This country is in the midst of an unprecedented national emergency.
People are dying.
Millions have already lost their jobs.
Millions more will by the time this shit is over.
And what's their response?
Use it as an excuse to play politics.
Screw you and your communist party, Blue...
House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) reportedly told Democrats on a conference call last week that the party should exploit the coronavirus stimulus: “This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi debuted a 1,120-page coronavirus rescue bill after Democrats tanked the Senate proposal on Sunday night.
- Increased fuel emission standards for airlines receiving funds and carbon offsets:(1) IN GENERAL. Not later than 90 days after the enactment of this Act, the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration shall require each air carrier receiving assistance under section 101, to fully offset the annual carbon emissions of such air carriers for domestic flights beginning in 2025.
(1) IN GENERAL. The Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration shall require each air carrier receiving assistance under section 101 to:(A) make and achieve a binding commitment to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions attributable to the domestic flights of such air carrier in every calendar year, beginning with 2021, on a path consistent with a 25 percent reduction in the aviation sector’s emissions from 2005 levels by 2035, and a 50 percent reduction in the sector’s emissions from 2005 levels by 2050, applying the standards, recommended practices, and guidance agreed to by the United States pursuant to the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme Prohibition Act of 2011 - Payment for up to $10,000 in student loans:(1) MINIMUM STUDENT LOAN RELIEF AS A RESULT OF THE COVID–19 NATIONAL EMERGENCY. Not later than 270 days after the last day of the COVID–19 emergency period, the Secretaries concerned shall jointly carry out a program under which a qualified borrower, with respect to the covered loans and private education of loans of such qualified borrower, shall receive in accordance with paragraph (3) an amount equal to the lesser of the following:(A) The total amount of each covered loan and each private education loan of the borrower; or
(B) $10,000. - Same-day voter registration, early voting, voting by mail, ballot harvestingThe bill includes several provisions on voting laws and regulations, as Democrats argue that the crisis should force the government to revisit voting regulations to make it easier to vote, allowing same-day voter registration and voting by mail, and mailing out ballots to absentee voters. Other voting fraud watchdogs raised flags about ballot harvesting and grants for conducting risk-limiting audits of election resultsSame-day registration:‘‘SEC. 325. SAME DAY REGISTRATION.‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—
‘‘(1) REGISTRATION.—Each State shall permit any eligible individual on the day of a Federal election and on any day when voting, including early voting, is permitted for a Federal election—‘‘(A) to register to vote in such election at the polling place using a form that meets the requirements under section 9(b) of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (or, if the individual is already registered to vote, to revise any of the individual’s voter registration information); and‘‘(B) to cast a vote in such election.Online voter registration:(a) REQUIRING AVAILABILITY OF INTERNET FOR VOTER REGISTRATION.—(1) REQUIRING AVAILABILITY OF INTERNET FOR REGISTRATION.—The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (52 U.S.C. 20501 et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 6 the following new section:Ballot harvesting:(2) PERMITTING VOTERS TO DESIGNATE OTHER PERSON TO RETURN BALLOT.—The State— (A) shall permit a voter to designate any person to return a voted and sealed absentee ballot to the post office, a ballot drop-off location, tribally designated building, or election office so long as the person designated to return the ballot does not receive any form of compensation based on the number of ballots that the person has returned and no individual, group, or organization provides compensation on this basis; and ‘(B) may not put any limit on how many voted and sealed absentee ballots any designated person can return to the post office, a ballot drop off location, tribally designated building, or election office.Automatic mailing of absentee ballots:‘(A) AUTOMATIC MAILING OF ABSENTEE BALLOTS TO ALL VOTERS.—If the area in which an election is held is in an area in which an emergency or disaster which is described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of section 1135(g)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320b- 5(g)(1)) is declared during the period described in subparagraph.Grants for risk-limiting audits:PART 8—GRANTS FOR CONDUCTING RISK- LIMITING AUDITS OF RESULTS OF ELECTIONS ‘‘SEC. 298. GRANTS FOR CONDUCTING RISK-LIMITING AUDITS OF RESULTS OF ELECTIONS.‘(a) AVAILABILITY OF GRANTS.—The Commission shall make a grant to each eligible State to conduct risk-limiting audits as described in subsection (b) with respect to the regularly scheduled general elections for Federal office held in November 2020 and each succeeding election for Federal office. - Preserving collective bargaining powers for unionsSeveral provisions in the bill include carveouts for big labor, including labor protections, collective bargaining, and organizing, as well as overturning President Trump’s executive orders regarding federal employee unions.
- The expansion of wind and solar tax credits.Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other lawmakers specifically called out Democrats for trying to negotiate the expansion of wind and solar tax credits in the bill.
- Requirements for federal and corporate gender and racial diversity dataThe bill demands that corporate recipients of financial assistance are required to report racial and gender data regarding salaries, number of employees, supplier diversity, and membership on corporate boards. It also requires federal agencies to use businesses and financial institutions owned by minorities or women.
- Post Office BailoutUNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE PAYMENT TO POSTAL SERVICE FUNDFor payment to the ‘‘Postal Service Fund’’, for revenue forgone due to the coronavirus pandemic, $20,000,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2022: Provided, That such amount is designated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.
- Automatic extension of nonimmigrant visas.Rep. Paul Gosar flagged a provision regarding the automatic extension of nonimmigrant visas.(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, with respect to any alien whose nonimmigrant status, status under section 244 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1254a), or employment authorization has expired within the 30 days preceding the date of the enactment of this act, or will expire not later than one year after such date, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall automatically extend such status or work authorization for the same time period as the alien’s prior status or work authorization.
- Restricting colleges from providing information about citizenship status(1) INFORMATION.—Only information requestedOn the official 2020 decennial census of population form may be provided to the Bureau of the Census pursuant to this section. No institution of higher education may provide any information to the Bureau on the immigration or citizenship status of any individual.
- Money for Planned ParenthoodThe Hill reported that Democrats want the bill to prop up Planned Parenthood, just another reason why bipartisan efforts have failed to reach a consensus.
Good Grief You have us look at something that ugly the first thing in the morning, Shame!!!
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
The sad fact is they will probably get away with it. The original Senate bill had pork from the Republicans. Whatever is passed will have pork from both sides and we the people will suffer as usual.
ReplyDeleteI am kind of picky on the pork I like to eat, and I am' sure Gop pork is better than the Dem's pork.
DeleteThat goes without saying. It does; however, give the Dems justification in their minds to add the type of crapola they did. Just pass a bill that pertains only to helping solve the crisis soon.
ReplyDeleteThat is the problem Tom, both side's don't know how to pass a clean Bill, Hell I don't think I ever seen one passed...
DeleteGood morning Rm 235! First, I have been wanting to say, Thank you Kevin,and all of your fellow Truck Drivers for your continued work on getting the supplies out to America during this crisis time! Between you all and the medical people continuing to battle this virus, it continues to confirm that the country will win this battle, in spite of what Pelosi, Schumer, and so many others are trying to do to all of us!
ReplyDeleteAnother one of the "critical" items that Pelosi is pushing to fight the Cronona virus is wanting $35 million to give to the JFK Preforming Arts Center! What a bunch of criminal Ass holes!
Right on Gary. Thank you Kevin and all of the truck drivers - many hugs for all that you truck drivers are doing.
DeleteI saw yesterday while out and about, we drove up Lower Silver Lake Road.... saw something I thought I would never ever see.... a multitude (and I literally mean a multitude) of Union Pacific train engines all connected to each other and parked... as in not moving! no train cars.... just engines.... that was spooky to see.
That means that the rail road isn't shipping.... never in all my years did I think I would see that
DeleteGary right that kind of money should be raised by private donations, or by Pelosi slush fund.
ReplyDeleteTrump urges Congress to ditch Green New Deal 'nonsense' and approve GOP relief package
By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Tuesday, March 24, 2020
President Trump called on Congress Tuesday to reject Democrats’ “nonsense” and approve a $1.8 trillion package proposed by Senate Republicans to provide relief for workers and businesses from the impact of the coronavirus outbreak.
“This is not about the ridiculous Green New Deal. It is about putting our great workers and companies BACK TO WORK!” Mr. Trump tweeted. “Congress must approve the deal, without all of the nonsense, today.”
A rival $2.5 trillion bill unveiled by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi includes proposals for expanded solar energy tax credits and tighter fuel efficiency requirements for any airlines that accept government aid.
Senate Democrats blocked the White House-backed bill from advancing for the second time on Monday, asserting that $500 billion for large companies in the package amounts to a corporate “slush fund.”
The administration says there will be strong oversight of the corporate aid, and that every day of delay is throwing more people onto the unemployment rolls.
“The longer it takes, the harder it will be to start up our economy. Our workers will be hurt!” Mr. Trump tweeted.
Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin negotiated with Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer until nearly midnight on Monday, with both men saying they were very close to an agreement.
the sad reality is that the Democrats are so selfish that they're playing politics when they should be on the same page as President Trump!
DeleteI said this yesterday and I'll say it again today...
DeleteThe Dems have their heads shoved up their asses and making themselves politically constipated!
How much more proof do you need Blue to realize that today's Democratic Party don't give a shit about the American people?! All the Dems see is this crisis as an instrument for political gain!!!!! The Dems should be on the same side as President Trump - but all they can see is how to fuel their selfish desires to work against the President and to make the American tax paying citizens suffer!
Deletemaybe we should have a Russian Roulette spinner to see which troll login Blue will comment as today.... He's 100% SOCIALISTIC COMMUNIST anyhow!
ReplyDeleteBlue is as Anti American as the Do Nothing Dems in Washington!
ReplyDeleteLittle rough on Blue there Rikki, hell he is only one vote, it is the Leaders Like Pelosi and Chuckie Shurmmer that is the major problem, they control many votes.
DeleteTrolls gonna troll. Best thing to do is ignore them. Don't read their commie bullshit. Don't respond. The only reason they troll is to get responses. They get some kind if weird satisfaction from responses. They are socially retarded people with no friends who live in dark damp places with nothing but a computer and a bag of Doritos. The alternate between searching for porn and trolling under fake identities like pretending to be an internet butt doctor. Responding to them makes them happy and has absolutely no impact. They are ill people. Feeding their illness helps nobody.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I'm on Twitter. Look for @StillSafeAtHome or under my actual name, Randy Brown. I don't post a lot but Twitter is a lot of fun these days.
ReplyDeleteWell I have a Twitter account, but only time I ever tried it was direct to President Trump, I may check it out Randy.. :)
DeleteTalked to my daughter yesterday. Down in SoCal where she live the stores are literally empty. Not just a few things. If you hit them within an hour of stocking something you might get some. No meat, bread, vegetables, fruit. Frozen foods. She goes to the store and buys what's there and makes meals from that. They are in real trouble down there.
ReplyDeleteUp here where I am we're well stocked up. The flatlanders have quit invading us because the stores are limiting purchases so it's not worth the difficult drive to get here. We get pretty much anything we want at the store.
We're on total lockdown in California but we're adapting to it. It's been a little chilly but as it warm up I'm going to be fishing a lot. I live five minutes from my favorite spot on Lake Isabella. And they're still stocking trout. I think we'll survive.
Picked up a couple of hand cut bone-in thick smoked pork loin chops. I haven't seen those in years. Just those skinny prepackaged ones. Our local small store by our house has a regular meat counter. I'm actually eating better than before the lock down.
ReplyDeletethat sounds delicious Safe.... it's not too cold today, might be a good day to bring out the grill.
ReplyDeleteMajority of Americans give Trump thumbs-up for coronavirus response: Poll
By Jennifer Harper - The Washington Times - Tuesday, March 24, 2020
A national poll finds that the majority of Americans are giving President Trump and his administration a positive review for their efforts to contain and manage the coronavirus pandemic.
A wide-ranging survey released Tuesday by CBS News shows the following:
• 54% of U.S. adults are “optimistic” about the Trump administration’s ability to handle the coronavirus outbreak; 89% of Republicans, 56% of independents and 25% of Democrats agree.
• 53% overall say President Trump has done a good job handling the coronavirus outbreak; 89% of Republicans, 54% of independents and 22% of Democrats agree.
• 51% overall say the Trump administration’s public reactions the outbreak have been “about right”; 90% of Republicans, 51% of independents and 22% of Democrats agree.
The findings are similar to an ABC News survey released last week revealing that 55% of Americans approved of Mr. Trump’s response to the coronavirus crisis. In the meantime, CBS appears to be downplaying the positive findings about Mr. Trump, according to one analyst.
“CBS This Morning on Tuesday mostly ignored the findings of its own poll on the coronavirus and the government’s handling of it,” wrote Scott Whitlock, an analyst for the Media Research Center who reviewed the network’s coverage of the findings. “The network allowed a scant 10 seconds to the news that a majority, 53 percent, approve of the President’s response. Relegated to online is the news that more Americans trust Donald Trump to given information than the media itself.”
Indeed, the poll revealed that 57% of Americans do not trust the media to supply accurate information.
The poll also found that respondents do not yet consider the pandemic a complete catastrophe, The poll also revealed some mixed feelings:
• 44% say the coronavirus crisis is a big challenge but will not permanently change normal life; 51% of Republicans, 47% of independents and 40% of Democrats agree.
• 40% say the crisis is a “defining event” that has changed the country; 30% of Republicans, 38% of independents and 53% of Democrats agree.
The CBS News poll of 2,190 U.S. adults was conducted March 21-23.
This TP situation has gotten so bad, I have been forced to use lettuce leaves. I feel this is just the tip of the iceberg.
ReplyDeleteSkippey, that made me giggle outloud….
DeleteWell they just put us on a stay at home .County wide. Thurs. 12:01am. I am stocked up so no biggy.
ReplyDeleteSame thing here...
ReplyDeleteOf course I'll be working but my wife lost hers a few days ago...
Good Grief,
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
Morning Sarge...
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge, Kevin, and all!
ReplyDeleteGood morning home dwellers.
ReplyDeleteKevin, I'm sorry to hear about Linda's job.
Thanks Rose, but we'll be alright. Hopefully once this thing passes she'll go back to work.
ReplyDeleteI'm more worried about her losing her mind. She's never been one to just sit around with nothing to do.
More than anything this mandatory stay at home order pisses her off...
I've been out and about this morning and just as I suspected every store in town is already packed.
ReplyDeleteIf you think the store shelves have been bare the last few weeks just wait till the end of the day today...
New blog up...