Friday, September 6, 2019
A little something to think about...
We all know about the loons running San Francisco declaring the NRA a domestic terror organization, right?
When I first heard about it I just kind of laughed it off.
Typical actions of a few left-wing nut jobs with no idea what they're talking about, right?
But once you get to thinking about it you might realize this is a well though out and obvious next step for those who dream of disarming the American people.
Think I'm over reacting?
Not at all.
You've all heard of the so-called "Red Flag laws" the gun grabbers are pushing, right?
On the surface, the way it's being sold makes perfectly good sense.
None of us want unstable and even deranged people running around loose with a gun of any kind.
But it's not that simple and we all know it.
First off, by declaring the NRA a terrorist organization they've effectively declared it's 5 million members terrorists as well.
If this thing gains traction how long do you think it'll take for them to start using their new found power these so-called "Red Flag Laws" provide to come after your guns?
Because after all no one wants a terrorist having a gun.
Hang onto your asses, boys and girls. Shit's just gonna keep coming.
Kevin McGinty
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Somebody or some group is thinking all of this stuff up and feeding it to these idiot candidates and the Democratic Party. They certainly are not smart enough to think of it themselves! Probably Soros funded, Commie Think Tanks, who's only end goal is to destroy this country.
ReplyDeleteA person tends to laugh when they hear some of the shit that they propose, thinking, Oh yeah, Right! That's ridiculous, that can't ever happen in the United States, then ignoring it as it continues to go on right under our noses! Republican Congress members who are more swamp people than they are Conservative, don't care either, as long as they get their piece of the pie! You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to see it, if you are willing to look! From religion, to science, to education, to government and everything in between, they are now openly trying to change it all and nobody gets upset about it unless their I phone tells them to be upset about it!
Hmmm I really don't know what to think about this. Cant trust any of these libs. They all lie so much and will cut their own mothers throat.
ReplyDeleteExclusive: Walmart Partially Clarifies Statement on Ending Certain Ammunition Sales
Kevin and I were joking about this on FaceBook. Thing is, first I was put on a watch list (I get "extra security," "random" of course, every time I fly); now a major US city says I'm affiliated with a terrorist organization. I almost feel that I'm with Al-Fatah already.
ReplyDeleteAnd as Jim pointed out, being labelled as such by a bunch of weenies who've probably never been closer to the middle east than some upscale Lebanese restaurant particularly gripes me.
This is an extremely important issue. Thanks to Kevin for brining it up.
ReplyDeleteThese "red flag laws" the godless commies and unfortunately some on our side think are so great are one of the worst threats to the second amendment they have dreamed up yet, and are clearly unconstitutional.
So, you ask. "But Safe, what could be wrong with keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous mentally ill people? If you're not dangerously mentally ill, what do you have to fear?"
Well friends, you have everything to fear. So, imagine our friend comrade bedpan, who claims to be some kind of internet butt doctor turns out to be an actual doctor. And we know for a fact he hates us all and considers us to be dangerous. So, the imaginary doctor makes some calls and accuses us, those he can identify of being a danger to society in his professional opinion. What do you think happens next? Due process? Some kind of evidence needed? Nope. Error on the side of caution will be the order of the day. So some feds, armed to the teeth show up at Sarge's house to search for and confiscate his guns. How's that going to go? Either Sarge gets his rights as an American citizen violated or he says you can have my guns when you pry them...etc. Then all hell breaks lose if I know Sarge.
Make no mistake. These laws will be abused like no law ever written. Don't like your boss? Or a coworker? Or you ex wife? Or your mooch brother in law? Got noisy neighbors you want payback on? Hey, they wrote a law for you. Make a phone call and the feds do your dirty work.
Now, should people adjudicated as mentally ill and dangerous not have guns? Probably not. But his fellow citizens don't get to decide that. The courts need to do that, after due process.
Now the godless commies will tell us "but if they take your guns and you prove there's no threat you get them back." Right. I believe that.
So, the NRA terrorist declaration is just the beginning. They already have proven time and time again they consider anybody who supports our President is some kind of fascist Nazi terrorist. Won't take much to get the feds to come to your house just to "check you out". Is this where America has gone? I'm afraid so.
This is why compromise to try to appease these commie bastards is deadly. Give them this one because it sounds safe enough and we lose, they win.
Maybe you remember your history and you know what happened when Neville Chamberlain compromised with Hitler to "appease" him. That didn't work out very well for Britain, did it? And these people are descendants of that school of thought. They truly are the little Hitlers they falsely accuse us of being.
History repeats itself friends.
We either stop them at the ballot box or we shoot our way out down the road. Assuming we still have our guns.
Lots of this shit started with the Obama's, remember this? I Do..
ReplyDeleteA Man named Harold, and a president named Barack.
This pretty much summarizes how Obama/Biden and most liberals view the US military:
Harold was a bright child. He grew up in America. He went to school and had a bright future ahead of him. Harold was full of life but was cut short in a violent moment. While few people had ever heard of Harold before his death, many did afterward And in death, something very shocking happened. What was so shocking, especially when it is compared to the death of someone else recently in the news?
Harold was Harold Greene, Major General, United States Army. On Aug. 5, 2014, Major General Greene was killed by a Taliban terrorist.
He was returned to America with full military honors.
It has been a tradition that the president attends the funeral of general and flag officers killed in the line of duty.
Richard Nixon attended the funeral of a major general killed in Vietnam and George W. Bush attended the funeral of Lieutenant General Timothy Maude, who was killed in the 9/11 attacks.
While Major General Greene was buried, Barack Obama was golfing. The vice president wasn't there either. Neither was the secretary of defense.
Flags were not even lowered half-mast.
Four days after Harold Greene gave his life for America, Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, Missouri.
Brown was at best a young thug. In the minutes before his death, he committed a robbery at a local convenience store. According to other reports, Brown struck Officer Darren Wilson and shattered his orbital bone. Obama sent a three-person delegation to Brown's funeral!
Neither Obama nor Biden would attend the funeral of the highest ranking military officer killed in the line of duty since 9/11, yet he sent a delegation to the funeral of a thug.
When Margaret Thatcher, one of America's staunchest allies and Ronald Reagan's partner in bringing down Soviet communism, died, Obama sent only a small low-level delegation to her funeral. The snub was not missed by the British.
When Chris Kyle, the most lethal American sniper in history was murdered, there was no expression of sympathy from the White House.
But when Whitney Houston died from drug overdose, Obama/Biden administration ordered all flags be flown at half-mast.
There was no White House delegation at the funeral of an American hero. American heroes die and Obama goes to the golf course.
A thug dies and he gets a White House delegation.
No wonder most "REAL" Americans hold Obama in such contempt, especially members of our Military.
And Biden is now expounding on how great the Obama/Biden administration was.
I don't like red flags. That's what commies like and fly.
ReplyDeleteI don't like salt rifles either. I heard salt can lead to high BP and heart problems. Can't be good.
Is this blog working??
ReplyDeleteGuess not, but good night anyhow...
ReplyDeleteWell lets say it is a good morning, for a little while at least...
ReplyDeleteI guess Kevin must be off again, must be nice...
ReplyDeleteWhat the Hell I think I will have a V8 and a beer before going back to bed..And drink it all up... :)
ReplyDeleteLol... I wish I was off today. Pretty easy day though so I was able to sleep in a little...
ReplyDeleteGood to know you are not a slacker... Have a good day my friend, but it is nap time, for me Meds are kicking in big time...
DeleteWell, here's some good news. Godless commie left wing lie propagating web site ThinkProgress has shut down. They tried to sell it but nobody was interested. This is a group that has spread more lies than Elizabeth Warren, and that's a lot.
ReplyDeleteGood riddance to bad rubbish.
Out here at Huff n Puff watching 10,000 cars trying to get out of here.
ReplyDeleteI think I'll just wait a while.
Good grief...
Late Breaking News!!!
ReplyDeleteMick Jagger slams President Trump for lying about climate change!!!
Just speaking for myself here but it'll be a cold day in Hell when I give two shits about something that burnt out drug infested piece of shit thinks, says, or believes...
Well good morning room 235!!
ReplyDeleteWell Hell Nap time...
ReplyDeleteGood Grief everyone must be in church, and that's okay... Good morning room 235..
ReplyDeleteEither that or they're busy getting ready for today's Chiefs game.
ReplyDeleteAnd good morning right back at ya, Sarge...
Chiefs and NASCAR, good reason for me have two T.V's no wonder I can never get anything done.
ReplyDeleteMick Jagger. I thought he was dead. He might be, he just hasn't fallen over yet.
ReplyDeleteSo this brings up an interesting point. When these trained monkeys we pay to entertain us, whether it is singing or dancing or putting on little plays pretending to be someone else, or running around with a ball chasing each other start pontificating on political issues, insulting half of America in one fell swoop, do we really care?
Does it matter in the long run what some old man who fried his brain on drugs years ago and makes his living singing songs he was famous for almost 50 years ago thinks about anything? Does it change anybody's mind about anything? I doubt it. The people who think his commie pronouncements are worth listening to already hate our President, and us as well. They already aren't voting for him. The millennials don't even know who he is, never heard his music and already have their minds made up.
Do you imagine there is somebody somewhere who was on the fence about whether to vote for one of the greatest free marketers out there, who single handedly has accomplished everything this President has accomplished? Who says gosh, do I vote for the guy who has put more people to work than any President in history, who has brought China to its knees ready to negotiate a trade agreement, who has cancelled the worthless Iran nuke deal made by the last president, who was a fellow muslim sympathizer and favored Iran over America? Or do I vote for a communist who wants to destroy our country and leave millions of people jobless while making me pay more and more taxes to support them?
I'm thinking if anybody hasn't quite decided how they are voting next election and is waiting to hear what a bunch of brainless singers and actors think probably is too stupid to be allowed to vote.
Anybody who votes for the democrat/communist for president next time around is either too stupid to be allowed to vote in our great society, or is just plain a communist sympathizer who hates America and wants to see her destroyed, or is on of the half of America who pays no taxes and lives off the stolen labor of the rest of us.
That's my take. And Mick Jagger? Screw him. If I want to hear from him I'll let him sing me a song. That's what he does. Leave the thinking to those of us whose brain doesn't resemble a dried up raisin.
Anyone have the time on the chiefs game?
ReplyDeleteNever mind I got it..
ReplyDeletePerfect way to start the season...
ReplyDeleteI just don't this gun buy back program. Who actually bought a gun from "them"? BS
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235, Got a cricket around here driving the cat nuts, but I am betting the cat gets it before the sun comes up...
ReplyDeleteWell looks like a good time for a morning nap.
ReplyDeleteMust be nice...😃
ReplyDeleteYes It is!!😂
ReplyDeleteMass shooting covered up by the NRA terrorists probably. 41 people shot, 7 fatally. Didn't hear about that one, did you? Must be the gun loving NRA terrorists covering it up.
ReplyDelete...checks notes....
Wait. Uh, sorry. It was Chicago. That happens pretty much every holiday weekend in Chicago. Guess the NRA didn't cover it up. The media just doesn't talk about it because it doesn't fit their narrative. Sorry. My bad.
But no doubt those tough Chicago gun laws kept the shootings down in the high forties so there's the proof those tough gun laws work. Because shooting people isn't against the law, only having the gun, right? And when guns are outlawed only every gangbanger in Chicago will have several and the rest of the citizens won't have any to defend themselves.
But like the zoo, the animals are kept in neighborhood pens where they only shoot each other mostly so there's proof the gun laws work, right?
They're trying very hard to change the rules so they can get away with doing away with the 2nd Amendment.
ReplyDeleteWell looks like i missed all the action today, but now I have to say good night room 235.
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteWell not much happening in the news so might as well crash...
ReplyDeleteLets try this again, good morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteBack at you
ReplyDeleteG'morning :)
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge, Skippey and everyone else!
ReplyDeleteJust read a LTE on the CJ Urinal about " The failed Democrat Party coup"
I just have to SMH when I read some of the comments from our illustrious Left wing idiots that live right here in Topeka and the surrounding area. They talk about how we only get our news from "Faux News" blah...blah... blah. But where in the world do they get their news, as it appears the bozos must know nothing about the DOJ and Barr's investigation into the dirty tricks of the previous Administration and the actions of the crooked former Secretary of State and Presidential wantabe, Hillary Clinton.
Some of the comments included the following regarding the gentleman's letter:
"What a total load of FOX talking points! Not one single word of this is true!!"
Hillary would not have done such as Trump has and is doing to our country. She would have been more on the level of her husband's presidency. The country would not be teetering on the brink of becoming a world pariah, in cahoots with Russia in trying to gobble up all the countries around it.
I’m not surprised by the blatant right wing lies and propaganda contained in this LTE, but I am surprised that CJ actually printed it. I enjoy reading other people’s opinions and thoughts, but this was nothing more than a baseless fanatical rant.
There are only a few "regulars" that even comment on CJ anymore. The comments above were those who do so all of the time.
I really don't know why I still read, and even pay for the on-line addition of the Urinal. Currently, it won't even let me comment (Surprise, surprise!) to counter-act the imbeciles, but who really cares. They will never listen to reason or truth, even if the truth is better than Joe Biden's "facts"! LOL!
I think I just read it to show myself everyday the type of people who will be in charge once they get their way on the Constitution, the 2nd Amendment, Free speech, and all of the privileges we AMERICAN CITIZENS enjoy, and too often, take for granted that they will always be available to us. In reality, we are only 1 generation away from a dictatorship!
ReplyDelete"'Leverage game': Trump puts America first by walking away from bad deals"
Some excerpts from the article:
By Guy Taylor - The Washington Times - Monday, September 9, 2019
Sometimes the art of the deal is turning down the deal on the table.
Critics feared President Trump’s career as real-estate mogul turned reality-TV star would find him all too ready in the Oval Office to accept foreign policy offers that promised favorable coverage and won a few news cycles.
But some of the biggest calls of his presidency — from North Korea negotiations to the Iran nuclear deal and now the freeze on talks with the Taliban — have shown Mr. Trump’s ability to walk away from the table, even when it seems like a deal could be within grasp.
While the president has drawn criticism, including from some in his own party, for being too erratic and for revealing things on Twitter that foreign policy conservatives would prefer be kept out of the headlines, many analysts were praising Mr. Trump’s shrewdness on Monday keeping U.S. interests above the desire to get a deal just for the sake of getting a deal.
“He understands the leverage game and I don’t think he gets enough credit for it,” said Michael Pregent, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute.
Go to the link and read the entire article. It's really a good read.
I especially liked it where Mr. Pregent gives President Trump the credit he is due. Even Ian Williams would have to agree that President Trump is doing the right thing with N. Korea, Iran, and now the Taliban. Right Ian? You have to agree that the wishy washy Obama policies hurt America greatly!
A little further into the article Mr. Pregent states: "Mr. Pregent suggested the Taliban should have known — based on the hard line Mr. Trump has towed on other foreign policy fronts, particularly having unilaterally pulled the U.S. out of the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal even as allies criticized the move — that the president wasn’t going to cave to their tactics."
Obama had no business being president - he was the most anti American in Washington during his tenure.
I have stated many times before as with all of you here..... "I'm glad that Donald Trump is President!"
Hey Ian.... how about a round of applause for President Trump?!
Oh we know.... you stopped reading this blog..... right Ian? but in truth you just can't stay away can you.... every time you say "oh I'll never go back".... you eat your own words with a fork and spoon... admit it... we here are right and you'll always be W-R-O-N-G!
ReplyDeleteGary, I saw that too.... and I'm equally surprised that Cj actually published that letter.
ReplyDeleteYep and I about lost my breakfast after I read the libtards' comments.... they are equally as bad as old blue... they can't see the truth for the lies they keep immersing themselves into.
you feisty old fart!
ReplyDeleteGlobal warming you say? Here's a great story from the Maritime Bulletin:
ReplyDelete"Arctic tours ship MS MALMO with 16 passengers on board got stuck in ice on Sep 3 off Longyearbyen, Svalbard Archipelago, halfway between Norway and North Pole. The ship is on Arctic tour with Climate Change documentary film team, and tourists, concerned with Climate Change and melting Arctic ice. All 16 Climate Change warriors were evacuated by helicopter in challenging conditions, all are safe. 7 crew remains on board, waiting for Coast Guard ship assistance.
Warmist dupes and true believers in the media are having a very hard time with the hilarious spectacle of a ship of literal fools who were so deluded by the warmist cult as to believe it was safe to venture into the Antarctic waters in a vessel that was not an icebreaker. The "scientific expedition" was intended to document the comparative paucity of ice in the area first explored by Douglas Mawson a century ago. As nearly everyone connected to the media on the planet now knows, the Spirit of Mawson voyage, as the organizers dubbed their chartered Russian ship the MV Akademik Shokalskiy, became stuck in ice and needed rescue. Adding to the comedy, the Chinese icebreaker that rescued them is now itself stuck in the ice that was supposed to be melting."
This isn't even the first time global warming hoaxers have cruised into the Arctic ice to see how bad it's melting only to have to be rescued when they got stuck in the ice.
These people are a special kind of stupid.
LOL! I love it!
DeleteSo comrade bedpan has a female alter ego who appears from time to time. Shouldn't surprise us too much. This guy has demonstrated on many occasions he is mentally ill. Just didn't expect him to prove it himself.
ReplyDeleteLike I said. These people are a special kind of stupid.
another shake up at the WHITE HOUSE..... and there's nothing "racist" about the White House being called the White House!
ReplyDeleteBolton fired!
ReplyDeleteJohn Bolton out as national security adviser, Trump tweets services no longer 'needed'
on a side note of conversations past..... like what Safe and everyone has been saying all along - vote out the demoNcrats!
Shalala (D): ‘You Bet’ There’s Socialism in the Democratic Party
'We're a big tent party. We have all of the above'
Graham Piro - SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 11:25 AM
Florida representative Donna Shalala (D.) told constituents "you bet" that there are socialists in the Democratic Party's "big tent." She added that she doesn't apologize for reaching across the aisle to get bipartisan bills passed.
A video from America Rising PAC shows the congresswoman addressing constituents during a town hall.
"I escaped a socialist country 25 years ago," an audience member said. "I hear a lot of people from your party supporting socialist ideas in America. How far are we going to go, do you think we can beat the current president with those ideas? What would be our choices?"
"Well, first of all, I'm not a socialist. I'm a safety net capitalist," Shalala responded. She explained she supports entitlement programs and "protecting the most vulnerable people in our society."
Shalala then downplayed the presence of socialist ideas in the party.
"Second, you have misread the Democratic Party," she said. "Because if anything, when we flipped the House with 40 new seats and new freshmen, 98 percent of them flipped seats that were previously held by Republicans and they expanded the center of the Democratic Party, not the left of the Democratic Party. So I don't hear a lot of socialism in the Democratic caucus."
"Are there socialists in the Democratic Party? You bet. Because we're a big tent party. We have all of the above."
"The Democratic Party has expanded, the caucus has expanded the centrists," Shalala said. "It's hard enough to manage Democrats, but Speaker Pelosi does a good job."
Shalala discussed her bipartisan credentials through her work on bills concerning the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. "A number of my bills are bipartisan and I don't apologize for that," she said.
She also spoke out in favor of a bill that would have provided temporary protected status for Venezuelan refugees that was co-sponsored by Republican Mario Diaz-Balart (Fla.) and Democrat Darren Soto (Fla.).
"If I can get people and reach across the aisle, then that's what I'm going to do," she concluded.
Shalala lie no. 1: "Well, first of all, I'm not a socialist. I'm a safety net capitalist."
Bullshit! Safety net capitalist is another term for communism - i.e. what the demoNcratic has become!
Shalala lie no. 2: She explained she supports entitlement programs and "protecting the most vulnerable people in our society."
Bullshit again! DemoNcrats like this are trying to pull a fast one.... ignore the Veterans, American children who are going hungry or without while the demoNcrats cater to the illegal immigrants with free food, free medical, etc.!
This HAD to happen sometime. John Bolton is a veritable Niagara Falls of bad ideas. The Donald got tired of listening to goofy plans guaranteed to destroy his presidency and showed him the door. How did the old Loverboy song go? Oh yeah, "Lovin' Every Minute of It!"
ReplyDeleteHi Captain :)
ReplyDeleteMittens Romney.... the 'president wannabe' guy who was glad he lost to Obama? the guy who's ancestors fled to Mexico in disgrace? the guy who's got so much brill creme on his head that it's bullet proof?
ReplyDeletehe's pathetic!
Well Ian...Since you apparently want a Socialist country to do your work in, just what kind of income can a socialist "Bedpan Polisher" expect to make in your fantasy world? Do you expect the same level of pay you receive now once your Commie leaders have taken over the government? Are you another one of those who think there won't be any difference in your lifestyle because you are one of the "elite" Socialist? I find it hilarious that all of the card carrying Democrat Elitist think that they will somehow be in demand to be one of the big wigs in the government with all of the perks that will be denied the "peasants" who must take the left-overs. One thing you will find in any Socialist or Communist government is the hierarchy, who don't practice what they preach, choosing to live a privileged lifestyle by skimming the money off of the top, before the peasants are fed! And of course, that is no big deal because we are all deplorable and expendable EXCEPT the ones who do the dirty work for the Elites! Probably good work, if you can get it but, I understand that life expectancy goes down very quickly, when you are in one of those positions! Wonder why? Must be the stress of the job! LOL!
ReplyDeleteJohn Bolton.... saying he wasn't fired that he quit.... well.... here's what Secretary of State Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin say:
Mike Pompeo and Steven Mnuchin bury John Bolton in White House briefing
by Joel Gehrke | September 10, 2019 03:41 PM
White House national security adviser John Bolton talked himself out of a job, two cabinet officials suggested shortly after President Trump announced the key adviser’s departure from the administration.
“The president's entitled to the staff that he wants,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters Tuesday afternoon. “This is a staff person who works directly for the president of the United States. And, [the president] should have people he trusts and values and whose efforts and judgments benefit him in delivering American foreign policy.”
Pompeo spoke during a press conference about a new plan that “modernizes our counterterrorism sanctions to better combat terrorists,” released a day before the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Bolton was scheduled to appear at the press conference alongside Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. Instead, Pompeo and Mnuchin spent the briefing defending the ouster of Trump’s third national security adviser.
“When the president makes a decision like this, he's well within his rights to do so,” Pompeo said.
Bolton joined the administration last year in the national security team shake-up that saw Pompeo moved from his post as CIA director to replace outgoing Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. The two men were widely perceived as allies in the effort to turn President Trump’s hostility to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal into a maximum pressure campaign against the regime in Tehran.
But Bolton’s star declined over the last several months, in part because of his opposition to the Taliban peace talks led by Pompeo’s team. The negotiations put his hawkish foreign policy sensibilities in tension with Trump’s long-standing desire to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan. Other officials reportedly tried to exclude him from meetings about the Taliban talks, while State Department special representative Zalmay Khalilzad even restricted Bolton’s access to a draft agreement of the deal. Neither Pompeo nor Mnuchin would say directly whether the dispute over the Afghanistan policy was the direct cause of Bolton's departure. Mnuchin used the 2003 invasion of Iraq as a stand-in for the subject of Afghanistan.
"The president's view on the Iraq War and ambassador Bolton's was very different," Mnuchin said.
Bolton reportedly opposed Trump’s desire to host a meeting of the Taliban and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani at Camp David, a decision Pompeo supported. Trump revealed the meeting by announcing that it was canceled, after an American soldier was killed by a Taliban suicide bomber on Thursday. The disruption of the peace talks — which Trump declared “dead” Monday afternoon — might have been expected to empower Bolton, but he was down to his last 24 hours in the job.
The departure was messy. Trump portrayed the decision as a firing. But Bolton, a veteran of numerous bureaucratic wars while working for four Republican presidents, quickly countered that he resigned. Pompeo, who affirmed that "the president asked for ambassador Bolton’s resignation," tried to present a picture of stability.
“Someone asked, would the policy be different absent any individual being here? These have been the president's policies,” Pompeo said. "I don't think any leader should make the assumption that, because some one of us departs, that President Trump's foreign policy will change in a material way.”
Based on the fact that John Bolton never met a war he didn't want to get involved in I was surprised Trump picked him in the first place...
ReplyDeleteI Think Trump did pick Bolton because he needed good Cop Bad Cop....Planned
ReplyDeleteGood night room 235...
ReplyDeleteAnd now good morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteWell feels like Nap time,,,
ReplyDeleteTrump, Congress observe moment of silence on 9/11 anniversary
Lawmakers sing 'God Bless America' from Capitol steps
ReplyDelete9/11 memorial teaches 'Never Forget' to students too young to remember
ReplyDelete"9/11 memorial teaches 'Never Forget' to students too young to remember"-
Frankly, I'm kind of surprised this is not another target of the Left as being "Racist" I think soon enough, it will be. After all, you don't want these young, impressionable kids to believe that Muslin's did something wrong, do you? Or as Omar suggests: "Somebody did something".
New blog up and running...