I started to post on Kevin's last blog and it kept running on so I thought I'd just post it as a blog. So here we go...
The democrat/communists have been up to this shit since the sixties when they merged with the American Communist Party. Using tried and true communist apparatus tactics. Lie, strike fast, repeat and repeat. Don't debate the facts, just repeat the lies. Don't wait for the fallout, just keep hammering. They're doing the same things they falsely accuse President Trump of doing? They know that. They ignore that. This is the same kind of propaganda based disinformation the communists have mastered after a half a decade of practice. This is how they have convinced half of America to become useful idiots and support communism over free market capitalism.
Communism is just greed amplified. It appeals to one of the worst base instincts of humankind, the idea that you have more than I do and dammit, that's just not fair. So I should get some of yours. Communism depends on greed and envy, with a fair amount of sociopath thrown in for good measure. No morality. No religion. Just greed and envy.
It is said that Christianity is the antidote to communism. They can't exist in the same country. That's why the dem/coms have worked so vigorously to expel Christianity from the public spaces. That's why they elected a Marxist muslim from Kenya to the presidency last time around. That's why they never rest in their drive to diminish and remove Christianity. That's why the name of God draws boos and hisses at their conventions. They hate God, which puts them squarely on the side of Satan.
All this stuff we are seeing, this "whistleblower", the Russia nonsense and everything else these commie bastards excrete is only the visible symptoms of the disease. The disease is communism, and it's spreading like a modern day cancer.
And my friends, if we don't get this disease out of the American bloodstream, we are doomed as a free nation. I don't know how we do that. Human nature makes these people want what isn't theirs. What others have worked to earn. And they have been indoctrinated by sixty years of commie infiltrated public education to believe this godless doctrine.
We gave them this. We let them infiltrate our schools and universities. We never saw it coming. And they were quietly and incrementally implementing a plan birthed in the bowels of Soviet Russia. And they did it. And now we are reaping the consequences.
And let this be a lesson. They are doing the exact same thing with gun control. Incrementally and silently. They look to win small battles, one at a time. We look to fight the big fight. They are winning that one too. Commies are patient. They know people will swallow almost anything in small bites until they have fed them the whole enchilada. Then it's too late.
I think it's time for the Republicans, who I have about 60% confidence in these days to fight back. Get just as dirty. Build campaigns on whatever, true or not. Run commercials of Joe Biden and his Ukraine blackmail. Is there another side to that story? I don't know. And I don't care. Run it, showing his words and make a direct connection to his corrupt family and his crooked cokehead son.
Take the fight to them. Don't take the high road. Don't try to be the "better" party. Turn President Donald Trump loose and hide and watch Republicans. He has more political instincts than all of you put together. He's proven that. No more of this "I like him but I wish he wouldn't tweet or say mean things" bullshit. He knows what he's doing. Let him do it.
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Welcome Back !!
ReplyDeleteWell said Safe.
ReplyDeleteAnd for those in the know, we are only a month away from the meme war of 2020.
Anyone remember how 2016 went down? I do.
Fuck everyone of you liberal commie democrats out there.
Good point Hammer!
ReplyDeleteI don't know how many of you are old enough to remember "Nikita Khrushchev - "We will bury you". I do! Khrushchev, the Soviet Union leader from 1953 to 1964. It falls directly in line with what Safe is talking about. Khrushchev was quoted as saying basically that Communism would bury Capitalism, one way or the other. I remember seeing him on Television, sitting at the United Nations, banging his shoe on the desk in defiance.
ReplyDeleteThey have taken small steps, but continually continue to change small pieces of our government and societies' thinking. It has continued until what we have now, and people just sit back and let it happen! The demise of religion, changes in the education process and brain-washing of our children, right in the schools that we pay for. For many of us, we believe that President Trump may well be the last and best chance of regaining our nation, our freedom, and our sovereignty. But we can't expect him to do it alone. We must fight it every chance we get!
I haven't been around lately, been staying off the computer, just gets irritating to read the news.
ReplyDeleteHi Safe, hope all is well out on the west coast. You are correct, but you have much more faith in the republicans than I do. I don't see any peaceful solutions? I don't know what is wrong with them, they have rolled over and died.
BTW the way, Sarge those folks over at All Services did a great job on the tree, thanks for telling me about them. Ended up I am friends with one of the people they went to school with in Eskridge.
Great Dive, they are real professionals.
DeleteI, too, feel that the Republicans have been "passive" since 2016 - except for a "few" Republicans speaking up for President Trump, the Republicans have sat idle while the demoNcrats have been vocal, front & center spewing their BS.
ReplyDeleteIn the previous blog, Rose mentioned writing to your Congressmen.... I've been doing that and basically all I've gotten back is the typical "thank you for your comments...." ya da ya da ya da. Mostly, what I get back is "form letters."
I'm not sure if phone calls would work better? I don't know - but what I do know is that I'm so fed up with what's happening in Washington and abroad that I literally do not watch CBS, NBC, ABC, and it'll be a cold day in hell when I watch CNN! I get enough of what's going on here on these blogs and reading the Washington Times.
I'm also fed up with how the Republicans know that the DNC, Hillary, Obama, et al have all lied, committed criminal acts, and they (knowing all this) haven't once started indictments! Why the hell not?!
It's well past time for the Republicans in Washington to stop jawing and start acting on indicting the DemoNcrats~
Well that's my 2 cents & then some for today.
I have written and got same canned response, I would bet they don't even read them. Computer just picks up on a few key words and have an automatic response depending on keywords. I have called and get pretty much a response like "we will pass on your concerns, bye".
ReplyDeleteGood to see you out and about Safe.
ReplyDeleteAll I can add to the conversation is that if these republicans have a spine at all now is the time to show it.
It's now or never.
If these communist bastards pull this off it's over...
Sorry but I just don't see it. The RINO's are sitting up there and letting the Dems run the whole show. The real stand up Repubs can be counted on one hand. There is a lot of TV talk but where is the action? Levin has been on them for a long time. He see's it for what it is. These RINO's are in the club aka DEEP STATE. Trump doesn't fit in to any of their clubs.. The only time they even acted like they liked him was when they wanted some of his money before he ever decided to run. Ever wonder why all these people keep resigning? Just watch the news people that have changed over to no trumpers. Its all about the power and their club. Your either in or out. And Trump has stepped on a bunch of toes and now they are coming for him. I wish him luck and I will keep trying to help where I can but I can not see him coming out of these. Hes got way too many RINO's against him. Makes me want to go to some of our local RINO's town hall meetings and tell them where to go. Oh I forgot our RINO"S don't do those.
ReplyDeleteYou hit the nail on the head, Trump isn't in the club! They are going to leave him out in the cold! Bunch of pure evil is running the show.
ReplyDeleteWhistle blower???
ReplyDeleteSue Gordon John Brennan’s BFF Sue Gordon is out at the Office of Director of National Intelligence. Gordon will be leaving her position on August 15, the same day Coats is departing the ODNI.
Well just like a old broken record, Good morning room 235..
ReplyDeleteWell just ate two white Castle Burger's and a beer, better go back to bed now.
ReplyDeleteI read what Rush said and thought I would post it here.
ReplyDeleteTheir careers, their fortunes, their corruption. There are terribly big stakes involved here for these people. And Trump is on the cusp of overturning it and exposing it," Limbaugh said.
Rikki - I called Pelosie's office and gave them an earful. Then I followed up with an email. I agree with everything you said.
ReplyDeleteI tried to copy and paste her contact information but it would not let me copy and paste. Just go to google and type in "contact Nancy Pelosi". I was able to get through when I called but of course I wasn't able to speak to her directly. I await a visit from the FBI. LOL.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if my small contribution helps or not but I am doing what I can. I have organized a woman's group from two different organizations I belong to. I have indicated that all women with like minds are welcome. What are like minds? They must support PTrump. We gather and we discuss the best ways to get information out to our friends and family to encourage them to support PTrump. We read blogs and we reply to blogs, we belong to neighborhood groups and we post on facebook. We keep each others identity hidden when we post anti democrat and pro PTrump news. We support each other and we hold coffee and chats to bring in new members. I know it doesn't sound like much, but I am happy to do my small part. All I can offer is for each and everyone of you to continue to pound your message to your friends and encourage conversations when you are in groups. Just start discussing the facts. You would be amazed at how many people support PTrump and they want to talk about his accomplishments, they just don't feel comfortable starting the conversation. Once they feel safe they will really voice their views and concerns about where the dems are leading this country. I know the old saying, don't discuss politics at parties or group gatherings but I don't give a damn about that anymore. Our country is at stake. If we don't speak up and if we continue to keep our concerns a secret it will always be a secret and we will regret not speaking up if the dems gain control. Please let you voice be heard, be proud you support PTrump and if we all pull together and push the message forward we will/can make a difference. Every little bit helps. MAGA
ReplyDeleteWell, sounds like a plan.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteWe must have one busy Sandman that runs around Topeka...
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Sarge. We don't have a sandman down here. I wish we did. I hope he doesn't visit me when I am watching football games tomorrow. We went to Hooter's last evening to watch the Ohio vs Nebraska game. My husband is a Buckeye so we thought it was a pretty good game. The rest of my family, not so much as they are Nebraska fans. I ordered the fried fish and it was really good. I never order fish unless I am at a place that serves fish as the main course, but I was very happy with Hooter's fried fish. Just thought I would pass that nugget along for those of you who are tired of wings.
ReplyDeleteHave a great ending to the weekend. Oh, and if you have some time check out a high school football game this week. The weather is great this time of year and it is always fun to support the home team. It is a great way to spend a fall evening and who knows, maybe one of those high school football players will be good enough to play in a pro game sometime. Seamen, Topeka High, Topeka West, Highland Park and Shawnee Heights should have at least one game you might like to see play some good football.
Safe, you wrote an excellent article. Thanks for sharing your views. We appreciate you.
Come on Kevin you just can't sit around eating Donuts all day...
ReplyDeleteLol... Funny you mentioned donuts. We spent the weekend in Kansas City with my daughter. The first thing this morning Sofie and I made our regular donut run. I hope the day never comes when she gets tired of the silly things we do...
ReplyDeleteNewest godless commie talking point re the Biden scandal where his son, who I call Snorty Biden got kicked out of the Navy for doing coke, married his dead brother's wife then got a no show job with a Ukrainian oil company paying $600K/year despite having no qualifications other than having a corrupt father who happened to be Vice President at the time and was willing to do anything because he completely lacks any moral center.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I've heard this one at least three times today. Since FOX is the only media that stands alone and is reporting all the story, this is what they are now saying:
"If this is such a big story why didn't FOX report on it at the time?"
Apparently that is supposed to prove the commie narrative or something. I don't know what it is supposed to do. But I know this. When the Commie Apparatus issues a talking point you can tell, because everyone of the apparachiks will begin repeating it immediately. If you hear the same identical talking point multiple time same day and you haven't heard them before, some tool in the politburo has issued it. It came directly from the communists or the democrat party which are actually one in the same.
I know he dated his brother's wife after the brothers death, but don't think they got married. Yea, he was a druggy and booted from Navy reserves.
DeleteOh, and the word "debunked". They love that word. It's like the word "racist". As soon as they say it, it is supposed to negate any facts or arguments they don't like. I believe the stupidity of the democrat/communist party is exceeded only by the people who vote for and believe them.
ReplyDeleteProves the theory that the intelligence level of the American people has declined measurably in the last 50 years, at least somewhere around half of the country anyway.
I believe the Republicans will leave Trump out by himself, reason, they are just a corrupt as Biden and his son. They do the same things and that is part of the swamp! They like the swamp and republicans as well as democrates will stick together to continue their unhanded deals like the Biden's are doing.
ReplyDeleteDid you all hear the latest one about Biden's campaign "demanding" that the network and cable channels quit inviting Rudy Giuliani on to their programs! If they do have him on then they demand equal time for one of their mouthpieces to respond! Rudy has them running scared again! We all know Biden is the sacrificial lamb for the Dems, and he is too stupid to know it! They are using him on this to keep the impeachment talks going and then he will be discarded for Warren. Trouble is, Warren does not have the "Black vote", the white men's vote, the anti-abortion vote, and I doubt that she even has the "Native American" vote! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI also think that Hillary is thinking very strongly about coming into the run again, to "save" the Democrats from themselves! I'd say it would be a toss-up between her and Michael...I mean Michelle Obama. I'm sure Michelle doesn't want it because she would really be giving the power back to Barack and also, she is having way too much fun spending all of that money they have worked so hard for! (Eye roll). She likes being one of the "Elite" without having anyone question her.
I think it will be Warren and Trump. I think Biden is finished because of the dirt that is about to come out. He would be stupid to think that the Trump team isn't going to find every scrap of evidence that proves his son and he are crooks. And you know it's out there, or they wouldn't be fighting so hard to distract the country right now. The dem/coms have already written him off so they're hanging him out to dry to distract from their crimes. So he's done for.
ReplyDeleteBernie is just too openly an old Soviet Commie. Looks like one, acts like one and in fact is one.
Impeachment isn't going anywhere. When pantless Billy Clinton go impeached, his approval rating doubled. America gets tired of this pointless waste of money. The Senate will never convict. And everybody knows this, but the dem/coms know they will have 24/7 camera coverage and can created news bites filled with lies that will run for a day until they create the next round. And nobody will fact check them. So they know they have this as a tool. They know that's what it is.
I don't think there are enough RINOs to sway this thing. There are a few, but most are on the fence enough to know when the cold wind starts blowing from the right, they better stay the course. Any repub who sells out our President will get primaried and lose.
These people, none of them know how much they are pissing off half of America. And pissed off we are. They are counting on enough dem/com converts to win. And there aren't anywhere near as many of them as they think.
My opinion? The fan is running in reverse and when they dump the shit in the fan it's going to all blow back on them. Good luck you commie bastards.
ReplyDeleteMcConnell: Senate would have 'no choice' but to take up impeachment
by Susan Ferrechio | September 30, 2019 11:34 AM
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Monday he will take up impeachment articles passed by the House because he is required to do so under Senate rules.
“It’s a Senate rule related to impeachment, that would take 67 votes to change, so I would have no choice but to take it up,” McConnell told CNBC in an interview. “The Senate would have to take up an impeachment resolution if it came over from the House.”
The statement puts to rest speculation that Sen. McConnell might ignore the House if it passes one or more articles of impeachment against the president.
McConnell said Senate rules do not allow the chamber to ignore the House on impeachment.
The Senate would have to hold a trial on each of the articles presented by House Democrats.
Senate Republicans, who run the upper chamber, would have full control over the Senate proceedings after the House presentation of the articles.
McConnell said that while the Senate would have to take up impeachment, “how long you are on it is a different matter.”
Seeing that article about Sen. McConnell.... I thought I'd try one more time at a letter.... I fired off a letter to Sen. McConnell. In brief, I ask him and his Republican colleagues to look at the Democrats - with how this phone call nonsense came about sounds like that the Democrats have planted moles in the White House in another desperate attempt to overthrow President Trump. I closed with : "It is well past time for you, Senator, and your Republican colleagues to do something about the lying, conniving, scheming, manipulating Democrats!! "
ReplyDeletep.s. I did feel a bit of satisfaction in sending my blunt letter to Sen. McConnell - but sadly, I feel that it'll be pretty much ignored like all the rest of my letters.
ReplyDeleteWell well well..... the more things change.... First let me say that whoever writes and thinks the 'Lady Ian Williams' schtick is funny is running out of ammunition. I suspect the individual is Howdy since he at least has some sense of irony, satire, and the comic, though life in Topeka will squeeze those things out of the most brilliant comic genius ever. But he has his ticket outta there so he's no doubt doing a tap dance.
ReplyDeleteSo Texas Rose is putting together a group "but you must be pTrump supporters". Well that's useful. Another echo chamber. I would suggest you instead gather a reading group - some republicans do read don't they ? I'd select Michael Wolff's second tome on the Trump White House, "Siege". It might remind you of Albert Speer's "Inside the Third Reich". We're now down in the bunker, and things don't look good. The Washington Post and the NY Times are sucker punching Trump one blow after another. Pelosi has played this idiot in the White House like a fiddle. The right time came along and WHOMP ! Pounced on him like a hawk.
The problem that I suspect few of you realize is that under the umbrella of the 'impeachment inquiry', a number of issues are going to be examined. Trump grossly inflated the value of real estate in Westchester County in the process of obtaining a loan from Deutche Bank. That's bank fraud. His payoffs to prostitutes during his campaign, Stormy Daniels being the most visible, is a violation of Federal Election Commission law. We will likely see his taxes and find out he's not worth anything close to what he claims. In short, the Titanic just hit an iceberg. Bummer. I can see why there is so much disinformation here.
Everyone quotes the Washington Times, Examiner, Breitbart, you know, those things everybody else laughs at. And now Trump is calling on the goobers to come off their ridges of West Virginie and take on Trump's enemies. Right. Well, a little problem. The Pentagon top brass hate Trump. He is a useless draft dodger who hasn't got a clue what he's doing. The intelligence community has despised the man after his thoughtless speech in front of the Wall of Honor at CIA in Langley. Trump is running scared. I can hear him now " PAULUS ! Where is the SIXTH ARMY !! Speer ! I want to see the plans for a new Washington with a statue of me at least 500 meters high !! "
ReplyDeleteHere, some real journalism - September 30, 2019 at 10:12 a.m. EDT - Greg Sargent Washington Post Trump threatened ‘civil war.’ He’s cornered — and panicking about it.President Trump has now approvingly quoted a top supporter raising the prospect of “civil war." He accused unnamed national security officials in his own government of “spying” on him. He just called for a top Democrat in Congress to be arrested for “treason.”And that was all in the last 24 hours.All of this has many observers warning that Trump is lurching in an increasingly authoritarian direction, as the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry ratchets up.But all of this is better seen as an expression of deep panic and self-incrimination — not just because the latest revelations have Trump on the defensive but also because of a meaningful shift in the power dynamics shaping the standoff between the White House and Democrats."Aaah, man. BREAKING NEWS -Rudy just got hit with a subpoena. Trump may survive an impeachment given the pathetic cabal of senate sycophants. But the republican brand may well be dealt a lethal blow. This should be cause for celebration in Topeka. You will get to receive your 'soshulist' social security so you can eat, and continue gumming your dinner into oblivion, and getting that free 'soshulist' medicare. Yeehaw
Ian you are full of your typical croakings of crapola! But nothing new there, you just can't help yourself. You will see the truth come out that it's the Democrats who set this all up and you will see President Trump win 2020!
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely the court jester! Have to hand it to you.... you have many aliases and I believe that you yourself is none other than the gender crosser Lady Ian Williams..... I know Howdy and he wouldn't degrade himself online as portraying your wife - why don't you come clean and admit that you're trolling?!
when President Trump is vindicated in this latest fiasco from the demoNcrats Ian....and when President Trump wins the 2020 National Election.....
ReplyDeletehee hee..... you're going to be so severely out of touch with reality because it'll be the 2nd time your Anti American Communistic DemoNcratic Party let you down....
Good morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteWell another day in the jungle The libs are running scared as H. They are bound and determined to save their swamp They are going after Barr now They know he can and will bring their lies and crimes out in the open. Just so much going on now its hard to keep up with the lying libtards Its getting to the point where we wonder what stupid lies they will come up with.