. For those assuming China has the most to lose, read the article and consider what the head of the Bank of England has to say. YOU will pay a price in Kansas if China, and the rest of the world begin to move away from the U.S. We all will. Kansas has little to offer but commodities, oh and M & M's. What Kansas sells can be supplied by any number of other sources.
So now our draft dodging little coward is pissed. He's mad at Fox. He's mad at Fox's pollsters who find the country has had it with him, and that his path to the White House looks more and more unlikely. He's pissed at Xi of China, because he thought he was going to be "nice" to him. He's mad at Denmark because they showed the world what a complete idiot he is. He's mad at Rocket Man because.. well, he keeps testing rockets. Looks like their love affair is over. And now he's heading for the G-7 summit. God help us.
See, here's the deal - you don't cut off your nose to spite your face. Apple would be in huge trouble if they had to manufacture Apple products in the USA, paying American worker wages, not to mention losing the China market which accounts for 25% of their profits. GM sells more cars in China than in all of America.
So here's the really bad news: you will all be stuck in Kansas. Like most red states it's dirt cheap. That a reflection of demand. Nobody wants to live there, and there are very few opportunities. If that's not bad enough, your options for retirement will be next to nil. Nope - no Florida, no Scottsdale, no Palm Springs. How sad.
Well looks like a good time to get ready to crash for the night, Keep up the fight. KAG
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235, Looks like another fine day, but we do have storms coming out of the West...
ReplyDeleteLooks like a good time to grab a few more Z's..
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime here Kansas all is well.
ReplyDeleteIn the Washington cesspool of swamp dwellers where Blue likes to pretend he's a part of, not so much.
Things aren't looking good for Ruthie Ginsberg.
What do you think, Blue?
How's a third Supreme Court pick sound?
Ian.... whatever is wrong with you is no little thing.
ReplyDeleteGood morning again folks.
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge. And Rikki, Blue is suffering from the same disease the rest of his ilk are.
ReplyDeleteTrump Derangement Syndrome...
Just wondering something. If the Marxist from Kenya really believed in the rising ocean levels which will flood all the coastal areas in 12 years or less, as he and his fellow hysterical godless commie global warming hoaxers are claiming, it seems kind of foolish to buy a $12 millon dollar house ON AN ISLAND!!!
ReplyDeleteThis happens a lot:
ReplyDeleteWent to a store near my house to gear up for fishing. Get some lures and spinners for local trout and some line. Told the guy I moved here from Kansas and didn't know what the local hot lures were.
He pauses, then asked me why in the hell did I leave Kansas? He said, and I quote, "this is California". He said you can't hardly buy a gun here, or ammunition. I said back where I'm from you can buy whatever you want and carry it pretty much any way you want. He said I know. Why would you want to come here.
So don't take it for granted back there. In this wacky place they have so many rules and laws it's insane.
Example for you fishermen. You can fish with one rod. If you want to use two you have to buy a second rod permit for $15.00. One hook on you line. No second hook on another leader. And that's just a couple. I've got a book the size of a small dictionary of rules. And they change by region and water type. River, creek, lake etc.
But I get that a lot when I tell people I moved from Kansas. Astonishment. So despite what comrade asshole from DC says about Kansas, people who have lived in the oppressive communist states like California appreciate Kansas. They know what it's like outside the walls of the totalitarian democrat/communist controlled state they are trapped in. And they long for freedom. There just aren't enough of them to vote the goddamn communists out of office. Too many brain damaged leftists in LA and San Fran and Sacramento. They congregate there, like moths drawn to a flame. Brainless, following genetic programming that causes them to long for tyranny for themselves, and unfortunately for us as well.
This is what America will look like if these morons ever get the control of the levers of power. And it's pretty damn ugly.
It's good to know that there are "real people" who know about Kansas and have positive things to say about our great state..... unlike comrade bedpan, the fake doctor with fake friends and fake connections....
DeleteGood Grief another day has passed by...
ReplyDeleteHere's something for comrade bedpan to chew on....
ReplyDeleteand these are facts!
Why is Kansas great?
1. the hospitality
2. our cookouts / BBQ's
3. our sports
4. our support for the 2nd Amendment - knowing that it's not the guns that do the violence..... it's the mentally irregular idiots holding the guns that do the violence.
5. Kansans love America, we love the US Flag, and we are Patriots.
7. Kansas invented the Icee - that delicious summertime beverage that we choose any fruit flavored syrup to put with the ice.
Well it is kind of gloomy out,seems like a good time to call it a night, So good night room 235, Last one out locks up...
ReplyDeleteRight on cue, a demonstration of a political loving communist who has examined one to many assholes....
ReplyDeleteI'd probably be a tid-bit pissy too, ya know considering the big picture.
Dam. Now that's a mental image...
Good morning room 235... Looks like a big Red storm coming from the West right at , to change of course...
ReplyDeleteat, us. Subject to change.
DeleteLooks like within the hour we should be hearing some rumbling from this storm could get Nasty...
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful Kansas morning...
ReplyDeleteYup real peaceful I must say...
ReplyDeleteSee it was so peaceful everyone took the day off, it doesn't get any better...
ReplyDeleteLol... Yep, took the entire day off and it was glorious...
ReplyDeleteLooks like a good time to crash for the night, good night room 235...
ReplyDeleteNew blog up...